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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to sit down and film like a question and answer kind of about our story and our life and so I asked you guys on Instagram to leave me messages so if you're not following me click on the link down below and go follow me over there I'm gonna introduce you to my husband for the first time so this is chase he's not nervous so we're just gonna jump right into it and start answering the questions you guys said where did you and your husband meet and have you always lived in Oklahoma and what's your favorite reality TV show so we met in seventh grade I'll let you tell the story yeah we go way back so we met in seventh grade and all the pictures somewhere right here so you guys can see us yeah it's just when we were young we met in seventh grade I went to school in just a Christian school from first through sixth grade and I transferred in seventh grade to a local school close to where I live so whenever you know you're new transfer student there was a couple of girls that were interested in dating which you know when dating is in seventh grade it's just in high school basically or maybe a Friday night football game but anyways couple more girls were kind of interested in I chose somebody else other than Ashley so that was that was kind of a bad call but it ended well I ended up picking her later on in the year towards summer I was girl number two she was girl number two yeah we dated for about three months and then I work with him because who's too nice yeah should have known to be Mean Girls always marry the nice guy but date and then so we stayed best friends from that point on our families have always been good friends and even when both of us have like long term relationships we stay good friends yeah we have best friends from after we broke up basically through junior year of high school no are you silly yeah and we live within a mile of each other so I would ride my bike over there and we'd swim she had a pool so we'd swim during the summer that was icy I would you know drive and pick her up for school yeah that's I got grounded once in my entire life once and it's because my parents caught me kissing chase on my bed I'm a bad boy okay so yeah that was our story and then I went off we started dating again my senior year I decided to graduate early because I didn't like high school at all so we tried dating again it was probably wide another 2 or 3 months another couple of months and I just needed out of town and I needed a fresh start and he understood yeah she was about to move would be a little bit more longer distance relationships so we just thought we'll give it a break from yeah let me just start over so I moved off to edmond and then how about a year later yeah I think it's about a year year and a half later he messaged me on AOL AOL old techno it mess enger' we didn't have text back then and asking me to go to a hockey game so I drove back like snowy ice why I don't know but I drove back and we went out that night and when he took me home he walked me to the door which he's a gentleman he always does and then kissed me so it kind of like shocked me but at the same time I'm like over friends he's just being kind but from that point on so that next weekend he drove up to see me and we've been together ever since yeah so how long we dated for what two years before we got engaged yeah I think we did two years before we well was it a year and a half for either before we got engaged and then we got married about you so we dated for about a year and then we got your engagement yeah and that night fun fact whenever we were walking out from the hockey game it was icy and whenever we got up to my car she literally slid under the car cuz the ice and I think I was holding on to her arm or something so I didn't go on her whole body went under the car so that was that was pretty funny okay the next question says my husband and I got married at 18 and 19 what advice do you give to young married couples I remember saying you're around 31 and you've been married for 10 years I love your channels so much thank you I think the best advice is that you have to grow together like you grow up together the 20 year old we got married when we were 20 the 20 years old he married it's not the 31 year old that he's married to today yeah and I just grew up in a family that was very active and social and I'm an introvert and a homebody and it took me a little while to realize that I think being a stay-at-home mom kind of like grew into that as well but I don't like crowds and I don't like going crazy places and back were first married she was fine with that type of environment and kind of enjoyed that environment and that that's changed a lot so now I get like anxiety and I freak out so he's had to just be patient and grow with me as I find out who I am and so I think that's the hardest thing about being married young is you don't know who you are and I remember people told me that I was like I totally get it it's true and you can still do it we've been married 10 years and we love each other just as much if not more than but we had to grow together yeah you definitely if you're gonna get married young just be open-minded that one of you may you know both of you're one of you may change you know you're just what you enjoy your your likes your dislikes your personalities you know and some of that could