ARK Survival Ascended Epic Setting DLSS 4K | RTX 4090 | i9 13900K

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[Music] welcome back to the channel guys today I finally get to play Arc survival ascended this is the long awaited upgrade to the original Arc survival evolved and they've now moved the full game to unre Engine 5 and and they've made a number of visual enhancements the physics water system weather everything has been revamped and the game is looking pretty impressive I must say fortunately though it's not a free upgrade even though I owned Arc survival evolved um you still have to buy this separately I paid £34 in the UK for it I'm not too sure how much it's going to cost in your regions but it's not going to be free anyway as I usually do I'm going to quickly go through the game settings I'm running so I am playing the game at a resolution of 3840 by 2160 at full screen epic preset however I've gone in and disabled motion blur and I've also increased the foliage interaction distance multiplier to the maximum which is eight foliage interaction distance limit which is five foliage interaction quantity limit are also maxed out as well and you also got a widget um graphical user interface 3D widget quality you can increase that to one so I may as well do that and then you of course you have the RTX tab which governs Nvidia dlss frame generation and of course how much what preset you want to use for dlss I'm using dlss quality with frame generation and we all know Arc survival Evol was a very very demanding game and even with all of these settings on D dlss quality and frame generation I'm still not running away with it in terms of performance but the game does look a hell of an upgrade from the very very first one yes I have the female Avatar yes it gets me more clicks fight me anyway what I'm going to do now is just try and play the game as normal and I am using a single player game the reason being um I don't want the server to interrupt um anything to do with the raw performance because server does have an effect on performance so this is a single player game so my first order of business is really just to try and build myself a little bit of a uh shelter so I'm going to stay away from the dilosa surus here I'm going to start Gathering some materials punch the wood I saw the trailer for this yesterday at the partner presentation from Xbox and I was very very impressed indeed and it certainly lives up to it if you've got a PC that can obviously push the visuals there going to be a lot of frame start frame spikes and stuff like that because it is Unreal Engine and a lot of textures and animations are going to be cached for the first time so just like most Unreal Engine games the longer you play um the better your experience will be you're not changing your driers every 5 minutes you should be fine I need to get myself some Stone I need to build get myself a hatchet then I can start cutting down some wood but yeah the dinos look considerably better Unreal Engine 5 has done a great deal to overhaul the visuals for sure let's see what I can craft now okay need to get some Flint but I can craft a hatchet now I think I should be able to at least so you need some Flint for a hatchet as well okay how am I going to get flint if I don't have any tools to make one okay I guess I'll craft the stone pick first and then from there I can get flint let's put this in slot one a bit Rusty I haven't played Arc for a while so it's all coming back to me I remember first playing this game um cuz it was extremely popular when it was in Early Access and I wasn't fond of it but the longer I played it it just kind of grew on me so we now have Flint which means I can now craft the axe I need a bit more wood so I can craft a spear so I can just defend myself there's a few Dilophosaurus is around this is like the beach like the first island and um it's pretty safe so I don't really need to worry about getting eaten but the occasional Raptor can come by grab some wood it does tell you how much you're Gathering but my on screen is play is blocking that metric you keep getting a level up every 5 seconds because um it's a completely new game but there's a lot to [Music] learn so you can go first person and third person if you want and get to GA some some meat obviously it's a survival game player versus environment so you do need to it's hard to do this when you're not in third person first person so I was going to say you do need to feed yourself so going to craft myself a spear so it makes killing a lot easier wow this dodo actually come to attack me that's actually new they they would never they would always run even if you attack them as far as I remember I never remember a doo bread ever attacking you that's different I'm probably going to discover so many changes in the game as I play um and I'd rather it be that way rather than the process of discovery would be better okay got another level up again so different actions give you more experience so if you're killing killing things you'll get a lot more experience want to do up my health and that will do and I really hate that bird it steals stuff from you as you can see it took my Hatchet away as well it's kind of annoying enemy I'm going to run away from the beach now go back to the other side I need to create myself somewhere to actually shelter before it gets stuck but performance is uh pretty pretty bad it has to be said I mean I'm using Deus as quality and I'm using frame generation and this is all I was able to to achieve with an NX 490 and 99 3900k so your system's underpowered can forget about playing this at 4K that's for sure and let's grab some Stone as well and one of the drops are coming down it will probably be in the same location as always need to craft some stuff to defend myself so one spear should probably make another one as well just in case cuz they do snap on you and I'll make a a fire as well so I can get cooking make some shoes and some hand wraps as well a little bit of armor I should probably take out these coposa orus some more Health some more weight to carrying weight at the start of the game is pretty awful okay what else should I make urgently spy glass