Ahmed Karat, on Ottoman Archery

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going on without two million views oh you hit it Amos Allah there's nothing left you just drove it in this feels really different with this ring you have less control of the ring you think you will get more control with the ring I don't teach people with drink for the first three for listening don't touch the ring yeah Turks originally they have three levels of four levels of archery yeah so the Ottomans they thought they were a meritocratic people yes so they judged you and me not by our skin colour our family background or religion they looked at you are you good at what you do if you are then promote you in what you do that the very serious t'k approach there but it worked and that's why they were able to hold on to land for so long because they looked at the people they said okay you guys are good at building things we're gonna give you everything you need to build stuff and this is what we you're gonna be doing that's why when sultan mehmet fatih to call him ahmed the conqueror yes came to Constantinople he did not raise he didn't do anything what he did he organized the city into guilt first thing he and in this there were over 500 guilts to do with archery fletcher's Aerosmith's bow makers string makers all the different things and then in 1940 14 1453 I believe don't call me yeah I'm more at the first a second more at the second formed something called ocular bhakti oqr means arrow field and he gave this field to the archers forever until the day of judgment they say so they say this area is not allowed to be touched by any government or any this is purely for arches forever and until this day it's a multi-million dollar complex in Turkey it was revived they have a outdoor 20 meter range underground 60 meter range and a big kitchen fits everyone who comes okay and then they have a museum and most often a lodge we call techie it's like a lodge floor where people go to share wisdom to be you know better themselves a human being so the Turks monitored our tree the first thing that it is something called capacitive once composite drawing of the empty book meaning a very light pole probably 20 pound they used to be mainly made from sinews and would no home and they said you have to do a passing on each hand 600 times before you touch an error my wife if my own itch that's how they told muscle memory and on each hand they said to me three reasons they said balance if your shoulder if one shoulders heavier than the other which will cause injury in one and if one shoulder is heavier than the other it will cause overtime in accuracy and you can relate because you are running the catcher you understand this and third they said a left-handed shot if you're right-handed if let a left-handed shot may save your life yes meaning you're on horseback cause talk shot not just a run-on wreck you can't shoot on this side easily because you have an animal between the neck is here you're awkward to talk because you're a lock your horse becomes your legs that's right so you can turn you switch your bow and make a shelter yeah if you need so after Kapali they start on something called Torah Torah shooting is only done at very short range about three meters depth so it's a net three meters and the point of Torah shooting this is because in the past knowledge was passed from knee to knee the right what does mean knee to knee literally the student would sit sit in front of his teacher and touch his knees against him so there would be so intimate there's no chance for mistake the teacher would keep an eye on him so closely when he would relay the knowledge he would read his face if he understood he didn't understand it's a different it's kind of a mentorship in archery they apply the same thing when there was a student and the teacher baan taad ba is the first interaction between student and teacher in terms of spiritual guidance because in archery Archer has to have two principal traits our patience is number one two is the turks Prahlad Kakkar taqwa means if ours - translated dedication explained so that your hand eye and heart doesn't wait a few way so your soul is focused solely on one thing here taqwa also refers to a spiritual side meaning seeking that the acceptance of God Almighty so this is because it's very Islamic and it it has a sonic spin on it they then then go into Sufism is virtual work where they talk about the oneness of God and so on and this is where you explain the worst enemy of archery which is pride here in Taba it's a difficult thing for a lot people to disclose like you have to break your self like break your OCD what in modern art retreat people should further know I can hit this I'll go back yes you can hit this but what's the measure of your hitting in toward why you have to hit three arrows that are touching they used a dime in Turkey under him because in the past they were gold and silver currencies okay the slightly bigger than the gold and it was about five cellphone or a large nail or similar mmm they had to hit three arrows into the dime or hitting an arrow that's touching the dime then you would be the confident back and as we said they are then you will become looking a go beyond this thing and they say pride creeps up when you like a black end on a black stone like nine brought your pride your ego it creeps up you don't notice it and you will see in torva physically people will start to creep and they don't notice it you will have a line and then one guy like this and another guy back and then you tell them this is a manifestation because arrow doesn't lie we say arrow doesn't lie so it's a manifestation interest in the physical of the spiritual which is beautiful because you see a lot of the penny drugs moments with people tonight oh you actually caught myself doing this up so it's really rewarding as a teacher but also as a student so ultimately in the east archery starts in the average for example I'm from the Balkans in for example in west archery statute arc the word R comes from a word Arcos in Latin yes and it means both and in West generally the ball was treated as a tool it was treated like the ark in East China Japan Korea everything starts with the arrow when you say archery you say arrow throwing you don't say archery okay like in my language it's a Stratocaster Delhi means arrow casting yes or in turkish türkçe look the air of the out of arrows yes it's just like east and west there's a different philosophy they say I'm a body with a soul he needs to say no I'm a soul that has container called body that's gonna get me to the next year so the way that I approach archery isn't like a tool it's a way to better yourself in your journey to the next life so because we all believe in a great existence yes so they look at this how is archery gonna get me there better so how am I gonna become better human through this tool and not how much is gonna survive when they applied the principle of respectable they would kiss it prices on the forehead not only if you didn't have this you wouldn't survive because you didn't need or if you didn't have this you wouldn't protect yourself from your