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- Welcome to Beopardy Animals. Today is all about animal facts and animal trivia. Our contestants today are Tomey, Angela (Angela barks) - [Shayne] Chanse (Chanse squawks) - [Shayne] and Courtney. (Courtney chirps) That was pretty cool. This is Angela and Chanse's first Beopardy. So the categories today are a trip to the zoo, this is all very general animal questions; round of ap-paws, which is famous animals, legendary ones; cute and cuddly, that's all cute animals; and creepy and crawly, that's all creepy animals; and finally we have oh baby, and these are all going to be animal sounds that we're going to play, baby animal sounds. And you're gonna have to guess which animal they are. Before we begin, Courtney, what's your favorite animal? - Horse. - [Shayne] Okay. Chanse? - Turtle. - [Shayne] Turtle. Angela? - Dog. - [Shayne] Dog. Tomey - Prairie dog, small rodent. They have a full vocabulary. They can talk to each other. Thank you. - That's so cool. (Courtney laughs) - I don't wanna talk about it any further. - You know, Tomey's was the most specific. So Tomey, you'll go first. - What the? - Wow. (Shayne laughs) - I'm gonna go with trip to the zoo 50. Let's start simple. - Nice. - You got it. - Thank you. - One A. - Talk about "bird brain"! What large flightless bird has eyeballs bigger than its brain? (Tomey's buzzer sounds) - [Shayne] Tomey. - Ostrich. - It is an ostrich. - [Angela] No! (Tomey grunts, Courtney claps) (point tally pings) - [Shayne] Very good. - How do you just know that? - A flightless bird, I don't know. - [Angela] Right. - [Chase] Their brain's not that big. - I don't know, I didn't know about their brains. - Okay. - There are other big flightless birds. - Emperor or penguins are huge. - Oh, flightless bird. - [Shayne] Yeah, those are big. - [Chase] Emu. - [Shayne] Emu. - Emu. - Got those. All right, Tomey, go ahead. - Let's do cute and cuddly for 50. - Okay. It's a good thing they move slowly (Chanse's buzzer sounds) - because these cute mammals have sharp black fangs. Chanse? - Sloth. - It is a sloth. - [Tomey] Oh my God. (point tally pings) - They have black fangs? - Whoa. (image pings) - Their teeth are black? - You said slowly. I was going; I'm playing the game, bitch. - All right, okay. - [Chase] I'm here to win. (Tomey laughs) - Wow! - I'm out here; I'm here to win. - Okay, Chanse. You get pick the next. - Oh my god, that's how this works? Okay. Yay. (all laugh) - Chance is here. - Can I go creepy crawly 100? (legato tune plays) - In order to attract a lady, male jumping spiders do what? (Angela's buzzer sounds) - Angela? - Their ass gets big. (Courtney chuckles) - Their ass gets big? - To attract a lady, their ass gets big? - I thought to just buzz and maybe I'll get it like Chanse did, but I didn't, so. (Tomey's buzzer sounds) - Tomey. - I'm gonna say shake dat ass. - I'm gonna give it to you. - [Angela] What? - They dance! - Yeah, they dance. I did know that. - They go like this. (point tally pings) - [Shayne] Oh wow. - Oh, oh, and they go like this. - You knew this? - So, you said a form of dancing and I will take it. - Yes! Shake that ass! - Who taught, who taught you that? - A little gif online. - Nature. - Let's make it interesting. Can we do oh baby for 50? - [Courtney] Woohoo. (legato tune plays) - What baby animal is this? (speaker plays bleating noise) (Courtney's buzzer sounds) (speaker plays more bleating noises) - Courtney. - That is a lamb, AKA a new sheep. - That is correct. - Yes. (point tally pings) - Good job, Courtney. - Thank you. - A new sheep? - A new sheep. - [Chase] A new sheep. - New sheep just dropped. - Babe, wake up. - From the womb. Okay, let's do round of ap-paws for 50. - Okay. (legato tune plays) The first successfully cloned mammal was? (Tomey's buzzer sounds) - Tomey? - Also a sheep. - That is correct. - [Tomey] Right? (point tally pings) - What? I thought it was a fluffy white dog! - You're right. - Do you, do you know the name? Does