Are You Living Like No One Else?

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[Music] this is the ramsay show [Applause] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host christy wright ramsay personality number one best-selling author is my co-host today as we answer your questions about your life and your money her new book take back your time the guilt-free guide to life balance one week one week from today i can't believe it it feels like the pre-sale has flown i'm so excited which means a lot of different things number one all of you that have already bought the book and there are a bunch of you thank you very much uh it'll be shipped next week and you'll have it on your doorstep uh somewhere around monday or tuesday of next week something like that lots of good stuff going on and of course uh that also means there's only one week left in all of the special deals associated with pre-sale yes so if you've been holding out because you're thinking oh i'm not going to get it because it's not going to ship if you get it now it will ship very soon and you get the free stuff but if you wait until next week when it launches you're going to miss out on the e-book the audio book the ticket to the live event on thursday the access to the private facebook group with me and all that good stuff so yeah if you're thinking about getting it go ahead even if it's for christmas go ahead and get it now because you get the freebies it just makes sense yeah you get about a hundred dollars worth of stuff a little less than a hundred dollars worth of stuff extra when you buy the 20 book and you buy it this week rather than next week if you wait this week at next week at this time you will pay 20 and you will get a 20 buck yeah and that's what you'll get so um this is the deal it is uh the guilt-free guide to life balance is called take back your time it's all about productivity it's all about uh doing not not just being productive but being productive in a way that allows your life to be sustainable yeah it does it really redefines this whole word it's it's taking a new angle on it i think that's important because what i've seen dave and i've definitely been guilty of this myself is we think the answer to our balance problem is that we just need to do more and so we wake up earlier stay up later and run harder and faster in between but we still feel like something's not right and so i help you get to the root issue of why you feel like that in the first place i help you figure out what your version of balance looks like in the season and then take very practical steps to achieve it so i really feel like it's a very new take on this um old conversation and to be honest a a word that needed redefining you know i hadn't thought about that but if you're on a tightrope trying to balance the harder you try the the more out of balance you get and the more people yell at you that you need to be in balance the harder it is and have you ever seen a tiger walker like they're not looking like they're having fun like every fiber on their body is tense i don't want to live like that i i don't want to live like that so i'm like let's give it a lot of people kind of in a secret part of their soul are wishing they fall i mean come on i mean we've got all these analogies of tightrope walking spinning plates and juggling balls i don't want to live my life like that that sounds hard risky and you know what therein lies the problem we have in our world today our lives are a circuit i'm here to help you with your circus all of this balance stuff happens in the circus stop it stop it get out of the tent get away from the circus get away from the three rings and uh let's start doing the right things at the right time in the right degree for where you are right now in this season and that's christy's take on this stuff it's going to help a bunch september 13th is the last day to do the pre-order that means that is the last day that's the last day to pre-order the book get 50 plus almost 100 worth of goodies on thursday night of next week one week from this thursday she and i will be doing a live stream event uh to go along with the book take back your time the guilt-free guide to life balance and it is called what take back your time life who knew so crazy that's a strange name for us to do having something to do with this book but yeah there you go so it's actually christy is doing the event and they're letting me be on there for a few minutes so i can act like i'm important everybody knows better so and it's a book signing if you come in nashville it's a book signing you get your book signed if you want to join us here in person and you can get a ticket got a few slots left not many it's pretty well pretty well booked up it's not a big crowd we're going to have for the uh live studio audience that's it but uh you can do that and come out and it's going to be a great event that that event is a paid live stream or free uh it's free if you if you get your pre-order copy of the book okay so go ahead get your copy otherwise you're gonna have to pay to watch it yeah and that's at and the other thing that i want people to know too which has been kind of fun dave last week we sent out the ebook to all the people that have pre-ordered by that date i believe it was september uh first and we're already getting reviews so if you're on the fence go to you can look at reviews for the book for our early readers and see what they think and hear from real people so um that might answer some questions if you have any very cool stuff all right andrew is first up this hour in detroit michigan andrew welcome to the ramsey show how can we help hi dave hi christy congrats on the new book thank you for taking my call sir um so i'm calling uh it's relatively uh fresh news um but my mom has been pretty sick with uh diabetes these last few months and has she's on the upswing of it but from it her vision has gone so she's just been declared illegally blind um and you know so she's applied and she's going to be on disability making about 1800 dollars a month which is not a lot um in comparison to what she was making which was i want to say closer to 3 000 a month um but i i guess just generally um my mom's pretty steadfast that she wants to uh keep working um in some capacity and she's a very independent human being so i've no doubt she'll find a way to make that happen in some way but i guess um i'm just asking about just general advice with limitations of income like that um obviously the scope of her abilities are going to be a lot lower than what they were um how you might work your way uh through the baby steps um so right now she has about 25 000 in debt um i intend personally about paying about half that because it was for a student loan of mine um and she has about 30 000 in the bank um she's she doesn't know a lot about you um i follow you a lot obviously dave um but yeah how old is he uh my mom is 57 5'7 yes and you're how old i'm 24. oh my goodness and what do you make uh me i make um 89 000 a year okay well i'm sorry this is a tough tough situation for both of you um uh and she's lucky and blessed to have you there to walk with her through this so uh the uh ssi is what she's gonna be on will give her the limitations that she can make in addition to the disability without putting her disability in jeopardy okay yeah i i believe that's what it is that's how you say that it is and they'll give her the limitations that she can make on the books legally um some people in those situations work off the books for cash um and do whatever they want to do uh i'm not suggesting that i'm just saying sometimes that happens and um so i think then you sit down and and you work to quickly as you can with your 89 000 to pay off the portion that you're going to pay off and then we're just on a very very very tight budget uh in her case so it's going to be a slow movement the main thing she's got to do is take care of herself first and then worry about this debt and other stuff second way down the list take care of the food shelter clothing transportation and utilities before you do anything else especially in this situation [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just thirty dollars a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over seventy dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] [Applause] [Music] chrissy wright ramsey personality is my co-host today as we answer your questions here on the ramsey show open phones a triple eight eight two five five two two five muhammad is with us in uh the netherlands hey how are you hey dave and chrissy how are you doing great how can we help hey i got a real estate question so like like you already said i'm in the netherlands and uh i really like real estate so i started investing it when i was pretty young and uh but with my work there is an opportunity come up to come to the united states and i was wondering if i should sell everything and go from there in the states begin again real estate or should i keep it maybe and go from long distance even though i've never even done something like that and looks pretty hard so that was my question basically how long do you think you'll be in the states uh for at least this project this would be a year but uh i would i would probably be there for like forever i mean that's the plan that's that would be the goal oh okay so your plan is to move to the united states permanently yeah correct yeah okay when do you uh right now the probability of that uh right now the probability of one year is very high well what's the when will you know more on a very high level what the probability of you staying forever is probably somewhat into that year i'm guessing yeah correct yes that's correct yeah probably after like uh three four months when uh i can also see about how the because i'm in the industrial sector so that would be if i work with the company and maybe others as a contractor to see what's the market like and if i fit into it well i would hate for you to come down here for one year and go back and have sold everything yep okay yeah so i i probably i'm probably holding it all for the first year and renting it and maybe get some help a property management firm to help you rent it with that not being the long-term play but let's get your probability locked in that you're not going back um okay i mean if you're gonna burn the ships and you're not going back no matter what then you can just sell it all now but i think that your probability of knowing the market getting a comfort level um uh you know in terms of plugging into your career that kind of stuff if it takes you a year to do that in this first year of your contract um feels kind of wise to hold off for one year and then sell everything what do you think yeah that makes sense but i i've already worked for a couple american companies like 3m and exxon mobile and stuff but in the netherlands and belgium so i already have connections with them and they offered me in advance but you know i'd rather be sure than possible that's why i said they gave me a contract for a year but uh yeah that makes sense what you're saying so yeah well muhammad the idea too just because this is such a major life change i mean major that if you can find any way to ease into it then it's just going to reduce your stress and it's going to give you that safety net and peace of mind because if you did burn the ships move hair etc but you did want to go home you almost might make the wrong decision or justify staying because you had nothing to go back to this way you're going to be able to look at it more objectively in a year and say okay do i want to stay am i ready to sell everything there or do i want to go back and you've just got more options and we're just so big on on helping you guys have options so you can make the best best decision i love the idea of you easing into this where you can yeah i mean if you had taken a new job uh from you know inside the united states to inside the united states and you were moving and you were not coming back then we sell everything right you know that would just be so i mean you're moving from i don't know california to texas and you're not coming back um then yeah you go ahead and sell the stuff you don't you don't hold long distance landlording property as a long-term strategy this is a little different yeah you don't know if you're going to like it you're changing countries yeah and somewhat you're changing cultures at least some cultural differences and so you're going to want to find that niche and get a comfort level before you liquidate all the hard work you've done to this point and then when you sell it on i don't know what your tax implications are in the netherlands would be i don't know anything about that but certainly you would take that money and you can move it state stateside in terms of buying some some you know some investment properties and other things here