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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] well let's put our hands together and let's thank the lord for his [Applause] blessings philippians chapter number 2 verse 9 wherefore god also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father if you're glad you know who jesus is today why don't you put your hands together and let's lift him up together in this house this morning are you ready for the fire to fall in this place this morning are you ready for the fire of the holy ghost fire fire fall on us to start a new revival fire all along [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] this place [Music] can you help us [Music] the holy ghost [Music] why we believe that today [Music] start a new revival right here right now [Applause] let's sing it again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in acts chapter 2 it says that when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and instead upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with tongues as the spirit gave them utterance we want that to happen today again just like you did it before lord we are ready [Music] lord we are ready do it again [Music] we [Music] [Music] to make me talk christ i need to be baptized every single day god fill me [Music] can we tell him god fill me [Music] so fill me up [Music] me [Music] me [Music] please [Music] oh god i need you to fill me [Music] with us right now say [Applause] lift your praise thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah welcome to the monday day service of camp meeting it's so good to be here today to feel the presence of the lord and i'm ready to hear more from god today hey i need i need another word from the lord today why don't we right now just join together and say lord whatever you're going to do in this service i want to be a part of that i want to receive from you i want to i want to participate i want my heart to be receptive come on lift your hands come on make it your prayer today whatever you're doing lord i want to be there i want to be a part of it god touch my heart help me to receive your word oh god touch me today jesus hallelujah in the name of jesus hallelujah the ushers are going to come give us an opportunity to be blessed in our giving today we are receiving our offerings for global missions and a lot of our missionaries are not able to be here this year because of the travel restrictions but that doesn't mean we're going to forget them and i'm thankful for what has already been given and i want to invite you to give again today and i believe that god is going to use this arkansas international camp meeting offering for his glory and his honor and it is a delight for us to give to something that is beyond ourselves we may never see the results in person but we can know that when we sow we will reap that's just the principle of the word of god so you can give today the offering buckets that are going around or you can text to give 501 436-4017 and in the field of your text type global with an amount that you're going to give today we're going to continue to worship with them as they sing let's give as unto the lord today [Music] and nothing stays the same heaven is waiting for the mention of the name the spirit is moving [Music] burning like a flame healing broken and raise it up [Music] [Applause] is [Music] over every situation [Music] raining down healing raise it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i am forgiven [Music] i am forgiven [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] speak the names [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] the name of jesus is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh i feel the holy ghost in this house come on why don't you just lift your hands and close your eyes and let the holy ghost touch you come on before the preacher comes to the pulpit break up that fallow ground the holy ghost touch your [Music] we worship you today there's just something special that happens when you start singing about the name of jesus hallelujah what a powerful name that name is hallelujah thank you singers for blessing us today we are so honored today yes appreciate them appreciate our music team a great job this week the direction of brother ken high we're thankful for that we're so honored today to have the cody marks here with us he really needs no introduction but i just want to say what a blessing his ministry has been to the apostolic movement at large and brother marx has blessed conferences all over the nation but this is his first time to preach it arkansas international camp meeting and we're so glad that he's here today he's blessed our local assembly a number of occasions and as i stand here i can remember powerful messages that have been preached by this man that have resonated in my spirit and i'm thankful for the ministry of brother marx i love him his family and we're so honored he consented to be here today brother marks we want you to come today preach the word of god to us come on let's receive the preacher as he comes let's give glory to the lord right now [Applause] everybody let's lift up that name [Applause] come on let's see how high we can lift it up come on somebody see how high you can lift that name uh [Applause] [Music] it's all about his name come on that's where the power's at the power to heal the power to save the power to forgive it's all about his name we ought to lift his name up right now come on somebody ought to say that name somebody somebody ought to shout that name demons still tremble at the name of jesus [Music] the devil still trembles at the name of jesus i'm just thankful for that name today and it's thankful for the revelation of the power in that name hallelujah i'm glad i know his name today it is a tremendous honor and also a tremendous responsibility that i have been given today and i can assure you that i take it as very seriously as both and have sought god about what to preach today and i want to deliver to you what i feel like that he has given to me we give honor to this church and give honor to the leadership of this church bishop holmes whom we are all excited about hearing tonight and then nathan holmes and their family and what this what this church uh represents signifies encouragement that it brings to all of us in the body of christ and um thank you so much brother holmes for your confidence in us today it's also good to have my family with me and um i love my family i appreciate my wife and i love her very dearly i make it it is mandatory it's a priority to me to be home every week but even at that i'm gone