Are You Tired Of Being Broke? with Pastor David Crank -

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how many all could use a little bit more money in your month raise your hand how many all your Discover Card discovered where you live raise your hand your MasterCard mastering your life right and what we do sometimes is we use our credit card as an extension or a paycheck well that's how we get ourself in trouble one of my siblings actually filed chapter 11 when he was still a teenager that's how jacked up people's lofts can be real quick they get just out of order because you don't know and then you just get in trouble have you ever looked at your credit cards though and you saw them and you thought my gosh somebody stole my card I didn't do this and then when you look it really was you you were the culprit right but you do have five dollars at a time in my book i that i'll be releasing that's not we're talking about today but i talk about how that I've taught my daughter like even yesterday she said hey can we run to Starbucks I said ok 5 10 15 20 25 about to give you a check a big check at the end of the year because 5 dollars a day ok so 5 10 15 20 25 that's how much a month that's a hundred ok at the end of the years you can have 1,200 bucks have the coffee at home get some free coffee go to church just for the coffee come on somebody because we want to use wise practical stuff so it's there's a lot the Bible has to say about money but today we're going to deal with the fact those two pacifiers that there's not a lack of money their parents are just playing a trick on them there's not a lack of resources often times when we're not blessed because we're not bluff scible so the Bible talks about and that's why I gave you these M&Ms at all campuses today come on or City Weldon wherever you are if you'd like you can eat him while I'm preaching it's good it's fun and my daughter and I went to a Cardinals game when she was younger and I bought her bag M&Ms and I said give me something she said no they're mine anybody ever had a kid do that mine it's like taking candy from a baby right this is mine and that's where I come up with this idea of this M&M being my money she said those are my M&Ms and I wasn't trying to take anything from her I'm the one that blessed her with the Eminem's I bought of the M&Ms could have went and bought the whole like concession stand of M&Ms had I wanted to it was that she had to get over this stingy thing because she had a little bag of M&Ms God wants to get us from this size mom money to the next size mom money till eventually we have good as you're pressed down shaken together running over but we have to understand that all money is God's money when you realize that it's not yours it really helps you because you're not trying to fund you you don't have to have a GoFundMe account because God said that he would meet all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus but we have to get our house in order okay and it all starts with a budget everybody's got a budget and I know you hate that word but you have to have a budget you can't budge for the budget and one of the ways that tithing works is it helps establish order in your life do numerical order of 10 if you can count to 10 you can count to 10 million 10 10 we know that God gave us how many Commandments then there were 10 plagues 10 lepers how many disciples were there there were 12 that's right I was checking you people because some people always say 10 you got to get your mmm 10 God wants to bless us but if we're not bless of all and we're robbing him one of the ways that he establishes order to bless you is by first fruiting God so my dad years ago when we were growing up he decided that when I was growing up when I was about 10 he said we're going to start a church in fact you're sitting in the results of the discipline that he did he started living way before Dave Ramsey living like no one else would live so he could live like no one else would live so he came to me as a young child he said we're not going to have Christmas anymore we lived over off a telegraph and he said we're not going to have Christmas this year and probably not next year and he told me about Santa Claus and so therefore I was really disappointed because I knew we were screwed but he said listen what we are going to do though is I want to take you over here on Telegraph to a store called van City they sell Vance but I saw a go-cart van there and I want you to take a look at it this is what we're going to buy you at the end of this trail so he takes me to Van City and I see a little go-cart van sitting it's too little seats in it with a van body and he said hopefully two years from now if we do some radical debt reduction we honor God first the first 10% goes to God second 10% of coats or savings and the 18% we live on we use some radical debt reduction we're going to reduce the life of this loan and I'm just a ten-year-old but we're going to reduce it way down real quick we're going to beat the bankers at their own game so just by taking an extra principle payment so say is house payment with 700 bucks a month after we tithe because we got to get it right we got to get order in our lives lynnie would take an extra eight dollars a month and that twenty-eight dollars saved him like six hundred fifty he said where can you go and save money like this sixty took me and introduced me to Frank Ziegler the president only made bike he said hey this is my son David he showed me around the bank I have Frank's back he's saying hey look at this this is a linoleum David look this is granite look at the high-rise building is this amazing somebody's getting screwed here you know what somebody's getting ripped off and the Bible says that the interests eat up the fruit of your labor and that we've got to beat these guys at this so he went home and he sold his motorcycle and he started making those excerpts he went home and he had a yard sale he