ًRender Passes and Compositing - Arnold AOVs and Aftereffects

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hello everybody so I decided to create one tutorial for showing you how you can set up your a Ovie's your passes inside Arnold and then how you can extract them inside After Effects to create your final composition for the screwdriver assignment so here I'm having this scene very sinful scene and having the backdrop which is having this very smooth corner here and then I'm having all of the lighting setup everything is already created I'm also having the camera and if I go to like go back to of my camera you will see that this is my composition I've also set up the basic passes for this for this scene which includes the diffuse pass or the diffuse AUV the specular are you I don't have any subsurface scattering however if you're using subsurface is Kathleen for the the grid of the screwdriver you have to include that inside your ear beads I'm also having and this is not currently we get rid of this one also gonna have transmission so these are the four passes that you have to encode inside of your see again the subsurface scattering is the past that if you really have that applied here to any of your objects you have to include that if you don't have that you can just need to know that you can just remove that from your suit for this screwdriver I'm having plastic materials for the grip I'm having two transparent shaders that are sort of a clear plastic here with the transmission attribute so it has a trench transmission pass or a transmission actor I'm also having the shaft which is a total chrome shader so it doesn't have any base color or doesn't have any transmission or subsurface scattering for this scene I'm not using any other actions I'm not using code I'm not using mission nothing other than just specular transmission and base color which is the diffuse color so again if you are using subsurface scattering for any material here you can include that in your path you have to include that in your passes if you are not we won't need you want to need that I'm gonna remove that here I also decided to add or create another pass for the ambient occlusion so I'm gonna create a custom energy here named Al and I'm going to select the node and grab the name off the shade there for day I'm gonna clusion I'm gonna copy it and paste this here default rated hit enter okay and now let's just see how they're under we look like before getting the final ending okay so I'm using the professor to find this format I've also included missus fear here because I wanted to see how my environment looks like so at the end we tend us from Unity so I'm gonna go through the passes that we have created here this is my beauty pass which is all of the passes all combined together this is my bathenosh pass as you can see only the grid is having a business contribution and also the backup these businesses they don't have any contribution with the canoes pass then we have the specularity which is quoting all the objects that are having any contribution in this particular class and as well as transition and this is also the AO pass that I manually created and as you can see it has some colors here we can take care of them because for some reason it will show some of the transmission contributions in the able pass our natural why that is happening but as I said we take care of that in the post-processing sticks so I'm going to save this file as the multi-layer DX LTS outside from that I've already created one here I'm gonna just open that up because this is not the final render and I also have to ensure that at the end Korea's main render resolution to 1920 by 1080 all right so I'm gonna head back to after a first I'm gonna show you how you can extract these passes and how you can build up the same image and how it can leverage this peel bar so let's head to After Effects I'm going to import my EXR file and I'm gonna click and drag it over make new composition to create a composition based off of the same size of the soil that might happen Soviet no fire alright so this one single render is called the beauty pass which means that it will include all of your passes all combined together to show you the final result of limit however the whole purpose of creating all of those theories was that we wanted to be able to modify or add more effects to our renders in for example After Effects or any compositing tool and the reason we do that is that sometimes in order to be able to for example create some cool effects or some glow effect of some and some visual effects to our renders if you want to do all of them inside of a 3d package it will take forever to do the rendering or maybe it takes forever to set that up however if you are having if you're having access to the passes of our render we can start manipulating each one of these passes individually so I'm going to show you what I mean so we know that this needs our file formatted includes or has or all of the passes there the Bane's called ever get the specular color color and all of those passes all inside this one single file so we have to figure out how we can extract that from this EXR file inside After Effects there is an effect called extractor so you can apply that to your lair and immediately okay you can say it will turn the whole image to be a little bit darker that's fine again that's because it will take out the glamour correction from this linear because it understands that we want to do some manual build-up for all of these passes so I'm gonna talk about how when your workflow works but for now I'm just showing you what happens what when you start when you want to build up all your beauty pass based on all the passes inside Africa's again just right after you apply the extractor effect to your layer it will take out the gamma correction from the render and it will allow you to start building up or adding your layers or passes all together okay so for this one since this is going to be my base color I'm gonna go and click on either one of these red green blue channels to bring up this extract or menu and here I'm gonna choose from all of these passes or a Ovie's that I have included inside my Maya file I know that I have also include included transmission