ArchiCAD Roof Wizard - How to create roof framing automatically

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framing in archicad archicad has a roof wizard that's able to make the framing largely for us hipped based rooves are very complicated and the framing is very complicated and although this isn't necessarily completely accurate well it depends on what we mean by accurate it's not making trusses for us but it is making the majority of the framing and so this is a great start we can of course make trusses as well and we could add trusses to this roof once it's created but we can see that this is what archicad is doing and you'll be impressed at least by how easily it does this or how much it makes it automated so i'll delete this and we'll start this process again so i'm going to go up to my roof plan and on my roof plan we can see a roof and i'll view this in 3d show selection in 3d and so this is just a composite roof it's a composite roof so it's made out of a composite and it's a multi-planed roof and it's a hipped roof so in terms of its actual build in terms of its composition its shape that's what it is there's no framing involved in that at the moment there's nothing special it was just built using the roof tool and using the multi-plane roof tool now what we can do when we go to design so i can either select this first or select it after is i can go down to design we have roof extras we also have design extras so this is a little bit confusing because under design extras we have trust maker where we can actually create an individual truss but at the moment we're talking about roof extras where we have roof maker and then we can have the roof wizard so using the roof wizard it now wants me to select the roof i'm going to click on the roof that i'm going to create and then it's going to ask me a lot of questions questions about the rafters questions about beams questions about purlins trimmers and ridges or ridge beams so i can go through and answer all these questions a lot of the time it's what's the size of the beam now of course these are in a way engineering questions and this would be determined by the engineer and it really depends on whether we're doing it as a conventional roof or whether we're doing it as a trust roof sometimes as a building designer and architect we don't necessarily know that now what would be the determining factor generally speaking a trust roof means it has a flat ceiling and it's cheaper and faster to build on site than a conventionally framed roof i would generally with new builds only use a conventionally framed roof if i wanted to expose those beams and that would generally mean that i would have a raked ceiling not a flat ceiling of course there are alternatives to this we could have a scissor truss where we actually have a raked ceiling as well and we could be using a conventional roof if it was a traditional type of roof even if we're having a flat ceiling but the the rules tend to stand so in this case because this is a fairly simple type of home i'm only after a flat ceiling that's what the client wants and so therefore i'm using a truss-based system and again like i explained at the very start unfortunately this roof wizard's not really good at doing truss roofs or trusses using the roof wizard setting we have to set up individual trusses separately which we can do later to start with we're just going to set up the roof framing or the rafter framing so the rafters the beams the purlins the trimmers and the ridges so if we go through this slowly i want each section each piece of timber to be based on a 45 by 90 millimeter piece of pine i'm using here just a surface wood pine grained horizontal i could use whatever i want and i want to put it on the layer called roof structure now it's going to ask me a lot of different questions what's the distance between normal rafters i want 600 centers now if i was going to make that out of smaller bits of timber say a 35 by 90 i might make that a 450 millimeter center for the rafters or for the trusses again i don't really care about that at the moment i'm just trying to show it indicatively and of course i'll leave it up to the engineer or to the trust manufacturer to determine the exact sizes and exact requirements again as it's a trust roof i'm not using that space it's not part of the architectural feature it's not exposed so i'm not as concerned about the actual structural sizes at the moment for the beam i also want that to be 90 by 45 it's very likely that these could be larger but that will be fine for now i have a few options here where i can create either a collar tie or a tie beam so in this case the collar tie being high the tie beam being low is really what it's getting at and in this case i'm saying i want that to be zero to the story we can have purlins and we can see how much that's cut so this is the plate on the wall how much is that cut trimmers ridges and we'll go back to here and i also want to have a safety and in this case i've made the angle of the feet zero meaning it's a flat suffix so i've got all of this settings set up i'm happy with what it's showing it now just needs to make it so once i press ok it's going to automatically make all of these elements i can then select it i can select it with the roof let's do that first show selection in 3d and of course that means you're not going to see much because it's being hidden within the roof structure in this case we can see it's at the bottom of the roof structure now the height of it's not really relevant because i can just select all of these elements and just choose to elevate it edit move elevate and i can then elevate it up to the top or wherever it needs to sit of course in reality i need to understand how this works in structure and that's why i've created as a composite because this is build up built up of multiple layers but at the moment that's not making a lot of sense so let's just go back and go back to my roof plan i'll just select the framing this time show selection in 3d and so we can see all of the framing elements now that have been built or for us and like i said we can then go back and if we want to now build these as trusses we can use the information that's there to help us to identify where the trust needs to be to make sense of that in a little bit more detail what effectively i'm talking about is having a section that cuts through a roof so in this case i've got a section here so we'll open this section and what we can see here in the elevation is that's the framing i'll delete this and we'll change this to construction construction so we can see all of the framing elements here and so i can then use that to determine where my truss elements so in this case the truss elements that aren't showing is the bottom chord and the web so i can start with that and i can add to it or i can effectively replace it so there's a few options in order to be able to represent that of course the other way of understanding is i don't necessarily need to draw the truss if i'm using a ceiling so in this case a slab which is representing the bottom chord of the truss as well in a in a continuous type of fashion so it's all a question of how much detail we need to show and that's largely dependent on what's the type of drawing or what stage of the project are we up to
Channel: Robert Mann
Views: 6,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArchiCAD, cad, BIM, architect, architecture, graphisoft, interior design, home design, house design, building design, rendering
Id: vCzhE6wRrHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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