Are There Different Levels of Perfect Pitch?

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It would be even better if he could sing 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/greekfire212 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] for those of you that have asked me if I'm ever gonna do another video with my son Dylan demonstrating his perfect pitch we just did one I'll play the entire video in a couple minutes my first experience with social media or with maybe mainstream social media came from a video that I posted on my personal Facebook channel back in 2015 forty years ago this video made its way around the world with about 22 million views altogether and a lot of people thought it was fake here's a little clip from it the reason that some people thought it was fake is that they don't know what perfect pitch is and the other thing is that Dylan is actually naming really complex chords and that clip you just saw he said the chord C augmented over D flat augmented well when I realized that Dylan had perfect pitch he was about three and a half or so sharp so I experimented to see how many notes he could hear simultaneously and when I realized he could hear as many as I could play I started teaching a music theory D major ovary flat augmented [Music] a flat E flat augmented over the course of the next year I did a couple more videos also mainly on Facebook not really on YouTube because my YouTube channel has hadn't really started each time we did a new video we tried to explore some new concept like in this video Dylan is actually writing the notation it's been about three years since we've done one of these videos and we just did one here it is all right Dylan as we did this sing a flat [Music] okay sing from the bottom up this [Music] over the top down this is a tricky one here [Music] it's named this for Dylan yeah what about this Court seeking the bottom up [Music] with name of this for Dylan see the major major seven le D minor st. a minor [Music] don't by double Pollock or Dylan what's this a flat major Byrne G Lydian over after major over F minor sang G Lydian - no - these about this so Dylan tell people how much you use your perfect pitch barely you do even ever think of it when you're listening to songs no the only time you use it is when you tell me to if I asked Dylan what a chord is or something he'll tell me that but other than that it doesn't even occur to you correct great is it annoying yes but out of tune notes don't bother you right yeah Dylan's perfect pitch is one thing that's not incredibly rare one in 10,000 people have it but there are many degrees of perfect pitch some people can identify maybe a couple notes in one chord strike some people can identify only one note to be able to identify what you're hearing exactly you actually need to know music theory if you're saying a chord like Dylan said in there the C diminished major seven over D minor I've been asked over the last couple years when are you gonna do an ear training course well I've been working on one for the last two years it's just about done when I say it's just about done I would say that it will probably be out at the end of this month in August it's taken a long time to actually synthesize how you actually train a person's ear to be able to hear incredibly complex music intervals melodies rhythms then the complexity of chords when you talk about modal cores poly tonal chords things like that this is a very sophisticated process and it takes repetition of very specific things so this is something that I've been working on thinking about how to present in an app form which is coming out as and like I said it'll be out probably later this month or so now I'm sure there's many questions that you have to ask about this I'll try and answer as many as I can in the comment section but this isn't some kind of a trick and people say oh perfect pitch is some type of trick that you know is really useless well that's completely not true perfect pitch for someone like Beethoven who was completely deaf at the end of his life when he wrote his ninth his late string quartets he had to hear all of this music in his head in order to write it but even more helpful is relative pitch because people eventually lose perfect pitch beginning in their 50s most people do it goes off by half step and then later on it disappears completely but relative pitch you have for your whole life so it's much more important if you have any questions remember to leave them in the comment section please subscribe here to my everything music YouTube channel if you're a new subscriber here remember to ring the bell if you're interested in the Beato book or anything in my store this is how I actually am able to make videos for free it's all there follow me on Instagram I post a lot of different stuff on Instagram that's a trick B out of one remember to do that and if you really want to support the channel even more think about becoming a member of the B Auto Club thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 959,773
Rating: 4.9438996 out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, perfect pitch, relative pitch, ear training, absolute pitch, how to develop perfect pitch, dylan beato, the worlds greatest ear, perfect pitch kid, absolute pitch training, perfect pitch training, pitch training, absolute pitch vs perfect pitch, absolute pitch test, absolute pitch charlie puth, perfect pitch test piano, perfect pitch test twoset, perfect pitch test chords
Id: vXivZlPu0ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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