change a little bit gotta be open-minded and willing to adjust with that says how old are you and your husband and how long have you been married so we're about 30 31 and been married 10 years yeah 10 years we both have November birthday's about five days apart yeah five days apart I'm five days older than her she said she never date anybody younger so I'm into fitness early okay have you always been a stay-at-home mom yes when we got married he knew from the get-go I want to be staying home home and I was never gonna draw minivan no no discs anybody who ate a service that was on the table there so I had my job working as a nanny once I finished up school and I'll talk more about that later but he was still working part-time to bank and go into school so I was bringing in the big bucks which was two thousand a month yeah and we were taking 1,500 of that to pay off my student loans because we knew I couldn't stay at home if we had any bills so we didn't have from the get-go we have never had car payments or credit cards but we had enough student loan I did have a car loan right before we got married and I pick it off yeah before it up before the wedding day yeah so we lived off my small salary while earning apartment I mean tiny I could vacuum the entire apartment without unplugging does anybody understand like how small that is have a dining room we don't have a kitchen table and then we didn't even have barstools because where our barstools would go I had a loveseat so we literally spent TV trays for three years it was there yeah for three years we lived there and so right around three years is when you were graduating from college and the last month of school we started trying and thankfully got pregnant with Savannah so when he walked across the stage I was already pregnant and a few months later we bought our first home and I retired from my job I started a new job right after college so I had a new job new house new baby all with it and I started staying at home you know so she stopped working all within the same year yeah so when I was about three months pregnant is when I became the stay-at-home mom so you too until you are you gonna have more kids and what is your least favorite chore around the house who's your favorite youtuber and are we gonna have more kids no no we we've had a lot of discussions about a lot of talks and we're we're happy we're happy one I went through a phase any of you that have an only child or want to have an only child I went through a phase and it still sneaks up sometimes it's like I want to want more kids but it just never happened and we would talk to each other like are you ready another one and neither one of us was ready and I'm the type of person when I want something I want it like two days right now yes she knows when she wants it and we decided we didn't want to have a child just because such a society told us we were supposed to or because Savannah needs a branch she has plenty a friend she has cousins yeah so that's just where we decided you know we have a whole adoption story where we had a process of thanking that's where God was leading us and he shut every door slammed it in her face and so I learned okay maybe that's not where we're being called and as sad and a hard time it was it was very very hard and very very stressful I feel like God had more for me and it's this channel because there's no way if I had a baby in this house I could do this I just don't Hannibal like stress and chaos so I'm thankful for the shut doors because they opened this one so no we don't plan on having more but I never say never write because God's funny that way and we hit the you know we get to have you know a lot more time of Savannah and you know what I'll just share time split time we get to give her our you know undivided attention so she enjoys that well the fun fact I'm an only child yeah his cousin is an only child so we both come from like small family a small family it's okay um what is one thing okay okay hey Savannah we want to hear your favorite youtuber just you of course I'm sure your kids would agree you have a little girl Jojo see what that's her favorite okay mine's Crispin Casper of course yeah yeah she loves Kristin she watched us she's watched her from the beginning so she does love her me of course Ashley you know she's my favorite youtuber besides Ashley Miranda sings I'll know if you've heard of Miranda sings but she's hilarious and family recently picture and even link her below she's funny yeah she's pretty funny so she's got to be my favorite right now I go for people that like inspire me and motivate me to get my house clean and he goes towards like whoever made me laugh the loudest assume I get a tour yes okay you can do this one too it says what is one thing from each of you off your bucket list so mine and hopefully with YouTube maybe one day I'll actually get a paycheck and I would love to walk into the Louis Vuitton store and buy a new purse you guys have seen my Louis Vuitton and I've had about three or four but I always buy them secondhand I've never got to like experience walking in and buying one so that's on my bucket list what's the full case of the series for lol ok so I'm sure you guys have noticed the lol dolls in her room and she wants to buy the full case of them yeah yes me I love sports I'm not huge in sport so you Frye seeing the March Madness bracket hanging up on the wall that we've got right now but I played