half the time and the sacrifices that my family make and i have never heard my wife complain i have never had my children beg me not to go and i honor them today and i appreciate them being in sync with what god is doing with us in the earth i'd like to turn your attention to first chronicles chapter 21. first chronicles chapter 21. we'll jump in at verse number 18 first chronicles chapter 21 and verse number 18. then the angel of the lord commanded gad to say to david that david should go up and set up an altar unto the lord in the threshing floor of ornan the jebusite and david went up at the saying of gad which he spake in the name of the lord and ornan turned back and saw the angel and his four sons with him hid themselves now ordan was threshing wheat and as david came to ornan ornan looked up and saw david and went out of the threshing floor and bowed himself to david with his face to the ground then david said to ornan grant me the place of this threshing floor that i may build an altar thereon therein unto the lord david says to ornam thou shalt grant it me for the full price someone say that with me for the full price that the plague may be stayed from the people and arnon said unto david take it to thee and let my lord the king do that which is good in his eyes lo i give thee the oxen also for burnt offerings and the threshing instruments for wood and the wheat for meat offering i give it all and king david said to orland absolutely not there are some things that are just not negotiable he said but i will verily buy it for the full somebody say that again for the full price for i will not take that which is thine for the lord nor offer burn offerings without a cost second samuel you don't have to turn there 24 and 24 it's the same deal but it just shines a little more light on this and david said in the ordnance nay but i will surely buy it of thee at a price watch this neither will i offer burn offerings unto the lord my god of that which doth cost me nothing orlan says all this full price business is not necessary david here let me make this easy on you let me discount this for you let me give you a bargain here i love david's response the king james version says nay nay i believe david said that with some feeling my prayer today before we leave here is that some of us can join in with david and say that with some feeling absolutely not oh no in fact would somebody just practice that with me right now come on you kind of gotta you gotta you gotta bobble your head a little bit on your shoulders to really get the spirit of this i want you to say oh no say oh no in fact if you'll get your finger out like this and you'll just do this right here it helps get the point across oh no i want to preach this morning for a few moments from this thought oh no or none oh no or none oh no or no if you would would you lay your bibles down would you connect whatever you're reading off of lay that down connect with someone and i want you to lift your voice and pray all over this building that god would help us here for the next few moments come on from from the front to the back of this building would you lift your voice and pray that god would would help us here we need the help of the holy ghost [Music] come on lift your voice and pray that god would speak to us come on lift your voice and pray that god would speak to us i want all of us praying but that 40 and that 40 and down crowd would you lift your voice and really help me pray right now if you're a millennial in this place would you lift your voice and help me pray right now something's about to blow into little rock arkansas this morning the holy ghost is going to visit us in a life-changing sovereign way come on get your heart ready get your spirit ready thank you for standing thank you for your prayers you can be seated david has a serious problem on his hands for several reasons first being that the death toll is somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 000 men secondly without a lot of wasted time spent all of us understand david's love for god and david's love for the people of god the loss of seventy thousand men would be weighty on any man but a man such as david who has such a deep love for for the people of god and then also coupled with that knowing that he is directly responsible for this terrible tragedy one can only imagine how brokenhearted david was what's the big deal why why do we find ourselves in need of god turning this terrible situation around why do we find david in this broken-hearted this desperate situation the bible says and i will not spend a whole lot of time here but i feel that it is pertinent in fact it was it was the thing that burned in my heart this morning as i moved through this what why do we have the situation on our hands well the bible says that god tested david and david it's apparent that david failed the test and he he numbers israel he commands that a census be taken this followed this came after a great win david had just won a great battle and he orders that a census be taken what's the big deal it's just a census in fact this is not the first time that a man has numbered israel what's the big deal seventy thousand men god you send the prophet to david and you give david a choice of three different things because your anger is kindled against david for taking a census this is not the first time that a man has numbered israel why are you so angry about this god well moses numbered israel but you need to understand that god told moses to number israel one must ask and i believe it would behoove us to ask why would this be such a great offense to god well this is a principle that runs throughout god's covenant with israel it's the power of numbers as a reflection of whether israel trusted in god or in their own power in fact deuteronomy 7 and 7 declares the lord did not set his love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people for you were the least of the people this was dangerous because of a principle stated in exodus chapter 30 and verse number 12 when you take the senses of the or the census of the children of israel for their number then every man shall give a ransom for himself to the lord when you number them that there may be no plague among them when you number them listen closely the principle of exodus 30 and 12 speaks to god's ownership of his people in thinking of these ancient culture cultures a man only had the right to count or number what belonged to him well let me back up and try that again in ancient cultures exodus 30 and 12 is driving this is what it's driving home a man only had the right to count or number what belonged to him