Arrow RECAP: Full Series before the Final Season

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welcome to the man of Recaps this is all seven seasons of Arrow leading up to the eighth and final season 5 years ago billionaire Oliver Queen's yacht sunk in the South China Sea and he spent 5 years trapped on an island before being rescued now he's home in Starling City after a shave and a shower oh that's why people like this show he takes one of his company's abandoned warehouses and builds a nightclub there as a cover but in the basement he's built an epic CrossFit gym he does spend 5 minutes of any episode working out and it's also his superhero secret hideout he's come back from the island incredibly good at archery what happened on that island you'll be asking yourself that for Seven Seasons every episode there's a few minutes of a flashback that reveals the mystery little by little but the first thing we learn is Oliver's got this notebook with a list of names in it his father gave it to him like Hey these are all bad people you need to survive and get home to save the city then he shoots himself so Oliver has enough food and water to survive so Oliver Dawn the hood and roughs up bad guys Leo Mueller you have failed this city he's basically Batman mixed with Hawkeye he's got a little sister Thea a best friend Tommy Merlin but the person he's most excited to see is his girlfriend Laurel ex-girlfriend cuz she thought he was dead for 5 Years also she's not happy to see him because on the yacht he took her sister who he was cheating on her with and she died in the crash so Laurel's doubly mad at him Laurel's dad detective Lance hates Oliver too and is chasing down the Vigilante but arrow is always one step ahead and gets him the evidence he needs Oliver got a new bodyguard John diggle ex Special Forces great guy it's like hey man you can handle yourself I could use a sidekick diggle's like yo never call me a sidekick but he joins the team one day Master assassin deadshot's in town they help him find Deadshot and he gets his computer and he takes it to Felicity smoke she's a computer genius working at Queen Consolidated he comes to her with tech stuff and increasingly flimsy excuses for why there's bullet holes pretty soon she joins team Arrow officially it's difficult for her to get work done with all of her working out non-stop this would be a hostile work environment if he wasn't so damn hot he lives in a mansion with his mom Moira Queen turns out she's working with the bad guy he is Malcolm Merlin Tommy Merlin's dad so Merlin sends out his own Archer with black arrows they have a bow and arrow battle who is this guy turns out it's Malcolm Merlin himself but Arrow bugged the office and here's everything he now knows Merlin's the bad guy his mom's in on it and turns out the yacht sinking wasn't an accident his Dad tried to stop the undertaking so Merlin put a bomb on it that's a good of segue as any to recap season one of the island Oliver met an old Asian man there Yao who helped him survive at the beginning but Oliver got captured by a mercenary group Oliver escapes and finds the crashed plane where he meets Slade Wilson Slade is a badass Australian special forces dude so he starts teaching Oliver sword fighting and they bust into the camp he kills his old partner and they rescue Yao and daughter her name is Shadow and she teaches all of her archery starting with slapping bowl of water to make your hand strong enough anyway they they all captured again and we learned Fire's mission is to start a war by shooting down a passenger plane Oliver escapes just in time to reprogram the missile miss the plane and blow up the whole mercenary Camp it comes down to a final arrow shot for Shadow's life and Oliver makes it yeah there's still trapped on the island though so back in the present Oliver bake kidnaps himself with diggle's help to get his mom to Spill the Beans about the undertaking turns out they're going to level the Glades the bad part of town with an earthquake machine Merlin's wife was killed there a mugging so now he's deranged they meet on the roof for a final archery battle and he does the trick from the first Avengers where he hits him with an explosive Arrow stabs Merlin through his own shoulder and Merlin is dead or is he they find the earthquake machine and manag to disarm it but there was a second one oh no The Glades is getting earthquake Laurel ends up trapped under some Rubble but Tommy Merlin comes to save her there's been a whole love triangle thing because she and oliv her still love each other but she's been dating Tommy but at the again she and Oliver get back together it's Tommy who saves her now though but then oh he's trapped under rubble and he's got a thing through the heart bow and arrow can't fix this Oliver's best friend dies in his arms at the end of season one The Arrow failed to save Starling City and The Glades was leveled