baseball in high school I'm a huge baseball fan I'm a huge Red Sox fan and being in a Red Sox fan I can't stand the Yankees of course so my I think my you know biggest bucket list be oh go to a Red Sox and Yankees postseason game I guess it would be the American League Championship Series they would be facing each other and I'd love to go to Fenway Park and watch them play each other the Red Sox and Yankees and if we ever get to do any of those totally vlog yet see you guys can be a part of it definitely do you have a workout routine that fits into your schedule in it so what is it no don't workout routine cleaning vacuuming thank you for that I mean I have in face it's like when I was pregnant I worked out every day and there's been seasons where I try really hard to like I'll do workout videos we're big walkers in this family so like during the day you've seen in my vlogs me and Savannah walk and once it's warm outside and not rainy or cold we walk every night in the neighborhood and we're just active people like we don't sit down a whole lot yeah so I feel like that helps spring and summer we're outside all the time right and walking around the neighborhood I play competitive softball so a couple months during the year I'm playing at least once a week sometimes tournaments and that's not so much better where have you traveled okay well weapon - yeah for a honeymoon we went to Puerto Vallarta Mexico and then about a month later we went - yeah with Kansas City to watch the Royals play the Yankees I think and then when we were pregnant with Savannah we went to Boston it gets go to Boston the Red Sox play we got to go fill my Park see the Red Sox place that was fun we've been to Destin Florida Destin twice I think we've been to Destin Florida growing up we've been to more like I'm into Savannah Georgia we wanted to take our daughter Savannah and we named her after Savannah the city in Georgia so we took her there so that was fun so any exotic destinations you'd like to visit I think tropical is what we'd be more into the beach you know that's more of our interest so I first st. Lucia has really pretty yes maybe that's the one place she could actually get me out of the house and I only take short trips so that's hard we can't get too far away otherwise it's not worth the time traveling yeah you are honeymoon I think it was three three days three nights four days pretty sure most people so yeah we take short vacation that's for sure you have to learn to like grow with me yes I can be gone a week and be just fine how much do you make doing YouTube I know it's a personal question so if it's not answered I understand I'm happy to answer it I make sick on YouTube right now we've applied for Adsense a couple months ago and their delays yeah what tubes yeah YouTube's delayed on their whole approval process so we've been eligible for a couple of months a little over two months now so just kind of waiting for that to kick in with ads so definitely no money and then it's still it's still a small amount compared to each of you but I will make money that way sometimes you guys will see me do a sponsorship and that's just to kind of help reimburse for the hours of day I spent working and the equipment what was your biggest buy and did you overcome it we might mainly when I get hungry as I say we find mainly about little things like food yeah and it's because I get mean hungry and if you guys have watched any of my other videos or question ones I probably mentioned that but once again he's learned Who I am and to grow with me and he knows when I start getting like nippy then we go to Olive Garden feed me like what's like that I'm happy but like when food gets out of my belly I just I demand yeah we'll stop bringing up everything from the past so luckily you didn't date me first in seventh grade exactly luckily we've had a really good marriage that hasn't had any issues just little little small things we started our marriage off on the right foot and so it's made marriage it's not easy no matter how you start but and we were both merchants when we got married and so there's a lot of fights you know we've always been faithful and true so we don't have any like big major issues that cause a lot of virtual water that fortunate I mean and money money money and food money yeah money at first I feel like we're good now before I had like my own set budget during the month it was hard cuz there for a while I had to ask I felt like I was asking daddy anytime I needed something and so that was a hard point in the beginning of her marriage and when we were paying off student loans and I would see my friends and new outfits and earrings and makeup and taming and I like had nothing and I was making what we thought was good much good money at the time but we couldn't touch it so that was a hard time if you guys can work into your budget were you guys like he doesn't even really take his own money for the month but like I have a set amount and that's mine and I take it in cash so he has no idea how I spend what I do with it it's my money and it's all my food are like special treats for me and Savannah or just you know a t-shirt or something like that but yeah we'll do another finance we'll do a real diamonds to let you know how we you know how we feel about finances how we handle our own and that type of thing questions on Instagram so once again follow me over there if you guys have questions about that and I'll make