ARK Survival Ascended PVE Online Epic Settings 4K DLSS | RTX 4090 | i9 13900K

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[Music] welcome back to the channel guys today I'll be playing some more Ark survival evolved this time I'll be playing online on a PVE server so playing at a resolution of 3840x2160 using the Epic preset as you can see anti- Ling is grayed out because I'm also using dlss so using dlss at the balance setting this time usually I use quality but want to try out balance just to see if I can just get a bit more stable performance as this game is demanding Beyond Reason now if you're wondering what that heavy breathing is I'm just about to finish taming up a male wild tanadon and this is of course a flying Dyno so this will help me get around the island a lot easier easier so it's around 98.3% tame literally just a few more minutes and that Dino Will Be Tamed and it'll be under my command at this point I see another Pteranodon in the distance it's only level 10 which is pretty much trash I might as well just kill it and harvest its uh body for meat and try and get some resources from it one more shot should do it level 10 it isn't really got too much HP so you can then just carve it up really for its resources so I'm finally able to get onto a server I've been waiting a long time but it seems that the servers are less full up now so my te's complete let just name this call it razor wing okay so ended up being level 96 after it was tamed so still quite a low level but decent enough for me to get around on just equip the saddle and I should just be off to fly around I was want to make myself as light as possible so just drop some of these extra resources I'm carrying so I don't need to carry around too much wood too much Stone Those are heavy resources and I can finally fly around so trodon is pretty much the first flying Dyno that you can tame pretty quick but it just has terrible carrying weight and doesn't have the best stamina but it will get you around pretty quickly so this is my my base that I've pretty much set up since I joined this server but this is player versus environment so you don't necess have to worry about other players um but you do need to worry about just surviving protecting your dinos and things like that so cuz it's a living world so when you first tame a dino it will follow you everywhere you go so I have to let it know not to follow me I forgot to do that so yeah this is pretty much my base got all of the basics campfire Mor pester storage Smith bench and somewhere to sleep so it does what it needs to do I'll expand on this in the future even when you start on one of these servers just finding somewhere that you can actually build can be quite challenging cuz everyone loves to claim land you will even kind of fly around the island and there'll be like pillars and posts and ladders everywhere people claiming land so you can't build which is a little bit annoying but it wasn't too hard to find somewhere to build which is nice cuz this server is a European server so it's a European PVE server Island server it's got around uh say about 50 54 to 60 players most of the time so it's half the way full and 70 people is the maximum and this is server 5433 if you want to join in you may be a to just randomly bump into each other while playing but yeah it's so much easier to get around now that I've got a Flying Diner even then RTX 490 and i 94900 k still can't maintain 60 FPS even at the balance preset with frame generation on and dlss upscaling so again this game is really demanding Beyond Reason it has to be said it doesn't use too much vram though it allocates around 14 GB but it uses a little bit bit less than that so that's probably the only good thing in terms of performance I can say but the game looks considerably better way way way better than the original and it almost so much so that the island actually almost feels completely different you feel so much more immersed while you're on foot just waiting Through the Jungle cuz um it just feels a lot more living so around here usually you find metal deposits but because as you can see there's loads of Foundations placed by other players it stops the spawn points from spawning so if you find a resource deposit and you build next to it once someone depletes that resource it will never replenish which is unfortunate because this Island's the closest island where you can get metal and Crystal and someone's put pillars everywhere to claim the land land they haven't even built anything yet but they just claiming the land which is annoying but that's just part of playing online or Dilophosaurus here I'm just going to take it [Music] out I'm a lot more confident fighting um enemies on foot because I got Flack armor now and I've got a metal spear metal Pike so I'm a lot stronger than before so I can hold my own even against bigger dinos now I don't have to run away for those who watch my original video I couldn't even take take on a bionics which isn't the most aggressive just going to pump weight because it's still quite a low level so I'm going to focus on weight for now so I can actually actually carry stuff but I'm going to go looking around for more more iron deposits or metal deposits because someone's put too many foundations down those those resources are not going to spawn back unfortunately there are some more nearby but you just got to look around see big caurus over there trying to see what level it is before I take it on what the the spy glass has always been a little bit dodgy in terms of when you're on the back of a dino it's always kind of hard to lock on that's level 50 I do fancy my chances of taking this down so I'm going to try and take it out cuz it will give you decent experience I'm still trying to level up so I can unlock more skills so any chance I get to kill um my Carnival I always take it it's over there beast on one of its kills got me to deal with now I'm going to try and stay behind its high leg stay out the way of its bite nice and easy I even got a level up for doing that they take all of its resources oh man that's the thing about these little dinosaurs they don't look like much but they're pretty aggressive and they Co trodon de got a bite that will actually render