Are we leaving YouTube for Television? [answering your most asked questions] // DIY Wife Q&A!

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the last few weeks have been a mess yeah it started with me having an autoimmune flare up and then part of our house flooded and then we both got sick back to back you gave it to me I'm just kidding it was probably our kid first what yeah you got sick first oh yeah you're right this means that progress on our projects has slowed down significantly over the past few weeks so instead of posting no videos for the next few weeks we figured we'd go ahead and do a good old Q&A so we asked you all in a community post if you have any questions for us and we were blown away with over 100 questions in that first 24 hours so in this video we are doing our very best to answer your juiciest questions like are you guys leaving YouTube for TV are you pregnant will we be [Music] moving all right are you ready this is a very uh long list that we have here I'm kind of hungry we haven't even gotten started yeah I know all right so question number one what is left in our current house projectwise so we actually have this entire semester planned out with projects in our own house starting with a really cool update to our teenage daughter's room that I'm so excited about because we're going to be making it just a little bit more sophisticated for her as she is a teen now and it's going to be really cozy and I was just so proud cuz I let her pick things and I was like wow you have really good taste I feel like I rubbed off on you and it'll be a good one so that's what's next after that we'll be working on our downstairs guest bathroom which we just had to tear the tile out of thanks to that water leak but we did actually already have that in our project list so I wasn't too sad about that again I am really excited about this one because I'm just going to have a little bit more fun with it it's a guest bathroom and I want it to be fitting to our house but also have a little bit of you know flare flare yeah so it's going to be fun I've got like a funky wallpaper I'm going really dark and Moody on the tile but still classic it's going to be good I'm excited to actually start and then after that I think we are going to be working in our bedroom and if you've been with us a while you know that we actually already did a bedroom makeover for us but something that happens often with me or not often I feel like I've been working on this house for 5 years and what's happened is I feel like now 5 years in I've really got a good grasp on what my style is and what the style and the feel of the house is and there are some projects that I feel like I maybe missed the Mark just a little bit and I've been reinspection of really it just comes down to me being inspired and I want to do the project so something that speaks to your little heart and soul it does I feel like that makes the best content it's like I always tell him I mean it's probably like that in a lot of creative areas but the things that I really want to do are really get excited and inspire ired by like that's the stuff that I want to actually film all right so next on that list too is give us an update on the leak on the flood on the damage well number one is it has been covered by insurance which is woo that's a huge relief but the flip side of that is if you file a claim with insurance before you know that it's a little bit slow and so while everything has been dried out because we hired a remediation company so we're not worried about mold or moisture it's just kind of a mess and we're just waiting for everything to be finalized so we can get paid so then we can order flooring because our flooring has actually been discontinued and so we have to replace the entire flooring in our entire house because it's all the same oh lord it's going to be a big job we'll hire it out cuz there's no way we're doing that but still so basically that means we have a lot of big messy work ahead of us but it's going to be good in the end right it's going to be amazing it'll be great and maybe the last thing in this house will there be another garage cleanout I don't think my pride could handle that I'll clean it off camera before I film that again but it has made me laugh every time someone asks when the garage clean off for this year is going to be I was like man that's life all right next question big one what will we do when this house is finished will we be moving will we do a rental house will we be doing another friend's house well the short answer is we don't know yet we're definitely not in a rush to move and I do feel like I want to just give some clarification that we would never move just for the sake of content like our number one priority would be doing what's best for our family cuz we have some people say that have said that you know out of care for us and I appreciate that but I'm like that's definitely like in our minds too but I do kind of dream of like finding just one more house that would be like our forever home and I have some ideas really I mean we're not actively even looking at houses it's almost like if the perfect house came up on land and we were like yes we could see ourselves living here for a lifetime then we would probably jump on that if we were able to I was going to say if we could afford it but yeah we're not like let's move again I don't know we'll see like we're thinking we're praying we're planning but who knows all right can I just say we do have one house that we love we've never seen the inside of it it's never even been on the market before so you can't find pictures of the inside of it but we look at it cuz it kind of looks abandoned like the yard is not kept we never see cars there we're like does anyone even live here we don't know but I don't know why we drive by this house and we're like if that one was for sale we should just go knock on the front door and be like hey I don't know if anybody lives there it really does look abandoned are you interested in um