ARK: Singleplayer Settings Setup Tutorial for PC XBOX & PS4 2021.

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i'm going to be showing what i believe is the most vital settings for those that are playing on single player or host non-dedicated session with their friends when they don't have a lot of time to play arc and any settings i do not cover you're welcome to edit but i don't recommend touching them with that being said let's start with our first setting difficulty level now what this does is it modifies the overall quality of the loot that you get in supply drops as well as the max wild dyno level so currently at 0.2 the best thing you'll get is primitive weapons from supply drops and the max while dyno level is 30. so in order to combat this you simply need to scroll this up to 1.0 where now we will get decent loot as well as the max wild dyno level for standard creatures is 150 180 for tech and 200 for special creatures like wyvens and drakes the next three settings we'll work on are the damaged ones and these work all the same if we increase it more damage is dealt and if we decrease it less damage is dealt i preferably like to set this to 1.5 as well as make this 0.5 that way i'm dealing more damage to the creatures and they're dealing less damage to me the next three we'll be working on are the resistance ones now how these work is if we increase it we will be less resistant meaning we'll take more damage whereas if we decrease it will become more resistant meaning we'll take less damage so what i like to do in this case is i like to make this 0.5 which then obviously makes it easier for me to survive the next one we're going for is the xp multiplier what i like to do is set this to 5.0 so then that way i can get five times more xp for killing things crafting things and just doing general arc stuff the taming speed i like to put this to 50 to increase the speed at which the teaming goes so with this setup you can practically get almost instant tamed creatures now keep in mind if the creature's level is five it's going to be like an instantaneous if it's 150 it might take one or two bites before it's tamed scrolling down to structure cooldown so basically by default when a structure is damaged you have to wait three minutes before you can repair it if you scroll this all the way down to the bottom as soon as it's damaged you can basically repair it instantaneously the next one dino turret damage basically will either increase or decrease the amount of damage our tyrants deal to wild creatures so if you put 2.0 they'll do two times damage the next one we're gonna be working on is the harvest amount i like to put this to five times zero so then that way i can get even more resources when i'm harvesting now going on to the drains so what i like to do is for the player food water stamina drain as well as the dino stamina drain i like to put it to 0.3 the reason i do that is because then i still have to deal with the drain but not too much so basically if we increase the drain it will drain faster and if we decrease it it won't happen as much so with this setting i won't have to deal with the drain as much but it's still there to be annoying because it's a survival game now the dino character food drain i actually make it 1.5 now this will mean your creatures need more food to live however it also makes taming easier because with this setting now we've just told every wild creature that they need to eat more food and if a creature that needs to eat more food then they will you know eat your kibble faster and tame faster so basically set to 1.5 is a really good idea for speed taming moving on to the health recoveries i like to set this to 10 so then that way myself and my creatures just heal a lot faster especially if i've been in a difficult battle moving now to the tick boxes make sure that the first setting is enabled is pve mode now the reason that setting should be enabled is because there's this item in the game called cryopod and basically when you put a creature in the pod and then throw them out you will get this thing called cryo sickness and if you throw a creature out during sickness they will be knocked out and can almost die instantaneously and since we're a single player well we don't need any pvp aspects so you might as well turn that on to make your life a lot easier next one and this is mandatory show map player location so on the screen right now is my mini map and as you can see i have a player icon this is only possible with this setting enabled so make sure you have that on next one is maximum difficulty this simply will just basically make sure that that difficulty setting that we adjusted earlier is stays at the correct level so we get all the good level diners i would then next disable single play settings because what this does is it gets our current values and then multiplies it by its values so for example it has two times xp and it's one right but we set five times earlier so we'll go five times two equals ten so now on my single player world it's going to be ten times experience which is just going to speed up the game even more and take away the fun next one is structure placement collision this basically allows you to clip your structures into the terrain making it a lot easier to build on areas that are not super flat and then this next one is allow unlimited respects so there's a potion in the game called mind wipe when you consume it it resets all your engrams and your levels so then that way you can re adjust it now if this is not ticked you can only mine wipe once whereas if this is ticked you can mine wipe whenever and however many times you want now that we've done general let's head to advanced tab so the first thing that i will enable is the cave building and the flyer carry now the reason i've done this one is because then i can build in caves so i can build my mini bases just to keep me safe secondly the flyer carry basically how this works is if you're flying around and you see a small to medium creature that you really like you can now pick them up with your flying creature fly them back to your base and then drop them in the pen where you can safely tame them from there i would start