★ 2020 Sketchbook Tour | lilstarnerd ★

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[Music] hi friends is a la rat little star nerd on Instagram and welcome to today's episode of I raised your expectations now get ready for a bitter disappointment I posted recently a sketchbook tour and it was received very very well so I want to thank you guys thank you for I know like 6k subscribers that's insane I don't know what I'm doing but I appreciate that you guys want to watch me not know what I'm doing but you guys asked for more and I finished another sketchbook so I figured why not film this one do the same thing maybe you guys will enjoy this one too it's a little different it's a smaller sketchbook it's a Strathmore mixed-media there's only about 35 pages this one took me about seven months to complete started it in November finish it June first it took me a long time because I literally always have art blocked and can't for the life of me function like a human being so that's fun it's covered in stickers from friends and artists that I like and I'll tell you about those later I like it I'm proud of the sketchbook also I've never had the same sketchbook twice in my life but I think after I use up sketchbooks that I already have I think I'm gonna buy this one again this is probably like my favorite sketchbook that I've ever bought and used so I'm probably gonna keep buying this one so if you guys want sketchbook recommendations I would highly recommend Strathmore mixed-media it handled every material that I used really really well including alcohol markers paints the paint is barely buckle they're really thick alcohol marker still bleeds through the pages and so does like watercolor it sounds a little bit but it handles it really well compared to all the other sketchbooks I've had I also like that it's not spiral down it's easy to draw and it's a good size I really like it and I like most of the drawings in it so let's let's jump right in shall we here's a sketchbook it has some stickers on it I will put people's names by their stickers you should check them out they're all really cool people here's the first page I feel pressure for the first page to be good I think it's a pretty universal experience so I wanted to do something like pretty for it I had a six-pack of like the palate themed kopecks it was primaries I was traveling so like those are the only marques that I had on me and I just pulled a reference and tried to do a whole portrait in primary colors I really liked the way it turned out the colors were like a good like the good off primary kind where they were easily mixable and stuff but yeah here's just like a filler page and here is a page of my 2020 art goals obviously this is stationary that my mom had from like before I was born I don't know why she still has it but she used to be really obsessed with clowns like she at my nursery was filled with clown figurines I don't know why she liked clown so much but they're cool now again right so like it it works like this works so thanks mom here I was gonna schedule my friends but I didn't because I'm lazy and here is a Christmas card that my friend Elliott or a salty squid sent me with his characters and I treasure it here's some self-portraits because self portraits are fun to do you should if you have not drawn a self-portrait do a self portrait they are weirdly fun like even if you don't like I don't love the way I look right but like doing self portraits is so it's such a good confidence building exercises like it's fun I suggest it and then here is a I was working on with a story concept for like medieval fantasy I had just watched The Witcher and it refueled my love for medieval fantasy so I was working on this like elf character and then I found out there is an elf character online like from an artist online named una already who's actually he's a I think it's a guy I don't remember they're a really well-known artist and I was super embarrassed and sad I just stopped drawing her I just totally abandoned her though like really embarrassed that I didn't know about this character already it was fun my last @ at-sign here's some thumbnail sketches for my 50k so like prompt list and then here's some of the final pieces that I didn't really like as much as the other ones so I just taped it in here graphite portraits they're sprayed with fixative signal smudge here's a page where I went to the beach and brought like couple pencils and pens and did some sketching and some blind contour drawings good times this is the only guy that I saw on the beach because we were in like a little secluded corner he got older like got bored of drawing him real quick he's kind of creepy looking here's some gouache studies I really like this page I think it's cute I should do more stuff like this I like all the colors but yeah you know it's squash there we go here is a gouache portrait I wanted to do a portrait without worrying about like choosing colors because blush colors can be pretty tricky so yeah it's fine I don't love it like he looks a little dead in the eyes kind of like he might kill someone but he's not bad here's a page of mushrooms because who doesn't love mushrooms right they're done with watercolor with color pencil on top just portrait literally the only thing I ever draw and then here's a page of Harley Quinn because I love Harley Quinn I love Harley Quinn I would I've loved I just recently saw birds of prey is it a good movie like no like the storytelling isn't groundbreaking but I love Harley Quinn so I will watch it a thousand times more just for Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn god I love Harley Quinn and then here is more coke I think yeah okay yeah these are both Copic packs that I got this was like a floral pastel pack and this was skin color and I did like down the line I'm just not good at saturated colors like they're really hard to blend out and I like the soft pastel look and like really saturated markers are just really hard so I need to work on that because so I tried to do like putting the base down and then going over with light colored pencils but it doesn't have quite the same like soft effects so I needed I need to work on that a lot more but saturated cars are just I'm like all of my stuff is done in like like I always do things in like really pastel colors and then I use colored pencils for darks so I definitely to work on that um here's some micron doodles they're not good I all I used to do were micron doodles but because I never do them anymore they're very hard for me to do and so I get two skirts really quick and I give up these are just blobs that I had my sister draw for me and then I went over them with microns and did like little faces and