Are $199 Shimano Alfine Internal Gear Bicycle Hubs GENIUS or Terrible?

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I've analyzed many of the top tier bicycle  gearboxes on this channel, but have spent little   time discussing the Shimano internal gear hubs  that offer almost unbelievable value for money. So, just how good is a $200 Shimano hub?   And should you switch from your derailleur  gear system to an internal gear hub? I will answer all of this and much more  in this in-depth Shimano Alfine video. I've actually spent many years using and  abusing Alfine hubs, including on a mountain   bike that I built specifically for wet and  muddy conditions. But over the last decade,   I've been riding around the world on expensive  Rohloff 14-speed hubs. With a good handle on both   gear systems, I'll be drawing comparisons  between these hubs throughout this presentation. But first, what is an internal gear  hub? And what are the advantages? Internal gear hubs replace the derailleur  gears on a bicycle, and you can actually   remove the derailleur drivetrain from your bike  and fit one up. Internal gear hubs usually offer   between 3 and 14 different gear ratios that  are hidden inside a weather sealed hub shell.   As a result, you get a significant  reduction in drivetrain maintenance,   and with fewer components exposed to the  elements - a reduction in running costs too. For example, I've known shimano hubs to work  well for around 90,000km. Add in the nine chains,   six rear sprockets, and three front sprockets  that your drivetrain will wear through over   that distance, and you're looking at under $350 to  ride more than twice the circumference of Earth! Additionally, should you crash or drop your bike,   there is no rear derailleur or hanger to  put out of alignment, or worse, destroy. Other nice features include the ability to  shift gears while stationary, and the rear   wheel can also be built stronger thanks to  the shorter spokes and even spoke tension. To cut down on drivetrain  maintenance even further,   you can pair internal gear hubs with belt  drivetrains. These drivetrains are cleaner,   quieter, and longer-lasting. In fact,  they can last upwards of 30,000km. I've been riding belt drivetrains across  multiple continents for over a decade now,   and have worn through just  four belts in that time. In terms of gear hub manufacturers, Rohloff  and Kindernay make very expensive hubs that   in many circumstances can outperform derailleurs.  Sturmy Archer has manufactured internal gear hubs   for over a century. And Shimano is easily the  biggest manufacturer of gear hubs on the planet. Let's now take a closer look at  the Shimano Alfine hubs. But first,   if you haven't seen my Bikepacking and Touring  Bicycle Buyer's Guides - check them out. They   are updated yearly for free and will teach you  everything you need to know about the bikes   before allowing you to compare over  270 different bikes at the back of the   books. I've even included all  the gearbox bike options too. Shimano released their first internal gear hub in  1957 and has slowly built on their multi-speed hub   designs ever since. The Alfine series components  come under the urban umbrella in Shimano's   product range, and they're the highest quality  internal gear hubs that Shimano manufactures. You can get Alfine hubs with either 8 or 11 gears.  These hubs offer unparalleled value for money.   You can find the eight-speed hubs for less than  $200 and the eleven-speed hubs for under $400.   That's orders of magnitude cheaper  than a Rohloff 14-speed hub. The low cost of the Alfine products also  translates into complete bikes that are very   well priced. For about $1000 or €1000, you can  get an eight-speed bike with a belt drivetrain,   that's fully decked out and ready to go. Keep an eye out for bikes with Shimano Nexus  8 speed hubs too, as these hubs are virtually   identical to the Alfine 8 speed with the  exception of the brake types available. Also note, that Alfine hubs are only  compatible with regular 135mm dropouts. Let's now take a look at the  differences between the 8   and 11-speed models. First  up, it's the gear range. The gear range of the 8-speed hub is 306% and  the 11-speed hub is 409%. This simply means   that the biggest gear ratio is three times  bigger than the smallest ratio on the Alfine 8,   and it's four times bigger on the Alfine 11. With bigger gear ranges, we can pedal our  bikes across a broader range of speeds,   which is especially handy for pedalling  downhill or with a stiff tail wind.   