ARK Survival Ascended First Impressions - Starting SOLO 6 Man Servers

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yo what is up everyone hope all is going well for you welcome back to get jacked we're finally back here in Ark sorry about uh the crazy delay that's been going on on the channel I mean I was I was waiting for this forever as many of you know I have 15,000 hours in Arc I played a ton and yet there's a point where it just kind of starts to get a little bit old and you need to leave your computer every once in a while um so 15,000 hours in I decided maybe I should leave the house and touch some grass so I took a little bit of a break there but we are back here we're going to be checking out Ark survival ascended the servers have been pretty rough so far I'm on a official six-man at the moment here trying to just go and test things out see how things go um see what we can do but the graphics I mean they're looking pretty good I mean everything's running pretty smooth it's just the servers that are really struggling so why don't we get into this and uh I guess see what happens huh huh okay so I've made my way over to this part of the island I'm just finishing up my note run over here I grabbed the last two in this area and I actually found this stuff off some guy that was passed out so I really appreciate him uh donating a little bit I mean the servers have been going they've been crashing like crazy it's you're lucky if you can even get back into the server so that's probably what happened to this guy we're going to set up a little bit of a base I'll probably just throw it in the trees and hide it because I feel like people aren't going to be raiding Stone bases here in the first couple days at least so I think we should be able to set something up and if it stays hidden we should be all right for a little bit so I just went to 61 with our note run so I can unlock all the basic stuff I mean let's be real I don't think we're going to be getting turrets today so um we don't really have to keep pushing it any further so I'm going to see what we got in the area and get some Basics going Everything feels is very similar to Art I mean just normal art you know what I mean like besides like the graphics change obviously you can't do move speed you can't level into move speed so I don't know everything else feels very similar even the hip boxes are still messed up like they used to be and like trying to gather hide and stuff from smaller dinos is hard there are babies so that's pretty cool they just walk around with their parents that evidently attack you now a fiomia what yeah I guess everything attacks you now if you I I mean it makes sense I just shot his baby with a bow and I would expect that reaction so I guess even fomas can kill you nowadays but these actually give prime meat and stuff which is pretty pretty nice I'm just trying to get as much height as I can to start out all the basics of everything but yeah being able to just find Prime Prime on the beach is pretty awesome actually for taming all right unlock a little hide armor here now that I've got enough for that and let's set up a little bit of a base here huh so the doors are weird it's like um what is that like I feel like that was similar to a game you actually can change the wall into a door and you can use those walls for like all different types of things which is actually kind of nice because you know you'd have to have stacks of double doors and walls and doors and all that and now it's all condensed into one which is actually pretty pretty smart just a little bit weird to get used to so here we go we got our bed we got a little storage I can't make another one I should probably make another one of those and then see what we find okay hopefully the these still give metal they actually give you know a little bit of metal so that's always yeah yeah we're getting some still so we can hopefully get our Smithy going get into some metal tools and stuff like that this guy was like crawling up to me like sneaking up to me see if he has anything that'd be great if I just passed out from food I I'm terrible at eating in this game you guys you guys know that where did he go oh he's hiding on top of this rock does he not think I don't like does he think I don't see him or what sorry bro he's massive I made my character small but you can obviously make some how did he get up there you can obviously make some giant people in this game I guess you can just walk right up the side of the rock perfect oh okay my bad dude he was it was like crawling up to me it was weird felt very intimidating all right so this is kind of where I put the base kind of just up on the top of this hill within all the trees I'm just going to not cut down the trees around it so that we don't worry about people seeing it from above and I've got kitan let's see I got to get together everything for a forge okay we've got everything for our Forge here so at least we can get that started get the Smithy rolling and then we should be we should be sitting pretty good maybe there is a lot of uh since we're on like the beach area over here there's a lot of like the bugs and whatnot so we can EAS oh everything snaps I guess I didn't really notice that with the other stuff but get this metal cooking up or or this metal cooking up that should be enough for Smithy maybe some metal tools and all that a pike would be good cuz there there's no move movement speed increases so a pike with like Melee damage and all that that's going to be pretty op in the beginning so that's what I'm going for we'll see okay we're going to be smart about this put an air lock on this we do not want to lose our progress because we are on the beach anybody's going to try and run in and like knock us out inside of here so there we go air lock so at least people can't go deep on us got to go with those rust buildings since turrets are not