a post okay I just want to say I really enjoy your videos thank you my question is does your house ever get messy I feel like you clean your clean house I have two boys and no matter how hard I try I feel like it's a disaster okay maybe I'm over-exaggerating by the way my boys do help out cleaning that's nice so the first question was did your house ever get messy yes I mean we click here guys now does it get as messy as let me watch you boys no I have one daughter and she's me made over as far as cleaning so we pick up after ourselves we have a dog that doesn't shed and we kind of did that because of allergies but like light floors and countertops and I mean there's kids in here we have the neighborhood kids there's fingerprints my floors get dirty you guys can't tell from the camera my countertops have crumbs on them we'll have jackets shoes when the kids come over jackets shoes toys all over the house for her you know as long as they're here there's a few of you that ask for tips and the biggest tip is declutter your home you guys think my house is clean because I don't have clutter or soon yeah it looks clean and so it tricks the eye so when somebody comes over they don't see the crumbs on the counter I mean you can if you're like here in person but you know that's my number one cleaning tip is declutter your home quick move quit spending time just moving stuff around that you don't need and so yeah my house is not always clean it may look clean but it's always clean okay she also said what camera and editing program do you use and one more who does your graphics so the camera we have right now is the it's the canon SL to an editing program it's wondershare filmora is the editing software that we purchase and graphics me so as far as the he will help me film sometimes cleaning videos but typically I'm filming I'm creating the content filming it editing loading it all that but when it comes to like numbers and yeah track number sponsorships with e-mails back and forth of companies the numbers guy so he can see the days that like I get the most views and so I know to post and stuff so that's why we're doing the Tuesday Thursday Sunday we just feel like that works best for you guys but he tracks all that logs all that he's in you know he talks with the emails as far as sponsorships and what we need what they need approving it telling a lot of people know he's the one that has to say now all the time it was like how else can I say no and because we try to do it nicely we don't wanna be like your promise sucks so we don't like it so that's that what kind of work does your husband do how old are you and do you have any siblings and do you live near them so first of all yeah what I do I'm a numbers guy so I work at a local bank as an analyst my cycles asset control analyst so you know top secret stuff appreciate you saying it so top secret but you won't be in any danger don't worry okay how old are you we've mentioned that we're about 31 do you have any siblings we mentioned he's an only child I have one sister and she's about three and a half years older and she used to live closer to me now she moved towards the Oklahoma City area for about two hours apart so we're so close but not as close as we used to be distance wise okay I'm gonna switch over to different former questions our neighbors are looking at us like we're crazy in here okay where did you guys go to college and what does your husband do for a living so we answer by I went to the University of Central Oklahoma and Edmond and I went to Oklahoma State University that's where I graduated from okay and my I don't know if they asked for somebody else does but my degree was in child development yeah and I was a finance and accounting double major with the numbers I didn't want to go to school it was more that's what you do kind of I mean I did I wanted to get out of town but I always told my dad I was going for my mrs so you know she's married which end up marrying the guy from my hometown so I could have saved like a ton of money true and I thought I'll just do a child development degree because I want to be a stay-at-home mom I think it's helped sit like she's not a textbook baby at all so it's fine I was part of a sorority and I had great friends there so I don't regret it have you always been a tidy organized person yes she has always so I've always been tidy organized and now I feel like in our last house it was smaller but I had more things yeah the biggest thing that changes the decor yeah it was always clean and always organized but I had some more items yeah when we moved in here I started hearing about like the konmari method and that's when I just like right yeah minimalism basically she got it in animalism and so decor went way down got more neutral that type of thing oh we forgot to answer those earlier - what is your favorite and least favorite household chore so I love back you mean go figure so what I can do is hard yeah my least favorite is the dishwasher like the dishes I just I don't like them was he always comfortable with you sharing your lives home and life and yours home those are our life and our home on such a public platform did it take some time getting used to it and do you all set specific parameters before you start so we're still pretty new to it so it says have you gotten used to it I mean we were just a couple months in to doing this way way faster than we're expecting you yeah but you're always