To understand this concept a bit better, let's  set the lowest Alfine gears so that they have   you spinning the cranks at 60 rpm at 8.4kph. The  wider gear range of the 11-speed hub will allow   you to pedal up to 56kph in the top gear, while  the 8-speed hub will only take you up to 43kph. Next, we're comparing the gear steps. Gear steps  are the percentage difference in gear ratio   when you change your gears. A bike with smaller  gear steps is particularly nice at higher speeds,   as you can better fine-tune your gears to achieve  the cadence you're most comfortable riding. The Shimano Alfine 8-speed averages 17% gear steps  across its gear range. To give you a sense of how   this compares to a derailleur drivetrain, it's a  bit higher than a 1X mountain bike drivetrain. In   comparison, with the exception of the first gear  (which is an unusually large gear step of 29%),   the Alfine 11 averages a much smaller   13.5%. This is more like a 1X gravel  bike cassette with 11-42T sprockets. It's worth noting that the  11-speed hub offers consistent   and predictable gear steps throughout its range.  In comparison, the 8-speed hub has 14% to 22%   steps between the gears, which means that  gear changes won't feel quite as predictable. The lubrication system is another  difference between the hubs.   The Alfine 11-speed hub operates inside an  oil bath. The big advantage of this design   is that it is hard for water and debris to move  their way inside the hub shell. The downside is   that oil slowly leaks out the side, so you  will need to wipe everything down regularly. In comparison, the Alfine 8-speed rolls  on thicker greases and oils. This is a   pretty fuss-free design, although if it's not  grease-packed appropriately for wet environments,   water can and will work its way into the hub. We can also compare the drive efficiency of these  hubs. Interestingly, both Shimano Alfine hubs   average around 90% drive efficiency, although  the eight-speed hub has gears that are both   more and less efficient than the 11 speed.  This is approximately 5 to 7% less efficient   than a clean and well-lubricated derailleur  drivetrain, but note that this doesn't mean   you'll be 5 to 7% slower on an Alfine bike.  When you do the maths, it's closer to 2%   or a minute per hour slower when compared  to a well-lubricated derailleur drivetrain. That said, in poor weather conditions it's  not unfeasible for the Alfine hubs to work   out more efficient, as there are fewer places in  the drivetrain for mud and debris to get caught. The weight of both Shimano Alfine hubs is about  1.7KG. To give you a frame of reference normal   rear hubs are often under 500G. It might sound  like an Alfine hub will add a significant amount   of weight to a bike, but when we peg Alfine bikes  against derailleur bikes at similar price points,   we often end up with a weight  penalty of less than half a kilogram.   And the lightest Alfine bike  I've ever seen was just 7.6KG! Let's now compare the cheap Shimano  Alfine hubs to expensive Rohloff hubs. Rohloff hubs are generally considered  the gold standard of internal gear hubs   as they are built incredibly well and experience  very few failures. They also offer 14 gears   across a 526% gear range, which is about the  same as a modern mountain bike drivetrain. In addition, they've been tested to be  around 4% more efficient than the Alfine   hubs across the gear range. There is even  a guy out there who has cycled 430,000KM   on a Rohloff hub, which is about five  times the life expectancy of an Alfine hub. These are all great characteristics,   but the Shimano hubs are actually better than  a Rohloff hub in a number of ways! In fact,   on balance, I think the Alfine hub  is the best hub for most people. So, what is better about the Shimano Alfine hubs?   The biggest reason for me is that they  run significantly quieter, especially   in the lower gear ratios. The Rohloff hub is  particularly noisy in gears five, six and seven. The price of an Alfine hub is more than $1000 less   than a Rohloff setup, resulting in  a great price-to-performance ratio. Alfine hubs are built around a trigger shifter,   which many people prefer over  Rohloff's twist shifter design. You can use some Alfine hubs with electronic  shifters that will complete perfect shifts   every time, as there is no cable housing  that can be affected by mud or grit. Alfine hubs also tend to be better for  drop bar bikes as they're compatible   with various aftermarket shifters, or even  the Shimano Di2 electronic shift levers. I've just mentioned that Alfine hubs are excellent  thanks to their electronic shifting, so let's take   a closer look at those components. You might be  thinking that electronic shifting is a bit of a   gimmick, but when you understand how Alfine hubs  shift - it can be worthwhile. This is because it's   the shifter that controls the alignment  of the planetary gears in an Alfine hub.   That means that improper cable adjustment and  dirty or damaged cables can prevent the hubs   internal components from engaging properly, which  can result in gear slipping, grinding, or worse - internal components breaking inside  the hub and making a mess of things.   