Agents of SHIELD: Seasons 1 - 6 RECAP

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welcome to the men of recaps this is Marvel's agents of shield seasons one through six leading up to the seventh and final season travel back in time with me to the first Avengers which was a huge hit superhero mania sweeping the nation agent Phillip Coulson was stabbed and killed by Loki any agent with clearance level six knows Coulson's dead but he survived welcome to level seven yeah they patched him up and he's been recuperating in Tahiti it's a magical place now he's starting his own special team to find and deal with superhuman activity first group two specialists grant Ward he's one of the best shields got then there's agent Melinda may who's been working a desk job after a mission went bad they called her the cavalry cuz she's an incredible fighter a one-woman army Science Guy is Fitzsimmons but actually they're two separate people fast Simmons the final or crew Coulson wants is not even a SHIELD agent her name is Skye she's a hacktivist living in her van trying to expose shield as a shady government organization but Coulson tracks are down convinces her that they're the good guys so she's on the team they're working out of a mobile command base this big old plane they call the bus they spend season one flying around the world dealing with various superhuman threats of the week they deal with dangerous Chitauri artifacts ancient Asgardian weapons lady SIF from Thor makes of cameos there's also a crazy gravity manipulation elements called gravitonium more on that later but anyway after facing certain death together countless times our team has become more than a team they're a family a family with some sexual tension in it though because Ward and Skye have become really close he's training her to be a real SHIELD agent they have a flirtation going but it's actually agent May who calls Ward in for some no strings attached coworkers X also Fitz and Simmons bicker a lot but they clearly love each other now problem that keeps popping up his project centipede basically they're trying to create super soldiers with this implant that shaped like the centipede in Episode one Mike Peterson was a good hearted father who joined the program he almost became a villain but the team was able to talk him down without killing him they bring him in to help fight other centipede super soldiers but then Oh they've kidnapped his son during the exchange he gets exploded but he survived the bad guys turned him into a half robot guy named Deathlok they still have his son so for now he has no choice he's working for the villains leading project centipede is the girl in the flower dress Raina and her boss that she's never seen is the mysterious clairvoyant who's apparently psychic one thing the clairvoyant couldn't see though is how they brought Coulson back to life Fran captures him and puts him in the memory machine to see that Tahiti was a lie some sort of freaky cutting-edge procedure then they modified his memories Coulson finds out in the mysterious project Tahiti came from a blue alien guy whoa supposin teams up with another veteran SHIELD agent John Garrett and together they track down and take out the clairvoyant now remember the show is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we've caught up to Captain America a Winter Soldier in which we find out that Shield has been infiltrated by Hydra so while Captain America is running around doing his thing it's a very confusing time for our shield agents they don't know who to trust in the end though they're betrayed it turns out to John Garrett is Hydra and more than just Hydra he is the real clairvoyant he's not actually psychic he just had high-level shield access so he knew things but Coulson knocks him out and he's under arrest he's got one more trick up his sleeve though grant Ward is also Hydra meanwhile Coulson and the team have gotten to hide out at one of Nick Fury's off-the-books shield bases it's run by agent Koenig a real funny guy who's a stickler for lanyards but they don't know that Ward is Hydra yet so they invite him into the base where he and Skye make out it's not till after the smooching Skye finds out Ward killed agent Koenig he's Hydra Skye is real mad at him but he tries to explain hey I'm not a bad guy I was just recruited by Garrett at a young age he was my mentor a father figure so you know where I'm just on a Hydra sighs she left a message for the rest of the team so Coulson comes to save her and they escape in his flying car Lola Fitzsimmons set off an EMP that knocks out Garrett's heart thing yeah turns out he was the original Deathlok and his heart's mostly robots so he orders were to kill Fitz and Simmons now award I mean you just said you were a good guy you wouldn't actually do that to us we're family but Oh Ward does it throws them off the plane irredeemable Ward Fitz and Simmons are trapped at the bottom of the ocean they can get out but there's only an oxygen mask for one of them so if it's basically confesses his love for Jemma and sacrifices himself so she could survive meanwhile Garrett is