Carding Wool in the Milll! Raglan Sleeve Adjustments! - Fleece & Harmony Knitting Podcast Ep. 77

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to the fleece and harmony knitting podcast i'm kim thank you for joining me here today this podcast is being published on august 6 2021 and it's recorded here on our sheep farm in belfast prince edward island canada i'm so happy that you're able to join me today and if you're joining me every two weeks then welcome back if you're new to joining this podcast viewing this podcast then welcome to you we're going to talk about knitting and sheep probably and farm life and all kinds of other things that as they come to mind so get ready because it can this podcast could go anywhere so welcome first of all we're going to start as usual with a firm update i do have a whip that i want to show as well and we have an fo it's not my fo but it's a customer's fo and i'm really proud to be able to show that and we are currently doing uh kate davey's knitted long and we will do an update on the kate davies knit along there's usually a shop update as well which there is today there is a in the mill section and at the very end we end the podcast with the harmony part and i'm actually going to give this harmony part an introduction uh this week i don't usually it's usually a surprise but i have decided that i will give an introduction to this one because it's a super interesting harmony moment that will take place over two episodes in fact so we'll get started with the farm update so we always talk about the weather because we're farmers and the weather is extremely important and we are surrounded all our neighbors are farmers as well our neighbors who are potato farmers are very very happy because the weather this summer has been unlike any weather that we've had in the recent history i don't know if it's climate change or what it is but the potato farmers are really happy because we have two days of sunshine and then a day and a half of rain and then two days of sunshine and a day and a half of rain so their potatoes are doing extremely well and other crops that require lots of water like our apple trees that we have on the farm are just like bursting at the seams with apples so there's going to be a huge crop of apples this summer however it's not really great for trying to make hay so most farmers now would be taking getting close to taking their second cut of hay if they've cut their hay early in the season because we had really warm weather in may and june so the hay grew quite fast they would have gotten a first cut of hay around the first third of june or the first half of june but in order to make hay you need to have at least three dry days in order to have the you cut the hay then you leave it on the field to dry you i can't remember if it's tedder or widow i can't remember which is which i think it's you ted ted or the hay which is you flip it over and let it dry dry again for another day and then you bale it and if it rains on it while it's on the ground then that actually spoils the hay because it doesn't get to be thoroughly dry before you put it in the bales and it can mold so that's not great so we're waiting to have hay cut and the poor guy that makes our hay for us is having a bit of a moment because he keeps saying he's coming and then he has to call and cancel because there's going to be rain in the forecast so there's been really nice days but not enough nice days in a row without any showers in order to get the hay off the field so we're not worried about not having enough food to feed our sheep because there is lots of hay around it's just that our hay is is really late the stuff that we would normally feed so we're everybody's just a little bit nervous about that so but for most other farmers that are growing crops and crops that they have to harvest right now they're not ready for harvest yet so they're enjoying the wet weather that may change when they have to take the grains and everything off the the field because they need dry weather to do that as well also we're waiting to renovate a pasture which has been prepared for the seeds and it would be great if the seeds could actually get planted because the intermittent rain will really help to keep those to keep that grass really growing quickly for the renovated pasture but they can't get into the field to do the seeding because it's too wet so they just just gets dried out and then it there's another shower so they can't uh they can't get in anyway that's all part of farm life um so we're just gonna wait and try not to worry and be patient and the someday we'll have three days in a row and everybody's ready to go the minute that happens three days of sunshine in a row the sheep are all great so they're they don't mind the rain they they're just moving through the pasture as they always do if it rains a little bit too much they go under the trees and see shelter then they come out and they're enjoying the fact that the grass is growing really really fast so they have lots and lots of food to eat right now the way that the grass is growing we'll probably actually have a stockpile but in the field of grass that will take us probably well well well into the deep fall which is great too because then they get to um they will get to eat outside on fresh grass for all of that time which will also take the pressure off the amount of hay that we have to feed them dry in in the winter so that's the firm update we haven't seen the skunk lately so we're not sure where she is with her babies but we assume maybe i don't know how fast they grow up and then they move on but we haven't seen her lately and we haven't really seen much signs of her either but we um she should be fine i mean there's no real predators here on our farm because we have everything fenced in so there's not any really kind of big animals that would be able to get her um and or her babies the only thing might be a fox but i doubt that a fox would tangle with a skunk because they would get the same treatment that our dog or our cat gets when they try to get close to the skunk