Shimano Nexus 8 Speed Hub Reassembly - Putting It Back Together...

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hey viewers in my last video I tore apart this Nexus 8 speed internally geared hub and if you haven't seen that video go ahead and check it out on clearly in the description but I was just overwhelmed by the amount of parts that were in there and I pretty much gave up any hope of trying to get it back together again but you guys challenged me to try to put it back together so what the heck it didn't work to begin with so what's the worst can happen I'm gonna go ahead give it a shot to start off with I'm gonna clean up all these parts they're just disgustingly greasy so I'm gonna throw in my ultrasonic cleaner and try to get a bunch this grease off so I have nice clean parts to work with okay I spent a bunch of time getting these parts all cleaned up by using my ultrasonic cleaner and degreasers and scrub brushes on this part here I spent a bunch of time I use wd-40 to kind of flush all the old stuff out and then scrubbing on it but they brought the greaser in the scrub brush I think there there was probably just some old dirt and stuff in there was probably jamming this thing up now it's moving in there it's not real smooth because it needs grease speaking of which since I've removed all the old grease from these Parts I need to regress it so I bought some Shimano internal hub grease which is meant for these nexus hubs so I'm ready to start putting it together now the first part I want to install is this little washer right here now notice this little cutout right here the shape of that that shape matches the end of this little part right here so when you would go ahead and install it this little cutout there is gonna fit like right over the end of this part just like this but before I install it when I add some grease now notice also that this part is not symmetrical here these are not opposite of each other it'll be installed this way with the larger section over here but I want to add alike a look just a little bit grease here this on this washer here and maybe insert just a little bit of grease around in here for right now so this part could slide around and slide this on here like this this just like that and then next is this little split ring this will slide over here like this there's a little slot above that washer so I want to go ahead and get it into place and this will hold that washer on just like that so now this washer can slide around and it will actually slide with this little part as this part goes around now I also want to add some grease onto this part here so thick it can slide around and just a little bit of grease and these little sparts there and so just slide around and I want to get a little bit of grease into these little paw parts over here now this slides around and you can see those little Paul's kind of pop it up and down there as this and get this grease kind of worked in here and then this little part here as you can see this part slide around there like that and that's what it's gonna kind of actuate this part over here and get a little bit of grease in here as well and all these little moving parts like this so it's moving smoother there yeah now to make it easier to assemble I installed this into a vise it's being held by the flats of the axle down here the first part I want to install is this and this will slide right onto here but before I install this this spring needs to go inside here there's a little hook down here that needs to hold the end of the spring now the spring is going to be a little bit bigger than the inside diameter here so what I need to do is hook the end of the spring on here and then kind of twist the spring around to tighten it down and so it fits inside there so that's what I'm gonna do right now now this is just tricky as heck so I need to get this hooked that the end of the spring here hooked on the little hook try to get it to stay there and then twist this whole thing around and so if it's inside here and then grab this part and start pulling it around and then get the spring inside there in here like this and then I just kind of push it down so it's fully seated inside here like that and now this part will slide right on there see this little slot right there that's gonna fit over this part right there so this goes slides down there and seats just like that okay the next parts gonna be a little tricky here one of many more tricky little parts here but notice this little hanger right here this is going to hook the spring right here and so when I drop it down there I'm going to turn it so that this hooks this part there now the next part this part here is going to sit down into these two slots here I'll show you like when it gets into place here so I'm gonna drop this down here and then get this rotated around so it hooks the little spring end like that the next I'm going to take this part here and there's enough of down part the little dimples here are gonna face up so these two little parts are gonna fit down if those two little slots there I put this down here but as I rotate this around I want to do is a rotate this counterclockwise so that this whole part here moves and I'm going to rotate it around till the end of those two parts drop down and I'm probably going to need to use like some pliers here so I'm gonna rotate this around and then when you get something round so far here it's gonna I'm gonna push down it's got it drop down into place like that okay so now that's in position and I could push all these parts down nice a nice to see it here's the next tricky part to install right here it's a spring and we'd have to wind it up it has two tabs a short tab and a long tab now the short tab is going to be on the bottom it's going to hook up against this part right here now as we wind the spring up one full turn its going