Archicad Roof Tip: How to Set Custom Edges and Report Takeoffs (Part 1)

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hey guys welcome to the short little tutorial series on how to model roofs as well as produce uh detailed takeoffs on our roof elements we're going to start basic here in this first video talking about just kind of how to set up a takeoff report as well as some different geometry methods for single planes versus multi-planes we're really going to focus a lot on the different roof edge types so we'll get into all that in more detail here in a moment but in the next few videos after this we'll be talking more about these profiled steel shapes as well as the roof surfacer which can be pretty uh useful for generating different uh profiles on our roofing and get them to generate automatically so again we'll start out simple then we'll get into our sheet metal profiles and then we'll get into our surfacer but for this first video i really want to start by uh just actually doing a quick review of our roof element and um and the information that we can extract from it just right out of the gate so one of the first things that i like doing sometimes is just going into our palettes and pulling up our element information palette here and so this is a really useful way of just kind of always going in and quickly getting a snapshot of what type of takeoff values and parameters we have associated with these in this case this roof but it works for all different types of design tools and objects that we have so one thing i want to highlight here is we have with this roof under our element height here um you can go through and turn off these different values and you get different feedback from your selection here but under our height we have these different lengths that we can pull out so notice we have a ridge length valley length gables hips eaves peaks we also have sidewall connections and wall connections dome connection hollow connection links and so we have all these different takeoff values that we can use in a sign and by by using these we actually we can actually go in and pick and choose which which ones we want to reference so to show you a quick intro into how we can get into these when we click on our roof edge we have this option right here under our pet palette for custom edge settings and so within here we can go through and pick and choose which ed type edge types we are assigning to these different faces of our roof so um so in this case this would obviously be a um this would be an eve uh it would actually be more of like i've described this more as like a fascia uh being on the bottom part of our roof but we'll assign it to our to our eaves in this case and so as soon as we hit okay you'll see that our eave length in this case has now been assigned to four feet and so that's how we can go through and set these up so we can do this again with this end with this edge connection we can go in and we can assign it in this case maybe like a gable and so you can see that we can now populate these with uh by clicking and assigning that edge type so we can't really modify the naming on these like for example eaves we can't change this value to fascia but we can always override that in our takeoff reports where we can define this how we want to use it we just need to know which ones we are referencing those takeoff values to so okay that brings us to the next section of this video and that's going to be actually creating a new takeoff report so in this case for an element like this i would prefer to use an element type versus a components or services these can be useful for other types of takeoffs but when we're talking about sheet metal roofing we'll want to just start with our elements and we can go create a new schedule so our id here i'm just going to give this smr for sheet metal roofing to begin we'll just call this sheet metal roofing and we'll hit okay and so so there we go we've created a new schedule now it's time to go through and actually set up our criteria and then what fields or parameters we want to list onto the schedule so when it comes to criteria here i'm just going to actually hit ok so we've created that schedule there's nothing on it yet if we go to it you'll see that there shouldn't be really anything because we haven't specified anything um and we can see that it's yeah it's just listing a blank schedule here so um so when when it comes down to setting the criteria it's good to go through and just understand what available parameters we have to kind of dial into it's really always been my preference to use as simple criteria as possible for getting these to be reported so i often kind of default back to using properties that i set up um of course we could use layers here but you know in this case for pitched roofs maybe we have multiple types of pitch roofs on our project and we only want to dial this in for like a sheet metal roof and so i always tend to lean on properties for setting these up because we can just go in here and we can kind of pick and choose what properties we want to use and um and yeah in this case we can set this up where we just essentially pull csi code for flashing and sheet metal and if we also want we can go in and create you know a unique uh value within here um for uh you know dialing in this criteria even further so let's start here um we can go into our scheme settings actually just by right clicking on the tab up here on top let's go in here and let's just start by using an identification property and so i'm just going to go in here i'm just going to assign it to a flashing and sheet metal criteria and then one of the most basic parameters that we can list here is going to be like our element id so let's just start with that and see what we get on our report so okay we can see that we have a lot of different content coming through if you double click on these uh if you see up here at the top there's like these little dividers we can either pull this out or we can double click on it and it's going to open it up so we can see everything but you'll notice this is pulling through essentially everything that we have in our in our little setup here so we don't want that we