Ark Survival Evolved || Humble Beginnings!!! Ep 1

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hello every game beaver welcome to the first episode of arc oh my god this Center doesn't get you pumped I have no idea what will oh I'm so excited just let's do it let's do it recon hosted arc I'm guessing that's not a feature that's up right now and this is a pre-release if you didn't know off is like an acid MMO it's something we the fans have been waiting for for ages it absolutely came out of the blue and since stomping lands was sake maybe this could be the savior possibly let's do a test server and let's join oh oh oh I'm so beautiful okay oh well we're gonna be a chica oh sorry wow this is this is awesome it I guess it is like an MMO so we got a hair color dude good could we actually I don't know should I be a guy Oh nah I'm gonna be a BAE I'm gonna be a babe I color Cortana's joy Bianca hello corn on a head sighs oh my god big head through tiny legs we just cover novel I kind of want to pay that sighs oh wow make sure you know no I got a better idea oh my god ah beautiful head with no make him read it be my god this guy's a dinosaur head height head height okay big forehead head depth put up hands good hands so big um oh my god he's a tank oh yes much you can even tiny an egg okay okay oh yes nobody messes with this guy oh my god yes actually no weak you can be like just no leg day it also foot yeah look at this guy oh oh yes mmm ladies is doing anything for you mmm-hmm and this survivor name is Bob I kind of like that name but no we're gonna be the gaming pleaser okay so I am play we could choose north coast oh no we don't okay I'm guessing that B we could do that later well let's do it flu thaw has joined this arc high ordering flow table well I mean I've oh my huge biceps Oh what the hell's that I have a chip and microchipped okay okay I'm alive and this works with exports control boob oh my god Parasaurolophus I'm so happy to see you wild female Paris or level 3 Oh oh my gosh you you're beautiful oh don't do that yeah panting oh God who is that yeah you god you've got a red eye god you're ugly actually it's lagging a little bit lagging a little bit Oh Oh God hello oh my god this guy's how'd you how'd you talk oh Jesus oh my god he's so beautiful oh why why what Oh oh okay okay I was killed um was this touch floor punch the floor oh my god hello hello pretty how you doing dad I don't know doc what's the dodo you killed a level-3 dodo okay oh no the friends there on the target oh it's a level 18 dodo the cod do this help help person Riviera help me stay back stay back I have fists pop dude oh but oh my god he's punching a turtle with his fist oh oh my god that's a Pteranodon what's the Tyrande that's it okay don't kill me please have a good I'm good I'm good don't do it so do it okay okay look a the Dodos are still up to me it's like oh no don't honor them they'll blow it deadly yeah kill the dogs help me help kill the Dordogne oh no it it's turned round to face me oh god what happened what happened to me I left for like a second why are people so horrible in this game okay oh god no no nothing I'm gonna keep I gotta keep moving no troilus poop not ready to poop yet you mean I can't be ready to poop okay okay ahead I can't believe I had to put the quality down Oh soon follow me no okay okay this is okay I'll live off the land by punching plants level up is available axis infantry I'm sorry inventory oh right I can never look what I am so I can level up melee damage movement speed for a tude crafting it's gonna get more health health's the way for whose choose anagram to learn spend to learn spending you're available and everyone points ok so I can't do anything right now is that it just show me this I've ate intagram points I need to be what what ep-3e p3 okay well I gotta pretend I know what that is I'm level 2 now okay so we're gonna go around punching animals that's not that far is it oh god oh god crazy lady can anyone hear me no what's in here invade in this funny we live dinosaur what I don't understand what's going down did you knock this dinosaur out you're my hero you didn't think oh is this for me oh my god that's awesome thank you hey I'm ripped I'll have you know know I'm huge your nipples hey your nipples like stop looking at the goods kill the mob I know I know it's like you slapped me and then there's da da da da okay I'm gonna go slap some fish I'll be right back okay so I mission is slapping fish best game ever okay where's the fish oh oh I see like a coelacanth thing it's like good do I have that oh we do have there okay I breathe and there's a fish hello fishy it's level 14 die punch the fish punch the fish come on can I swim faster okay I need oxygen and oxygen hmm why am I only stay up for a little bit okay look at where the fish go oh there it is the fishes face-planting the ground I can be so accepting of