open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five our question today comes from they have a 100 satisfaction guarantee that means even if you mismeasure or you pick the wrong color they'll remake your blinds for free with free samples free shipping and the new promos they run every month you'll save even more use the promo code ramsey to get the best deal today's question comes from brodie in alaska i'm an 18 year old entrepreneur and i'm starting college this fall i started a residential painting company a few months ago we paint exteriors and interiors and the business has really taken off quickly i have one full-time employee and our success has been so great that we're turning down work my take-home pay is 1800 per week could you give me some advice on how to grow my business quickly without burning myself out well i'll tell you dave the thing that jumps out to me about this question is the fact that he's 18 year old 18 years old about to start college so to me that changes the answer a little bit because you're about to become a student whereas if this was your full-time gig you're 30 years old and you just want to grow it okay we could talk about increasing your prices we could talk about hiring more staff and scaling in that way um but but for brody i mean your a1 is being a student so it's not that we're going to ignore the business i know a lot of college students that have a business in addition to being a student i just wouldn't make that your top priority where you're sacrificing um attending classes or doing homework because you're trying to lead a huge staff team i don't think that that's the right priority at this at this stage yeah if the only thing you do is make ninety thousand dollars a year while you're going through four years of college you're gonna be okay brody that was pretty ambitious right there you don't have to add ambition on top of that we're pretty impressed already dude you're freaking 18 years old you're making 1800 bucks a week take home pay yeah yeah so seriously that's pretty impressive i don't think we grow this business i i would i would grow it only enough to maintain it yep um and and let's get through four years of school and uh then maybe you go back and teach business at that college after you're done oh my gosh yeah because most of your professors in the business category have never made 1800 a week and they're running their own business so um there you go wow that's impressive oh somebody asked questions like that what a kid man what a kid i love it all right max is in chattanooga hey max how are you good for real better than we deserve what's up um so i just had a quick question um right now i currently have a truck payment that's about 400 a month and i have about 6 800 left on it and i have right now about 16 000 left in my savings and i just recently had to move out of where i was living where i was able to afford both the truck payment and my rent and right now i'm living somewhere where i don't know if i'll be able to afford both of those and i was just wondering if i should take the money out of my savings and just go ahead and pay the truck off well why'd you move somewhere you can't afford well it's not that i can't afford it it was it's just that you can't afford it well um i don't know if i can afford both the truck payment and the where i'm living currently it was kind of a very last minute thing and i had to move in a couple of months and um i just this was about the only place that was available for me to move into how old are you 22. okay i'm calling bs had a couple of months to make a decision and you made a decision to rent a place you can't afford that's the you were not forced you were not forced into this you are not a victim of the real estate market in chattanooga you're a victim of how lazy you were when you were looking for a place to live yes well we're on the same page next we're on the same page hey we love you man i love you so much y'all on this truck you said you owe 6000 on the truck yes i'd pay it off today what do you make of your sir um about 24 25 000. okay what do you do um i work retail right now and i'm going back to school next semester to finish out my degree and what uh business management great good move very good call good so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna send you a copy of the book the total money makeover to show you how to handle money while you're fighting your way through this i'm proud of you you're doing good stuff here's the trick man don't let stuff happen to you on the money side you happen to it you have to make things fit your world you don't cave to the circumstances around you or you will lose and that's what puts you in this position so i've done it too i know exactly how it feels that's why i can pick on you [Music] christie wright ramsey personality is my co-host today this is the ramsey show kelly is with us kelly is in warner robins georgia hi kelly what's up hi dave hi chrissy how you guys doing great what's going on can we help so i have quite a few financial questions but i'm going to stick with the one that i'm with with right now um i'm one it's a 401k question and i have seen and watched a couple of free videos with people who have about the same questions with using your 401k to pay off debt and i know that it is not a good idea i'm completely aware of it i don't have a lot in my 401k so in in my opinion i don't feel like i'm taking that heart of it and i know it will because i think it takes like 30 now i'm in the lower tax bracket um basically what i'm wanting to use it for is to purchase a vehicle that i don't know any money on i currently have a truck loan that i'm wanting to get rid of i want to come up from this truck loan so my plan is to sell it and then use what what out of my 401k kind of what's left over after i purchase a vehicle to kind of pay off like the other little bit of debt that i do have i have a total of 25 500 in debt and the majority of that is from my truck how much of this is the truck it's 19 300 and how much is in your 401k i only have 13 000. um that's between i have so kelly essentially what you're saying is this okay in order to execute my plan i want to borrow thirteen thousand dollars at thirty percent interest okay that's what you're saying now you're not saying it directly but that is the effect of your proposal okay when the smoke clears and that's why you've heard this call so many times as you've watched youtube on the same subject and um here's what's happening and i commend you for trying to figure out a way out of this because you've recognized the truck is the problem and it's got to go and i really think you're very wise in that regard um but but what ends up happening is um i know you because i am you i see you in the mirror when i look in it and we're people that we're rip the band-aid off people even if it hurts i want to be done with it yes and and we have a tendency in making our financial decisions to let that color our decision um and we don't really i i have i just i did this stuff in my 20s and i know exactly how what i know the feeling that you're like i just want to get this over with did i is that correct yes yes because i see i see it as hurting me more than i am like because all of my money is going to these loans and i'm actually able to pay it i would rather have it going towards like saving i would rather put that so since you bought the truck you've had a wake-up call and you've you know that's in the rearview mirror no pun intended and um you know you're looking back there and you're going ted gummit and i got to clean this up now and and but we've but truthfully i want you to find a more painful slower or a slower way to clean this up that is more painful on the short term and less painful on the long term here's a principle for everybody out there when it comes to money if it feels good this week but bad over the period of a decade then it's the wrong decision right and that's what this one is it falls in that bucket because it feels good to cash this out and clean up all these bills and do all this other stuff so what do you make a year um it's i'm actually basing it off of my husband's income because i just recently within six months have started a cleaning business so i make um from the numbers that i pulled up within last month i've made about eight hundred dollars a month so i don't make much maybe seven hundred or seven seven thousand a year what does he make about twenty 000 a year she brings in about a 480 paycheck every week gotcha now this truck is killing you then how much is the truck worth um i kelly blue booked it at 20 oh no oh what did the lady tell me i just remember her telling me don't ever go less than fifteen thousand um well i i recently did a quote with carmax and they told me that they would give me 17 for it so i mean i would only owe two grand on it and i know if you sell it if you sell it private sale it'll bring enough to pay it off yes that's that's where i'm going with this kelly because there is a quicker path to where you want to get and it doesn't involve sacrificing but you don't have a car then but if you but even if you got something in cash small like a thousand two thousand dollar card do you have any savings kelly i've got a little bit um not much what's a little bit um which is crazy how much is a little bit two thousand i have two thousand dollars okay i want you to sell the truck for 19 and buy 2 000 car okay and then i want you to work your butt off without the truck payment and being on a budget get your cleaning business going the great news is that you can actually make a lot of money in the cleaning business and you need more accounts or you need to raise your prices or something because oh my goodness i'm surprised that it did it's doing what it's doing within the six months like you should have been doing that in month one we're gonna change that mindset kelly if you'll stay on the line we'll have kelly here give you a ticket to our business boutique conference in october it's october 14th through the 16th we'll show you how to raise your prices we'll show you how to market your business we'll show you how to get customers and get more money that's going to help you pay off that debt we do it every year every fall thousands of you have how much you can do this yeah not counting the truck only about five thousand dollars right six thousand yeah i've got i've got a personal loan at 1200 and then my credit card is five thousand okay yeah sell the truck sell the truck for enough to pay it off buy a 2 000 car and cut up your credit card get yourself on a tight budget hang on kelly will pick up and we're going to get you signed up for business boutique in the meantime we're also going to send you the business boutique book and between now and october i want you to double your income and then when you come to business boutique you can double it again because you should be making four or five six thousand bucks a month in a cleaning business right now it's a it's a freaking gold mine it's the ultimate we just answered a question about this with the from an 18 year old of of having a cleaning business yeah oh i'm sorry painting sorry i'm telling you this let me let me give you guys so this this is this so when daniel my son who's a senior vice president here now and he's an old man with a baby in the whole bed now but when he was a kid we were remodeling doing some remodeling at our house and i was ready to kill him because they wouldn't show up yeah so we're driving down the street he's 14 years old and he goes uh dad i think i've decided what my career is i said what he goes i'm gonna be a contractor and i'm like why and he said it looks to me like there's no competition because all you have to do is show up when you said you were going to meet the price you said you were going to and do good work and he goes none of those are rocket science this is a 14 year old the bar is low i'm just saying you got no competition in the maid service business and in the none yeah and in the remodeling business or handyman business i talked to a handyman the other day making 300k a year you know what is so interesting though in the way that kelly talked about that even though it's just i'm surprised that i'm making 800. i'm surprised that's what i want to fix the mindset oh my god people are giving me charity they paid me eight no no no you're running they're toilet serving the marketplace when you start changing your mind about your business what it does the money you can make what you're worth you will start seeing that money but as long as you feel pitiful and act pitiful the results you will get will be pitiful i a lot of and you've seen this dave a lot of what i do through business boutique whether it's at the conference or book or whatever is changing the mindset because that's what changes the actions cringe injecting courage my specialty and just makes you believe