Aro Knits n Purls Ep. 3 - "Fat Stack of Sweaters"

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hi everybody welcome to arrow knits and pearls episode three um episode three because true crime knit night is going to be separate and distinct from my regular podcast um and that's so people who don't like true crime content or are particularly sensitive to true crime content um those don't get intermixed so it's episode three of my regular knitting podcast where i just talk about yarn stuff i knit normal knitting stuff and not murder um really quickly i just want to say thank you uh i went into this experiment where i'm filming just myself talking about my knitting um i went into it with zero expectations i really i really did and you guys have blown me away like every week i think i'm almost at like a thousand views on one of my videos and i have like 350 subscribers on youtube which is just staggering considered i really didn't expect a single subscriber so thank you truly um again i've said it before and i'll say it again i would die for every single one of you um yeah so thank you i am in a weird mood i'll just be honest about it um it's almost mother's day um this is my first year without my mom um for those of you who don't know i lost my mom uh last year two days after christmas uh so this is going to be my first everything without her and um i know it's silly but like the idea of mother's day it's just throwing me off so i'm apologize i'm going to try and not think about it i'm going to be upper and think about you know my knits um so if i seem weird to you like i'm sorry and i beg your patience i'm just trying to work through it okay thank you uh i'm going to talk about things i bought recently and then i'm going to talk about things i'm finished recently and things i'm working on and you can't see but i'm like pointing distinctly at them and i think it's going to help me like remember things it doesn't but um and then i'll go into my knits of last year so that's what today's episode is going to be about it's my 2020 knits okay so really quickly stuff i bought i have stitch markers so this first set is from sable and stoneco obviously uh they're crystals or some kind of rock i don't really know the difference between a rock and a crystal other people know more than me but um they're really beautiful i really like the rectangular shape of them i thought it was um unique to compared to a lot of the stuff i've seen out there which is you know traditionally like you do the beads the little round circles which i love i have a lot of those but um i wanted something a little bit more unique this time and i found it she has a ton of sets that are just stunning on her etsy and again as always i will link everybody below dyers designers makers so definitely you should get one of these sets because i kind of want like three more of her sets but i don't need that many stitch markers but at the same time i feel like i do you know you know how it goes um but it's really it's really beautiful yeah then the next stitch marker set which um if you guys haven't heard about her i would be shocked not appalled but shocked um this is hello lavender i use her a lot reshma is a magician with clay and this was from the mean pearls collection which was based on mean girls obviously and um this one if the camera will autofocus is um the candy cane set called you go glenn coco and obviously it's from the scene where um damian comes in and he's like you go glenn coco and he gives glenn coco four of the little candy cane valentine things i forgot what they were even related to but um like i was saying i lost my mom near christmas time and um i love the holidays it's one of my favorite times of the year so i am trying to shore up happy things for preparation for the holiday season so i think maybe if i have lovely knits with this cute little candy cane stitch marker i will think happy thoughts instead of sad ones so that's my game plan um really quickly i'll go into new yarn so this is hypothesis yarns in the colorway royal she chrissy is based out of canada and you guys know me i try not to buy too much international because i i spend a lot of money on shipping if when i do that but chrissy's yarns are really gorgeous and um there are some dyers that are just worth it and she's one of them and i got royal i got a bunch of schemes of this i got four to pair it with this skein for a carlina pattern um you know the floral color work pattern i'm really excited this is a woolberry fiber company obviously and this colorway is called christmas in the city this was one of her uh schemes for the sunday advent i believe is what she chose to call it so the idea behind a sunday advent is that you get four full schemes instead of a bunch of minis and you open one a week in the month of december and i love the way these play together i'm really excited about using them so that's that then also from hypothesis yarns i was one of the very very lucky people who got sweater quantity of the naturalist um again by hypothesis this colorway was one of her most popular in her recent update which she said she was surprised by and i can't understand how you could be surprised because this color was so stunning you know it was made for me um which i shared i shared this on my instagram because it was so stunning i couldn't help but not um so if you guys are seeing it again i'm sorry but also not sorry because it's really beautiful and it's so me like pink speckly come on like had the baby um yes and then the last batch of well actually no there's two batches of yarn i'll show you so the other one is more