comfortable we're pretty open we're pretty open couple with you know most things so this bother us too much you know III think it's pretty cool I've gotten really interested in the whole YouTube platform and how it all works just watching a lot of the big channels and I just think it's really interesting and so yeah I was I was fine with it there are definitely some parameters you know that we set in place and you know we try to not divulge too much personal information and that type of thing so we're careful on some things absurd balance for us because if you were to be our friends and we're like we're very open we we want to be real and share who we are and what we you know where we are but it's hard because most of you guys are amazing but we don't know everybody who's watching so we have to be very careful with you know showing where we live yeah sure yeah just you know can't show certain things just with semana water so we try to just be really so yes we have been very careful but we've always been open to it yeah do you and your family go to church yes yep we go to like church and I've been going there since my senior year of high school so roughly about 13 years and I used to drive from my town to where my sister was going to school to go to that church and then when I moved down there I went there and then by the time I came back to merit chase we had a location and Tulsa and then one has moved even closer to the town bias so I love it I'll link it down below that's where you guys hear some of the music from they have you know obviously they have physical campuses and they're kind of all I don't know how many states now I think six or seven different states 29 campuses but what's really cool is they do I'm Church online so that's what she's gonna link is their website online where you can actually watch all the messages online which is cool I get it as a mom sometimes it's hard to get there it's easier now occur but when she was little I think the first year we didn't go into a building like she cried she was fussy we wanted to go so we would just watch it on our TV if you guys have multiples and their sake and you guys just want to click on it I love him I think he's a great pastor so I'll leave that down below um what was the next one any advice on raising a girl mine will be for in August I'm new to your channel well thank you for watching um I guess the biggest thing I'm teaching her is manners and respect and just kindness confidence and self-worth um I do homeschool her and we do make sure we stay where we're supposed to be but I don't care what my daughter grows up to be as long as she's happy and kind and god-loving and does it to the best of her ability and she's a strong woman so I try to focus more towards those and building her self-esteem and her worth so anything else I'll work on keeping those boys away yeah what made you guys decide to get it yorky so we love big dogs you guys will see if you guys have watched before we have big talk come visit your Tigers visit but my husband and daughter just have like asthma and so when big dogs live inside our house they can't breathe well and I am NOT an outside dog person I feel like they're part of the family no I mean no judgment to anybody that's just how I feel and I can't have my daughter living on an inhaler for a dog so we went with Tiger because he doesn't shed it doesn't make my family achieve they can breathe fine and he is so sweet and so kind and patient with her we've had a lot of kids around I always heard that like small dogs were like nippy and stuff but he is so patient he loves Savannah okay and we'll start trying to speed this up it's really getting long how'd you come up with your channel name this one yeah I came up with a channel I just like rattling stuff off I think was the day she posted her first video that we were like well we're an opposed to do we need to come up with a name so we just started right you know we knew would be Klingon related so we knew she'll have a cue me and so I just started throwing out stuff related to vacuums and yeah till vac him do his part just I just blurted it out and we both liked it okay that's it okay guys in the last question was how do I stay motivated to home-school and I'm the only one in charge of my daughter's education so that's enough to keep me motivated if I don't teach her nobody else is so I've just never lacked in that area I know it's the most important thing that gets done during the day is home school not cleaning not YouTube nothing home school is our first priority and we make sure that's done we're gonna go and wrap this up I'm sorry if it's long we had a lot of questions I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know both of us and learn who we are and kind of where we came if you have any more questions or I skipped it feel free to leave it down below and we hope you guys have a good day and we'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Til Vacuum Do Us Part
Views: 86,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: our story, q&a, get to know us, get to know me, marriage questions, finance quesions, vacations, fighting, youtube, marriage advice, til vacuum do us part, our life, getting married young, how we met, youtube income, how much i make on youtube, oklahoma, kristen kasper, jojo, miranda sings
Id: JLhweVRy1Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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