definitely needed bow and arrow as well so every type of weapon I can make want to try and make those as early as possible okay let's take out all the Frets on the beach so this dilophosaur is here it's running now okay see the way the water moves now when the when there's actually a collision is a lot better it's like a completely separate engine and that looks really really good okay let's get some hi and some meat from this thing I'm just going to make a fire here fling a brand new game is pretty long place this down but they haven't changed any of the controls everything still works the same as I remember hey let's put in some firewood split this in a half so 25 firewood put some meat and let's get cooking try and go with some more hide I should have enough hide now to make some Footwear I believe let double check if I haven't made some already which I have and some Footwear as well the game doesn't support any type of R tracing so I'm not too sure why it's so demanding I would imagine it's probably using Lumen cuz the lighting model is so much better than it was before this just looks amazing compared to how it used to so it just shows you just how much an engine can make a difference as soon as I build my first base and survive the first night time I'll go exploring but I wanted to give you guys just say a quick look I'm going to swim to the other side that you see how the water looks they changed the physics I forgot what the uh turtle's name is but it's it looks a lot bigger now it's huge piranha there better I kill it now than get taken out by it later okay More Level UPS the better let's do a little bit of water as well so they've redone their engram system so sometimes the items materials that you're familiar with may not need to be built the same way so they've made a lot of changes I think balance changes and the bed I want to try and learn wood as quickly as I can I rather not build out of fetch plus it's very very temporary as you can see using quite a lot memory as all using around 13 GB of vram so if you got a 10 GB card or 8 I wouldn't imagine you'd be running these settings anyway but it's it's something to think about okay I've just broken my my spear but I should be have to build another one I want to go um expl exploring through one of the foresty areas just to see what performance is like when you're actually amongst a lot of foliage want to see what I need so I can build another another spear I'm missing some Flint okay no problem can't get anything from that not every Rock You Can Harvest man this just looks so much different it doesn't even feel like the same place everyone's familiar with the locations in Arc if you've been playing long enough but it looks so different it doesn't even feel the same okay I'm still missing some some parts I need one more Flint Health's very important at the start of the game okay I'm going to explore some dense foliage areas now let's see what kind of performance um I get but this is when it gets real demanding even on single player but man let's look at the lighting change got a Triceratops over here I just want to have a look at the new models they've actually scale the dinos differently as well so that looks about the same so too much uh frame spikes I'm sure the game will smooth in out as everything's get gets cashed as I as I mentioned earlier uh the longer you play it should get better but I'm just looking at the fog and the way the lights bleeding through if I believe the game is using Lumen and it's certainly working a treat here I hate these little things man they attacking packs but great he hit the floor or your spear can break I have to use my hat chip there's another one as well they'll just follow you around so it's best you just deal with them anyway before I was so rudely interrupted um the foliage doesn't seem to affect performance too much you're still doing just over 60 I don't know what the native performance would be I dare not run it without frame gen with these quality settings because it would probably just be atrocious you may probably get in Sub sub 30 at times it's a video I'll do for another day but uh I just want to show the game off in in its best light and yep in a dense foliage areas you're still getting pretty much the same performance let's go back to the beach now I've got a uh shelter I need to build because if I don't build one in time I might find myself in a bit of trouble but this just looks awesome so if you've never played Arc survival of all now is definitely a good time they probably fix so many things that used to try to play as mad I remember when I was really really into this um I bre bred like it's really really good croper rexes and um I was in a boss fight and as you're transitioning outside the boss fight the game crashed and um I lost all my dinos and that for me that was it cuz it took so long to do that I just stopped playing the game but with this ascended version is definitely worth it it's a shame you can't keep your old characters as well I wish I had my old character with all my engrams I think that character was level 101 so I really really put a lot of time in wow the water looks really impressive now I am genuinely impressed with what they've done here I don't really feel too short changed even though I had to pay for the game the second time I I'm actually not that bothered about it okay let's level up again I think I'll level up more carrying weights and let's learn some more ingrams for wood so we know the wood foundation wood frames wood doors and windows wood ceiling um wood stairs that's it so now I'm going to build my build my shelter let's just get something to eat first okay sustenance has been dealt with it's time to just gather as much materials as possible that's going to be a lot of fatch and a lot of wood even the animations of when the wood falls down is new that's good I can't believe how different the game looks now they got way better assets as well in terms of the Rocks they used to be so plain in comparison to what they have on offer now it's so much better okay I'm overing crumbed so I don't want to carry too much but I want to try and get some Fiber as well pick some Fiber up you need