to reduce in diameter and it's going to wrap around this collar and this collar on the bottom and this part is going to be on the top here it's going to wrap around this collar and this collar so this would be sandwiched between this part and this part and then it's got a little tab right here and so we're gonna catch the long tab of the spring right here so now this would be a little tricky here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to place this here with this tab right up against there like that okay so this is a tricky part so I'm going to get this cut down behind that little part there and then I kind of get this on here like this kind of get this ready to go this and that starts bringing this around here and bring this around over to here where the little catch there get it hooked in there and then release this and they get this all pushed down like this just like that now when I get a little bit of grease on here I feel like it got a little bit more grease on the inside there and it'll probably get around there with yous it'll be oil a little bit later get this around there okay this is the next part to be installed here and if you see little tabs in here this is a free rotating ring in there these tabs are gonna fit in between these two little metal parts there's a little gap but throw in there and there's one on the other side the same way and it's just gonna sit in there like that but I'm gonna put some grease on this before I install it and then just set that into place like that next I'm going to install this part the springs are gonna go facing up and these little slots here are gonna go over these little parts here that stick up before I put a lot of with some grease on it and the tips of these little springs here stick down they're gonna go down alongside of those little parts that stick up so just gonna get this in place here and cut pop that spring down like that and then the next part to go in is this and these little parts here that kind of stick down they're gonna go down alongside of these little parts here that stick up again I'm gonna put some a little bit of grease on this and then slide it down with these long parts facing upwards and I'll go down there so now as this rotates around it'll only turn so far because those little things are gonna hit the little things down here are gonna hit these little things down there and stop right that and the next part to go on is this and these little parts that stick up are gonna go into these little slots like that and again I'm open a little bit of grease on this and then slide it down here like this and that'll fit like that so that you see how this kind of turns there and cuz stops again as these kind of hit these little pauls there and those little parts stick it up there and then this is the next part to go on if you notice there are numbers stamped on here and apparently those are supposed to go down so I'm gonna put a little bit of grease on here and install this and then these little parts here are just going to go into these slots here on either side like that now let me show you how this kind of stuff works when the cable gets pulled this part up here gets pulled around rotates and you can watch the little Paul's down here kind of moving in and out but watch this part here it drops down and then those poles continue to move down there so what I think is these Paul's kind of move through four gears then this drops down and then these move through an additional four gears like that so it's pretty cool now the next part to go on is a spring so beware it's tapered there's a wide end at a narrow end the wide end is gonna go down against this part and sits right in this little track down there now finally ready to put this cog back on here and I'm gonna go ahead and grease up around on the outside here where the Paul's are and all along the inside here before I put it on and got a nice bit of grease down in there and then this will just sit right on top of here and push the spring down and then I'll rotate this around so it gets all seated down into here like that now the next part to go on is the bearings here and they're gonna drop out and the cage will be facing up here and they're going to sit down like that and then the next part to go in is the this cone here and these little notches will go into the slots on the axle there that and that's going to go down against the the bearings there and then the next part to be installed is this and these little notches right in here are going to hook onto this little shifting part that was sticking up in here and that will just go on there like that and the next part to go on here is this part here and there are some like little spots in here and then these will go down into the little slots on the side of the axle like that and the next part to go on is this part here and there's some little nubs on the bottom here and then these nubs will go into these little spots right there so it's this position like that and then this gets screwed on here so be careful not to cross thread it and then let me use my adjustable wrench to tighten this down because with an odd size so let's tighten this down like that and then I can spin this around I'll spin this nice and smoothly there and life is good so this part is all together now okay so now I'm ready to start putting this part back together here I'm going to start off with this little bearing ring here first I'm gonna put some grease on all these little bearings here okay so now the positioning of this ring to install it is a little tricky first of all notice that there's an open side of this cage the open sides cage is going to need to be facing downward next we're you're going to want to locate the hole on on here okay there's a hole right here in this little slot that is where the end of this little wire clip is going to go into that