anyone know the name? - Sheepy and Beepy. - All right, we'll take sheep. It was Dolly the sheep. - Whoa. - Oh. - But I didn't expect any of you to know that. - It should have been a llama. - Did Dolly Parton fund it? - Maybe. - I'll do creepy crawley 50. Let's see. (legato tune plays) - Rats laugh when you do what to them? (Angela laughs) (Courtney's buzzer sounds) - Courtney. - Tickle? - That's what I was gonna say too. - Tickle them! (popping noise) - [Tomey] They tickle. (point tally pings) - [Shayne] They laugh when you tickle them. It's so silly. - What does it sound like? - I don't know. (Courtney laughs in deep tone) - [Courtney In Deep Voice] Dude. (Tomey and Chanse laugh) - Like whoa, whoa. - [Angela In Deep Voice] Get off, get off, get off! - [Chase In Deep Voice] Stop, stop, stop. Seriously stop. - Stop! - Seriously stop. (Angela laughs) - All right, I gotta go train some turtles. Okay, Courtney, go ahead. - Okay. I wanted to do a round of ap-paws again for 100. (legato tune plays) - Name three sports Airbud the Golden Retriever has played. (Chanse's and Angela's buzzers sounds) - Okay, we have Chanse. (Angela claps once) - Basketball, football, volleyball. (Angela's buzzer sounds) - You got it. - What? What? - [Tomey] Really? - [Shayne] He got it. (point tally pings) - Really? - He played, he played soccer. - He has played many sports. - Many sports. - He has played a lot of sports. - I was gonna say soccer too. (Angela laughs) Airbud has played basketball, football, soccer, baseball and volleyball. - He's played baseball? - Damn. - I know, how's he playing baseball? (Angela laughs) - Baseball's the one that I'm like, what the hell's going on? - That dog is not playing no baseball. (popping noise) - Soccer actually makes the most sense. - [Angela] Yes. Yes. - That should have been the first sport that he played. All right, Chanse, way to go. Go ahead and pick. - Let's go trip to the zoo 100. - Okay. Flamingos are born light gray. What turns them pink? (Tomey's buzzer sounds) - Tomey? - That's gon' be shrimp. (Courtney snorts) - It is shrimp. It's their food. As flamingo eat brine shrimp and algae, their feathers become that signature hot pink. - [Tomey] Mm hmm (point tally pings) - How did you know that? - It is hot. - Zoos. - Zoos. - Okay, Tomey, go ahead. - Cute and cuddly 100, please. - Nice. - [Shayne] You got it. (legato tune plays) - How do cats sweat? (Angela's buzzer sounds) - Angela. - You've got this. - They don't. - Hell yeah. - Courtney. (all laugh) - From their paws. - It is through their paws. So I guess cats do also sort of sweat through their lips, chin and on the skin that surrounds the anus. But mainly the paws. (contestants laugh) (point tally pings) - Okay. Courtney, you get a hundred points. Go ahead and pick. I wanna go a round of ap-paws for 150. (legato tune plays) - Call the Pupp-arzzi! Jiffpom is the most famous animal on Instagram. How many followers does Jiff currently have? (Contestants' buzzers sound) - Okay, Chanse? Go ahead. - Three million. - [Shayne] Tomey, go ahead. - I'm gonna say 500,000. - I am not more famous than Jiffpom. Courtney, go ahead. (Angela chuckles) - Nine million. - Angela, you wanna throw out a a guess? - Yeah, I would love to. One million. - Courtney gets it. It is 9.4 million. - What? - Whoa. - Yeah! Here's the quick point check-in. Tomey, you have 300 points. (point tally pings) - That's right, I do. - [Shayne] Really great. - Thank you. - [Shayne] Angela, you have zero points. (point tally pings) - How? - [Shayne] But we're still early on. Chanse, you have 150. (point tally pings) - Okay. - [Shayne] And Courtney, you have 350 points. (point tally pings) - Whoo! - Whoa! - Very good. - What are you at? - 300. - Oh shoot. - Oh, shoot. - Whoa. Courtney, go ahead. - Let's do oh baby for 100. (legato tune plays) - What baby animal is this? (speaker plays whimpering noise) (Contestants' buzzers sound) (speaker plays more whimpering noises) - Angela. - Dolphin. (Chanse and Courtney