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you can't be eating with your feet while your legs apart you know your legs gotta be closed and your feet gotta be together that's hard as you just stand up and yell my food tastes better with my feet together my food tastes better with my feet together my food tastes better with my feet together that [ __ ] that [ __ ] just piss me off hey y'all welcome back to my channel i am back today with another video okay so this is the video y'all been asking about for some reason y'all want to know my experience with basic training and it's not the best so i'm gonna tell you what i went through which i hope you never ever go through and yeah we're gonna get straight into this video but before we do make sure you like this video subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and yeah let's get into this let's go back before basic okay so i shipped off august 27th i believe and that was in that was last year 2019 so my friend i went to forest hill oklahoma and that's where i did my face ticket okay so from reception they they walked us over to this big-ass building and we set outside for the longest waiting for our drill sergeants to come and basically tackle us okay so anyways not really y'all they didn't tackle us but no we was waiting outside for them to come and once they got there we had we were split up into like different platoons or whatever so i was with arthur z i think so i was with nobody that i knew so basically i had my own little new platoon and that was who my platoon was i had three drill sergeants and they were like you know basically you walk like a mouth to get to basic training building uh barracks that's where we gonna begin raw dog diggity dialogue all that [ __ ] so once we got there we had to all put our bags like our green dolphin bags with everybody it's like a hundred and something or more more probably a little bit over a hundred of us and everybody has a green double bag so this is how i went y'all so basically people's information they tell us okay you got a minute so go out there and find your bag your bag now everybody got that name in their bag on the side like a little clear tape thing you can put your name right there so just think about like it's impossible someone said impossible but it was so freaking hard to find your name out of so many bags like you don't know what is what so everybody just out there looking looking and looking and so we had to like bring it back i got drilled on that because i could i would i could never find my bag y'all like i could not for nothing so the second time around i was like you know what i'm not coming back without a bag so i just grabbed somebody back because i felt like somebody had my [ __ ] so i'mma grab somebody else shoot too so i grabbed somebody else back i had to put them down in front of me and back information so oh what was so crazy one of my drill sergeants caught me off guard because once i was like trying to hold my composure before he actually fell but it's like they were trying to make themselves so hard y'all like you waiting for what you're looking like they're just doing emotional i promise you that was just doing more it ain't even unlike that like i can tell like me like come on dude i see through you that's how it was with me like you don't even you ain't even about this [ __ ] you know that's just how i was looking at him so anyways one drill he was shorter for my drill sergeant he came over he was trying to like walk over the little green dolphin band he's so short that his leg didn't reach over the other side of the damn dump bag so the [ __ ] failed and so it was me and enough to do beside me and we saw the [ __ ] so he just like i had burst it out a little bit he came straight to me off straight to me it was just like what's fun did he gonna you know i'm a little bit about the same height you know what i'm saying but i think i'm taller than him anyways so he was just like so what's funny you like all of my face like this i'm like nothing just sir some little green i had my face was [ __ ] gone and then here come another drill so i'm not trying to drill me at the same time i'm just like [ __ ] i ain't gonna break for y'all oh see i can just got down get back like that right though it wasn't too bad then we had a party where we had to get our phones taken um we had a mini phone call to make so of course i was like i'm not in a crowd when i call home i'm not gonna do that nope nope nope so tell me why they put me in front of smith and you know you know who smith is because only you know smith she was in front of me also be stationed together smith was in front of me y'all and i'm like nope i'm not crying i see smith already on the phone she already cried before she made the phone i'm just like no this girl something wrong with her because i think she's not gonna make it she ain't gonna be she's not gonna graduate so tell me why smith get on the phone i guess the folks started answering the phone i'm still waiting for mine just pick up so smith already boo-hoo and crying i'm just like no baby look at her i'm just gonna look down at the ground so my folks asked the phone so they say hello i'm on the phone like mama i wanna come home like i'm just just i don't even know where that came from they ain't even me and then my grandma she didn't make it nobody i cried because i saw her crying she just made me cry and i was like no i don't wanna cry smith so anyways i'm on the phone my grandma's you just like what you crying for and i don't do this so i'm like i don't know don't you wanna come home you know i'm just crying and then here come my drill search the female she