Aretha Franklin On Kelly

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with the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin she's here to share a longtime favorite family recipe for Rees glazed ham yeah really I'm worried this is the rear is no Bethel ham that's my dad's Church in Detroit where you have it for about 38 years damn but this is the way the ladies at the church do it if I could just stay on where you are yes ma'am I'm gonna just score it real quickly and you do most of the cooking at home are you would you be the one that is in charge of the food and entertaining yes pretty much and pretty much and when your cookie do you sing while you're cooking uh yeah depends I may have something on the CD player all the radios on your cell phone or do you put on other artists no I put on other artists I don't need to eat your I don't need to come over to eat cuz I'll be take away from your family tonight come with why you cooked I just listen absolutely listen okay all right that worked you're not perfect now I want to know who you listen to because I would only listen to you if I was me during the holidays I listen to The O'Jays Christmas just on Christmas honey Hathaway mmm I put on my CD and put on Luther yeah I listen they're great people like that you know so till your school this is called scoring scoring yeah this is scoring the hand we're gonna sweat it we're just setting it up to put in some mom they want to put some little peppercorns and they go okay think he's gonna member corners not sprinkling prices in the corners now stick put him down in there guy okay so I got to get down to dirty yeah like yeah okay I heard that you took your Greg has to see Justin Bieber I did we had a wonderful wonderful time we are you like grandma of the year are you the favorite grandma absolutely amazing Greta Mia we went in singing his song when we went in to meet him how did he react to that we started he's run into a little dance like that he just he's a great performer that right with you yeah yeah do you think that the two of you will collaborate on an upcoming album well I'm not gonna do something yeah I think it would be would actually he's got a great song he's gonna be telling me that on his first um what is it on YouTube yeah yes that's right he did yes I know because my daughter showed me I could do respect or whatever you'd like to do I love that song respect yeah um is pzt alright did I scare you sometimes when I smell the ham the spirit of RiRi gets into my soul that you won't now so I'm going to put the five cups of brown sugar yeah you have five cups of brown sugar nice pouring a little burners ginger ale Oh one cup of your answer yeah this is unique and it's a treasure burning ginger okay greatest making a basting lagoons yeah okay well that's kind of soupy that's okay what any more brown sugar yeah we can add more brown sugar a little more brown sugar to it brown sugar so it kind of stick fix to the hands the queen is so please Michael Michael put your hand in here Hey there we go thank you so much okay little more you tell me when all right when when you're not supposed to be doing this let me do this okay all right all right that's a good way to do it the lumps he's he come mashed up the mass of lumps up real quick very good okay that's pretty good it's puts a little pineapple juice in it not too much this is one the whole cup way that's a little bit maybe I third of that okay that's good that's good and a little mustard just to taste we'll let you handle that there we go this is unusual at least kid your help pineapple just mustard brown sugar this looks good support that over the hand let it run down Michael front-end that okay that's really good perfect like oh hey oh yes perfect hey hey you got to get that out the back it'll be good alright looks amazing yeah we need to just pour a little this juice off them pour it off pour a little of it off okay we can you know I like to lift stuff so let me lift this okay watch this you Oh tell me where okay that's that's not bad a little more little more that's good that is good but you know what we forgot to do what you'd have sweated the ham before we poured that on how do you sweat the hand what's up hand man all right you just cover it completely and put it in the oven about 400 degrees sweat it for about 20-25 minutes and it'll be a lot juicier here watch this put in here take that through the magic of TV the other one out there we go yeah okay all right no problem how long do you bake the hand for well just until it's nice and brown you see how it's kind of singed how many degrees what's the temperature of 400 400 agrees 100 till it's brown I love them and then I love the way you decorate it okay it's so great all right Oh a toothpick yeah put them where you want it and then put the little cherry in the annals cherry on okay okay so I bet everybody come to your house for dinner yeah they don't even today do they ever say you know what RiRi don't worry about we're gonna cook we're gonna cook for you usually no I don't hear that a lot he sprinkled a coconut on top I don't hear that you want to try your work you want to try your creation I do I'd like a nice ham sandwich oh yeah I knew she was gonna throw a curve ball happy well you know what no corn won't do it they do ham sandwich ah pardon my fingers I didn't have breakfast you know okay and I only had three hours for me to hold it for you know would you like to eat it if you ask me to I will chew it for you Oh that's a tree that's a real treat by the way hey we want to remind everybody this Christmas your beautiful holiday CD is available in stores very special guests you like more information on anything you see on this show this is our
Channel: faznout
Views: 361,275
Rating: 4.8997588 out of 5
Keywords: Aretha, Franklin, shares, Christmas, ham, recipe, with, Vernors, glaze, on, LIVE, with, Kelly, and, Michael, 1
Id: wEalEKNu7jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2012
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