want to really at this point what i want to do is i just want to highlight just this particular one so we can go in and provide just one individual value here it could be any parameter that we choose it just needs to be unique and so we're just going to call this like part one as part of the schedule phase and so i can take this copy it will go to our scheme settings here add that criteria under it was under a schedule where we added this and so we just set this as part one and then by doing that it should go through and just filter down our contents so that we have um just that single element a few other things we can do here we can show this as a headline if we wanted but we really need multiple values in our report first um we can freeze our schedule header but let's go in and start expanding on some of our takeoff values here so if we go to our scheme settings we only have our element id but let's go in and take this a little bit further so i always like working with some of our basic or general parameters to begin with in this case it would be good to look at like the area versus our surface area would be another one that would be good for those general parameters we can go in and under our roof settings here we can start getting in and pulling out different parts and pieces a little tip here you can see that you know we have a ton of different parameters available if you go in and you change your element type and filter this down to the um the element type you want to really focus on we know that we're currently working with a roof so that's fine but you'll see down here when we go to add these fields it now just filtered this down to only available parameters relating to that element type so that's that's one way of just simplifying the list of available parameters so okay let's go in i definitely want to get all those different lengths that we were talking about so our eave length would be a good one our gable length our hip length peaks the pitch would be useful ridges valleys what else am i missing here sidewall connection [Music] end wall connection definitely want to get like our net surface area of the top would be like our sheet metal takeoff value um we could always do like conditionals if we wanted to cut out some holes and only have it include some versus others but for right now i think that's probably a pretty good starting point i'm just trying to think is there anything else we're missing here we'll probably leave off our hollow connection lengths for now and okay i think i'm happy with that so let's just do a little bit of reorganization on this um i like having the pitch up top i like having our net surface area up top here um actually we'll put this right there i'm going to move our pitch up as well um and then i always like just kind of starting with like the most important ones and going down to the least important so uh the eaves length is definitely an important one the peaks and ridges are gables hips and valleys those are all very useful i'm actually going to move our gables up so we have eaves gables peaks ridges hips valleys and then our sidewall and our end wall connections so okay let's go ahead and roll with this all right so one thing here if i wanted to kind of readjust some of the sizing on this i'll unfreeze this in order to take these and pull them down you can always just click on in one of these and then you if you unwrap and then wrap again it will actually go through and resize that um so then we can go in and just freeze the header again but once you freeze it you can't adjust the sizing on that we can always go over here and we can click we can show our headline now that we have multiple values but in this case it doesn't really make a lot of sense to do so um but we can click on this little arrow and get a little bit more space here i can always go in and like turn off the info box to get a little bit more real estate if we wanted we could also turn off our organizer as well but if you click on this little option down here this little fly out you can you know filter the the zoom or you can just go to fit the width here so okay so now we are really starting to get this report coming through we have this one light on them with our pitch our area notice the difference between our area and our surface area surface area was the general parameters that equals the same as our net surface area on the top so though we can pick and choose one or the other in this case the area is going to be just the kind of the area that we see the projection on the floor plan so for our our surface area of our roof finish that is not necessarily the one we want we definitely would want to use one of these but we've already gone through and set our eave length and our gable length we have not set our peaks or ridges or any of these others um but we can certainly do that and uh expand on those in this exercise we're about to get into here so um so okay we've definitely jumped in and covered quite a bit there in terms of our reporting um so let's see here we talked about criteria fields and the roof edge types so now let's get in and really start taking this and i have a little kind of sample project here that we can go through and create some different um you know roofing applications here so let's do a single plane here we'll do kind of a a mitered roof down here and then we'll do a multi-plane roof on the top so let's start here we can actually just start by taking this we'll pick up the settings and then we'll come in here and we'll start we'll let's turn on our info box here so we can see um so we'll start here with just a single plane geometry we'll click here and um so we're going to define our pitch line and then we can just go in and we can draw the shape of our roof so i'm just going to take this pull it all the way over and then we're going to take these edges and i'm just going to offset these edges like two feet in this direction maybe one foot in this direction uh maybe we'll go one foot in this direction so um okay there we go let's uh pick this up see how we're looking okay so we can go through we can select all of our walls here and let's just trim them so right click crop to single plane roof whenever