ARK SERVER HOSTING Made EASY! Ark Survival Ascended

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hi guys Steve here and on this video I'll be showing you how to set up your very own arc survival ascended server easily even if you've never set a server up before so if you don't want to be forced to use an official or an N tro server now you don't have to if this video is helpful please like And subscribe thank you I had never set a server up before so I had no idea how to do it I tried watching some tutorial videos on how to set up a server but after a few minutes of download these files and then move them all here here my brain locked up and I thought okay this is not going to happen until I found a server setup tool program created by some genius that automatically downloads and sets up everything for you I've been testing it in a service for the last few months and everything's been working perfectly there are three main ways to host your own server from a home PC a remote PC or virtual private server there are dedicated servers as well which is a machine all to yourself but most likely you rent a virtual server with a home PC at your house you would have a second computer to host and run your Arc server it could be an old PC or one you've set up to run as a server it would need to be separate from your gaming PC cuz it needs to be on all the time well to be on whenever you and your friends want to play then once your Arc server files and programs are set up you can make the server live so you and your friends can connect to it via the Internet with a remote PC you would have a computer away from your house in another building like a college work or business when you have a server programmer file set up you will need to open a remote desktop to that PC so you can connect to it and control it when you're out of a building then when you're at home you can remote connect to it with your computer so you can make the server live or take it down again if you need to update the server or change any of your game server settings then when everything's set up make the server live again you and your friends can connect to it by the internet for a virtual ual private server you would rent a virtual private server from a server hosting company they will give you the remote login details so from your home PC you can connect remotely to the virtual server download and install all the arc server files and program change your settings you want then when everything's set up you can make your server live so everyone can connect to it this is the easiest option for me and it's a one I went with so now I'm going to show you step by step on how to set up a server relax take your time and go slowly and when you've learned each simple step move on to the next one and by the end you'll have your own server setup step one get a server I can only briefly go over the option of using a second computer as a server as I didn't do it myself but I will be doing a stage showing you how to install the server software on your computer whether it's an old PC or one built for purpose you need to open certain ports for your router to let people connect to your server PC I didn't have a good enough second PC to run as a server I didn't like the idea of a computer being on over time it'd be giving off noise and heat and you still have to pay for electric to run it anyway so I thought the option of running a blank private server was a better one plus it just so happens I'm partnered with a server company ping perfect but offers different private server options for your choice here's the specs and prices show menu in the top left shows it in dollars pound and Euros we've done a stest option to run one Arc map server and when new DLC maps come out you can upgrade later but if you're not sure how many Maps you want to run in the future just talk to them beforehand and they'll help you out with the best server option for you links in the description box below you'll get 10% discount on your first month if you use my promo code one thing to note a server company will help you out with any support you need to deal with your virtual private server like how to access it or sort out any problems Etc however they will not and cannot help you with anything to do with setting up your Arc survival ascended server files that's because they're not allowed to due to the exclusive deal in I tradeo sand with snail games to stop other server companies hosting Arc survival sandard that's why we have to rent a virtual private server then install all the arc server files ourselves so if you have any problems at all with your Arc survival ascended server not working you will have to try and sort it out yourself by Googling it asking people on forums friends or you just working out and fixing the problem honestly I was a bit nervous about that as I'd never run a server by myself I'd rented an arc server before and changed the settings but a thought of not being able to just put a ticket in and ask server support to fix a problem was a bit scary but there was no way I was going to use a n tro server after the crap they've pulled official servers are just terrible single player doesn't work wrong right so the drive for me to host my own arc server and play with friends pushed me to host my own and I bet many of you think the same and I'm glad I did because of the making of This mine's been running for over 3 months and I've not had any problems well apart from a On's wild card and Nitro I've created when changing the game code to try and make it more difficult for people to host their own servers right you've rented your private virtual server and they've sent you your login details now it's time for step two remote access your virtual private server go to your windows search box and type remote you are looking for remote desktop connection this is a program you'll be using to connect to your private virtual server click it and it'll open up the app you might want to pin that to your taskbar as you be using it every time you connect to your virtual server next input the IP address you're given from your login details and press connect and it'll ask for your credentials to log into the virtual server here enter your username and password click the remember me tick box otherwise you'll have to type those in every time you log in and click okay a remote desktop connection warning popup box will come up but that's fine because you know it's the server you want to connect to just click yes you can also tick the Box don't ask me again and that will connect you to your virtual private server here you have connected to the desktop of a server you have rented it desktop has filled the screen so everything you do here will affect the rented server to see your computer's desktop underneath this browser screen or you got to do is click the little double window icon in the top middle that will minimalize your rented server screen and show your main computer desktop underneath it takes a little time to get used to if you've not done this before but once you get the idea of that your remote accessing a computer somewhere else and you're seeing that computer's desktop through a browser everything becomes