shapes and stuff I love doing this exercise it's so fun it's so like you just don't have to think about it it's like good like I'm when I'm art blocked which based on this page I was probably definitely art blocked it's just fun to do I like that guy and I love that one it's so cute but if you're ever looking for like something to you know if you don't know what to draw just have someone make some neon shapes for you just parking passes for a beach here's a little comic I did based on this concept that I've always just had floating in my head it's not I don't I have no clue how to articulate this in a way that does not make me sound stupid or like fake deep just I don't know I'm not even gonna try to explain it's there there you go here are some black buzzards me my mom went on a walk in our neighborhood and I saw these black Buzzard like so many like two dozen black buzzards and I said I was like the first time my life I had ever seen birds like this and they looked like fat little plague doctors and they were so darn cute their faces are so ugly and they're so weird-looking and so I like went home and I looked them up and they're so like they look like that I love them I won one I drew them there I just they're cool you should look him up um here are some proms that people gave me on instagram and i really liked this fox I think that's a I like this color combo oh yeah here's I did I covered the page in washi tape and then I was gonna do like some theme stuff on top but I real quick gave up cuz again super lazy I am so frickin lazy I don't know why I have the right to complain about my art when I just gave up on everything but um I wanted to do like a sweet themed page and then I drew pastries a lollipop and strawberries and the word honey because those to Lisa to draw honey and then that was it those were the only things I could think of for the life of me that had anything to do with the word sweet so I feel fast here's a page of characters these two like my own original characters these are based off references these are just doodles and then here are some Pinterest like photo studies of dramatic lighting I love drawing dramatic lighting but it's hard to find good like reference photos because they're always in black and white and I love the color relationship with shadow and light like basics is like you know if it's warm light it's cool shadow and vice versa and I just love like I love it's so pleasing to the eye just concept of shadows so I really wanted to work on that yeah I also love like when you have to leave something white like I see a lot of other artists do this and it's something that I'm trying to figure out how to do but when you leave like white in place of hard light and it has this like really glowy effect I love it I love that people are so good at art in it I love it and then I went through a hard TMG phase like real fast real hard hitting so I have a few Noel Miller's there's another one some micron doodles practicing some heads here's a watercolor portrait I think this lady is a musician like a singer I don't know who she is I just saw her picture on Pinterest but her face looked familiar so I'm assuming here are some graphite portraits I did most of this in like regular mechanical pencil but I did use probably like up to a 6b and then probably I'd like an HB and like felt like a 2 or 3 H or something in there it smudged a little bit you and I put fixative on it but what can you do right oh well more gouache practice I try to carry over the primary colors but then I got too lazy so then I just did regular marker portraits I wanted to do like this blue I had I got this new marker color and I wanted to practice using like it was a perfect shading color I really like this like I know aquamarine like this blue shading that I've seen other people use and I really like this so I wanted to practice that oh that's so ugly well I don't know why I did this I don't I don't know I think ok so after Christmas obviously I got like some art supplies I got some Chris Hong sticker so I put the packaging in there cuz it's so darn cute and then I got this watercolor palette and I was testing out the colors for some reason I did this like I lined it with micron and then I freaking painted it like why it's so ugly why would I line like why did I line something I'm trying to make realistic with micron why it's so bad and I'm stupid as if here is my friend has okay I think this is what it's called I don't play video games I've no clue but Red Dead Redemption - okay so RDR right oh she has a character and I think it's like Wild West and it which is who who doesn't love the Wild West motif who doesn't love a badass woman who in the Wild West so I saw her character and I was like hey can I draw her and she was like yes please so I drew her and I love her she's really cool more women should wear dresses and carry guns in the Wild West like we should go back in time and just live in the wild no we shouldn't okay I like having rights here's a page of just covering up marker bleed through some pen doodles and more watercolor I had I have this weird like pad of like very very textured watercolor paper it's like a weird feeling and it's very like I don't know if you can see like these lines but like it's not it's like plasticy and like it works really well like it holds the color really well but I don't know why it's textured like that and then here I have some three marker challenges like little tiny three marker challenges where I blindly pick markers and try to draw something with them I like these two I'm just not very creative so these are like all really boring and then he was just a filler page just like doodling with a pencil and then here's a LESBIAN page because we all need some lesbian therapy sometimes I just found like references on Pinterest and then drew them because I'm soft I'm a sim for lesbians uh-huh and then here's some character design for a D&D character that I did like we were with my brother we were doing a campaign I think it's what you call it but then we you stopped but I really like this character I'm sad I can't use her anymore she was very fun to draw so fun and then here's while we were on call like doing the thing and I was doodling like what was happening I'm writing down some funny quotes I'll kill the boat oh okay okay that was really fun and then here are some people gave me some outfit ideas for my characters and so I drew my characters in these very interesting outfits that people suggested y'all are very creative like they sent their own outfits these are some amazing fashionista outfits you guys are so cool what the heck but yeah so that's what those are here is just a graphite drawing of a draw bula it's a graphite