started making all those payments he had a philosophy you either use it or lose it you either save it you either sell it or sew it sell it or sew it but you don't let it lay around he would never ever let well first of all he would have a gym membership but if he did he wouldn't let 9.95 go to wait he'd either get rid of it because that's that that's the truth if it's 995 or less you won't cancel it you'll keep it on that writ that's the system so you won't ever cancel it you need to go home today if you don't use that gym membership and cancel it because it's a small tweaks that lead to big peaks in your life and everything about you says something about you and you got to bring financial order to your life come on give God praise today I mean everybody's clapping for that membership you left yeah forget that membership I ain't going to the gym again I made my dog gym so I can be like I'm with Jim I'm on the gym okay so so my dad says we're going to pay it off so at 22 months he paid the house off can you imagine that and I was the only little kid driving down my street looking like a little player in a little yellow go-cart and I'm sitting there you can't even breathe it I like the carbon dioxide is killing me in there it killed brain cells but I was living the life he promised because without a vision people perish so you have to have a vision of your financial future of what's going to happen but most people go for immediate gratification and settle long-term satisfaction I want it now it would make me feel good if we went out to eat tonight with a credit card that I owe massive money on it would make me feel good if I drove a thirty thousand dollar Hummer I would make me feel good if I drove it Escalade if you make a combined income of eighty and your Escalade is 80 it doesn't make sense come on somebody you're going into debt which is doing everything but thinking doing everything but tithing get the I'm telling you there's a secret to success but if you honor God God will honor you and then you can break the cycle of debt in your life but if you're a thief God can't bless you will a man Rob God Malachi 3:8 says begin by being honest do honest people Rob God I'm asking you Weldon but do you rob me so well have I robbed you and they said to the tithe and the offering God said and now you're under a curse and the whole nation because you're robbing me bring the full tithe into the temple or to the church and there will be ample provision in the temple and it's the only place in the Bible where God says kiss me test me and see if I will not open up heaven itself and pour you out a blessing beyond your wildest dreams so God's saying I can't bless you because you are robbing me okay so here here's the fact Wall Street Journal recently reported but two weeks ago seventy percent of all the people in this room Weldon Earth City 70 percent of you are living from paycheck to paycheck paycheck to paycheck 70 percent 80 percent of people that go to church and it's true even in the church eighty percent don't Todd so they're living from paycheck to paycheck they don't tithe they have no budget their life is a trainwreck when it comes to money they love God they love people they want to have fun I mean after all I mean I deserve an 80-inch tv my 70 inches gotten it I got an iPhone 5 who wants a 6 I need a 7 you don't need a 7 in fact you need to spend less time on the phone perhaps and more time in a book perhaps our major time on YouTube through the University of YouTube you can listen to financial advisers you can listen to Dave Ramsey you can solve money problems and then you can get your financial life in order so you are in charge of your life instead of allowing this thing called entitlement to get you people say I work hard so I need a new truck I work hard so I need a boat I work hard I'm not doubting that we work hard but we need to work hard and smart and if we do some honouring of God and say I'm going to get a budget and the first 10% belongs to God the first 10% establishes the savings account or a store cause God said he wants to bless me in my storehouse but if I don't have one then how can he bless it so I'm safe make the tweaks today start today because you know as well as I do your finances aren't going good right now but if we can break the curse of this God said test me then I will give you more I wasn't trying to keep imminent from my daughter I was trying to teach her about generosity about sharing I could have had my own but I still teach my children and I will teach my children's children's that we honor God and when you honor God and you test him in that he will open up the windows of heaven and he will bless you but if you're robbing God just doesn't work it's kind of like this I thought of it this morning the last session I preached up at our city min ago I just I guess the Holy Spirit brought it up to me or in my brain either way both good guys and I felt like this came up what if you said today God lead me today to a quick trip that I could Rob that has a lot of money and no cops God lead me Holy Spirit I asked you to lead me to a 7-eleven that I can I can go take them out God our God lead me to somebody I can mug it Allah do and they're on their phone and they got a lot of cash in some big jewelry God Holy Spirit lead me so I can knock them in the head Oh y'all know the Holy Spirit I'm going to help you do that some of you got confused I'm telling you he's not going to help you do that okay but that's what the scriptures like he said will a man robbed me so when we rob from God we're not really robbing from God that's not the part that hurts God what hurts God is we're robbing the whole nation because there's people in nursing homes today that are watching through television well we're on television in the middle tonight number one rated TV program in Palm Beach County and in st. Louis County on the weekends and these people are getting help and if they don't get help it's because we did