wandering flock i mean are you surprised i have so much of this i have four skeins and i have no idea what i'm going to make with it um it's the colorway is called rainbow sherbet sherbet so you guys can see the deets obviously i'll link uh her etsy below i link it all every week i feel like because i talk about her all the time but um i'm really excited about it i it kind of reminds me of um was her name esmeralda in hunchback of notre dame notre dame don't don't hate me i almost went to notre dame the school and they pronounced it that way did you guys know that for those of you who are french like the university in america that's called notre dame is actually pronounced notre dame which is awful but i almost went to their law school um but i do it's really beautiful um yes uh i don't remember how i got on that tangent esmeralda that's right it reminds me of the colors of basmatilla i don't know if i'm making that up but in my brain that's how that's how it works um finally i have shared uh one of this before so i've shared this on my instagram before y'all know i love ame la biename is it la bienname la bono i don't speak french i've told you guys before and i'll say it again i don't know french um french pronunciation seems to me like it breaks all the rules but that's just because i don't know their rules um but it's a variegated colorway obviously it's called peshmigno which i believe is peach if i'm mispronouncing that i'm sorry but i think i got mignon right um and it's really pretty but i was i got this from the hill country weavers uh virtual retreat when they were featuring amaze yarn which i'm so excited about um but i didn't know what i was gonna make with it i just got two teens because it's stunning um then stress knits you know stacy l stone whom i adore you guys know that came out with this color um this colorway is called apricot and i obviously got a mohair um but it's more peach than her it's my jam colorway it's my jam it's definitely more pink than peach and i think held together it's going to blend the speckles and variegation really well into creating a more cohesive fabric in terms of color so i'm very excited about it and i'm obsessed with this color now stacy you're doing amazing i love you yes um so that's yarn i bought stitch markers i bought now i can talk about finished object i literally just posted about this on my instagram so if you are seeing this again sorry not sorry i love it and i'm especially proud of it because i don't knit cardigans you guys know i don't knit cardigans you gotta knit back and forth it's flat and just purling like who is time for that that's just my opinion but um this again is the gabrielle cardigan summer version for gregoria fibers this is in gregoria fibers yarn cotton merino which is 70 cotton 30 merino and i love the feel of it it's like a softer linen i guess is the best way to describe it it blocked out beautifully and i'm really proud of this because for those of you who don't know um i am bad at picking up stitches like in my knit groups and circles i was always like screaming when i had to pick up stitches because i was so bad at it they never looked even but um this year i've really spent a lot of time and attention on working on this skill and i think i've improved a lot i'm so proud of it um yes it fits really comfortably i'm going to wear it open i just like it the look of it hung up when you can see the buttons it really just it makes a world of difference when you do so on the buttons and i procrastinated so i'm not about this for a really long time so it look it looks good it looks good um i'm gonna wear this on the beach when i go visit my cousin in california next week i got my second dose two weeks ago so i'm at full immunity baby um so i'm really excited it's gonna be perfect for the beach i think especially with the cotton anyway uh yes and what i was saying about picking up stitches that being something i was working on like some people have reached out to me saying like they find my knits really inspiring and for a maker i think that's the greatest thing i've ever heard because i always look to designers and dyers and other knitters just on ravelry and i'm like so inspired by their choices like how would they even come up with that like that's incredible i want to do that so the idea that somebody could look at what i do and find that inspiring like it's like it's the best feeling in the world truly um but i've also heard from some people that they're like oh my god your knits are so inspiring but i could never do what you do like you're so advanced and i just want to quickly say like i don't feel like i'm an advanced knitter at all i am a fast knitter i i will admit that i'm a fast knitter but if you told me i was an advance center i'd say which i am saying now like i'm not um i learned how to do everything on my own pretty much except for knitting purling casting on and casting off my mom taught me that when i was nine but like everything else in knitting i taught myself i taught myself through youtube um through reading tutorials so i often feel like i am making things up as i go along um like i think people struggle with that a lot like they you feel like an imposter um maybe that's what i'm struggling with imposter syndrome but i really don't think that's it because there's definitely things in knitting where i found that it works for me it may not work for other people so that's really what i want to stress that even if you're like just starting out with knitting um you're not doing things the wrong way nobody else is doing things the right way you we're all just learning as we