12 VS 102 MEGAPIXELS: Can YOU Spot The Difference? ft. Daniel Schiffer, Peter + Lizzie

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- Chris, I am very upset with you. (woman gasps loudly) No. That's a sick joke. That's 12 (laughs) - Oh, I got it wrong. Oh, my goodness. (upbeat music) - Now in today's video, we're going to be putting a 12 megapixel photo right beside a 102 megapixel photo. And seeing if you and our celebrity guests, can spot the difference. Now, the celebrity guests that we will be welcoming are, Daniel Schiffer, Lizzie Peirce, and Peter McKinnon. Now let's lay the groundwork for this contest. Now for the 12 megapixel photo, we'll be using a SONY A7SIII with the 50 millimeter F 1.4 Zeiss lens at F 2.8. Now for the 102 megapixel photo, we'll be using a FUJIFILM GFX 100S, with a 63 millimeter F 2.8 lens at F 2.8. Now because the Fujifilm is a medium format camera. It has a crop sensor of 0.78 X. Now, when you take a 63 millimeter lens and do the math, it actually comes up to be 49.14 millimeters. Which is the equivalent of a 50 ml. So this is essentially a 50 ml versus a 50 ml. Now we'll be looking at these photos on a computer screen, when they're posted to Instagram and when they're printed out. Now I was the one that edited these photos to match as closely as possible. In terms of crop, sharpness, and color. Now let's start with round one, the computer screen. (upbeat music) Okay. Introduce yourselves. Tell everybody who you are. (Lizzie laughs) - I'm Lizzie Peirce. - I'm Daniel Sch-, Oh my God. (clears throat) Let's do that again. (bleep) I'm Daniel Schiffer. My voice has never cracked before. Not once. - I'm Lizzie Peirce. I'm not a man who's gone through puberty. So my voice has always been like this. - At 26 years old. - You feel confident that you can be like, yeah that's definitely the 12. That's definitely the 102. - I feel like I'll get like, most right, not all. - And Daniel, how do you feel? - Feeling good? - You guys are ready for round one? (bright upbeat music) Remember, you cannot zoom. Cause that will just give it away. What are your initial thoughts? - There's more distortion on B. It's like a little bit like fish eye compared to that one. - [Lizzie] It is, this, even if you look at the Boca, it's like, it's thinner. It's more overly. - My gut is this, A, is the medium format and B is the Sony. - That's all I was thinking- - Really? Chris, I am very upset with you. Like you would think on a medium format. You would have a little bit more compression, with a bigger sensor. - What do you feel? - I'm going against my gut. I think in here, I'm hedging my best, so people don't get mad at me. But I think that A is the medium format. But, that being said, I think B is the medium format. - [Chris] And Lizzie what do you think? - I'm just gonna say B. But I feel like- - [Chris] B is what? - [Lizzie] Medium format. - [Chris] A is Sony B is Fuji. (beep) - If I'm being completely honest, I thought A was the medium format. I'm shocked it's the other way around. (upbeat music) - [Daniel] What I'm noticing about this is, the, I don't know if this is an illusion. But B, I feel like I'm getting a bit of that same distortion that we were getting in the previous test. With that said, I feel like B is still the medium format. - I agree. - Final answers? - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Chris] Here we go. Round two, A is the Fuji, B is the Sony. (beep) - All right, so for our next round, in terms of like looking on a screen. A lot of us post images to Instagram. So, is there any advantage to having a 102 Megapixels when it comes to posting it through Instagram? Or it's gonna compress it? (bright upbeat music) - [Chris] You guys think you can do it? - Yeah, we've done well so far. - I mean, I try to tell everyone that it doesn't matter. Once you put it on social media. - You're not gonna notice a difference in how sharp it is. For example- - Yeah. - But, medium format has an ever so slightly different look. And that's why I think we'll be able to tell. - That's the thing, right? It's not the quality. It's just looks different. - Yeah. - Posted to social media, swipe through the carousel. (bright upbeat music) I think it's fair to zoom. Do we all agree that zooming won't make a difference here? - Okay. Again. - I think Fuji - Fuji, B? - When an image is posted to social media, A, is the Fuji. - [Lizzie] Ooh. (beep) - Okay. So for our final round, we will be doing Prints. There will be two rounds. One small print and one large print. (bright upbeat music) Do you guys have any initial thoughts? Before I start showing you these prints? - I think the large print will