hole there so now from that hole there you go clockwise around to this gear first gear to the second gear here now if you look down here below this little gear there's like a little flat spot down here a little indentation down in there there's this little part that sticks up here needs to go down into there and so that's going to line up where this little little notch is going to go because the other end of this little wire clip is going to go into that notch so let's go over that again is there's a little hole where to go around one gear to gear there's a little slot there so that's where this notch is gonna pretty much just line up with that gear there and locate this little notch on here so here's the little notch here so I'm gonna position this down and so that this little that little tab down here is gonna line up with this little inset part there that little flat part there and if you do that right now you're going to get a nice open gap along the top of this little cage there and so now getting this little wire clip in is a little tricky we're gonna start off with this end of the wire clip first it's going to go into that little notch there first and we're gonna wrap this counterclockwise so I'm gonna start off with getting that the end of that wire in that little notch and I'm gonna get the wire into that little slot that goes around there and be pulling the wire tight and get it wrapped around there and then I'm get around to this find this this hole here and get the other end of that clip right into that hole there like that and so now this wire is in position and it'll hold this little ring clip this little raw ring bearing into place there like that okay now installing this little wire clip can be a little tricky we're going to start off with this little end of the wire clip right here it's gonna go into that notch so I'm gonna go ahead place it into that notch there and place the wire into that groove that goes around above that little ring thing there then I'm gonna pull the wire tight and go around counterclockwise and pulling the wire tight then I'm gonna locate that hole that we had before and then the other end the little clip here is gonna go into that hole get that plate and it's gonna go in there like that and so now this little wire clip here will hold this little ring bearing into place and next I'm gonna reinstall these pins I left the pins out to make it a little easier again I thought it a little easier to get this ring on and off without these pins in there so I'm gonna go ahead and just squirt a little bit of grease down into these holes there like this and then just push these pins into place we're maneuver this around a little bit get these pins down so they're fully seated like that and then this clip here is going to go into this little slot down around it here and they're going to line up so that these little gaps here these little in things are going to line up with these spots down there so just kind of get twisting around and out get that police seated in there like that and so basically this little clip just kind of covers these little pins so that they are they're not going to come out okay the next part to be installed is this par right here to go on there like this but before I do I want to go ahead and get some grease into the gears and stuff in here because I've washed all the old grease out and so it's probably good to get some new grease in there and then I'm just gonna get a little bit of coating of grease onto this thing as well and get grease inside on these little teeth in here okay so now that I have a good bit of grease on there I'm going to install this ring here and the smaller teeth are gonna go down and engage with those gears there and so they you can see them kind of turning them there and so now I have this little ring here and this ring goes into a gap down inside here and so I'll just try to get one end of the ring down in there the little wire and then work the rest of the wire around there get it down into a little slot down in there and it looks like I got it in there and so now this part is on there nice and it's detached and moving nice and smoothly in there okay we're almost ready to put these two chunks together here but there's a big bearing that goes between them and so I'm gonna get some grease into this bearing here now this bearing is going to sit down into here it nice seat it in there like that and then this part is going to slide on to here like this and you're gonna have to kind of work it around to kind of get it all down into position like that and so now when you get it fully seated down in there you're going to have a little gap down in here for this c-clip and so now I can push this seek clip into place here now I got this chunk all together now I need to soak the hub in oil there's a special oil from Shimano internal maintenance oil there's two different types there's one for like three through eight speed hubs and then there's another type of oil for like the higher gears hubs so make sure that you get the right oil for your hub and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and soak this in here just dip it in here for 90 seconds and I filled this little container here up to the 95 millimeter mark according to the instructions and then after it's soaked in there for 90 seconds I'm gonna go ahead and let it drip for like 60 seconds and then get ready to reassemble the hub and while that's dripping there I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of grease onto this bearing here get ready to install it and I'm gonna put some grease inside here down where those teeth are and then get a little bit of grease into this bearing race here so now I'm ready to go ahead and install this into the body here and work this in get this all put into here like this and then I put this bearing down in here like that and