exclaiming) - Maybe? - Tomey. (Angela laughing) - Maybe Angela. Ah, damn it's not this, but I have to, we have to knock it out. Is it a puppy? - It is a puppy. Really? Oh my god. (point tally pings) - [Shayne] It's a puppy. - What, of course it was a puppy. - I don't know. It sounded like it could have been opossums or something. - See I was almost. - It could have been like an otter or something. - I thought it was a puppy too, but then I overthought it. Tomey, go ahead. All right, let's go back to that zoo for 150 please. - Oh, we're going back to the zoo. (legato tune plays) Dolphins have been observed playing with a puffer fish in order to do what? (Angela's buzzer sounds) - Angela. - Get high. (Shayne laughs) (Courtney whoops) - It is. It is correct. (point tally pings) - What? - Okay. This is weird. - It is correct. - This is so weird because, - Oh yeah? - At lunch, I was on Twitter and I saw that. - [Chase] No way. - Really? - Literally an hour ago. - Really? - Yes. - What is this? What does it mean? What's happening? - I saw someone posted a picture of two dolphins with a puffer fish in the middle, and they said, "hah, same." And I went, what? (Courtney laughs) - And I clicked on it. That's crazy that I knew that. - [Chase] That is crazy. - [Courtney] Wow. - A, a small amount of puffer fish toxins induce a "trance-like state" for dolphins. - Wow. - Hell yeah, dude. - Wow. That's hilarious. - I love that for dolphins. - All right, Angela, you're on the board. Way to go. (Angela laughs) (Courtney whoops) - Keep guessing dolphins for everything. (Angela laughs) - Go ahead and pick. - I'm gonna go oh baby for 150. (legato tune plays) What baby animal is this? (speaker plays grunting, squealing noises) (Contestants' buzzers sound) (buzzers clicking) (all chuckling) - It only does two at a time, so I'm sorry. (Angela laughs) - Okay. Courtney. - Is that a bear cub? - It's not a bear cub. Tomey? (buzzer clicking) (Angela chuckles) - It's gotta be in the cat family. I hope I named the right cat. I'm gonna say a leopard. - We're going on to Chanse. - Damn! - Who's been pressing that pretty hard. (off-screen laughter) - Tiger. - Angela, it's all down to you. (off-screen laughter) - It's a dolphin. (Angela laughs) - It's a, it is, might be a dolphin. (Angela yowls) - It was like that, right? - It's your first time here. We'll let, we'll play it again. (speaker plays grunting, hissing noise) - [Chase] That sounds- - That's cat. - Yeah, that's cat. - Oh. - I said- - Cheetah. - Is that what you were saying? - [Courtney] No, he said leopard. - That's not what I said. I said leopard. - Yeah? - You said cheetah? - And I said cheetah. That's what you were gonna say? - I swear to God, I swear to God. - What about something else? What about the, what was the thing? - Oh, a panda? - Look, he's smiling. - No, no, no, no. (off-screen laughter) - No. - Panda, dolphin, cheetah? - [Tomey] No stick with, stick with- - [Chase] Well, what are you going with? - [Tomey] Stick with that first one - Little cat? - Sorry. I could have sworn- - Chi, chi, chinchilla? - [Shayne] No. - Sh, ch, cheese board. - Guys, you were close. You were close. It is a jaguar. - [Tomey] Ohh - Oh. (buzzer blares) - Come on! - So close. - It's so close. Unfortunately we got specific, you know. There's a lot of big cats. - [Angela] Dang. - Well, nobody gets points. Moving on. Angela, go ahead and pick again. - I'll do cute and cuddly for 150. (legato tune plays) - When you pet a parrot's back, how do they respond? (Contestants' buzzers sound) - Chance? - They, they open their mouths. (buzzer sounds) Tomey. - They absolutely hate it. - Courtney. - They go, feathers go, (Courtney rolls her tongue) - [Angela] Yeah. - No. (off-screen laughter) - Angela. It turns them on. - It turns them on? (Angela laughs) - I'm just guessing. - Yes. Stick to your guns. - It it, it makes 'em feel good. Pleasure. - That is correct. They get- - Yo! (point tally pings) (Angela laughing, off-screen laughter) - They get horny. Petting