Electronic shifters make perfect shifts every time,  ensuring you do not damage anything inside the hub   from improper cable maintenance. Out of the two  Alfine hubs, electronic shifters make the most sense   on the 11 speed model, as the cable adjustment  is especially sensitive. It's worth noting   that you cannot upgrade Alfine hubs from a  mechanical shifter to an electronic shifter.   The Di2 hub design is different. Electronic  shifters are also nice on dropbar bikes   as you can easily pair them with Shimano hydraulic  brakes for an ultra-low maintenance brake setup.   Additionally, the Di2 dropper levers can be  programmed in a number of ways. You can change the   buttons so that your left hand shifts down, and  your right hand shifts up. And you can hold the   buttons and shift multiple gears at once. Let's now  discuss how Alfine hubs feel to ride in comparison   to Rohloff hubs. In terms of ride feel, the Alfine  hubs are 'spongy' compared to Rohloff hubs due to   the use of roller clutches inside the hub. You  can actually see how much forward movement there   is in the hub when you step on the pedals from  stationary. When riding, this is only noticeable if   you mash your pedals at a slow cadence. It's not at  all noticeable at higher cadences. The gear steps   are actually quite similar between the Rohloff and  Alfine 11 for the most part. The thing you might   miss is the extra wide gear range of the Rohloff. The shifting on the Alfine hub is incredibly fast   when the shift cable and cassette joint are  running perfectly. But when either of these   components get muddy or gritty, shifting is not  as instantaneous as a Rohloff hub. The Rohloff holds the advantage here, as the gear indexing  is inside the hub rather than from the shifter.   My focus on this channel is bike travel. So, can  you use Alfine hubs for touring and bikepacking?   You will find lots of people who have successfully  completed bike trips on Shimano Alfine hubs.   In fact, the around the world record was  once set on a Shimano Alfine 8-speed hub.   But there are two things that prevent  me from recommending Alfine hubs to   all bike travellers. Please note, that these issues  do not apply to everybody in every situation.   Firstly, Shimano Alfine hubs have a lack of  low climbing gears. Low climbing gears are   important for bicycle touring as they allow  you to ride up hills at a sustainable effort   with all of your luggage. When your climbing gear  is too high, you'll be working much harder than   necessary, which results in more muscle fatigue,  and frankly, makes hills much less enjoyable.   Ultimately, the Alfine hubs are optimized for  urban use, which usually means getting around town   on flatter terrain. Shimano's lowest recommended  gear ratio on the alfine hubs is 1.8:1 and 2:1.   When we calculate the climbing gear that this  yields in gear inches - it's simply not low enough   for most bike travel. And it's not by a little  bit either. The first gear on the Alfine is about   the same as the fifth gear on my Rohloff bike!  Riding up steep hills with an Alfine hub either   requires more power output, or a lower pedalling  cadence, both of which will tire you out faster.   And secondly, I have concerns about reliability,  repairability, and spare parts. For touring   an internal gear hub needs to be super reliable.  This is absolutely paramount. Getting an Alfine hub   fixed can waste a lot of time, potentially ruining  a trip. Now, Alfine hubs are often very reliable,   especially the 8-speed model. But it's still not  uncommon to hear of people having problems with   them. I wouldn't be too concerned about  servicing and spare parts in the UK or   Europe, as internal gear hubs are common, and you  are often close to a bike shop that can help.   In the USA, it's probably okay too as long as you're  happy to ship your wheel to a gear hub specialist.   But in the more remote parts of the world,  you should be prepared to ship your wheel   internationally for a repair. You could say  the same thing about a Rohloff hub, but with   their track record for reliability - it's a very  safe bet. Let's now talk about maintenance   and damage prevention of your Alfine hub. Shimano  Alfine hubs are low maintenance, but they are not   zero maintenance. Here are three things you can do  to keep your Alfine hub reliable for many years   to come. Number one: shift cable maintenance.  If you learn how to tune the Alfine gears   and maintain your cables you will likely have  no problems with your hub. In the electronic   shifting section I discussed, in detail, why cable  maintenance will prevent gear slipping, grinding,   or internal components from breaking inside  the hub and making a mess of things. Keeping   your cable adjusted properly will prevent  internal damage. As the 11-speed hubs are much   more sensitive to cable adjustments, you will need  to keep a closer eye on its shifting components.   