come by oh well well well look at here we got somebody boo-hoo and on the phone then here come another joke sergeant oh you're crying you you're crying to your mother and i'm still on the phone just let y'all know i'm still on the phone my grandma and i'm just like no ain't crying i ain't crying i'm ain't crying no you don't know me you know what i'm saying i'm just on a phone still you know what i'm saying my grandmother is laughing while they talking all this [ __ ] in the phone she laughing and she knows she know i'm crying and she just don't care how you do that mama and i still don't like you for that right though um you hurt me to the car to the car so yeah after that was over we we got into like we had to spread out like we took everything out of our dolphin bags make sure we had socks and certain pallets and that and everything else but basically we went in after all of that was going reception like not reception but like the little drilling part when you first get to basic y'all know how to just be like holding that y'all my eyes wasn't that bad if anything was funny like i wasn't scared i wasn't come on now i'm gonna grow that one scared of what you know what i'm saying but i did cry though i did cry don't tell nobody went upstairs three flights of stairs with i greened up the bag i'm telling i'm tired and once we get up there we pick a bed so my bad mate was wavy hello swaby anyway sweaty was my bug made me sweaty stayed into it don't get in the bunk with somebody you think you ain't gonna get along with but how would you know right that's what i thought anyways me and sweetie stay at each other heads next and sweaty sweaty is she not no she jamaican and i'm black i'm african-american so what you put them two together with an attitude you know we got a little attitude and we just sassy like that you i met my match and she met her back so it was just like we didn't fight another just like we always was head to head in here like oh this [ __ ] so anyways besides baby i still love you sweating me it's way too cool [ __ ] today basic training i mean you get up i thought i think we get up at like four no i think we got up at five every morning do pt get down pta six uh we shower we eat at eight i think we woke up at six i'm not sure y'all but i wake up early every morning the same thing everyone um different days you run a lot of people ask me about not being able to run them out or two mouths or just run it off you gonna run you're gonna get used to it just like how i did when i first got there i ran my mountain like two miles of me in like 22 minutes 21 minutes horrible but once i graduated my run time was 17 minutes for two now so you you're gonna be good promise you're gonna be good after the pt station after breakfast is over with um the defect food it wasn't that bad i ain't gonna lie to you my first time eating breakfast in a defect oh my gosh it was horrible y'all because once we got there it was like they were just hollering you like if you do one little thing wrong if you if you put your tray a little sideways you're gonna get holiday you know so me you and you have to pivot y'all so i don't know if y'all know what pivot is like when you march well you mean when you walk and then you have to like like turn that way something like that anyways look it up um i didn't i couldn't ma i couldn't ask the pivoting like i could pivot it was the one like if you walking up and you gotta turn right you gotta like walk up stop and you got to train your hand too so you gotta like turn i didn't ever i couldn't get that like mastered until the inner basics so anyways i couldn't do that right but they never caught me until like the end but anyways this is the worst worst worst thing ever my experience eating in the damn defect i'm walking up to get my food right no no no you know i had already got my food i set my tray down and you know you got to go back for your your two cups so once you get your two cups you got to always keep your hands on them two cups you can you got to have two cups like right here so i'm walking up to the like machine whatever i'm like no i don't need to cook because you know what i'm saying you know i'm just trying to sit down and eat my food because i ain't got that much time to eat so i i didn't get two cups one day okay i got that one cup so here come a drill sergeant yelling at my face talking about where is your other cup this is i'm trying he just hollering holly and then you know once one holler here come their little friends and they want to holler at me too and that's he said something so wearing your other cup at i said well all i wanted was some water i cannot make this [ __ ] up so my friends that i had made already they were just like we can't we can't make no type of eye contact with nobody so we just have to we eating our hands down tell me why that ass was looking and like [ __ ] laughing i'm telling my y'all they they made me so mad i wanted to cry that day i ain't even gonna lie i wanted to cry that morning and i was just like man let me put me [ __ ] up bro though like whatever [ __ ] leave me alone like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you folks i kid you not y'all can i make this up that was on my ass about that one little cup one little cup and i and the way i said it i know they wanted to laugh because they caught me off guard and when he asked about the second cup i was just like well you know he said so what are you drinking he said why you didn't get no juice that was he said why didn't you know gatorade i said well i thought it was some water and no shaking a cup like that oh everything like [ __ ] i don't like when folks hollering at me like