a parrot's back induces strong- - Your knew it! - Your two answers are- - Mating hormones and will often make them view you as a mate. - Your two answers were they get high and they get horny. (all laugh) - School. - Yeah, I remember seeing comments on TikTok of videos being like, don't pet birds on the back. It's like, it's not appropriate. - Or you're just (beep) birds. - Wow. - Ew. - The bird, the birds are like, really? (all laugh) - The birds are in the comments, like, "hey, not true actually. Speaking as a bird community" - "Cockatoo here. Just letting you know." - Of course it's the cockatoo. - Okay, Angela, go ahead. - I'll do creepy and crawly for 150. (legato tune plays) - We wouldn't have mangoes, bananas, avocados or hundreds of other fruits without which animal? (buzzer clicks) Tomey. I'm gonna say monkeys. - Courtney. - It's like, it's like one of those birds that they like, they flew overseas and pooped the seeds of these things. - No. - Dang it. (Tomey laughs) (buzzer sounds) - Chanse. - Flies. - Angela. - I, ah- - It's down to you. - Fleas. - What? - Sorry, that's incorrect. You got in the realm, some of you. It's bats. - Oh! - Ahh. - Bats. And I am sure it with them, with their poop. Angela, go ahead again. - Oh, I'm gonna do 200 for oh baby, Shayne. - You got it, here we go. (legato tune plays) - What baby animal is this? (speaker plays squawking, chattering noises) - What the (beep) is it? (buzzer sounds) - Okay, we've got Tomey. Sounds like little piggy, Shayne. Little tiny piggies. - Tomey, it is not a little piggy. - Damn. (Angela laughs) - Courtney. - I think that is a baby bat? - Chanse. - Is this one an otter? - Angela, it's down to you again. (off-screen laughter) - This is how you're gonna win. - You dumb asses keep doing this. (all laugh) - A chick? - All right, we're gonna play it one more time, and you guys can guess again. - It sounds like fricking E.T. - [Tomey] All right. - What baby animal is this? (speaker plays squawking, chattering noises) (buzzer sounds) - We got Chanse. - Eagle. - [Shayne] Courtney. - Rat? (buzzer sounds) - Tomey. - Parrot. - Angela, we found our way back to you again. (all laugh) - A baby cockatoo. - It is not a cockatoo. These are kits or baby raccoons. - Aw. - Ah, dang it. - I will admit this one was hard. I heard it and I was like, I don't fricking know. - Yeah, that sounded like several animals hanging out. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that's a lot. - [Chase] That was a party. - That's a whole lot of stuff. (Angela screeches) - Aww. But you guessed every other animal in the animal kingdom. - I just saw Guardians three. You'd think I would - I know! One of you said raccoons earlier too. - [Courtney] Oh, yeah. - Anyways, Angela? - Can I get a round of ap-paws for 200? (legato tune plays) - What was Grumpy Cat's real name? (Shayne laughs) - You guys might as well just guess (beep). (buzzer sounds) - [Angela] I did. - Tomey. - Lawrence. Lawrence? No, Courtney? - Eddie. - It was not Eddie. (buzzer sounds) - Angela? - Diane. - No. I will give you this huge hint. Grumpy Cat's real name was a condiment. (buzzer sounds) - Okay. Tomey. - Ketchup. - Angela. - Mustard. (buzzer sounds) - Courtney. - Pepper. (Angela gasps) - No, Chanse. - Horseradish. - All right, Angela, I'm gonna give you one more and that's it. - Soy sauce. - It was not soy sauce. (Tomey laughs) - [Shayne] This is- - I'm out. - This is an imposs- Chanse, I'll also give you one more. - Sriracha. - It was not sriracha. - We're just saying condiments! - Yeah, we are. - Grumpy Cat's real name was Tardar Sauce. - Oh, that's so cute. (Angela laughs) - That's a great name. Alright, Angela, pick again. - Jesus. Folks, what do you want? - [Shayne] Look, these are hard. These are hard. - [Chase] Just anything. - Okay. - [Courtney] I suggest cute and cuddly. - Cute and cuddly for 200. (legato tune plays) - Because of the poison in eucalyptus leaves, baby koalas or joeys can only eat what? (buzzer sounds) - Chanse? - Bamboo. (Angela