Aro Knits n Purls - Ep. 12 Yarn Fast Update and WIPs Galore

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hi everybody welcome back to our knits and pearls i am your host ro of ro knits and pearls um as always you can find my instagram ravelry kofi listed below as well as any dyers designers makers and just friends that i mentioned in passing i'll link them all in the description as well so you don't have to try and like scrub back to where exactly i mentioned them okay so i did kind of see this coming but after my birthday now that i don't have that to like distract me from you know coping normal things um life seems a little heavy it doesn't help that um utah is getting the smoke blown in from the oregon and california wildfires so it's very smoky and honestly quite apocalyptic outside it looks orange like just like day glow orange constantly um so that's not fun but i have been knitting and i'm trying to you know focus on the good things that i have in my life instead of the things that i'm lacking now um namely my mom i'm just gonna say but anyway so i know when i told you guys i was going on a yarn fast that some of you laughed i know and to be honest when i came up with the idea i laughed too because it sounded dumb like i i thought there's no way but it has been a week now and i haven't broken my fast except except okay so i i have acquired some things in the past week but it didn't break my fast and i will tell you the rules that i didn't break okay leading up to that but the one that i absolutely did break was remember how i received yarn support from la biano may for my upcoming design that i'm working on well i left so my dog butters has a lot of separation anxiety you guys heard her last week you know when she overwood at me she has a lot of ptsd and separation anxiety and one day i had to leave the house along with ken so she was left alone that day and she was not happy about it so even though she hasn't done this since she was a puppy she found one scheme of lobby on amaze took it off of the table and just chomped into it she didn't she didn't eat it she didn't tear it up she just chomped it in two spots so i can absolutely not use this yarn unless i want like five thousand ends woven in so that was that and again i received this as yarn support so i was not planning on it obviously uh but hill country weavers uh my old local yarn shop in austin they have become a stockist and official stockist for la biana may so i checked their website and they had one one scheme of this exact color sansa this is sansa and their sokomo hair and they had one scheme left after butters you know disastrous decision so i ordered it um but i did have store credit i had 14 dollar store credit so i didn't pay you know everything but that that's the one instance in which i broke my arm fast over this past week and i wasn't happy about it you know but what can you do she destroyed it i need it for my design yeah anyway so that was that oh butters uh yeah anyway so that was that and other things that i have acquired and i i have a question but let me let me let me explain so one of them is sweater quantity of another sailor moon colorway from hawaii bizarre eternal obviously and it's this beautiful minty turquoise neon pinky speckle goodness like it's just it's gorgeous obviously you guys know i love mints and i love pinks and it looks like a fairy tale i just i love it so much but i ordered it from her last month or maybe even in june i asked her to diet for me custom like way back um and she can she confirmed this in her stories so i just want to make it clear i did not break my yarn fast okay don't be in the comments saying you broke your iron first it was only to replace this one that butter's destroyed and that's for my design so i technically i don't consider that breaking my yarn fast but for accountability purpose i will say yes i did buy one skein of yarn but i think you guys can agree it was for a really good reason and it was it was an act of god it was an act of butters you know okay but karen of hawaii bizarre did include these lovely stitch markers look at this set she included that as a gift um you know because i ordered it during my birthday month and uh she wanted to send me these which was super sweet of her and i'm very grateful and the colorway is of course stunning just gonna show it again even though it's crinkly like it's so pretty it's so pretty i think the scene was inspired by when um chibiusa yeah when little little lady meets oh this is sailor moon talk by the way when little lady meets pegasus in that like dreamscape world yeah i think that's it if you don't know sailor moon that's not gonna make any sense but um yeah so that again i ordered it last month i didn't break my arm fast i just received it this month so that's different it's different okay and then the other thing i technically didn't break my yarn fast because one of my birthday gifts from my friends was a gift card to blazing needles the local yarn shop here in salt lake so i know what you're thinking aro you bought yarn but here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing the purpose of the arm fast was so that i could save up for portland right portland yarn crawl assuming it happens with the delta variant cases on the