Are the 2020 Beta Enduro Models KTM Killers? I Say YES!

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hey there everybody you're watching dirt bike Channel I'm your host Kyle Brotherton and today I'm gonna talk about the 2020 lineup from beta if you're on the fence and you're using KTM and you're thinking you want to try something different go for the beta jump ship come on over because it you're gonna have a soft landing over here on on the beta [Music] so I've been in connection with Tim pilk he's the president of bata USA and I found out that the press release that happened earlier this week was just for the standard are our models and then the dual sport models the race Edition press release will happen later this year in September that was one of my big questions and a lot of the questions that everyone has out there is that it all of a sudden it looks like there's eight models and there wasn't a race edition well it's just because the race edition press release will happen later so you'll still be able to get some of those things later on we're just gonna talk about the standard version stuff and there's some pretty exciting things here because they finally are going to come to the party the Italian princess it took a while for her to get ready but she's finally coming to the party with a counterbalanced two-stroke motor obviously I'm gonna go over the two-stroke and the four-stroke stuff but I'm super super stoked about this counterbalanced two-stroke motor and the question the answer to the question should you try a beta the answer is resoundingly yes I'm standing in front of a 2019 beta 390 RR right here and this is my favorite four-stroke today as far as an enduro four-stroke this is the race Edition it's got amazing Forks and here's the thing if you can put me on a counterbalance two-stroke 250 or 300 with these Forks I will take that I will take that right now sign me up because it's a fantastic fantastic fork and if I can get that motor that's counter balanced then I'm all-in on that so that that is amazing and props to beta hats off to you guys for fun for finally coming and giving us what we want at least in that one in that one sense it's gonna be awesome so let me just kind of go through some of the things so basically they've got there are two hundred there twenty twenty RR and RR s models they are RS models are kind of the dual sport models they're all new it's a new generation I'm just gonna kind of take some of the highlights from the press from the press release there's eight different engine sizes four of them or four-stroke four of them or two-stroke so that's awesome baby's tagline has always been right ability and they've got that thing nailed there's another reason why they've got that nailed and that's because not only has theta always had a lower seat height about an inch lower you can now get any of their bikes with a two even lower seat height they call up the lowboy which is pretty cool for a lot of people that are under six feet tall if you're if you're five foot six the beta is probably you're gonna be your best option because it's already lower than like the KTM Xand Huskies and the Yamahas and the Honda's and now you can get it even low lower than that so we're talking three inches lower on a CI that's gonna be something awesome for people that are a little bit shorter they also still have the BYOB I'm not talking about bring your own beer I'm talking about the bring your own or build your own beta program which you can go online and you can just say hey I want this I want this I want this they've got about 400 different upgrades and different parts that you can do everything from suspension to tubeless to moose bibs to all kinds of stuff you know guards protection skis place all types of different things that you can do on the BYOB program so that is awesome something that none of the other providers do as far as the engines on the four-stroke gets a complete redesign they say that they lost about 2.2 pounds right off of the engine it's gonna have the new engines in 2020 all four engine sizes are gonna have twin injectors that's gonna improve the fuel mileage which is good on the four strokes this bike doesn't get the greatest mileage this is the 390 and I've been at a gas on this bike coin my two-stroke buddies were not out of gas so they're going to try to improve the fuel mileage a little bit they're also going to add a neutral sensor on the transmission I don't know exactly why they're doing that but they will add a neutral sensor they're gonna have updated EFI mapping moving over the two-strokes it's a completely they've got an account a balancer in here so this is a game changer a game changer counter balancer in the 250 CC two-stroke and the 300 two-stroke it's not on the 125 the 250 gets a new head it's a cylinder head redesigned too they're saying to improve torque at low rpms there's a few improvements also on the 125 but another thing they have the 200 so you can get a 200 cc bike which is awesome it's something that KTM and husky dropped out so you've got the 125 the 200 the 250 and the 300 so awesome as far as chassis improvements and this goes across the board for the two strokes and the four strokes they've got an all-new frame like these are all new bikes they've done things with the frame increasing rigidity they modified the swingarm they completely redesigned their tail piece and even the front I mean they've gotten they've got a they've got a new filter air boot they've got a new filter mounting system they've got improved fork design now I'm just talking about the standard addition fork but they've they said they've improved that but there's a ton a ton of new things as far as capacity on the tanks four-stroke is giving a 2.4 gallon tank which I think this is only this 20mm 19 is only a 2 there may be a 2.2 gallon they're gonna be 2 point 4 gallons on the 4 strokes and 2.5 5 US gallons on the 2 strokes so that's gonna help they're saying they're putting wider handlebars I don't know why they're doing that but they say it's for greater control I know a lot of guys chop the handlebars down so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not and awesome check it out they're putting a new a side stand with a bigger foot pad this side stand right here which I will talk about my full review of this 2019 beta 390 RR that side stand is almost useless because the foot is too small I can't even use it right outside my shop on the grass because the bike will tip over it will push down into the grass and it won't stand up because the foot isn't big enough so they're fixing that which is awesome they've redesigned the skid plate there they're doing a new license plate holder and they will have the integrated hand handles which these handles I wish so many of the other manufacturers would do the integrated handles right there so really cool things and then and then they list the pricing out the 125 starts at like 8 grand and then the 500 dual-sport one is like almost $11,000 so they've got those things out here the two-stroke models will be available in September and the four-strokes will be available in November that's that's all I've got on that you can read the press release but here's the thing that I'm excited to hear more about the race Edition bikes because I love love-love-love the race Edition bikes from beta beta is an awesome company and I think they're gonna pick up a bunch of people coming over from KTM there are a bunch of people that don't like the fact that you can't get a 250 or a 300 KTM now that doesn't have a carburetor these two-stroke bikes not this one but the two-stroke betas will still have a carburetor it's the keikain carburetor that everyone is super super pumped on everyone this happy with it's the carburetor that used to be on a lot of the other bikes forever and so people I think made it is gonna pick up a bunch of customers and why not it's a freakin good bike and now it's gonna have a motor that's gonna be awesome I'm sure of it like beta they make it a quality product the only question is can you get parts as easily here in the US and you can't get them quite as easily but more and more dealers are coming online and maybe your dealers gonna carry more parts a lot of the dealers that I'm dealing with don't carry a lot of parts for the bikes that I'm not speaking speaking specifically about the beta dealers because I haven't tried to get the parts through the beta dealers anyway so I'm excited about that I say if you're if you're on the fence thinking like hey I might be with KTM and I'm thinking about jump and ship over to beta I say go for it let me say that again if you're on the fence and you're using KTM and you're thinking you want to try something different go for the beta jump ship come on over because it you're gonna have a soft landing over here on on the beta these things are they're awesome and they're getting better and better every year I can attest to that super excited for this 2020 lineup I don't know if you can hear to my voice or not but that's what I've got if you like these videos please remember to like and subscribe and share them with your friends also you can support me by using the links down in the description you can go to patreon is the only way I'm supporting my family guys so honey your contribution is valued way more than ever I also give away dirt bikes from time to time unfortunately I will not be giving this bike away because this is a loaner from beta yes beta is such a cool company that they loaned this bike to me for three months to use but I will be giving away two bikes later this year so stay tuned for those details that will the sweepstakes will be happening in October and November and probably a little bit into December I'm gonna give two dirt bikes away and give two different people dirt bikes for Christmas stuff anyway thanks for tuning in guys and I appreciate it we'll see in the next video
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 169,167
Rating: 4.827518 out of 5
Keywords: Beta, enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm, range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, husqvarna
Id: woZRrZp0KT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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