Archtop guitar cutaway modeling with Fusion 360

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okay so we will start from there um let's i will show you the center line so on this one as i want it to be more kind of traditional arched up i'm going with the a five degree angle for the neck my 90 millimeters in neck plane [Music] and i have this point going from [Music] 300 millimeters from the front of the guitar it's a just a simple spline um which is important this part here and this part i use the the tangent constraint because i wanted to follow this one i just and um as the pickup are really height on this way i don't bother with you know having more of a neck plane or something like that but anyway you can change the the size here if you want it to be more like flat or you can use two spline or maybe harsh it's up to you the less part you have the less error you might have then this is my control so for this control i use arc over there and arc it's 26 millimeters radius is the tyrus i was able to bend wood at 25 sometimes it's cracked but 26 i'm alright even with figured wood the other part this part is really a symmetrical parts [Music] to this one [Music] and [Music] i want to add that first time i try to make this this design i i had problem because i forgot to add some constraint between this part and this part and the lofting tool always tell me it's not smooth it's not smooth and i had another point kind of invisible point you know and so i'm i make it back and everything was all right so first what i have to do is to trace the shape of the colorway i want i will do a really simple one so we'll add a sketch on this plane and we took this length because you want it over there so i will hide the center line just to be sure no problem there no before sorry so we have to project this point over there because it's 90 millimeters but it will not be 90 millimeters on the flat part because i want my cutaway to to start from this point so i will project this point right there over there [Music] okay now i can hide this one go on top and then i need this size it could be a little a little more but i'm alright with this let's make a line okay [Music] and then i use an arch that go from this point to kind of it snapped to the center of my heart so all right it's all right and you see over there it it just keeps on the it automatically the tangent constraint so that's perfect okay i will use this i like it finish sketch so the really important part there is to know where it ends there this measurement you will understand and i get this idea from the austin channel video with the neck and the intersection curves so you have to know this point the where it is exactly on the y axis for me it's the y axis so now i bring back my center line and we'll make a new sketch here on this part this sketch will be just a [Music] simple spline really important to go from this point to this point we will move it to the measurements we had previously so we want to move this point to [Music] oops [Music] so now i know this point and this part are in the same y place you see there and there it's really important [Music] now i want this to be horizontal and i want this to be tangent too so now what we have is our curve for this line we will when we will intersect the two you see if i watch it from the side and but let's see [Music] this is it see now if i want to add a new drawing it will be a 3d drawing so don't care when we do it and we make an intersection between this and all this [Music] so now i can remove those one name it get away curves [Music] and we made the most difficult part so now exactly as the same way we did for the other side let's have okay let's add um airport surfaces there here i'm making just this side but if the other side was already made i can use the other side as a helper surface but here i don't have made it before with those new measurements so i did it so it's all right and i will do the same here as i did in my previous video there was a problem with the floating window so that you can see it now so we do this and then we will offset it 10 millimeters whatever we left the end just close it same here [Music] stitch together [Music] and make a patch on the top okay [Music] airport right i will call it some [Music] okay now let's make our curve helper curves so on one day of [Music] before i have to find the intersection point just to be sure so [Music] sorry project intersect here and here let's make our spine come from there let's make this part horizontal this part [Music] let's move this one 10 millimeters over there a bit more flat let's make the same over there [Music] so [Music] same intersect just to be sure we intersect because we know the left tool want some intersection and then again i make it horizontal i could have used you know a line over there and make it tangent but as its original tool is it's the same at least for me and i will move this one again [Music] oh strange bug what's that okay just okay very bumpy one and that's how i like it okay [Music] another important part we have to cut our elbow surface at some strategic points so we will cut it split face and we'll use this splitting tool okay um let's bring it back [Music] on the previous one i did i had to cut the helper here and there to have love this part then make this part then this part but on this design it worked great with only i think i had the problem you know with the smoothness of my curve but here it should be all right so let's try it let's see [Music] so this part this part we want the first one to be tangent we can use this one tangent also [Music] i wanted to follow this this and yes it's working you can even have the analysis right there now with the new version it's great as you can see it looks nice look at that yes i like it so okay so now we can remove our colorway curves because we will use the side of the surfaces [Music] and now we will use the patch it's if you want to love from this place to this place it will be very difficult as you have a sharp angle there and it's we probably could but you have to to bring back some some other sketches you know with like i did for this one but i found that working just with the patch work great you have to remember remove chaining [Music] let's select all the all the side we want to match and really important there the edge one i chose to be or tangent or curvature i found with curvature it's more smooth for this one h2 is tangent h3 it's tangent to you you see we we saw it to move h4 it's tangent and that's it h5 cannot be tangent as there is an angle over there and edge six i didn't really care it's 100 but probably if i put tangent maybe it should works as this one is and okay [Music] seems to be nice let's stitch those two together and let's watch it [Music] i quality yes even there it's really smooth [Music] this distance is very short but sure we have you know it's it looks like it's it's kind of stiff but that's not that bad you can see over there [Music] let's apply some texture my usual texture to to check my surfaces you know it's nice let's check another one let's make it like this inspect let's use the section analysis right over there [Music] yes i like it as you can see it's smooth [Music] so [Music] there is how i do my cutaway my parts my own part of the colorway in the next video i will try with the double on guitar more modern style like a prs or something like that so if you enjoyed the video please comment and [Music] let's try to make it better if you could thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Vincent Morel
Views: 176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion360, archtop guitar, arched top guitar, guitar making, cutaway, venetian cutaway, loft
Id: Twk7LabqtK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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