going to be a thing here for a minute also I'm kind of wondering how turrets are going to be now that there's no move speed increase like you're not going to be able to just Sprint up to somebody's base with all like the lag and stuff and try and get to it so it's going to be really interesting how that end like all plays into everything all right we got our metal can we make our Smithy here we got enough metal let me grab enough stuff for it so I am liking how it's running like believe it or not it's actually running really well and for you know the settings and all that stuff that I have on like I'm kind of high medium on a lot of my settings so I'm actually surprised that it's going that well there just the servers that they're terrible man you like crash roll back 15 minutes play for 10 minutes crash again roll back it's it's it's freaking nuts I really wish they would have got that in line before releasing but you know here we are let's get a little bit more stuff for this let me get some meat too cuz I'm freaking is the water like terrible now like I feel like I'm drink drinking more water than humanly possible I have to run down that hill and get stuff every like 5 Seconds seconds because my water and food are draining out so that's pretty freaking annoying it's probably just cuz I'm not riding dinos or anything so I'm just sprinting around everywhere oh another thing I kept getting lost in stuff so I put a Rally Point up here which is really nice I love that this is in it but you can just like hold middle Mouse button and at a rally point which is perfect because I I got lost like 10 times in trying to get up to that freaking base I have a terrible sense of direction but that's why we have those now which is perfect all right here we go Smithy get some metal tools crafted up as well that's going to change things the rates actually aren't that bad here on six-man I forgot how nice it is I've been playing a lot of like official and stuff like that so these rates are perfect I love it let's get some kiten why not it's going to be a minute until I make some flak armor so I've got a like I said there's tons of bugs and stuff around here so we can get a lot of Kit no problem upgrade that at least all right now here these drops are pretty good so I came over here check this out oh shoot to this guy real quick I wonder if they the Raptors still pounce on you do they I feel like they used to lead with that every time I've been attacked by a couple they're just not doing it maybe it's just too laggy for him or something get rid of this guy see what we got here oh Narco arrows couple useless Saddles to me stay away from my hide I need as much of this as possible all right wish me luck if I get eaten by piranhas right now I'm going be pissed let me get access it dude is that ascendant boots ascendant hide boots beautiful just what I needed I knew they were coming I knew they were going to come for me so I've heard that these are like really good what we were seeing on like normal official servers was that you can even get like crops and stuff out of it which is really nice all right let's get this back I might go check on that one too a canvas I was like what is this thing oh no that's primitive I thought it was a different color I'm stupid my bad see what we got in this one give me something good give me some like grenades or something that'd be cool can't access it what's going on here okay okay okay Arc hello did I like not I can't I get into this thing must be on like a weird angle on the Rock oh there we go a journeyman axe cool does it like lower when you take stuff out of it that's weird seems like a not necessary thing that it has to do just like slowly closes the more things are taken out of it I guess or maybe that's just because I accessed it I don't know this is you can kind of tell if people have already gone to a drop but not taken everything I don't know all right I got enough narcoberries to make up a decent amount of Narcotics at least so that we can actually tame up a PT I think those are going to be really good in this game too right because people aren't going to be able to run away at 200% move speed from you so feel like they'll actually be pretty decent it's kind of weird because I don't know what to put all my points I don't know what to put my points and my levels in now it's like I guess melee damage is kind of the way to go just put all this stuff back and then we'll go and see if we can tame up some or a PT we probably don't need more than one it's not like we can like store it or anything I think you can still store them in like double doors right we we'll find out cuz if we just can put on like a little side section with a double door we should be able to hide them in there at least from people who's going to come and see4 our base that would be rude all right here we go waiting for this guy to land so we can see what level he is I got to get some crystals so I can make a spy glass make this process a little easier do you land sounds like like he's getting closer no sounded like he was like right above me they don't land as they like kind of stop midair which is weird I feel like they used to just either move around or land not just stop there all right I'm going to wait actually let's just see if we can catch him from he hasn't landed yet I've been kind of underneath him for a while so come on this is a kind of a crappy spot but I I don't know if people just going around killing all the pts or just taming them all but I have not been able to find any in the South and there are usually there so I'm not sure all right I'm getting really sick see how he was just like hanging there not moving at all see if he comes a little closer Oh I thought that was going to miss hey these things aren't easy to make I don't have all all the resources available here so we got to ration our Bolas all right I guess this will do it's