go along that's what i love so much about knitting that i'm always learning and always improving um i just want to make that clear so everybody knows how i feel i'm not an advanced knitter if anyone tells you they're an advanced nerd i don't know i'm an experienced knitter i'll say i'm i'm an experienced knitter but i would never call myself an advanced knitter i'm still a student of the fiber arts just like you um speaking of learning so in this test knit which i did share on my instagram but i'm so obsessed with it i have to share with you guys again um [Music] this is the sea glass tea by woolen pine and again woolen pine is the collaboration designed super house between um dank fiber and abby knits and i'm obsessed with this uh this uses up a bunch of colors i'm using up like 20 colors but they're all scraps and um it's one by one color work so it kind of it almost looks woven at the end of it and like if you look at the back it really does look woven sorry you can see my ends hanging out there like it's really pretty i'm obsessed with it um i love the way it's working out i love the fact that i'm stash busting it makes me feel a lot less guilty about buying so much yarn um yeah but it's really gorgeous obviously i'm going with a pastel palette um just because that's the minis and random skeins and leftovers that i have that's my palette so it works out um some people i know are using even more colors than i am because they just have a lot of minis especially if you buy advents i don't buy advents pretty much ever last year's woolbury sunday advent with the full schemes was the first time i ever did it um i don't really buy a lot of minis i know people who buy a ton and have a ton and i'm mainly talking about my friend megan kimchi i'm talking about you yes you she has a ton of minis y'all it's crazy um but anyway if you have ever gotten an advent and been like okay what do i do with these like this is what i recommend the sea glass tea it's really fun it's so fun and don't be intimidated by all these ends actually what this pattern does it you use the magic knot method which creates a very very secure knot like it's not going to come out but the reason i'm leaving them all just hanging out is because i want to get like one of those uh anti-fray glues not glued maybe just a binding agent but um it basically prevents the fibers from fraying just because i'm very paranoid about all the hard work i've put into it coming undone that i'm going to first apply the anti-fraying glue on the knots before i cut the end super short and then it will essentially be a seamless net like like that's that's where it is like obviously it's gonna be even neater once i block everything out and tuck in the knots a little bit but like yeah it's really gorgeous um yeah don't be intimidated by all those ends you will not have to weave them in i am not weeping in ends on this and i i really am happy with it if you can't tell like super happy um so that's what i'm working on sea glass tea and the sea glass tea you will see if you look very closely you would see lots of colors making a reappearance in my fat stack of fat fat stack of sweaters and that brings me to the meat of today's video i'm going to talk about my knits of 2020. now i feel like i would be remiss if i didn't talk about what 2020 was which was a hellscape like let's be real um emotionally and uh psychologically i think i handled it a lot better than most the people in my life because i i already tend to be introverted um i already spent most of my free time knitting so the only thing that changed for me was where i was i was in my last semester of law school in austin texas but when the pandemic hit i decided to go spend it with my family who live in rural oklahoma rural if i can pronounce that rural um yeah country countryside oklahoma um and for those of you who are not from the us and don't know oklahoma is like the middle of nowhere there's not really anything to do um it's it's country life um but it really worked out for me because that way i could focus on spending time with my family and knitting which i did a lot of so yeah uh i was in a great space um but then like i mentioned two days after christmas my mom died last year so 2020 for me is always going to be linked with that loss and not necessarily um the loss of being able to go out to eat and going out to coffee shops which was my past time when i lived in austin but um anyway it did give me a lot of free time to knit and i know for some people who are um in the pandemic they felt that they couldn't knit they couldn't be creative it we all respond to stress and trauma differently and that's not i i don't choose that word lightly but what the pandemic is was is trauma like our kids are gonna grow up like traumatized by this memory um so i don't if you feel like you had an especially hard year last year like you did it wasn't made up you're not making it up like it was hard so i see you you know if you weren't able to knit and be creative that's okay i went the opposite way just because the illusion of being productive was so important to me that that's how i expressed myself like that's we all approach things differently but anyway that's my long tangent just to say like it was a hard year we're out of that year we're in this year and hopefully it won't be as terrible it's hard for me to imagine a worse year honestly at this point but anyway um i'll start chronologically this is all chronological um i knit actually 23 sweaters in 2020 and my private goal to myself well i i actually i did share it with other people because i wanted to other people to hold me