Are You Strong Enough to Turn This Crank ???

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hey guys joe pie here at advanced innovations welcome back to the shop i've been off the grid for a little bit i do apologize but rest assured i am working on this mini lathe diligently behind the scenes and i am actually putting the finishing touches to the final components things like these tiny little handles for the hand wheel some bushings spacers just everything to take the slop out of the apron and coming across a little piece right here i wanted to show you a trick that i use this is an o625 reamed hole that is an o625 pin now as much as i don't want to touch that with my bare hands because it'll tarnish overnight it is going to be a nice snug fit when it goes in there but i would like to press it since this is a very cheap metal here well i mean it's a it's an aluminum casting of course and this is brass it's not a whole lot of meat for these guys to squeeze together so let me show you the trick if i readjust my camera here there we go i'm going to take the back side of this component with an automatic center punch set on a really light pressure with a 90 degree tip on it this is the side i want the part to rest on so i'm going to center punch the back side of this hole this is not d-bird don't d-bird if you're going to do this i'm going to put it against my bench just to have it backed up to something [Music] and if you got really good eyes you can see that it did displace some of the material and that's a good thing that could also be done with a small ball bearing for all you guys that are scrambling for the keyboard put a ball bearing on there just maybe twice the size of the hole and give it a smack it's going to do the same thing it's a good way to close up a hole if you have to now this will go to the point of interference and i'll just tap it on let's watch for the seat hope this thing doesn't fly off the table i don't know what to expect there we go and done they say to peeing it over from behind you can also drill a hole in that install a light slip fit and use the same type of punch to flare the end of the brass component but i like to just drive it in with a little hammer make sure everything is going to behave itself let's stick this thing on the part see what happens before i assemble the hand wheel back onto the apron here i want to point something out change that i made to this model i've been making a few along the way now that is entirely up to you if you want to do that you just go right ahead but the plans will get you there the plans call for a straight 1 8 diameter about a 3 millimeter pin to be pressed into the apron to hold these gears not a problem hold them just fine but the opportunity for the gears to walk forward while it's moving back and forth is present there's nothing to constrain these gears to this apron if these gears walk too far in this direction over here they will encounter the front of the bed and leave scrape marks on the front of the bed well you know just not going to let that happen guys so here's what i did to fix my model and i think this is a really solid suggestion for anybody that may be watching and anybody that anybody that may be watching anyway what a counter board in the smaller of the two gears it's about a 190 counterbore 50 thousandths of an inch deep i made a headed pin a teflon spacer that goes down in that counter flush now on the back got another bushing that goes on the back keep the gears from rubbing on the apron itself and now when this pin is pressed in this hole those gears are going to rest fifteen thousandths of an inch off that surface on a teflon washer and the head of this pin is also going to engage the teflon washer that's right there so all i need to do now is just squeeze this all together until this pin is flush with this face and all should be well everything should be constrained adequately i'm going to take that off camera for a second press it together come back we're going to put the crank on see what that looks like stick around got the new setup successfully pressed in and any projection of the pin over the top will be in play let's see if we can show you not much but it still spins freely and it will not fall off and the pin is flush with the outside cast let's put the hand wheel on take a look at that this is the hand wheel sub assembly teflon washer on the gear side that pond washer on the handle side nice little bevel washer holding the screw down let's see if i can do this without shaking it off the table and losing everything that'd be cool it is late in the afternoon and i am extremely hungry right now anybody with a fast metabolism knows that's not a good thing so here we go you're coming through from behind line them up for the mesh check it beautiful teflon washer onto the front actually these are white dover and i'm not going to lie to these are wiped out look at that oh my god that is the combination of a lot of work actually an incredible amount of work is just just screwing that hand wheel just cleaning up the casting on the hand wheel making it look like it never had any burrs on it it's got a different finish on the outside than it does on the faces i shined it up a bit just to give it some accent and let's take a look at the function on the inside that is a complete apron that is ready to rock next part is just to put this all together there is nothing else to be done on this model so i hope you come back for the assembly sorry to tease you with this but i thought that peening that one hole over to to assemble the crank was a good idea and counter boring and swapping out the pin for a headed pin on this gear cluster was the other enhancement so if you're building this model if you're following along i hope that helps you anybody at pm research might consider doing that that's uh that's a nice upgrade these gears will not fall apart nor will overlay bind on the bed once again joe pi here in advanced innovations in austin texas you
Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 26,602
Rating: 4.9767599 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Pie, JoePieczynski, Advanced Innovations, advanced innovations llc, how to, machine shop, shop tricks, shop hacks, shop techniques, shop tutorials, pm research, el-1, miniature lathe, scale models
Id: VXjmcwNbV1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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