Are 12 to 16 megapixels really enough?

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have you ever heard people who tell you that if you think of buying a digital camera that 12 to 16 megapixels is enough well as somebody who comes from the printing business I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty that the people who tell you this ah yeah correct um they will tell you that more and that is something you actually cannot see and they will also point out that the 1080p screen only has 2 megapixels and a 4k display has only 8 they will tell you that a higher resolution leads to smaller photo sites in the sensor which create may create or increase noise and reduces dynamic range and they will tell you that a higher resolution makes it exponentially more difficult to work with an image both in post-production and actually in the camera to create it in the first place they will also tell you that sharpness primarily depends on the lighting and then on the lens and not on resolution and everything and this is all true but the main reason still is that a resolution higher than that you actually cannot see and you can't drive it off for instance here I printed out the alphabet a couple of times in different font sizes from 15 down to one and actually well the legibility stops at I just took down my glasses because I'm short-sighted so with mine with not a normal healthy I can't decipher capital letters down to about 2.0 font size and one is simply unusable because the human eye this is a basic rule of thumb has a resolution of about one tenth of a millimeter that's the resolution the human eye has as a general rule of thumb but this is a type of general rule and of course not only the resolution is of interest because also the area on which you need it and yeah I have a piece of a 3 and a 3 is what you get when you have an e 0 which is a square meter and you cut it in half three times and speak 3 and 1/8 so this means that an a3 is 1/8 of a square meter which is 420 times 297 millimeters or in inches I think it's about roughly 17 times 12 inches so this is an a3 and what makes it what makes an egg-free relevant in that respect is that if you put that in front of your face yet if you will maximum resolution distance it will basically fill you feel a few so if you want to view a picture at once as a whole at full optical resolution and this an a3 will do so what does this now mean four megapix well and this is 1/8 of a square meter and 0.1 millimeters means that you have ten times ten a hundred pixels per square millimeter and since a square meter is a thousand times a thousand square millimeters you have a million square millimeters per square meter times a hundred you have a hundred million pixels per square meter but we don't look at his claim a square meter we look at an a3 which is a square meter divided in half three times which means that a hundred mega pixels 50 mega pixels 25 mega pixels 12.5 mega pixels other words 12.5 mega pixels will do and as somebody who for many years of his life actually printed posters so really those huge things I can tell you that you can get away with as little as 10 mega pixels only if you go down to 8 or 6 megapixel stem the lack of resolution starts to show and but let's say you want to ramp it up a bit and you say ok I will lose a bit because of cropping or of processing or whatever and you want to add 20 percent to this so you say that you don't have 110 pixels per square millimeter but 12 so this means that you would now have let's do that so this means that 12 times 12 is 144 so 144 mega pixels per square meter 72 36 18 so even if you add 20% do that what you will end up with is 18 megapixels so if you have a 20 megapixel camera you will have room to spare as if there was no tomorrow so and if somebody tells you that 12 to 16 megapixels is enough those people absolutely right thank you for your attention and I failed to tell you what these 18 megapixels actually are this would be an 83 with a resolution of 300 dpi since an interesting find to be 25.4 really meters and you if you take a resolution of 0.1 millimeters gives you 250 dpi and if you increase that by 20% you get 300 dpi so those 18 megapixels I talked about before actually an 83 um with a resolution of 300 PPI and then you might ask of course well then why do or high resolution cameras or in the film days medium format cameras exist in the first place and yes they do have a purpose for instance if you want to do architecture architectural shots architecture not landscape mind your architecture or if you want to make a reproduction poster of an oil painting or and some other fancy stuff and yes a high-resolution camera makes sense under these circumstances which is by the way also a selling point of because the 850 because these kinds of cameras you can do a medium format work with um trouble is however that as I said and more often than not a high resolution is not an advantage and I think theory is theory I think it would be a good idea to show you what I mean by showing you an image of a very varied face and now let's zoom in and again and again and whoopsie it is no longer sharp useless image throw it away and now I will go and buy myself not a hundred but a thousand but a million megapixel camera because this is simply not sharp and now you might ask yourself what does this have to do with this so wait you are actually impressed by how much I can zoom in and you don't get the whole picture or that whole picture thing here is a zooming of a picture of a beautiful sexy nude woman why do you want to see the whole picture now isn't the ability to zoom in all that matters
Channel: mediocre man
Views: 14,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megapixels, photography theory
Id: -3VBPPsgH-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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