easier then to enlarge the remote desktop screen again just click the little window icon and your virtual private server will F the screen again step three download the server setup software now this processes the same whether it's on a virtual private server or a second computer you own so for this demonstration I'll be installing it on a second computer which has Norton AntiVirus on which will flag the server software as suspicious because it's a completely new program that hasn't been recognized by Norton yet virtual private servers won't get these popup warnings as they only have a basic Windows Defender on however disclaimer I take no responsibility of any anything you click or download on your computer your virtual private server will be blank anyway so there's no information on it and if you're going to run your server from a second computer it's best to install a fresh system and not have anything else on it that can interfere with running a server like you don't want to be playing resource intensive games on your Arc server or everyone in Arc will be experiencing server lag stuttering and it might crash Etc plus I'm showing you the software being installed on my second computer because the first time I installed it on the virtual private server I didn't know what I was doing and it was a bit messy and I don't want to risk wiping my server that been running 3 months so it' be much clearer and cleaner installing again Fresh open up your web browser go to the following address ragon Arc server creation tool SL releasers I'll also link it in the description box below this will take you to the latest server creation tool exe click on it to download under it has enclosed a source code to show you that it's clean and it's got no viruses in it next drag the exe file to your desktop or wherever you want it if you have some type of antivirus it might flag it at this point let's look what it sees it as I was expecting that so click restore it tells you what it is and then I click yes and it'll put a file back to where it downloaded it drag it to the desktop again with Windows Defender you just get one pop-up warning that's it so ignore all that if you don't have Norton right next run the program as administrator a popup will come up asking to install net desktop runtime click yes that take you to the web page which will automatically start downloading next go to downloads open the folder where it is and run it install window commot click install wait till it finishes click close close these windows don't need them so we' downloaded two programs and installed one the antivirus stuff just made it seem more complicated than it actually was now on to step four installing the server files you'll be surprised how easy this bit is thanks to the program you just downloaded right click and run the program exe now you need to select the folder where you going to install everything click browse select the folder where you want to put all the server files in I'm going to put it on C drive create a new folder and I'm going to call it Arc saay survival standard put island in the title as well you might need to make it clear if you're installing of maps later on select folder then go to save configuration an updat box will pop up then click the update game files button and over server files you need will be downloaded and stored in that folder you created at this point you can have a rest of 5 minutes cuz all the server files are being downloaded and set up by that server creation tool it's just download ins so skip forward 5 minutes until it's nearly done it's almost done there you go it's finished all the server files have now been downloaded and installed I'm just going to click update game files again to double check everything's installed fine Monon antivirus will probably flag it again yeah there you go you won't get this on your virtual private server click view details this comes up cuz a server creation tool needs to add and delete files that's why it's getting flagged exclude process so you don't get a warning again close it and that's the last time you have to mess around with your antivirus run that update again I just like to double check everything's okay it should be really quick this time as all the files are installed and it's just checking for any [Music] updates there we go we're done so click continue and that's all of downloading done step five the server creation tool control panel this is a server tools control panel that brings up your different functions this app is new and still in development so there'll probably add more options later but I'll take you through it and show you what we've got at the moment open configuration shows you where the server files are kept and the launch augments is where you put the mod codes for events like turkey TR and winter wonderland I'll be showing you how to do that shortly open up data is where to go when there's a server update and has new files to download you click update game files and it'll download the latest patch for your server the first time you've installed the server files you'll need to click open game user settings.ini config and it'll save a game user settings file is missing and do you want to create one you'll need to click yes for this and this is where you change all your server settings like the server name performing rates time of day Etc if you not rented a game server before it could look a bit overwhelming as each line of code Alters something on the server but after a while you'll get used to it and understand how it works and you'll be able to set up your server just how you like it most of the settings are changed here but a few like mating and breeding needed to be added in a different file so next go to open game inii config again it will say there no file there you want to create it click yes and it'll open up for the first time and be empty here you would put codes of lines to do with mating and breeding and we'll do that in a minute that's it everything's installed to get your server working now all it's left to do is change some server settings step six change server settings click on the button to open your game user settings.ini and scroll down you are looking for server settings in Brackets there we go and this is where we change all our server settings next I'm going to copy paste the lines of code I've added myself from my server I'll add them in the description below the first thing you want to do is add a server password to stop people you don't want to joining your server there we go then if you want to you can add a server admin password that gives you admin commands once you're in game they can be in any order but the main codes of line in there is that I've got harvesting and taming multipliers on times 4 and to get level 100 50 dinos on your map difficulty offset needs to be one and override official difficulty needs to be five then tribe blog destroyed enemy structures turns on tribe logs it tells you if anyone's attacked your buildings the main thing was adding your server password then from there scroll down right to the bottom and under session settings session name is a name of your server so type in what you want to call your server go