so i guess she's just laying low or else they she's moved on i'm not i'm not sure so that's uh so that's that and that's really about all that's happening sunshine and rain and it's pretty warm so that's good and tourists have started to arrive arrive on the island so we're seeing lots of people from other parts of canada mostly the borders open i think next week with the u.s so american visitors are allowed to to come and so i look forward to greeting more visitors in the shop it's been really great i've met some of you in the shop over the past week or so i've got had conversations with some of you and some friends of people that watch the podcast so that's really really fun so i'm going to talk about first of all i'll say what i'm wearing i've worn this sweater a lot because it's one of my favorites so this is the cornwallis knit in rowan summerlight dk and designed by martin's story it's um i've changed the colors on it from what it was in the original pattern design but it's a really really great sweater so you've seen it a few times if you've been watching me on the podcast because i love wearing it and i'm going to talk about my my whips now so for people that have been following along i've been knitting on paisley by sidsol hoyvik and that beautiful jacket has just done a little bit of hibernating this week i actually have done the start of the second sleeve and i've got the color work border done of the sleeve and i just am moving into the waffle i'm calling it the waffle pattern but it's a check pattern and i made a mistake when i started the design so i ripped it back to the cut to the color work part and then i just felt like i wanted to knit on my even dune by kate davies instead so i kind of hibernated my paisley for a little bit but i will get back to it and i'm not showing it today because there's really nothing to show since the last time that i showed you but i do want to talk about my even dune progress so this is my project for the kate davies knit along network hat that we're having and i will talk more about that in detail in a minute after i show my project also i'm gonna going to make a comment that um we've tried to address some of the issues that some of our viewers have been telling us about the sound and also about how far away i'm sitting from the camera so or the i'm filming on an eye or recording on an ipad actually so i have tightened up the shot so i'm a lot closer and i have a little microphone that i'm using now so i'm hoping that the sound will be better and certainly you're going to be able to see the projects that i show uh better because i'm much closer to the camera so i hope that uh that that is better for everybody's buddies viewing so the first thing i'm going to show is even do dune in my works in progress so this is where we are on that this is the front so you see the the front of the neck is lower it's part of the construction the way that kate has designed this this raglan sweater and i have finished the raglan part the red light raglan shaping and i have split for the sleeves and i'm now i'll show you from the other side because there's not the needles aren't there just curling up a little bit so my sleeves are on waste yarn and i have um started the body um and this little cast on here for under under the underarm so i'm now doing my second repeat of all of the stripes because this is a top down raglan i'm able to extend my cords here and try it on so i've been doing that i did have to adjust the pattern a little bit so by the time you i'm going to keep showing from the side because it's easier to see by the time you finish your raglan um increases which are which are right here you can see the the design that they make you are supposed to have enough room that you could do your underarm um the binding or the casting on that you do under the underarm to split for the sleeves but because of the the width of my shoulders and i have a little a little bit longer depth need a little bit longer depth for the raglan then i had to knit a few and knit a few rounds straight to get the raglan depth that i need to to fit me properly so that's what i've done here so there's just a little bit of plain knitting under here it's the pink stripe actually is what the extra part is that i put on then i did my cast on for the sleeve the underarm of the sleeve and now i'm just working my way down the body so this pattern does not have any waist shaping but i am going to do a little bit of waist uh waist shaping and i will start that once i reach a point that is below my bust line i will start doing a little bit of gentle i'm probably only going to take out three three stitches on either side well three on the front three on the back so that's six stitches on each side and then i will increase again to go over my hips so i'm i'm going to work through that this is knitting up pretty fast well this will seem pretty fast for me if you've been watching me before because i take a long time to knit stuff but it's really cool because part some people have been putting even doing it already in finished objects for the kate davies knit along which is just fantastic i'm really happy about that it's really fun to see all the projects that everybody's doing the ravelry group and the community form on our website are both pretty active with people's posting their projects and showing showing them so it's you can go in there and check check it out and see what's happening and i'm going to make a few comments about that a little bit later i also wanted to talk about the fact that because you have stripes on this you do need to be careful because at the beginning of the row you could have a jog in your stripes so in the 10 years in the making this even dune pattern is from kate davies 10 years in the making book she does give you an a reference about jogless stripes so what she references in the book is a tutorial by helena uh helene magnuson from icelandic knitting and she's got quite a few tutorials i'll put a link to this in the in the bottom in the show notes and you can look at her jog she does a jog join that is um a