dying he's got one dose left of the Tahiti project formula and it's like give it to me baby and boohoo not only is he alive he's super strong now one weird thing though he's compulsively drawing these strange symbols and is talking like a crazy person but anyway it's time for the final showdown make Hicks Ward's ass and Nick Fury makes a cameo to help Coulson take down Garrett Garrett still has a Deathlok bodyguard though until Skye rescues his son then Mike Peterson turns on Garrett boom boom blows him up so the day is saved but shield is officially dissolved and Nick Fury going dark but he gives Coulson his toolbox and names him new director of shield tasks him to rebuild it so in season two Coulson is rebuilding shield they were officially disbanded though so they are outlaws general Talbot is tasked with hunting them down but Coulson's always one step ahead and eventually they agree they're mostly on the same side they're setting up in an old shield headquarters run by agent Kane egg no it's not him the one Ward killed was his twin brother and it's a running joke through the series just how many twins are there or are you guys robots or clothes or something now there's a lot of new faces this season like Tripp who was working for Garrett but was not Hydra so join the good guys this big guy Mack who's an engineer and this British guy hunter who's a soccer hooligan also badass super spy Bobby who is hunters ex-wife they fight a lot but they can't keep their hands off each other and Fitz survived the ocean but the lack of oxygen left him with some brain damage he has trouble getting his words out right luckily he's got Simmons there to help him through it except no she's not there he's just imagining her she briefly went undercover at Hydra and when she comes back things are awkward cuz you know he confessed his love for her last season they get word of some dangerous new weapon and have to race hydrated get it hydras got this bad guy krill though who could turn his body into whatever he touches the diviner ends up with the girl in the flower dress who's working with this new guy Cal who is Skye's father yeah he's some sort of back-alley doctor with a huge Deborah problem and it's unclear for a while if he has super strength or is just fueled by rage but eventually we find out yeah he's been Juicin he takes the diviner to Hydra whose current leader is Daniel Whitehall he's the original Nazi Hydra that found this thing back in World War two long story short he found this woman with regenerative properties and did a full-body blood transfusion that's why he's still young ish turns out though that woman was Cal's wife Skye's mom so he's here undercover to get revenge now grant Ward is still around he's a prisoner shield he's helping them against Hydra in exchange for his Redemption arc but no one on the team will ever forgive him so one day he breaks out of there goes to rejoin Hydra but it's unclear where his true loyalties lie he doesn't kidnap Skye though and take her to meet her father where he tries to explain he's not a bad guy he just went crazy with rage now's his chance though to get revenge on Whitehall but Coulson shoots him first which makes him very mad wart still has a crush on Skye so he's helping her escape but she will never forgive him shoots him multiple times Ward meets his new girlfriend here though she was a SHIELD agent brainwashed by Hydra one time she put on the mask that made her look like me which was fun but they zapped her she was stuck with a half's card may face and it's like hey we're both damaged goods let's get together now ever since Coulson saw Garrett's crazy carvings he's been compulsively carving them too it looks like he's gone crazy for a while but eventually he figures out it's on to an ancient alien underground city turns out the diviner is the key to something there and rain of flower girls got it first there's some sort of crystals inside and oh wait farts on him all woods turn in sky to stone Oh awaits guys breaking out it was just a cocoon and boom it's awakened her latent superpowers yeah he's got quick powers and they are strong trip though not so lucky he dies flower girl Rina also not so lucky she turned into an ugly porcupine monster but boom what's this she's picked up by a no eyes teleporter guy eventually he picks up sky two and takes her to the inhuman City thousands of years ago the Kree that's what that blue alien was the genetic engineering on ancient humans to turn them into super-powered warriors some people still carry that dormant gene awakened by the terrigenesis crystals and they're called Inhumans hot fast guys talking to is Lincoln and he's got lightning powers their leader is this woman jiying she's like Skye I am your mother what this guy is reunited with her parents her dad is calmed down a lot now and they have a nice whole time but on a father-daughter field trip Hydra shows up and kidnaps Lincoln and also death Locke was there Scott joins back up with her shield team to rescue him but also grant Ward is there Coulson's willing to offer him amnesty if he helps them infiltrate Hydra and words like