losing a fish no but I have been punched in the face several times I started the game and I died I died like five died nine could you help me punch this fish I'm on a mission there's some people across that who want me to get a fish it's it's it's like it's like a Cohen where is it [Applause] don't forget to breathe down it just with something you've been doing all your life it's not loud I can't show my face back at my cloud without a fish hey don't do that I need to warm up and party I'm freezing I need your meat for the dinosaur I need you be you just have to spawn back because I need to meet a pair for the darkness all in all in good favor wait wait are you gonna kill me so we can ride the dinosaur yeah I'm not gonna do that no oh my god there's a shark in the water run towards the shark ran towards the shark oh it's so beautiful it's beautiful hello fishy punch the shark punch the shark punch it come on help help me kill the shock Oh oh my god oh my god I can't do this the custom right Oh God Oh God okay okay oh okay I'm just gonna keep punching the shock boys its submission the dosa popular our god damn it I killed myself punch it in the nuts oh well I gotta say guys this is going remember sleep well oh my god alright if somebody's dead I feel bad you will be Clive Clive the dodo and you will be beautiful master of this new land this is all yours Clive look at you you don't even care so much swag I makes all the booty people dance in that place the place where they dance what level are you anyway Clive wild male level 5 okay oh this is mate boosted what you mean mate boosted car we did I lost my water bottle um well your level two so I'm just gonna kill you there's no need for epic music to play okay dodo it's okay there we go Clyde no no Clive not no no guys come on it was just a little one you know don't want to but don't want to kill you guys I will punch you if I have to oh my god you can you can run a mile away level up is available oh my God look at him go Oh climb no no dude that's right Clive stay away it's okay it's okay climb I think I made a dodo unconscious though can I make it my pet let it go put it somewhere here it is put food in inventory to take poop I can't poop still Clive I don't wanna hurt you we're gonna let you climb don't do this to us oh pretty birdie what's it a poo it just pooped poop you pick up small dinosaur feces Oh perfect feel like I need it oh my god Dodos can swim if the potty up the potty oh stop prancing about you come here oh my god oh my god this dodo ohgod he's coming he's coming like a terminator well then what's that over there but something in the water hey you know what screw it I'm gonna go over here joning unconscious people forcing them to eat poo oh my god is this what this game is oh that turtles that Turtles I want to ride you what are you level four wild female that's all I want to do Oh fish fish Oh what is that is that good did they kill it so i unlock its its thingy okay close what do I do with it jeez drag body right G oh my god I've got it ha ha ha we wish to catch a fish so juicy sweet this there's people there's people they're coming to steal my fish oh they won't get it okay I tell you there's my fish mine haha its e we just pick up so many things okay okay okay I got this so it just basically e e''z is the easy way of doing everything I didn't edit fiber on it stone out of berries thatch take the rock well that's a huge rock no I I bumped I'm huge take everything okay can we craft anything yet hmm we can okay get it added primitive stone pick hmm did we do it hold on show me tree we've got to is done oh my god how do we equipped okay we don't need that anymore use item oh okay sorry one Oh recover weapon yes haha yeah can we do it you think guys see we can do it let's do it let's do it all right oh god he flogged me oh this isn't a good position to be in oh come on come on mr. tricky yes yes we did it okay okay okay there's not another one is that right now we need to tame this somehow we need to tame this am I gonna go dizzy soon I feel like if I don't eat I'm gonna go dizzy why they put so much thought into this game okay gee come on yeah I'm fish I'm gonna eat you meet you roll I'm sorry oh right I'll add three raw meat awesome okay now I need a campfire oh my god this guy's got loads of endurance you're tired stop moving for a moment to regain your stamina okay the Crouch as well whoa okay keep going oh my god that rock just came out of nowhere what's up that's a duel officer next to my fire get away
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 3,597,583
Rating: 4.8025427 out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved, ark, ark dinosaurs, dinosaur riding, t.rex, dodo, mmo, rpg, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver
Id: Noymk8BaxnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2015
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