little bit different than something that i'd seen before and i actually only looked it up today so i haven't been doing my joining like joining after the stripe the way that she recommends but it looks like a really good and efficient way to do it and with with virtually invisible what i've been doing instead and i don't think that it's really that noticeable i think there was one stripe where i wasn't quite happy with it but these are my joints so the the small stripes are the ones that are the trickiest because you just have two rows so there's no chance really for the stitches to relax but the what i'm doing to get these joggerless stripes they happen right where the the raglan increases are happening so there is a little bit of a a disruption in the line anyway so your eye kind of compensates for that but all i'm doing on my sweater is i'm knitting the first round especially with the white stripes that's where it seems to be the most noticeable i'm knitting the round all the way around and then when i start to do the second row of the white stripe instead of knitting the first stitch the very first stitch that you had put on in the new color i'm i'm slipping that stitch and so you're basically have the effect of lifting that stitch up so right on the very um right at the point of the join there is actually i have to find the right side again right at the point of the join i actually only have one one stitch in the two-stitch stripe but you really your eye like i said your eye compensates for it so it's it's really it's not really very easy to see and i'm pointing it out so i don't think if you're wearing it what did they say if you were speeding by on a on a horse would you be able to see it i don't i don't think so there is a little it's a little bit rougher here on this one but the rest of them seem to be pretty pretty good and it kind of hides that single slip stitch underneath where the the decreases are and then by the time i got down to um the smoother parts i was i had practice so they were looking a little bit better so that's the even dune sweater again i'm really enjoying to um to knit with on this with the our my selkirk works worsted i will tell you again the colors that i'm using in case you haven't seen so the deep purple is amethyst brooch the white is natural so it's actually not white it's kind of an off-white the red pinky color is watermelon and that was a new color that we made for the red gradient that we did the blue turquoisey blue is sea foam the purple light purple is lady slipper from the amethyst gradient that we did autumn birch is the gold color and now we're back to amethyst brooch so those are the colors if you're if you're interested in that so that is the even dune and i'm just going to check my agenda that i got everything so we talked about the raglan adjustment and the jogless stripes so we're that's good we've i've talked about everything that i wanted to talk about with that that pattern again as i said is from 10 years in the making and there's been there somebody's already posted one that they finished um for the knit along so that's really uh that's really exciting so i don't personally have an fo but we had a customer that actually sent us the most beautiful sample to and she's allowing us to show it in the store so i want to give a call a call out to nicole lafontaine nicole knit the forever changes shawl by inber rothman with two skeins of lychen elden lace so she's very precise she said it's two skeins minus 6.1 grams which is what she had left from her due skeins and i'm just going to show that shawl so the elden lace in lichen is this this color so it's kind of like a dusky a dusky green color very soft and this shawl is just unbelievable so i'm going to try to if if i don't like the look of this in the video then i will do a picture or take a photograph i'm hoping that you're going to be able to see see it okay so i think i have it backwards yes i have it backwards you might not have been able to see that detail but just look at this it's just gorgeous so the pattern called for a fingering weight yarn and our lace is actually kind of puffs up when you when you block it so it's we call it lace but it seems to fit the bill for this shawl which was absolutely stunning so thank you very much nicole and we're nicole has generously offered to auburn to knit another sample so we'll we'll see what which shawl she's gonna do next and when we get that back from uh from her i have to send her the urine i haven't sent her the yarn yet then um we'll uh we'll show that as well because she's just a beautiful beautiful lace knitter and she's also already has projects finished for the kate davies knit along as well so for the knit along i just want to make a couple of comments so now that the finished projects are starting to show up in the feed i just want to make sure that i'm clear about i'm only going to be choosing the winners of the prizes from the the finished object threads so we have a thread in ravelry for finished objects and if you're posting on the community forum you only need to post in one place if you want i will catch capture all of the finished objects from both places but you have to put your finished objects in the finished object feed because i won't or thread because i won't be going through all of the chatter that's on the uh the the general thread for the kate davies knit along there's just too many posts there already there's more than 100 posts in the ravelry one and the community forum from our website is also starting to be quite active as well so you just have to make sure that you do a final picture and put put it in the thread for the finished objects in both of those places to make sure that your entries are captured for the prizes for the prizes again i'll repeat what we're giving we were generously given a set of shorties size small shorty needles from chiago that's the blue kit if you want to look at what you get exactly online so it's the blue kit that we will be giving as a prize we kate davies has given us a beautiful beautiful cowl it's the north star cowl and the color