because it's funny once you think you're worth something you you sound stuck up but you're not stuck up you go it's confidence you go do it you go work there's a lot of difference in confidence and arrogance yes arrogance says you really aren't worth it confidences really are [Music] other than that it's pretty much the same attitude this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] christie wright ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at 825-5225 zach is in omaha nebraska hey zach how are you well gonna be honest been a little better um we got word today that my dad is probably not gonna leave the hospital alive so trying to figure out how to help my family through this a little bit more because there are like i know what you guys usually recommend but they're not really plugged into you guys and i'm trying to figure out how to guide them through the coming weeks oh zach i'm sorry what's wrong with him i think it's some kind of blood poisoning issue i'm not 100 sure every time my mom gives an update she writes like a book so i've lost track of all the diagnosis going on how old are you how old is she i'm 27 my dad is 60. oh my goodness okay um well here's the thing it's um when you're facing something that's this emotional the um and this devastating um the more facts you have most people it lowers our anxiety gathering the facts might temporarily increase some people's anxiety in the mix but the overall family will be better if they have good solid facts people are much more afraid of the unknown than they are of bad news and that would include the financial story that's here okay the unknown is much more scary than even the known that i've got some struggles with okay that makes sense yeah that's kind of why i call because like my mom there's some financial things that we'll need taken care of right away and stuff like that but also like you usually tell people my mom needs time to just be able to sit there and cry and she's got my 14 year old brother living with her plus i i got a 23 year old brother who's living there with his wife and two kids and i know at the very least one of the things they want to do quickly is replace the house because they live in a fallen apartment double white that even i don't really want my mom living in anymore because it's junk at this point yeah okay all right um so really there's three uh major categories or three buckets that we can address um one the first one is do we know the list of things that they own and things that they owe they own the house we bought cash for like three grand and we remodeled it ourselves there's a small construction loan with my dad's pickup as collateral i don't know the exact amount my mom won't tell me she has a ford expedition i if i had to guess i'd say at minimum ten thousand on that they got a couple credit cards i don't know if they're current on payments or if they have some debt on those and uh does your mom work i think that's about it uh yeah she does okay the second bucket is to begin to put together a budget of how she will live if he doesn't come home financially how she gonna eat keep the lights on what's gonna be the game plan that with the monthly budget what's the monthly budget look like if he doesn't come home um that's the second i'm gonna guess roughly three thousand dollars yeah and then the third maybe you said she works and earns what uh that that's specifically her income my dad was on disability for the last little bit i don't know if she's gonna get any financial i don't know if he's got life insurance i don't believe he does i think he lost it when he lost his job like six years ago and uh so let me help you with this all three answers to all three buckets so far is i don't know okay i don't know what they owe she won't tell me i don't know what it takes for her to live and how much she has coming in towards that and i don't know if there's any life insurance so i go back to my original statement would you agree with me zach that not knowing is more scary than knowing admittedly yeah like that's where i guess that was kind of the point i was gonna try to get out with this question is i've got those are pretty educated guesses so my answers are somewhere around the numbers i gave but i don't know and mom's pretty stubborn about telling me anything related to finances as if she's trying to do it on her but like she seems to feel like she needs to do it on her own to an extent and i'm trying to figure out how to let her know you're not alone and i know i've screwed up with my finances but i'm i've learned a lot and i want to at least help a little bit yeah okay why don't you just say that um you're not alone i know this is scary and i know you're a strong independent woman would you allow me to be a shoulder you can lean on for a short period of time and let's walk through putting together a plan to where you can operate on your own but i'll help you develop the plan okay and and if she responds if she responds to that with a stiff arm there's nothing you can do then you can't help people who won't accept the help even your own mom your little brother needs to get a job and move out today he's a burden he's not a blessing not the 14 year old the 23 year old with a wife living in a trailer with his mother to be fair he does have a job why they won't move out i will event i don't know yeah well i just said what he needed to do i didn't say i didn't give a reason why other than it's ridiculous yeah and so this is not a blessing it's a curse it's a problem and and but but again none of these people are required by law to take your input or mine and so um you you it's very difficult to insert yourself forcibly into an adult who has legal rights into their situation without their permission the one thing i want to throw in there zach is um these next few weeks and months are going to be so hard on all of you all if you offer to help once and she says no you can keep offering it does not hurt to come back around two weeks and be like hey i'm here but what hey i'm here but what i don't want you to do is to try to help a where you're not welcome or be where you have incomplete information or cooperation yeah if she says i'm not doing that then you go okay yeah but but if if she may come around she may come around a couple weeks after trying to do it herself and she wants help but might be too proud to ask for and if you're there going hey i'm here if you if you need someone i'm here you know would love to walk with you in this and then she may be more receptive the other thing zach um and and dave talked about this but uh you may not your brother may not listen we can talk to him you want to help your mom talk to him and get him out like you you are exactly what you said dave you are a burden you need to be on your own you need to get your own place it's gonna make a lot easier to take care of mom and help mom if you're not having to deal with all that you and said wife need to be working 60 hours a week and being on your own and then me and my wife me and myself are going to help mom as well to the extent mom will let us yeah but we're not going to be a burden on her anymore and um you know and it sounds like some stuff's gonna have to be sold to clean up the mess would you you know and it's a dumpy place and they want to get out of there sell it and go rent something but you know go rent a little uh two-bedroom apartment for her and your little brother and um that'll give your older brother or your middle brother a reason to leave yeah because there's not a place for him at the new place but again your mom if she's going to stiff-arm you and play the the tough independent i don't need help uh john wayne routine there's nothing you can do all you can do is what christy said just continually say i'm here when you want help i will tell you what will drive her nuts and you nuts is either you forcing yourself into a situation where you're not welcome or she gives you only a little bit of information and you try to act on that and so you're playing around the edges and you can't really get to the core of the problem and that's not gonna do anything but frustrate her and you so if you if you're gonna help it needs to be all in if you're gonna stand on the sidelines it needs to be all the way on the sidelines and that's the best way you can help her and serve her in this situation i'm so sorry you guys are facing this what a scary time for your family just lots of hugs lots of grace because people don't always act right when they're under this much stress this is the ramsey show [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer for the ramsay show this episode is over but if you heard about an event product or service and didn't have a chance to write it down don't worry we list everything you've heard about during this episode in the podcast show notes section or head to the ramsay thanks for listening [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i am dave ramsey your host thank you for joining us america christy wright ramsey personality number one best-selling author is my co-host today open phones at 825-5225 one week from christie's book launch we are here the new book take back your time the guilt-free guide to life balance will be shipped to your homes for those of you that have bought it and it'll be there by one week from today and so that means for those of you that have not yet bought the book and that's not many of you because it sounds like looking at the numbers most of you've already bought one but there's a few of them left and we can get some more so uh go ahead and get your purchase in because if you buy before the actual launch date yes save oh well you spend the same 20 but you get a lot more for it you get everything ebook audiobook a ticket to our take back your time live event on uh thursday night next week and that's the 16th and uh and and it's going to be one of those things where afterwards you're going to wish you did because then you you would have had all those bonus items so don't wait until launch week go ahead and get it now it'll ship very soon you'll get it next week and uh and have the e-book audio book as well yeah and you're gonna get uh and again a ticket to the live event christy will be doing i'll be a a guest on the live event and we want you guys to come and check it out take back your time the guilt-free guide to life balance is the new book one week from today uh again for 20 bucks you can get close to 100 worth of items and it's a pretty cool purchase price pretty cool deal and this is the book where um you're learning the step-by-step plan to be intentional with your time where you can actually work on really what matters and it does do away with the guilt the getting rid of the guilt is a big deal around this because um you know burnout is really not from hard work yeah yeah and it's interesting because you've talked about this from the entrepreneur space but i've seen it even with with anything in business or in life we say oh i really want to do this but i never have the time to or oh this is really important to me but i can never fit it on my schedule if there's a gap between what's deeply important to you and what you actually spend your time on in business or in life you're going to be stressed and frustrated and anxious and dave you've heard me talk about this for over a decade what i want to do is help people bridge that gap where you are doing the right things at the right time and it turns out it's not about productivity when you do the right things the right time you actually feel that sense of balance you've been looking for but it's not because you did everything perfectly for an equal amount of time it came from simply doing the right things and so i lay out a five-step plan in the book decide what matters stop doing what doesn't matter create a calendar that reflects what matters protect what matters and be present for what matters and when you do that in any new season you will be doing the right things at the right time and you will be creating your version of balance which is the only version of balance that should matter to you anyway so it's very customizable i want to help you figure this out what life balance means to you and help you achieve it and it turns out that's uh that's what leads to that feeling we've been wanting all along and it can be a positive thing or a negative thing that's driving it but the extremes teach us the principle i was thinking about you in this book this weekend um we have some friends our age in their 60s their their grown daughter your age uh rachel's age is um in icu she's very ill and um you know what they're working on nothing that's right except they're taking care of her kids her family her husband they're there at the hospital when they can be in there um they're not they're they're not doing anything and the crisis situation like that has you know is are they out of balance no that's