selling your home even though it's not listed and it never has been what would you do has anybody ever done that can we do that I feel like that is the worst like case is to get your heart set on a house it's not even for sale cuz they're probably going to be someone that's like we never want to sell it we're going to stay here till we die so will we do a rental a rental house house like fix up a rental house a rental I'm not talking about like a rental lawnmower like a rental equipment store okay what do you think I'm talking about over here this is definitely another thing that we have pondered and we don't really know what direction will go this is where I feel like when I talk about just feeling inspired with projects I think that's how it's been so far each time we've moved it has really just felt like the right thing to do and it really it turned out to be each time a really good move for our family that's funny that was like a pun cue the pun alarm so I think in a nutshell we have dreamed of doing a rental property where we can do the whole house on camera show it to you guys and then be like hey it's open you can actually come stay in this house we just feel like that would be such a cool experience for us and for you guys but I don't know time will tell and lastly will we do another friend's house that's another possibility and again we don't know that's the short answer we do actually have some friends that we're talking to but we just we don't know it would be after the summer we so I think the long and short of that is we are actually planning we talk about the stuff we think about it we plan we research but it's it's hard to be like yes in 6 months from now this is exactly what we're going to be doing especially when you're talking about construction home renovation uh it it's uh it's a unique animal right all right so next is another question that's always been super popular where in the world did you learn your building your Woodworking and design skills I always feel like I have a less exciting answer than people are looking for but I didn't go to school for any of it for design or any kind of building type stuff but really I just started small and I will say I have always loved design because even as like a 10 or 12-year-old I don't remember how I F how old I first was when I was like Mom can I redo my room I want to pull all this wallpaper down or I want like a new comforter for my birthday so I can like change my room up like I liked that kind of stuff as a kid and I also liked building things cuz I think my first big project was building a treeh house which we have some embarrassing pictures that'll be thrown in here somewhere I'm sure as the story goes from her dad she was 11 or 12 and basically built the entire Treehouse by herself he just had to help her lift the boards up to the level that they were at and from there I just kept building things and doing projects and I started out simple and I slowly got more complex at our first house we built a massive deck I think it ended up being over 500 ft but I did it in two phases and I had to do a ton of research and find people who knew what they were doing because I don't even think YouTube was a thing yet like I couldn't go find a YouTube video and so what I would do is I would find people who were knowledgeable and I would just ask a million questions like we had the sweetest older retired couple that lived next to us and I would ask him all the questions he would let me borrow his chop saw sweet old but said you can Bor my chop saww like are you sure you can use this thing little lady so my projects crew and complexity as my skills grew because I feel like each time I did feel confident that oh okay I can do this even if I was like you know pushing myself a little bit it was I was able to like figure it out and plan it ahead of time and go okay I can do this I know what I'm doing like my skills definitely grew because my first piece of furniture was so bad that well one I brought I bought pre-made cabinets for the base of it and I had like little boards and I had to screw the shelves onto the wall because it was too wobbly to stand up on its own it was uh what you call janky and someone asked if you ever make mistakes you never make mistakes right no I'm perfect got it next SE leave it there no of course of course I make mistakes I feel like everybody knows it's kind of just part of the learning process it's annoying you definitely learn to measure twice cut once because mistakes can be expensive but I haven't cut off any fingers yet or toes so that's good and then I think kind of the logical next question is how do you manage projects with four kids so I feel like I just have to say that our season of life now is very different because they're all in school so we're able to work while they're at school yeah and that's the basic premise of how we do these projects is we do them while they're at school that's that's like 95% of the time how we do them full-time because in the past it was a very like sporadic thing where I would finally be like I have to bu this deck and I had like a baby and a toddler but I would move his little jumper bouncer thing outside on like a beautiful spring day and like our oldest she would come and she would play outside in the dirt or like help me like they were having fun and they were around with me and I would just do what I could yeah and I think I can add to that we kind of did like these shortterm pushes that we didn't do all the time so we might like push to like do paint or flooring or whatever it was and then we would just take a break for a while we weren't doing it all the time and actually the year that we started this YouTube channel was the first year that our youngest went into school into prek and so that worked out really well and kind of gave us room to be able to do what we're doing now all right next big question hot question fresh off the press people want to know are you guys leaving YouTube for TV no sorry I killed the suspense there not