israel did not belong to david israel belonged to god it was up to the lord to command accounting and if david counted he should have only done it at god's command are you hearing me right now yes god is a jealous god but i believe that it's important today that we understand the object of his jealousy god is jealous of his glory and what is god's is god's and god's glory is god's glory and god's going to see to it that that is protected can i preach this today come on we live in a narcissistic generation come on we live in a self-centered self-loving selfie generation and i want to preach today and give us a reminder this is not about him this is not about us this is about him this is not about our kingdom and about our glory this is about his glory i know i am just one man but i know what god is speaking to this one man you say what's the big deal it's just a census it's not just a census it's about whose kingdom it is this is not my kingdom and this is not your kingdom this is not our kingdom this is his kingdom it's not about my name but it's about his day hallelujah i want to preach humbly and hopefully brokenly but boldly to my generation i'm not here to rebuke an elder but i want to preach to the 40 and down crowd and tell you let's get back to it being about jesus it's not about a personality it's not about a name it's not about a certain man it's all about him hallelujah this generation is struggling with where are the miracles i want to address that in the old testament it was about the fame of david and the fame of joshua cabot and the fame of moses but when you start seeing miracles in the new testament it was about the fame of jesus christ i submit to this great camp meeting if we want miracles we got to get our eyes off of me and get our eyes on the majesty of this great god come on come on generation c come on millennials come on young preachers this is not about somebody knowing who we are this is not about our face on a bill somewhere we want miracles and if we're going miracles it can't be about our name it's gotta be about his fame come on we live in a generation that's hyped up with stuff going viral come on i want this generation to wake up come on to the fact that i'm not worried about a post going viral i'm not worried about a home video going viral i want jesus to go viral in this generation i want his name i want his fame to go viral in this generation it's got to become about him it's got to become about the almighty and not our agenda are you listening to me right now it's got to become about his name and not our name it's got to become about what he's doing and not what our plans are it's got to become about his his predestination it's going to become about his purpose and his plan not my aspirations come on not my dreams this is about him ladies and gentlemen this is all about him i want to know is there anybody that would join with me right now i want him to get glory in everything i do i want him to get glory in everything i do i want him to get glory this is not about you this is not about you building your little kingdom we want the benefits of the kingdom but whose kingdom are we building because the benefits that we're looking for is not going to be produced through our kingdoms these miracles are only going to come through his kingdom david come on get your hands off of that that's mine come on that's my glory that's my thing i pray today that all of us could take a step back and say god it's your church it's your revival it's your people it's your way it's your name it's your purpose why is this important because our bible tells us that in the last days that men would become lovers of themselves more than lovers of god god didn't have a problem with the unity of babel god didn't even have a problem i believe with the building program at babel i believe god's problem come on with was for who they were building for god loved their unity it got his attention god doesn't have a problem when people come together to work for something but god's problem was they said we're going to build us a tower we're going to build us a name i don't want to be guilty of the sins of babel come on there's a kingdom to build but it's about him there's a church to build but it's about him there's a kingdom to build but it's all about him god said you're going to pay for this david the tune of seventy thousand men his death macabre david's heart broke in fact i think his greatest fear was that this death angel was going to continue to it's working i don't believe there's been enough damage done david didn't want the damage i don't know i just feel like in my heart that he's like this is going far enough don't let this i don't want jerusalem to burn i don't want i don't want this to go in this has gone far enough we need a turnaround and i'm telling you most times when there is a need for a turnaround we need to turn around something's got to happen to stop this plague something's got to happen to stop the bleeding something david come on something has got to happen to get this thing turned around i'm telling you we need to turn around we need to turn around in our churches we need to turn around in our youth groups we need to turn around come on and i'm going to tell you where that turnaround is going to come from when we ourselves turn around [Applause] can i preach come on it's no new thing to this church but you better know i'm gonna preach it right now you know the best way to get a turnaround you got to get an altar in the equation come on there might be adversity there but you got to get an altar in the equation [Applause] can i preach this today i'm not against entertainment i'm not against activities i'm not against programs but activities are not going to turn anything around programs are not going to turn anything around we got to get an altar back in the church we got to get it all turned back in the church we got to get it all there [Applause] you can't a-l-t-e-r you can't a-l-t-e-r brother title i got this revelation thank god for a typo they were singing a song about the a-l-t-a-r and somebody that was a typo and whoever had that typo i thank them for it brother tell me and so the a-l-t-a-r it was a-l-t-e-r and it hit me and i know it's simple so you just pardon the redneck vernacular we need an a-l-t-e-r you need one in your situation you need an alt you need something altered in your church in your life in your family but i'm telling you if you expect to get an a-l-t-e-r you've got to get an a-l-t-a-r in your life you've got to get an alter [Applause] is there anybody out there that still believes that an altar can turn it around an altar can stop