what's right they're doing what's right that's exactly right they're perfectly in balance there's nothing else going on in their life yeah they're not on vacation they're not nurturing their pet right they're not doing all these you know they're not they're probably not uh attending church they're probably not going to the gym right you know they're doing one thing right now and the extremes illustrate the point that you when you work on what's right you're not out of balance no and it's so interesting too because this book and every all of my teaching around this topic which is a topic that is so full of shame it's so full of guilt of you should be doing this more it should be doing this morning just we don't know what balance is we just know we don't have it so we're nagged by this this shadow that haunts us but what's interesting is when you do the right things at the right time when when you think about what that is and you do it you shake the guilt for all the things you're not doing for all the things that are not right right now so i'm not gonna feel bad for not working out not working not having a clean house because i'm taking care of my child in the hospital when you bring back to front and center and full focus of what is right right now it gives you permission to focus on it but it also helps you shake the guilt of all the things that are not right right now and that's powerful in our very distracted over-committed culture that's a huge uh that's freeing that's a message of freedom for people that feel over committed yeah i think you and i discovered last um last hour that that when people attempt balance with the wrong approach they basically joined the circus yeah i love how you said that because all the analysis yeah they're plates spinning they're juggling and they're tight rope walking yeah and these are these are all the metaphors we use for balancing i can i play spin i juggle flaming swords while walking a tightrope so this book is about getting out of the circus you've joined the circus you need to quit the circus it's like juggle faster no just get out of the tent you don't want your life to be a circus these analogies are terrible it's a sign that we're asking the wrong question so i love that analogy it's so true not my monkey not my circle this is the answer to getting back in balance that's right i don't have to deal with that over there that is not my monkey not my circus you people go deal with your stuff i'll be over here dealing with mine it's a full-time job oh my goodness yeah that's another thing get shadow balances when you start managing other people's lives we need to get henry cloud in here and talk about boundaries boundaries well step four in the path it's five steps step four is protect what matters and i quote him obviously he is the expert on boundaries but saying no and you and i've talked about this a lot and setting boundaries what's interesting is it helps you protect those things on your calendar that matter to you it helps you protect them from outside people that might want to chip away and tell you what you should be doing also helps you protect it from yourself and getting distracted by oh i want to do this and squirrel and this person oh no no sometimes just having those boundaries help you protect the outsiders and even you from yourself to protect that balance that you can work so hard to create yeah and i'll i'll help you with this um saying no is a muscle that can be built yes and and my no muscle is really strong you don't flinch i don't understand but you know what it comes from not having one yeah it comes from uh you know having my life overrun by other people's agendas and somebody's gonna be mad at me because i won't go to this event and speak on this weekend right which by the way happens to be the weekend that my my high school daughter is going on a prom right well i just chose her over you deal with it yeah and um but they get mad and write hate mail letters and dave's gotten too big for his britches and i remember when dave ramsey used to be nice no you don't cause it never happened okay so shut up winer but oh my gosh that's that's a fun i love that hate mail it's like dave has changed so much no he really hasn't you can even be nice when you say it and it does get easier the more you practice the easier it becomes but you got to practice to get good at it yeah and i should practice on the nice part you should but i'll help you with the not nice part the no i'm really good at it just like now and you know it keeps it keeps a lot of margin in your life you got a wiggle room to do all kinds of stuff when you just go i can't do that i'm sorry no sorry sorry not sorry this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] uh [Music] still on baby step number one huh how'd you guess with health care costs rising learn how christian healthcare ministries can help you make the most out of your budget visit budget don't worry it's worth it [Music] [Music] christy wright ramsey personality is my co-host today here on the ramsey show open phones as we talk about your life and your money dalton is in atlanta georgia hi dalton how are you good dave how are you doing better than i deserve man what's up in your world well i was just calling i have a couple questions i've been listening to a few years podcast and i just figured why not call in so cool i am 22 years old and i've been working for the well since i was 19. i went to school for welding and i've been traveling the tri-state area where i live for the past almost three years well sometimes nineteen so two three years and uh i've saved up almost ninety thousand dollars wow wow good for you yeah what kind of money are you making a year as a welder um close to if i work i work outages and sometimes it's uh iffy like you work a few months here a few months there but on of average from 80 to 100 000 a year good for you well done the trades pay well you're working a lot of hours it's hard work but you're making good money right yes yeah yeah i mean when you're when you're on you're working that's tough work but uh and so you're working power stuff huh yeah nuclear mostly i've worked in uh live nuclear plants and building nuclear plants okay wow wow yeah you're really building a resume there that's pretty impressive good and you got 85 000 and are you living at home are you are you living in a camper i mean what are you doing i recently just bought a camper about a month ago and before that i was living with a high school friend that i went to welding school with in his camper and then before that i had rented an apartment which was one of my worst mistakes but you live in new orleans yeah because you're never there yeah exactly a lot more i could have paid for a camper for when i paid rent in that apartment yeah so you so you're going to suv i mean as you you're going to winnebago at a round or whatever while you uh whatever the brand is while you uh run this circuit for a while at this stage of your life how long do you think you're going to live that life well that's what i was asking i was recently um engaged in this bias because i was talking to um a person i knew that has only owned the business and ray told me well if you don't want to travel all the time why don't you buy like a service truck and open your own business and so i was just going to ask you if you what you thought about that idea or how much money you think you would have to have saved up to start your own business as a welding business enough to buy the supplies in the truck okay you can outfit this truck for 50 grand right yes or less yeah yeah yeah because you don't want a fancy truck it's going to be hauling a bunch of junk around yeah yeah i mean it is it's welding equipment it's your trade but it's not this is not a you don't need you don't need a something from a chevy commercial i mean this is this is a work truck right exactly and so uh i love that idea so what i would tell you if you're my 22 year old son is that running a business is different than running an arc welder okay so you have the skills to be a welder you do not have the skills yet to run a business okay and much like you had to learn how to weld you're going to learn how to run a business and so you've got to start thinking about what it takes to operate a business not just perform the task okay so i mean buying a truck and getting the welding gear yeah and can you do the job once you've got the job yeah but you have to price it you have to collect it you have to pay your taxes you have to get new customers you have to take care of the existing customers and now you're running a business yes and so i you know and it it is at least as difficult to run a business with a service truck like that as it is to weld the other thing dalton is and don't let that discourage you because the day-to-day will still be the welding work your day-to-day will still be doing the work you know how to do and you love how to do but there will be a learning curve where you figure out how are you going to price this how are you going to manage the money how are you going to interact with customers with clients and and and even points of contact like the really tactical stuff that you probably don't deal with day to day and you haven't even thought about in terms of your business some of this is as simple as talking to someone who's running a business as as doing a google search is just putting some of your notes and ideas on paper start to just let this idea simmer in your mind and capture your thoughts in a notebook or something really basic this does not have to be sophisticated and it doesn't have to overwhelm you once you get through this learning curve of learning some of the basic business setup and the basic business operations you will spend the vast majority of your time 80 to 90 of your time doing the welding work especially out of the gate because that's that's you know in the initial stages that you just own your job that's what you're doing but you do need to just think about some of these things and and learn some of these things and uh and if you start doing that you could make even more money doing this i want you to find a 35 year old guy that's running a truck and doing welding and making a good living and i want you to go take a day or two or next time you've got some down time i want you to go spend three days with him take your camper take your camper go hang out in that city where he could be two cities over five cities over i don't care maybe he's over at dallas you're mobile you run over there from it you run over there from atlanta spend two or three days with him and i want you to go to school not on welding on running a business how do you run a business what did you not know what do i need to know how do you do your pricing where do your customers come from and i want you to take like some yellow pads or an ipad or something i want you to fill up files and thousand thousand files of the answers of an actual practitioner in that world and so you know when you first learned the weld they showed you that someone showed you by welding you watched them weld right yes you're exactly very first class and then you tried it and then they helped you by letting you watch the then you watched it again and then you tried it again until finally that thing would quit sticking and it would actually create an arc right exactly and um so well maybe you're doing a settling i don't know but um but anyway the metaphor still stands so uh yeah you go stud you go study someone else and then you do it and then you study someone else and then you do it and then you study someone else and and your first step is to get the business up and running and then your next step is to grow the business to where it's not to where you own more than just your job your first goal in business is at least own your own job and when you if you don't work if you don't go to work you don't get paid that's owning your own job right but if you got five people working for your welding and six trucks out there now you own a business that if you don't work one day they all still work and that's that's growing into the next level but i don't want to go too fast here you're 22 you got plenty of time yes i would buy a service truck and yes i would go into business if you have that desire but go study business from a couple people i'm going to give you a copy of our number one best-selling book uh entree leadership which is how it's our playbook on how we started this business and how we ran it and run it and it'll give you some good guidelines on how to get there dalton i want to give you a couple questions too to ask these people that you're going to study and shadow and learn from one ask them what did you learn the hard way another uh another way to ask it is what did you wish you knew when you got started and another thing to ask them are what are the biggest trip ups i should look out for like customers