not bless God so we couldn't reach them so Jesus who came all the way from heaven to earth to give this good news out now we are so consumed with ourself that we can't help anybody now again I'm not against you have a nice stuff Brooke Tubman says Carol Hosford ature one of my dear friends you like nice things nothing wrong with you liking those things but you have to make sure it happens in order and if there is disorder in your life and there's no order then you're robbing not only yourself but you're robbing your future and you're robbing your financial future for your kids because God wants to set up even patterns that will establish wisdom that will keep them from just being like every other person in the world 70 percent paycheck-to-paycheck how many all don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck come on somebody I'm here to tell you that God though in his financial planning in his financial center he will help you but you have to help God help you by saying not my M&Ms you're going God it's all yours what do you want me to do then he will establish a budget everybody shot a budget now proverbs 3 verse 9 will read it in a minute I want to give you time to go there after my dad paid off the house and bought me the go-cart he now goes to LeMay bank and he says hey guys I want to build a church here's the title deed to my house they said well we've never had an individual come in to build a church you're supposed to come in like the Assemblies of God and a demon board a deacon board comes in and they all put their houses up and you buy a church collectively a Baptist does it Presbyterians do it a similarly god dammit I said I want to do something different because he's thinking generationally he was thinking maybe someday he would have a son that wouldn't wear socks and he would preach to people not this way but this way and religious organizations might not understand that so he decided that he would form a board of people like-minded people and there was no risk to them because there was no out of money pocket to them it would be his he'd have to just front the money so they gave him a loan and he built the church at 1416 Larkin Louise Road that is still a church today called Life Christian Center we outgrew that when traded them for this one and now there are multi sites everywhere and it's because my dad established order and he said we're going to honor God first we're going to pay down our house in fact we're only paying our house down because we're going to build God a house and you don't think God's going to help my dad pay the house down knowing that someday he'll build a house where your family could get blessed how many all have been blessed by faith church come on well did on our city but how did this happen how okay let me take you to trash digging now we buy the church right we buy the land but we need to build a building so my dad Rob's from Peter to pay Paul ask people volunteers are helping little kids we stone the church ourselves I was getting stoned at 10 years old stoning the church and we're doing all this stuff and then at night time we would go over like to the Sherman Williams paint store and they would throw the paint away that somebody says this is the wrong color pink this is the wrong color Brown just the wrong color ivory and so my dad would put me in the trash can at nighttime and we pull out all the trash so here's all these paint cans we take them home with into the garage then we go to Ace Hardware we get all their paint that didn't match right some of us have folsom it's not full and he was okay it's very important that you understand son the difference between oil-based paint and water-based paint then he would take the water-based paint he would pour it all in a huge tub right like a trash can did he would take his drill and it would take a stem on it and what were we doing we were making our own custom faith cherished color so now whatever color it came out was the color of the church we did something nobody else would do my dad did not have 40 million dollars worth of debt like everybody so then when it was time for me to do what God called me to do I wasn't suppressed I knew the rules of engagement so when we bought this church and some of you were with me we didn't have the money for those chairs you're sitting in because that's nine hundred thousand dollars of the seats so what we did is we bought that section and then we'd tell the people who tie they could sit in this section come on somebody no we didn't really do that part but we really did do this so we said hey there's those section of cheers then one Sunday we we preached out here because we were building the stage we didn't have it all together and say build it they will come we said we don't have the money but we're going to as an organization first fruit God was the first 10% even it's a church yeah and we're going to give to other charitable organizations and then God is going to see that we are good with our money that we are focused that we have firstfruits in order come on somebody ought to help me right now and then God blessed us with this church and well then well they look around you look at that building if you're faithful over the little remember this you ruler the much but most people never ever first-fruit God their whole house is out of order let's go to proverbs as I promised verse 9 3 9 honor the Lord we get our word honorarium honor the Lord with thy substance and with the last fruits I'm sorry I got that wrong with the first fruits what does that say come on shout it everywhere what with the firstfruits of all by increase then if you do that so see your barns be filled with little yellow go carts and you will burst forth with new wine God's not against you having stuff he's against stuff having you but when you prioritize God correctly and you honor him you test him he goes now I see you're not so selfish you're going to take your my money you're going to give not the