to file then save that'll save all your changes close that and then go to open game I I and I'm going to copy and paste my code lines I use these are mainly to do with breeding then once you put those in go to file and save close that down you're finished all you got to do now is start your server a black window will appear telling you of a server starting up it'll give you server info plus when anyone joins your server it will show you their IP address at the bottom that's standard with server software you'll need to leave this software running while your server's up all you got to do now is go in game and search for your server name join it and make sure your server's working fine Step seven updates and events whenever is a patch for a game you'll need to update your server or your game won't see it it's really simple to update you'll need to stop your server click open upd data click update game files in the bottom left the program will check the files and update them if there aren't any updates it'll go really quick but if there are updates it will take some time to download them there go once that's done if you've got any changes to game settings you can make them now but if not just click Start server the server will start up again show you its status and that's how you update if it was an arc ascended event on like turkey trial or winter wonderland they will post a mod code to install it click for override launch augments tick boox then copy and paste a mod event code but wild card gives you on the community crunch they only Supply you the last section mods equals for the number this didn't work for me so I contacted the server tool Creator and they supplied me the extra code line to go before it and at fine so try the mods equals code first and if not try the whole code line I'll link in the description box click save config then update your server again to download any mods if you need to wait for it to finish it's complete so click exit everything is done so start your server up again the black window will open and you're done when anyone joins your server their IP will show that's fine and leave the software on and running otherwise if you close it down your server will close down step eight find and join your server log into Arc survival ascended then click on press to start then click join game and this will take you to all the different server options at the moment the servers are unoficial you have a unofficial server so click unofficial and below that it's selected all so it's showing PVE and PVP servers select it on all as if you've got PVP settings and it's selected as PVE your server won't show if you have put a password on your server click show password protected servers then yours and all the best servers are hidden behind show player servers so click that on and in the top right do a search for your server name a partial search will be fine and there we go there's my official Patron server I click on it it shows that I've installed the winter wonderland mod click join put in my server password click accept you'll connect to your server and there you go you should be in game if you can't find your server at any point Wild Card might have put a game patch out so you might need to update your server or you might have some of your server search filters wrong like you've selected PVE instead of PVP server or all or sometime in the future snail games wild card and nit tro might try and screw you over to stop you hosting your own server and if that ever is the case please give them hell but apart from that you should be playing on a much better server now so I hope enjoy it step nine final bits and reminders I'll give you one last reminder of how to log into a virtual private server you saved a remote desktop connection to your taskbar click it to open up you've already saved your login details so click connect the certificate popup window comes up I'm going to click on the don't ask me again cuz I know the server safe and it's mine click yes wait a second for it to connect and there we go we've connect connected to our virtual private server and I can start server shut it down or update it whenever I like the file you need to change to change your game settings adopt ini files on your virtual private server the full extension inii may be hidden if that is the case in Windows do a search for hidden select show hidden files and folders and click on display the full path in the title bar plus you can click on show hidden folders as well click off hide extensions for unknown file types then click apply and now those two files have got. ini at the End plus you can see any invisible folders remember the only difference between installing the server software on your own second PC and a virtual private server is that because Windows Defender is on the virtual server you'll only get this warning popup instead of those Norton Antivirus ones on mine click more in info then click run anyway that's the only popup you should get the server creation tool exe file will get updated and new versions will come out over time to update the server creation tool.exe all you got to do is simply download it then replace the old exe with a new one and you'll get new functions and don't forget if you wanted to rent a virtual private server use my link and promo code in the description box below you'll get 10% off the first month and you'd get a lot better server than you would by using nitr if you need any other help you can go to the arc server creation tools page just remove releases in the web address scroll down and he's done a basic guide of how to install the program and what ports on your router you might need to open if you're installing it on your own second computer if you have any problems ask people in the comments box below and try and help each other out and check the answers to see if it solve your problems but hopefully you shouldn't have any and that's everything I know this was an extremely important video to make as I wanted you to be free to have your own servers explaining everything as simple as this was extremely hard to do and almost took 2 weeks of work so please show your appreciation and show me it was worth it by liking subscribing if you're not already clicking the Bell notifications and all to get notified when I upload and stream next share this video with your friends communities forums Etc as's links to patreon and merch Star as well as a link to get discount on a virtual private server I'll put a code lines in the description box below and to ragon server creation tool page thanks to him for making it and I hope everything goes well for you and your server thank you for watching goodbye
Views: 12,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark servers, ark server hosting, ark servers hosting, ark server, Ark Survival Ascended servers hosting, Ark Survival Ascended servers, Ark hosting a dedicated server, Ark hosting a private server, Ark host your own server, ark servers list, ark servers ps4, ark servers xbox, ark servers status, ark servers down, server host ark, best ark servers
Id: oHWW66pxolA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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