the plague an altar can get the attention of god we got it david you got to get an altar well if we could get so and so to come preach for us that's good and great but we're back to the name business [Music] if we could just get so and so to come for for several weeks no you need to get an altar in that situation and thank god for the fivefold ministry and i don't care how big the gun is you bring in if there is no altar come on heaven responds to an altar god responds to an altar you want to get god's attention into your situation build an altar can i say this and not be misunderstood i love high energy come on i love it i love to dance i love to shout i believe in praise and worship come on it would probably blow you away if you know some of the crazy things that i've done in a revival service praise will break stuff open praise will do things but i'm telling you as powerful as praise is praise will never replace the altar worship it will never demonstrative praise a little hop a little turn a little dance we'll never replace the altar the altar we're going to have an altar david we're going to stop the bleeding brother holmes we got to get an altar we're going to get god's attention we got to get the altar back we see i progressed quickly we see that david he knows that if we're going to turn this situation around a fire is going to fall from heaven somebody's got to rebuild the altar you don't find you don't find mr noah making any excuses well i built i built on a boat for a hundred and what was it 100 years 120 years i've built on i've done my shared building come on i come through life storms no the first thing that noah does when he stumbles off of that boat he made he made no excuse he didn't dismiss himself because he'd been building on a boat for 120 years no noah stumbles off that boat and he starts collecting rocks what are you doing noah come on i may have spent 120 years building a boat but i still know how to build an altar [Applause] god forbid we become masters of building churches and don't know how to build altars god forbid we become masters at building programs and know how to build altars well i'm tired i've been working on a building for 40 years you better never get tired of building altars i've been pastoring this church for 25 years i'm tired you better never build on the church so much that you dismiss the fact that you got to be on alters [Music] [Applause] jesus i'm hurry jesus likened his generation to something i'm pouring over the word read everything last couple years i could get my hands on about this generation outside of the bible forgive me if that offends you but trying to seek some understanding you need to understand i'm preaching to this generation you need to understand you better know god and you better know your adversary but if we're going to successfully wind our way through these last days you better know yourself so i've been brothers and i've been praying god would help me to liken my generation to something and in prayer it came to me this is a generation as i said that says i want it give it to me i won't get the quote just right but jefferson said it's something like this he said the most tragic day in a nation is when a nation gets to the place that they feel like they can get something for nothing convenience i pray that spiritually that convenience does not become our greatest curse you reach in the drawer you're out of toothpaste and you reach over and push a little button and it sends a message to amazon and the next day maybe the same day you got toothpaste in the in the in in the mailbox come on you live in a generation that has learned learned that has learned to covet convenience but let me tell you something about spirituality come on the old elder said it takes a long time to get a gate i want this generation to wake up and understand you may want revival but just because you want it doesn't mean you can have it there is a price to pay there is a price to pay [Applause] and i want to admonish you i don't want to get the card in front of the horse can i preach here today come on when it comes to shopping for your dresses by all means i've got a teenage daughter shop the sales when it comes to buying a car shop the sales when it comes to buying appliances get the best deal that you can get but ladies and gentlemen when it comes to revival and it comes to spirituality don't look for a blue light special you don't want something spiritually that's on sale [Applause] you better listen to me right now you don't want discounted dedication there's another word for that it's called deception you don't want discounted dedication you don't want a coupon church come on we have raised a generation that wants a full price revival at a half price discount i want it brother marks if you want it you're gonna have to pay for it it's not important it's not just important that we get the altar back at the center of what we're doing i'm afraid some of you were dismissive through the first half of my message because you said we got an altar in our church let me remind you something those were all supposedly god's churches they're in revelation but in one of those churches he was standing outside the door it's not just important that the altar is the center of everything that we do but i want to ask this generation knock i want to ask you is there an altar there but not just is there an altar there what are we putting on that altar thank god for your parents come on come on we see the writer as he as he gives his kudos thank thank god timothy had a grandmother thank god the faith was in his mother but we've reached the time you better listen to me where the rubber meets the road and it's not about who your granddad is it's not about where you go to church it's not how many generations come on that you've been in this the question is what are you putting on the altar what are you sacrificing [Applause] i cannot emphasize this strong enough we have never needed a turnaround like we need to turn around right now we sing songs about breakthrough we never need a breakthrough like we need a breakthrough right now but if this breakthrough comes if this turnaround happens it's going to be according to what's on the altar we can't pay a discounted price and it's almost like david knows the temptation of this because he says torn in right up front i need your threshing floor to build an altar but i don't want any discounts no favors here well when i hold this position or my dad's so-and-so or i've been no no i right up front i don't want any favors because of who my family is i don't want any deals because of who my daddy is i don't want i don't