by Malcolm Merlin's earthquake machine last season they just called him the Vigilante but now he's officially named The Arrow and he's got an awesome new grappling hook Arrow whoosh the love of his life Laurel Lance ends things between them in fact Laurel blames the arrow for Tommy's death she sets him up in a trap and gets the cops to capture him things look bad for our hero but what's this a girl superhero with a Sonic emitter thing she helps Oliver Escape who is this girl well she's wearing a blonde wig to cover up her blonde hair it's Sarah Lance Laurel's sister that Oliver cheated on her with took her on the yacht and we thought she drowned so these two start hooking up again but Sarah's being hunted by the League of Assassins at some point she joined them that's where she learned to fight but she quit without permission so they're here to take her back or kill her now over the season there's a ton of random villains but the most important subplot involves Oliver's partner John diggle and The Suicide Squad Amanda Waller is the head of Argus a super secret spy agency diggle's ex-wife Laya works for them and one day she's captured in Russia he's got to go save her with help from his arch nemesis Deadshot deadshot's The Hitman that killed diggle's brother but they've got to work together to escape and dig and lla are back together for good now remember Oliver's secret hideout is under his nightclub verdant his sister Thea Queen is running it now and she's still dating Roy the guy who stole her purse in season 1 he turned out to be super hot though so they ended up dating he's renounced his criminal ways he wants to be a vigilante now so the arrow takes him under his wing and Roy officially joins team Arrow now it's time for the trial of Oliver's mother Moira Queen she's miraculously found not guilty because the jury was paid by Malcolm Merlin she's like how are you alive we saw you die last season he's like yo no one ever really dies on this show and he drops a crazy truth bomb turns out these two had an affair and he's Thea's real father now Moira Queen is also running for mayor and one of her donors is Mother eff and Slade Wilson how did this happen it's time for an island flashback remember Slade was on the island with Oliver they became best friends Ya's daughter Shadow was with them too uh she and Oliver eventually started hooking up which was sad because Slade was in love with her turns out Sarah survived the yacht and was picked up by this random prison ship the prison boat captain is Dr Ivo he's searching for the World War II Japanese super soldier serum mirakuru long story short Oliver and Sarah escape and they get there first find the miruru and when the prison ship bomb their camp Oh Slade was grievously injured they injected him with the mirakuru hoping to save his life but it seems like it didn't work so Ivo captured them and was real mad he's like hey I'm going to kill either Shadow or Sarah Oliver you choose when push came to shove Oliver jumped jumped in front of Sarah so iok shot and killed Shadow but Slade woke up the miruru worked not only healed him but it gave him super strength and he's real mad about Shadow's death he finds IO who explains how Shadow died and convinces Slade it was Oliver's fault but in the end it's a fight to the death between Slade and Oliver and Oliver manages to stab him through the eye apparently though Slade survived and things are awkward between them Slade's like I'm not going to kill your kid not till he's taken away everything all of her life loves finally though he captures Oliver and reenacts the shadow death scene makes Oliver choose between his mother and his sister but Moira makes the choice for him she's like please don't hurt my children and Slade kills her oh Oliver's mom dead Slade's official super villain name by the way is death stroke they're using Slade's mirakuru blood to create an army of super soldiers then it's the final showdown between team arrow and the miruru man boom boom arrows everywhere they actually managed not to kill anyone they they have like a million antidotes and in the end the good guys won season 3 begins with Team Arrow kicking butt Oliver Queen still the arrow and Roy's wearing red they call him Arsenal John diggles running support and of course Felicity Smoke on the computer the Black Canary comes back to town Laurel's Sister Sarah Lance but she sees someone unexpected and oh gets shot with arrows off the building she is all the way dead then Nissa Al Gul comes in she was Sarah's friend/ lover in the League of Assassins she has a suspect in mind Malcolm Merlin yeah that's right he's still alive Malcolm Merlin confesses he does know who killed Sarah because it's Oliver's sister Thea he's been teaching her to fight and she's come a long way in a very short period of time Malcolm made her do it with a brainwash drug because the League of Assassins was after him so he's hoping