or problems or things that man that that just you know might be a potential landmine that you don't even know how can you learn about that before you get into it ask some of those questions to get some of those learnings without you having to learn the hard way yourself and they'll tell you uh they'll they'll show you and you can you can avoid that going out you know out of the gate i love that what a great young guy mm-hmm that's cool we've talked about making great 22 year olds in the last couple hours they're doing pretty impressive stuff yeah so there's hope america there's hope the next generation coming on there's some good ones in the bunch there's a bunch of good ones in the bunch and um no bunch has all good ones the bunch has all bad ones but this bunch has got some really good ones that's pretty cool and the trades uh well with this uh epic student loan debacle yeah that we have uh in higher education the trades are coming back on with a gale force wins everybody's moving into the trades i mean when you can with a high school education at 22 for the last four years while his friends were in college making nothing he's made a hundred thousand dollars a year [Music] he's doing okay he's 400 grand ahead before they got started very interesting very interesting this is the ramsey show [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] chrissy wright ramsey personality is my co-host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage zayn and megan are with us hey guys how are you good we're doing good welcome where do you guys live uh springfield illinois oh fun welcome to nashville and all the way here to do a debt-free scream how much did you pay off we paid off 79 000 all right awesome how long did this take uh two years in three months all right and your range of income during that time we started at 64 000 and ended up just over 92 000. awesome what do y'all do for a living i'm a hair stylist and an educator at the color company we go through and i just got a new job last week i'm going to be a energy sales specialist all right very cool good for you guys what kind of debt was the 79 000 um a little bit of everything credit card debt um car loans personal loans student loans our house our house yep you paid off your house yeah oh goodness good at weird people wow casually oh no way to go wow how long you guys been married um about four and a half years now yeah okay so about two years in the marriage this journey starts what made you decide to get on this journey i was driving home my water truck and i was flipping through the radio and heard about you oh my gosh just like that the the random scan of the radio one of my best promotional tricks so random yeah i will have to say though um when we first got married for the first about year and a half of our relationship we kept everything separate and he would try to get me to pay off my debt and he was already doing it and i just thought it was really dumb i didn't think we could go through life without buying a car without a loan buying a house without a loan really doing anything without putting ourselves in debt first so it took him a really long time of keep trying to be like oh we should do this we should do this and i was like no i'm not about that i'd rather spend my money i don't want to be told what to do and then it came to a point where i was out shopping one day and i went to go supply buy supplies for work and my my debit card got denied and so then i had to use my credit card which also worried me because i knew at the time it was almost maxed out as well and i was like maybe zayn knows what he's talking about and so i came home and i was like i reluctantly too it's a really hard thing for me to ever admit dosa crow right yeah i started listening to the podcast on my own before i would even honestly admit that i was even thinking about it because i'm super stubborn and i was not about it wasn't about him right and so finally i was like it's a sneaky podcast maybe maybe we should start looking into it and i just thought it was like i just said yes to marry him all over again oh wow so you did the little snoopy dance and everything huh wow i was pretty happy about that i'm thinking yeah oh my gosh well i mean you get a double bonus one you get to be right the best part it doesn't happen very often and two she's gonna do that money thing wow this is awesome this is a good day yeah i have very much the free spirit in this relationship and uh you are fun yeah so it was really hard and it was something i was like okay but to do this i need at least like a little bit of leeway so i had at least in my budget a little bit of spending money for myself because i was like even if it's just like a top here or like a pair of shoes there but i've got to do something to keep my sanity otherwise it's just not gonna ideally work out for me he he could never spend a dime in his life and be okay i i love this story and i love your honesty megan i have a theory dave you tell me if i'm wrong here i have a theory that we often see obviously in marriages there's a nerd and a free spirit but we often see that one spouse is reluctant to get on board and my theory is the reluctant spouse is always the free spirit you never see the nerd going i don't know i don't know about this budget i don't know about the saving money thing oh it's the spender it's me it's you it's all the free spirits going no don't tell don't box me in don't tell me what to do don't give me rules i love that you came around though well done yeah like it took him a long time took him a while but he stayed persistent and it was never like pushy about it was just like well i'm already doing it and then he had also paid off a vehicle by himself doing it and i was kind of like oh like and i got money i was really nervous too about putting our bank accounts together just because i did spend so much more money and i still have but then when you do come to the realization of we're in a marriage not we're not roommates it does make a lot difference and honestly when we did put our bank accounts together it made me not want to spend as much money too it made me be a lot more conscious about my purchases let's talk about that megan because there are people listening right now there are couples listening that they haven't put their money together yet what would you say to them i just think it's crazy i don't know i just found that once we put our bank accounts together that we got a lot closer with each other too and it just it opens up a lot more honesty and i never felt like i've never felt like i've had to hide my purchases but even more so i never felt guilty about buying something because it's all laid out right there in front of you and i just don't understand why you wouldn't hear it so did you guys feel like you were more of a team when you put those together yes 100 it's really cool and there for a while we had what we thought worked for us uh you know i paid this bill you paid that bill i'll buy groceries at the store you buy groceries at that store and then it it did just get to a point of yeah why aren't we we're married why why do we feel the need to keep our stuff separate when a marriage means you know unity yeah that's good usually usually the continued separation once you have that question pop into your head is shame or control and zane's not a control freak no and so uh he that helped you know and once you decided that it was you shaming you not zane absolutely and you cannot be ashamed and just go it's my money i can do what i want to do with it and i actually as rachel says it's a spending plan yes whenever i still i had all the credit cards and i just remember like right before we were getting ready to go to the bank to combine our accounts i was like i kind of feel like i should pay these off i don't know if i want them to know how much credit card debt i've racked up and we were sitting down to dinner and i'm just sitting there and i was like you know i i have to i gotta get this off my chest i just have to tell you this but i have i i believe at the time it was like sixty four hundred dollars in credit card debt and i was like i i've gotta tell you this i was gonna try i did i don't know where i thought i was gonna pay this off by myself is that all he was like i thought you were going to tell me so much more than that i told you he was he was like because i was like i just i've got to tell you this like i'm so nervous this is going to be bad it's going to be 40 grand it was like oh well that's no big deal we've got it that's awesome i love you too oh you guys are great so how old are you two i'm 28. i'm almost 27. all right and you have a paid for house that's worth how much um give or take 75.80 wow you're so weird you're awesome yeah you guys are a power couple you're so fun this is so great you've done such a great job and everything in your relationships in in your self-awareness in the whole process that you use what happened here to you personally and to you as a couple is even more important than what happened with the money so you guys are this very very cool story i love it it's very very fun 79 000 paid off house and everything you don't have a payment in the world making almost a hundred thousand not even 30 years old how's that feel amazing yeah it's really awesome too just to know that we're really going to set ourselves up in the future and someday when we have kids it'll be really nice to not really have any worries about are we going to be able to afford to do this and that with them it'll be very nice to be able to set up their future as well and teach them about money that's awesome well done you guys yeah we got a copy of the legacy journey for you because that is the next chapter in your story move on to set that legacy up like you're talking about and uh be baby steps millionaires you'll be there before you know it absolutely incredible and a copy of the total money makeover for you to give away to somebody who's out there doing it wrong because uh because the stuff we teach is too dumb i love it that's just awesome so fun so fun well done zayn and megan springfield illinois oh man 79 000 paid off house and everything in two years and three months making 64-92 count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one we're debt-free yeah i love it that is fun that's awesome they are great oh man what a future and really good insights yeah i love that great storytelling well done this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] thanks for joining us america christie wright ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at 825-5225 you jump in we'll talk about your life your money dawn is with us in williamsport up whoops i hit the wrong button of course williamsport pennsylvania hi don how are you well hello you two i'm better than i deserve and i hope you're the same we also love it how can we help wonderful well my husband and i we're also weirdos uh we're debt-free we are putting in an offer on a house we are paying in cash and seems like everyone is trying to sell us on these conventional renovation loans now we're new to being weird but i'm not keen on the word alone can you tell me a little bit about these and what's the deal there well it's just simply buying a house that's messed up and you're borrowing the money for the house and the rehab gotcha that's all it is i mean it's just a conventional rehab loan that's all it is and so you're you're able to borrow uh more than the purchase price which on a typical mortgage it's called a purchase money mortgage on a typical mortgage you can only buy up to the purchase price but in this case they'll loan you the renovations as well uh up to a certain point above the actual price but you have the cash to do all of this yes okay you have the cash for the renovation as well not just the purchase price yes we do uh-huh well there's not a question not any question that's what you should do then i don't care what everyone says everyone is stupid broke and divorced i mean my god you know why do we want all these losers i mean people are just messed up and they all have an opinion you know so no i'm not taking broke people's advice on getting everyone gets a loan no they don't did you know 25 of americans own a paid for house so it's really not as weird as we make it out to be now when somebody does it at under 30 years old like our last debt free scream that's pretty cool but it's not that weird and and by the way uh only about 60 or 55 of americans own a home the other 45 rent or own a modular home or something like that a mobile home something like that but a traditional home is 55 to 60 and 25 is paid for so almost half the people that own a home paid for it in america but nobody talks about that yeah so yeah don i don't know who you're listening to but you probably need to not listen to them on that subject typically the people already knew the answer typically the people trying