not too bad and now we're going to have to like really protect this because there's freaking snakes and everything over in this area we going have to babysit this thing but 95 I mean that's not too terrible for like a beginning PT I know I know you were coming for this thing y I leave for one second to find some meat and this guy's freaking licking my Pteranodon over here what's wrong with you is he wearing flak I think he's wearing flak I think that's the sound I'm just going to shoot his frog cuz I don't think there's any way in hell I'm going to be able to kill him in black with a bow so I'm just going to shoot his frog see what he has to say about that because I'm mad took me forever to find that thing I I actually don't I probably can't kill this frog either oh God don't lick me oh okay he's scared where you going you got Flack on what are you so worried about I must be intimidated by the kitan how did I okay okay I I did say it was a minute since I played this all right all right shut up frog lick the lick the the par the what what was that thing called why can't I think of the name right now God I'm so stupid whatever my bow broke oh sh he's got a he's got a gun what is he running away from me for all right fine sorry my bad dude he's got a gun and Flack that is that's not fair all right I guess his frog will'll live this time just wait till next time all right I have to settle for this garbage Pteranodon 20 25 very very solid man well maybe I can use it to find another one because I'm literally seeing none I've been running around for forever there aren't any of these things around all right well let's hope it doesn't get licked like last time I'll kind of sit in this area if I can the server's been crashing so much though it sucks so bad okay my Ser the server crashed sorry tanadon well I got back in which which is good and it's still there so I'm going to get a little bit of hide to make a saddle and we should be all good to go on that guy at least okay saddle cool took a lot more High than I remembered I should probably make some parachutes too because it's St it Sam is going to be so bad why did I even tame this maybe we can use it to find another one but we'll find out oh come on please please server no don't do it I just need a little bit more that for a freaking parachute I think it's I think it's toast in the process of taming a level 25 tanod on it's crashed three times how's that even possible seems statistically impossible for it to happen in like 5 minutes check it out it took longer to connect to the server than to tame this thing but you know we got it oh my God it's damn it's so terrible oh this poor bird all right if I get killed by this Raptor right now I quit just get back to base at least we're on the other side of this rock we should be all right God this guy really on a parasaur right now what is he doing he's fighting baby cies what are you doing he was pulling out the Bas he doesn't have man that bullet did not come close he didn't have parachute so what is he doing just riding a parasaur around what you got for me oh well that's unfortunate I guess a club that's that's an upgrade right I don't have a club perfect we got that we'll leave his parasaur alone he can go back to doing what he was doing with that I'm just trying to see kind of like what's in the general area I was check checking out the pillars uh kind of to the south of me see if anybody's built on those because those might be a pretty cool spot to start out on potentially but then we're going to be in the open what level are you I need to make a that's bad ooh level 100 maybe I should come back for this there are actually a lot of drops in this area that was a lot of nice wood structures that I can just destroy for wood at least grab maget is a canorous fish found so the server crashed this guy's taming a trike and this person before I could get in killed my Pteranodon oh I was not expecting it to be on neutral I probably should have just bolet it there so I'm going to to kill his Pteranodon this guy probably took my saddle for his yeah it took me forever to get in on that time and then I come over here there's a base right next to me come here are you just giving up back down here so annoying to hit these when they're trying to attack you is it done all right it's done fighting so let's get our saddle back which I'm assuming this is probably going to be it try to fill with your wooden base couldn't even go to Stone what's wrong with you you could have been friends yeah and yours is much higher level I mean like all right saddle Acquired and now I'm going to take out your trike he must he must be passed out now yep that was definitely the person who killed me or not me my ter ran it on was just parked outside the base I think so now I'm going to take out his trike yeah this is definitely this guy I don't even know why you're taming a level 50 trike like what are you going to do with this right now you have a stone base and you're taming a level 50 Tri that makes literally no sense so since I don't have a Pteranodon right now and none of them respawning over here I'm taming up a level 95 Raptor yes a raptor I hav't I haven't tamed one of these in a very long time they were actually pretty cool when they had the ability to level up their move speed but we'll see how it is I mean it's going to be better than getting around on foot all right raptor is up and saddled let's do it oh this is a lot faster than me running around I guess having any Dino right now is probably pretty good because they're all faster than we are well not all of them but you you know what I mean so I'm going to go out and I'm going look around we're going to see if we can find another Pteranodon wonder if this thing can these damage wood can I just go through this guy's base cuz I'm kind of I'm kind of still angry I'm taking this Grudge to the next level I want to no it's not doing