yeah man I tell you I'm a good guy I just want to chill with my new girlfriend now so to sneak in there they sacrifice the bus Oh end of an era so they bust in their sky with her newfound superpowers and also she's been training with me so she is now a fully realized combat badass agent of shield their rescue Lincoln but Simmons will not forgive word for what he did to Fitz she's gonna kill him but oh this guy steps in front at the last minute and Ward's like wow not cool Simmons turns out she was right though he was playing them he captures bobbi because I guess it was her fault that his new girlfriend got captured by Hyder in the first place they set up a trap where whoever comes to rescue her will get shot and hunters in there trying all the doors when he gets to her she puts herself in the way and takes the bullet for him she survives though and ends okay May it was also there to save her but ward Oh shoots her no mercy but no it was his new girlfriend who fixed the mask Oh Lord you killed your own girlfriend by the way there was a whole thing where Bobby and Mack had some secret to know they weren't working for Hydra they were working for the real shield they take over the facility basically they thought that Coulson had gone rogue just then comes age of Ultron or it turns out Coulson secret project was building the new helicarrier's that saved the day so now that Coulson saved the day they all trust each other again this guy wants to make introductions between shield and the Inhumans but the Inhumans don't trust shield ever since the incident where May got her name the cavalry she kicked a ton of butt to save this little girl from a superpower villain but turns out the little girl was villain she was a mind controlling inhuman and may had no choice but to kill her so when the shield guy comes in to negotiate Skye's mom breaks the Terrigen crystal which if you're not in human it turns you to stone then he grabs his gun makes it look like he attacked her so the Inhumans will follow her to war Skye's got a tough choice to make but luckily pretty soon she realizes her mom's the bad guy so the you Nieman's take the shield boats Giants plan is to release the Terrigen crystals everywhere turning everyone into a human or dead Mack rescue Skye grabs an axe and goes to fight teleporter dude boys join in together they take him down but he's dropped the crystal so Coulson's gotta I'll catch it it starts turning him to stone but oh Mack cuts his hand off to save him Coulson gets a robot hand after this which gets more and more upgrades over the years our mom's gettin away this guy's gonna blast the Terrigen crystals off the ship her mom's got life absorbing power so they're in a big fight but Skye's dad comes he's realized his wife has become a villain and kills her to save his daughter so Skye's dad has been redeemed they wiped his memory and let him live a happy life as a veterinarian Fitz is doing much better by the way with his brain damaged and over the course that season he and Simmons have reconnected she makes him sandwiches they are so cute he finally gets the nerve to ask her on a real date and she says yes now they found this weird alien obelisk that doesn't seem to do anything but right when he leaves oh the obelisk turns into liquid and stalks her into it what so season three begins with Fitz determined to get Simmons back but no matter what he does the obelisk is silent meanwhile the Terrigen crystals sunk to the bottom of the ocean where they got absorbed into the fish and into fish oil he no longer kills normal people but all these people with the laitanan human gene are finding they have weird superpowers Skye is here to help them though this season she's going back her birth name Daisy Johnson Coulson and I both have trouble getting used to that it stands mr. captain Daisy right Daisy shield is really cookin now they got these sweet containment pods that fly up to their brand-new plane the Zephyr they recruit a lot of good Inhumans like lightning boy Lincoln who is now officially dating Scott Daisy Daisy Tanis and Elena Rodriguez they call yo yo cuz she's got super speed but she always bounces back to where she started long story short over the course of the series she and Mack are a thing speaking of shield couples bobbi and Hunter are together but after a mission gone wrong in Russia they have to be disavowed and have a tearful spies farewell as they leave the team and the show but there are bad Inhumans out there too like this dreadlock monster lash long story short he's dr. Andrew Garner who was May's ex-husband and they've just recently got back together he Hulk's out into lash though and uncontrollably hunts down in humans so maze gotta put him on ice Coulson's got a girlfriend too this season this woman Rosalind price she's in charge of the official government task force to deal with Inhumans and though she and Coulson butt heads at first they eventually agree they're on the same side and start doing it now finally Fitz has a breakthrough on the obelisk they find this ancient castle with a special chamber that will open the obelisk portal he