i just be shaking like don't don't do that [ __ ] they want to call you little friends and stuff like that over here but if you are drinking your juice or water whatever and you just using one hand and you ain't got two hands on they cook they're gonna say you stand up so they'll make you stop eating or drinking and you stand up and you gotta say like if you eat both your hands on a cup like this you gotta stand up and say two hands on a cup two hands on a cup you gotta keep saying that [ __ ] until they tell you basically to shut the hell up and sit down and eat you can't be eating with your feet while your legs apart you know your legs gotta be closed and your feet gotta be together so a lot of people got in trouble finished one girl she had gotten [ __ ] up because she didn't have a feet clothes and that was just like sandal they told her and just stand up and yell my food tastes better with my feet together my food tastes better with my feet together my food tastes better with my feet together that [ __ ] that [ __ ] just pissed me off and sometimes it was just funny his hair broke her cousin and i know they wanted to laugh a lot of times when they was just doing this [ __ ] it was like every time we go to the defect it was like the fun the fun time for them was like the best time for just picking everybody but yeah that was my defect experience i mean other than that the fact i just caught on real quick you gonna catch them real quick just don't [ __ ] it up like don't waste no food don't you gotta bring your plate your plate to the food all that you gotta qualify your weapon eventually on down the line you have to do rooks you have to do a lot of [ __ ] so coming towards the end with me in like what face was this red face it was blue face so blue face i think we was doing like a little rook i forgot y'all it's been like almost a year so i'm trying to i think we did the anvil and that about died on that one because i ain't never worked in my life and just wrecking with boosting [ __ ] on your back they're just like oh my god like stop you know and it was just so much but anyways what really got me towards the end was when we had to do the 40 mile uh what you call it somebody help me i think of it once i interview but you know you got to do 40 miles to graduate right okay so towards the end of my graduation i had to wait before i even get into that let me let me rewind so qualify my weapon i could not shoot my weapon for [ __ ] i could not target or hit the target for nothing so we had three no two days to qualify with the first day i was a no-go i couldn't just get it together for nothing and i was like why can't i shoot and i never shot a gun before either so it was just making sense to me so the second day i had to really get it together i prayed that night before i was like just please you know i need you know i need to get up out of here next day i went and i qualified my weapon i did but it took me forever it was like an hour before we had to leave so everybody who could qualify their weapon was basically sitting in the bleachers and looking at the folks who couldn't qualify their weapons so me i was that person out there on that field crying and i yeah i was i was just like crying like like if y'all really could see my struggle everything i did you would anyways so i'm out there still trying to qualify my weapon we got like an hour then it went from 30 minutes and i'm like drill sergeants he was like thompson you still ain't qualified to up and i was like no he's all right go to lane step why he told me to go i was like all right that's hard i'm going so anyways i went to that lane come to find out that lane had somebody had like four broken little people okay so basically even if you pop up it's gonna go down even if you don't hit it so i had four of them that actually did that so basically i scored like a 27 even though i still um qualify my weapon you got to have like a 23. i don't know you have something like that and i had a 30 so yeah that's how i became a sharpshooter i had shot at 30. so anyways i was so happy oh my gosh because y'all if y'all don't understand like every time that i got finished shooting it my all my peoples or whatever and i had to go check on my score and see what i had made i never it was like you know 15 13 or 12. it was never up there like oh my gosh so once i told him he was like a 30 yes [ __ ] me i got a bunny if you can't shoot y'all i mean you're gonna learn how to shoot you're gonna get them you're gonna just just just focus don't like when you're shooting don't jerk the gun you know how he has like a little the little back thing or whatever you want to call it like once the gun shoot it'll like move you it's okay just don't move [ __ ] just just continue to hold or go on just like you know what i'm saying like that and you gotta look through the little uh what you call that [ __ ] [ __ ] forgot but that [ __ ] and you're going to look good up and you go and you're going to keep that like you got to have just for people who haven't shot before keep a tight grip on the gun but be comfortable but keep a tight grip i'm just trying to tell y'all because they didn't tell me this they didn't take this at all carrying on so it took them out 40 miles or whatever i did the first 10 miles and that was so horrible did nick at night nick and knight was just like horrible problem it was cold at this time i was cold freezing outside and my boots was like froze like my feet was froze i couldn't even feel my feet at times it was to the point where it wasn't even like we weren't even cold we weren't even mad because we was being cold we were just mad because we couldn't feel our