"Arctic Catfish" Catch & Cook (3 Days Ice Fishing in Alaska for Burbot)

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luke here at the outdoor boys youtube channel today we're here in lake louise alaska and we're ice fishing [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey we're not quick but we're here actually tommy i just realized something we don't have your snow suit oh my gosh uh give daddy a moment to think about this hold on dan we got a little problem here what i forgot tommy's snow suit it's heated at the ice shack right right yes i i brought an extra coat i think i might be able to pull that off okay so we put them in the coat i'll cover them in hand warmers we'll shove them in the sleeping bag and we can get them transported to the ice shack well does that seem reasonable it seems reasonable i'm not i'm not a bad parent fish that's really not good that is correct ransom it is really not good well i got your sleeping bags too get into your snowsuit you want goggles well guys we're here at the point lodge in lake louise and i'm here with patrick with chase and tails guide service here and uh we're excited to go catch some big fish we were here about what was it about a year ago yeah almost a year ago yeah yeah had a great time there are some monster lake trout in here and burbot and other things and uh we're gonna be spending two nights three days here on the lake it's gonna be pretty awesome yeah looking forward to it that's gonna be annoying how you doing tom are you okay i can't feel my legs but i'm okay here we are middle of lake louise it is a balmy warm 12 degrees outside so it's almost 50 degrees warmer than the last time we were here all right guys check it out we've got some ice shacks here got a little bench here to hang out and we got the holes right down here a big buddy heater even some room for sleeping bags boys get tired they can take naps we can even camp out here if we want the ice here [Applause] is that electric electric oh it's electric big hooks and big lures for big fish the lake trout are the size of salmon and bigger they're huge oh did you bring ice in a cooler for your fish i don't think we need that i think there'll be ice just fine we're good all right yeah we'll be good some white fish fish that i caught yep just like that this little thing right here is an electronic light that turns on when it hits water flashes green in there oh yeah yeah yeah you got a little green flash that's it oh look at these little rod holders here so we stick that in there you can leave that one now and go to another hole and when it gets hit we don't run over there and set the hook drive it down there just let it hit the bottom and then kind of bounce it up and down off the bottom a few times and let it sit we're fishing on the edge of a slope so we're getting progressively deeper and deeper the farther away from the shack we go but we got it staggered so we can fish at different depths and kind of see where the fish are tommy how are you doing you staying warm [Music] there's something on there come on dove is your rod you know what that is tom what that's a bourbon there's a bourbon look at that there we go my very first bourbon they're kind of like a eel like some people call them eel pot fresh water cod they get much bigger than this i think it's kind of about an average size what you think yeah that's about average they really look a lot like the japanese catfish there you go on ice get him flattened out and frozen up i can't tell jake jake's got a fish i think jake got one in the ice shack you guys got one look at that it's a nice fish you want a pitcher just like that perfect here hold on look at me there we go it was a pretty sweet setup we've got rods and rod holders in a big circle all around us at different depths and they've got alarms on them and we could just sit out here and keep an ear out for the alarm and run go get fish boys could warm up in the ice shack and and the best part is i didn't have to rig everything up and set it all off [Music] look at that ransom hustle real real oh yeah there we go yep it's nice and smooth now yeah beautiful bourbon you guys gotta ride the snow machine a little bit yeah all right [Music] you can see the sun over there on the horizon it's uh go to set in about two hours it's almost 2 p.m so we got to get ready for night time it gets dark really quick in the winter time here oh yeah i jerked that right out of his mouth we'll set that back see if we get him you guys doing okay in here shut the door are you guys having fun though yeah it's warm in here i'm gonna step outside and eat my lunch oh hello oh yeah i heard that alarm go off i just go rock oh that is a nice one oh my gosh look at that nice burbot that's the biggest one we've seen you know ah that's nice [Music] yeah i'll pull them up yeah that's my first bourbon and i did it inside last time we were out here we caught all lake trout i was like oh man i really want to catch a bird but patrick's like i got you this time get that door shut