dives in to save Simmons all a sandstorm buddy grabs her and OH brings her back yeah the obelisk is a portal to this alien planet and Simmons survived by herself for a long time until eventually she found this other guy he was an astronaut that was sent here years ago to explore it but his whole team got killed because they went crazy and there's like a monster that lives in the sandstorm anyway months went by they lost all hope of being rescued so these two started dating but then they saw the portal open so he stayed behind to fight the monster while she escaped so Simmons relationship status is complicated but these two aren't waiting anymore Fitzsimmons finally together now grant Ward blames Coulson for the way his life's turned out so he kills his new girlfriend now ward I was rooting for your Redemption arc but you keep making it harder with nothing better to do Ward's decided to restart a younger hipper Hydra but he's eventually recruited by old Hydra Gideon Malick Malick fills him in that there's a branch of Hydra that way predates the Nazis and red skull long story short their mission is to go through the obelisk and rescue that monster it is there Hydra God hive words like Yolo sounds fun kidnaps Fitz and goes through the portal but Coulson fueled by vengeance is right behind him they find Simmons astronaut boyfriend about turns out he is hive yeah hive is a zombie body reanimate er so Fitz has to take him out Coulson catches up to ward they have their final fight Coulson who is normally the voice of mercy and giving people second chances just can't forgive Ward and crushes his heart they escape and blow up the portal so the day is saved but they were too late I've escaped in Ward's dead body Ward is looking not great at the moment but they bring them in some human sacrifices and oh yeah full-on sexy again he walks around in clothes from the Matrix movies yeah this is my favorite version of Ward now he does have Ward's memories but it is not Ward it's a purple tentacle monster sky slash days he brings her new team of Inhumans in to fight him but turns out I've power is he mind controls other Inhumans he got to Skye and so warden Skye are reunited it's actually Daisy Grint knew you as I changed it so I have recruiting all the Inhumans he can just like jaw hitting his playing this to turn the whole world inhuman but this time they'd be under his mind control for that he recruits dr. Holden Radcliffe who was half kidnapped but half excited to be doing mad science so to take down hive the team sends a monster of their own lash he fails to kill hive but he does manage to make Daisy immune to the brainwashing so hives gonna nuke the world with his inhuman serum they have a big ol fight where Mac debuts his new shotgun axe yeah he had this idea a while back and has now engineered it it is a so wheat now earlier in the season there was a homeless inhuman that had the power if he touches you you see the future of someone dying by the way he has a daughter named Robin she'll be back later but anyway when does he touched him she saw the vision of the Quinjet in space exploding one of the team will die they tease us all episode passing around the Bolton cross necklace Daisy wants to sacrifice herself but in the end it is Lincoln who grabs the jet and flies off into space with hive and the bomb boom exploded and the day is saved but there's an immediate time jump where Daisy has taken on the superhero named quake she's wearing real heavy eyeliner now got this sexy Punk vibe so in season 4 quake has gone rogue to be a vigilante which is possible because shield is now legal again closin a step down as director though the new director is Jeffrey Mesa real charismatic guy a good face for the public and in fact to alleviate public fears about Inhumans he isn't inhuman yeah he's got super strength turns out he's not inhuman though he's been faking it with super steroids so Coulson's back in charge again so Daisy's out there hunting down the watchdogs an anti inhuman terrorist group while on the streets one night she meets another vigilante it's Ghost Rider yeah he's this good kid Robbie Reyes went after a bad car accident the devil made him a deal and he's possessed with the spirit of vengeance now shields currently dealing with a ghost problem and so they team up with Ghost Rider who is a great Ghostbuster there were a bunch of scientists that found this evil ancient text the dark hold long story short though Robbie's uncle was the real bad guy he finishes his experiment which now gives him the power to create matter and in the process blam it trapped Coulson Fitz and Robbie in the ghost world to get the Mack may goes to Ratcliffe who was pardoned for helping hive he was mostly kidnapped after all she's like hey scientist of ambiguous morality I need you to get our friends back by reading this ancient evil book he takes one look at it but it's like no way I shouldn't do that luckily though there's someone in the room who can read it without being corrupted his new assistant ADA because she is a robot today clothes are a life model decoy and LM meant to you know save agents