that now they'll be after her and Oliver will challenge them to a duel to save his sister thereby also clearing Malcolm's name a very convoluted plan but long story short Oliver either kills Rosal ghoul or dies either way Malcolm's happy so Oliver meets Rosal ghoul the Demon's head leader of the League of Assassins he lies and confesses to Sarah's murder and Demands a trial by combat b b boom shirtless Mountaintop sword fight but Roz has Oliver way outclass he stabs him right in the chest and kicks him off the mountain oh my God yeah Oliver is definitely all the way dead right no PS back to life they johon snowed him and they never really explain it except that he was drinking some tea like that's some really good tea back in Starling City Merlin gives team arrow that bad news that Oliver is probably dead but there's no time to mourn a new Crime Boss has risen up he's this British guy brick team Arrow's got to take him down without Oliver but with Laurel Lance taking up her sister's mantle of the Black Canary long story short team Arrow rallies the city behind them and it's a giant street fight and Oliver gets back to town just in time to be like well guess you didn't need me so the League of Assassins is still after Merlin and now Oliver Oliver finally brings Thea in on the secret I'm the arrow she's like oh that explains so much eventually though Oliver is captured by the league but Ros doesn't want to kill him he wants Oliver to take his place and become the next RZ Al goul what but Oliver has no interest in giving up his life to lead an Assassin's guilds to ruin Oliver's life and force his hand RZ dresses up as the arrow and shoots the mayor so the cops are hunting team arrow for reals and Oliver has no choice but to turn himself in except while he's in custody the arrow shows up to turn himself in it's Roy Harper pretending to be the arrow they faked his death in order to take the heat off of Oliver so Rosal ghoul goes to plan B which is to kill theia this forces Oliver's hand in exchange for joining the league and becoming razal ghoul they'll put her in the magic hot tub and boom Thea back to life Felicity tries to talk alliv her out of it with sex yeah full Oliver's happening these two get it on but in the end Oliver has no choice and he joins the League of Assassins Roz wants Oliver to take the Omega super virus and Destroy Starling City Oliver's actually seen this virus before it's time for an island flashback except this time we're not on leanu we're on the island of Hong Kong at the end of last season Amanda Waller of Argus rescued him from the Shipwreck she was watching the island and is impressed with his skills and as all ofer Queen's already dead he makes a perfect Black Ops spy so he does some Mission Impossible stuff though he's no Tom Cruz quite yet his partner here was this guy M with his wife Tatsu and their kid he was hunting the Triad leader with the white hair she had the virus back then and long story short Oliver and Meo caught it from her this us generals like congrats son you saved the world but turns out he's a bad guy wants to deploy the virus so Oliver puts a stop to that but not before one vile C released kills a bunch of people including M and tatsu's son this made M so sad he left his wife and join the League of Assassins and Oliver was also sad he tortures this General to death embracing his inner Darkness back in the present turns out Oliver is not really brainwashed he's secretly working with Malcolm Merlin so Merlin brings the team over to stop the super virus then Oliver has his final sword fight with Ros Al ghoul fum epic sword fight but this time Oliver beats him yeah of course that's what Roos wanted hands over the ring and dies now Oliver is the Rosal ghoul but Oliver still doesn't want it he made a deal to give it to Malcolm Merlin uh hopefully that doesn't come back to bite him then Oliver's like hey team Arrow you guys are great you don't need me anymore I'm going to retire and he confesses his love to Felicity season 4 begins with Oliver Queen retired he's with Felicity now some people call them olicity but I only say foliver he's left the city in good hands specifically his ex-girlfriend and little sisters and John diggle has finally given in and gotten a superhero name he's Spartan but there's a new gang in town called the ghosts and they have Team Arrow out Gunn their leader is Damien dark he's half friendly businessman and half scary mob boss so full Oliver leaves their life of suburban Bliss and heads back to Starling City or uh Star City now anyway it's time for Oliver a suit up this time he's leaving the sleeves behind now remember last season the arrow was wanted so Roy put on the Arrow's suit and faked his death to take the heat off Oliver so even though Oliver is wearing the exact same outfit minus the sleeves he's pretending to be a totally new superhero the Green Arrow yeah but no one's buying it