indirect to diffuse direct and all of these extra passes you really don't need that for now we just need to have a specular transmission diffuse a if you had any subsurface scattering your thoughts after the scattering pass will also show up so I'm gonna start with the diffuse which which is my base color so I'm going to choose the keys and you can see that since the only material in my scene that had the contribution from the diffuse pass was the the backdrop and also this shaft here everything else will turn black the shaft also turns black but it's not actually black it's there but since it's not gamma corrected it's not showing up so if I want to quickly show that I can't importantly increase my exposure here in order to just be able to see the shaft as you can see the shaft is here it's not black it has some contribution for the diffuse color okay so I'm gonna name this one base called or diffuse okay I'm going to duplicate this layer by hitting ctrl D or command D and it will carry the effect that is applied to the layer also so that's the good thing however I'm gonna name it for example this one I'm gonna name it a specular and from all of those layers that are inside the excel file I'm gonna choose specular okay so this is my specular back pass I'm going to duplicate it one more time I'm going to name this transmission and again it has the effect of light to it I just need to select the correct pass so this is transmission can select transmission okay the only thing that comes to buttes to the transmission pass it's these three plastic and that's and I know that I also included the aerial pass and then create another one to pick you by duplicating one of these layers and then selecting the Al pass good this is our AO pass also if you had a subsurface scattering that's when you you can duplicate it one more time and choose the subsurface catchment again since none of my materials had any kind of subsurface scattering I didn't I decided to do not include that inside my passes so I'm going to remove this one okay so let's see how we can build up our final beauty image all of these different passes for now I'm just going to take out the AO pass and I'm just focus on the transmission of a kind of these alright so again just going over all of these passes this is my base color then I need to add the specularity contribution and this is going to be a linear world in linear workspace we just need to add the contribution of specularity to two years pass so I'm going to go to the blending mode and choose add from this list okay so this is with that especial everything this is really special then it's time to do the or add the transmission effect so I'm gonna make it visible and again since we are inside the linear workflow you have to choose add from the point minute alright so this is without and this is a transmission and you already know that whenever we want to apply any contact chatter to a render which we have to choose the multiply blending mode because we want to have this shadows which are dark to document our final render so we will choose multiply this is without and this is wit in the contactor all right so technically we just created our beauty bus again just to compare that to our final Beauty under here I'm gonna click and drag and a final final render here and this is our final value if I hide it you will see that I really sort of recreated this beauty blender the only thing that is missing here is that we need to apply the gamma carton again to the whole composition because right now we took out the gamma correction because of the extractor effect that will apply to all of these layers it's now time to get the gamma correction back into innocence so I'm going to create a new adjustment layer and I'm gonna name it demo then here in my effects panel I'm going to type the explosion effect and I'm gonna apply exposure to the adjustments which I called it Jana and here I can tag me in gamma of to turn to or any other day now from a competition now it's time to compare the whole set up here to find out the Union Army as you can see that we are almost close trouble University and here is our the look of our setup that we've created inside our compositing software so again going back to what it means by creating all of these Yogi's and how we can leverage them you have to make sure that you will start with the diffuse or the base color no blending mode for the diffuse pass however for any other addition of additional path you have to choose the AB blending mode for it because we want to add all of these contributions and then at the end you have to make sure that you even do the gamma correction man making so here is our friend another so what is the point of creating all of these paths today I mean we already have this beauty pass this final render already created what's the point of separating these passes or what's the point of creating those passes and then bringing them inside After Effects work on our compositing to it and then separately the passes the point here is that now you have access to every single pass of your render and you can modify them individually without effective in their study so for example now that I'm having access to the transmission pass one thing that I can do for example this is just an example I can duplicate the transmission now as you can see it will increase with the contribution of the transmission and it will make my plastic parts to be a typical side cool one more thing we can add for example glow effect to adjust the transmission pass all right so now I'm having the thermal effect I'm gonna increase its intensity and also I'm going to I just decrease the threshold of it so more colors are gonna show up in the final the or effect still enough to think that might result yeah it's strong up here the kind of seeing the effects have this Google effect on these Asian spirit so I'm gonna agree with me this is too much also one more thing that you have to be careful about is that since we are going to since we are using the gamma correction affair we are using all of these glow effects on holidays you have to make sure that you are inside the composition that can treat all of these extra information that we are having with all of these passes so for example if I go to