this want to build a very very small accommodation hopefully the day and night cycle is longer as well I I thought the daytime was a little bit overly brief in the last game and the night time was a little bit too long in my opinion so hopefully they've uh Dressed that and made uh the actual day in game feel feel a little longer oh okay I'm just trying to find a site where I want to build I want to build just on the beach here no Landscaping required I'm going to level up my carrying weight just help me uh move a little quicker okay do a little bit of landscaping pick up these rocks start setting some Foundation down see how many foundations I can make I want to make four if possible so this is ceiling Foundation 70 uh 15 fiber 80 wood and 20 fetch only make two so far just the one actually need more wood get us to that level up sound when you build items you get more experience so depending on what actions you're doing you get um more experience and you will fly for the early levels as long as you're active so that's one foundation made I need to make three more make as many as I can so I'm low on fetch so that's what I need to [Music] prioritize let's get some more fat shall we love the way the berries are why I you can really see what they are before you actually go picking them before it was like a random action so you would you pick at the berries and You' get whatever at random but now you can actually visually see what berries I want by the looks of things I'm trying to get up here but it's uh a little bit too steep need to get to as much wood source as I can let's see now let's go over here get some more fetch that should be enough add some more weight try not to hurt myself there two more should do it so I'm low on wood more wood can hear something hissing not too sure what that was but I know there isn't any snakes around this area so I don't need to worry about snakes or anything like that hopefully they don't haven't changed what what dinos can come here okay so build another two let's see how much I need for the walls ceilings you need 60 wood that's not too bad um for the walls you need 40 wood that's not too bad but a lot of wood a lot of fetch grab some more fiber as well it's getting darker so I want to do this before it gets dark yeah I've got enough fiber there's some wood behind me so let's get chopping I'm going to need one two 3 4 five trying to see how many walls I'm going to need I need a few upload upgrade the carrying weight even more yeah so the starting off the game is a complete grind once you get through that stage you can start thinking about what dinos you want to teame and really start getting into the game once you get a flying Dyno the game really opens up for you okay let's lay the foundations now you want to show you the building mechanics anyone that's familiar with games like rust and if you've never played Arc you'll be right at home the building mechanics are fairly similar okay everything like snaps into place so that's the foundation let's make some walls now hopefully I've got enough materials to make make at least three so start and I got to level up for my for my troubles I'm going to place these walls now so I need another one two three four so I need a number five really I think for the front two I'll have some windows so I can actually see what's going on and let some natural lighting as well grab some more fiber let's level up the carrying weight I've got a lot of engram so I can learn a lot of skills but I'll deal with that another time it's all about getting this part done first get a roof over your head as quickly as you can that's the aim so if you're wondering the actual vegetation does respawn but it takes a little while I don't know how long it's going to take on a single player it all depends on the server so everything I cut down will will eventually grow back and then you can reuse um all of those resources again game starting to play a little bit smoother as things are cashing in all the animations are getting repeated and the game should just play better in [Music] general let's grab some Fiber it's getting dark now though let me see what time it is usually see what time it is 4:55 in the afternoon so I've probably got another 3 hours of sunlight so I need to get a move on Place Another wall okay I'm missing some resources now just double check what I need to make another wall I'm down on wood but fatch and fiber I'm okay I'm having to Traverse a little bit further out just to get some resources cuz I'm literally using up everything in my vicinity [Music] leveling up very very quickly though so get rewarded for being active the running animations change now as well nice get some more wood going have to make some ceilings as [Applause] well you can really see the lighting changing way your character looks and just the way the Shadows reflecting everywhere a lot differently than before before when I first looked up this morning all of this part was bathed in Shadow this is new I don't remember they being a little bit of a uh kind of Ridge you could walk under so they've changed they redesigned this part a little bit that's nice to see but yeah what a gorgeous looking game it is now already been playing 30 minutes minutes and it's felt like 10 that's how much um I'm just immersed into it I wish it performed better but um and I know a lot of people are going to have a lot of say lot lot to say about that I'm not surprised honestly with how demanding Unreal Engine has uh five has already shown to be and some other games I played like Remnant 2 when it first came out that was ridiculously demanding uh you've had another two as well Lords of the Fallen pretty demanding it's another UNR Engine 5 game um so this seems to be the way it's going to be but anyway almost done with this shelter so the next two I want to build oh I need to build one with a door and one with a window so it's a different kind of I guess when you go to set it you get to change what you want it to be okay so that's where it says R so at this point you can change what you want it to be so I want this one to be a doorway and the next one I build I want it to be one with a window I guess it saves there used