Archery | The Thumb Draw

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Oh all right for one we're back with another video on how to draw the bow last time we discuss the most common method used today the three finger Mediterranean draw today we're talking about another very recognized method to some draw the thumb draw has been popularized and in some ways mystified in recent years especially do the increasing exposure of alternative or Eastern styles of Archer especially on YouTube and several different movies there are some similarities between the rise of Asian martial arts in the West and Asiatic archery in the mindsets of Western audiences today most because of its exotic nature and its differences to Western archery consequently you get discussions where people talk about how some drool is the most effective way into correct but avaya teri or shooting off the right side this correct way and so on and many of these things have some grain of truth to them though there might miss the wider context so what is the thumb draw how does it work and why was it used the thumb draw has its development closely in line with the use of the composite bow these bows were commonly used in eastern stars of archery or Asiatic archery and this covers everything from the Muslim kingdoms the Huns the Mongols the Indians the Persians the Chinese the Koreans and the Japanese so basically half the world used the thumb draw in some way or another rest we go towards the western end of Europe you see more of the Mediterranean draw using the fingers with the thumb draw it's possible to use one digit and the strongest digit to pull the string back with power and control the some draw is normal shot from the thumb side of the bow or the opt side of the archer the reason being is that if placed on the same side or the left side of the bow what happens is the draw tends to flip the arrow off the bow and this is particularly problematic when riding a horse where this is very much undesirable I mean contrasts with a thumb draw the index finger pins the arrow against the bow which allows to be held in place and be shot for a multitude of angles these advanced deuce along with several other unique ones but make the thumb drawl very effective for the cultures and people who use short tops of bows especially on horseback so historically in Eastern cultures and kingdoms and societies this was seen as the normal and correct way to do archery even though the fighters might not be mounted warriors the fact that mounted archery was the prime form archery or techniques and equipment were passed down to you foot arches and therefore this was the normal kind of shooting which we see widely in eastern archery now of course there are dozens of variations of thumb war there is no one universal correct way to do thumb draw no matter what style you use there will be variations and variations within those variations so if you're using an Arabic sauce it's different to Turkish archery which is different to Japanese art which is different to Korean archery and meaning our trend so on there are so many different version of this what I'm giving you isn't a comprehensive guide on every thumb draw but a basic first time introduction the some of the drawing hand is hooked around the bottom of the nock the index finger is then placed lightly over the fingernail of the thumb when pulling back all the way to start on the thumb and index finger help spin the arrow against the bow the index finger also effectively acts as a hinge some of the archer is ready to release the archer relaxes birth the index finger and the thumb and the string is allowed to come off freely and again without the arrow hook the thumb around the bottom of the nock placed the index finger over the thumbnail and pull back on the finger to release relax the index finger and the thumb and that's just on draw [Music] [Music] obviously with a lot of practice you can become extremely quick and consequently the thumb drawer has become associated with speed shooting as I've said previously do you remember that there is no one single correct method of a thumb drawer every style is different not every style used a speed shooting method not every style used the same anchor point and not every style uses the same bow I know recently there's been a bit of a crazy more people seeing some shooting or Asiatic shooting you think wow this must be real authentic military archery yes in some context but as I said before this is only one way to do archery it was used quite widely around the world but it wasn't the only way that people shot throughout history the thumb draw and the Mediterranean draw add lead to most well-known methods throughout history the thumb draw today holds a bit more exotic place because it's less commonly seen in Western media and Western culture but it is actually quite widely practice elsewhere in the world in a way I hope you found it interesting if you enjoyed this stay tuned for more videos and how to draw the bow and hopefully this will inspire you to perhaps try this yourself this new sensei and I'll see you next time
Channel: NUSensei
Views: 82,615
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Keywords: archery, nusensei, vermil archery, vermil thumb ring, vermil classic, thumb draw, archery thumb draw, mongolian archery, mongolian bow, istvan toth bow, kaya ktb, thumb draw tutorial, mongolian draw, traditional archery, thumb release, archery technique, thumb ring, chinese archery, how to shoot a bow, how to draw a bow
Id: jK82xdoFAqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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