you unconscious so I'm going to get out of here if it was just one I would have took it down but three of them that's bad news so I'm just going to take my flying Dino and get get out of here get to safety and there was actually some metal deposits down there but I'm not going to risk Dying by trodon bite just to get him so let me just level up and I'll go looking [Laughter] around so I'm going to go look in if I remember correctly there are some more um Explorer notes around here somewhere so what the Explorer notes are it's like a it's like almost a bit of the story line gets explained to you so you might find information on on a Dyno and opening that Explorer note gives you like an XP buff so it's a really really good way of leveling up quickly but you just need to know where they are but I remember remember where most of them are but because the gamees changed so much it's hard to always find everything again because some things are in different locations so you can see one over here anytime you see these types of ruins usually find Explorer notes fairly unremarkable by the island standards on kinkis gret lamia is a generally passive fish its main form of protection is swimming in a large Skool enorus does not like conflict and generally swims away from anything larger than itself at very high speeds once provote however enorus becomes quite aggressive along with its nearby Brethren it locks onto its prey with its long saber teeth and begins draining the creatur's blood this loss of blood is not too dangerous alone but when a school of enorus attack at once their target quickly loses speed and stamina from blood loss drowning if it but cannot breathe underwater like many of the smaller fish found on or around the island enor rinkus Cannot Be Tamed but it is often herded and harvested for its resources in particular certain cuts of enorus meat are considered to have superb quality and are often referred to as Prime fish used for specific high-end concoctions and taming the Island's many pous creatures so yeah it's nice that they've got some narrator now to explain all of the Explorer notes this isn't something exclusive to AR survival ascended this was also in Arc survival evolved towards the later stages but if you were playing the game originally this never used to happen so it's actually nice to here some narration I'm just going to pump my fortitude because um you need to be able to restand the elements for example when you're wearing Flack armor you get hot most of the time if you're in a warm part of the island and also so fortude alsoo helps with poisons and your tour resistance so if you for example a trodon bite would usually knock you out maybe one or two bites would be enough but if you pump your fortitude You' be a lot more resistant to those kind of enous bites that render you unconscious it's it is useful titano as well one of the big snakes on the island will knock you out pretty much within two bites so these things sneak up on you as well so it's always good to have decent defense against it so I'm going back here just to double check if there's going to be any more spawns cuz um every now and then um resources will spawn back but you just got to double check I'm just worried about the amount of okay so there is one deposit here which has iron in it so this should be enough for my needs all I want to do is make the rest of this Flack armor I'm still missing the boots the gauntlets and the helm as well so I'm going to need to grab this metal this raw metal and then you can melt it down in your Forge into iron ingots and then you can use that material to make the rest of your armor so resourcing um farming is very very important on this game so I was able to get 54 raw metal it's going to dump all the stone so I'm hopefully light enough to fly so even though my trodon is quite low level it's still just about got enough weight to do some small item carrying so I'm just going to head back to base [Music] [Applause] [Music] now so when you're high up in the clouds things do get pretty Misty so if you want things to clear up it's just best to drop down and then stay out of the clouds cuz the volumetric clouds as good as they look they can harm your visibility going to get some rest Emi try on such a low level you do need to take breaks every now and then you see someone's putting together a nice space here they got it all kind of figured out in like the cheap material so they've done it all in Fetch so when they got everything right they will upgrade it to Wood stone or even metal depending on um how far they want to to do it is see someone else over here as well so you do run into players often and um man I was trying to wave but he's already gone so this isn't player versus player so you don't need to worry about running into other players but it's good to be social because everyone likes to trade um help each other out May maybe even become um Alliance form an alliance so you can take take down bosses together and things like that so it's good to try to get to know the other players that you're playing with and generally most people are quite polite you do get a few people that make trouble but um if you pay attention to the chat people will let you know who to kind of avoid so still pumping weight my TR on such a low level but eventually will get to a level where it's actually quite useful to me so I got all the metal now I can just put this in the Forge and get this melted down I got no wood so I need to get some wood for the furnace but you have to admit the game looks considerably better now it doesn't feel so much more alive and um immersive very very demanding of course sub 60fps experience right now but um hopefully they can optimize things a little bit better I mean it's going to be another 2 years before I can root Force this game with my RTX 590 when it releases but for now I have to deal with um just playing with what I've got and even some of the best hardware available um is still not good enough to run this game um at maximum quality so it goes to show you just um how unoptimized the game is and ambitious as well because the game does use Lumen and it's a really open world so imagine adding software ra tracing to a an open world you can tell it's going to be