chuckles) - Tomey. - I am wearing the koala ears. - [Shayne] Yes. - I'm gonna say the stems and not the leaves themselves. - Courtney. - Like the, the, the berries? - No. Angela, it's back to you. - I know, it's not fair. If I don't press it, I shouldn't say anything. - I am sorry. You gotta guess. You just get a chance to guess anything. - It's just anything within the eucalyptus? - So, no. So because of the poison in eucalyptus leaves, baby koalas or joeys can only eat what? - Ohh, dirt. - Does anyone want to guess again? (buzzer sounds) - Tomey, - Their mom's (beep). - It is the mother's feces. - Whoa. I was like, that's gotta be it. - [Shayne] Yes. That's it. - That's so true. - [Courtney] Nice. I know about that from an episode of the Irwins where they literally had to like, they had a baby koala and they had to like drive to go, cuz someone, there was someone who had like the specific like mom (beep) that they needed to feed this baby koala. - Wow. - Oof. Yeah. Koalas are actually definitely gross. Okay, Tomey, go ahead. - Oh, let's creepy crawly, baby. - [Shayne] You got it. (legato tune plays) What was the first living creature to be sent into space? (buzzer sounds) - Tomey. - It's a dog. - It is not a dog. - Oh, that's good. (buzzer sounds) - Courtney. - It was a rat. - It was not a rat. (off-screen laughter) - Angela, just go. - Chimp? - It was not a chimp. Chanse, now it's down to you. - Okay. It's in creepy crawly. What's creepy? What's crawly? - Oh, you're right. (Tomey's fingers clatter against table) - I'm creeping, I'm crawling. - I didn't even think about that. - Let's go with, (Chanse laughs) - A hamster. - The answer was fruit flies. (buzzer blares) - Whoa. - I didn't know this. To measure the potential impact of cosmic radiation. Flies were chosen because they're genetically similar to humans. - That's not okay. (off-screen laughter) - That, I don't like that fact. - [Tomey] I don't like that. - That's weird. - Genetically? Did they eat their own little ship, or did they, where they sharing a ship? (Shayne and Tomey laugh) - A bunch of, they're strapped in. (Courtney makes buzzing noise) - Tiny, tiny little ships. And it's like, whoo! It's like you can fly, but not up there. (all laugh) - Not up there. (quiet rocket launching noise) - This is different, man. - Oh my god, the astronauts are like, "why are we building them ships?" (all laugh) - (Beep), this sucks! I'm curious about the technicalities of that fact. I don't like that fact. I know we, we share like a lot of DNA with like bananas too. - Exactly. - [Shayne] So, I don't know. - I think all DNA is kind of the same thing. - Okay. Tomey, there's one last one. Do you wanna just pick it? - Yes. - Great. (Tomey laughs) (legato tune plays) - During World War II, the US Navy used which sea creatures to mask the noise of their submarines? (buzzer sounds) - Chanse. - Whales. - Yeah. - Tomey. - Dolphins? - Anyone else wanna just throw out something? (buzzer sounds) - Angela. - Seals. - It's not seals. - It's those, the is it killer whales? - It's not killer whales. - What about the ones that look like zom- like if a dolphin got punched in the head and their head is like big in the front. - [Shayne] It's not. - Beluga? - Beluga whale, yeah. - It's not a beluga whale. You guys were, you guys are - (Tomey laughs) - Punched in the head. (Courtney laughs) - Got punched in the head, and then they got big. - All right, we're going again. - Cause we're idiots. - We're getting one more round. No, this, I didn't know these things. - To mask the sound? (legato tune plays) - During World War II, the US Navy used which sea creatures to mask the noise of their submarines? (buzzer sounds) - Chanse, you clicked the buzzer. - Yeah. Salmon. - Salmon? No. Tomey. - A barnacle? (Angela laughs) - Not a barnacle, but I like that guess. - [Tomey] You know what I mean? - But it's not a barnacle. - Armor made of barnacles. - Anyways, Angela or Courtney, you want to throw out your second