ArchiCAD Beginner Tutorial | Roof Wizard Tool | Roof Truss System

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[Music] good day everyone welcome to studio 39 design studio this is richmond speaking resident architect in this video i'm going to be showing you guys how to uh do a basic simple uh roof truss system using the um roof wizard in archicad so before i continue i like to encourage you guys to like comment and subscribe to this channel because i'll be doing videos like this every week with that said this is the project i've been using for my previous videos here on youtube so this is sort of like a beginner series beginner tutorial series uh for for archicad that i that i have created here so um in order to actually um do this we're going to be using uh the roof tool which is found in design under roof accessories not design extras is it design extras or is it roof accessories oh it's roof accessories and then you go to roof maker the reason why it's sort of like uh grayed out it's because you can only use this tool in 2d so we're just going to go to 2d so i'm just going to press f2 which is then going to send me to my floor plan as you can see then i'm going to go back to design design extras um roof extras i mean and then a roof maker and uh these are all the tools that we are going to be using but uh it's best to go to the bottom of the list and show roof maker toolbox that's how it will show up sometimes it usually shows up like this but you can only stretch it to the so that it shows up like this so you can always do that so now what we're gonna do is um let's cancel all this cancel all that so now what we're gonna do is we want to be uh manipulating sort of like this uh this roof and creating a roof truss system with this but before i continue um i'd like to go and create a layer so under layers i'm just going to ctrl l on my keyboard and say new and then this is going to be a 3d roof uh spacebar and dot truss because i do have a roof so i just want to to be a roof truss and also another thing that i want to do right now is i want to go to uh create another layer which is going to be 3d roof and this one is going to be a reach for the reach that we created on the previous we previous video uh the rich system that you created is this one so i'm just gonna select all of this and then i'm gonna group them by hitting ctrl g and then i'm going to set the layer to roof reach and then it just disappears i can just say show all layers then select this and i and then say the selected layer and just switch it off if i wanted to do that now what i want this is going to be under the 3d roof layer and then i'm going to go to my floor plan control up to go to the next floor above as you can see the the reach capping is still showing so i'm just going to click on all of this and because they're grouped they're all going to select and then i'm going to switch it off right here uh what i want to do also while i'm here is to uh sort of like ensure that um this the roof is not being cut so the simple way to do that is should just click on the floor plan and section and under floor plan display you just click this and then you just say outline only and there you go the other thing that i want to do right now is i want to uh sort of like remove the cover fill so i can go ahead and remove the cover fill and i think that's okay so another thing that i want to do is i want to ensure that i can see the flow below so i'm going to go and show is the trace reference so i'm right clicking on the ground floor and then when i right click in right click it's going to open up an options uh drop down menu and then i can just click on show as a trace reference so basically that's what i did and there you go so now in order to create this roof system you can create it all at once so the best thing to do is to click the the roof wizard tool all at the which is the last one in the list so you click that obviously it's going to request that you select one roof so i'm going to say okay and just click on this roof right here and then it's going to open up the roof wizard settings now let's just go through this so i'm i'm going to create something sort of like a generic something simple obviously we want to create the rafters uh for me the uh the rafters which is um uh usually i create the rafters with a width of d8 that's the standard that i use and the height of one one four that's something that i'm looking forward to and then obviously the eaves can be vertical they can be perpendicular can be rectangular it's really up to you but i prefer the eaves to be um vertical at this point in time and the distance between the rafters um will have to be 1000 for me and the minimum will be 900 let's say and then you can add extra reference extra rafters to big areas i'm not really going to worry about all of this uh because i'll show you guys later how to hack this so it's all it's all good and um i'm going to go to the beam now the beam that that that's showing here is um from my perspective is should be the bottom chord so instead of using a color beam which is not really standard practice where i'm from i'm going to be using the typing instead and what you want to do here is you want to set your type beam by using to project zero which is for me the height to the wallplate is around 2.6 and the width is going to be 38 and then the height is going to be 114 which is standard um and then the purlin uh because we're using a hip roof rather than a uh a cable roof so we're going to be creating sort of like a purlins system but this parent system uh is called the the rich beam so on the right hand side this is uh eight is purlin um which is also considered to be a wall plate where i'm from so i don't want to create this right now so i can just switch this off uh on the left hand side is the actual rich beam uh the rich beam i wanted to have a a width of 38 and then a height of 150 so i wanted to be sort of like longer so i really like that