accountable because i wasn't really sure that i could do it my goal was 20 sweaters in 2020 which is why i started using the hashtag like uh 20 for 2020 i think it was um i stopped using it halfway through because i realized i was gonna make my goal like easily and i did i knit 23 sweaters um one of them isn't here because it was a gift so it's a waze um but yeah so always tell people your goals um it will help you once you like vocalize it to other people it actually helps motivate you to make it happen um that's a psychological trick and so so i do the same thing this year i will tell you my goal everybody is 25 sweaters because i knit 23 last year i could do 25 but i am taking a little bit easier this year because i had a couple tank tops and i am including those um so it's all projects that i cast on and cast off this year and i think i'm at 11 maybe 12. i'm i'm on schedule so i'm really excited about it um but anyway let's go back in time to january january 2020 i started and finished the sun ray s-o-n-r-a-e if i'm pronouncing that right sun ray sun ray um but it's by knit love wool or jen stein glass i adore knitting for jen she's one of the designers who i tested it for that really challenged my idea of what i could do when i first tested it for her it was on the mid coast i believe and it was like a three week deadline and i was like i don't think that i can do this because i had never knit something monogamously that quickly before so i didn't know how quickly i could knit and i really was unsure of myself i didn't think i could do it but i wanted to try and challenge myself and i finished that one in 10 days so i realized like oh i can do it like yeah so always chat be willing to challenge yourself um you may surprise yourself and the sun ray that i did this one is it's beautiful i gave it to my mom but she never actually wore it because she said it was so pretty that she would feel horrible something happened to it um the yarn that i used is magpie fiber swanky sock i don't remember the um colorway names but it's definitely on my ravelry so if you guys are so inclined you can look at it there but i love this pattern i i'm in love with the variegation and then the contrast color see it like it really is stunning and i'm very happy with it um and that was january um also in january beginning february was the hardest knit of my life this is the illusionist by unwind knitwear um the designer behind it her name is rachel unwin knitwear um she's based out of the uk and this her pattern incorporates a fade as well as color work as you can see kind of here and this contrast color like the actual color work it actually uses two color ways so in this middle sections here i was literally using four colors at a time so it was definitely my most challenging knit and i felt way in over my head i didn't feel as confident with color work as i do now but it i knew it was going to be beautiful so i really really really pushed myself and i'm so glad that i did because it's really it's stunning um the fade that i used is la bien ame um this is the fade that she used i think for her for a cozy classic raglan i could be misremembering but again it's on my ravelry like all these colors are it's a fade that she came up with i know for a fact that the top color is winter the pinky gray color here is fiori which you know it's gorgeous um yeah i wish i could remember every colorway including the contrast color that i used i don't unfortunately again this was last year um and i've had many many knits since then but it really is a stunning pattern it was challenging but so worth it because i am probably the most proud of this knit and you guys have seen this i wore it for my true crime midnight my first episode this is called the kolwa sweater um the designer is indie bell fibers and you can see the little detail on the hems like the little colorwork details i love this sweater it fits like a glove and the fiber that i use the yarn that i used is julie aslan vino and i bought it at hill country weavers so if you're looking for an american supplier stockist that's where i got mine and i really do love the way this turned out um yeah it's simple color work it has a little bit of texture added to it like you could see here the little pearl stitches um i'm very much in love with this sweater it's very comfortable and cute and then i talked about this sweater a lot in my last episode but this is twill and prince morning cup sweater like i said this was her first sweater design and i think she did a phenomenal job like i added i chose to add in the little gold trim and i chose to add in um the tea bags as well she designed it thinking it was coffee cups and did not um she didn't incorporate a tea bag but i wanted to because i drink tea more than i drink coffee um but i really do love the way this turned out like i told you guys last time this main color is october house in the colorway blueberry trifle as a uk dyer she really did pick a uk name trifle i really love it i love icy blues um this is the first appearance of the life in the long grass pink antique you could see the little sheep heads and the smoke rising out or steam rising out yeah i love this pattern tiffany did a great job designing it and if you haven't gotten a copy i highly recommend it because it's really cute then i have this is wildflower by the petite knitter so petite knitter not to be confused with petite knits i run into a lot of people who get them confused and don't realize they're distinct the petite knitter is based in the arctic she is living there with her husband i believe and um it's gorgeous she's in a she's