Are These Really My Ancestors? | The Barefoot Genealogist | Ancestry
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ancestry
Views: 166,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancestry family tree family history genealogy, ancestrydna, ancestry, genealogy, finding your roots, family tree now, best dna test, dna test, dna results, surname, family tree, ancestry dna, ancestors, family search, dna ancestry test, dna discovery, dna testing, genetic testing, dna testing kit, dna kit, dna tests, dna kits, dna genetics, dna test kits, dna analysis, genetics test, ancestry com, chasing, leaf hints, Crista Cowan, Barefoot Genealogist
Id: YxAZ8NgCk1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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