in the field or whatever but in practice it's just a superhot assistant for him anyway she reads that are cold and learns how to create a portal that rescues the guys long story short they take our Abbie's uncle and quake is cleared of all charges they say she was working undercover the whole time but unfortunately ADA was corrupted by the dark hold yeah she's a killer robot now the team stops her but come to find out she wasn't corrupted it was radical if who was corrupted they figured that out too but they're too late he's replaced himself with a life model decoy the rear Radcliffe is on a submarine with the leader of the watchdog's this hot russian dude they call the superior you know i could kidnap one of the agent Cain eggs cuz they hit the dark hole turns out there's a sister Koenig too and it's pretty much confirmed they're not clones or robots or are they meanwhile May and Coulson have been flirting a lot lately they've had sort of a romance going this whole time and finally the timings right these two starts solution but wait and may steal the dark hold may was replaced with the robot the team goes to fight the superior and quake takes him out but when they get back they set off the lmd alarms a bunch of them were replaced with robots long story short it's just Simmons and Daisy you were still real and they escaped now Radcliffe's just a little corrupted he doesn't really want to hurt anyone he has the real people plugged into a virtual world he created called the framework this is his new calling to create a paradise world for all of humanity where everyone's biggest regrets has been erased in fact he tells Ada to protect the framework at all costs so she kills him and traps his mind in there just so we can never destroy it oops so Daisy and Simmons have got a Jack into the matrix boom they're in the framework there's some major differences between here in the real world for example Daisy is dating Ward I can get down with that but there's another big problem they're not agents of shield they're agents of Hydra now none of the people plugged in remember the real world this is real to them they're all living wild alternate lives like Coulson's just a high school teacher and one of the top heads of Hydra the doctor is evil Fitz his regret was his father abandoning his family young but turns out his father was an awful person and he raced Fitz to be totally evil and he's dating that top head of Hydra it's a de go and by Madame Hydra virtual ward though turns out is in the resistance yes he's finally got his Redemption arc and the leader of the resistance is actual super strong and human Jeffrey mace the patriot now long story short to escape the framework they basically have to take down Hydra Jeffrey may sacrifices himself in the process and in real life eventually they find the exit that managed to escape all of them are a bit disoriented having just lived double lives but Mac doesn't want to leave because in this world his daughter hope never died he's gonna stay in the framework with her even though he knows it's not real yo-yo has to go in there herself and basically drag her man out but the day's not saved ada has managed to print herself a brand new real girl body it kind of looks like she's gonna be a good guy until Fitz dumpster by the way she's giving herself all the inhuman powers and goes on a crazy murder rampage she meets back up with the superior whose body was destroyed in the fight but she built him a new sexy robot body and got his head in a jar they make a robot of quake and have her bust in and shoot general Talbot they want to use this to turn the world against Inhumans and rebuild the framework Hydra in the real world but just then ghost right here comes back from his adventures in Hell and his powers are the only thing that seemed to hurt data so they lure her into a trap where Coulson has taken the Ghost Rider yeah boo made a destroyed ghost ride it goes back to Robbie and he takes the dark old back to hell with him but after the shenanigans shield is very much wanted again so they go to a diner for a last meal before turning themselves in but they don't end up in prison they end up in space what has happened here in season five these mystery man have teleported our gang to space with another obelisk this star-lord looking guy flies in he is deke job they soon realize the question isn't where are we it's when are we cuz this is the future and the earth has been totally destroyed they're in a bunker called the lighthouse where the last remnants of humanity are slaves to the Kree there's an ancient prophecy though that one day the agents of shield will come to save them what happened to the earth by the way well turns out it was destroyed by quake who they now call the destroyer of worlds now the station's run by a real pretty boy Kree named Casillas and turns out the real value here isn't the mining it's the Inhumans he's creating to sell his gladiators days he goes to stop him but gets caught and now he's got quake destroyer of worlds he's having the biggest auction yet and one of the potential buyers is Fitz yeah this was not