an incredible designer i try to test knit for her as many times as i can i've done quite a few and this sweater was actually my first time using one it was my first time using knitting for all of mohair which you guys know i'm a huge fan of but this is my first all mo hair sweater ever and i didn't realize it but mo hair butters you're not gonna ruin this video too sorry guys my dog is complaining at me to let her outside onto the patio just to sunbathe and um i don't know how to edit videos so if you hear her randomly grunting like a little piggy that's what's going on and um i didn't think mohair could do color work really well but it really i love it um the white color is obviously cloud again it makes a reappearance that's my favorite color this reddish color is called forest berry and i've seen um schemes of forest berry look more pink um i've but the ones that i got my batch was definitely more red and it turned out perfectly for what i wanted but if you do order forest berry just be aware that it can look more pink than this does um the gray is not knitting for olive however the gray is uh ito kinu kinu is the line ito is the brand um and that's that's a japanese company and the colorway is goat if you look very closely actually there's like specks of gold the silk that they use to bind the grey mohair is actually a gold silk so i think it adds a beautiful depth to it but i really do love this um and it taught me to kind of broaden the way i thought about color work that you can incorporate mole hair and it will look beautiful if you do um yeah i really do love this pattern it's very luxurious and it makes me feel like i'm being wrapped up in a hug which who doesn't need more of of course you guys have seen this before i wore this in my very very first episode and i did have a french viewer tell me i pronounced it correctly you show leafler so thank you very much i'm shocked that it was correct again the pink is a one-of-a-kind scheme from ottoman indigo the main color is hedgehog sock in the colorway dew i do uh own quite a bit of hedgehog sock even though it's pretty much commercial at this point because i like the twist and when you can see the schemes in person you can really gauge whether or not they'll be consistent so i just i really like the way it turned out this one i am not as happy with the way it turned out one so the love note this is the love note obviously by tin can knits i love the pattern but i think i could do a better job with the lace i i'm not happy with how the leaves turned out um do you see like the big bumps at the bottom there i'm not happy with it um also this yarn is a big old mystery i know the mo hair that i held with it this was ito kinu in the colorway silver but the mavi maroon color i have no idea what it is it was in my stash it was probably six or seven years old and i had lost the the round tag that goes around it the label that went around it um so i have no idea what it is and i think this pattern would be much better suited for a solid color rather than this slightly variegated color so i'm still to this day reconsidering whether or not to rip out yes even though it would be painful i'm thinking about ripping out so that i can reclaim this yarn and just do a simple stockinette because i think it would look better as simple as vodka net but that's just my opinion i haven't decided whether or not i will do it because when am i really ever gonna have the time to undo a sweater and re-knit it right with a test schedule that i have um this one is called leafy love by joe karina this is another joe corina um of course yo the fleur is jokarina i told you guys last time but i signed up for jolie fleur and then she released this one for testing and i messaged jill and i was like jill like can i please do both because i'm in love with both and you know i'm good you know i can finish and she's like yeah yeah yeah and i'm really glad that i asked because i really loved the way it turned out um obviously it's a leaf motif i chose this contrast color um because it reminded me of maple and fall even though this was a spring knit um but the main color is a yak yarn um i believe it's from hill country levers they're in-house yak yarn i love it it's so soft i understand why it's so expensive as a fiber because it really is just gorgeous to the touch and the contrast color is named mother ginger and i really do adore this color i want another sweater in it because normally i don't want more than one sweater in a single color because i i want diversity i want variety in my knits but this color is really just stunning um and that's my sugar plum circus i buy a lot of jensen's yarn so i highly recommend her yes and then this one i have a couple short sleeves here this one was my cactus crop by boho chic fiber co and again i'll link everybody if i'm mispronouncing or misremembering their names this was a while ago um this was exactly almost one year ago actually there's some wrinkles in the fabric because i haven't taken out my summer knits in quite some time obviously because it's only just getting into summer but the main color is pearl soho linen quill the green color is stash that i had left over for years and years this pink color pink red is leftover quince and co turn um and the gold you see here i decided to add that in as a design element it was just a plain pot but i thought it would look cuter with a little stripe and it does it looks super cute and i've seen other people incorporate it as well after they saw my test so that was really flattering um but this gold color is used in my tool and print sheep sweater that i just showed