and then these are these um trimmers so where i'm from we don't use trimmers so i'm just gonna switch off these trimmers right here because they know they're of no use to me and then these are the uh these are the uh reach so obviously it's the ridge but it's the one that's connecting to the wall so it's running uh on oh it's running to the corner of the wall because as i said we then we're trying to create a hip roof here so it's going to be 38 in width and then it's going to be 150 in height and then it's going to be vertical which are which i prefer right now so everything is pretty much set in place we can set the surface which is fine as being a pine wood pine and then uh we're going to go to a 3d root truss so that it's in a different layer easy to manage and then we can just say okay reason why it's opening up this sort of like that information box as a result of the last operation element has been uh created and or have uh changed their position on the current unseen story so you can click ok and as you can see the reason why it's doing this not showing up on this first floor plan is because the roof i drew it when i was on the ground floor blend because i wanted to see the overhangs so if i go down the floor you'll see that it's showing over there so let's go to 3d and switch off the the roof right here so basically that's the the rooftop system which i've just created [Music] but i don't like the fact that it's showing on the ground floor plan so uh the simplest thing to do simplest thing to do is to actually select all of this delete it and then go to 3d bring back the roof so yeah the roof here ctrl t and then i'm gonna set the home storage for the first floor and then i'm gonna say okay as you can see then it jumps um in height so i'm just gonna say uh the offset from the ground is going to be zero and one up that's what you're gonna get and then i'm gonna go back to the floor plan go to the first floor plan and then i'm gonna check once again the roof this time i'm gonna start off by clicking the roof you can click the uh the roof wizard setting and then say okay and then select the roof that you want to manipulate the settings remain the same so i'm fine with that so i can just click ok and there you go that's the roof system that you have created and let's just go to the to the to the to 3d and see what's happening so i'm going to switch off the roof right now as you can see uh there are some issues with this because of the settings that we've placed uh the the distance from one point to another is is one meter but then again when these gaps it does sort of like add uh uh another sort of like uh rafter so which is pretty much basically but bad practice because there's no consistency uh as you can see there's consistency on this side but there's no consistency here there's consistency there but in some areas it's not consistent because it it tries to sort of like compensate for the leg there of proper spacing so what what i'm going to do is i'm going to select all of this and just delete it and i'm going to show you guys sort of like a trick uh this time what we're going to be doing instead of going for the roof wizard tool we can use uh create a rafter and all of these elements separately one at a time so what you can do is you can click on this element right here and say okay so it's saying please select one roof and then i'm going to select this roof here and then you can just create the rafter on its own which is going to be 38 in width and then 1 1 3 1 4 and mean and height and then the uh the hip um rafter width is going to be d8 and then the eaves are fine being vertical or the rafter angle to the top is going to be vertical and the angle is going to be vertical and then the width of the vely is going to be daily eight also um i'm just gonna switch make sure that this is in the right layer which is the roof truss which is then okay we can just press click ok and you can click at any point obviously now what you're going to have to do is i mean you're going to uh you'll have to multiply this so increment so yeah we can do something like that and then just click 1000 center to center and then it does increment and then you'll have to sort of like manipulate it something like this and the other problem i'm seeing with this is that it's already mitered so but then again it's not part of this sort of like a rich area right here where is this one might work but these two definitely will not work so it's really bad practice sort of like create all of these this one by one so the best thing to do uh is to click the next icon which is multiple wraps and then you click ok select the the roof that you want to create with and then um obviously the the the settings which were sort of like created on out recently with the one rafter are already set in this one in this view so uh the distance in between is going to be 1000 um and then you can say you can have a fixed number or you can have a fixed distance obviously the fixed distance is going to be 1000 sensor to censor and then you can have a distance or a distance fixed with a gap at the start or a gap at the end i think for this one let's just say a gap at the start and we can say then okay uh with that said we're gonna create we're gonna click where we want our wallplate to be oh no we're not supposed to be clicking the wallplate because that's already set so uh that's the thing so that's where the word plate is going to be and then we'll say okay then we click from that point to that point as you can see at the beginning the the distance from one uh rafter to the next is um is sort of like um it's not 1000 because of the settings that we have then set in place uh the reason why i do this from from that point to that point and not from that point all the way to the other side is let me just show you guys exactly what would happen if you'd want to do something like that so i'm gonna go ahead let's do that again say okay so okay once again so i'm