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* It's not doing a damn thing. There we go - that fell off. Oh! That fell off as well. I think it looks quite cool! This actually worked! Hello there! How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well. So this video has been in the works for quite a long time because I finally found some brand new art hacks on Pinterest. So I started testing out art hacks probably three to three and a half years ago now, it was a series on my channel that I came up with when I was brainstorming stuff and I always really really enjoyed making them, it got to a point where I just couldn't find any more art hacks to test and I just was like, you know, well, if I ever come across any more, I'll make another video and guess what? I found more art hacks! So I was on Pinterest the other day, just kind of browsing casually like you do and I have a little board just for art hacks and I found so many new ones that I have not seen before but it's taken me a while to actually prepare to make this video because I can't go into stores anymore so I can't like, buy these little intricate little things that I need for the videos. Anyway, I have gathered and found little bits and pieces in my house to do all of these hacks, um, which is a good thing. Also, Amazon's been very beneficial. The fun thing about Pinterest and Instagram art hacks is that you often find hacks that look stupid but actually work and then you find other hacks that look stupid and are actually more stupid than they look in the first place. So today I'm gonna be testing out five different Pinterest art hacks that I found. Um, I actually found probably about ten art hacks so I thought I would split it up into a second art hack video. If you'd like to see that, thumb the video up, 20,000 likes and I'll make a part 2 of this - or part, like, seven because I've done this before. So this first art hack that I'm gonna do -magnet painting. So we have a magnet painting, they have a little palette they put a bunch of different paints into, they then take a box with some paper, screws and bolts, some washers into some paint, mix it up. They plop it onto the paper. This should be - oh they're putting white on it now. So even though some of these may look a bit ridiculous, I'm not gonna heavily criticize... too much because last time someone on Five Minute Crafts actually used a plastic comb to smush out some paint to make a "feather" and I thought it didn't look very good but people criticized me and told me not to criticize other people's artwork, even though it wasn't technically artwork, it was just someone smushing some paint around with a comb. Let's just go! Let's carry on, we'll carry on. So I do have boxes; that being said, a canvas would probably be better because the fabric is a lot thinner than like, a cardboard. Um, so I'm gonna just use this instead. I have some paper here. So I have a bunch of scrap paper because I was doing some test prints for one of my art pieces which I sold the other day which are still for sale if you would like to check one out in my website. So I'm going to put that there. I've also got some Apple Barrel paint, which I gave to my little brother for Christmas but now I'm taking it back again because I put mine in storage. So I have some washers and I have a screw and a bolt here from my dad's tool kit, he didn't know I took them so hopefully he won't miss them, and we're just gonna kinda just plop them in the paint, like that. I'm not sure if the screw is gonna work because it's not overly magnetic but mix it in. Okay, so now we're just gonna just plop it on the paper, very nice. And then we're gonna take our little Tardis magnet and I'm just gonna stick it underneath - it's not doing a damn thing. What if I just did it directly under the paper? No? I mean, it's sticking to it, but it's just not moving it. I think my magnet sucks. I also have a Walt Disney World magnet, which somehow has paint on it already. These magnets suck! Why are they - why do they suck? What the f-? See, this is why it's really inconvenient that I can't just run to a store to buy a proper magnet. See these magnets are really strong like this, but they're just not strong enough to pull them, I guess. I think it's just too heavy. Like, I mean, clearly the hack is gonna work if you've got a strong enough magnet. I'm just gonna do it on top because why not? This is fun! Wow! This is pretty! This was not a hassle whatsoever. Should we just pretend this didn't happen? Hello there! So for the first art hack we are gonna be doing something not related to magnets! So we have a paintbrush for touch screens. This one looks quite fun. So this is my tablet! I did paint on this for a video a little while ago. Um, I actually have a little Baby Yoda I started at Christmas. It's not very good yet, but we'll try this one. And I bought this pen, this is by LinkTech. Um, it came in this little magnetic - it's not magnetic. Oh my gosh, magnetic! I'm gonna start dreaming of magnets tonight! So this is the paintbrush tablet pen thing that I found on Amazon, it basically has this little paintbrush looking thing that somehow attaches... does that unscrew there? Yep, okay, so that unscrews. This goes on here. Um...oh! Um, we'll try this. It's kind of clever, actually. I'm a bit afraid that I'm gonna mess this up. If I zoom in - oh no, there's no control. I mean, it's actually working! I'm not sure why you would want this but at the same time, it's kinda working. To me, this feels like, as someone that's done digital painting for years, this seems kind of gimmicky to me. At the same time, it feels quite nice to have something soft on the screen. There's no, obviously, pressure sensitivity either which is like, a big thing for me, but... *Music* I mean, this thing, it works, I'm not gonna criticize it because it does what it says it's gonna do. I would not personally use this myself just because I feel like having more control over a pencil is kind of the point. It's not good for fine details either, like, I'm really having to push - Do you see the edge of the end of the paintbrush tip thing? It's kinda like, not going where it - oh, what is? What is happening? I would give it a 6 out of 10 purely because it has no control or anything but hey, if you want something like this, I'll leave a link to it in the description. Hack number t- two or three, I don't know which we're gonna count. It's a bit interesting. It's a pendulum painting thing that you use to have paint splatters, this is something that a lot of professional artists do with real paint cans. Um, this one's just like a kids' equivalent of it. So you need two small boxes. I did not have two small boxes so I created my own out of... some envelopes. I would have shown myself making this but literally all it was was me ripping apart an envelope, giving myself paper cuts and then taping it together to make this... thing. I also have the cardboard from the center