i'm doing this i like clicking this little option to set the wall height to the highest point so you'll see what it does with this particular wall right here when we crop it it's actually going to take it and uh change the overall height so that it's now lowered so that's a like you know a nice clean little way of just going through and um getting those working and so okay so here we go we have this standing seam roof i'm just going to give this like a dash one so that we know which value or which roof this is um and let's go to our report here so okay there we go we can see that coming through but we can also see none of our takeoff values have been assigned so at this point we want to go through and we definitely want to assign those so again we can assign them just by clicking the edge we'll assign this as our eavs we'll assign this one on our edge as it's essentially going to be like our barge or in this case it's the gable portion of the roof and then we can click on this top line i'm going to change my view because it's a little bit tough to see which one i might be clicking on so we'll adjust that so this would be our [Music] this would be our ridge and then over here we have the option of assigning this as this would be like our sidewall or end wall probably in this case i would call this more of a sidewall but we can we can pick and choose which ones we want so okay there we go we've assigned our four different edges and now we can see we have those all coming through here as our eaves our gables our ridge and our sidewall connection so if we wanted to go through and do some checks here let's check that ridge length as an example so one thing to note is okay what's happening there so see how it was 11 feet versus 22 feet um so that's something we need to be aware of is just how these different values are going to be taken off so when we go over here we can check and see okay so our ridges that's that's an issue that's not a right value here what if we assigned it to our peaks instead let's let's check that so let's go back let's reassign this so we're going to just sorry we're going to click and instead of assigning it to a ridge let's assign it to a peak and we'll go back and check so okay look at that there's a correct value so so that's one thing that we always need to be aware of is just how these are being calculated whether it's a peak or a length or sorry a ridge and so in this next portion here you'll really see why it's doing that and there's there's some certain there's certain values and there's certain takeoffs here that it actually is going to want to take those numbers and divide them by two because it's going to assume different pieces are coming together but we'll see that here in this next uh exercise here so what i'm going to do is we'll just kind of pick up the settings on this element we're going to go up one story and so now we're going to be modeling essentially we'll be modeling here on our roof level and so we are yeah assigning this to our roof and instead of using a single plane let's go straight into a multi-plane i'm going to go down okay we got a good offset already there so let's just click and let's see we'll add it on our top plate here so okay so there we go uh this is now one individual roof that we have here so it's not single planes anymore but what's interesting with this is if we go into our pallets and we check our element information you can see that automatically we are already getting these values calculated for us so um so that's awesome and when you use that method it's it already is going to identify our ridges it's going to identify our hips in this case our hips are going to be these values right here our ridge is this one at the very top and then we also have our eaves lengths so it's taking all of them and uh getting our total length there so if we do a few checks on this our ridge seven foot nine seven foot ten so that's that's a correct number if we take our um sorry our uh our hips here um you can see that we are our length is 14 foot eight but this was in plan view so it would actually be a little bit over that including the slope so that checks out and of course our perimeter on this if we click all the way around that should be a good number as well and so there we go we can see our sorry our cumulative here 98 7 so yes that's a good value as well so okay so when we go here we can see all of these and you can see you'll notice that it actually breaks them all out for us i'm going to take this we're going to call this two just so that we are really clear on which ones are which but yeah you can see that it's already breaking these down into individual elements for us and what's interesting with this is it's actually going through and like for our ridges now it's actually going through and it's taking these values and it's splitting it so that we have half the length on one roof and half on the other so it's actually the same thing here with our hips actually yeah with our hips so we look at one of these and obviously actually one thing we can do here is let's go ahead and we'll just split these into single plane roofs okay and so now when we select one we can see that okay yes our ridge length is 3.9 feet and when we do a measurement here it's yeah it's taking that value and splitting it exactly in half same thing with a hip here so our hip is 15.41 there's 15.4 um you'll notice that we are measuring it on one side here but there's actually hips on both sides with this roof so it automatically goes through and calculates these so that we are only picking up the values that are that are merged with other roof elements so it's nice that it automatically knows how to do that but that's really going to be the main difference here between our peaks and our ridges our and some of these other takeoff values that we can assign so lots of flexibility there but it automatically defaults to the right value from the beginning which is which is nice so okay let's continue on here there's just one more example that i want to do and so it's going to be this kind of single plane uh jointed section down below here and so what we'll do is we'll pick up the roof here i'm going to assign this as a 