guess? - The, the thing I'm stuck on is like so they're using these sea creatures. What are they, taped to the ship? - I don't know. - [Chase] Yeah, right. - Ay! (buzzer sounds) - Courtney, Courtney. - Is it sea otters? - [Angela] Yeah. It's not sea otters. - [Tomey] Well, it can be. - Ducks. - It's shrimp. - I was gonna guess krill. - It's pistol shrimp. The snapping of their claws is so loud, - Oh. - It can create a sonic boom. So because they create a big, loud sonic boom they would land their submarines, they would have a big pile of these shrimp or a big swarm of them and land their submarines either on top or nearby. That would then cause them to go nuts. And it would kind of muffle where their submarine was, I guess. - Wow. - You'd have to Google this stuff. (angelic choir vocalizes) - Also you'd probably have to Google whether this was animal cruelty or not. It probably was. So first, let me give a point total really quick. Courtney, you have 350 points. (point tally pings) - Woohoo! - Chanse, you have 150 points. (point tally pings) - Angela, you have 300 points. - What? - Yeah. - [Tomey] How is that possible? - Because you knew get horny and get high. - And Tomey you have 600 points. (point tally pings) - That's what I'm talking about. - Tomey, the animal expert. - [Courtney] Wow. - All right. It is time for final Beopardy. (Courtney whoops) - And our final category is, oh, Peter, come on out. (Courtney gasps) - Little man. - Craig! (Angela laughs) - [Courtney] Aww. - This is Craig. He belongs to the Mythical channel. So now once you meet Craig, you then can then wager points based on this category. Okay, here we go. The final question is, let's have a ball. Ball Pythons are also known as royal pythons since ancient kings and queens were quite fond of them. What did ancient royalty use ball pythons for? You may now write down your answers. (contestants uncap markers) (light bouncy music plays) - Tomey, you're in the lead. What did you answer? - For 200 points wager, - [Shayne] Okay. - I put their skin for fashion. It's morbid. - Got it. - [Tomey] Gotta prick em. - Okay. Angela? - I wagered 100, and I said necklace. - Okay, necklace. Chanse? - I wagered 150, and I said eat vermin. - Interesting, pest control. Courtney? - I wagered zero, and I put neck massage. - All right, your answers are in. Tomey, you said their skin. Angela, you said a necklace. Chanse, you said eat vermin. Courtney, you said a neck massage. The answer, only one person got it right, and that one person is Angela. (Angela gasps) - Living jewelry. Ball pythons are very docile towards humans and also constrictors, meaning they wrap themselves around their prey, or human limbs, for a nice wiggly bracelet. Or necklace. - I was gonna wager, I wagered 300 and then I erased the three and changed it to a one cuz I was insecure. - Well, your lack of confidence means you're only going to tie with Tomey for first place, which is fine. (Angela gasps) (gong rings) You both get first place. (trumpet noise plays) - Way to go. - Yay! - Get high, get horny! Get horny, get high. (Angela whoops) (others clapping) - Nice. Congrats. - Way to go. You all did so great. Thank you all for watching. Please let us know in the comments what other categories you'd like us to cover on this show. And you know what? Be nice to animals. Be nice to animals. I feel like everyone can improve in that. - Which one are you? Get high or get horny? - [Shayne] Yeah. And also- it's not - Let us know in the comments. - Also what's your favorite animal? Put that in the comments. Let's see what animals got the most consensus. All right, we'll see you later. - Bye - Bye. - Bye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,249,568
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Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, smoosh
Id: Mf7pOLf8QOU
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Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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