that she sent us is in buoy and silver and you can look at that on her website as well she's on it's for sale as a finished item on her website and we also have a knitting journal that is front also by from kate davies so a place to write all your notes about your projects and so forth and has the knitting uh her her insignia on the front of it so it's really lovely so those are the prizes i also was asked because we talked about inkling the inkling book when we were talking about i'm knitting out of 10 years in the making but kate also has a new book which is inkling and i've certainly shown this on the podcast before but i didn't do a slideshow of the patterns inside so i do want to do that and we're going to go to that right now so we'll look at all of the patterns so there's um patterns for um kate does ankle weaving as well so there's three patterns in here for ankle weaving and there's um i'm sure i'm hoping i'm not getting this mixed up there's there's 12 i think there's 15 patterns all together three of them are for inkling weaving and 12 of them are knitting knitting patterns so we'll just uh skip over and look at the slideshow for inkling kate davies's newest book [Music] do [Music] so now you've got a good a good view of those i just love that little yellow cardigan that's in that that book it's just so sweet i don't know maybe it's kind of has a little bit of lace on it maybe that'll be a next project i don't i don't know so that's uh you can check that out we have them for sale on our website and we have all of kate davey's books that are have knit or knitting patterns in them and we also carry handy woman which is her uh her book that she wrote um just a little bit about her her knitting knitting life that's all that i wanted to tell you about for the kate davies then along there's still lots of time to join if you haven't joined yet it ends on november 30th so and if you have time to knit more than one project go right ahead and post as many finished objects as you can make in that time and we'll count all of them as entries in in for the the prize draws a little bit i haven't mentioned anything about the prince albert island fiber festival uh we were talking about it a lot before covet hit because it was that was going to be our inaugural year last last year and of course we had to postpone it we were hoping to just postpone to 2021 but we decided about a month and a half ago on the committee for the for the fiber festival that um it was a couple months ago that we had a quick meeting and decided that we were not going to go forward for 2021 as well um we were watching the ups and downs of the uh of what was happening in the world as far as travel go and we went we were swinging back and forth from oh shoot maybe we acted too soon to oh i'm glad that we're not doing it so i don't know it's still a little bit disruptive this year but it is back on for september 2022. everything that we stopped we just pressed pause on uh the committee and there's an organizing um uh management group that is is working on the details of of the of the fiber festival and they have they finished up everything and wound everything up and just pressed pause so that when we're ready to start again to to get going we can basically just dust off everything and just pick up where we left off so we are planning on doing that uh the committee will probably have their next meeting in september and in september that's when we'll start doing the formal planning for the next podcast so for the people that have been asking i know a lot of people wanted to come to pei during that time to attend um again in 2021 there won't be be a fiber festival unfortunately but we're really confident that for 2022 we're going to be able to have our festival if within all its glory just as how we had planned to have it in when we first started getting excited about doing the inaugural festival the week that the festival uh falls was the last week of september that may change because there's some issues with bookings of the hotel as you can imagine everybody that had to cancel everything is now scrambling to try to get things booked for 2022 and normally there would our date would have been secured but there is a huge event that's happening and it seems that they've might have picked our week but it's not finalized yet so as soon as i know what the dates are for 2022 i will be sure to tell everybody in the meantime we do have some people that have written to me and have reached out and asked you know they're still coming so they're still coming and they were asking what to do so the the pei fiber festival website is still up and on the pei fiber festival website they we had um put in a bunch of information about the pei fiber trail so the the that you can access that information online the pei fiber trail is a self-guided tour of pei and all the fiber um we've kind of have a have a lot of fibery attractions in on pei that way above and beyond what our population would would you would think for our population and um the owners of the belfast mini mill actually started the pei fiber trail and a couple num a number of years ago so linda nobles from belfast meeting mills had put together a group of people that wanted to join the pei fiber trail they have information um on their website as well i believe but they're and there's a pamphlet that's been been made for the the fiber trail everybody that was uh participating in the fiber trail last year has agreed i think everybody i don't manage this i'm just i'm just a participant i think everybody has agreed to re-offer for this year so they they're going to be using the pamphlets the same ones that they had last year and you can find these in our tourist information places but you also can see on the pei fiber festival website all of the destinations have been plotted out there and i think you can also see it from the belfast mini mill mini mill website i believe i'm not sure but for sure you can check that out so if you're still planning on coming to the island even though there's not a fiber festival there still is a fiber trail