How to Model Sheet Metal Flashing Roof Trims in Archicad (Part 3)

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welcome back everyone john here from contrabim and we are going to continue on with our mini series on uh sheet metal roofing in the previous videos we had gone through built up a basic composite element and applied it to our little sample project here in the last video we went through and we started applying the steel deck object here which has a few different customized options for going through adjusting geometry and we did some manual placements with the steel deck object to get the servicing that we are looking at here in our little sample buildup in this video we're going to be going through and actually applying some sheet metal flashings to various edges throughout our um these different roof elements and then we'll continue on with a few more videos here we had some questions after video two on the steel decking why we weren't using the surfacer tool but yeah we'll definitely be getting into the surfacer tool as well as using railings versus beams so that we can create an entire assembly that is associative meaning that we'll it will move along with the host elements here so we're just kind of building things up from basic to very manual to a little bit more automated and associative so okay with that we are going to jump in here to the exercise in this video and we'll really be focusing on the application of different flashings so to just highlight what we have here we have an end wall flashing which is very similar here to a sidewall flashing uh we have a ridge flashing we have a peak which is going to be kind of this profile right here we have a gable flashing we have a valley which doesn't actually apply in this particular project but we have one here just set up just anyway we have a gutter and then we also have a drip edge so we have all these different flashings the majority of them here uh actually several of them have the option to become uh adjustable in height so you can see that we can adjust the heights of these um so not all of them but the ones that really make sense so we can adjust those there so lots of them have that option for doing so where it applies so okay so with that let's uh just a quick note obviously all these are complex profiles here so you can always just go in and um you know create the specific flashing that you are looking to use and then if you need to go in and adjust the angles on these then certainly you can go in and do that here um you can make these stretchy if you want but uh for right now they are fine for our purposes so okay with that let's jump in and get to some modeling so first thing up here is let's just go through and let's work on um let's work on our end wall connections so that's going to be this connection right here is really only our end wall this connection would be a sidewall as well as this one so let's work now through our end wall connections so first thing here is i'm just going to pick up the settings of this this beam because we have this corner here i'm going to change our geometry method uh to a chain method here one thing with these flashings is often they will be um actually drawn behind the finish so that if you see the complex profile here your finish will come down and kind of sit on top of that flashing so we'll uh we can actually peel back our um our finishes here so we can turn that off and so that way we can really get in here and start modeling to that particular level now you'll notice with this beam it's actually set down here to our base point from our home story which in this case is the top plate if we wanted it to actually start right from this point over here we could come over here measure and then just pick up that z coordinate which is 12 foot five and so that's going to get us close so in this case um we go in set this to project zero 12 foot five and so that will become our new base point for our roof element or sorry for our for our beam and then from here we can just simply go through and snap these to our different points and after we've done that we can check the placement and the elevation of this and obviously we'll want to raise this up a little bit so we'll probably raise this to just so that it's starting to sit right on top of these ribs here and so you can actually see the little hatching on the side here so as soon as we get to about right there that's going to be sitting pretty much right on top so okay so there we go we have our end ball connection in you'll notice when we go to bring back our finishes here so it's actually going to sit right on top so it's going to kind of disappear there in the back and obviously we would end our finish just kind of right on top of that there so okay let's continue on here so we'll turn off our finishes um and let's work through our sidewall connection so i'm going to pick up the settings here we can come over and just kind of start at this point here um we can actually see that we're a little bit higher than that working point um once again if we wanted to measure to get an idea of what exactly that is we can see it's eight foot three quarters to our z so we can actually set that right here if we wanted so eight foot three quarters and then we can simply just click from here and we'll snap it to right there and then once again we can take this and adjust our height we should actually be able to tell here okay so we weren't 100 right on how we anticipated if we set this to 20 degrees it should adjust for us there why is that not adjusting 20. okay there we go so now we know that it's exactly uh in line with our roof slope because obviously our roof was roof was 20. and so now we can just simply take this and we can adjust it up and with the detailing here obviously we would want to make sure that we at least have one additional rib here in the back um obviously if this uh this sheet metal element here if it was like that and a little bit short then um yeah that that would not work out so well so we need that uh that additional rib there in the back to channel that water down so okay so there that is one condition here uh we can also pick this up and we can model from this port part right here so take this because we already have that angle in here it's just going to kind of start it off with an angle and we can snap that right up in there so okay we can see how that is fitting um so in this particular case we can take this and uh yeah we can adjust it up and so it's not the cleanest of connections over here um but it is what it is so uh sometimes with these beam elements we're just not just not going to 100 percent sit exactly how we want it in those corners it's going to want to miter some of those for us but um if we take these and we kind of pull this one say pull it back a little bit we can probably get them to um yeah kind of fit just a little bit better here so having this rib loaded located where it is does kind of make this a little bit challenging for that particular