even a question all right so let's give you the update with our TV contract because we told you guys about it a while back and we feel like it's worth kind of restating where we're at with that what's going on so we were contacted over a year ago by a smaller TV network dabble TV and we actually went into contract with them and we had a four-year contract where we were going to be releasing basically our YouTube projects on their Network they had their own edit their own style for it and then they posted it right to television and then right as we were premiering the show we had prepped all of this stuff they started releasing the episodes some changes some unexpected changes happened so the larger umbrella Network that our smaller network was under actually got bought out they made lots of changes and the little Network we were working with got nixed and in some ways you might go oh no that's terrible that's bad but I think we took a lot of positives away from this experience really number one I think it's nice to not be under a four-year contract not that that was bad or anything it just kind of feels nice to have that knot up here or in the back of your mind like we're free we're just so used to going video by video or series by series that four years felt like forever to us because when we signed the contract we'd only been doing YouTube for like 2 and a half years but even more than not being under the contract we gained a ton of experience that we can learn from that we can use now moving forward I mean first of all we learned a lot about the legal side side of things and working with attorneys so we've never had to hire an attorney for anything before not really no and so we just thought you know we're going to pay this massive retainer and that's like there's no way they're going to go through that yes to us it was a lot it was $5,000 that's that was a lot of money you just what and then not only did they go through our entire retainer they didn't let us know that they went four times over our retainer until they sent us the first bill for $20,00 and we were like we were literally like what I just felt so sick to my stomach we like we've never paid that much for anything in our entire life so like we drive 2010 cars that are like paid off they're they're like bought a car that cost $20,000 what makes it even better is we're only like halfway through this contract and so we were like please can we just wrap this up quickly like I think get this is a small contract this is not like we're going to be getting paid a whole lot of money or something by this t Network oh man but we were like locked in so we're like What do we do now start over or do we just be like just finish as quick as you can so and in addition to that the attorney raised their rates by $150 an hour without notifying us again what did we end up what was our grand total at I don't want to say it was about $35,000 I can't even say it I literally can't say like I mean it just blew through so many of the things we had saved and built up but we will say that had nothing to do with the network the network was actually great I'm going to say capital A for the person we worked with you were amazing we appreciate you honestly it was a great experience to learn like what is a TV network looking for how do they produce their content I was able even to speak into the production of our content and learn some things for us for our own production for our own eding for our own file organization which I can now share with other people who I'm mentoring all right next question Dean I heard you you are teaching people how to thrive on YouTube what are your top tips so I thought about going okay here's my five top tips andt but you know what just sign up for my free newsletter I'll leave the link in the description I I literally work so hard on those they're like my little love letter teaching you my little Patty WS how to thrive on YouTube and so if you're interested in growing just sign up for the newslet instead of me just kind of wasting everybody's time talking about technical YouTube stuff all right next question I think these are important I think these are Big tell us what kind of tools did you learn in therapy about how to better your marriage or just general marriage tips and tools in general General general in general first I just think that maybe there's a little bit of a stigma with like therapy or counseling but I think it can be so valuable to get just outside input because when it's just the two of you and you get stuck kind of in your own whatever it is like what you see and you're going around and around the same issue doing this over and over instead of this is so helpful to have a third person just to be like oh they just can sometimes see more of what's going on or maybe just even like personal issues that are contributing to the way that you relate to each other and so I feel like we just got like even like little tools or little like things that help improve our communication yeah I mean in a lot of ways you just have to swallow your pride and you have to realize everyone has marriage Str literally every amazing couple I know I saw some video where people were saying they did not have any struggles ever and couldn't relate to that and I was like do you live together like if you interrupt me one more time we're about to have some marriage struggles on camera okay I'm punch you I was like mid thought you jumped in and since we're going to go to counseling this afternoon I'm bringing this like I'm siging this up for another she has a saying it's called squirrel brain and it jumps around and jumps on your head I would say the next big thing we learned is you have to get kind of vulnerable and transparent about what your needs are you can't just go uh I'm fine I'm fine it doesn't matter it's all good like you have to actually begin to recognize and then validate your own needs each other's needs and then be willing to work towards fulfilling those needs for each other yeah you're just learning