Aro Knits n Purls - Ep. 14 “Good News and Sad News”

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hi knitters welcome back to our knits and pearls i'm your host aro of orange and pearls oh i'm sorry if you saw this by the way um beans was a little too aggressive playing outside and like tugged and i fell and anyway um there are a few big things coming that i want to explain well i i really debated about whether or not to film a video this week at all i'm not really in a great headspace um for those of you who aren't on instagram or don't follow me on instagram to go over briefly this is like my seventh take because i keep crying so really briefly i'm going through a breakup that's it that's all i'm saying um [Music] i try to limit this channel to knitting content and not only can i not talk about it right now but also there's a lot of you who are just here for the yarn and knitting so i'm fine with that um that leads into my second thing which isn't linked it just happened to be at the same time i was planning on launching a patreon um just with the commitments that i had for work and just life in general it was really hard for me to keep doing this video every week like i was when i was starting so i'm launching a patreon um until i get in a better space i'm going to be filming every two weeks instead of every single week um and the patreon is also where i will talk about non-related things like there there will be knitting um content on there as well but um you'll also see me do my makeup and um certain tiers can vote on like next projects colors for next projects etc um i hope you'll at least check it out again no pressure i know financially a lot of people are struggling god knows i am um so yeah no pressure i just i wanted to have that option because i know some people want to know more about me as a person and it's fine if you don't i really take no offense if you're just human for the yarn um but yes so in terms of knitting i'm obviously wearing my cardigan from gregorio fibers from earlier this spring summer um again the link will be below to her website because she does have a website as well as ravelry account where you can purchase the pattern um uh something i need to talk to you guys about real quick so you know how i've been working on my design um there's been a lot of conversations recently among the designing slash knitting community about copying designs and i haven't even put out my first design yet so that hasn't happened to me yet thankfully but i did so you guys remember this um at the time it was called summer blooms by angelia devonne um a few like a week or so after this pattern released and i wore it in my last episode she sent all the testers an email asking us to like either take down our photos of it or change the tags change the ravelry project etc and she admitted in the email that she found this chart this color work chart online and she just um i guess modded a sweater pattern to fit the chart and the actual designer of the chart is called uh leia patech it's their umlauts over the a's i will again have this in the description but apparently this is actually called the tiro tira lotto sweater i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm not trying to mispronounce it it's just it's very different from american english i don't know how to pronounce it but i will write it in the description um anyway yeah so this this yolk pattern was just taken off of the internet and um i haven't worked with angelique before this was my first testament for her but it she she seems to be doing the right stuff to you know make amends for it but i think this raised like a really big issue in terms of like copying like because what was my responsibility as a test netter i didn't know that this design existed elsewhere and i is a test knitter supposed to research all these designs to see if there's something similar i don't know i i don't have any answers i know that i did change all the tags and hashtags on the photos on instagram change the ravelry um but um yeah so it makes me really scared about my own designs coming out because i'm like what if there's a polish just like none of them incorporate color work and i i personally would never find it find a chart online and then just use it and expect people not to know about it anyway anyway yes so i'm really scared like what if there's a polish or russian pattern that will look like my design i don't know but if it comes up that way then i think it would be my responsibility to just stop the test stop selling it and anjali has done that so props to her for again doing the bare minimum i think to make amends but it is a very strange time i think in the knitting slash designing community i'm hearing a lot of talk about this so that's why i brought up summer blooms i didn't want you guys to think that oh she's just gonna pretend it didn't happen um so that's that i do have a finished well i have a couple finished so you remember my puffy chunky sweater i actually did do the flowers um i'll give you a close-up i did a very very very simple embroidery on it just because i'm i wanted the texture to pop not really just the flowers and i'm happy with the way it turned out um i think i would do it again i i think i would add a bead like a little pearl bead in the center of the flowers just to make them pop more but i'm not sure when i'll do that because that requires some effort that i emotionally and mentally don't have right now and um yeah another finished project you guys will have seen my uh moonset tee from ozetta so this is like a true crop and you guys remember how i said i did the sleeves first which was super smart because this body is like hella short i actually what i'm going to do is i modded the sleeves to be shorter than the pattern suggests anyway but i'm going to rip out even like maybe an inch and then an inch on each sleeve and then add it to the body because this