any damage doesn't look like there's anybody in there okay let's see I found a level 100 luckily this guy had a spy glass in his Pteranodon so I got that little upgrade at least oh now I just need to wait for it to land Oh what now all of a sudden there's three snakes great see if we can knock it out without the snakes oh God knocking me out uh let's make him where the where's aggressive kill everything Raptor think got Raptor can kill a couple snakes it must be able to right oh they're going to knock me out oh no not the Pteranodon I think it's a goner yep it's going to die there's another one of course there weren't any snakes this whole time I was running around then right when it lands and I baa it it's like snake snake City over here I got some oil out of this guys oh I can actually I needed a little bit of oil I can make some grenades and raid fill the Pteranodon killer think we should I'm going to take out this bed though because it's literally right next next to my base surprised he could even put it there all right I'm going to make up some grenades why not you know what let's let's just make up some grenades let's get rid of that guy's beds and him if we can it's nice that the Raptor can fit in the door so at least I don't have to like leave it outside and it is it is pretty nice to get around with it even though it sucks at killing snakes freaking idiot all right let's get this I can actually break those down I got more so I can break all those down for wood which is actually really nice and I'm making up some Gunpowder here so I can make a couple grenades we're going to do our first raid guys wooden base Revenge rev I should make the title of the video Revenge raid for massive loot there's going to be like he's not going to have anything but at least we'll get rid of his beds probably maybe we'll get lucky maybe we'll have some VPS or something who knows all right I haven't seen anybody around I haven't heard anybody in there so I don't know he probably Rage Quit after I killed that awesome trike that he had knocked out you know what I mean I would definitely do that how many grenades does it take to break wood I know wood is like more resistant to explosives isn't it oh God I don't have enough grenades for this but I brought a metal Pike so we can finish it off with that hopefully just not too much come on have something in there I mean he tamed a Pteranodon got to have some like narcotics or something right all right I finish it off with the pike what do we got here 25 narcotics worth definitely worth no what's more worth is getting rid of this I want to get rid of these guys' beds is there right next to our base too why would he kill his T my Pteranodon and then build his base right next to mine with the Pteranodon on top like I'm not going to just come over here and kill it little bit of charcoal great beautiful and they're literally the poorest people on planet Earth well we'll kill the beds at least all right finally I found a Pteranodon next to the beach come here you so I was actually able to tame a level 85 which is a lot a lot better than that terrible one that we had before so at least we got this and I'm actually going to put this in a stone box hopefully we can I'm going the wrong way let me go the other way hopefully we can actually protect it nobody's bothered the base in a day so I think we should be okay for at least like the beginning you know in a stone box cuz then you need explosives and who who wants that I heard somebody whistling over here when I was pulling the tranon out of there that's kind of why I ran up the hill fast CU I thought they were going to come get me and my new Terra oh there he is right there come here buddy oh he's level one oh he's just level one I'm I'm just going to let him go seems like a nice nice guy sorry about that brother oh okay well we'll leave him alone we'll go put this PT away hi hello I'm going to leave now all right so let's see if they can still fit in double doors this will be very nice if they actually can this here can you fit in here oh God the slowest walk ever all right but I think that's where we're going to stop I'm going to get this guy put away we got a little bit of progress done we had a little bit of fun I I mean I like the game it's cool it feels almost exactly like Ark yeah there's no movement speed and all that but the graphics are better obviously there's a couple like little tweaks and stuff to it but it feels just like your traditional art can I get around you um but anyway thanks for stopping in I plan to do a lot a lot of stuff on Ark I don't know how I feel about these servers though they've been terrible like honestly they crash every 10 minutes and then you get rolled back and it's just like this could have taken me you know a couple hours but it took me like a day because it's just like crashing and crashing and then you're trying to get back into the server and then the the dumbest things were happening so you know the slow proc progress at the beginning but and I'm alone obviously I don't expect to get too too far on small tribes because people grind this stuff out like crazy I need to get with some buddies and actually go at it with a full six-man tribe if I want to do anything crazy but we can go around we can mess around we can have a good time for a bit I'm working with a big tribe um the old guys that I used to play with so I'm going to have a lot of content coming from that and I don't know maybe should I like play single players I don't know if I want to play PVE but it might be fun just to like test out the map and have a good time but anyway guys that's what we're going to stop for today thanks for stopping in and we'll catch you next time
Channel: GTJack3d
Views: 32,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6tvCgMx3tBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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