want any propositions from you because of my position my god i feel the holy ghost right now i've got to get god's attention and the only way to get god's attention is to pay full price but you see you got to understand that the spirit of ordnance is alive and well i don't know what some of you are nervous for right now there's no need to be nervous god's helping us right now come on but i'm worried about these people no you don't have to worry about these people these people out here want to hear this kind of preaching you need to understand that the spirit of ornan is still very alive and well you see or now it's a jebusite now i don't know what they should have wiped them out i don't know i don't know what kind of negotiations were made but apparently some of these jebusites were given a pass and they were let to live so you got to understand something about ornate he's just happy to be there can i preach to you about the spirit of just happy to be there our name doesn't want any controversy or name doesn't want any stress or strain the spirit of ordnance is saying you know what there's no this this is not necessary you know you're david you're the king all of this blood and sacrifice and you paying full price come on you forget who you are you forget forgetting what position that you hold you're forgetting that you wear the crown [Music] you know you're pentecostal you're apostolic come on your parents your parents have been in this their whole life you're fourth generation and i got a response to learning exactly and we're where we're at today because of the blood sweat tears and sacrifice of previous generations we're not here because somebody cut corners [Applause] orlando said you know all that prayer all that intensity and all that [Music] all that sacrifice the spirit of ornan says here let me do that for you something needs to rise up in this generation it says this is not something that you can do for me this is not something that you can grant or give me this is not something there is something that must rise up in this generation as it rose up in david that says oh no hold on oh no oh no i will not fall prey i will not fall prey come on to discounted dedication i will not i will not i will not fall prey to your coupon come on for consecration come on come on thanks but no thanks or dan come on we're a full price generation our dad we're going to say we're going to pay the the same price that our fort come on i'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but there's no way around it you're going to have to fight your giants you're going to have to dig your [Applause] whales it's not an offering it's not sacrifice to god if it doesn't cost me something this full price attitude should not come to us as a surprise it was 12 to 15 kilometers from obadim's house to mount zion making it somewhere around 30 000 steps we want the move of god in our churches we won't rely on nature we want 30 000 steps 12 to 15 kilometers these are approximate measures but it's pretty close 30 thousand steps and the bible says that every six steps every step every six steps the david stopped and sacrificed 3 500 approximately 3 500 altars to move the ark one time this full price business is something david understood god wouldn't let him god wouldn't let him build the temple but he told solomon it's with much great it's with great pain that i have stored away and provided a temple and they say that what david in today's money that's somewhere approximately in the neighborhood of 26 billion dollars worth of things that david stored up is full price business that is david's there about to make this purchase come here brother morrison brother calhoun come here brother marshall would you mind just laying down there right there on your back would you mind he's about to make this purchase i'm hurting to close i don't think david didn't know the stories in his history don't think that he hadn't been at the history of stories of his history book hadn't been rehearsed hundreds of times and he's on the threshing floor of ornan and he's about he's about to make an acquisition he's got to get god's attention he's got to get the plague stopped he's a full price man but i think all of a sudden in my imagination david start well he starts looking over his shoulder but what it got him to where he was at he started looking back over his his past get to get the knife in your hand abraham get over isaac and scholars say that within the same vicinity of where david was about to try to get god's attention on the threshing floor of ornament he looks over his shoulder into his past and he's startled my god it makes him go weak in the knees because as he looks back over his history come on he understands i'm standing within the same vicinity of where my forefather come on you know what this exemplifies this exemplifies full price you're going to help this preacher preach today [Applause] and it's not just it's not just full price by one generation it's full price by two generations because that's no lad that's a 20 28 29 30 year old man come on it's full price on the altar it's full price woman [Applause] and david he looks back over his shoulder and says full price is what got me here and how in the world could i go forward paying any less than what was paid to get me to where i'm at get your knife up i'll tell you how full price it was it took three times you can be seated i want every pastor keep keep it there i want every pastor 65 and older to stand if you're in this building we have any pastors here that are 65 and older brother bass you're on you're not pastor now but would you stand i know there's some that are listening brother holmes brother erson this is on us now jackson it's on us now and i've been spending a lot of time lately going like this because we're reaping from vineyards bro we didn't play [Music] and we got to get god's attention and i i feel like the ground we're standing on is holy ground and i look back over my shoulder and i'm wondering it's a full price that got me here but am i willing to pay i know that's hurting you put it down but just stay right there i want to apologize publicly to you men from my generation cody marx because i said at tables we're we're elderly vulnerable men you mean he don't have anybody to take that you mean he's going to pasture till he's 80 and run that in the ground you mean he doesn't have a predecessor yet and i've seen us wag our tongues and point our fingers and and you were to blame and there's no churches for anybody to pa because all these old guys are hey i've got i've got an apology to make to you come on i i'm asking you to forgive us for