taken with the rest of the gang so he was arrested for real with a cameo from hunter though he soon breaks out and meets up with the guy who captured them he's not exactly a guy though I'm a sentient chronic calm from a planet which revolves around a star in the constellation you know as Cygnus his name is Enoch and the chronic comms are impartial observers unless there's an extinction-level event which there is so he's met up with the seer the homeless guys daughter Robin he's following her pictures of the future to save the world which involves sending the team ahead Fitz has a different mission though he's got to meet up with them now to save him but they're not sending him through time travel he's taken the long way going into cryo sleep for 70 years so in the future Fitz is woken up and he's going undercover as an intergalactic evildoer long story short he rescues Simmons and sick of being pulled apart at the end of every season proposes to her on the spot begin escapes to the planet surface where a resistance live in the old shield Zephyr they're led by the old seer Robin all grown up in fact there's a lot of questions brought up about is the future fixed can it be changed this guy thinks it can if he kills quake right now of course she's a huge badass it clearly wasn't gonna work but he does kill Robin so she can't help him anymore and there's a touching story here as May became her adopted mother but Mae doesn't remember this because she hasn't actually done it yet anyway before they can get back to the past they have to fight Casillas and free humanity yo-yo meets her future self whoo casaya says prisoner they have a long talk about how to stop this future and it's like well the only thing I can think of we have to let Coulson die but for now they fight Casillas and it's shotgun axe to the rescue in front of this inhuman kid called Flint who can control rocks and he helps build them a new obelisk a teleporter back home so they're back in the past but still in the lighthouse though which turns out is a shield apocalypse bunker built under a lighthouse everything they heard about the end of the world is happening already and they're gonna do everything they can to stop it some bad guys are here to stop them though and this villain with disc weapons throws oh man oh yo Joe's arms cut off the future is coming true losing limbs in the show is no big deal though pretty soon she gets some sweet-ass robot arms upgrade now that bad guy was a teenage girl named Ruby she is general Hales daughter and they're working for you guessed it Hale is Hydra hail Hydra now deke was helping the team in the future and he ended up getting himself sent back to the past he's very happy to be on a not destroyed earth and goes on an awesome Zima bender and Fitz and Simmons are having their wedding they're not taking any more chances of being separated and pretty soon they figure out that deke is their grandson by the way in the basement of lighthouse are three obelisks do - and Anakin's they get blown up and it hope it's a crazy rift in space-time and long story short they seal it up for now anyway Hale kidnaps Coulson and uses an alien teleporter to talk to these aliens she's been talking to they warned him an alien invasion coming to earth and they're offering protection in exchange for resources hell's got her own plan for protection she wants to give her daughter Ruby superpowers by infusing her with gravitonium yeah the stuff from the very beginning of season one it finally came back wilson realizes that is probably what breaks the earth apart and it's like no you can't do it but Ruby's a headstrong teenager she's doing it anyway she does now have gravity powers but she can't control them so yo-yo slices her throat killing her right there and saving the world or did she because now aliens show up they attack the lighthouse our gangs got a big last stand just like the mines of moria general Talbot is there with him he survived the fake Daisy gunshot but has been held prisoner and tortured by hell this whole time but he sees a chance to save the world puts himself in the gravitonium machine and boom he's got full-on gravity powers and seems to be totally in control he grabs Coulson and flies right up to that alien mothership it's like hey man are you okay you going crazy or anything he's like not bill I'm good but then start saying things like kneel before me he borrows some of their clothes for a fashion makeover and yeah looking like a full-on supervillain he meets what the rest of the alien council and the invasion they weren't he'll about was Thanos yeah we have caught up to infinity war so Talbots like cool I'm gonna go join the Avengers and kick the noses but first I got to absorb some more gravitonium Coulson's like hey man I'm not sure that's a good idea and it's like you dare defy me yes the comic relief side character has become the big bad the team comes to rescue Coulson and during the fight may and Coulson kiss for real this time neither of them are a robot they think they found a way to stop Talbot hilariously involving the centipede serum from season 1 but there's a