scrolling down to non-permanent diseases and enable it now there are four diseases in the game only one of them is permanent and what this will do is when we die and respawn that disease will then be gone and the way i like this is because then it still allows me to deal with all the diseases in the game but i don't need to worry about getting the qr because if you don't get the cure then you're stuck with the permanent disease so this just basically deals with that issue the next one is this one this allows me to use my flying creatures within caves which is very useful if you're on valguero because then you can use it in the aberration cave next one i like to enable is this one because what i'll do now is i can now put spike walls and turrets on my platform saddles so i can have a mobile parasol with turrets and destroy everything in my way from there i would scroll down to where we get to the world settings and the first thing i would enable is this one only if you're playing with friends because what this will do is allow them to help with the breeding process now the poop and the lay egg interval i wouldn't worry about them too much if we increase them there will be less poo and less unfertile eggs dropped however if we decrease it then we'll get more poo and more unfertile eggs but this can cause lag so i wouldn't play with these settings the next off are the breeding scenes now i've gone ahead and crafted to what i believe are the best single single-player settings to them that way you know you can still actually have fun in arc but not you know crying inside because the game is making your life super challenging so i'm gonna go ahead and quickly apply them in and i'll run you through them so there we go 0.1 and we now need the cuddle interval here to be 0.048 and there you go okay so basically what we've got now set up is first off with the mating interval so how it works is by default when a female has finished breeding the game will say okay before she can breed she has to wait a certain amount of time now that is normally either 18 hours and 48 hours or in between what i've got set up with my survey is i've told the am okay the female's finished breeding now i either want it to be after one minute she can breed again or within an hour i want her to be able to breed so that's what i've got set up with my range the next one i got set up is egg hatch hatchbit so basically i've just made it that any eggs will basically instant hatch and any gestation period will be done really quickly as well the baby maturation speed is 36 and the reason i've done that is basically it will allow every single creature in the game to be fully matured in less than seven hours and then i've made the consumption 0.5 so then that way when creatures are raising they will need less food to live so for example if you're raising wagons you won't need as much milk now and then with the cuddle i've made it every 23 minutes and two seconds and matching that with the maturation will basically like i said allow you to imprint every single creature in the game in less than seven hours with a hundred percent imprint now the next setting that you're to deal with that's in the middle here is harvest health i like making this zero so that way the moment i get up to a rock or a tree as soon as i smack it instantly demolishes itself and i get all the resources alright so start scrolling down until we get to the baby imprinting stat scale this basically means that if your creature is imprinted it will be stronger so if i set this to 2.0 it's now going to be a lot stronger if it is fully imprinted now the next one is the day speeds now look i wouldn't adjust any of these if you're on aberration but if you are playing on any other map i like to play with more daytime and less nighttime so i like to go 0.01 and then i like to go for here 50. so basically the longer it is the longer the day the higher it is the faster so right now we've just got to where it's going to be a long day and a quick night then going on to the spoil times what i like to do is set it to 2.0 for each one and the reason i do that especially for the first one is basically it means that when i get prime meat it will last a bit longer before it fully decays now it will mean getting raw meat is a little bit harder so delay on the narcotics but honestly prime meat is something you want to make sure that lasts for quite some time and then the item composition and the corpse decomposition just makes it a little bit easier if you throw something away or your corpse is decaying it gives you that little more time to back oh actually so i definitely recommend putting them to 2.0 and then the last thing we're going to be multiplying here is the crop growth speed i like to set this to 99 and then make this 50. so what's going to happen now is my crops are going to instantly grow and then what's going to happen is now let's say they're fully instant grown and they've run out of fertilizer or water when that happens the seed automatically goes poof right but what this crop decay thing does is it slows down that poof so then if we got it like that when they run out of food and water it gives me an extra few minutes to save my crops before they go all right so now that we've done crops let's talk about the next section which is our stat increases so we won't bother with the wild dino stats because it's not important however what is important is the tamed dyno stats per level now to explain this in a little more depth i'm going to be using a free pc application called beacon to explain this a little bit better so i'll see in a second right so here we are in the stat multiplier section for beacon and this is the section we want to be looking at which is tamed per level now on the middle here is the default official settings here is what it's multiplied by and this is their result so as you can see for an allosaurus it's 27 times 0.2 equals 5.4 percent health increase per level and if we were to alter this then say for example 10 it is now going to get 270 percent more health per level up now it's important to note that this is actually different for every creature in the game so this is what the other saw is but if we