is like very cropped this is even more crop than the bessie crop that i did so i i don't think i will wear it comfortably if i don't add some more length and again this was just two skeins that i got um and because it is hand-dyed yarn and i don't have enough to like alternate skeins if i did want to alternate skeins i would like literally have to rip out a whole bunch and then add more anyway i don't want to do that so i'm just going to take off from the sleeves and add it to the body but it really was a fun construction again you can see that my neckline is off center but it's fine i don't mind it um you can also see the the error i made him picking up like seriously like a stitch just like came undone i have no idea what happened a stitch just came undone but it looks fine ish i mean it bothers me when i look at it just plain but when i'm wearing it and my hair covers a lot like it's fine yeah um but it's a fun pattern it seems like rosetta is designing a pullover in that style i think i would do it again that neckline was really interesting and i may incorporate something like that in my design i'm not 100 sure but yeah um i have a couple other tests so remember how i said um i only had one testament left and that was it for the year and i wouldn't sign up for any more i am a liar and you shouldn't believe a word i say basically because i signed up for two test nits like the day i recorded that episode so um update on the last one so i thought it was a secret chestnut for petite knitter and petite knitter is not to be confused with petite knits um petite knitter is a designer based in nineveh to canada in the arctic circle but um anyway so it's not a secret she's been posting it so that's good but this was in the um the colorway from craft me not yarnco pistache and the two mo hairs held together remember i talked about that uh this has fallen by the wayside because my brain can't handle a lot of things besides just straight knitting right now um but it's really pretty i'm really excited about it and you can see here the colors do go really well together i'm so glad that i decided to do that and it is nice to see a soothing mint green that's you know very different from my normal colors and i definitely just dropped two stitches of color work i will do that later it's been it's been a hell of a week y'all oh yes but i'm not going to talk about it because i'm not going to cry seriously i have done like this is my eighth take i just keep crying um then i have uh this one is an unnamed raglan right now we're calling it fall raglan because we have no name for it um but this is by flo knits again i'll link all the designers um but this is in the colorway duomo if you recall duomo was from explore knits and fibers i had a skin extra there we go sorry about that okay so duomo it was released last year as part of our italy collection with hello lavender and um this colorway was super popular like insanely popular and this is the stitch marker hello lavender designed to go with it not the pearl the pearl is something else um the stitch marker it's based on the duomo in italy and it's so gorgeous um i think this is like my first blue sweater of the year um and i'm calling this blue like obviously there is some like seashell pink incorporated into the color but it's mainly blue so i'm gonna call it my blue sweater um the hello lavender set included these like bookmarky looking ones in accompanying colors and they're really stunning i'm very happy with it i added the pearls just to keep track of the raglans and the pearls are from louise knits and again i will link um but yeah so far i'm really really close to sleeve separation so that's exciting that it's going quickly i use us6 needles and its fingering weight so it has a good amount of drape this was her mcn exploring it mcn base so cashmere is incorporated and it's extremely soft to the touch she picked a very good cashmere base but yeah i'm really happy with it so far again really close to sleeve separation just waiting to get there um the collar is actually worked after so in the pattern she has you cast on just knit and then you knit all the way down and then you go back and pick up for the the collar i went ahead and picked up for the collar now because in that construction um the collar because it's stuck in that tends to just roll and it looks really bad on camera and for the purposes of showing you guys what things look like in progress it made no sense for me to not do the collar so that's why it's already here i have noticed though that this pattern doesn't incorporate any short rows so the back will be the same as the front and that's fine i like i don't require every pattern to have it but wearability wise that may go into play like it'll just be more of a scoop neck in the back as well as the front so and that's fine for me i don't mind it because again i like loose things around my neck um but yeah just be aware again i will update you guys about this pattern when it gets closer to release i'm pretty far along for how soon the test just started but again i just i had the yarn lying around because i'm lucky like that and this is duomo uh skeened up so you can see actually this one's a little bit darker than the other so what i do i don't i don't alternate skins i know there's some dyers who will get very mad when i say that i don't alternate skins um generally i'll do like by eye i can tell which skeins are the more consistent like i start with the lighter skin for the for the yolk the lighter skin and then once it reaches sleeve separation and i'm just knitting in the round no raglan increases no nothing once i reach the body that's when i will alternate skeins if they are dark um just because the darker on the body the the way that your bust works if you have a more robust bust is that i'm gonna say sure um yeah so if you have like a bust like the natural shadows will kind of mask the uh darker