connection there so what we could do is we could give this just a little bit of an offset to bring this rib over slightly so if we go back to our object here if we shift our pattern say like two inches i think that's going to move it over okay and so by doing that it will allow us to take this and we can drop it back down a bit so that we're a little bit tighter there so that looks better and that looks okay up here as well so pull this down a little bit so okay so there we go we have that side if we wanted these to match up perfectly i would actually just delete this side and then simply mirror this one around so that way we should be able to get those seams 100 matched up and then once again we can just take this corner stretch it to the corner here and we'll pull it back just a little bit because we have that finish that's going to sit right in there so okay moving right along let's uh continue so we got both of our sidewall connections in there we have our end wall connection let's uh let's work on our peak right here so let's go through we will pick up our peak beam and then once again we're going to just kind of start it right from this point um we can see that it's already set down um so in this case we can just we can model it from that low point and then we'll just take it here and elevate and we can continue to elevate this just a little bit higher so that we're sitting right on top up here and then of course because we have this as a stretchable profile we can take this and start pulling that down so um okay so that looks pretty good except for we are starting to miter here so if we take this pull it back just a little bit you can see how those clean up much much more nicely so sometimes we want to just get out of our intersections there and we can do that by shortening or lengthening certain parts and pieces so okay so that's really our only peak let's work on our gable over on this side so that's going to be this profile right here so we can start it from down here at the end so it looks like we are pretty close there so that looks good we'll take it up to the top and once again we need to at least elevate it so that we are above that ridge kind of tough to see it from that angle but from this angle you can see that see right where that's going to hit so okay and then on this end here what we can do is we can just uh simply pull this back just a little bit as well so we're just talking like a fraction of an inch and then that way we can get that nice vertical face and then if we wanted these drip edges to match up then we simply just can stretch this one down and get that just a little bit closer there so take it down a little bit more and okay so looking better i'd like this to tighten up just a little bit more so maybe we'll pull it up and we can actually see how they merge right there but if we take this one extend it out just a little bit then they should unmerge or unintersect and okay so that's starting to look cleaner and cleaner so okay there we go so we got all of those sides there we can take this particular one and pick it up with all of our settings and we have one gable edge over here so let's work on this one so we may need to adjust that one down but so to get this at the right slope take this adjust it down and then we can adjust it entirely or up so that we're over those ridges there okay so that actually doesn't look terrible up top but if we once again we just pull it back just slightly we can get that end cut that's going to look a lot better okay so um moving right along we got all of our gables we got our end wall sidewall so let's let's do this so up top here well really anywhere along our our eaves here we could add either a drip edge or we could add a gutter it's kind of uh up to us here um so up top if we wanted to add a drip edge that would probably be fine then you would be hearing kind of the dripping down on the metal roof which might be something you don't want to hear but let's do this we'll just simply just so we can go through the exercise of looking at these few different conditions here let's pick up our drip edge here and we can kind of just take this and if we wanted to go all the way around here then we could simply just use our square as an option our square input method so we can take it all the way over and that actually fits pretty nice right underneath there so our angle on that may be just a little bit off we can cut a section through here and see but for the most part it looks okay but yeah that's the angle i'm talking about so if we wanted to get in and adjust that we go into our profile here adjust our edge drip edit and so right now i believe we're what are we at we're at 20 degrees so if we take this up another 10 degrees i think we're at 30 degrees total on on that that roof there so we take that monitor those up save it and okay so that's looking better already so okay there we go we got our drip edge on the top and let's go through work on our we'll add some gutters on the bottom here just so we can mix it up a little bit i got a few different profiles here for gutters maybe instead of using kind of this profile we'll just go with like a square gutter for the for the moment and so yeah let's just kind of find our place over here um and we'll just go with our straight geometry drop that in right there and yeah once again we got this little bit of a merging situation so we can extend this one in either direction and there we go so obviously we would want to put a cap on that and downspout at some point but okay so there there we have one side let's get it in on the other side over here as well let's switch up our method and you can see that once you kind of get rolling on this it doesn't take too long to get all these flashings in oops so i made a mess of that corner let's undo that redo it okay all right so we got our gutters what else are we missing okay well of course it's probably one of the most important ones that we want to have in here which is going to be our ridge so let's get our ridge beams going so so we can start it over here we can actually just start it right from this point right there that should be fine and we'll just take it all the way up and i'm going to kind of snap it right inside and then from here we can of course make a few little adjustments so our end we're going to elevate and we need to elevate this up so that we're sitting right on top over there so so that's looking better we can actually take this and if we wanted to give it like a bit of a cut we can use our cut angles here so i'd probably want to find something that kind of makes it look like a little bit more of like a 90 on this end here so trying to get that rotation so something a little bit more like that so okay um up here that looks alright um we can probably pull this back just a little bit get that to clean up oh that's not what i wanted okay so i might even elevate this slightly all right so that looks pretty good and then we can do the same exact thing up top so um so with