you as the tea bag and the little squiggly on the sleeve so you will see i try to incorporate scraps wherever i can um but yeah i really love it i didn't realize that i was really dumb i ordered linen quill thinking this is perfect for a summer knit because it uses linen but i didn't realize it also incorporates alpaca which obviously is a very warm fiber um so it's not really a summer in it but it looks really cute so yeah uh then i have another short sleeve this one is the intersecting tee again by unwind knitwear this one is rather large it turned out very large and um i think it's just because i maybe blocked it too aggressively but that's because i had to even out this and even now you can see the the odd shape to the sleeve versus the color work yolk and this is a problem that was dealt with after testing so if you get the pattern now that issue won't be there and you're welcome it's because uh kelly of the red pansy and i provided feedback that the way that the pattern was written at the time and testing was like you were increasing along the the neckline here you could see the yoke increases but then there was only one increase in the entire chart for color work but then you increased a bunch right after with the sleeve so essentially you were creating a shape that was like this which is not a flattering look on a yoke maybe on a body but not on a yoke um so rachel took our feedback and she incorporated more increases into the colorwork chart as far as i know so you won't run into this issue if you get the pattern but that's why you test or that's why designers want people to test so that people like us like me and kelly will call that out um the main color is lichen and lace i believe in the colorway lace or antique lace i think it was but um you could see the difference in the two schemes here i did alternate a little bit so it kind of looks like a fade even though i didn't intentionally mean for that um i'm just happy the way it turned out this main cut or the contrast color you see here is that same mauvy mystery scheme from uh the love note that i showed you just a second ago so again i am always trying to use up my scraps um that was before sea glass or anyone thought that you could come up with a entirely scrappy tea from you know scraps um i'm not very eloquent today forgive me then this one i believe is called woods wood smoke wood smoke and it's just a classic yolk sweater but um the yarn that i used i really i really love this knit fabric first off the yolk sweater even though it's just a classic fit it's very comfortable it's easy to knit and it was fun to knit because i knew i was always going to wear it um this colorway is called hubble like the hubble telescope from wildwood fibers april she's out of pacific northwest and she does great stuff with the arm truly and i love the speckles in this so much like it's a it knits up beautifully right and the mo hair i held double with and i'm sorry if you hear background noise there was a very loud motion about just driving by um the mohair that i held it with is shibuy knits uh silk cloud that's their mohair line and it was just they're white um they have an undyed color that's more off-white but this is their white so i think it helped preserve like the brightness of this shade and i really love it um it's very comfortable very easy okay um next is the misti jumper misty jumper by uh irene lynn she is a designer based out of i believe taiwan and she does incredible stuff but misty jumper is super cute this is in dk weight the main color is stress knits ophelia like it's this gorgeous like pinkish tan with speckles of green and green blue pink yellow it's just it's stunning my mom would watch me as i knit this and just marvel at how pretty it was and it is it's really stunning and obviously there's mo hair along the collar so it it has this very feminine ethereal look to it it made me feel like a woodland fairy when i wore it um yeah it's really stunning oh the mohair is knitting for olive uh obviously they're silk mohair um but in the colorway i believe dusty rose is what i did but yeah it's really pretty it's really cute um originally i made it for my mom but she never wore it that was her thing she always asked for the stuff i knit and i would give it to her but she never wore it because she didn't want them to get ruined um i when i cleared out her things after she passed i found all the knits that i'd made her um just safely tucked away and she had kept little cedar sachets in them because i told them i told her that you needed to take good care of these knits and she did but i think she took too good care of them because she never wore them then i have another short sleeve this is the summer sorrel which is another woolen pine design and this was the first time i ever learned about this dip stitch you can see here and it was just a fun summer knit i'm really glad that i signed up for this because again willem pine always teaches me to new techniques that i normally would not learn on my own such as this dip stitch i just had a lot of fun and i also learned the i-cord cast on which was new to me i'm really happy with how it turned out it's very cute the colorway that i use uh i don't recall the name but i know it's by zoe nicole or um as she's better known felicity yarn studio she also has a youtube as well so if you want to check her out i highly recommend it she has gorgeous yarn and she does super cute things with speckles i i love her yarn i bought a bunch of it last year and i will continue to um i just i've been buying a lot of yarn you know everybody in their order right but um summer