our lack of commitment and consecration maybe these elders didn't hang on to these churches maybe they didn't hang on to them come on because they they needed the money or their identity was wrapped up in it maybe they understood the price that it cost to get it there and they couldn't find anybody i can make a vow to you though come on samuel get up and dry your eyes i believe there's a generation of david's that's rising up i can't speak for saul but i can tell you at 40 years old i've made up my mind i'm not interested in cutting corners i'm not interested in ordnance offers if you paid full price then we'll pay full price if they pay full price then we'll pay full price they left their boats they left their nets they left their countrymen they left their country are you listening they left their businesses they left their livelihood brother robin said come here help me come stand right here so david looks over his shoulder oh no i don't know but then there comes another generation come here brother talia you got thick skin the scholars say that it was in the same vicinity come here but you see this generation had everything given to them solomon's temple scholars say was built in the vicinity of ornan's threshing floor but the problem is solomon passed those beautiful springs and he never understood that those beautiful springs were built on the ashes of somebody who paid full price no it goes back to how we started it was about solomon's thing it was about solomon's kingdom it was about solomon's accumulation it was about it was about solomon's wants and wishes and he erects a temple on the very grounds of life come on a history a full price but it's but somehow he never under he never pays the price he never pays the price come here brother holmes but then the sin problems got to be fixed for the curt come and finish we're going to let brother holmes be jesus mannequin can we let him be jesus here for a few minutes god manifests in his flesh turns and looks back over his shoulder full price full price and scholars say threshing floor of war now full price threshing floor mourning full price fresh and floor-borne in lived on the smoke of somebody else's sacrifice friends in florida burning god manifests in flesh looks over his shoulder and they say calvary scholars say calvary was in the vicinity of the threshing floor of our net and jesus looks over his shoulder and says how can i let abraham and isaac be full price how can i let david be full price and the bible says that jesus gives it [Applause] up listen to me the lifeblood of this thing called pentecost is built sustained propagated into the next generation at full price i say we take ornan's offers off the table today [Applause] i don't want this to be a solomon generation that enjoys all of this brother holmes and never ask why do we have this i don't want to be a solomon generation that enjoys the beauty of the fountains but does not understand that it was built on the ashes of somebody who paid full price you elders we apologize for thinking that we could get what you got or maintain what you've given us [Applause] i have no rights i'm not worried about my comforts and my conveniences i want to ask you some questions thank you brother morrison have you ever been on a three-day fast is this okay to preach consecration today have you ever prayed all night have you ever fallen asleep on the pews at your church and woke up the next morning and went straight to work [Music] have you ever travailed until you busted blood vessels in your forehead well one of these days i'll do a work for god this generation better hear this preacher right now you can't have it just because you want it revival's not something that you push a button and it all of a sudden appears in your hands you gotta pay for this look at me your mothers many of you your mothers lifted you up your eyes were barely open your mothers and fathers lifted you up and the dedicatory prayer was prayed over you but there's going to come a day that you're going to have to climb up on that altar yourself i want to know what it cost you these guys were the bastards up here and i'm glad but he's no dummy man coulda man could have made the man could have been a millionaire the man could have been a businessman he's smart he's savvy these men they gave everything i'm not i don't have an agenda other than trying to tell you that it costs it costs a whole lot what we've got he cost somebody a whole lot and we're spiritual cheapskates god forbid this generation becomes spiritual diner dashers and we dine and don't pay for what we're eating they tell me the story and i know i'm how social media is but it rips me up it's probably old news but it's not it's something i just heard unverified a few weeks ago how a young man brother hershey could stand in his father's pulpit with his dad with his with his dad in attendance pun intended and stand there how he could stand there and start dressing that church down we're not gonna do this anymore this is not important in this and i verified brother bass that that old elder he said he dropped to his knees you can't see it young people i know what i feel in my spirit there's some elders that are on their knees and they're looking at the shortcuts that some of us are trying to take and they're going oh god don't do that oh god don't don't bring down the bar there oh god don't change that don't bring down the level of expectancy don't it's not going to take less wickedness is greater in our generation than it was in theirs come on there's a generation just like that elder that's on their knees your daddy your grandpa he's in the grave but if you can see him right now he's pleading with this generation don't cut the prices don't discount the dedication listen it's expensive it's worth it because the fact of the matter is watch me i'm closing but watch me if we keep cutting corners look how long will you come past this mountain if we keep cutting corners all we're doing is walking in circles oh no orlando now all offers are off the table i'm not looking for the easy way i'm not looking for the cushy life you said something to me when i called to congratulate you you said something to me that rattled my cage you said to me when you went to durham and i called just tell you how happy i was and congratulate you on being there a great man and a great church and we love brother go there you said to me i've been handed the keys to a rocket ship brother hershey when you said that to me something because we all have been handed the keys and brother tuttle the last thing i want to do is be a generation that builds a fence around that rocket ship