drawing of a drama al submission and I really liked the picture in the outfit it was a very cool vibe here's some pen doodles and more characters just trying to like doodle get back into doodling here some pre serum Steve because a little later on you'll see that I hmm get a little obsessed with someone and then here are some Norman Rockwell studies in watercolor I think this is my Windsor Newton watercolor palette which the colors are very earth tone and it worked so well with like the Norman I have a book of Norman Rockwell paintings and it like they just worked so good I started with putting colored pencil on top but it lost that soft look so I went back to like just watercolor and I really like the way these turned out and then I put some notes next to it for just like things that I was like picking up while I was going and I've learned a lot I honestly did it was it was a fun time and then here's my favorite spread it's like the only like spread in this whole sketchbook like where both pages are like cohesive and look good together this is a gouache portrait I wish I hadn't added these flowers I don't know why I did but well well it's not bad but I really love this read it straight out of the tube but it's so pretty here is a alcohol marker drawing portrait thing I didn't put any I put like the barest bit of colored pencil on top normally when I do a marker drawing I always have color pencil on top for the detail but I tried to like not do that this time and just trust like the marker to get the detail and I actually really like the way it turned out and then here is more gouache stuff I actually really like this not only do I love like the red color but also I don't know like it's just very satisfying to me I think I mess up her face but I still really like it and then here's just my favorite hoser boat in a Klimt sticker to fill in the space and then just trying to you know use up the page here's a Harry Potter and an Emma Watson like I found this photo on Instagram of her from like 2000's and it was just such an iconic looking photo like if she'd putting on lipstick gloss lipstick lip gloss yeah I look glass there's just such a like cool typical 2002 with like very hard lighting so I wanted to draw it it didn't turn out great like the proportions are weird but you know fine here's more gouache paintings this one's okay I like this one her eyes are a little like the perspective is a little janky this one is bad I want to apologize like this is so bad I wanted to do a guy because I hadn't like painted a guy in a minute it's so bad I don't know why but the colors look super chalky like these the colors look like mostly rich but I guess I didn't put like much white in and white is like the only like opaque color I guess like this all just looks so chalky and thin and like sad and then I put the blue on top and really ruined it really mess up the proportions of his eyes it's just all bad it's really bad and I gave up and then I like did marker on the other side in that blood through a lot like a lot more than I expected it to and then here just like a really bad sketch doodle thing I was just illustrating like an idea in my head and her head is way too big and I rolled with it it was fine you know whatever I'm asked about it here is where I watched with my mom all the Marvel movies for the first time like straight through and came out of it with only love for Bucky Barnes everyone else can go die in a hole but I love Bucky Barnes and by association Steve Rogers both funky birds man freakin love him then I so I was like pretty just generally art blocked and so I asked Instagram followers to give me like doodle suggestions this is a doodle suggestion this is a doodle suggestion and there's more under these stickers but I was just like if nothing was turning out good I didn't like the way anything looked and then the more I went on the more I was doing this like more simplified like dude a little style and I really really liked that it was really enjoyable it was just so nice it was so cathartic to not care about how it turned out so I took out sticker paper and I just did a bunch of these little guys like I didn't care about originality of pose or accuracy you know it was just like just just doodle and it's so easy to make a character look like themselves because it's so simplified so it's just so like fun and easy to do so I ended up drawing a bunch of characters and sticking them down and I did a bunch mark some of them are OCS but like here's you know some camp camp Sally face Joker and then a bunch of Avatar Aang deserve that I'm so sorry but it's it's super fun like it's just so easy it's so easy and so like quick and effortless and sometimes you need that you know so that boosted my confidence so I did some more realistic stuff based on Pinterest drawings of like interpreting Pinterest people into my own characters and they turned out pretty good and then more stickers just to cover up like the marker on the other side more Bucky Barnes so we're Harry Potter and then some more lesbians and then the last page I wanted to do something like tedious and like mind-numbing so I did a color pencil portrait of Sebastian Stan I only love one man yeah it was really it's it was exactly what I needed like it was just hours and hours of like layering colors and I really like the way he turned out even if it's not like accurate necessarily like it was really fun to do and I think it's pretty looking so that's good but yeah there we go that is the end of the sketchbook I hope you guys enjoyed I hope it brought you some entertainment and possibly some inspiration or ideas I don't know I hope I hope you enjoyed it I hope it was something and I also would like to take a moment to acknowledge what's going on in the world you know full-stop black lives matter I'm gonna leave first thing in the description is gonna be a link to the black lives matter card which is a great resource for like a compilation of petitions to sign places to donate so go check that out and do what you can I hope you guys are staying safe I hope everyone is you know taking care of themselves helping others in any way you can and also helping yourself I hope this maybe was a good reprieve for some people but yeah we're gonna leave it at that thank you guys for watching stay safe go do some art bye
Channel: Lilstarnerd
Views: 321,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilstarnerd, art, artist, artists on youtube, artists on instagram, sketchbook, sketchbook tour, sketchbook flipthrough, art community, fanart, portrait, portraiture, markers, alcohol markers, copic markers, copics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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