there's some really great great small businesses that are part of this fiber trail and i really encourage you to take a take in as many of the attractions as you can or shops as you can when you come if you're coming and certainly we're we're there on it and uh we're we're happy to welcome you as well okay so that is about the uh the pei fiber festival an update as soon as there's more information or information changes i will certainly let you know and there is a you can subscribe for a newsletter for the pei fiber fiber festival as well and we'll start get that going again in another couple months to start start telling people um what's happening for 2022 and most importantly what the exact date is as soon as we know so that uh that should um take care of any questions for that and if if not you can you can certainly write us again and i can answer questions i will say that i'm getting a lot of questions from all the different social media channels so people are messaging from on instagram and um it's sometimes and on facebook so it's hard for me sometimes to answer right away on social media because i don't i'm not checking that as often as i'm checking the shop email which i work on every day and also in some of the comment uh areas like either in uh on ravelry or in our community forum so what i would recommend is that if you have a direct question either question about needing help sometimes i get questions about knitting help or suggestions for colors and things like that if even if you see something on instagram or in ravelry or other places if you want to send me a direct email that's really because you need an answer that's really the best way of reaching out to us and you can just email us through our our website and uh the email web we get all of those emails promptly and then i get to flag them in my system so i know which ones that i actually have to take action on and that'll just help me to i'm frantically going through all the different forms of messaging that can happen and i know that i'm missing some or i'm answering some really late or i'm answering things twice because i get a message on my messenger in facebook and i get a message in instagram and i find myself i find myself thinking okay am i crazy because i'm pretty sure i answered this but i don't see the answer because it was answered on another channel so if you need an answer about something the easiest and best way and it helps me is if you uh send the message through the website on our on our shop email and then i can flag it and track it and make sure that i've i've answered your questions so that's just a little bit of housekeeping so we're going to move on to the shop update so there's a couple things there's not really anything new in the shop update but i there's a couple things that i want to show that we have um back in stock or we've restocked and prepared a little bit better for the ordering like some of the kits that we're selling out and then people have to wait so we're stocking up so i'm just going to make a couple notes about uh some of those things so the first thing is i'm just going to show the vamps again so these vamps are were knit by a gal that works in the shop janet and they're knit out of our lamb's wool we have quite a lot of black uh let sheep in our flock and this was wool that we had clipped in the last clip from our black lambs and we spun this up into a yarn that was specially made for making these vamps so the vamps are is a pattern from the saltwater classics book so that's the second in the series the saltwater series the saltwater mittens is the first one saltwater classics is the second one and saltwater gifts is the third one and vamps appeared first in the saltwater classics but there is a variation of the vamps in the gifts book as well janet made a little bit of a modification she made the ankles a little bit shorter the ones in the book come a little bit higher but she just made them to the length where they just come to the top of her shoe so if you're wearing sneakers or something like that they fit perfectly there and we sell the yarn to make them we did sell a few pairs of of them too that were hand knit the first ones that we made but it's really not um it didn't make sense to sell them hand knit because when we had to charge for the knitting it uh it's just it's a very quick project so it's we felt it was better just to provide the yarn so we have uh yarn in natural black so the only color is natural black so it's not dyed and but that is the only color that it comes in and we uh skein it off in enough length to make these exact vamps with the shorter the shorter ankles so you have enough urine it's a two ply it's twisted fairly tightly and the plies are also twisted tightly so that you get a good sturdy vamp and the reason why i'm showing these again is because i have literally been wearing these every single day since about the 15th of may the only days that i don't have them on is when they're being washed so and i wanted to show them because they're they're really there's nothing special they're just knit at a fairly tight gauge but the there is nothing uh not a mark on them and i walk a lot of steps in the mill back and forth so i'm wearing them all day and there's hardly any pilling there's a few little a few little things but the backs are staying perfectly i do have good fitting shoes so if you have shoes that are rubbing i don't know if you'll have the same results but they're just perfect so i'm really really happy with this yarn because it's very very durable but it's also very smooth and silky and soft so it's a hundred percent wool there's nothing nothing else in it to um to strengthen it it's just the the design of the yarn and the fact that it's knit quite tightly for this uh for this pattern and uh it's just been really great so we do have skeins of that left and we can make more if they sell out but you can check the those um for that in the uh the link so i'll now that we're talking about the shop update i'll just remind everybody that in the show notes i collect everything that we show in the