then I have the little cone here I work this and screw this down like this okay now I have the hub mounted a device holding the axle by two flats down here and I screwed the lock net on but I don't have it tightened down against the cone yet so what I'm going to do is use two wrenches I have a fourteen millimeter cone wrench and if just regular 14 millimeter wrench I mean use a cone wrench to tighten the cone down and what I want to do is get it I don't wanna have it too tight but not too loose I want to have it so that it does not play but that the hub is turning smoothly and so I'm gonna adjust it to where it feels good and then I can tighten the locknut down against the cone here and then use the wrench to lock the lock nut down against the cone feel it and it's binding a little bit so I'm gonna go ahead and loosen it I've just a little bit so remove loosen the cone or the lock nut there a little bit loosen the cone and then tighten the lock nut back down and that feels much better it's turning some more smoothly and there's not play in there so that feels good done with that okay so now I'm going to reinstall the roller break over here that just pops on there like this and then there's a nut on here and it'll screw this on and tighten this down into place like that and then to reinstall the little shifter here you want to get these red dots here lined up with this one over here and then there's red dots down there get all these red dots lined up and then this thing will pop on like that and then you get this little part here put this on get the two yellow dots lined up here and here put that down and then turn it that way and then that locks that into place okay well I have that the hub all together and the shippi was moving much more smoothly all the way completely around but the hub was not shifting correctly it just wasn't quite working so I took apart to see what was going on and got it down into here so let me show you in first gear all these poles should be down in second gear just this one Paul should pop up in third gear just this Paul should be up but this one is still up here in fourth gear just this one should be up and these other two should be down but this one's still up this one's still up a little bit but just this one should be up here in fifth gear you see this little part pop out though and that's what it should be doing and all the poles should be down but like these two are still a little bit up there in sixth gear just this one should be up in seventh gear just this one should be up but this one's still up here in eighth gear it's just this one over here should be up and those two should be down so I'm not quite sure exactly what's going on here now my first thought was that maybe the the shifter the cables not adjusted correctly I currently have the shifter in fourth gear and this little yellow line here is lined up with this little part back down here where it should be in fourth gear so that looks like it's just correctly now this is the shifter I'm using ass mono I'll find 8-speed shifter I got it with this a lot of Nexus hubs and maybe it's not compatible with this hub but everything I'm reading on the Internet it sounds like it should be okay so I'm going to take the shifter out of the mix I'm going to use a pair of pliers to rotate the little shifting ring here if it is a matter of a like cable adjustment then at some point here you should see these go through the correct cycle so right now they're all down and I rotate around you see the first Pago up and then the second pop and the first Paul going down but at the same time that the third Paul is coming up then as I rotate them around here that pops starts popping out there you see those poles go down this one come down so you didn't really see them all kind of down at the same time they're a little bit down but not all the way down but maybe that's enough but you see the first Paul come back up then you see the second Paul come up but the first Paul is still up and then I'm running out of room here I didn't ever really see the third Paul come back up there so it's not cable adjustment well I believe the the issue is something in here the mechanism of the controls the Paul's going up and down is all in this part here which I didn't really take apart other than removing this washer it's possible that when I remove this washer and the stuff was a little bit loose that something came unattached or something it's possible that this stuff was damaged before I ever got this hub because was not in a good state the stuff over here doesn't really control the the Paul's going up and down other than their rotating this part there's like the spring over there that controls the return action when the cables release there's the stuff over here that pushes this one part out the clutch when you know you're in Gears five through eight but it doesn't really control the action of the Paul's going up and down the timing of that but at some point I may go ahead and take this apart and isolate down to this part and see if I could figure out what's going on but I'm kind of done with it for now this video didn't really end the way that I planned on but I still hope you found it interesting I did I learned a lot about how this whole mechanism worked and just found it really fascinating but anyway if you found it interesting or useful please give it a thumbs up if you're not subscribe my channel cuz try button and be sure to click the little bell so you get notified when new videos come out I'm over on Facebook RJ the bike guy I post a lot of stuff there and I have a webpage RJ the bike guy combo check that out as well thank you very much for watching
Channel: RJ The Bike Guy
Views: 136,804
Rating: 4.930253 out of 5
Keywords: Bikes
Id: JNuyvIZvCrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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