anyway the green arrow fights Damen dark but Damen dark's got magic that's going to be a problem but first Thea Queen is overly violent these days it's probably pit fever a side effect of being resurrected by the Lazarus Pit Laurel's like wait a second you're telling me the League of Assassins has a magic jacuzzi that can bring people back to life why haven't we used this on my sister Sarah yet and it works Sarah's back to life it's going to be awkward having two black canaries now luckily Sarah's not sticking around cuz it leads into a new spin-off show Legends of Tomorrow back to Star City anyone running for mayor gets shot at cuz Damen dark doesn't want a mayor Oliver has to keep saving him so he figures cut out the middleman he runs for mayor himself so when Oliver proposes to Felicity dark sends his men to shoot up the limo and oh no felicity's hit Felicity is paralyzed she's in a wheelchair now luckily her superpower is sitting at a computer so they install a ramp and we're good to go the is pit fever is getting worse the only way she can stop it is by killing people and she doesn't want to do that so she might die but Nissa comes with an option she's got some sort of magic healing potion but she'll only help if Malcolm Merlin gives her control of the League of Assassins so there going to fight for it but Oliver fights Malcolm Merlin in her place and he cuts off his hand to get the demon head ring soia gets cured and Nissa realizes the League of Assassins is kind of evil so she disbands it Merlin is pissed at Oliver now so he joins up with Damian dark he tells dark an epic secret Oliver has a son yeah he only just found out two it's a random girl he knocked up in college that his mom paid to cover it up and move away so dark kid naaps Oliver's son Oliver calls in a superhero friend Vixen she steals dark's magic totem turns out that's what gives him his powers so when she destroys it oh he's vulnerable and arrow takes him down but Felicity feels betrayed that Oliver didn't tell her about his son so betrayed that she calls off the engagement for Oliver no and just then she can walk again it's a miracle actually no it's science she's got an employee at Palmer Tech This brilliant guy Curtis she comes to him sometimes with Team Arrow stuff and flims explanations just like Oliver did to her back in season 1 anyway he invented some sort of spinal implant that's letting her walk again now dark's magic Idol Oliver's actually seen before that's right it's time for an island flashback this season it's a true Island flashback argus's next mission for secret agent Oliver sends him back to Lee Anu he's here to take down a group of bad guys who are growing drugs or something led by Baron Ryder he pretends to join them but when he's supposed to kill this one girl he lets her go cuz he's a good guy they eventually realize he's a spy and whip him for a while but Constantine gave Oliver a magic tattoo that Baron Rider needs to enter the secret cave that's the reason he's here and inside is Damen dark's Idol it's powered by killing people and drawing their strength to give you magic powers long story short Oliver and the girl escape but she takes the idol it gives her magic powers so she's able to take down Ryder but it's making her evil so she's like Oliver you have to kill me now dark's organization is called Hive which is the group that Deadshot told John digle killed his brother but one day they capture a hive guy and it is John diggle's brother yeah they didn't kill him they recruited him diggle's real mad but turns out Hive uses brainwashing pills to control their people so when it wears off diggle starts to trust his brother again so when dark's breaking out of prison team Arrow brings little diggle with him and he betrays them yeah he wasn't brainwashed he's just a bad guy so with the missing piece dark's got his magic powers back and he uses them to kill Laurel Lance no Laurel you can't die no one ever really dies on the show except Laurel does this is actually good news for Quenton Lance cuz he does his best acting when one of his daughters dies that's why they have it happen at least once a season then dark goes to John diggle's wife lla and takes her Argus implant by the way Amanda Waller was killed earlier this season so lyla's the new head of Argus so digs little brother crossed the line going after Jon's family and Jon kills him he feels emo about it for a while somehow The Argus implant gives dark access to all the world's nuclear weapons his evil master plan is Project Genesis he's going to Nuke the world and ride it out in this giant under underr City he's made Greeno finds dark's underground city and long story short blows it up but now it's the final battle with Damen dark and his Magic's going to kick Oliver's butt but Star City Rises up to help him so dark brings all his minions and there's a big city brawl I feel like this exact scene happens in every