switch and again i don't just like switch skeins completely i will try to alternate when it gets to the body if i have schemes that are visibly different then the medium scheme so this is the darkest scheme this is the lightest scheme and the medium scheme i use on the sleeves once i pick up for sleeves and i found that generally i i will not alternate skeins on a sleeve it's just annoying um and generally i've never seen an issue um like the this one though the tyroloto the one that it's in the description yeah um i didn't alternate a single scene on this so yeah it works it works for me it develops you have to develop an eye for the colors um and sometimes schemes obviously can be misleading like if you look at it from here it's like oh it's light it's perfect but there's actually a huge dark chunk here much darker than any of the others so i highly recommend while you're if you just want to avoid alternating skeins as a more inexperienced knitter like undo the skein and lay it out so you can see that way none of the twists hide stuff because me i can i can see it really easily but that's because i've been knitting for like 14 years you know so yeah um [Music] i will say if you are a beginner knitter and you're using hand-dyed yarns i would suggest alternating skeins until you develop a color sense but i'm not the knitting police i'm not going to tell you what to do i'm just telling you what has worked for me the next project i'm going to show you is another test for uh rachel knits things rachel kurihara i really really love her designs you may have seen her recent design the lazy daisy cardigan come out and it's a similar construction to this i think a little simpler actually and it's quite lovely everybody says that i should make one but i i'm i don't want to make more guardians remember rachel is also the one who designed and i didn't finish cleo because i'm so sick of cardigans like this one this one cardigan of the year that was enough that was plenty plenty of cardigans i just don't like knitting flap and i say that but this majority is knitted flat right now so this works the same way almost as the moonset tee you cast on back end and it's uh almost a trapezoid shape as well you keep knitting down you do short rows across all the way across so many short rows until you get to the ends yes beans i agree it was a lot of short rows sorry he's right there and then then you pick up for the shoulders and again picking up i'm getting much much better at it there are little gaps that's from the short rows actually um it'll come out in blocking it won't be visible and once you pick up for the shoulders the shoulders they were knit separately and then you join a little bit short rows here and then you join here and again this is like the raglan that i was just showing you there's there was no collar on this um in the instructions i did the collar a little early because again i wanted to show you guys what it looks like this is like a faux neck collar so it's like it stands up just slightly and i tried it on because you guys know i hate tight things around my neck but you can see here how loose it is so um this is not going to be super tight on my neck i think it'll just be a nice cozy look um yeah so construction wise i have no complaints it's pretty easy to do if you're familiar with this construction i will say i'm gonna suggest some changes in the learning for rachel because the instructions themselves were a little bit convoluted even for me and i know this construction now um but anyway i will i'll work on that and i'm sure other testers will give her great feedback as well but yeah so now i'm going to knit straight down all the way until this reaches the same length as the back the back you can already see is done by quite a few inches the front has quite a way to go so yeah once i get to the same length that's when i will then join in the round and i will say goodbye to purling like that's what i'm looking forward to i want to be done with purling but yeah um the yarn is gorgeous i'll show you the back because it's more continuous in stockinette and i think you can see colors better in stockinette um this is champagne from suburban stitcher if you recall i think i showed you guys when i got the male hair in and it's so beautiful like there's such a depth of color to this and the sheen it really is just like a peachy glow it's really gorgeous and i'm very happy that i have this in my stash to use uh the pattern suggested originally just a dk yarn and i chose instead to do fingering in mohair because dk i can get a sweater in five skeins whereas mohair fingering i will use up six skeins total so i'm trying to minimize the stash right now like i'm really trying you guys um so yeah that's why colors may be different here you'll notice um and i'm using 16s for this project so yeah um i haven't bought yarn really i've been good about the the fast mostly i think i told you guys about the wandering flock order but it hasn't been delivered yet but i am aware of so i'm just waiting patiently not that i need it um yeah the the breakup is rough it's really rough we share you know a one bedroom i'm gonna keep the apartment um because i've paid for the apartment so at least i have that um really sucks um yeah uh please go check out my patreon once i start uploading things um once i stop having like a super crazy puffy face from crying i will do a makeup tutorial i'll talk about um projects i want to cast on next for my portland trip and let you guys help me pick out colors um yeah anyway uh thanks for stopping in this week i'm sorry this one's a kind of short one too i just i don't have a lot of headspace right now um thank you again um yeah bye everybody
Channel: Aro X
Views: 6,115
Rating: 4.9435296 out of 5
Keywords: knitting, knitting podcast
Id: e5Rmtivl2Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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