sorrel by wollon pine super cute and then so this was okay so i have a bunch of summer knits that are left still summer was long and it like they use heavy weights like this the celosius by uh knit love wool or genstein glass celosius was in dk and this was in the middle of june so it was very hot i took the finished object photo outside outdoors because the lighting was nice but i was sweating you know um but sorry um the main color is blushing botanist by uh less traveled yarn or traveling yarn i always get confused because the website says one thing but they call themselves traveling yarn anyway they're great i love them a husband wife duo they're great um blush and botanist um the contrast color here you see is actually left over ophelia from the misti jumper that i just showed you um like i said i'm always trying to use up scraps and this was really cute i thought because ophelia looked so um earthy and like woodland-like that it really fit well with the blush and botanist i thought in terms of theme and also color it looks really nice um but yes that's celosius by genstein glass then i have another hot knit that i knit when it was hot this is sun up on 82nd by jp knits things uh i don't want to mispronounce her name i know it's jennifer perrocchia i don't want to mispronounce it but jp knits things against i'll i'll link people um the yarn that i got the etsy user was named chip knits but i haven't seen their shop post anything yet um which is a damn shame because i really really love these speckles do you see that um yeah i got a set of speckle sock and mohair and it was just gorgeous like it was gorgeous and the details on the sun up by the way are really excellent like you can see here the sleeve detail like under there it was interesting to knit it looks nice and because of these the raglan increases which incorporate like texture it just really does look special even with a more plain yarn which this is even though it has speckles it's pretty solid color you know but sun up on 80 second this was a great one as well i really love it um i'm still just obsessed with that look at that fabric so pretty okay um the next one is by jessica m mcdonald another one so you'll remember jessica m i did her um woods milk this one is called desert spring this is another almost classic design but i love the lace bit that's incorporated in the yolk like you can see here up close the colorway is a fox by sugar plum knits or sugar plum fibers yarn sure sugar plum circus oh my god sorry wow i'm really embarrassed that you guys have to see that so sugarplum circus um in the colorway fox and i really love it it blocked out beautifully um i'm just super happy with it 100 love it then i have i showed you guys this last time and i know you guys have seen it a bunch so my criterion um the main colorway is yoshi and lucy um they're named after her her cats i believe yoshi and lucy the contrast color is held together mo mohair one from birch fiber company which was i believe her hot pants her mom's hot pants and the other color there's actually if you look closely there's a little depth to the pink it's not just one tone but the darker pink is chasing rabbits who is local to texas so i got that and again my ravelry has all the colorway information because i made it at the time i don't just live with the knowledge of the colorways in my brain at all times maybe when i'm in a better head space but um anyway this is mari tau maori tau i don't i don't want to mispronounce it because it is an indigenous word i'm the designer arohanitz she is maori and um i adore her work and i was so i felt so lucky to be included in this destiny really i truly did so a lot of her designs are inspired by traditional maori uh elements design elements and um i love her also it gets confusing because for those of you who don't know my full name is ro han and uh her like i said her her handle is aroha knits uh so a lot of people will message me thinking i'm her i don't think she gets the same problem reverse but it is very interesting anyway i love her uh the yarn that i used is hedgehog fibers typewriter and this was stash yarn that i had for literally seven years before i used it yeah so seven years old yarn finally used it it looks i really love the way it looks and this contrast color the pink is actually left over for my son up on 82nd again see i'm always trying to use up stash um and this cable detail is actually like you don't need a cable needle to do it because it's just a single strand at a time that you're cabling i really love the way that it work looked at um i just it's really cute it's the honeycomb look if i was making another one i would want obviously a gold honeycomb but i tried to find a contrast color to gold that i really liked and i couldn't do it other than just navy and i thought that was just too basic too predictable um then i have my is this golden fern no golden fern is another one hold on i'm going to look up the name to this because i don't want to get it wrong it's always embarrassing to get it wrong oh goldwing so i knew there was a gold in it okay so goldwing this is another knit level pattern i knit a lot of her stuff um this was actually made as a shop sample for blazing needles when i lived when i worked there um during the holiday season and this was done in madeleine tosh vintage which is her worsted face and the colorways i have forgotten but they're really pretty um i really like it i i got it back as a shop sample instead of getting paid for it so you know it worked out okay um but i really i really love it um it's it it's dense it's heavy like i used a lot of yarn for