every time i try to pull out my uh my lunch this bourbon cup there's a cornish pasty it's a british pastry i got kind of a non-traditional one this one's got uh apples raisins pork and little nutmeg and cinnamon smeared some bacon fat in there too because bacon fat makes everything better hey jake we gotta get you a fish buddy well the sun's starting to set traditionally that's a good time to catch lake trout so who knows we might start hooking up some lakers come on jacob come on come on jake can you reel it here we go [Music] good job jake do you like that yeah all right we can keep this one if he's uh in bad shape well this one's swallowing it good too so we're gonna keep him we got two bourbon we're gonna have some nice vervet to eat [Music] you gonna go back in the ice shack i don't believe you it's getting cold out here it's 3 30 in the afternoon the sun's setting so i got to bust out my headlamps here we're going to be night fishing real quick temperature's also dropping it doesn't feel like it's the balmy 12 degrees that it was earlier today finally get your gloves on and you realize you need to turn your camera off it's really hard to operate a gopro with these mittens on eat my dust dude there we go another bourbon yeah some verdict oh boy yeah come on tom there you go you got him oh you got oh nope you don't have it yeah go get warmed up dog he's doing really well for only having his dad's jacket or [Music] oh [Music] good job tom high five [Music] well we are tearing up the bourbon we are gonna have some good food well i've lost count of how many fish we caught but we're gonna be here for a couple days so we're not gonna push the boys hard we're gonna go and get some warm dinner and relax and just have a little fun and we're going to start this up again tomorrow morning and hopefully tomorrow we'll get into some big lake trout yeah there he goes there you go guys get your feet warmed up let's go find some dinner mustard please uh ransom do you like your hamburger good today my little jacob's turned four years old he's a big boy so i asked you this do you what everyone out under the frigid cold yeah we might see the northern lights tonight says there's a chance every time he impresses you all right guys we gotta go to the bathroom you wait here tom there's the heater come on get in bed all right tom you warm good well it's bedtime for these guys so i'm going to turn this off and see you guys in the morning it's 7 30 in the morning and it's a little bit cold in here there's frost on the inside of our door i'll have to go use the outhouse oh i gotta tell you number two these are so cold going to the bathroom almost killed me it's cold i think maybe we should use a lot of hand warmers today what do you think of that oh guys it is significantly colder outside right now yeah this is a healthy meal glory [Applause] you can feel it in your nose when it's negative 20. it makes your boogers freeze come on guys into the cabin let's get you dressed let's see joke [Music] we got about five minutes out in the cold before my camera dies it needs to get reheated and uh my fingers got maybe ten got some white fish all right guys here's one okay let me know if you get anything okay i'm gonna go set up the other stuff at negative 20 the holes ice over very quickly when they ice over the fish can be tugging and nothing will happen to the rod you won't even know it you got to keep the holes clear and that's going to be a full time job oh one nice thing about the weather you don't need a cooler you guys having fun awesome i'm happy to break the ice out of the holes every 10 minutes the 33 degree water from the lake is steaming like a cup of hot chocolate it's cold out here guys ah there we go that's beautiful all right let's get back in the hole it's cold out here boy there we go we got one all by ourselves these rats just got one all right you got it ransom oh look at the head on that thing that's about as big as he's caught yeah that's nice hey let's pull that puppy out look at that nice bourbon look at that that was good now you may have noticed patrick's not with us today we decided to hire his full-blown guide service for the first day and then just rent the gear for the second and it's working out really nice you know we're catching fish on our own and it's just uh just a fun kind of different experience if you guys want to do this yourself i'll put a link down in the description below to chase and tails guide service hey jake how you doing are you keeping warm i mean all the way out you can see you oh it's good to see you yeah i'm just going around to all the holes and getting rid of the ice you want to come get rid of the ice with me sure do you need to use the potty do you need to go pee or poo oh oh all right we're gonna have to poop at negative 20. can you do it okay i think was that cold yeah that was super cold all right let's get you some snacks shall we it's a little bit of time for a lunch break we got a little mobidofu bento here we're just walking around from rod to rod