to tell you you have to get this that or the other are the people that have some skin in the game or some agenda or some commission or something it may not be that in this case but you've got the cash you just go with your gut you knew exactly what you needed to do and in your own point you're you're on the target with that dawn has a special loan it's called i paid for it no loan yeah that's a new program that's out there and it's sweeping the nation rachel's with us in tulsa oklahoma hi rachel how are you i'm doing okay thank you dave for taking my call sure what's up yeah so i am a 28 year old and just graduated with my bachelor's degree in leadership you're you're 21 year old say that again 28 28 years old okay yes and i graduated with my bachelor's in leadership studies i made about thirty thousand and i'm 120 000 in debt i've tried to make a budget but it's not working so seeking your advice what do you mean it's not working my income is some days some weeks i get overtime and sometimes i don't so my income is just it's not fair so setting the budget is really difficult okay well there's a way to budget for irregular income but it sounds like to me it's it's more of a problem than just that do you just not are you not able to make your bills on your income barely yeah what do you do i work for um i'm in retail i work at autozone okay and you got a degree for 120 000 in leadership studies well that in car loan and medical debt credit card how much of the 120 is student loans 100 of it okay all right so what is the game plan to put that education to work to make more than 30k at autozone i am trying to you know put my resume out and get into the field just there's been no you know my resume hasn't got any hits on it for interviews okay what are you what are you applying for any job that comes up okay rachel i i hear in your voice and maybe i'm wrong here but i hear in your voice that it sounds like you are taking a a more passive approach to this job search than i want you to you have to get your income up significantly if you're going to get out of 120 000 in debt so that could be working three retail jobs or you could just land a really good job and then maybe some extra sidekicks uh that gets your income up but it's going to take knocking the door down it's gonna take i'm going to email you my resume i'm going to apply online i may hand deliver a resume on beautiful resume paper as well and bring you some coffee while i'm at it like you are going to find the people that you want to work with using the skills that you have the the connections you want to make the companies that you want to work for i don't know what it looks like but you have got to get scrappy and determined to get your foot in the door a job is not going to appear on your lap so someone lied to you they told you that if you went and got a degree in leadership studies that someone would hire you to be a leader and i know i have to work you know start at the bottom yeah and that was that was a lie and then the second thing so what you're going to need to do is narrow your focus in on what you want to be doing when you're 38 what does a decade from now rachel look like and then what are the steps for me to get there the leadership degree in leadership studies is not a bad degree it just doesn't come with a guarantee of prosperity or a guarantee that it's going to automatically open up the resume door in a digital world so let me give you a couple things one is i'm going to give you ken coleman's book the proximity principle and he ken does a show here at the ramsey networks on finding a job and finding a career and getting plugged into your career also i want you to go to i want you to download all of his resume templates and all of his free tools he's got a ton of stuff there that's going to help you get your foot in the door somewhere doing one specific type of thing if you just say i'll work anywhere that pays more money no one will hire you i don't want to hire you if that's your goal if i'm an employer i'll hire 300 people here this year and i won't hire you to do anything that makes more money than autozone i don't have a job description that's that i have a job description that says i need this certain thing done can you do this certain thing and are you passionate about this certain thing oh by the way 300 people will get hired 24 000 applications will come in digitally so guess what you got no chance just filling out applications zero chance you could be the daughter of the president of the united states and you've got zero chance getting 500 300 out of 24 000. you have to do something else that sets yourself apart in this world you can't just your way into this it doesn't work and so um you got to get somebody inside the building that is at the place that you want to work doing the thing that you want to do that gets your foot in the door i had a young lady apply here uh for a marketing position two weeks ago and within 48 hours i had four of my friends email me and say hey so-and-so's daughter has applied there please get her name out of the stack now i didn't hire her because of that but it got her an interview and it got her past the stack and i don't even know if we hired her yeah and i truthfully i i don't tell my guys they have to hire somebody it's a daughter or my friend or whatever but i do want them to at least give her a look out of as a courtesy and if they're friends of christie's they're going to get a look at a courtesy of their friends at kelly's are going to get a look out of courtesy and that doesn't mean we're going to hire them but it gets you out of the 24 to 300 stack you know that's how i got here i applied for a position 12 years ago in our event team and got an auto response that position had been filled started reaching out to anybody that i knew that worked here or anybody that you knew that knew somebody that's right and started having a conversation after conversation that led to a job posting that led to what i'm doing you've got to get more determined you got to get more determined rachel if you're going to get a job you've got it's not going to that's what i mean by somebody lied to you you made you think this was going to be easy um it's not it's going to be really hard it's just going to be worth it hang on kelly i'll pick up we'll send you a copy of ken coleman's book and we'll help you with this get on his website start listening to ken coleman podcast i think magically you will get a job if you'll do exactly the stuff he tells you to do this is the ramsay show [Music] dave here we just launched a brand new listener survey we want to know what you think about the show you'll be entered to win a 100 amazon gift card no purchase necessary take the survey at survey or text survey to 33 789 [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host kristy wright ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five those of you who are enjoying the last bits of fall freedom here um we want you to come to nashville and enjoy our new not our new but our ongoing business boutique event it will be here very very soon and i'm scrambling here looking for the date as i said october 14th through the 16th october 14th through the 16th there we go and uh christy wright along with me and who all speaking so we've got jasmine starr who is an expert on social media she's spoken before always a huge hit nona jones bianca oltof monique shohan and uh dr john deloney in addition to you and i and what i think people need to know if you're if you're thinking about attending this event which by the way you could come to nashville come live stream however you want to do it but we cover the topics that you need help with the most that's how we build this event is based on your surveys based on your feedback these are the things i need help with marketing sales money management time management pushing past your fear so those are the topics that we hire and book speakers based on so it's not just the name it's also the topic that you need help with so you walk out of there with the tactical action items of what you need to do to grow your business but also man we fire you up we want to get you like you said what did you say a couple uh hours ago that a syringe of courage i help you believe that you can do it because then that changes your actions when you go home and so the combination's really powerful yeah well people need a syringe full of courage right there's a lot of there's a lot of fear out there and a lot of different reasons and uh this event is going to be absolutely incredible business boutique equipping women to make money doing what they love it comes from the number one best-selling book business boutique but it also comes from years of doing this event it's always a sellout it's always a big party everyone i mean 98 of the attendees are ladies and it is uh absolutely a blast to speak to and to be a part of and you will leave not only with information but you'll leave with the inspiration to go home and and start that business and get the things going and like i tell you coming out of 2020 um even seasoned business people uh are uh we we have a kind of fatigue uh a little bit of a cloud over the future yeah over our hope over our heads and i fight through it everybody fights through it but um it's a it's a real thing and i i would hate to think that your idea because it was still just coming through the ground just a tender little beginner idea gets squashed by kovitt yeah and it's interesting because there's something really powerful certainly if you want to join us on live stream let's find that there's something powerful about being in that room being around two thousand other business women other women chasing their dreams that the momentum and the energy is so powerful you literally take it home with you and so i just i can't encourage you enough to come in the room and by the way you mentioned david's 98 women which it is uh but if you're a man listening right now and you have a wife a mom a daughter that has a side business buy this for her because there is such a pattern tickets are only what 89 bucks or something i think it's like 129 129 but it's interesting because so many women end up in the room because their husband or their dad or their son bought them a ticket sometimes women especially when they're starting out in business i was looking at a lady's event the other day it was 1200 bucks yeah yeah it's unbelievable so text boutique to 33 789 to get tickets uh it's october 14th through the 16th here in nashville it'll be here in 20 minutes that's gonna happen really fast that's about a month away is all yeah okay so you can still get tickets you can still get hotel rooms you can still enjoy nashville it's a three-day event and it is completely full you will leave uh both excited and exhausted yeah from the event and um you know plan an extra day or two on one side of this and enjoy nashville while you're here it's one of the premier cities in america right now so text boutique 23789 october 14 through the 16. jd is with us in lincoln nebraska hi jd how are you wonderful how are you guys better than i deserve what's up well i'm one of the few that you have talked about that has inherited millions i wish turned me into a millionaire but i own one of a piece of property that i would like to sell either to the partnership that already exists and let them own it or have the have the whole thing liquidated and turn it into put my portion into mutual funds because i don't see the return that i would like to see off of the piece of property but i don't know that i can make it work and i'm just looking for guidance okay um so the the partners that are in this or your other relatives that inherited it with you correct okay and how many of them are there um there are two others uh but we are not equal owners um my uncle and i are larger share owners than my other aunt and what what percentage do you own 41 okay and how is this structured um is it an llc or do each of you just individually own a portion no it is an llc okay does the llc uh documents allow for sale of shares as long as all three parties agree okay all right so how is the relationship with your uncle and your aunt uh the relationship is good i don't know if the uh interest to buy me out will be there um i have been told that to sell the this piece of property it would have to bring a certain dollar amount and i don't know that we're there to sell it outright for that okay well i think i'd start the conversation with them and just say i'm one out i went out it's no disrespect to you all or to the family or to the person who left it to me there's no disrespect to the memory of what's going on it's an investment decision for me and i want out i want to sell my 41 percent now how are we going to do this do you guys want to put the whole thing on the market or can i discount it and let youtube buy me out or one of you buy me out and i