last 10% but you also probably know you're going to steal from got to be tempted if you see it so therefore you need to just go ahead and auto-pay it out and say God I'm going to honor you and then God blesses you he opens up the windows of heaven and gives you extraordinary ideas and then also it teaches your children and your children's children how to live within their means have a question ask you do you ever feel like sometimes you worry about your kids because they don't really understand the value of money raise your hand if you like you know money grows on trees well it kind of does because we print it off of a tree but not really you had to go to work for it but here's a statement that I want you to get ahold of very important you are the CFO of your life you are the chief financial officer of your life you decide whether you go to Starbucks today or not you decide whether you pull out that credit card and buy those shoes that you don't need to impress people you don't even know thinking I bet they think I look cool in these shoes you'll be in a red light at a $70,000 car that as soon as you drove it off you lost $40,000 and now you're at a red light trying to press people you'll never see again I bet they're looking to me probably not but every time I sit at a red light I look at people go I wonder how much debt they're in so we assume that people are doing good look Bob's got a nice SUV Bob must be doing good Bob might be doing very bad oh man Susie she must be really doing good look at the house she might be doing very bad some people are mortgaging we get the word morgue okay so we they're mortgaging their future for immediate gratification so if you want to live like nobody else is living if you want to have a good life if you want to be prosperous first of all we establish order by first fruiting God and then God puts is super on your natural now I do want to make sure this is a part that that in my book this when I'm on tour this fall that I'll bring out that Dave Ramsey doesn't bring out that other people don't bring out there is a supernatural component that you really want to hang on to God is able to put you at the right place at the right time and supernaturally get you out of debt supernatural debt cancellation I believe in all that but I don't think that it's good for the just to live by miracles the Bible said the just shall live by faith we live by order we live by accountability we don't just do what we want to do we do what the word says to do and then that qualifies us see what I'm saying for the good measure to come out so for instance Weldon Spring campus when I walk through that campus I didn't plan on buying that church we started a church at a high school out there and I heard the Ted Church somebody somebody sent me a letter it said this church went bankrupt was going bankrupt and would you guys buy this church and when I looked at this stamp date on it it said the 23rd of the month when I saw the number 23 that's a significant number for me it made me pay attention so me and pastor Phil sitting out there right now the impasse filled some of the other team members leadership at the church we walked through it and I did not plan on buying it but when I walked through there I just knew I'm supposed to buy this thing I don't wanna buy this building I don't need about us building what is going on but I knew that we could and I knew that God was going to bless us with the building so they had seven point seven million dollars in this property and it's beautiful as you see right now you're sitting in it and when they were sitting in there I just told the guy walking past I said I'd be a buyer at three point seven million and when I said it I thought he'll never take that well you know it took several months that they came back and we bought it for three point seven million dollars so over a lot of equity right that's like a bunch of people so like this just for easy math let's round it up because we did a bunch of stuff to it so 4 million so five six seven eights worth by eight million so all of a sudden we got about four million in it now we just it's like four people came up gave the church a million dollars see what I'm saying it's just being at the right place at the right time but why did that did God not love those people did God not love that last Church no but here's where people fail every failure in life write this down is a is a failed instruction every tragedy in life is an ignored instruction people say all the time I'm a pilot and I said I wouldn't flash small airplanes small airplanes kill people and I go no people kill small airplanes because you're not supposed to fly in that you're not supposed to push that button you're not supposed to I think I can make it no you do what Piper said to do and then you get the results see what I'm saying so it's like I don't know I think all hair dryers are bad I tried to save time time management I was in the tub and I dried my hair there's a little thing on there says hey stupid don't try to save time because you will die if you try to take a bath with the hair dryer okay so this is God's manual saying if you first fruit God you get blessed if you steal from God you don't qualify for the blessing therefore you never live the abundant life of too much overflow and you never really know what it feels like to really feel good makes me feel good when I go to the store and buy the TV makes me feel feeling good as having some money in the bank feeling good guys is having some margin feeling good is not being on the edge of arguments with your wife or your kids all the time because you're under financial stress if there's a way to be a dollar behind there's a way to be a dollar of ahead and I want our church to be different I want our church to our stats to not be seventy percent of all the people live from paycheck to paycheck it's your year and you listen to the teaching and I'm giving you right now it won't always be this way