Number two: make careful gearshifts. It's best  practice to ease your pedal power momentarily   when you change gears. I'm talking just a fraction  of a second here! This is because you can damage   your hub by putting high loads into the internal  components before the shift is 100% complete.   And number three: check the lubrication. As the oil  slowly seeps out of the 11 speed hubs, you will   need to conduct regular oil changes. The first oil  change is the most important one, and it's after   just 500km. After that, it's every two  years or 5000km. If you are using   the eight-speed hub in wet and gritty conditions,  make sure to get the hub re-greased every year.   The grease helps to keep water and grit out of the  hub, and will vastly improve the life of the hub.   I'm now going to discuss lowering the recommended  gear ratio. Some Alfine users have reported   using ultra-low gear ratios to achieve a  similar climbing gear to my touring bike,   and with no problems at all. But I'd be careful  here, especially if you're a heavier and more   powerful rider. With an ultra-low gear ratio  a 100kg/220lb rider can stand on the pedals   and put 143Nm into an Alfine hub, which  is more than the maximum input torque that even   Rohloff allows. And that's a hub rated for tandem  use. Your body weight is critical for minimizing   input torque. With a 1.2:1 gear ratio, a 50kg rider only puts 72Nm into   the hub when standing on the pedals. But if an  80kg rider did the same thing, they would   put 115Nm into the hub, increasing  the chance of internal damage. Here's a table I   made that shows the minimum gear ratios one could  use without exceeding 100Nm of torque.   But use it at your own risk, and please don't tell  Shimano! Let's now go a little bit deeper into the   reliability issues of some Alfine hubs. The name  Alfine is derived from the phrase "always fine", but   a quick search online reveals endless forums with  examples of Alfine hubs that didn't do their job.   The main culprit is the S700 11-speed hub  that was in production between 2010 and 2017.   Oil leaks were aplenty, the cassette joints  sometimes had manufacturing defects, and   if the shift cable was not adjusted correctly,  internal damage was much more probable. The latest   S7001 11-speed hubs employ six new internal  components that were redesigned to prevent damage,   but these hubs do still leak some oil that  periodically needs to be wiped off the hub.   Out of the two Alfine hubs, the eight-speed version  is still considered to be the most durable option.   I'm now going to discuss pairing  Alfine hubs with e-bike motors.   The S7001 series Alfine hubs are rated for e-bike  use, but be careful as the maximum torque of the   motor will need to be on the low side. While there  is no official torque rating for the Alfine hubs,   the STEPS E6000 internal gear drivetrain comes  with a 50Nm motor, so we can assume   it's about that. Speaking of the STEPS internal  gear drivetrains, they're super cool. The Alfine 8   Di2 hub can be set to automatically change gears  for you based on your speed, cadence and torque.   In summary, Alfine hubs are excellent, and for  many people out there, I think they're a better   option than the Rohloff hub. This is because  they're cheaper, quieter, and employ trigger   or neat dropbar shifters. I especially like  the drop bar electronic shifting option.   With an Alfine equipped bike, you will enjoy  just how easy, cheap and low maintenance   an internal gear drivetrain is. Better  yet, pair an Alfine hub with belt drive,   and enjoy a grease-free and long-lasting  drivetrain for years to come. I recommend the   8-speed version for a simple grocery getter, or  for someone who simply wants a bike that works.   For someone who rides a bit more seriously, the 11  speed version offers smaller and more predictable   gear steps, along with the wider gear range. I don't  usually recommend Alfine hubs for touring and    bikepacking, due to the climbing gear ratio that's too  high, and fact that mechanical problems are not   completely unheard of. This is where a long-lasting  and robust Rohloff drivetrain clearly wins out.   But if you ride flatter trips, and keep on top of  the maintenance, Alfine hubs can work great.
Views: 2,231,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shimano alfine, alfine, rohloff, rohloff hub, gearbox, bicycle gearbox, internal gear hub, internally geared hub, gear hub, alfine hub, bikepacking, bicycle touring, drivetrain
Id: qf9tFJFXV5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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