Don’t Make Her Cry_She Is Special | Mufti Menk [ Amazing ]

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Because if we take a careful look at the problems that we are facing now across the globe many parents are not fit to be parents. really many people have married and they still have a lot of rectification and suddenly they have children. they themselves who need to guide the children need guidance. that is what we are faced with nowadays. you have parents who have suddenly become parents but they don't know what parenthood is all about, because the responsibility that comes with a child is very great and they think it's a joke and in order to address this we need to go a little bit deeper to resolve the matters and to between the children and the parents and to try and give the children the best of upbringing we need to know that the husband and wife themselves need to have a sense of responsibility and that sense of maturity and responsibility will only come when you are disciplined, when you are strict on yourself, so many times you have young boys I'm not so sure of the girls but I can talk for the boys. you have young boys who have their friends they sit with their friends up to 12:00 at night and 2:00 in the morning. then a few years later they get married and when they get married they still find themselves making the same time for their friends. that is prohibited completely, prohibited. how can a person, how can a person who has now taken somebody's daughter still give preference to his friends over his own wife and this is a sickness that many people are guilty of the time that you spend with your spouse is an act of worship in Islam. the time that you spend with your family members is an act of worship in Islam. so many people give preference to their businesses over their family members. many people just sit and give preference to a newspaper over their family members. it's a fact. the man comes home from work he is tired. he does not speak to anyone. he sits down. he wants to eat his food. he has a temper and next thing he is busy reading the paper or he literally plans himself in front of the television and he is watching television until late hours then he switches it often goes to sleep. he hasn't spoken to his wife. he hasn't spoken to his children. if any one of us here are guilty of that, today is the day you are being told directly that that is a major sin, major sin. how can you give preference to a television over real people, real people? another problem is also the internet; many people give preference to the Internet and spend hours every day until 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning laughing and joking with the screen. if you want them to laugh really you've got to put a screen in front of them, they will see what is known as emoticons. you know what is an emoticon; those small little faces that you have on the screen, small cartoon style faces, they look at someone who sent them an emoticon and they laugh. but if you talk to them they will look at you and say hey I'm busy and I want to give you an example of a very good friend of mine, one of my best friends, very very highly educated and he was so intelligent he had 13 As at O-level and four As at A-level. he was given a scholarship at the University of Oxford. some years later I met him. I told him you know tell me what is Allah done with you, meaning you know what has happened in your life? he tells me brother I gave up the internet. I said that doesn't make sense. I asked him about himself and he's just telling me I gave up the Internet. so I said what do you mean? he said that is the biggest single achievement of my life and I was confused this was a few years back when the internet was still something new. now, he told me he became a doctor. he actually became a psychiatrist later. he specialized. he told me you know what happened to me I was married and I was addicted to the internet and I was sitting with the internet every day, every single day for 6 to 7 hours and I became a person whose social life was the net. all my friends who were on the internet, all the people I spoke to were on the Internet. I ate and mostly I even asked for the plate of food to come in front of the screen. so I would eat whilst I'm busy typing, whilst I'm busy looking and so on and he says I lost my wife, in the sense that she left him. she deserted him after some time. why? because if you are not going to give due attention to your wife who do you want her to get that from? that's a question. many people are guilty of not spending lighter moments even with their own wives, where do they want that wife to go and get that from? it is true and we need to talk about it. because so many women are suffering in silence. it's a fact of life. they are too embarrassed to mention what is going on and that is the beginning of the problem. imagine, the children that come out of such a relationship what warped upbringing will they have? what type of a relation will there be between parent and child, when the parent, parent relation is nonexistent. so many people are guilty of not understanding that they have taken someone's daughter with the name of Allah, when we are officiating a Nikah you and I know that there are certain verses that are read. I'm sure you all know those verses. all of those verses have the consciousness of Allah mentioned in them and I feel and let's listen to this very carefully that the most important verse is the third verse that is read Oh you who believe be conscious of your lord, be conscious of your Creator, be conscious of Allah subhanahu