because my dad taught me as a child how to break the back of poverty and how to live in abundance and how to control your own life because I don't want my life as the destiny of someone else and I think you feel the same way shut it again I'm the CFO of my life so here's a couple of things that you can do as well I really encourage you all campuses today to go home and freeze your credit cards either have plastic surgery which you kind of a want to do anyway take a credit card take a scissors and cut them up the credit cards or at the very least take the credit card put it in some water put in the freezer and freeze it because then when you're mall walking because you're like they're not going to charge me planet fitness not getting 9.95 on my money I want to go to the mall and walk while you're walking in the mall you're going to see a pair of jeans that say you need me you want me your butt would look good in those you would actually lose weight if you bought it anybody heard anything similar and so now you take the credit card and you do an impulse buy and now you get what you want but you don't actually want what you get because now you don't need to get in the jeans because it is a proven fact that when you go to the store and you have one thousand dollars to buy the 70-inch and you put ten $100 bills out and you give them to the guy and he gives you the merchandise and you walk away you still subliminally and neurologically there's a loss that happens and you go man those were pretty hundreds man I lost that money when you buy with a credit card they actually give you the card back so there is a known it's nothing transmits in here that there was a loss it's like I gave it to you I got this back so what we have to do is to live like no one else is living we got to break the cycle of this today and say I'm going to stop using my credit cards doesn't exist in my paycheck you just need to be able to say we can't go out to eat we're not going to go out to eat and when you do this temporarily you can eat wherever you want I can eat wherever I want today unfortunately I'm always dieting so I never can really eat what I want to eat but the fact is God is not the problem we're the problem because we're first of all robbing from him he said that's me not only will I bless you which is really going to catapult you down the road but you'll also establish order in your life and your wife might not want to do this it's a lot easier if there's out that infidelity when it comes to money there's a lot of money infidelity it's he money money he don't know about she money money she don't know about it's better to come in and say hey this is our money we're going to honor God but even if he won't or she won't you're when you get to heaven God's not here I go hey I got a free pass because Bubba didn't want to do it you know no you're the CFO of your money so you have to say I'm going to honor God and when you honor God and you establish order then blessing comes to you raises come to you promotion comes to you supernatural ability comes to you and if nothing else you just have a peace knowing I didn't say God help me Rob this quick trip today God's not going to help you knock over a 7-eleven come on somebody God wants to bless you through legal tender and proper management and it'll change your life for ever now Genesis let's draw an analogy here verse 7 to 7 and God formed the man from the dust of the ground that's why it's so dirty come on men's meeting now the Lord God planted a garden in the Eden and he put them and it informed them and the Lord made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground that were pleasing to the eye but in the middle of the garden he said don't touch that tree so check this out pleasing to the eye what you have to be careful of is what Adam and Eve did God said all of this stuff is yours 90% that's yours that tree in the middle of the garden that represents mine don't touch that one okay baby don't do it then she got to look at it and thought boy look at that I wonder what that tastes like and we do this every time guys do with girls girls do with guys I wonder what it would be like to have sex with them guess what it's going to feel like the other person and I say that to address this that people all the time are getting themselves in the wrong bed I don't know how this happen I woke up naked in a bed with her I don't know my pants were gone and I looked at woo her pants were gone this is crazy it happens by looking and I know it's getting quite a few like I don't like to talk to that well then don't go to the movies today and see a movie a little perv yeah acting like I got a problem learn about sex in church come on somebody because it doesn't work that way but the money the same way oh I wonder what it would be like to take that money what it looks like is what happened to them death sets in when disobedience sets in so you have to say I'm going to honor God with the first words I'm never going to do it again and that's where my dad kicked everybody else's can I wish today if he could just come back and sometimes I think of that because when he died in church about 200 people and did a great job but he set me up correctly to where I knew he gave me not so much fruit he gave me root I'll take root every day over fruit because if you can get the root you can keep producing the fruit right so what he did if he could come back today and he saw all the churches if he saw the life change if she saw the millions of people that we affect if he knew as soon as I'm done preaching all these services that I jump on a plane and I preach again tonight at 6 o'clock in Florida if he could to a church that's just as big as if he could see all this he'd be like oh my gosh thank God I sold my motorcycle they kind of first fruit of God thank God we went trash digging boy thank God we did this because everything about my dad was setting order in my life saying you don't touch what's God's and so