and memorializes it and shines it well we got a rocket ship cody marks nice to meet you man that rocket shoot but we got the truth boy this thing will this this thing will go so many miles an hour it'll go to such great elevation hey look you know do you know then go look it up the num there's one reason why this generation has not put anybody on the moon you ready expense do you think it's less technology do you think we have less technology now but no this generation hasn't put anybody on the moon it's expense and if this generation doesn't go spiritually to the moon brother davies it's gonna be because it was too expensive we'd rather shine it build a fence around it keep it we needed in mode memorialize we're apostolic we're a pet a cup but nobody was willing to pay for the fuel nobody was willing to go through the training nobody was willing to put the suit on nobody nobody was willing to step into the unknown nobody was willing to pay the price i want this generation to hear me we have been handed the keys to a rocket ship let us not be guilty of not paying the price because it's too expensive listen there is no price too great to save this generation there is no price i don't care what the fuel costs where's bro i've seen brandon wilma somewhere where are you at man i can't talk about this stuff without thinking about your dad laying outside brother wilson's office door you can't do this for me if some of you take the challenge you'll kindly in the next couple of days make contact with your parents and grandparents and you'll thank them thank you for what you've done thank you you can't do this for me i can't burn your wood i can't use your i gotta animals for it for myself you can't have a full price revival on a half price commitment you can't have a full price church on half-price consecration it's going to cost us everything and we i can't wait for the rest of this meeting we're going to rejoice we're going to have victory but i just feel like it felt my lot we need to crawl up on that altar stretch ourselves out i give myself away full price i wonder what it would sound like in here in the next few moments i wonder what a full price sound sounds like i wanna i wonder what a full price altar sounds like i wonder what full price dedication sounds like i wonder what it sounds like i'm finished would you lift your voice would you crawl up on that altar [Music] would you be willing to pay that price today come on all the way to the back of this sanctuary into the risers of the isles moms dads young people full price oh no ordinance come on preacher kid come on preachers kids come on pastors kids come on i'm preaching to you this is not just about the price of your purse the price of your dress the price of your suit it's about the price of your dedication the price of your consecration [Music] come on i wonder what full price sounds like [Applause] come on some of you it's been a long time i wonder what full price [Applause] [Music] i wonder what full price sounds like i wonder what full price looks like come on get your voice come on are you willing to pay what it takes crawl up on that altar full price price [Music] it's gonna cost you everything [Music] it's going to cost you everything [Music] come on samuel i want to preach to that elder i believe there's a david generation come on where's that david generation i'm willing to put the prayer in i'm willing to put my feet on the ground i'm willing i'm willing to shake the bush i'm willing to knock on the door i'm willing to get a bible study chart under my heart on [Music] is there a young pastor out there is there a young pastor that'll say oh no ordinances [Music] [Music] is [Music] i want my commitment to cost me more than my car cost me i want my commitment to cost me more than my clothes cost me [Music] i want my commitment to cost me more than my phone costs me [Music] it's gonna cost us everything come on millennials come on generation c come on it's gonna you can't have it just because you want it you gotta pay full price [Music] is everything i give to you to signify to signify what we're preaching here come on as i walk away come on would you give a full price sound could could a sound of travail come on from your toes would you give come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i'm to do what i feel right now i want young men married and unmarried now you i want if it's your if your pastor's confirmed it only if your pastor's confirmed it but if young men that are willing to pay full price young men that have been called into ministry this this full price business is all of us but i i wanted to start from the head and go down we're looking for the we're looking for the for leaders young men that you feel you're called a ministry come on [Music] 40 and down because i'm i'm 40 and that's just the number if if you're another age and you won't that's fine but if you're here don't don't come up here to save face or for show only if you i want to pay full price i i want to get this rocket off of the ground would you join me up here right now we're going to link together and pray come on you young men you young pastors you young evangelists you come on would you join me up here right now come on come on come up here with me right now the rest of you on the floor i want you to link up we're going to pray come on this is what this is what i seen just a minute ago this is what come on this is we're not going to look over our shoulder look at this oh my god look at this oh look at this would you look at this oh would you look at this folks we got hell on the run right now you guys we need unity you guys link up right now and i want you to lead would you like up down there you you saints you young people you elders would you connect come on let's make a let's make an eternal connection right now would you lift your voice full price full price they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming come on come on guys come on guys [Applause] we're not going to look over our shoulders and shop this couch [Applause] this is a full price church this is a full price generation this is a full price revival go go go don't stop come on something's breaking something's happening [Applause] oh no warning no arnon not this generation not these men go guys go how bad do you want it are you willing to pay for the fuel are you willing to put the time in [Applause] we've been equipped it's not a lack of equipment it's the price it's expensive will anybody pay for it i can't hear you will anybody pay for it i want to go spiritually to outer space i want to spiritually go to the [Applause] anybody anybody willing to