feet we couldn't feel nothing that's how cold it had got and it was raining at the same time so it was just extra cold so we did [ __ ] night kind of like in the rain or whatever and that [ __ ] was let me tell you i thought the whole time nick and mike is like i thought the bullets that's going over my head i thought that was real bullets so my ass was like nope i ain't not getting up so my ass is crawling low what's [ __ ] on the ground to my ain't even you never saw me lift my head up and off only thing i had a problem with my butt because my butt was just like getting stuck into the lip balm and that [ __ ] hurt it like a [ __ ] but other than that i thought that [ __ ] was real it's not real y'all they ain't telling me that [ __ ] but they lied to me when i was there they said it was real foolish and you better keep your ass down so that's what i did i was like no i'm not gonna die right here nope not today [ __ ] um we were supposed to spend the night um after nick at night into the in the field or whatever and that didn't go as planned because it was too cold and they didn't even like the drill started if we got to stay they got to stay so they didn't want to stay either so we just went back to the barracks the next well that same night and they had i thought it was so nice because they had like coffee and soup for us oh my god after that in um hot cocoa too after that we went up to our rooms we washed uh got into um to got in the bed and then the next morning was back out working again so i rocked a good the next morning we run if you're in oklahoma you're gonna know what potato heal is anyways that's a big ass [ __ ] hill and it's shaped like a potato so you go man i'm talking about i i'm i'm about like i'm so stressed at this point like i can't make it like let me help you so the heels were so steep man like and your feet hurt you tired of walking we did 12 miles that day so i was just like oh my god so um after that we did not stay because it was still cold outside we have rooked um y'all switched i don't know what the [ __ ] we had with me i just know i didn't spend a night out there so the third day i was like okay i see what y'all want to do the third day i'm just like i'm not doing it i'm not doing a third again they want to keep me here they keep me here i'm not gonna do the damn third thing because i heard that the first day is the only thing that counts if you do the first of 10 miles which i did twelve that day then we should be good so yeah once i found out i didn't have to do the rug like keep working on my i was just like [ __ ] i'm putting on a sick car i went to call the next morning and was instant call trying to get a freaking profile so i don't have to go back out there up okay it's not telling you to go do that but if that's what you want to do then to you anyways it backfired on me because i knew wasn't [ __ ] wrong with me and i just don't want to be out there rocking so i went to sick uh my excuse was i went to the dentist to get my my teeth checked right so they told me before i leave for see what i have to get my tea pool so i was like okay well they're not gonna give me no profile so i gotta still go back out there so um and i was like having a little minor two things or whatever sometimes major i was like okay i need a profile so i i don't have to go back out there and rock so i went from the dentist office right across the street to the medical sitcom so i went in a bit tell me why this little [ __ ] a bit i told her that someone's brought my knee to where i came from i just need to profile this give me a damn profile [ __ ] so we didn't know she looked at my knees she was like okay but people with more injury problems we we tend to put them straight on crutch excuse me [ __ ] you're not going to put me on crutches and no you're not the [ __ ] you're not drill sergeants knew i went to stick call for a toothache okay tell me why i came back on crutches from a tuesday you feel me so they don't know that i went to sick call to go talk about my knee everybody knew i was like what time is it i'm sitting out here today you know thompson says i'm just a live person everyone who don't know me you feel me like basic training know everybody when you want your brain everybody help everybody know who you so anyways i was just like well so here i come to the drill starter because she come up to me like sometimes how and she was just laughing at the same time how do you come back from sick call from a toothache on crutches [ __ ] is not [ __ ] funny hoe and i'm trying to tell the [ __ ] i don't know even though i know i'm just not going to tell you the story because it's gonna make it even time for it so they gave me a profile or whatever and y'all i never had crutches a day in my life and i still don't know how to use them and i and i didn't even use them when i had them i just had them hold sitting on the wall and i go to the bathroom when i please just walk whenever i please so i was on a 24 it was on a date i had bearings for a day and i had like to follow up with like this little fitness person and uh she had to release me off the profile i needed my profile to be released before i graduated which i had a date like after my graduation and i'm like oh no oh no jesus i'm so sorry i would never ever do it again but i'm gonna need you to fix this right now for me please please so i went to go see the little figures place the doctor i mean and she was just like okay well it seems like you're okay i need you to come back i'm like later i can't you need to release me now so she didn't so i came back the day or two days before graduation and she finally took me off she took me off y'all