this but no regrets just i love it and in the winter time it's perfect like obviously fall as well because the orange is so suited for fall um this one is the tweety dip stitch by annie haas another annie haas pattern you can see the little dip stitches here i actually decided to experiment so the yarn itself is hedgehog fibers um the tweety base obviously from the name um i decided to experiment a little bit and when it was blocking i decided to put it in the dryer just for a few minutes like 10 minutes to let it kind of felt um i chose to do this because i wanted to see how the little slubby bits would incorporate the little tweed bits would incorporate and actually the tweed bits for those of you who haven't worked with tweety before just a heads up it doesn't look like the neon tweed bits have been treated or and pre-washed because there was bleeding that occurred when i wet blocked it so if you are blocking um a tweety work i recommend steam blocking or just very very light misting because when i just soaked it it definitely did bleed but it actually looks good i think and the light felting look i really i i don't mind on this um i have sweater quantity of tweety for another project eventually and i won't felt that one this was just an experiment it's just an experiment and i'm i'm happy with the way it looks and it's super cute i wear it over a denim dress um it's it's nice so now guys we are an hour in we are at like the last two of 20 20. um this one is alder cove alder cove by samantha guerin designs and again i'm sorry if i mispronounce your names i do love you all uh she's a great designer samantha we talked a lot about this i actually um i got the yarn from lavender loon lavender loon and that was the suggested yarn but um the colorway that i got was a little bit more skin toned than i expected um but it actually worked out perfectly because at the same time shelly can started her um what was it like flesh toned knit along i don't even remember naked naked knit along or something um but it's very flesh-toned like it's literally my flesh tone and um it turned out really well actually it looks really cute on um and i'm i'm happy i got it because i got to you know be part of that make along and also have this cute pattern um made up and this was my first time using slub by itself and that's when i realized i don't like the look of crinkly yarn i would rather not use slub by itself um so that's the only thing i would change if i was doing this again i would hold it with you know a lace or something just to make it look a little bit less crinkly like you can see the crinkles you know what i mean it's it's a minut detail just something i learned as i was working with it um the last knit of 2020 is this is the golden fern uh this is obviously another knit level pattern uh this was her 2021 new year pattern she released it on new year's and we started testing in december for it the main color is this gorgeous peachy tan um peachy pink with rainbow speckles which you guys know is everything i love um but that's from casual fashion queen in a one-of-a-kind color way she called mooly grass and um i adore it it's stunning the contrast color is magpie um i don't remember the colorway but it was a gift from my friend kiki of you not me knits oh you not me you not me and um as part of the fiber swap we did and it just went really well with the muli grass color so it ended up perfect this was the knit that i was working on i had actually finished this knit and i got and i was done blocking at everything i just needed to take model uh photos of it when my mom passed so i didn't um feel up to modeling this photo of this sweater for a very very long time just because of all the memories it carried which is silly you know um but yeah but the yarn really is stunning like if she could make more of this i would buy more of it absolutely because i really love this color um so yeah this has definitely been my longest video um if you guys have watched every single one of them i'm sorry if it got repetitive i know there was a lot of sweaters again um i'm hoping to do 25 sweaters this year so we'll see if that happens um but truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for watching all my videos for sending me messages and sharing like i have appreciated all of it um the knitting community i only started getting my instagram my knitting instagram is only three years old and it's really plugged me into a lot like it's introduced me to a lot of people a lot of great people that i consider friends and um when my mom passed it was like one of my only outlets um to connect with people uh and i've shared it on my instagram before but my my mom is the one who taught me to knit so um she when i did it feels um like we're we're connected still i'm sorry um so thank you for watching um for every one of you like have happy mother's day you know reach out to your mom um i'm sorry um next week i won't cry um next week i'm hoping to film a video a true crime video i know i said i would only do it once a month but there's this case that i've been obsessed with for three years and i think i'm just ready to talk about it let's see if i will see if i do it but again i'm really sorry i cried i really wasn't planning on it but it just kind of happened um yeah thank you guys and um i'll see you next time
Channel: Aro X
Views: 16,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, yarn, knitting podcast, knit, aroknitsnpurls, aro knits, aro knits n purls, knitting vlog
Id: 9c17yKT1yPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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