go to a blood crystal wyvern we can see that the percentage has changed now unfortunately we can't make this uniform so like i said whatever you do it will affect one creature better and the other creature might just get a small boost but overall what i like to do preferably for my settings is i like to go 10 then i also like to make my weight as high as possible so then that way it's like just an instant level up i goes 2.0 for damage and then i like to go 50. so that's what i like to do with my dinos i have 10 times for the health 50 times the stamina basically instant weight and i like to make it two times more damage so that's how i like to do my stats so now that we understand the per level let's talk about the add per level and the affinity now these two will only take effect during the teaming process so basically what happens is when you're taming a creature there will be this thing called tami effectiveness now if you get a good taming effectiveness then once the creature is tamed it will get a one off stat boost and if you're like i said team effectiveness is high then it will increase that stat boost and this is what these two settings do so if we were to increase this thing to like you know 10 10 for the damage 10 for the healthier then basically when i go ahead and tame myself a dodo with max teaming effectiveness it's going to have a goddamn amount of health because i've boost up the stats so unless you're playing around with the taming stuff i wouldn't bother with these settings now the next one is the player stats per level this is very similar to the dino add per level so i'm going to be using beacon again to demonstrate this so it makes it a lot more curious so here we are again in beacon and stat multipliers and now we're looking at the player one so these are our base values by default um and over here is how it works so by default it's 10 times one equals 10 health per level what i like to do preferably for me is i like to go 2.5 so i'm getting 25 health per level i do the same with stamina the weight however i make this 99999 so that way i put one point into weight and then i'm good to go and then from there i also like to make fortitude five i like to make my speed 3.5 oh that's 3.5 3.5 and i also like to make my meal a2 and then i also make the food 25 and 25 because i hate the food and water aspect and that's what i've got for the base stats for the player and that's how it works all right so now that we know how the play one works let's head down to the experience multipliers so basically before we set our experience to 5.0 that is just the generic xp so now we get five times more experience when we do any one of these actions however if you don't want to do the overall one you can do the individual one so for example if we wanted the kill one we could make that six point zero so now when i kill something i'll get six times more xp for example and then when i craft something i can get maybe two times more xp now moving on from that the next important settings are as if we scroll down is this setting here so basically there's this creature on the game called the titanosaur there's only three of them on the map at one time and this will allow you to feed him and make sure he doesn't die otherwise within 24 hours he'll be dead if this setting is not enabled the next one is the show floating damage text now you don't have to enable this one but if you want to when you shoot something know how much damage you're dealing that's a good setting to have on moving down from there i would go ahead and increase this custom effectiveness and recipe skill factor to at least 5.0 so basically you can make custom recipes in the game and depending on how well the recipe is depends on you know the effect on the player and this just basically just makes those custom recipes just even more better for you and your creatures now moving on to that i like to put my supply loop to 3.0 and fishing to 3.0 so basically now what we've done is we've told the game all right whenever i get loot from any loot drop or fishing i want it to be times by three so then that way we're increasing the quality of the loot that we get so instead of primitive items this will lead us to getting more master mastercraft items and now the last ones that we need to look at is the fuel consumption interval multiplier if we increase this it means that our things like gasoline will be used less so if i make this 2.5 it will have more gasoline to use before it runs out however this does mean that if you're trying to turn wood into charcoal it will take a bit longer but at the end of the day like if you can use one element to run a generator rather than 50 element that's a pretty good save the next one is the platform limit so by default you can have 40 structures on a platform saddle if we made this 2.0 now you can have 80 structures on a platform set and then the last one active event i actually did an in-depth video to this so i'll link that in the description so go check that out that's if you just want to have events enabled on your single player world with that being said though thank you so much for watching i hope this helped you understand all the settings that you need to make an ideal single player world now keep in mind that this is my opinion you're welcome to change it to however you want and look i would love to hear in the comments section down below what your settings are and why you chose them over my ones and with that being said i'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Ninjakiller
Views: 249,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninjakiller560, Ark Survival evolved, ninjakiller, ark beginners guide, ark single player settings, ark pc, ark best singleplayer settings, ark: survival evolved, ark singleplayer settings, ark settings for single player, ark settings guide xbox one, ark settings for high level dinos, ark settings explained, ark settings guide, ark singleplayer breeding settings, ark best single player settings, ark best imprint settings singleplayer, Ark Single Player Recommend settings guide
Id: UFRL_Wl1Tog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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