pay for it come on come on come on you can you can do more than that come on open your mouth how bad do you want this how bad do you want to make an impact how bad do you want to make a difference come on down here on the floor leaders in the church sunday school teachers pastors wives come on greeters ushers come on it's going to take full price [Applause] oh no warning all offers are off the table [Applause] brother bass some of you elders brother carol come on i see some would you come would you come brother brother shoemake would you guys come would you mingle through here and pray would you elders come help me 50s 60s i don't care if you're younger than these guys would you come help us pray this is what made an impact this is what made an impact on me when i was young come on don't stop i believe we're turning a corner i believe we're stopping a plague come on i believe we're getting heaven's attention [Music] [Applause] full price [Music] full price full price [Music] from the head all the way down into the body full price [Applause] [Music] brother calhoun some of you guys help us pray for these young men i give you all of me that's it brother i give you all of me that's it brother that's it [Music] come on i feel the spirit of sacrifice in here today [Music] i give you all of me lord i give you [Music] let it fall back there come on folks we've got time for this we've got time for this come on you young [Music] this is not about a restrictive lifestyle this is about the privilege of full price this is about the privilege of full price go go go something's bubbling up this thing's about to go over the top go go go go go you better reach over and pray for somebody else reach over and pray [Music] young men that are on the floor we need pillars that are paying full price we need business owners that are paying full price [Music] [Music] all offers are off the table it's full price or nothing i said it's full price or nothing [Music] come on it's got to cost you something come on has it hurt yet has it hurt yet has it cost you [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] everything that i want to give it to you everything that i am i'll give it to you guys everything that i desire i give it to you jesus i'll give it all to you lord i'll give you my heart jesus [Music] it's gonna cost you something no matter the cost [Music] let's hold one another accountable there's no cutting corners around here we're not trying to find shortcuts we're not trying to find an easier way [Music] i will give you jesus [Music] who's going to study as much as they pray i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus full price this is a full price church jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you my hands jesus i will give you my mind jesus i will give you my soul jesus i will give you everything [Music] jesus i will give you my hate jesus i will give you my heart jesus i will give you my mind jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus [Music] i'll give it on to you jesus i'll give you my heart i give you my my lord everything i have i've given to you i surrender all too i [Music] i surrendered it all to you jesus [Music] [Music] hello so everything i had everything i am holding nothing back i will give you everything everything i am everything i have holding nothing back i will give you everything everything i have everything i have [Music] i will give you everything everything i am everything i had holding nothing back i would give you everything everything i am everything i have holding nothing back [Music] i will give you everything i will give you everything [Music] i will give you everything i will give you i will give you everything all that i am jesus all that i want i will give you everything all of my desires lord i give it all i will give you everything every insecurity every motive jesus i will give you everything all that i have [Music] give it all to you i will give you everything oh give it all and i will give you everything [Music] i will give you everything i will give you everything everything i will give you [Music] i will give you everything lord [Music] oh jesus will give you everything i will pay the price i will pay the price i will give you everything everything i will give you everything i will give you everything [Music] i will give you everything [Music] i will give you everything i will give you everything i commend myself to you jesus i will give you everything i commit my prayers to you jesus [Music] i will give you everything everything that i want jesus [Music] oh whatever you call me to do whatever you want me to say i will give you everything i will commit my life [Music] i will give you everything no matter how long that [Music] will is you everything oh jesus o jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will give you my hands jesus i will give you my faith jesus i will give you my heart jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you my hands jesus i will give you my heart jesus i will give you my mind jesus i will give you everything i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything jesus i will give you everything [Music] i will give you everything jesus i will keep [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] my i'll give you my soul [Music] everything i have [Music] everything [Music] i will give you everything everything everything i had [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] i give you all of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] give me [Music] [Music] if you can use anything lord you can use [Music] you can use anything lord you can use me take my hands lord take my feet touch my heart lord speak through me if you can use anything [Music] if you can use anything lord you can use me [Music] if you can use anything lord you can use me [Music] if you can use anything lord you can [Music] you can use me [Music] take my hands lord take my feet touch my heart lord speak to me if you can use me [Music] you can use anything lord you can use touch my heart lord speak for me if you can use [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can use anything lord you can use me [Music] you can use anything lord you can use [Music] touch my heart lord speak through me if you can use anything lord you can use [Music] me lord he can use me
Channel: First Pentecostal Church North Little Rock
Views: 13,397
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Id: nW0LIMPwHlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 11sec (8531 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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