season so in the end Oliver defeats Damen dark he doesn't kill people anymore but he makes an exception and oh kills him dark defeated in season five Oliver Queen is now the mayor of of Star City but at night he still puts on the hood and beats up bad guys team arrow is now just him in Felicity who finally gets her own superhero name OverWatch his sister Thea's done with the Vigilante life and John diggle quit too to rejoin the Army for some reason there's a couple new vigilantes in town that team Arrow could recruit so meet the new team Arrow Renee Ramirez is wild dog he's the Renegade that doesn't follow orders you remember Curtis he's already half on team Arrow helping Felicity with computer stuff but now he goes out in the field as m terrific pretty soon John diggle comes back there's a corrupt General tried to frame him for stuff and Oliver's got to break him out of prison it's a whole thing and also coming back is Laurel Lance I told you no one stays dead on this show apparently she was rescued by the legends of tomorrow cuz they're doing all sorts of time travel stuff but turns out the truth is even crazier she's the super villain black siren Laurel's evil Doppelganger from the parallel Earth too you can blame the flash for that one he gets into all sorts of Multiverse Shenanigans in any case evil Laurel makes it clear that she's bad to the bone no chance of a Redemption Arc at least not till next season now there is a girl on this Earth who got the Black Canary screen power it's badass ex cop Dina Drake long story short the era recruits her and they've got a new Black Canary so Oliver gets all these new recruits trained up and now team arrow is pretty huge but turns out the real villain this season is Prometheus the Green Arrow is mine his beef with the arrow is personal his father was was one of the corrupt businessmen that Oliver killed in season 1 eventually we learned from eth's Identity he's new district attorney Adrien Chase who's actually been friends with Oliver Chase captures Oliver and tortures him for a bit he doesn't want to kill him he wants to break him so he makes Oliver admit to himself that he enjoys killing and I liked it so now feeling totally broken Oliver disbands team arrow and turns to an old friend anat of the brva we learned Oliver was part of the Russian mob back back in season 1 how the heck did that happen anyway it's time for an island flashback last season he promised this girl that he would save her Village by killing some bad guy so this season's Island flashback takes place in Russia Oliver meets up with his Russian best friend Anatoli who he met on the prison ship back on season two long story short anat vouches for him and Oliver joins the brva the guy he needs to kill is Constantine kovar played by Dolph lungren but turns out this one BR for Captain is working for kovar so Oliver finds himself in the middle of a brv civil war but now Oliver is fully Jason born John Wick badass takes out all the guys sometimes while wearing the hood kovar almost gasses the Russian government and takes over but Oliver puts a stop to that and kills him so now Oliver is finally ready to go home he has anat toi drop him off back on lehan Yu he's going to pretend he was Shipwrecked here the whole time instead of being a super spy and so finally the island flashbacks have caught up to season 1 meanwhile Felicity makes a new friend it's a young activist just like she was she's part of a super hacker group called Helix and she'll help Felicity get Prometheus in exchange for Felicity helping Helix rescue their leader Kaden James more on him next season and so they find the evidence they need to put Adrien chase away but turns out that's all part of his plan his friends on the outside kidnap all of Oliver's friends including his son William so to keep them safe Oliver's got to break Adrien out of prison and let him get away now anytime Thea in danger you know who shows up it's Malcolm Merlin and they fly off for the final showdown on leean you Oliver recruits another old enemy here mother F and Slade Wilson he's had a long time now to sober up from his mirakuru madness he apologizes for killing Oliver's mom and stuff so Slade Wilson's a good guy again together they rescue Oliver's friends Paia has a complicated relationship with her father she mostly hates him cuz he's evil but when she steps on a landmine Merlin knocks her off and takes her place he stays behind so they can get away and blows himself up no Merlin yeah don't cry I don't believe for one second that he's going to stay dead if nothing else he can always Cameo on Legends of tomorrow now Prometheus is crazy his whole thing is that he wants Oliver to kill him to prove that he's a killer but he's rigged explosives to go off when he dies covering the entire Island so Oliver has to choose between all of his friends and family or the son that he barely knows a difficult Dilemma to be sure