go back to my chlorophyll and just increase the intensity dramatically so you can see the filter I hope that mutant compression is not taking out these issues that I'm seeing here that I want to show you how you can get rid of so right now just because of this Gloria fit you don't see that we see there is a kind of not noise but it's color banding and it's it's not the way that it's supposed to that's because this composition is not able to help you calculate all of those extra information that you have rendered how to build yourself them so in order to be able to fix that we have to make sure that we are inside a composition that had more detail and can actually create all of those color information that we included in the excel file the things especially you have to just tell after if it's that you are having human information inside this competition so you'll find them and make sure that you are having all of the contributions of Technology's color values that we carry inside with each other so in order to fix that we just need to change our bit depth to be a 32 bit there so we can just click on this gate with a channel button it will bring up your composition your project settings and you just need to change your depth bit depth to be 32 detail at some time and now you can see that the glow effect is now shining here we are not seeing that kind of banding effect it very much because I'm going to go back to you idiot a channel just will show you the community the difference I can also hold on alt to click on this to switch between a tip sixth and eighth man 30 minutes definitely considered inferior the difference so make sure that you are inside at 32 bits per channel composition in order to be able to see all of the effects that you're applying to your composition so now that we are seeing there is also a body I'm gonna just just decrease the radius any because I just included that so you can see the officially and I'm gonna switch for couple through these qualities so you can see the difference so this is me this is without and this elliptical you could too much you can always go back now reduced intensity you are not able to do this in if you were just having you one beauty pass one later this is the beauty of creating all of these Yogi's these passes you can have individual control of every single pass of your vendor just fix her neck is actually scary okay that's cool let's see what else we can give you we have traditional aspect let's do something with the specularity so I'm going to give the kid a spit you can select will add ma contribution from the spirituality and then I reduce the opacity of the second limit so it's not that context and then I can for example do this I'm going to magnify a little but I'm going to but and then clear quiet benefit testing now I'm going to never repeat edge pixels and just increase the goodness then I'm also creating capacity of this layer so you can see a prophetic and then you can get back it so this is the expect with the past or a fake up like you remember this is the seconds between the original speculator is already here this is the second one I just added that to up top light pastel effect back to get this kind of power kick around all of this security Sewickley alliance and then I'm gonna reduce its capacity to something very you don't know over dinner so just for the sake of comparison I'm gonna toggle through the settings for clarity to discuss the elephant at likely again we were not able to do that if you didn't have these tasks one more thing we also included the area cause I wanted to also talk about that because you know the area pass gets already multiplied to the whole chain here so this is without and this little bit the area pass I will solo that so you can just focus on the you can see them I mentioned that the arrow past is not supposed to help you call it a contribution inside it however I'm not sure why there are no passes he's actually doing this sometimes we do that sometimes if you're not as you can see you are having all of the transition effects inside the Euler path which is not good so there is a workout for that you can apply your tint okay if you just take out the companies in college that racket so not it's a gray estoy con la paz have a on solar that right we know that it's too intense so I just need clearly please increase of their very offense this is this light contact that I will be no it's more than that just to bring up some some more details about in geometry and also add in some contacts others trouble so that's about it we clear for these passes again whenever you want to build of your final Beauty pass make sure that you're starting with the definitive pass then speculative transmission analysis on all of those passes they will be added to your diffuse pass and then if you wanted to push them up you can duplicate any task that you have and that mean effectively not here in general basically also since we are on this one and this concept of creating the capacitors another benefit of creating all of these classes is that any time that we want to change any color of any of these contributions you can just select that for example and then just focus on this transmission tree you can select that and change its color by for example a point of view at saturation effect that you can increase the saturation oh you can also a chance that you do switching between different options of epi so I'm just affecting the transmission fast okay so these are all the effects and all of these passes the vanity cut back it's time to or save your file you can go to your composition safely mask fire and make sure that we will save it as a PNG file or data client on it since we are choosing Jake in Python it will forget to include your quality to the isolated anything so the calls a statement then you can click on this here and tell after first where you wanna save your file man thank you
Channel: meghdad.asadi
Views: 46,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aftereffects, AE, maya, arnold, render, pass, passes, AOV, diffuse, specular, transmission, AO, contact, shadow, lighting, rendering, material, aistandard
Id: rFn2SoD03C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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