Artists Need To Switch It Up

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i am tired of seeing the same thing over and over and over again every movie is nostalgia-based just bringing back whatever old person they got from whatever old franchise every song is a remix of an older song that we already like that's why i appreciate it when artists are able to go outside of what's expected for them and actually just switch it up completely and do something that people don't even necessarily want it's just what the artist wants like if we look at kanye this man is the definition of not doing what people want to see oh you want more college raps how about i give you a slow sad robotic singing album you want taylor swift to win sorry beyonce won that one you want another album like dark fantasy how about this album that sounds like mcdonald's sprite had a baby with a corrupted hard drive when everyone wants him to do music he's gonna do fashion when he says he'll drop an album he won't now is he an artist or just a liar yes every time kanye is expected to go one way he goes the other way which is frustrating for people sometimes i'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what he's about to do until he's doing it can be a bad thing or a good thing but it's the only reason this man is still at the forefront of the public consciousness like 20 years into his career anytime he does anything it becomes the biggest news this just in kanye west has ordered a popeye's biscuit and we're getting word that he's got no drink with it this guy's crazy he stays unexpected it's hard not to get stuck in a box like when people know you for something specific they'll start to only want you for that thing only a select few artists are able to step outside of that box and do whatever the heck they want jordan peele was literally the goofy guy in kean peel and i remember when it was announced that he was directing a horror movie everyone was like huh him this guy but he ended up making an instant classic with get out and now he's like the black stephen king like this is the most insane rebrand ever look at this he went from this to this ariana grande even switches up her entire race now that's dedication kendrick could have released good kid mad city 2 and just coasted off the success of the first one nobody would have minded but he went completely left and made a jazz infused album with spoken word interludes and crying in a hotel room this new kendrick album i was literally losing sleep the night before it came out cuz i was just like what is this gonna sound like like this bro i have no idea the anticipation is killing me how many artists are there where i have that kind of feeling zero i put on a new pusha t album i know what i'm gonna get gokaina okay i put on a bruno mars album i know what i'm gonna get luscious vocals in production yeah it's all good but i'm not like at the edge of my seat wondering oh what's bruno gonna do next first listen to this mr morale album was genuinely a harrowing experience like i don't know how else to describe it like some of these songs sound completely unhinged i was overwhelmed i think i went through every emotion listening to this album i didn't even like 75 of it on the first listen through until i got to the last song and then i was like whoa whoa whoa did i just witness a masterpiece and by the time i got to the last song i felt like i had gone through therapy but the thing was i had to get over my expectations of what i thought or wanted it to be at first i wanted him to come back and immediately just go crazy you know what i mean like just get back on top of the rap game smoking on top five get back to being the goat drop hits i wanted bangers it took me a while to get over what i wanted and just listen to it for what it is i love this album i do i do i love it the fact that i can close my eyes and just see the entire thing like a stage play in my head this man basically made hood hamilton to come back after five years and come with an album that's not going to like rule the charts but this weird freaking album about grief and therapy and becoming a man oh my gosh it's manzo menace and i love him for it and now kendrick has like five albums that are completely different not every artist is a kendrick lamar i think actually zero of them are there is not anybody else that can really do it like him but a lot of artists recognize that lightning doesn't really strike twice you can't always recreate the success of something again and make it still feel fresh we move on from certain vibes or sounds at a certain point if little nas x kept making country music if he just tried to make old town road too we wouldn't be talking about little nausea right now instead he tapped into every genre he could and he's just a huge pop star now same way if taylor swift was still doing country music she probably wouldn't be the biggest artist in the world you see this in artists that were aimed at younger people but grow their sound as their audience grows up miley cyrus went from doing the hoedown throwdown to whatever this was to pop star and now she's doing rock and her voice suits that better than anything else harry styles reinvented himself after one direction he's still making music for that audience just like grown up if he was still making songs like oh you don't know you're beautiful oh it would just be ridiculous but some artists need to do the same thing i know what i'm gonna get from a nav album and i'm gonna love it one thing adele is going to do is sing over a piano but it works for her because nobody else can do it like her you're not beating adele in a singing over a piano competition unless you're me i'm singing by the new song i'm singing over a piano 10 million units soul call now at one eight but there's a lot of artists that found their lane and got stuck in it even if it wasn't good for them lil uzi keeps saying he's gonna go back to his 2016 sound instead of evolving star wars has a whole galaxy out there and we've been hanging out on the same three planets with the same 15 people if i see one more star wars show take place on that dang desert planet there will be rioting in the streets what's that one's coming out this week okay so some artists need to be reliable like adele but others reach their full potential when they go completely outside of what people expect for them donald glover could have been known as the community guy or the guy that made camp but he refuses to be put in a box this man will get good at rapping and be like all right okay well i'm done with this and then he'll get good at stand up and he'll be like all right well