but Oliver Cheats by shooting from metheus in the foot smart move that would have worked but Prometheus shoots himself and boom all of leanu explodes killing everyone on the show luckily though most people did survive in fact the only death is Oliver's baby mama so he's suddenly a single dad by the way full Oliver is back on in fact they get married this season Oliver wants to spend more time with his family so he retires and passes the hood to John diggle I'm the Green Arrow problem is Dig's not much of an Archer so they make him a sweet crossbow that's close enough to a gun he's very good with it and now it's time for this season's villain super hacker Kaden James Oliver suits back up to take him down but he's recruited a whole Squad of super villains one of the villains on the Kaden James Squad is vigilante who we met last season but turns out Dina Drake knows him it's her murdered former partner SL lover turns out he's a good guy working to take James down from the inside so these two are Romancing again but he soon gets caught and also working for Kaden James is evil Laurel roll the black siren Dina watches helplessly as she yells into his head exploding his brain now Kaden James is doing all this because the Green Arrow killed his son but turns out that was faked too Kaden James realizes one of his own squad has been manipulating him so who's the evil mastermind behind this whole thing it's Ricardo Diaz the dragon he's a soft spoken kind of guy so no one suspected him but he's got big plans why destroy a city when you could take it over he kills Kaden James which is too bad badka star cities in desperate need of the $70 million he ransomed they find his account but it's already been withdrawn by evil lle she almost got away on bomb night but Dina came for vengeance and they had a black canary battle Dina ends up shooting her but her fake father Quenton Lance was there and half rescues half kidnaps her evil Laurel has consistently shown that she's bad to the bone it became Quentin's personal quest to force a Redemption Arc onor he makes a deal with Oliver where she'll give back the money if helps her escape the country but before they can new team Arrow shows up and dino wants her revenge so it's a team Arrow Civil War they have an epic fight but Oliver lays the smackdown evil Laurel escapes but she comes right back pretending to be real Laurel which is awkward turns out someone stole the money from her stash it was Ricardo Diaz Green Arrow tracks him down but can't arrest him he's used the 70 million to buy the police department he's also the one who's been trying to get all of her into in prison in fact he's got a new star witness it's Roy Harper with her ex-boyfriend in danger Thea Queen suits back up and immediately kisses him luckily he's not seeing anyone these two decide that they're in love and are going to ride off into the sunset but they're stopped by ninjas turns out Merlin found three new Lazarus pits Thea Figures it's her responsibility to help take them out so she leaves the show to do that then it's time for Oliver Queen's trial it's not looking good for him because of course the judge is bought by Diaz but the Green Arrow busts in to testify who's wearing the hood it's Tommy Merlin he died of course at the end of season 1 but his story is that he faked his death to go full-time Green Arrow but it's not really him it's a professional Face Changer guy they hired so Diaz goes to plan B which is just murder Oliver and everyone he cares about so Oliver makes a deal with FBI lady the FBI comes in full force to liberate Star City which is probably their job in the first place right so the Cavalry busts in Green Arrow and D as have their final rooftop battle and at the end it's the same old Dilemma to stop me you're going to have to kill me black siren comes and is like yeah I'm fine with that boom blast him off the roof but crazily he survives Quenton Lance though actually dies and he and Oliver have a really emotional talk about how proud of him he is now so I believe he might actually stay dead then as part of the deal Oliver made with the FBI he's got to turn himself in he has a big Iron Man Press Conference I am the Green Arrow and see season 7 Oliver Queen is in prison this is not a bad thing he actually has a lot more time to work out now on the outside Felicity smoke has pink hair now she and William are in Argus protective custody because they're hiding from Ricardo Diaz who finds them no problem she helps Argus track him down but Diaz is now working with the super assassins the Longbow Hunters he hires some guys in prison to try to kill Oliver in a naked shower fight Oliver talks to Brick the villain from season 3 in order to find out that Diaz's contact is the demon down on on level two so Oliver has to stab some guards to get himself sent down there and level two is really awful it's run by a crazy psychiatrist who's like doing