rise so it was to save up for portland but i received a gift card to a specific store here i can't exchange it for cash i can't spend it in portland so technically it had to be spent here which is why when my local yarn store blazing needles to the where this gift card is for when they announce that they're having a special sale i happen to go and with the purpose of using my gift card and i'm really glad that i did because because so do you guys remember when julie hoover teamed up with shibuya nets for this colorway there was another colorway as well i have it here but this was one of the other ones and this is the pink color called vintage rose and i've been obsessed with it probably since it came out so that was like what two years ago now i've loved this color but i have abstained i have not bought it yet except now because these were 50 off at that special sale at blazing needles 50 also i got a sweater quantity and i got a written pattern this is antler by tin can knits antler pullover sorry you can't see with the glare that was dumb i should have taken it out but anyway it was 75 off so with this and this it really it made sense for me to do it okay and like i said it's not like i could exchange it for cash you know blazing needles wasn't gonna take money out of the till in exchange for that gift card it had to be spent at blazing needles so i did it and that's not breaking the yarn fast i'm not getting any more gift cards to blazing needles as far as i know so i have no intention of breaking quote unquote breaking my arm fast i'm just i'm i'm really passionate and trying to justify this because you know i'm an attorney so i'm trying to fight all these rules so but i think you will agree i think you will agree i ordered the hawaii bazaar last month blazing needles it was a gift card it had to be done this one is a little iffy but i'm owning up to it because i'm i'm trying to be decent so okay but if we really think about it one week for me one scheme that's that's pretty good you guys like come on come on okay um yeah i think i did a great job okay now i'm going to go into the whips pile because there's a lot of whips i am close to finishing a couple and next week is going to be a true crime week so you know you won't get an update so i'm trying to give you guys an update so that next the next next week you'll be like oh my god aro you finished so many yay and i'll feel great you'll feel great it'll be awesome okay so without further ado here are the whips so you guys remember my puffy chunky this was with three strands of yarn um one of them is bishop bouche uh le petite lambswool in very light pink the other is bishop bouche sokomo hair le petitmo hair i think it's called it's it's their normal mohair weight um and this is also in very light pink and the other yarn is harrisville daylight in the colorway bloodshot so all these held together make this goodness and i have reached sleeve separation i have about two inches done on the body and it goes so quickly i'm just i'm using it kind of as a relaxing knit um just when i get a little overwhelmed with everything going on it also uses chunky chunky needles so i was able to achieve gauge with us tens or 10.5 apartments see was 10.5 so that's how i achieved gauge with these three yarns and i'm very happy with it um like let me get a close-up so you guys can see that marling look you might see some beans hairs in there i'm sorry his fur is like needles it just goes straight into the fabric but anyway yeah i expect i'll be done with this very soon maybe even in two weeks by the time we talk um normally i would say that's absolutely no problem but given the amount of whips i have it may be a problem spoiler alert um okay then the other one you guys remember my summer blooms by angeli davon this test knit is almost done i just need a couple more inches on the body before i do ribbing oh let me straighten out that needle yeah but just a couple more inches left i finished the sleeves and they're cute i love how this is working up and i love the hand dyed aspect of the main color as well there's butters hair all over this it's disgusting i'm so sorry you guys but anyway again main color is stress nets she is back to dying at least working on her advent so i'm hoping she will get back on a normal schedule dying regular yarn that i can buy then and after my fast after my fast sorry i'm trying to catch myself when i get into the oh yeah i'll buy that phase or thought process so thank you guys for keeping me honest i'm trying to capture myself okay but yeah so angela lee vaughn i expect i'll i think i'll actually finish this today um just because i've been i got kind of in a groove about it last night so i'm very excited um then you guys remember my other whip that i have progress on so i have a bunch of other whips but i'm not showing those to you guys because i don't have a lot of progress done on them um and i just i don't want to show you guys the same whole thing um this is my blueberry pie you will recall by soft power knits the test is over i don't have a hard release day yet i have to check my yarn pond account to see if she has an update but i am making progress on it because i finished one sleeve oh i went back and ripped out the body because i realized it was just too