would discount it uh reasonably it's found money you didn't quote unquote earn it i don't want you to cut it in half but if you you know what is your 41 approximately worth about 590 000 okay and so if you got 490 for it i wouldn't be mad okay i just made that up but i mean my point is a substantial discount but not a huge huge huge thing so if you guys will get me out i'll give you a deal because i need to move on this is the right thing to do and i don't think you guys want to sell it based on the price you think you can get that you want to demand for it that's the signal you don't really want to sell it because it's not going to bring that and i want out and so let's start a conversation how how we can get me out do we sell it or do i discount it to you guys and let you guys buy me out how can we work this out let's start to talk about it and i think you'll see what's going on this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] christy wright ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five if you're like most people you've got more than enough on your mind right now getting kids where they need to be keeping up with the bills staying on top of work and family it's exhausting and stressful money does not have to be one more thing you worry about when you have the right plan you can be in control with your money and consequently it affects being in control of your life we teach you that plan in a thing called financial peace university we've taught almost 10 million people that plan in fpu financial peace university the class shows you step by step how to pay off debt save money and become wealthy in the future and outrageously generous you can stream all nine lessons on your own or and or you can join a class with other people so you're not figuring out a lot figuring it out alone and right now the only way to experience fpu is with a ramsey plus membership the plan works every time if you work it ask the millions who've done it they don't worry about money anymore and you can do it too you can start a free trial at ramsey plus and see what i'm talking about text trial to 33 789 that's trial two three three seven eight nine chris is with us in san antonio hi chris welcome to the ramsey show hey how you doing sir great man what's up hey listen we uh we started working the baby steps we which i'm really grateful we ended up we tested positive had to go on the bubble for a couple weeks and they're kind of when our emergency phone which you know hey that's where what it was for but i was kind of offering i want to ask you about this are we were honestly and this is part of my fault we were right up to like that 30 day mark with our mortgage as far as being late um and before we hit it you know which that was i was wanting to get a caught up here pretty quick but covet kind of cut first so anyways they offered me like a forbearance plan and i'm wondering what your thoughts are on a forbearance plan i was applying for it for maybe just like a month well actually for like two months just to kind of get past that little hump and uh they're like oh man you can take up to a whole year and i just want to ask your thoughts on that because they everything they're giving me they're like there's no ramifications down the road that you know that's why i'm calling you to see what's going on well um if you don't pay your payments in a year with their permission you're aware you have to start paying those payments and catching all of that year up later there are ramifications okay they don't waive the payments for a year okay they just delay them so it's like building a pipe bomb in your basement you don't know what you're doing it's eventually going to go off and blow you up but we're not going to know what happened because the whole house is going to cave in on you you know i mean that's what's going to happen no no no no no your gut instinct was this is too good to be true wasn't it oh yes sir yeah and you're dealing with somebody on the other end who it has no ramifications for them at all but um yeah it definitely has ramifications because you have to catch up all those payments someday somehow somewhere and so the last thing we want to do because in my head of course in my head i'm thinking oh yeah let's let's put this off a couple more months and now i could pay off something else but i was like there's something wrong here you're right you smelled a rat and you were right you got rap problems yeah yes sir yeah so no um and now now let's catch up though and let's give you a solution that's real um because usually the best financial solutions that are the best ones hurt in the short term to give you the best uh outcome in the long term not the other way around they feel if they feel good in the short term they almost always give you a bad outcome in the long term and so um it you know so it feels good to have to skip all those payments right now but the bad outcome is you got to make them all up later and it's a problem it's a ticking time bomb so uh then on the other hand uh you're how many payments behind today you owe august and september so i owe like one month and i'm maybe about halfway you know the two weeks now you're august first payment we owe yes sir the old jew lies no no okay so august and now september because september first has passed right okay so how much is your house payment it is right about two thousand okay and are you guys back to work both of you now uh yeah i'm the only one working but i i mean i could get caught up pretty quick what do you make um i make right about a hundred and it's a little hard to gauge because everything just kind of started but i'm gonna say roughly 160. okay have you got a student loan debt no okay i have one car payment which we're about two thousand dollars away from paying off that's our second one we we're going to be able to pay off what are you guys what do you do chris uh elevator mechanic and i'm on the server side of the industry now which i got you i see why you were out okay offered a lot of overtime so yeah so can you get a lot of ot now oh yeah so you can yeah you can jack it up in the next 30 days make how much oh you you just set my calculator down the river there that's okay all right i mean if in 30 days in one month if you worked all the ot they would give you what do you think you would make no i actually went for making before ot was about nine and then now i'm calculating i just what i can you know it's about once because i've been scooping up pretty much everything that i could tolerate you know yeah um okay so here's what i want you to do i want you to work like you're losing your house okay for the next 30 days i want you to scoop up everybody's overtime yours and six other peoples i don't want you to sleep yeah we had to work i'm handing it over yeah i want you to work like an absolute crazy freaking wild man because four thousand dollars catches your house up six thousand dollars pays off your car and catches your house up and then you can rest because if your house was current and your car was paid off wouldn't you be a little bit more relaxed than you are today yeah that's worth 30 days of no sleep that is true okay let's let's pour it on for 30 days like your freaking life depends on one more can i throw one more little thing in the mix because you dug a little deeper than i was wanting you to and i feel like i need to ask you this okay um i also owe the irs okay and i kind of i owe them i'm guessing i honestly i don't even know because during covet it it was like impossible to try and get a hold of anybody yeah um i tried and tried what do you think it is they're just out too much what do you think i don't even know i'm guessing maybe 10 000 maybe okay after we get the car paid off in the house caught up here's your first rule we take care before you do anything else you take care of what we call the four walls food shelter clothing transportation and utilities then we worry about other bills and the irs will be at the top of the other bills but they do not come before your family eating or having the lights on or whatever right okay we're going to take care of your family first and then we're going to pay the irs right now then let's go get some ot and knock those puppies out you do not want those people in your life no i don't they they don't mean to be mean people some of them some of them mean to be mean people but they're just this is not they have unlimited power ridiculous interest rates and penalties and you want that puppy going as fast as possible so go ahead and click on and go to our website and click on the endorsed local provider for taxes in your area and you can get a tax person to help you navigate first putting the irs on payments and then secondly i want them paid off by into january [Music] so no irs no car debt and the house is current and you're on a budget all by the end of january but you're gonna be tired but you'll be okay this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage brittany is with us hi brittany how are you i'm great how are you better than i deserve where do you live akron ohio wow welcome to nashville and here to do a debt-free scream how much have you paid off i paid off 95 000 in 15 months wow good for you and what kind of how long did that i'm sorry one more time i'll ask what was the range of your income during that time um 66 000 to 110. all right good for you 95 000 15 months what kind of debt was the 95 so the biggest chunk was student loans i had over 72 000 i had about 10 000 in credit cards 10 000 in a car note i was making payments on my iphone i was making payments on her saxophone um a little bit of everything yeah payments on the payments on the payments yeah kind of a great american nightmare yeah so uh what in the world happened uh that started you on this intense journey 15 months ago so it started to be honest um in like november of 2019 i got a letter saying that my student loans were about to go back into payment and my monthly payment was going to be more than my rent um almost 900 a month and i was intimidated by my 500 car note so there was no way i was going to be able to afford that um so i was very frightened um that christmas my mom bought me and my siblings um the total money makeover and your workbook and it was probably january or february that i cracked it open and read it at work and went through the workbook and it just it was like it clicked it all made sense i started listening to the podcast all the time there was no radio in the car the kids got very frustrated with that it was the podcast all the time and the debt free screams there was one show in particular that you did um where you talked about because i couldn't imagine how i was going to tackle this making 66 000 it was like there's no way um and there was one show where you talked about you got to get a bigger shovel i was like all right game on um i got a part-time job i started picking up all the overtime i could get i lived at work i was only home to sleep and eat and shower um yeah i went full we drank the what is it the kool-aid thing so you went for 15 months you just went crazy yeah my mom would kind of look at me occasionally be like why don't you take a break there'd be times where i would work you took that book a little serious yeah i wouldn't have a day off for like two three weeks at a time i was working one or both jobs in one day what is your main job um i'm a nurse okay and what was your best uh best side hustle did you just do more overtime so my part-time job i did home care i work yeah um my full-time job is inpatient hospital and then i pulled up home care wow so wow that's a good good side hustle makes good money but it's also you're just working all the time all the time it's what we were just talking about at these short-term sacrifices short-term pain for long-term results and 95 in that income in 15 months is crazy town what are some of the things you cut out some sacrifices you made to get it done to get it finished so quickly so i'm definitely more of a free spirit okay um i made great money and i just never knew where it went we'd go to the grocery store we saw something we wanted we bought it um go shopping at the store we didn't need clothes but we bought them um so it was just like more discipline for sure we cut out everything we started shopping at goodwill the kids didn't get you know brand new clothes for school we went to go brand new to us but yeah yeah experienced clothing right our kids wore some experience clothing from consignment shops and you know what none of them are in counseling because of it not to my knowledge anyway they don't tell me what they say so you brought the two kiddos with you and uh what are their names and ages so this is marguerite she's 13. and my son casey just turned 9 last month all right very cool so how long have you been a single mom oh goodness um six seven years okay all right oh wow wow you are a hero yes