clearing out the ice and checking on things and it's kind of nice keeps you warm and if i keep my camera down my shirt and under my armpit it stays warm enough where i can film back in my armpit what do you think bourbon or laker i'm going to guess perfect wow that's the biggest lake trout on the trip so far look at that nice lake trout dan oh that's nice dad now our hands are so cold yeah dan didn't even know that one was on there he was just kicking the ice out and uh once he did that he found the fish that sun's getting low must be 2 p.m [Applause] all right let's check out the boys and see how they're doing everyone's rocking out to fly to the valkyries tommy are you doing well you're warm yes we're handsome you good i'm doing great ben you're doing good oh yeah oh yeah i got my goger i need you blue you need to poop jig yes check the rods out are you having fun yes your eyelashes have frosted them now i think it's time to start cleaning things up getting packed up here [Music] [Music] it's negative 21 degrees outside and poor jacob just bit it face first in the snow getting off the snow machine that was so cold yeah i've had that happen many many times baby times well guys let me unload the snow machine and then we'll get it ready and go to dinner okay all right [Music] come on in quickly quickly come on in come on in it's negative 24 outside and the only thing keeping us from hypothermia is uh this little space heater right here it's uh it's still real nippy in here so we're gonna get in our sleeping bags we're gonna cuddle up under some blankets and you guys want to watch the movies oh good morning well we're all awake oh yeah oh there's the generator well the generator just died i think it's a sign that we should get packed up and go home [Music] oh we got a little bit of snow coming down got a fair amount of it last night look yeah feels like it's above zero right now it's actually quite nice like this we're gonna ratchet strap our fish to the back of the car yeah some people strap deer to the front of their trucks we strap bourbon to the back of an suv yeah that's that's good that's good burbot strapping right there good stuff going the wrong way jacob well patrick we had a great time thank you so much you're welcome yeah listen guys if you're ever in alaska and you're lake louise and you want to go to do some awesome ice fishing check out patrick's guide surface chase and tails i'm gonna put link down the video description below all right man i'll see you guys next time we'll be back what are we at three degrees warm up significant oh yeah hey guys can you hang out unfortunately you probably think probably smells like fish now uh well it took a few hours but the bourbon are thawed out and i think it's time to fillet them up yeah they're still a little stiff but i think we can make it work skin on the burp it's really thin and they have almost no scales they just have these tiny little scales so you can fry up the skin and eat it just like you could salmon and it wouldn't be a big deal at all all right nice chunk of belly me [Music] there's no y bones to worry about so this isn't like a pike or a lot of other fish okay just gonna go ahead and stick that in the fridge and then tomorrow we're gonna have a little bit of a dinner party we're gonna have some friends over and we're gonna cook up those bourbon [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] grab a roll throw some fish in there load it up with as much as you want got the sweet chili sauce on there i like to smear it on the bread load up as many veggies as you do or you don't want go for it remember if you hate it just spit it on out off camera i love avocado it's a nice clean white meat i mean it's um it's not as firm and flaky as halibut but it's you know it's a pretty simple straightforward white meat it's not as muddy as catfish so that works out pretty good i like that what do you think did you like it was it good good all right listen you guys enjoy the bourbon yeah yeah yeah good well listen hopefully you guys enjoyed watching this as much as we enjoyed catching them liz if you guys want to see more videos from the outdoor boys youtube channel don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every saturday morning thanks for watching if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every saturday morning and hit that bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 256,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, ice fishing, Alaska, Fishing in Alaska, ice fishing Alaska, Burbot, eel pot, catfish, ice fishing for catfish, ice fishing burbot, catch and cook, catch clean cook, winter fishing, cold weather fishing, ice fishing lake Louise, ice fishing guide, catch and cook catfish, catfish catch clean cook, catch and cook burbot, eating burbot, burbot recipe, cooking burbot, eel pot recipe, catching burbot, catching catfish, catfishing, winter catfishing
Id: D3A4UiJ7jzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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