experiments on the prisoners finally Oliver meets the demon it's Talia al gou she and Oliver were friends in the Russia flashback but enemies when she was helping Prometheus they agree to be friends again for now to help each other Escape Oliver steals the data gives it to Talia because he's got to stay in prison if he doesn't want to be a fugitive so she gets out exposes the illegal experiments and Oliver's back to his regular maximum security prison cell on the outside Diaz stole some super bomb and the team's got to shut it down with help from the new Green Arrow yeah someone else has been running around the city in the hood you have failed this city and with help from him they take down Diaz Felicity considers going dark side and killing him but evil Laurel comes to stop her not out of any moral qualms but because they can use him to get a deal to get Oliver out of prison she's trying to be not evil this season she backslides for one episode but all the girls have an intervention and and her Redemption Arc is complete she plans to go home to Earth too and write her wrongs as the Black Canary on the day Oliver is set to be released Diaz escapes and takes over the prison so Oliver pulls some MacGyver moves and busts out of his cell long story short kicks his butt and is released from prison a free man Dina Drake is the police captain now and vigilantism is still illegal but sometimes they need Oliver's help so they make the green arrow an official member of the scpd and they send him out there with no mask cuz everyone knows he's Oliver Queen now but the cops are still hunting the new Green Arrow no one knows who he is in fact it's a girl she works out even harder than Oliver she's on a mission to hunt down her mother's killer but turns out her father is Robert Queen yeah she's Oliver's half sister his dad had a whole secret family he abandoned speaking of family Oliver still got a son William they're constantly in danger from one bad guy or another so they decide to send him off to live with his grandparents but his story continues in an island Flash Forward my father is alliv Queen after years of no contact Felicity sends him to leanu where he finds Roy Harper we never learned why Roy was here they go back to Star City which is now a dystopian Wasteland except for the Glades traditionally the bad neighborhood now a really nice place under the leadership of Mayor wild dog grene Ramirez they meet up with Dina Drake now leader of the Vigilante resistance group The canaries one of whom is a grown-up Zoe Rene daughter they also meet badass cage fighter black star who is felicity's daughter and has an epic theme song my name is meia smoke anyway the kids break into an evil Corporation and rescue Felicity and they have to stop a plot to blow up Star City long story short the kids have an epic adventure Bringing Down the Walls to The Glades and saving the city back in the present Argus is hunting a super villain Finance year named Dante turns out he's the leader of the Ninth Circle another ancient secret villain organiz ganization but turns out he's working with em C Queen Oliver soon finds out his half sister's evil so they have a sibling fight he drops a knowledge bomb on her turns out Dante killed her mother so she kills him but she doesn't turn good turns out she was the actual leader of the Ninth Circle so emo stole some super bioweapon and is going to use drones to spray it on the city Oliver has a final showdown with his half sister but instead of fighting he convinces her to be a good guy emo pulls a Darth Vader and dies having been redeemed then Oliver blows up the old Queen Consolidated building and the city is saved then Oliver retires for good he and Felicity moved to the country because felicity's prar F Oliver lives happily ever after in Montage form until one night there's a random sci-fi dude in their kitchen yeah the big crossover event this season was elseworlds where they deal with a lot of Multiverse stuff long story short Oliver made a promise that he would save the Multiverse in the crisis on infinite Earths bad news though it's set in stone that to save the Multiverse Oliver has to die that's a bummer so Oliver and Felicity say farewell as he leaves to save the Multiverse then in the future Flash Forward Felicity says goodbye to the kids as she leaves with the monitor too and that's how Arrow season 7 comes to an [Music] end
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 1,645,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrow, recap, summary, explained, cw, arrowverse, new season, last season, season 7, season 8, arrow full recap, finale, final season, ending, theories, crisis on infinite earths, the monitor, multiverse, arrow recap, crossover, official, recap rap, screen junkies, screen rant, full series, complete
Id: cl4VAVx85wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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