gonna go from that point to that point so as you can see guys is that uh it does create the the proper system that we're looking for but the problem is uh right here it leaves out the space right here because now there is a sort of like a an extension uh for this hip roof system um which then does not uh sort of like calculate uh into archicad the the wall plate area so the reason why now i have to sort of like um measure from that point to that point is because uh what i can do is with the roof selected multiple um with the roof selected multiple rafters say okay select that wall plate and then say okay once again from that corner to that corner uh that's what happens so that's another way to just hack the system right there so i'm gonna go ahead and create all the rafters in this roof system so multiple rafters once again say okay from that corner to that corner select where you want your wallplate first and then select the distance rod plate corner to corner [Music] wall plate corner to corner wall blades corner to corner wall blade from that corner to that corner once again wall plate and then connect corn and then i'm going to do the same thing this side or plate from this corner to that corner starts with the wall plate and then from that corner to that corner rolled blade from this corner to that corner so that's the rafter system created and you can see there's some geometry is sort of sort of like there's some geometry some system to it which is quite well designed so um the problem here is that obviously now i have to create the uh the rich beams and everything like that so instead of trying to create the ridge beams one by one by doing this select the roof obviously and then going to create this ridge obviously um the width is going to be 38 and then the height is going to be a 150 because i want them to be longer and then the the angle is going to be vertical the uh the layer is going to be pretty rough thrust and then the width right here is going to be 38 and then i'm just gonna say okay and then you will have to click all right so something went wrong right there so there you go so you have to create all of this one by one which is definitely not something ideal um but you know it does show up right there but i have to create them one by one which is really not a good practice to do something like that so the best thing to do is then to go back to the roof wizard to say okay click the roof that you want to create the trust system with and then uh obviously i want to create the i'm not really looking to create the rafters because the rafters are already there and then this beam right here at the bottom i'm not really looking to create that right now and then also the um the purlins um this this is what i want to create it's in the right layer and the the right dimensions the trimmers no and then the the ridge beams also uh 38 150 which is the right uh the the right thing and then the it's vertical so everything is fine then i'm gonna say okay and then it creates everything for me then we go to 3d as you can see the whole system is then created over there so basically that's how you would want to create a a trust system using the um the the roof wizard tool uh you can go ahead and create your your bottom chords which then would run from um that call that point to to that point depending on how you want to create it and or where you want it to be but what i would like to do while i'm still here is i'm going to go to the i'm going to use the slab tool and then i'm going to go ahead and send it to the layer of ceiling uh change the reference plane location and then the thickness would be 12 maybe for the jimson pod um and then instead of concrete i'm just going to say timber floor no not timber floor timber i'm just gonna say plywood for now um um but there it is jameson board um that's the one that i'm going to be using so i'm going to start from this point right here to that point and then select it once again click on this point add on the polyline from here to there and then from here to here so that it just looks better when we open up in 3d uh we don't have to see into the floor plan we can just uh concentrate on the trust system right there another thing that i want to do is once i bring in the roof here as you can see um it's not well expressed the um what you call the the trust system it's not really expressed because i want it to be sort of like expressed so i can click on the roof here and then go ctrl t to open up the uh the roof set the the roof selection settings and then the thickness i want it to be 50 which is the actual size of the so called purlins which are going to be on the roof and then i i want it to be from that point to that point right there and then it does accentuate the the rooftop system on its own right here uh another thing that i'm realizing right now is that if we're here we can sort of like see through it so there's a there's a simple hack for that so i can just go to profile manager and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to raise the roof crown which we created on our previous video edit and then just go copy drag a copy to the top right here the reference plane remains the same so it's going to stay the same and then just say save and then say okay and there you go now it's covered so basically that's it guys um i hope you guys enjoyed this video uh i just saw someone on youtube actually doing the same thing that i'm doing right now and i thought it would be something great to sort of like share with you guys i hope you guys like this video uh like comment and subscribe to this channel because i'm going to be doing videos like this every week uh with that said love you guys god bless you and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Studio 39 Design Studio
Views: 17,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aK2zKawswUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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