short for me for what i liked so i added more to the body both in the moss stitch and then in the ribbing i just added probably like four three inches i added three inches um i've started on the sleeve the second sleeve you can see the cable detailing continuing but yeah this works up not as slow as you might think with the moss stitch um i think i might finish this probably by wednesday yeah yeah i think i'll finish this uh this week as well so that's good progress i'm happy about that yeah i think it's very realistic that by the next time i see you guys i might have one two three finish projects maybe maybe four maybe i'm not sure um the other one i am so behind on this test knit it's not even funny it makes me actually quite frustrated with myself because i shouldn't have put it off for so long but this is my clio cardigan it's in progress i reach sleeve separation i am getting to the button the first of the buttonholes i actually did get a set of buttons for it oh i left them over there i'm not going to get it now but um i love this color it really is stunning except wait did i skip a stitch here nope i did not everything's fine um again this is two colors held together in mohair and it combines together to create this lovely delicate soft peach pink and um very excited about it i really wish i hadn't put it off for so long because there was no need for it and but no use crying over spilled milk and you know i didn't drop the stitch what i did was i didn't did i get the two strands of my hair i'm not gonna look at that now i'm sorry you guys yeah but um i will update you on the progress of that i won't have that done by the next time i see you in two weeks i just won't you might see me working on it during my true crime at night who knows i'm not sure what i'll be working on that during them but for those of you who don't like true crime and don't want to just watch me muted i'll see you in two weeks about that but i did briefly want to talk about a couple things just in terms of knitting and what i've been going through um so i've been super stressed at work i won't really go into it it's pretty sensitive stuff so i can't go into it but um work has been stressful and uh that's part of why i haven't been knitting as much during the week like even after work than i normally would you know i'm just i can't stop thinking about it so when i do knit i kind of knit like forcefully and it makes me do something called deviation so there's ulnar or radio radial deviation depending on which direction your wrist kind of like flips and the best position for your wrist when you're knitting is just a neutral position and you can watch the videos that andrea aylou knits who is a physical therapist she has a ton of wellness reels and she'll go into it but essentially i was doing it too forcefully and doing weird angles with my hand and wrist and it was causing me pain i mentioned it to you guys last week and i did receive a uh a wrist guard essentially um brace wrist brace um andrea recommended it to me it's the one she uses and i started using it and i i won't put it on just because the sound of the velcro is really bracing to me at least when i'm on video so i will link it for you guys if you want to take a look i got mine off of amazon um so far when i've used it it has really helped it won't like stop you from moving at all but it will kind of serve as a reminder like oh you're trying to bend too hard and it will kind of prevent the extreme motions and just make you think about your wrist position a little bit more and it's definitely helped prevent some of the pain that i was experiencing as well as stretching and resting that's been really great for me so you know i know we all want to make as fast as possible just because there's so much yarn so many beautiful patterns out there like trust me i know you guys know i know um but it really is important to take care of yourselves because we don't just want to make beautiful we don't just want to make fast we want to make for as long as we can right um i always joke to people that i'm here for a good time not a long time um but if we are here for a good time you know if it does turn out that i'm here for a long time i don't want to find out that i can't make later on because that would be really sad like really sad so take care of yourselves give yourself the rest you need don't beat yourself up about it do the stretches andrea's videos are amazing um again i'll link the wrist brace if you guys are having similar issues but i think it's so important to take the rest you need listen to your body don't just push through pain because that pain is an indicator or something more serious sometimes so yeah sorry that's me lecturing you guys that's mama ro mode um the second thing i want to talk to you guys so i don't want to milk my mother's passing in any way um but it's definitely something that weighs really heavily on me like constantly and um [Music] last year so she was the one who taught me to knit i told you guys that she was the one who taught me to knit when i was a kid and last year i convinced her to knit with me this same project that i'm wearing it was a test knit at the time i think it was called um smokestack uh by jessica mcdonald jessica mcdonald and again i'll link it