really demanding so I understand um why it's demanding but it's a little bit more demanding than than it needs to be in my opinion it's a little bit beyond reason so I've noticed that my steps are still wooden so I want to upgrade these to Stone so let need to gather a bit of stone right now because um you can build your Bas in like four different Mater or five different materials on this game fch is the beginner then it goes to Wood then it goes to Stone and it goes to metal and then you get the alien or the the most durable kind of material which is called element on this game and it's not just for Aesthetics so the more durable it is the longer it lasts on the server so if you build something in Fetch and don't play the game for maybe 4 days if you don't go on the server for 4 days your actual base will start to erode and disappear so if you build your base with something that's durable like stone or metal you can not play or not even log in for like two weeks and it'll still be there it'll still be fine so you got to consider these things okay that should be enough stone for me to to make the uh steps going to get some more fetch so it is a bit of a grind um the multiplier on the servers is pretty basic good thing about arc on the weekends they usually give you double double um resource Gathering or double multiplier um so things are a little bit easier but it's only for the weekend okay I'm just going to make these Stone steps now so it's nice that they got less ingrams now um You can make one Ingram and it usually does multiple things so the roof Ingram does steps it does ramps it does like three or four different things you just press e and or r to move across and you can just choose what you want so I've replaced my wooden steps with stone steps so I've got some skills I still need to learn I haven't learned how to make the flag helmet so I do need to learn that real quick okay so I know they're full set now now I can actually build it I just need to have the materials as well so that wouldn't have been enough time to melt down all of the raw metal but it should be enough for me to build at least the boots just just be build the flat boots you just go under armor go on the metal and then you can see where you can build the boots it'll tell you what materials you need and just hit craft and that's pretty much it so the system in Arc is pretty self-explanatory they've added a lot of quality of life things now so if you put wood in the furnace it will tell you how many hours or minutes or seconds you'll get out of that fuel or fuel where that wasn't really something they did before you can add way points which show up in the world now so where you can see your base and things like that you can disable them as well but it's useful when you're in the dark or you just need to know what direction to head um to your base so I always keep my base Waypoint available it just helps me navigate the world a little bit okay so I need to wait for this raw metal to melt down into iron ingot so I'm just going to show you a little bit more of the world one of the best things about um this online experience that I've noticed compared to the original is that there's hard any rubber rubber banding anymore so sometimes when your ping was too high you would uh have to wait for the server to catch up my Ping On This Server is around 58 or 54 so it's actually pretty reasonable we around 50 to 60 people on the server at the moment with no rubber abandoning as you can see the the server is playing real smooth it's actually a much better experience than it was previously so some of the things are improved not everything but um you just bump into so many people now as you can see run into someone else if you're wondering what this massive dinosaur is it's called the Titanosaurus it's basically like one of the biggest dinos in the game some random some random wild recks over there I might have to try and tame that at some point but yeah just the visual upgrade in this game is insane it just looks so much better even now that it's raining you can see that the ground starts to get darker the there's wet textures for pretty much everything you can see that the stone is completely completely wet [Applause] now and I'm not saying they didn't have this before but it just looks a lot better than it did but yeah the visual upgrade is is considerable it's such a better looking game now I know the visuals come at a cost but it certainly is worth it just the difference in shading and lighting really really makes it feel like a living world now this is definitely a game for future Hardware it has to be said but just look at the draw distance as well there's less popping now as well so the the server certainly performs better than the previous official servers and just close everything up now so that should be enough time for the metal to have melted down as you see got 19 metal ingots out of that but anytime you get raw metal you get half of that once it's melted down so I should be a to build the gauntlet and the helmet now and then that is the complete set of the Flack armor okay I'm going to show you what this looks like and the actual sound of your the way you walks that changes because now it's kind of showing well it's just mirroring the materials that you're you're wearing so that's a nice touch this is something they did in the original but it just wasn't as pronounce it didn't wasn't as obvious but it's it a retooled some of the sounds as well and you don't have to have your helmet showing you can just go into emotes and disable the or hide your helmet but you still get all the stats of the protection but that is pretty much it for me guys just want to show you some online performance thanks very much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bang4BuckPC Gamer
Views: 2,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX 4090 MSI Suprim X, Intel i9 13900K, Bang4buckPC Gamer, Eneba, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended RTX 4090 4K 60fps, Ark Survival Ascended Epic Settings 4K, NVIDIA RTX 4090 Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended PVE online
Id: Y2uHxVdKQ5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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