halloween thank you juice so i was able to go back to she put me on a profile to where i uh rook but um if you start hurting me stop so i went back out to the field where everybody else the last day the day they was doing um combatives and i was just like okay yes it's the last day they probably let me rock i probably just get the car so no they didn't go that way um i rocked about a good seven eight miles back and um yeah that was the end uh it was a long ass rook i will tell you that and after that we had went through like a jungle i don't even freaking know it was like a wood it was a wood but it looked like a jungle of moving and everything and once we came out we they had us lined up this is the last day they had us lined up and we went into our back into our like a little barracks or whatever but we always form of information and stuff like that and um they have music playing for us y'all they had it so sweet and nice and i forgot what they call it but it's been it's been a year y'all i don't know what it is but basically they had like juice socks baby powder uh everything you use for your boobs uh what else just anything you can name that you use the basic training that you need for yourself they had mixed it in this big-ass bowl dipped a big-ass spoon in it and had us drink it everybody got to cook for graduation everybody like this is not the day of graduation this is the last day of us rookie and we had a little ceremony thing and we got our patches so um i didn't drink that [ __ ] i just and and i was like no no i'm not drinking that [ __ ] anyways so after that uh we have two days a day two days no a week i'm sorry i don't know i'm getting two days three days from after that it was a week left for graduation went to graduation practice basically my experience was not as bad as you probably other people but i mean i would say so because i had got before two taking out my mouth surgery i had surgery basic training um i was on crutches not really but they put me on them um i almost didn't graduate because of the crutches situation um i almost didn't qualify my weapon i'm trying to think of what else oh land nav i hate that [ __ ] i cannot do land now for nothing so i got people who were smart as [ __ ] and they were just my crew i just followed them on out you know what i'm saying but yeah so that's my little experience y'all with basic training the drill sergeants are not that well i can't speak for everybody but mines wasn't that you know we had like a couple though just like oh my god why they heal like they're just so petty like other than that that wasn't that bad like my at the end my dress started this game everybody like uh only my platoon every different platoon did it but with my platoon i just gave us like constructive criticism what they think of us in the future what they see with us or what you know so basically i got nothing but good feedback um they think well only one thought that i would be a officer i should go and be an officer she knew i had a baby and she knew she had a baby too so i was just like you know you can really make this work i got nothing but good feedback oh i saw the national anthem as well i don't know if i told you that but yes i saw the national anthem um for you for graduation and that was it my basic training experience was a success oh the gas chamber y'all got to really tell you about that i'm wrapping up real quick the gas chamber i know this video is probably the longest [ __ ] but the gas chamber it was not that bad but i probably wouldn't do it i wouldn't ever do it again um once we get enough it's like the first time you can tell like how serious this [ __ ] is because my neck well my neck started itching and i'm like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] then i'm looking around like it's your neck can't you i forgot who i was it was so bad y'all it was this tall dude named sanchez sanchez was in front of me tell me why this man is crying to myself oh my god oh dear i can't really do this i can't do this no you gonna do this because i'm behind you and i'm scared i don't should be one crying not your big tall ass so it was just real crazy like somebody took off the mask over there we had to stay the soldier's creed and of course you know what i said she come on now anyways uh i tried to like hold my breath in as long as i could and then once i couldn't it just started like this [ __ ] started like i'm just coughing at this point like so basically after i guess a minute they can't keep you in a long no longer than me so we look they let us out or whatever and we just have to like and i got a video on it so y'all i will let y'all see that maybe maybe anyways that is my whole experience y'all it's not that bad like i said it's just you just gotta you know do what you think you should do you know do do what's best for you now two people who's about to go in i mean hey good luck good [ __ ] look uh that's all i can say but yeah that's my experience if y'all want like a more and more detail like this video as long as hell if y'all want a more detailed video of course i can make that happen for y'all does that mean oh let me know what y'all want to see i have a lot of content that i haven't even showed y'all yet so that is my video y'all hopefully y'all like this video love it you know what else do you want to do um leave me comments if you have any questions so yeah y'all stay tuned and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Ladyy Dee
Views: 4,748
Rating: 4.8525348 out of 5
Keywords: basictraining fortsill myexperience
Id: yksZ63j3Dio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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