that ridge beam we're actually going to pick it up again let's set this so that it's home story is going to be well we'll just have to adjust it here it should i think it will automatically stick up here on the top okay so there we go there's one let's get our different corners working so once again it's going to help to pull these off and we can extend this out so what i'm thinking i'll do here is we're just going to mirror this around in both directions and then we'll take it and elevate it so we'll mirror it one direction in two directions and then we'll take all these and you can kind of see right here while we're down in there it's like a hatch line and then we're just trying to elevate it slightly above and then our ridge line we can just kind of extend it out and elevate this one just a little bit more okay so you can see it's not perfect intersections here but it's not terrible either so the nice thing about doing this here is we now have pretty much everything uh coming through and um we got we have good take-offs behind this as well so we'll check that out here in a second just for the moment i'm going to make some adjustments here on the visual side so let's just grab all that hide it let's uh do some quick updates here we actually just select all of our objects i'm going to give this just like let's see um that looks okay let's turn back on our finishes here so we can get a better look of this so we'll grab all of our beams which is all of our flashings in this case and maybe we'll do an override on these as well to give it i don't know maybe like a little bit darker blue check out some different colorations so that looks okay so quickly we can just go through and adjust those to get some different looks out of them but um okay so anyway coming up next here let's grab all of our beams and just to do a quick recap of our takeoff um we had part one part two let's add a part three here obviously we could just continue to add them all based off just our you know single code here but i kind of like building these up like this um just to kind of point out that we can set up these specific criterias for that purpose and so now we're adding a part three uh we'll go through and we're going to highlight or we already have all those beams highlighted let's get in here to our location where we have that criteria which is in this case our schedule and we'll add in part 3. i believe that's how i had it oh there was no dash there so part three and so now when we go to our report here we should have pretty good numbers here on our flashing so yeah you can actually see all those coming through um because of how these have been set up they're now um i mean we're using our element id as a as a way of a headline let's uh switch this over here real quick so um let's actually use like a we have a cost item which would probably be a good one here this is like a combination of a cost code and a cost description so let's switch this over here and so now we have all of our different sheet metal roofing that includes our trap profile which we know those quantities are not real great so if we want to get rid of that we can actually just remove our part two pull that out and so now we just have our sheet metal roofing and we have our flashings and trims so here we can see that we have different areas coming through um so but really with these we're not so concerned with the area as much as we are with our length so if we go to our general parameters and pull in our 3d length that's going to give us a nice takeoff for those elements there so so now we have our 3d length and we can actually go through and if we wanted we can start comparing those uh specifically to our different takeoffs over here so um so yeah lots of different options here for just going through and producing these i definitely i think it definitely you know makes your model a little bit more accurate when you're actually adding these uh these flashings in obviously you can start working through the details with those as well but overall we're really starting to get these coming through we could certainly add a sum here on our 3d lengths to [Music] get those coming through we could really we could get rid of our area we don't really need that in this particular case um but yeah so we have right now currently 352 linear feet of different flashings you can see our different lengths here for the different types and conditions so overall it's looking pretty good here um and yeah definitely liking that one way that we can go through and just kind of get like a nice visual indicator here to make sure we have everything picked up would be to add just like a uh override to this so i have one already set up here for flashing so this is a kind of a nice way just to go through and check to make sure that you visually have everything kind of picked up here there may be a few things like this where we can improve upon the geometry just a little bit so that might be good maybe we even pull it all the way down so it sits right over that gutter so some of these things to get these exact cut lengths if you wanted it to look like that so this is where we can get just even a little bit more accurate than using our base roof elements which is how we were calculating these originally here so so anyway that's pretty much it here for for this particular tutorial um if you have any questions on this at all just let me know um this is you know pretty basic modeling here but um definitely adds some nice uh details to our um to our model our little sample model here so um so yeah overall hopefully you picked up a few uh little tips and tricks here um obviously a lot of this is just in going through and setting up the complex profiles and you know what's nice about this is anytime if you want to go in and modify a profile you can just simply go through and start making adjustments here and lots of different options um you know endless options here for creating different details and different flares for your uh specific uh sheet metal flashing so all right i'll wrap this one up here coming up in the next video we are going to dive just a little bit deeper into our associative objects so we'll be looking at our roof surfacer tools which are pretty cool as well because these can really help us uh in just quickly applying some of these surfacing and um yeah so that will be the next video here on this uh little uh sheet metal roofing mini series but uh but yeah once again if uh you have any questions leave it in the comment section uh if you like this type of content then be sure to like the video and subscribe and share it if you think that you know anyone else who can benefit from these short little exercises so all right wrap this one up here and we'll catch you on the next video
Views: 16,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Archicad 24, Sheet Metal Roofing, Flashing BIM, Graphisoft
Id: UyqDaZhv4iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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