the whole time I've done a lot of things wrong the one thing I knew that I do right is one thing I know I need my money right so I'm sure not going to Jack God in the area of money I might do something else crazy but I want to be blessed so that I can be blessed by the blessed or so that I could be a blessing to change people's lives come on kids in Haiti or depending on it ambulances are depending on it well stand in dr depending on girls in the LA dream Center that slept last night in safety were dependent upon our 10% going to them to change their life forever that's what gives God's glory not us getting another plasma not us having an 80-inch and you know this is right you know this is the thing that's holding you back and you've tried it but you try like Skippy peanut butter you try low-fat chips you try but you don't try God you just do it you do what's right because it's right and then if you do that right thing long enough you will reap what's right and here's what what kicks in when you honor God the law of firstfruits when you honor God in that you get out of this Canaan able but remember when Cain and Abel had this thing and it said that Abel Cain and Abel one gave God the first fruit and the other just threw him an offering and God had no he had no regard for the guys oh yeah I got here's the money here it is a little extra dollar if you go ahead that's not honor honor is the first 10% goes to God and that's why God honored him if you remember the 10 cities that God told that chisel chillin Israel they could have he said there's going to be 10 times 10 maybe 10 cities the first one is Jericho and that belongs to me don't touch it well when they went there there was a guy named Aiken it Aiken stoled from that they went to the next town which is like Piedmont Missouri a little bitty town and they got there but whoops although almost everybody died and the man of God said what happened and they said Aiken stole the firstfruits this was the first city and therefore now they're under a curse the reason why you're not making progress the reason why you're not happy reason why you're kind of down is you're trying to cover up a feeling that you need to cover up if I feel like an adrenaline rush if I buy the TV I get my nails done I feel better now what really is happening is we've contaminated our system and when we honor God nothing feels better than laying down at night knowing you know what it might look like I'm going slower but I'm really going faster because I am structurally setting things up to flow under the heading of God's supernatural provision and that's how we got here okay and that's how we're going to get to the next level in God I don't want you broke I'm not living from paycheck to paycheck I don't like that I don't want anything to do with that I don't want you living out of the food printer we have a food pantry at all of our campuses and we help a lot of people but I'm telling you that's not God's will God wants you to live in abundance but as I close you can't buy everything your beedi hands see you can't say this is my money any longer you need to ask God today God forgive me I admit it I quit it and I forget it from this moment forward I'm going to parse for you no matter what because listen 10 you know like $90 with God goes a lot further than $100 about got an interest using calm it says remember if you look at this stuff you'll get less if you keep looking and smelling new cars you're going to want one new cars are the dumbest thing in the world I'm telling you what if I what if every year you can't you know have a couple years you said you know I'm going to take a $30,000 puttin iru IRA and three years from now it's going to be worth eleven thousand I'm gonna give you 30 and then I'm gonna bring it to eleven that's what you do when you buy a car buy a pre-owned nice car off of a church secretary come on somebody ought to tell you and say you've a pre-owned nice car and eventually you can buy a new car if you have the money to buy it although it's probably an unwise thing I always like to buy one a year or two old because I want to let somebody else lose the money it's just the way it's not that I can't afford it anymore even last night some people here saw me and Ashton at the goodwill over in South County we shop a goodwill a lot not because we don't have the money to go to North's but there's good cool things at Goodwill a girl at our church last week showed me a pair of prada shoes that she got for less than $10 at the goodwill somebody ought to race to the goodwill today right because you probably just want some outside time with the family and buy something but you can't family you don't have the things that you don't need it gets you in this cycle and system of in debt if you spend more as the CFO they're going to fire you at the organization then you're bringing in every head bowed and every eye closed come on Earth City come on Weldon all campuses pray this prayer with me say dear Heavenly Father salad strong stay dear Heavenly Father I need your help in the area of my money I want to give you the right to dominate my life because you are my lord I go to church now I serve God I go to growth track I worship You Lord I got to get this money thing right and the first 10% from this moment forward I'm going to test you God I'm going to divinely trust your will I'll never rob you again I'm going to test you on it in Jesus name I pray and everybody said amen come on all campuses give guys crazy
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 4,614
Rating: 4.7307692 out of 5
Keywords: Are You Tired Of Being Broke?, finances, money, financial, stability, budget, Pastor David, David, David Crank, West Palm Beach, St. Louis, Florida, Missouri, Sunset Hills, Earth City, Weldon Spring,, bankruptcy, get out of debt, pay off my house, pay off credirt card
Id: 4HD3xX4MrnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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