Are The Khajiit The WEAKEST Race In The Elder Scrolls?

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the key sheets are the feline people of elsewhere a land found on Tamriel's southern coast and ancient people they are native to the continent unlike most other vases whilst men traveled to Tamriel from you CUDA or at morva or the elves from old mirrors thicker sheets had already built in ancient civilization in the dense jungles and harsh deserts of elsewhere although they are natives of the continent they have not often ruled themselves subject to both the Empire and the Dominion the Khajiit have often found themselves sandwiched between their two colossal neighbors sieve adele and the summerset isles consequently in this video I want to explore the possibility that the Khajiit are actually the weakest race moon sugar might seem an inconspicuous place to start this narcotic is a grainy white powder that comes from elsewheres unique grasses its effects include making the user euphoric silly and hyper in its most dangerous and potent form skooma the user is elevated to an even greater high but the downside is that when the effects eventually wear off the users left depressed and lethargic moon sugar and its derivatives like skooma are highly addictive and long-term use adults the brain you only need to visit boomers Coumadin in the fourth game oblivion as proof of this every Khajiit consumes moon sugar on an almost daily basis small quantities are absolutely fine often it's used to season and improve the taste of food and to just give the disposition something of a boost however it's undeniable that as a race the key sheets have a problem the easy access to this potentially dangerous drug means that many of them are helplessly addicted and dependent on moon sugar itself and it's more addictive byproducts I mean just imagine if upwards of thirty percent of your country's population were addicted to drugs it would easily hemorrhage the economy cause high levels of crime and leads to millions of premature deaths this is one of the key issues within keshite society perhaps the reason why they've been so prone to domination has been the fact that they're weakened by the large number of them who are constantly high conversely one of the coolest elements about the Khajiit s-- is the fact they come in so many shapes and sizes there are 17 different forms or first stalks the Khajiit can take so in alphabetical order here they are the ALF eek look like common house cats the smallest of the Khajiit it is the most cute and least threatening on appearance however unlike the common house cat the alfie can speak and cast deadly magic indeed due to the absence of arms they have to use magic to do basic things like clothe themselves it should be noted that for most of these variations there's a sub variation called the rat so in the case of the Alf eek there's the Alfie rat which is a slightly larger variation of the Alfie I'm not going to go through all these sub variations just the main ones next we have the cafe who are quite simply humanoid cats the ones you most commonly see in the older Scrolls games they have two legs arms butt fur covering all their body the dagi are a less common form of Kaji's they are small and light resembling a Khajiit with dwarfism often they're compared to monkeys because they can quite easily climb trees and they're very agile Theo mez Khajiit look almost like men they have much less fur than their cousins and they actually have to paint their faces to make themselves look more feline so the aren't mistaken as humans the palmar and their sub variants are massive must Lika sheets that resemble tigers if they had two legs often employed as bodyguards they are literally the body builders of their vase Vicente is not to be confused with the scent chez Tiger they look similar but the San chez are intelligent like their brethren they're essentially a Khajiit but in the body of a tiger the SU they are slimmer formed Khajiit but of normal size and they usually make great sailors the toj' are an on known quantity there are only statues of them and from appearances they seem to be akin to the soothe a the last type of Khajiit is the most significant the main is one of a kind only one main can exist at one time some kg actually believe that the main is the same being throughout history just reincarnated and essentially the main is the king of the key sheets or the spiritual leader the diversity among the Khajiit population is both a strength and a weakness for instance the fact that a proportion of them are born as the outfeed type who look like diminutive house cats already means that less of them available for conscription equally even the more normal types of keshite like the dagi or the Sioux they are light and weak hardly soldier material by comparison the Imperial population is modernist this makes conscription much easier and means that more of the population has utility but in a way the fact that the Khajiit are so diverse means that as a race they have a variety of strengths to play upon the palm are as strong as orcs foster dagi or as agile as the Bosma but on the whole I think that their diversity is a greater weakness than is a strength purely on the basis that some of these forms of Khajiit have a lot less use than others especially the smaller weaker forms especially when it comes to warfare however a consistent deficiency across their species seems to be an inability to use magic effectively j'zargo in Skyrim is very much the exception most Khajiit detest magic and have no natural aptitude for it the only exception are the ALF eek they make up their small size by summoning a truenox and casting other such deadly spells but again they're limited by their size nonetheless you can imagine that in a battle or small cat is extremely vulnerable whether they can cast spells or not if they're stepped on by a soldier wearing steel boots then they are dead in an instant equally the sheets are a fundamentally divided society and this is reflected in the time of Skyrim elsewhere is split between two kingdoms Palatine and an acquire Palatine is situated in the southern half of the country populated by a wealthy and civilized Khajiit society the north by contrast is far less developed historically home to nomadic Khajiit his culture and society are more rough than its southern neighbor indeed for most of history these two kingdoms have been set they are only united briefly under the elsewhere Confederacy during the septum Empire I mentioned before that there exists the main who is a sort of uniting figure among the Khajiit but he's less of a king and more of a spiritual leader if you think of the Buddha or something like that at the end of the day is the culmination of a lot of these deficiencies that makes the Khajiit relatively weak as a vase the combination of widespread crippling drug addiction but divided between north and south and their ineptitude magically renders the Khajiit one of the most unfortunate vases hence why they've been dominated historically by their larger neighbors anyway thank you for watching this video please let me know whether you agree either keshite the weakest race or is there another contender equally please let me know what videos you would like me to make in the future and if you want to see more than feel free to subscribe anyway thanks again and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Avarti
Views: 76,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, avarti, plays, theory, elsewyr, khajit, elder scrolls lore, cat people, argonian, high elf, the mane, void nights, thalmor, tamriel, elder scrolls races, elder scrolls skyrim, skyrim, j'zargo, khajit caravan, khajit theory, khajit lore, khajiit, khajiit lore, anequina, Elsweyr
Id: N1Cxy3-JDjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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