to be a separate engram for every single one I guess they realize that was a bad way to design it okay so that's one with a window frame craft some stairs now missing some wood no problem we're running out of daylight though as you can see things are getting dark very very fast this is why I put so much emphasis in getting this done cuz in the in the dark at least in the previous game it was very very hard to see you could always see give yourself a standing torch but it didn't create a hell of a lot of light so when it got dark it was a problem especially if he wasn't at your base you can get killed by practically anything you at such a disadvantage in the dark let's build another pick the sounds of the dinos are still the same they're trying to on there sounds exactly the same so maybe in time they'll add some new sounds but I know that's a lot of work for what essentially is just a a remaster in a way wa some more wood new Hatchet is needed okay let's build the steps now and build a doorway all right so when I place this down all actually I thought it automatically kind of tried to guess what you wanted but those are the steps now now I need to make a door then finish off with the ceiling and we're good okay what I've realized as well they've made it a little bit taller I remember when used to be build one level your player was basically touching the ceiling but now it's uh scaled a lot better now so that's nice to see um so I need four tiles for the ceiling now all right going to need a lot of wood at 60 per so let's do up some more carrying weight it's going to be needed more Health okay going chop down some wood yeah I think a lot of people are going to be blown away with just how much the game looks different now I'm just looking outside at the water it looks looks way better now the textures are considerably better and it's a lot more convincing and the and that kind of physics system as well just looks like it's working really really well see how many I can craft I've already got one so I only need to make three okay one more after this and then I make a window cover and then we're pretty much good [Music] just's look at the shadow casted over the water from all of the trly edge and trees and rocks from the other side that is really really accurate I would have to say if I had to guess I think this game is definitely using some type of software R tracing and that would explain why it's so ridiculously demanding but that looks very very impressive to me don't know what you guys think let me know in the comment section below what you think of the visuals now all right let's get the ceiling placed three of these let's craft one more still short a little bit of wood but let me just plot let me just do these uh three first and then I'll go out and get remaining resources there one more to do I love the way it's just got real dark in here as well so the lighting system is definitely be one of the most impressive things so far so just another 30 wood and that will will do it then I'll I'll make a bed maybe some furniture and we can get working on the Smith bench and we can get working on the uh basically everything you need to start really building the advanced tools that should be it be the last one okay we have ourselves our Huts see if we got enough resources to build a bed we do let's put one in the corner of over here that this the wall okay looking good um could use something to store some items I'm carrying quite a lot so we have a storage box but we need a little bit more wood short on wood story of my life let's go and uh grab some more the clouds look better as well so yeah improvements all around and the game's just playing so much smoother yeah I want to make some standing uh standing torches so I can actually see at night so it it might be worth getting some more meat as well this thing is pretty harmless but I don't want to let's see if I can get rid of this wood now I got more access to kill this thing come on at least I killed it in time okay it's really getting dark now let me just get back to base the light is so intense right let's craft that box and I want to build a standing fire as well just so I can see everything build a hand torch first as well and I'll build a standing one build two of those okay let's place these just in front of the house so we can find it wherever we go put one over here as well and of course you got to fill it with fuel I think I've got a lot of I can split this in half 20 in here that's not really going to last I'm going to add some more flammable stuff that's for real the fire to last longer this and a half okay it's dark now it's getting real dark sun setting build some more stuff so I built that storage box I can put this at the edge of the bed over here in the corner we can add some stuff in that I don't need to carry around like this metal that I don't need carrying around way too much Stone uh too many berries and we got a lot of meat meat on us may as well get cooking I do have a fire over here some more meat but I think for a day's work that is pretty decent so anyway guys that was just a quick look at ARC survival ascended to me it looks pretty awesome they've done a hell of a job sucks about having to buy the game again that's probably my my main criticism um obviously try to do some online play at some point but given that this game is brand new um the servers will probably be filled to the brim so I'm going to wait a little bit before I do that but I'll definitely be bringing you guys some more single player gameplay maybe I'll even live stream it let me know in the comments below if you want me to live stream this that is pretty much it for me guys hopefully you've enjoyed the video and as always thanks for [Music] watching [Music]
Channel: Bang4BuckPC Gamer
Views: 11,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX 4090 MSI Suprim X, Intel i9 13900K, Bang4buckPC Gamer, Eneba, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Survival Ascended RTX 4090 4K 60fps, Ark Survival Ascended Epic Settings 4K, NVIDIA RTX 4090 Ark Survival Ascended
Id: r_jZDf9aHJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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