to love somebody who's different than you yeah something that is so important is to have fun together and I feel like in our Seasons when we are doing the best is when we are really making time to have fun together and some sometimes like for us we get a lot of time together now because we work together but we try and do things like take a lunch break or go get lunch during the day with just us during the week or go play pickle ball or essentially it's like you have to learn to build into your marriage and not just mitigate damage all the time yeah cuz we've had seasons of that sorry I don't know what to do sorry did you seriously just interrupt me no you paused obviously we are the poster children for an amazing marriage at all times and it can be as simple as like just having coffee together in the mornings or like like it doesn't have to be like going out on a DAT cuz you may be like we don't have the budget for it or we don't have the time or you know it could just be little things so that leads nicely into our next question tell me about your backstory our backstory and how did we start this crazy YouTube channel number one how did we meet we met in high school baby High School s team I was going to say swim team sweethearts swim I thought we were swim team sweethearts so we were both on the swim team her mom my mother-in-law was my swim coach at the time and my first boss so we swam on the swim team together we worked in the Summers together at a swim school and we just fell madly enough and then we actually got married really young I was 20 she was 21 we've been dating 3 and 1/2 years at that time I'd been working for their family uh she knew my family so it was the right time we don't recommend that for everybody but it was the right time for us and then we just kind of journeyed on and had ourselves four kids by the time we were 30 and uh then we took a giant nap that's what we did we've been together longer than we have not been together now that's crazy this Valentine's Day was our 20th Valentine's Day together dude that's crazy cuz that was the first time 20 Valentine's ago that was the first time when Dean professed his life Junior High School Dean he wrote me this letter that you probably would you stay up all night writing this letter or something it's probably like the first time I prayed in my entire life like Lord nervous so he Bears his soul in this letter and he gives it to me and I go why did you give me a note with dead stick F figures drawn all over it and I said uh those aren't stick figures those are roses I I don't know like how my brain saw that but that's literally what came out of my mouth I'm like I was like well that's the end see you later nice knowing you she gets a note like why are there all these Dead stick figures on it and I was like those are roses she did you even say that yes she just like see you later and then I was reading it in the next class and I was like oh and her heart was melting I was like oh okay I'll think about it and then there was a day like soon after that where I was in English class and I was actually laying my head on the desk and looking like out the door and Andrea was doing something in the hallway and she walked by and kind of paused and looked at me and smiled and I was like what was that like I B for that that's what a moment babe then next how did we start this YouTube channel well you got to back up a ways before the start of this YouTube channel I actually had my own YouTube channel doing music production tutorials for about 4 years and then I started getting this crazy idea of going hey what if we started filming your DIY projects and made a whole new channel out of it and she was like why would anybody want to watch that and so we decided to take like 2 days a week to film and I remember her going like are you sure that you want to take these hours and put them towards filming me like who's going to want to watch this like it's like why would anybody watch me painting furniture cuz that was like the kick that I was on when we started filming and so I said hey let's just try it for 3 months and see what happens and basically within 3 months we were YouTube's Creator on the rise and so we kept going it was really good all right next are a few quick questions about Andrea and her health number one this autoimmune disease what is it how long you had it how are you doing with it it's been a while I think I got officially diagnosed eight maybe eight years ago so I have ulcerative colitis which is really similar to Crohn's I mean they're almost the same thing it just has to do with which part of your intestines they affect but if anybody wants to know um and I actually managed it all through diet and nutrition for the first s or 8 years yeah and until last year I just had like a crazy flare up that nothing was working and nothing could explain it we found out later it was actually like an infection that had caused it which made me feel so much better cuz I was like this is it is really disorienting to have everything that normally works and like cutting out these certain foods to like do nothing and to still be super sick and so that was crazy but I was really glad we got answers and that it was an easy fix and so it is going pretty well in that process we started a medication for the first time which I would say was like nice for the first 6 months cuz I got like a mental break and I could just eat like more things but I think really what ended up happening is it kind of put a Band-Aid on like my main symptom that I was so familiar with and it doesn't really address like your immune system response or like inflammation in general in your body and so I think the past several months I have just been like I don't think this is a good long-term solution and so I'm in the process of weaning off the medication I would say things are going pretty well I've had a couple coup of times where I got another infection and got really sick and we treated it and then I was fine I think now I'm just in a spot