of a paper towel roll. Um, I definitely didn't take this from the center of a brand new paper towel roll or anything from the kitchen. Next, you need a piece of string. This is the thinnest string that I have. Um, and then I need my little, little cup thing. Which appears to not be here! I was so prepared for this video, like so prepared, and still there's things not here. I literally, literally had it with this string and I don't have a paper cup because again, I can't go out to buy them but I have this used, um, doll cup thing. Um, I tend to save these kind of containers if ever I need to use them for anything because as you probably may or may not know, I don't like to use plastic anything if I can help it, but this was over. Okay, so we're gonna just thread through this string into the cup and try not to cut ourselves on the sharp plastic. Then we're going to just attach to this roll, this is looking nice and even isn't it? I'm gonna have it not too close to the paper because I feel like that's a waste of time. This looks - can you see that? I don't even know if you can see it, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get my phone. Wow, look at this! It looks so cool! It looks like a pendulum but a really crap version of it. I'm gonna stick a hole in the bottom - There we go - that fell off. Oh! That fell off as well. We're gonna use some... We're gonna use some greenish-blue turquoise, that's the one. Ooh! It's going! It's going! Hey! There! That's so cool! Look at that! That's awesome! Oh, that was a mistake! *Laughs* I got too excited. *Music* I think it looks quite cool! This actually worked. Um, it's not, it's not perfect and there's a big like, big - why? Why do my words fail me? I mean, it kinda, I mean, it looks pretty cool! It kinda looks like nuclear fusion or something, right? I mean, there's a big like, chunk of paint right in the middle that's now sliding down the paper, but it worked! Okay, next up, we're gonna try a hack that I've seen so many times but I've actually not done it myself yet, and I'm very excited to give it a try. Nearly fell over but it's fine. I, I didn't. So for this hack, we need a straw, we need a container, like this, filled with water. There's also a couple hairs in it, but that's disgusting. Wow. Okay. We also need some dish soap like this, which I've put into a container and we basically just stick in some dish soap then we need some paint. I'm going to go with purple because I feel like that would be the best, the best color to go with, so we're just gonna stick that in there. Oh, that looks disgusting! That looks like a worm, like, not like a worm worm, it looks like a intestinal worm or something. You know, I feel like a kid again where I would make potions out of twigs and soap. Okay, we're gonna blow some bubbles. Okay, so we have this cool bubble texture and now I'm gonna take some paper and just place it onto the surface and see if it looks like purple bubbles. My concern with this is literally that it's not gonna look like that at all. No, it didn't do a damn thing. It didn't do a damn thing. Okay, um, I'm just gonna - I'm sorry. It's my little brother. I'm just gonna use all this purple paint right now. I've just realized I seem to have a thing for these videos and stirring stuff with knives. Right, now we have a very glue-like consistency. No, it's clear! It doesn't work! Wait. Um... Maybe I should try it with something that's smaller. Do you think a smaller one would work, maybe? See, now I can see the bubbles are a certain color. They're like, pink. So maybe it's just that the container's too big. Hey, that kind of worked! It kinda did! In a weird way, actually the purple's sort of showing now. Definitely worked. So I think what this issue is is just that my container has too much water in it. Maybe the less, I'm going to pour some water out and see if we can get it to work. More paint we will use. You can sort of see the bubble pattern, um, if you look closely. So this definitely works. There's probably gonna be more of an art to it than what I've just done. I think I buggered that one up. It's very hard to place it into the water and not get it into the actual water. Okay, um, this is... this was my best one. It's the best that I can do for now. So I would give that one a seven out of ten because mine looked nothing like that. That being said, they probably knew what they were doing and I don't. Okay, so we have one last hack and this one looks just like it's gonna be messy but also very fun. But basically, you take a piece of paper, you put splatters of paint all over it and then you use a bit of like, of plastic wrap. Um, this isn't plastic wrap, this is just something that I've repurposed from some packaging and shipments that I received recently so I don't waste anything, but I'm basically just gonna take this, smoosh it over the top and see what happens. If you are gonna do something like this, I would highly recommend that you use something that's already in your house versus using actual plastic wrap. Repurpose stuff that you have no control over receiving like Amazon packages and stuff. And now I'm just going to place this over the top. Oh, this feels really messy. But at the same time, it's not. This is, this is my kind of hack! Oh, it looks like the United States! Here's California, here's Texas, Maine, here's Florida, Minnesota's over here. We've got a bit of Canada. Here's Utah. Okay, and let's reveal our beautiful - Ooh! It's - it's actually not that horrible. Um, it kind of looks better on the plastic to be fair. I feel like that would look quite cool on the window. I actually feel like professional artists probably do stuff like this to let it dry and then draw stuff over the top. It's not great but I mean, I think that's just the way all hacks tend to work from Pinterest. They look, they kind of work, but they're not great. Okay, so that's it for today's video! Thank you so much for watching. I really hope that you enjoyed it. That was five, technically four because I said the first one didn't count, four art hacks! If you do enjoy these kinds of videos, please feel free to let me know in the comments down below and give the video a thumbs up as well because it really does help me out. Feel free to subscribe as well if you haven't already, click the notification bell, and yes for today, that's it. Thank you for watching, take care of yourselves and I will see you in the next video.
Channel: Chloe Rose Art
Views: 311,981
Rating: 4.9322004 out of 5
Keywords: testing pinterest art hacks, artist tests pinterest art hacks, art hacks, artist tests art hacks, bad art hacks, tik tok art hacks, pinterest, pinterest hacks, artist hacks, chloe rose, chloe rose art, hacks, chloe rose art hacks, bad pinterest art hacks, man vs pin, pin, testing art hacks, artist tests, testing instagram art hacks
Id: kUj_C_WZrT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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