podcast into one collection so right under the description of the video you'll see a link for the collec collection everything shown in this podcast if you click on that link you're it to our web shop and everything that i talk about is there all in one place i do sometimes list separate things underneath just to draw some more attention or it's just a more direct way to get to it but honestly i'm doing that less and less because the collection link is working really well because you can see you can see everything that we talk about and this is episode 77 so the collection link that will be in the description here is collection 77 and all of them are are listed there so there there's we've been doing that for quite a long time so there's quite a few collections from different uh different podcasts and i'll just give you a hint that on the web address or the url when you see the descript you can see what's written out there it'll say collection 77 if you just change the the number to another number 76 75 then you be directed to the collections that are that are from those previous previous websites also i'm happy to report that the chapters is actually working so i've created chapters for the different sections of the podcast and those chapters are now working in youtube so if you want to there's certain sections that you want to either go back and look at or jump to you can now do that uh the time signage i use the time signatures those are written out in the description but it also youtube will show them if you scan your mouse along the bottom of the of the video as it's playing you can see the different chapters as well so really trying to make things as easy for people to find the things that they want to find and to get to the parts that they that they want to see if they want to see them over again that's a little segue from the shop update so now i'm back on track so i we had um a long time ago i guess when we first started podcasting we had a knit along for mittens and it was uh smitten for mittens knitting or smitten for knitting mittens i could never say it when we did it and i still can't say it so on that that knit along we were featuring um two pairs of mittens four that are designed by sophia cameron born and the first one was roses are red and the second one is the trondheim mittens so we made kits at the time of the knit along for these mittens to to knit so the pattern you have to buy directly from ravelry from sofia so we don't sell the pattern but we do sell the yarn because some of the color work it's just a little tiny bit of um of color work and on with the houses on the trondheim mittens so we've done kits so for tron time there's only one one kit and the colors are are here you have um i believe it's rhubarb and autumn birch and this is these two colors were made specifically to match the colors that were in the original pattern of the trondheim mittens so these are not colors that we sell individually they were made specifically to give this color for that so that's the trondheim mitten kit so that's in stock and for the roses are red mittens this is rhubarb but you can also get kits in um to make the autumn birch as the main color so instead of if you don't want red and you want the goldy tone the colors in the um the band are a little bit different the for that the gold pattern and i should make note too that inside there's this beautiful little facing which is a contrasting color as well so you have all the yarns so it's either the um the autumn birch mittens or the rhubarb color and there is also take the fairy which is a blue to give you blue on the main part but i don't have a kit with me for that i do have the rhubarb and i have the autumn the autumn birch so and we got a new tool for winding the skein so autumn birch was not it wasn't used for the skein so it's a lot uh a lot bigger but our new tool is uh giving us these really beautiful neat neat skein so we have those mitten kits in stock if you want to check those out and finally in the shop update i wanted to talk about um the puffin hat again so this design was made by i'm not going to put it on myself this time i got this head carla wolf designed this it's in in ravelry the official pattern is called 2021 puffin kit or puffin hat so here you have you have stones it was designed in our yarn so you have stones as the main color and then you've got all the detail colors and we have done kits for that which flew off the shelf pretty quickly so we're back now back in stock of those kits as well we have had a couple people that wanted to make more than one or two hats so if you're if you want to make multiple hats you can buy all of these colors are as individual skein so i would say if you're making more than five it's better for you to buy full stains and you can get about five i just did a calculation for a customer that i think is making six and she's able to get six hats out of um one skein of each of the color except for the main back color which is stones and you need it to to do six hats for that so in the kit the colors are stones there's crow wing for the detail around the face of the puffins there's natural this little tiny parts for the beak there's um clementine and there's october sunset and then there's uh the red is the um bonfire which is also what's what's on the on the brim of the of the hat so you have all of those in the in the skeins here in the kit i think that's it for the shop update so now we're going to do an in the mill section and the in the mill feature this week is carting so so far we have uh skirted the fleece we've washed the fleece we showed picking the fleece and fiber separating the last time and now the next step is cardigan carting i almost said cardigan that's a town close close my eyes recording and this is where things are really this is the last kind of combing phase of the of the processing so all of these processes so far are all just to get the fleece ready to start doing the actual spinning prep work so we're going to go back into the mill and again these clips are clips that we had taken a long time ago when