where I'm like I can just eat a more limited diet and I'll be fine like yeah I'm talking I just want to feel good like she eats like sweet potatoes no wheat no Dairy like yeah lots of very healthy vegetables and foods and meats that work with her body or really with anyone's body but especially for hers I feel like this leads nicely into our next question Hot Topic very every single video someone is asking this question are you pregnant every single video I'm like what is wrong with people no I'm not let us just give you a little etiquette lesson for some out there you don't ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you are 4,000% pregnant or maybe even better unless they tell you that they are pregnant who asks who asks somebody if they're pregnant like if you're not obviously like dione's pregnant but I do think I mean in their defense I do think the medication actually made me gain a little bit of weight and it's all good we take it with a grain of salt we laugh but in general we're like gosh I would never comment that curious I'm like is that like you know like a southern thing is that like normal in other places where it's like a cultural I can't imagine it I can't imagine at least in the states that being like a socially nice thing to do is to ask someone if they're pregnant when they're not but I don't know comment below if where you are if you wouldn't mind having people ask if you're pregnant when you're not someone also asked all right you got four kids do you want any more and I think our answer to that is we've got four I'm one of four kids she's one of four kids this feels like our quiver is full like this is great it's a lot and it's amazing but it's a lot and it's amazing so we're kind of holding off at least in our minds we're holding off for grand babies you know I mean it's going to be a while if our oldest had kids when I did that's like 10 years right right yeah 10 years I mean no pressure you know but bring on the grand baby so chunky fat little juicy here's the funny one is Dean an actor I thought I saw him on a recent Clariton commercial recently uh the answer is no I'm not an actor I think it'd be fun would love to try if anyone wants to give me uh the opportunity on a commercial or some small rooll or something it'd be great wait you've been on a commercial before but here's the crazy part I have been on a commercial way back in the day in my early 20s I was driving school buses for the local school district and my boss called me into the office handed me a brand new like nice collared School District shirt and said hey take this bus over to this school you're going to meet a camera crew there from the local news station and you're going to be in a commercial for them about school bus safety and so I I wish we could somehow find a clip of gosh I know so I'll never forget my line I open the door I looked over at the camera and said always stop for school buses and I probably said that like 10 times and there was some other line but I can't remember what it was maybe somebody can find it for it gosh if someone could find that oh my gosh KBTX Brian College Station if you could find this school bus safety commercial from what would have been like 2008 I believe golly I'd pay money to see that so that's it as far as the questions but we just want to wrap things up by saying a massive thank you to all of you a lot of you didn't even ask us questions you literally just checked on us and on our wellbeing we're like hope you get well soon take your time rest up we're praying for you like it was super sweet it was heartwarming to see the way you guys responded to us and so I don't know it it just felt very comforting and encouraging to see the response from you all um from this questionnaire and in all of our videos it's like you guys are the best so with that we're going to wrap up this video we we hope you enjoyed it maybe you learned something maybe you didn't but at least you had a laugh or two that's our hope and we will will catch you in a couple of weeks but we are working hard we're literally going to get up from here and go keep doing progress on the next project so we we've already started on the next project we just don't have all the videos ready to start releasing them so thank you very much we'll see you very soon [Music] bye oh gosh I got to sneeze as I need to sneeze somebody asked if allergies are like really crazy right now and I was like yes I don't even think I have allergies or I did I did I've been sneezing like crazy true and it's so windy outside my eyes feel like itchy and my I'm sneezing like crazy we're really not off to a good start that was a question just wasn't the question you just asked I I think the kids got the ADHD Gene for me I'm just going to say okay I'm a little squirly so yeah my projects grew in complexity as I feel like my seals grew because I seals skills my skills you said seals can we tell them we're doing to try this weekend we're doing a triathlon this weekend but the time we post this it's going to be I mean this weekend send us happy thoughts on Sunday morning cuz we be dumping in a freezing cold lake we did it yesterday we went and swim in the lake with our wet suits it was next level cold and next level like what the heck are we thinking I just I just had to like not think about it cuz the water is so Brown and I'm looking you know in the brown water like I can't even see my hand what is in this Lake I don't even know do we have alligators here we literally would like pop our heads up every like 100 yards and just laugh out loud cuz it was so cold the water's so murky we're like what are we doing out here in the middle of we paid money to do this oh nobody's making me do this this that's this triathon is going to be amazing it's going to be great
Channel: DIY Wife
Views: 73,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy wife, Q&A, couple advice, marriage tips
Id: _W5u6Sk-mfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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