Are There Really "No Good Catholic Men?" w/ Amber Rose

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this person says I this is weave 88 he says I have a two-year-old girl and I'm pushing very hard for her to be a nun due to the Minefield that is modern dating and then he says mostly sarcasm which I hope is true let me say two things and then let you speak yeah go for it I don't feel that way at all like I like I have sometimes joked with my daughters I'm like you are welcome to marry if you find a man who loves you more than Jesus but I don't mean I don't mean that right I I I'm being and they my children know I don't mean that and whereas I would like them to be open to the possibility of becoming a nun there are actually a lot of amazing men I think this is like this myth that it's like we're all becoming increasingly depraved and awful and therefore marriage is impossible like no I know so many young men who go to Franciscan here and young women who are just good and beautiful and decent and normal um and so just this this this despair that well my you know look how crazy things are I mean I get it you love your child you want what's best for them and so I get the place it's coming from but I I would just say be at peace because our Lord was raising up Saints in the first century of the church where Paul was telling the Corinthians to stop like for fornicating with their mother-in-laws right all sorts of crazy crap was happening then it's crazy and it's like it's not it's like yes technology has advanced and the opportunity for depravity is a lot nearer perhaps but but the Lord is still raising up Saints and they're a good decent well-rounded man and well-rounded women and yeah but what do you think no I completely agree I'm a babysitter I've been a nanny for almost like 18 years it's um no eight years hang on I gotta do math no maybe it was like ever since I was 10 whatever I can't do math and I'm 23 now somebody else do the math in the comments I'm 23 I can't do it I'm giving up yeah it's gonna happen it's gen Z it's my gen Z trait um so I babysat so many kids and I've seen so many kids go into the real world who are sheltered by their parents and just give in to everything the world had to offer them because they never knew how to handle it they were never exposed to it they were just like alcohol what's that like you know and so when they went to college they went into the real world they just gave up they let loose they got away from their faith whereas kids who are brought up in their faith I mean I was brought up um we helped the nuns out in Chicago like make soup for the soup kitchen to give to the homeless I was a three-year-old chopping a carrot with an apron that was way too big for me and the nun took the time to you know help me with the knife it was a butter knife but like it took me forever to saw through that hear it but she really took the time and so I always had an appreciation for nuns and when I went to go stay with some Dominican sisters back in last year in October it was just a fantastic experience but I knew it wasn't for me you know and I still have a high appreciation for them but when you raise the kids in the faith but you still tell them about the dangers of the world but that you shouldn't be afraid of it that's right you know because it almost becomes forbidden fruit right and but then you also are raising children who have this defensive posture against the world that isn't healthy either right yes you've seen we've seen that in people right where they kind of get raised in these strict environments where everything is evil but first of all this is not true and so it's not helpful to say things that are false most things are not intrinsically evil right you know right Jeff Thomas says I'm a 25 year old man and I learned so much from Jason Everett's the dating blueprint Amber speaks truth I'm not in a relationship but still looking can't wait for the book club you have a book club yeah the book club starts in October 3rd yeah we're starting with the screw tip Letters by C.S Lewis really excited for that this person Mark says women can help by giving men creating the opportunity for men to approach hang out after Mass go to events let men talk to one-on-one in group settings fair enough yeah I do think that women tend to stick with their clicks their girl clicks quite a bit and it can get hard it can be hard to get them alone I've even experienced that trying to get girlfriends I'm just like you know um that's how Chloe and I met though I love I love that my guys are like and maybe they're my guys where they came over here because they've been on your channel but I love that they're asking you dating advice this person says question for Amber once a girl gives you the old I just want to be friends is there any chance no chance I'm sorry I mean I I'm sorry if she if she says it she means it you know if she wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it and so I think what's frustrating for men is they get told two things they get told you're too passive and you don't approach women and then when they do approach women they're accused of being awkward and fair enough maybe they are but it's kind of awkward thing to do right so they're accused of being awkward or they're accused of like I already said no so yeah it's a bit different I think it's I think women also need to give the men some Grace due to the fact that like a they need to check themselves as well because men will approach a woman and then the woman will be like no I'm not interested but then she'll be like in the background and then he'll be like oh she's interested and then he comes up and he's just like hey do you want to go on a date and she's just like no no no thank you very much for watching that clip before you go do us a favor click like click subscribe and if this really meant something to you help us out by sharing it
Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 23,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aquinas, catholicism, catholic, pints with aquinas, matt fradd, theology, debate, religion, st. thomas aquinas, thomas aquinas, philosophy
Id: yvGK48NbLiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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