wata'ala and only utter that which is upright, that which is straight, that which is full of happiness ,that which is full of contentment, that which is full of truthfulness, that which is away from falsehood, that which is away from deception, that which is not vulgar at all, that is the meaning of the term .....means that which is straight. it will result in all forms of goodness and it will keep you away from all forms of bad and evil. why is this verse repeated when we are getting married? can I inform you of one of the reasons? one of the reasons is that do you know that ninety percent of your problems are caused by the tongue? ninety percent of any human beings problems are caused by the tongue. so Allah is saying watch out, be careful how you use that tongue of yours especially in marriage? the question I have, how many of us utter words to make our spouses feel good? how many of us utter words to put a smile on the faces of our spouses on a daily basis? I think a lot of us are guilty of never doing that or doing it very little. every single day it would be an act of worship for myself and yourselves to say a few words to make your spouse smile, both male and female, an act of worship. if we don't do that we will have a hollow Society. outwardly everything seems to be okay, inside nothing is okay and people are suffering in silence. why do we need people to suffer in silence? we don't. no one needs to suffer. Daughters are so special that when a male marries a female, he is reminded constantly that who you have married is the special child of someone, dear to someone. so we tell the husbands that when you look at your wife don't just look at her as your wife. that's not the only title she has. she had a title before that which was more dear and more valuable. what was it? she's the daughter of so-and-so. she also has her own family that loves her and respects her. so do not disrespect her, do not abuse her like they say don't make her cry and when my wife cries I always tell her I'm supposed to... I'm not supposed to allow you to cry. she says I cry out of joy, mashallah, okay. that's good. that's a good sign. so if you're crying out of joy and happiness and Ahamduillah, but if you're crying out of you know sadness ,you stuck, there's no way forward... wallahi, Allah has heard the cry of a wife and a daughter. if you take a look at Surah Al-Mujadilah named after a woman who came through in order to present her case to Muhammad sallallaahu Salaam where the husband became disinterested in her. listen to this and in sha Allah I will end on this note, I tell you very interestingly there was a woman known as Khawla Bint Thalabah RA, so what happened to her is she was married and mashallah you know a pretty beautiful woman, next thing expecting she has a child and when you have a child what happens? subhanAllah, people forget that you've now borne children, you've graduated into a new level of you know motherhood now and so on. you will not be the same girl you used to be 20 years back. things have to change, perhaps you may change in so many ways you become wiser and perhaps you may even become a little bit heavier. may allah subhanahu wa ta ala grant us ease. she complained because her husband started losing interest or showed disinterested he was not interested and he started saying whenever she was trying to get his attention he would say you just like my mother. it's okay you know you just like a mother ..., just like my sister and so on. she went to Mohammed (saw) crying, weeping, complaining... what do i do? this man is saying this to me. he refuses to touch me and at the same time he is the one who impregnated me, he gave me the children. he is the one who did this this. when i married him i was in tip-top shape and so on. my mothers and sisters I just want to pause for a moment to tell you that that does not mean that when you have given birth you should just lose yourself. no, go back you will be able to retain a lot if you work on it. may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala help us, whether there are sit-ups, leg ups whatever you want to call them, they work. trust me they actually work, dedicatedly. so don't use a hadith in order for you to throw yourself. you know to the side, no, work on it. you will feel good by the will of Allah. like I said do it for the right reasons. going back to this narration. so as she's complaining do you know what happened? the prophet (saw) obviously, it's a difficult situation, what do you say? you need to convince the man. verses were revealed.... indeed Allah has heard the argument of the woman who has come to you complaining to Allah subhanahu wata'ala, Allah has heard it and then He gives the response and it's a long set of verses where Allah speaks of the punishment of those who say those type of statements and how special and important the woman is. you don't say these words. so may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala help us to make the correct decisions in life.
Channel: The All-Loving
Views: 2,060,922
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Keywords: Islam, Deen, Mufti Menk reminders, Mufti Menk, Mufti Menk lecture, fans of Mufti Menk, man's mistake regarding marriage, how to make effective marraige, smile at your spouse, make happy your spouse, marriage, spouse, mufti, menk, Allah hears woman's cry, respcet your wife, wife, The all-loving, the all loving, mufti menk don't make her cry, her cry mufti menk, marriage cry mufti menk
Id: 32znMnjlu-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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