we first started podcasting and i'm taking them out of those original episodes and doing them separately here and then at the end of uh we at the end of the series i'll do a playlist with all of the all of the um in the middle sections that do the different stuff that show the different steps of making our yarn so we're gonna hop back into the mill and watch some karting so picking the fleece is opening it up by putting it on this belt and it goes through a drum which breaks it up open and then it's blown into this little room where we condition it and after it's conditioned it's dried and taken out onto the hair if necessary not all fleeces need de-herring it's basically just to remove coarse fibers that you don't want going in the yarn and once it's been through these drums it comes out the other end very open very fluffy cleaner and less course overall because the heavy hairs actually fall through the drums down into a catch basin below the machine and then we're ready to card okay so we're finally carting the fiber and i actually did find an assistant to help me show how we do this this is janet and she's arranging the fiber on the belt of the carter each of the blue lines indicates one section of the belt and we'll put the exact same weight of fiber on each section so that we get a really nice even roving out on the other side it's important that the fibers spread out very evenly on the belt so that it comes out as a nice even roving which will be easy to spin so janet will spend quite a bit of time checking the speed that the machine is running at and smoothing out the fiber on the belt so that it's going through as evenly as possible and then she'll go over and get the next batch which in this case we're doing 60 gram batches so every section between the blue lines will have 60 grams of fiber on it this is actually some lovely alpaca belonging to one of our custom spinning clients that we're working on today this is just a close-up of some of the drums of the card are going around you can see it's quite a system of pulleys and drums and the fiber really goes through a lot of different drums before it comes out the other side and this is all designed to just create a really smooth roving for spinning then finally we have a completed roving coming out the end of the carter it's not quite ready for spinning yet it still has to go through something called the draw frame which we'll be showing you next week or next episode all right so now we're getting close now that the fluff is all organized into roving or slivers now we really start the the next step will be a pre-drafting step so we'll show that on the next podcast so i'm going to now talk about the harmony part so normally i just say goodbye here and then i ask you to subscribe and like the video if you liked it i'll do that again so and hit your notifications so i'll do all of that but don't move away yet if you if you usually don't watch the harmony part because this is i'm going to give a little bit of an introduction so as if you've been watching for a long time then you know that uh we've talked about this that belfast was settled by settlers that were brought over to prince rhode island as part of a program to settle settle the island that was sponsored by lord selkirk and three boats arrived in prince rhode island in 1803 there was the pali which was the first one that arrived and that was the is the most famous one actually i think it might have had the most people on it the second one to come was the dykes it was called and that was i think there was like um uh there was only like a few weeks or a few days in between the arrival of the three three boats and then the last one was the auten so the three of them came with settlers from scotland the highlands of scotland and they they set sail from poetry in scotland and poetry is a pretty famous uh seaside town so the scottish settlers arrived and then they settled in different places and they named places of with names that were familiar from home and portray is was a little tiny place here that is no longer called that and there was a road called poetry road and um that road has just been i guess what would you call it renovated i guess renovate it it now borders where the original road was and now you can access it from the trans-canada highway in this area and it borders a farm farmers fields it actually goes down between two farmers that are our neighbors and goes down to a body of water that used to be called poetry river which is not it's not called that anymore and there were there was a bridge and everything so the government of pei undertook a renovation of that road and now it's a walking trail so ken and i actually took a walk down that uh that trail i don't know if you can i guess it's still just called a trail it's pretty wide so and it's um beautifully finished so it's easy to easy to walk and we took a walk down that road and on either side there's farmer's fields and there's also quite an old hedgerow on one side so i'm going to do two segments of our walk down that that trail and the first one is focusing on the hedgerow because there was just the day that we were going down there was so so many beautiful flowers growing there wild that we took pictures a montage of pictures of all the different flowers that we saw along the portry road so that's going to be the harmony part this week so i really hope you enjoy it next week we'll or next podcast we'll we shot some video as well as we approach the water the river and on poetry road so we'll show that in the next episode but right now i'd love you to just relax and enjoy all of the flowers that are just growing wild in that that old hedgerow and listen to some relaxing music at the same time so we i'll wish you goodbye i hope you have a great two weeks and we'll see you in two weeks time bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] and [Music] you
Channel: Fleece & Harmony
Views: 9,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2yPkOxd1K-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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