problem Coulson is dying yeah when he took on the Ghost Rider it burned out all the crew blood in him so his old wound is slowly killing him the centipede serum could save him but they only have one dose they have to choose between stopping Talbott and saving Coulson which is of course exactly the dilemma that future yoyo award yourself about cousins like hey you gotta let me go but may makes the decision for the group and destroys the stopping Talbot ingredient she's like I'm not losing you Coulson so Talbots flying his ship down to Chicago where he illegally parks there's a bunch of gravitonium under the ground here and he's absorbing it to power himself up The Avengers are busy with a nose but quake is here to prove she's an Avengers level superhero in the end Talbot gets the upper hand he's going to absorb quakes powers into his own which would certainly be the thing that cracks the world but turns out Coulson did not take the serum he hid it in Daisy's gauntlets so she grabs it and powers herself up boom blast Talbot up into space and the world is saved I mean except from Thanos but that's the Avengers problem unfortunately during the fight Oh a cave in on fit and no Fitz dies but wait this Fitz came back with us from the future isn't the original Fitz still in cryosleep Coulson no is truly dying he doesn't have much time left it is a tearful farewell Coulson was the heart of this team he retires to spend his last few days somewhere he's never actually been Tahiti gotta say it's pretty magical and right there with him is his true love Melinda may to spend his beautiful final days together now the king saved the world from Talbot but of course then Oh still snapped but season six doesn't mention that at all so maybe they're in an alternate timeline where that didn't happen so in season six the gang's taking a quick trip to space to pick up a sleepy bits but the timeline has changed now and in this one Enoch and Fitz a ship is destroyed it turns into a year-long space adventure looking for him quick as dyed her hair blonde and Simmons has bangs now agents Davis and Piper are with him on this quest they're hilarious background characters have been around for a few seasons and their roles just keep getting bigger they have some wacky space adventures but they're always one step behind finding Fitz back on earth Mack is the new director of shield he was unanimously voted in he's come a long way from being just the engineer who tried to quit when he found out they were dealing with alien stuff one day some post-apocalyptic portal travelers show up on earth and their leaders got a big-ass truck and turns out their leader is Coulson what he's clearly not the real Coulson though I could call him evil Coulson but I think I might call him sexy Coulson his team just calls him Sarge though and they are super cool riding around in their invisible truck long story short may eventually tracks him down and he has no idea who Coulson is they think he's a villain because he's going around stabbing people but not people that alien bat parasites inside of them yeah they get inside you pull them turning the crystal oh it's bad sergeant's team have been traveling the galaxy hunting down their leader eyes Elle and she's on her way to earth back to Fitz he's on his own wacky space adventure with his new best friend Enoch Lana puncta seen a planet with just one ship and long story short get caught counting cards Daisy and Simmons have finally caught up to him but they stop for a little alien puff pastry but turns out it's a very strong hallucinogen at least you have a hilarious girls night out in space Vegas they finally find Fitz but he's immediately captured again this time by the chronic comms turns out their home planet was destroyed and since they know our team just saved earth via time travel it's like hey teach us time travel unfortunately they're not asking nicely they're basically prisoners so Fitz and Simmons are finally reunited except as prisoners inside a mine develop matrix machine which leads to some interesting shenanigans by the way this fits missed all of season five because it happened in his future which is now totally changed anyway they're rescued by their new best friend Enoch who has decided the other chronic comms were being kind of dicks they traveled back to casino planet where they're still in trouble for counting cards but this pink haired girl pays their fine and is like hey I actually need some human help you guys can roll with me I'm heading to her unfortunately it becomes quickly apparent that this pink haired girl is eyes ow so back on earth the crystal pocalypse is starting Sarge's plan is to crash his truck into it he needs help with the tech thing so they bring in Dee job after last season dick decided to go find his place in the world and turns out it is as a douchebag Silicon Valley billionaire yeah he's kind of cheating using his knowledge of future tech to make sweet VR video games which includes a super sexy Daisy he's got to give Mac 10% of his company to not tell her deke meets his new crush though in the form of Sarge's teammates snowflake