probably be able to tell the difference. The small print. Maybe not. - Okay. Are you ready? - Yeah. - Oh, let me close my eyes. And mix them around. - So mean. - Okay. You can not lift them up. - That was a bad idea. See what I'm looking for here. I'm not looking for sharpness. I'm looking for depth. - Yeah. They look identical. I'm gonna say this is Fuji. - Just for fun, I'm gonna say this is Fuji. - [Chris] All right. Flip them over. - Let's go. (beep) - To be fair, you can't tell the difference. - No, that one's particularly hard. - Yeah. - So you guys ready for the big one? - Yeah. (bright upbeat music) - All right. Any initial thoughts? Speak to me. - Well, always my initial thought is like, wow, these look the same. I'm always looking in where they should be some depth, or Boca or like the edges of things. I'm looking at sharpness. - Whatever this one is, it's nicer. - [Lizzie] Look at the edge of the rock here. And then look at these up close. - I'm noticing the sharpness mostly. - Where? - Like in there. - Like that looks super sharp. This one's a hundred percent sharper blown up. You can see in the water. - Give me your final answers. - Fuji. - Fuji. - Okay. Flip it over. (Lizzie gasps) - No. That's a sick joke. (beep) That the Sony looked better. - I'm questioning all my life choices. - That's insane. So with the leaf on the smaller print. - [Chris] Yeah. - You can barely tell, because they look the same. These look different. - [Chris] Yeah. - [Lizzie] They do look different. This was pretty significant. - The Sony was better. - Okay. So my little summary here is, I only shoot photos right now with an A7S. And I always have thought 12 megapixels is more than enough. There's obvious times that I'm like, cropping would have been nice here and there. But the reality is, I consider myself a professional photographer. Whatever you wanna call that. And I still choose to only shoot with a 12 Megapixel. I've shot campaigns for Toyota Corona. All with the A7S. - Well kids, the camera's just fine. Take it from us. People, who thought they could tell the difference. Who thought, we had a skilled eye. We are wrong. (bright upbeat music) - This is the print in question. - I'll also take a guess too. Now this contest is brought to you by Canva. Now I bet you there's a lot of photographers out there right now that are trying to follow along in this video. I bet you there's just as many of you that would love to get paid as a photographer. You know, I used to be the type of guy that would just attach photos to my Email. When people would ask for my portfolio, it would be like image_9762 of like a bird. And then I want to get hired. And be like why won't people hire me? Cause I made a horrible first impression. See, I think it's very easy to forget about presentations and marketing when your passion is taking photos. But if you can't package your work in a way that gets your clients excited, you're not gonna land those big jobs. See, I've been using Canva Pro for the last two years for all of our pitch decks, our presentations, our email templates, our Instagram stories, and even YouTube thumbnails. Like I literally use it on this thumbnail, for this YouTube video. The reason is because it only takes a few minutes to make something look super professional with their templates. Plus, their website interface is really easy to use. In addition to all of that, you're actually increasing your perceived value, when you have better design. Which means that you can charge more money, and you can land more jobs. Now I'm a huge fan of Canva. That's why I'm actually super stocked to recommend it to you guys. So if you guys want, you can actually sign up in the description box below for a free yes. A free 45 day trial. That is a month and a half. Usually with these things you sign up and you kind of forget about it. And you're like, "Oh, I want to do that thing before it expires. Do I still have time?" Probably with this one, because it's 45 days. So again, links below, go and check out Canva Pro. All right. So let's jump back into this contest. (upbeat music) - Is it 102? - 102 Megapixels. - Here's, each one. So this, we'll start with the small. - Which one is, what was it again? - Which one is the 102, 102 megapixels? - This one. - This is your final choice? - Yeah. - This is the 12. - No man. That's why I'm off to a bad start. (Chris laughs) - That's 12, get out of here. That's stupid. (upbeat music) - What are your initial thoughts? Now that it's gonna be on, like a really large print? - That it would be harder to see. - Yeah. - Yeah. I think so. Because I think usually like massive prints are shot, and they look great at