3 for the moment and then we'll just go in we'll set our ridge line um sorry we need to set our geometry method first so we'll set our ridge line i'm going to just kind of click here and we're going to we'll bring it to this point we'll do the same thing from down here so we're setting our our pivot line i should say and we're going to snap this to right there and then of course we can take these points and we can drag them all the way out and so with this here there's a little trick that if you want to merge these you can click on one click on the other and then hold down control and click on the first and so that you'll notice that that actually merged those uh together for us which is a really nice way of getting these set up and then of course we can go through and we can give our cell just a little bit of an offset here so two feet in that direction two feet in this direction uh maybe we'll go one foot on our uh on that section and then in order to really get all of these coming through for our takeoffs um let's go back here and just look at these so um let's do this let's actually turn on our header show headline so now you can see this was our little sample this was the first one this is the second one and so this is our third and with this we once again we don't have any of our takeoff values for eaves um gables or our edge condition so we need to go through and do those we can actually select these in 3d by either clicking on an individual one here so this will take us to that individual or we can also select based off our headline here we can select both of them at once which is nice oh i can actually see obviously our roof here is not at the right elevation so let's take this up um and we can either yeah we can just snap it right up there that would work um so with this wall we would definitely want to take this and we can extend our height so that we are filling that part in so we can over extend it in this case and then we can do a crop to single plane roof and if we check that option it's going to automatically bring it down and set that top height to the top point where it merges so okay we are almost done here so um so we got a few things that we want to assign here so you'll notice that we don't have well first of all let's start with the easy one so we know down here this is going to be our our ease so we'll assign that this will be our sidewall connection okay we can assign this one up here as we got a few different options here we can assign it as either a peak in this case or we could also assign it as an end wall connection so let's do that for the moment and just kind of double check our takeoff value here so we're right at six foot four for the length there um and you can see our end wall connection is that's a correct takeoff value it's not splitting that one in half which is good so so i definitely like that um the other part here that we need to accommodate is going to be our ridge so when we click on this we can go in sorry it's not our ridge it's our hip and so we assign this and when we click on this here our total length is 17 foot six almost but you can see that's already cutting this in half so that's good because we're going to be doing the exact same thing with this roof as well so we click here this is going to be our hip and then we can just simply go through and finish out the rest of these this is our eve this would be our gable or barge and then once again if we're being consistent with this top connection this would be our end wall connection okay so there we go we have all of these assigned um and yeah let's check out our takeoffs here so once again we can check ours our third option here so yes we have our eaves coming through we have our gable length that only occurred on that one side the other side we had our sidewall connection and then our end wall connection was up there at the ridge so if we wanted to sum all these up we can just simply go through and we just click on our sum right here we want to do that for our surface area as well and so we can just go through and click all of these and that's going to do our total takeoff so oh let's do this so our grand total here we can go through we can give it a little bit of a different formatting so we can turn off our lines there we can double click on some of these to get them to look a little bit cleaner um what else can we do i think if we oh let's see if we flag our top line item this is going to actually break it down into these different segments so that's another way of summing this up and then this becomes our grand total at the bottom so we can bold that one up we can go through and we can give it a little bit more separation so we can insert a separator row so that's going to break it out just a little bit more this is our total here so we can give this a little bit different formatting as well maybe we change our color there and so we can just quickly go through and format these if we don't want to see all these lines we can change our cell borders or we can turn it off so lots of different ways that we can go through and adjust these but yeah that's starting to look pretty good and that is a lot of different takeoffs here for different conditions um and i'm definitely liking liking this uh quick little workflow here so um so yeah if you have any questions on any of this then yeah just leave it in the comments section we are going to be back here with uh some more videos on those other a little bit more detailed geometry for the surfacing um there so um so yeah we'll definitely take this to the next level uh in the next few videos but um but for now uh yeah let me know if you have any questions and we will catch you on another video here soon so if you like this type of content definitely make sure to subscribe and uh that way you get all of our videos directly uh in your notifications and um and yeah once again let me know if you have any questions uh we'll catch you here on the next video
Views: 20,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphisoft, Archicad 24, Roofs, Roof Takeoffs, Interactive Schedules
Id: SbrKeWAx6Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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