um i'll link the ravelry of this pattern and i think she has her own website as well so i'll link that for those of you who don't find ravelry accessible still um but she she saw mine and she wanted to make the same and uh we we went to a yarn store once together in uh rogers arkansas which is a kind of like a suburb of fayetteville and she fell in love with this one scheme she fell in love with this scheme i think it's fool's gold in hedgehog hedgehog fiber sock and she wanted to get it but she didn't know what she would make with it and after a while i even though i offered to buy it she never let me buy things um it's just one of those like korean things where some elders think it's rude to allow a younger person to buy something for you some elders expect it my mother was definitely of the former she would never let me spend money on her except at christmas and that's when i would go all out but anyway um so she really loved it but she didn't know what she wanted with it and she was just just like whatever i'm not gonna get it i'm not gonna spend money on it um so when i returned to austin i bought a fade of hedgehog colors to make her a faded sweater and then when i went to live with her for a while during the pandemic she um this was the fade by the way at least four of the colors there's a fifth one but um when i went to live with her in the pandemic she was like i'm so bored these days i have nothing to do so how about you teach me to knit that sweater you're making or you already made so i wrote it out for her in korean um just nothing fancy just you know knit this many rows alternate by this color i made like a chart that she could follow depending on which color and this is how far she got this is how far she got it she got to the third color that you can kind of see it's coming in here but she got to the third color and she just kind of stopped working on it my mom uh she learned she taught me to knit but she didn't like knitting very much herself she she liked big things she couldn't do the constant slow movement small movements you know like one individual stitch she liked big things um it was just her personality so she gave it to me and i took it with me when i moved to utah last year and i was going to finish it for her of course she passed before i saw her again so i've just had this you can see it's all crumpled up because it was sitting in a project bag for many months and i really struggled with what i wanted to do with it because you know it's nice yarn it's expensive yarn and it she was holding it with mohair which is what the pattern it calls for um but i wanted to reclaim the yarn and make like a blanket i thought maybe if i have kids of my own someday that it would be nice if they had colors that their grandma would have liked um sorry um but i couldn't bring myself to um rip out the stitches that she had made and i'm still kind of struggling with it i did take it off of the needles so that's that's one big step for me um because you guys know i i use interchangeables and i just i kept buying interchangeable tips and chords instead of taking it off of projects in progress so that's that uh people have asked me that before like do you leave things on needles or just the cords or on waste yarn i just leave it on the needles just because i'm lazy um so yeah i i did reclaim the needles for that which is great because i really needed them um but i i'm just trying to still process you know moving on um yeah grief sucks i know in the comments all of you guys have been so supportive and incredible um grief is hard you know um so i may not rip out just yet um but i think i will it's just one of those things that i'm gearing myself up for emotionally sorry i didn't think this was gonna be a crying episode okay yes sorry about that um just going to think about the pretty yarn in my life and i luckily i have so much so much yarn um which really is great that i am participating in this yarn fast and you know other than that one scheme i haven't broken it so i i have exceeded my expectations i hope i've exceeded y'all's expectations um yeah so keep following me to see the progress of how far i descend into madness because i can't buy your um except for that one scene just one scheme guys give me that um okay so i'm going into defensive mode again it's fine it's fine anyway thank you for stopping in i'm sorry i started crying unexpectedly i thought i was like a-okay when i was like oh yeah i'll talk about mom's sweater because i took it off the needles right before i started so i was like i'm emotionally okay i got this and then it kind of came to me all at once so i'm sorry about that like i said next week will be a true crime episode but the week after that i'm hoping i will have many finished objects to show you guys fingers crossed um in the meantime take care of yourselves take care of each other if you are able you know just reach out to your mom as a favor to me um that would be nice okay um i love you guys i will see you next time and please knit safely and bye
Channel: Aro X
Views: 3,876
Rating: 4.9728813 out of 5
Keywords: knitting, knitting podcast, aro knits n purls, aroknitsnpurls
Id: 1gzQmCBdnP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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