low res, lower megapixel. - Oh, interesting. - Yeah. - I think a lot of people have a misconception that the higher megapixels will look better when printed large. - I disagree. - Interesting. Okay. - I wanna inspect this. This is the print in question. - I'll also take a guess too. - Okay. This looks higher res. Like the rocks look sharper. - My guess is that's Fuji. - Yes. It looks higher res, which would mean that it got higher megapixels. - Okay. Let's see if we're right. Nope. We- - Sorry. Okay this is ridiculous. (laughs) I guess that proves my point earlier, but that's insane. - 12? - 12. Actually, technically it's cropped down to 10. Because I didn't frame it perfectly. - It's cropped. So I got, I got both wrong. Cool. - Do you have any like final thoughts on like megapixels? Just as like a whole? - I went to college for like Digital Media and like advertising stuff. And one of the things they always said was, GoBoards were done at a really low res. So- - They call it viewing angle. - Yeah, so they look good from far away when they're huge. You don't need crazy resolutions for those to look good. And they're like, that's just kind of print in general. So I've always kind of known that you're not really gonna get the value in printing something super high res versus lower res, when you're printing something. I feel don't do enough of by the way. That, I'm blown away by that. - Cool. - Yeah. Super cool. - I'm fascinated. All right. Thanks dude. - Yeah. See yah. (chuckles) - Even when it came to the prints, I was the one that edited the photos. And I still got three out of four rounds wrong. Okay. My gut says, this is Fuji. This is Sony. - This one is Sony, Fuji. You got this one right. - Okay I got that. - Here you go. - Sony, Fuji. - This one is Fuji. - I got it wrong on the bigger one too. (beep) See, I've always found it really funny how much significance we put on Megapixels, when it comes to cameras. It's always like the second most important selling feature. For example, The Sony A1, 50 megapixel camera. And as you can see from this video, megapixels might not be as important as we think they are. Now this isn't me saying, "Don't go and buy high megapixel cameras." For example, the Fujifilm GFX 100 S that we used in this video, is an amazing camera. It produces beautiful images, beautiful colors, and you may even want all that extra data for cropping, super high quality printing, longer shelf life. But for me, and for my needs, the A7S III works just fine. All right guys. So that is the end of the video. Thank you so much for watching. A big shout out to our celebrity guests, Peter McKinnon, Daniel Schiffer and Elizabeth Peirce. Links for all of them below. Go give them a sub. Also a big shout out to Posterjack. Thank you so much for the prints. If you guys wanna print anything, put it up on your wall. I highly recommend Posterjack. They're a Canadian company. They're like 10 minutes away from us right now. I love those guys. Also, thank you, Fujifilm for the GFX 100 S. That is an amazing camera, links are below for them. And also, if you guys leave a comment and like this video, we'll be giving away all the prints that you saw in this video to a bunch of lucky winners. So go leave a like. Go leave a comment for your chance to win. And hit the bell to be notified for future videos. And we will catch you guys in the next one. If you guys have been to this channel before, you know what time it is. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna throw a little bit of a curve ball at you. We're gonna do something different this time. Can I hear some outro. But, we gonna do a Country Song. Like, you know how they do those country intros, where the guys just talk over guitar. We're gonna do a Country intro outro, for you. (country music) ♪ See, I'm just a boy with a YouTube Channel. ♪ ♪ Just trying to make his way in this world. ♪ ♪ I go, you know it'll be a cool video. ♪ ♪ We'll take less megapixels. ♪ ♪ And put them against a lot more megapixels. ♪ ♪ Cause that sounds extreme. ♪ ♪ That sounds clickable. ♪ ♪ That sounds interesting. ♪ ♪ Yeah. ♪ ♪ Just gotta go out in the world and try to- ♪ ♪ make a living, getting your views ♪ ♪ trying to make weird outros. ♪ ♪ So people like (inaudible). ♪
Channel: Chris Hau
Views: 375,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheChrisHau, Chris Hau, 12 vs 102 megapixels, Can you spot the difference, Daniel Shiffer, Lizzie Peirce, spot the difference, photo hunt, sony a7siii, fujifilm gfx100s, 102 megapixels, Sony Alpha, Fujifilm
Id: E8Sej2TEes4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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