on to the next thing how about a 70s psychedelic funk album started his own show atlanta and it's one of the best shows ever you can't stop this man you can't put him in one place the best artists are able to step out of that box step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves and the listener or viewer or reader or whatever it may be you think aang would be the avatar if he just stuck to air no man needed to learn how to work with the other elements fire water pee you're a pee bender i'm not fighting you bro what what bro what it's the same thing with life in general a lot of times we think we're limited by what people want to see from us but we're only limited by what we choose to do ourselves yeah you could be a nerd but maybe you like to probably break i don't want to see a 30 year old man trying to recreate the same vibes that he made when he was 19. which is why i don't understand why people want the weekend to go back to the like trilogy vibes if we're being honest this man has plenty of songs and albums with that exact vibe already but people want him to go back to like the dark and grimy feeling when he was literally homeless living on the streets and a kid he switched it up on his last album don fm and people were not really rocking with it it was it's kind of underrated he's doing the 80s pop disco synth sound and it's like perfection but people are not messing with it i mean i understand it's not like like i don't want to see weekend do like a country album or anything actually that would that would locally be fire but i appreciate that i can look across his discography and see like a progression i appreciate switching it up so it doesn't get boring just give me something new please speaking of which you go see a marvel movie and it's like you know exactly what you're gonna get and people watch those movies with that expectation now that's why a lot of people didn't like doctor strange because it wasn't the same style as all those other movies but at this point mcu style has gotten so stale to the point where just because they added color and camera movements i was like in the theater like thank you sam raimi saved that movie from being the weakest movie ever that man elevated it to one of my favorite marvel movies just off the strength of his different style the horror vibe that we never got in any superhero movie i was in the theater like it's got a lot in it to grab the audience but people didn't like it okay you can have issues with the script the characters but the filmmaking wise that movie was top tier but at this point marvel fans just want like 500 random people to be showing up throughout the movie so they can stand up and start cheering yeah oh my gosh it's freaking big bird oh my god he's thomas the tank he's not supposed to be in here enough shout out to sam raimi for just giving me something different finally drake who might be the mcu of music take that as you will has such a large audience that he has to please everybody because this man has loki done every genre possible like he has stepped out of his comfort zone he just stepped out of that box and he's done so many things rap trap r b uk drill afro beats but now his albums are like a mishmash of every genre to try to cater to every audience that he has i still think he's never dropped a bad album like i still like all of his music but i wish that he would just say i don't care what y'all want to see for one album and just do what i want to do one focused concise type of vision but it's hard to do that when you're comfortable and already making money i feel like i've seen that with the best youtubers a lot of the best ones from 10 plus years ago aren't on top of the game anymore because they refuse to change with the trends shifting stuck to the same way of making videos or the same topics and at a certain point people know exactly what the video is gonna be before they even click on it it's easy to overthink what people want to see i think the same thing about these videos i'm like oh what do they want to see if i'm talking about this no one's gonna care about what kind of topic is this vibes are better than plot what does that even mean forget what y'all want to see man just kidding but i can't be thinking every time like oh are you guys okay with me doing this next guys do you mind if i make a video about this half the battle with doing these videos is literally fighting myself but at a certain point i have to tell myself no i don't care what anybody else wants to see i'm doing what i want to do and over time that makes it easier to not get stuck in any box and step out of your comfort zone whenever you feel like you need to at a certain point you have to be a leader not a follower because if you're just following at every single trend or everything everybody wants you to do you're not one of the greats the greats are the people that are literally able to change the entire game because they did something that nobody else is doing and led other people to follow what they're doing this man steven spielberg came through with jaws and then gave us an adventure movie indiana jones and then drama schindler's list and then black period piece with the color purple war movie saving private ryan sci-fi movie e.t dinosaur movie jurassic park now this man is doing musicals he can do anything he was never stuck in one box and that's why he's the goat in a household name not everyone can switch it up and do it well but it's worth taking that risk over becoming stagnant and stale and boring what do you guys think who's an artist that switched it up and did it well in music movies books painting anything or someone who stayed too similar let me know in the comments down below you might as well like this video because let's be honest it's already a classic again and i'm going to switch this up by uh doing something crazy uh that's how we do it here that's all i'm gonna say that's what i'm [Music] i take it from whoever got it
Channel: Nathan Zed
Views: 529,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nathan zed, kendrick lamar, kendrick, fantano, theneedledrop, mr morale, mr morale and the big steppers, kanye west, jack harlow, jordan peele, key and peele, donald glover, childish gambino, atlanta, get out, ariana grande, good kid maad city, adele, harry styles, as it was, one direction, taylor swift, drake, doctor strange, dr strange, dr strange 2, sam raimi, mcu, the weeknd, marvel, star wars, lil uzi, bruno mars, shawn cee, artists need to switch it up, spielberg, kanye
Id: xHaGFYOm2_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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