she's got him a psychopath who likes killing people with knives and saying they'll be reincarnated as butterflies but the deep Meister is not concerned about that he'll take what he can get anyway part of sargent plan he didn't tell them is that there's a nuclear bomb on his truck uses his portal gun to piece on out of there and hijack the shield plane so to save themselves in the nearby town quick gotta hold the bomb while they crash stabilizing it Mac not Sarge out and locks him up but the big guy and his team is gonna help him go on to isael ship their rescue Fitz and Simmons and CIL but when they get up there she's disappeared so after they all leave big guys going back solo she's still gotta be here somewhere boom boom blows up her ship so the day is saved make us to talk to Sarge but then shoots him afterward she has no memory of that wait what happened yes eyes L is a Body Snatcher they can't fight someone who keeps jumping between them and to prove that she means business she kills Davis Oh so what's I sell after anyway she's here for the obelisks they're all destroyed of course but their energy is still contained within the speaker it's arginine while is not dead in fact he is crazy healing powers he's fine he goes down there to finally kill isael but she is immune to bullets he drops a crazy truth bomb on him they're not enemies in fact they're the same species of interdimensional ancient Incan gods when they cross dimensions to get here the body of manifested for him was Coulson's because I guess Coulson's like spent time near the odd lists it's fake magical science don't worry too much about it but in any case he ended up with amnesia and thought that isael was his archenemy Sargent doesn't remember this though he still wants to kill her for you know destroying planets and stuff so she takes Mack and yoyo as hostages and pieces out of there Mei tries to get through Sarge she's starting to remember some of Coulson's memories but he's like no I hate that Coulson being killed though seems to awaken some of his superpowers stays he goes to take him out but he calls her sky something only Colson and I would still do so it's like home he because it really isn't there somewhere let's work together to stop Mizell and maybe we'll get him back so I cell has traveled to the Temple of Doom machan yo-yo accidentally manifests their friend Flint I guess because their fear is I thought would possess him and use him to rebuild the monoliths oh she's doing the ritual - whoa open the portal sergeant may are here to stop her now though he's gonna stab her with the sword of destiny but oh he can't yes just then he's remembered everything maze-like now Golson my love I know you're in there and he's like no I don't think so stabs May and kicks her through the portal meanwhile the chronic combs have decided that their time travel plan is too convoluted the best way to get a new planet is to conquer earth it's at Simmons in dire straits but oh what's this they're saved by their best friend Enoch in disguise so may is now in the underworld I guess and finds that death doesn't mean anything near the ancient priests are opening the door - I think the brenden fraiser mommy series they figured she'd better put a stop to that so I cells got to go in in person and they have a sword fight outside the rest of the gang confronts Sarge who is not human at all anymore max still thinks he can punch this ancient Incan God but it doesn't really work I shall beat me and comes back to help Sarge but o'may followed her through the portal stabbed she alley-oop throws the sword to Mack who a bow takes him out the portal closes and the day is saved although back in the Material Plane Mays died now but wait what's this Simmons shows up with like a whole team in hazmat suits she shoots me with the medicine to worry she'll be fine this whole thing is very surreal she's like sorry guys no time to explain cuz we got a teleport out of here where did they teleport to the questions not where it's when again cuz they're in 1920s New York this is all part of their new best friend Enochs complicated crazy plan to save humanity from the chronic comms and another key part of this crazy plan their team's missing their most important member they've made a life model decoy of Coulson yeah Coulson's back in a robot form the gangs time-traveling to the 1920s how will this wild ride come to an end find out on the seventh and final season of agents of shield if you let me is recap hit that subscribe button I'm doing the best recaps of deviant movies so don't miss out [Music]
Channel: Man Of Recaps
Views: 1,086,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel's agents of shield, season 7, final season, all seasons, full series, recap, explained, timeline, easter eggs, references, MCU, the snap, time travel explained, agent coulson, skye daisy johnson quake, quake in the MCU, theories, ending, review, cram it, agents of shield recap, agents of shield finale, final episode, ending explained
Id: 8FYEezYnTJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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