you are and you know who you you know who really knows you're a hero the one standing to your right and to your left they watched mom do what it takes to go win in a really tough situation when she was scared and she went to fight and she got it done you're amazing yep they're a good why uh but you you don't you don't even know what you set in motion by them watching you do this i mean christie's mom's a single mom raised her and uh running a bakery and the stuff that she learned watching her mom by far better than anything i've ever taught well that's and that's what it comes down to you didn't you're not teaching them work ethic and character and perseverance by sitting them down and talking about it you're living it out in front of them and they're picking up on that and they're gonna have those character qualities that are forged in the fire of what's what they've watched you do but what they've been in it with you that's what's so key see i think as parents we want to insulate our kids from any hardship the fact that they were at goodwill shopping for clothes experiencing some sacrifice short term oh and by the way they're here when she wins the super bowl that's right on the stage exactly we're cheering her on there we got to see that we get to see the end of the story too the next chapter in the story it's absolutely incredible so you're truly a hero lady you're amazing you are amazing this is a great story all right so single mom with a couple of kiddos is out there listening right now and she's scared how does she get out of debt what's the secret to getting out i think you need to decide to not be a victim anymore um my marriage was abusive and i got a tattoo to remind me of it and proverbs 31 25 you know she's closed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future and i decided not to be a victim in my marriage so why be a victim anywhere else in my life yeah yeah that's powerful you're neat you are so neat i love this lady that's awesome wow wow and uh you have uh officially changed your family tree uh pretty impressive how's it feel to be free it's incredible yeah was it worth all that work oh 100 yeah because now you make 60 to 100 somewhere in there depending on how much you're gonna make like 130 this year at least okay without all the ot with with ot with some ot yeah you don't have to work as hard you're out no well okay slow down a little bit that's right baby step 3b i want to buy a house next year yeah i know but just it's your band yeah she's awesome yeah wow get them get them i love it well done well done well done powerful powerful story and now it really came down to you just needed a path and something you believed in and then you just went all in i just needed instructions yeah and you just you just went crazy just poured it on the poured on gas on the fire like crazy that's that's impressive such a heroic thing just very very well done love it love it love it love it love it well done well we got a copy of the legacy journey for you because you have changed your family tree and that is the next chapter in your story you're going to be a baby steps millionaire one of these days and i'll be talking to you about that it's not not not as far off as it might feel like in your emotions mathematically you're closer than you think and uh very very impressive and i'm gonna give you a copy of the total money makeover so you can give it away to somebody that you know it might be a little scared it might take them a month to read it then when they pick it up maybe they'll get some hope and that's the idea of paying it forward that's how we give it to you what we give it to you for so very very good stuff all right brittany marguerite and casey from akron ohio absolute heroes 95 000 paid off in 15 months making 60 to 110. count it down let's hear a debt free scream ready three two one we're debt-free [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the tears running down her daughter's cheeks say that her daughter will never be a victim that's right not a chance and that was the thing not a chance it wasn't financial it was you're not a victim that family tree has changed not a chance there's a victim in that lineage not a chance it's changed wow this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] christie wright ramsey personality is my co-host today our scripture of the day is jeremiah 29 13. you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart thomas edison said many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up that's a sad one right there i i often wonder the times i quit did i quit just before or did i quit like a year too late i should have quit sooner because it was not going to work you stupid fool you know held on a little too long i always always get some fun uh feedback on twitter when i post that quote uh you know winners never quit yes they do they quit doing stupid stuff on a regular basis you know it's just knowing when when to question what's the stupid stuff who knew you know i didn't know it was stupid when i was doing it that's right by definition bailey is with us bailey is in fort worth texas hi bailey how are you hi dave and christy how are you all great what's going on okay so i own a small business that i opened up earlier this year i don't have any debt in the business just my monthly expenses and after paying for all my big purchases like for equipment and stuff i have about 6000 in my business savings i don't pay myself yet luckily we're able to live off of my husband's income and so my plan or our plan was to save up six months emergency fund for the business and the business savings and then i would start paying myself um but a question that came up between me and my husband is we've been paying on uh the only debt we have for my student loans so we've been paying on those since it's been zero interest this whole time which has been pretty great yeah um we were thinking should we just you know back the business savings down to a thousand and pretty much pay myself until they start back up january 31st and just hit the student loans hard instead of what does your husband not uh he makes almost 90 000. what's your business uh chiropractic office okay well i'm just thinking through your expense like what expenses you have you know because the whole idea of an emergency fund anyway is for an emergency i'm trying to think of what you would potentially even need that for in order to hold on to any of it um so the reason why we're going to do that first is we are expecting a child at the end of january but we already have money set aside to where all of all of like the delivery and all that cost is already going to be paid for so we did and you don't you don't count on the income from the chiropractic office anyway correct yeah so you're being you're being off with a baby doesn't hurt that part of the equation exactly okay so what is the uh what's the revenues coming into the chiropractic office look like today um well a lot like yeah yeah your monthly gross uh last month was 6200 so it's steadily going up like i said i just opened up um earlier this month starting from ground zero um but uh and you've already got six thousand savings yes sir and that's after buying all my big equipment yeah okay here we use a different formula on business with entre leadership than we in with business boutique than we do in personal finance okay what i tell small business owners is this and then let's adapt that idea to your situation i tell them to pay themselves a basic living wage to support their household with what's left over after that that would be called your profit and that profit can be split between two things paying off debt in the business and uh building up a retained earnings you don't have any debt and you but you don't have a ton of income coming in yet so what i would do is start paying yourself something okay and then putting the balance towards uh retained earnings and so if you said i'm gonna pay myself four thousand dollars a month and i'm gonna put everything else in retained earnings until i get to six months once you're at six months i retain earnings and you have no debt then there's no reason to keep any more money in the office unless you in the business unless you're saving up for a piece of equipment okay but um so i mean you need to start paying if you're if you're grossing six grand start paying yourself about four and let's dump two in there and let's gradually and we'll call that a living wage for today what's the balance on the student loans oh my um chiropractor but a lot of them are you know just every trimester i would get a new one so there's about 20 that build up that and so you said the total you said the total is about 200 yes sir okay if i if i pay if you pay you four for today it'd be more later as your practice builds and after the baby and so on but uh that puts you at 48 plus 90 is 138. household income okay to attack 200 with and so um then it depends on how much you're going to burn the house down at home in terms of uh scorched earth on the lifestyle as to how much you throw back at that but if you throw 75 at it you're done in three years okay out of 138 and um and that's assuming your practice does not grow at all of course it's going to grow yes sir yeah so yeah you just but so i set a three year or shorter goal for knocking that out between your income his income and uh no you don't need to get any more than six months there and right now the 6 000 is just fine in this situation and if you add just a little bit to it have a formula so you're adding a little bit to it and bailey way to go on starting this business with no debt because so many people call in this show and they've got excuse after excuse of why they need business debt as if it's somehow some kind of different debt and you didn't do that you didn't add to your debt uh pile and you you're gonna knock this out way to go well done there you go josh is with us josh is in boise idaho hi josh how are you good how are you better than i deserve what's up um well i appreciate first of all i appreciate you taking my call um second of all i'll give you a tiny bit of backstory because i know you're busy but uh i'm 31 year old male and i took over my dad's business about in 2009 right before the economy crash um the whole uh residential crash and so when i did that um we were kind of struggling i took the business over it's starting to get good um but uh i made the mistake of not educating myself on uh taxes and uh yes and so what what happened was i had my old man who i took the business over from i had him talk me into having my sister do my taxes who was not who is not a cta and i got audited and i racked up quite a bit of tax debt well at the time it was about 15 um thousand yeah um which was kind of overwhelming for a young person like myself yeah um i'm now older and i understand what i did wrong yeah what's your question yeah okay that's yeah my question is is do you believe in um the uh the tax you know the tax program where they they kind of let you they just kind of let you slide what do they call it oh i see it actually does occur but it occurs so rarely that uh in my 30 years of doing what i do i almost never see to get approved because the irs will only approve waiving your taxes if you are dead i'm kidding you but not much i mean you have to have zero income and zero assets and zero potential for income you have to prove proper status on a permanent version of it sold my truck i've sold my truck i don't care sold my motorcycle you have a potential to make money it's only 15 000. you're much better off to go get a job or do something and get the thing paid is the business still open yes yes they're not going to do an oic this is why i called you yeah they're not going to do an osc somebody wants ten thousand dollars for you to do this and they're not gonna get it it's not gonna happen okay so you're saying that six thousand dollars that i spent towards this company that said that they can get me off and compromise you got screwed damage yep okay yeah get online at and click on elp for taxes and get with one of our real tax people who will walk you through what has to happen for an oic it's dead gum near impossible to get one through i mean i've seen like six of them in my whole life get through and everybody tries it and they all charge six to ten grand each to do it it just doesn't work i'm sorry that puts this hour of the day around the ramsey show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christchurch listener survey we want to know what you think about the show you'll be entered to win a 100 amazon gift card no purchase necessary take the survey at survey or text survey to 33 789 [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show
Views: 31,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: 6tZ973l_IAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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