enemies trying to you know get you it was also because this is the path to salvation in many factors that's why in Islam the Prophet said between the archer and his target is a strip of paradise does this mean this is a strip of literal paradise no it means the way to paradise is by walking between collecting your arrows and shooting them again meaning I will become a better human being by implementing this practice to its core values which is patience focus and dedication that's why the person said teach your children three things before the age of seven how to wrestle how to cast an arrow and how to tell the truth and if they had these three principles at seven years old they were well under way of becoming men I mean men as in good human men when we refer to men we don't mean female male men means good human beings like you you're a good human being I'm it doesn't matter where how or when it's about being good yeah on the right path after tauba if you're confident you go to put that and they say you should put you should shoot about seven arrows out of nine in a 60 meter or 70 meter target and then after that it becomes c'mon Kish c'mon cache specializes in one of the disciplines so Archer should have three traits in terms of three branches speed power proficient precision I think you mentioned we talked to you too but you let the interesting comment yeah so precision means inter bout we start with grouping wrong but we go consistency we as Muslims we pray five times and when we when I'm gonna pray it's like meditation to us okay very soon oh thank you thank you yeah okay so very like it's like turbo when I'm shooting five three arrows per target I'm looking for consistency before I look for accuracy in my prayer I try to pray on time five times day before I try to meditate in my prayer so get consistency accuracy which is how far you are from you then you start with precision that's when you really meditate and you taste the sweetness of the of that moment when you are like faith present pain you know and that's when you are one it's the same energy it's very spiritually then after this we go to tour and then we're talking about the three branches so you have precision speed power so without precision you don't start it without speed you are exposed because they will shoot you before you shoot them when I was in Turkey because I have a compound background I pulled back the boat and if it's not right I'll bring it back no they yes they pull back even if it doesn't feel right their release and I'm like what can I just comment on that because not you he goes yes but to us March is the martial art mmm so harassing the enemy is more important yes even if you should enter oh he's gonna be careful yes that's your defense keeping that constant pressure offense is best defense keeps them at bay and also whoa interesting I never thought of it that way yes so speed is a part of defence only if you are constantly barraging laying down enemy fire yes they are not gonna flinch they're gonna stay behind and not come out yes that's what speed is suggests defence yes so movement is one thing but keeping the pressure on yeah it's a real defensive reaction we don't wear armor but I arose become our armor yes that's why they say we should much it blocks doubt this is it literally does yes because they send so much firepower so many arrows downrange but it's ridiculous it's been mentioned that the Celtic Archer in a crusade Emanuel he had arrows in his boot quiver yes side quiver and in his head yes turban yes he staggered and when they said he fired them is in a few minutes all of them he released him and that was his strength he would come in release to collect my arrows come in release go collect Morris yes that's how they were yes they would fire thousands and thousands in power now power comes in a way that when you talk about how you talk about heavy boss but it's not just that it's your technique of releasing properly with the correct huh trust with the correct straightening sooner than later and not letting your boat do all the work but you actually straightening your arrow sooner and I know there's a lot of people who talk about this the manifestation of power artery comes in flight so when you are shooting flight yes with the zipper and heavy balls comes to mind yeah so you're shooting heavy ball and you have to have perfect thickness yes you will see people with 80 pounders out shooting people with hundreds 10 gestures yes and you will ask yourself does it make sense because it's not just equipment it's just me yes it's how you shoot so it is it did that aspect and second what speed horse that horse archery so a lot of sports a church they only focus to speak today awesome trick shooters like Fame very famous loud without somebody a very very far very fast but he was very likable yes yeah the point is he's the trick should you know that is yes it is per area here specialty it's fine yeah he has his special yes and you know he's done great things in in in many ways yeah because he's promoted a kind of hype yeah um and then of course target archery is precision precision not interpretation impressive a doctor but the complete archer yes is the one in history on the battlefield and because we look at archery like martial art he's completely that's why chemin Kesh means complete Archer and then when you are complete actually get the cup side meaning the grip of the boat to the from master to student and it's a ceremony so you get together with recite certain verses would it serve and then it's a it's kind of it's like master apprentice scenario like any mush like because and then the archer secret is recited to his ear now according to many scholars the archer secret is a verse from the Koran Munro Madhumita it no matter what I cannot lie Adama it's not you who throws the arrows even though you think you are throwing it is not view who threw the arrow it is God who created the throw the heat and the breaking of the targets because they used to shoot at clay pots yes and if the clay pot didn't break properly it's not considered heat so they've had to be a perfectly straight arrow yes so that's where the puta comes from the shape from the clay so that's here philosophy even though you are practicing to perfection sometimes you'll miss yes that's why we say talent pulls the ball destiny releases the arrow yeah so this is highly spiritual aspect of country that we don't have here in Australia that's what drove us to all open this club here in Melbourne yes and is the key to this he's the president so he's he's opening this club because there's a gap in the community and like you said there's a lot of ignorance yes there but we say like these five things you need for archery you need a bow you string your arrow use a gear and come on kiss the archer yes without the archer if we have the equipment if we don't have the arc then everything is lost yes so the art is that is the most important and we never mock other actress absolutely you know even though the thumb is bigger than the index in the ring no it's honestly it's yeah all about resource yeah have to you have to respect and share and learn it good way I hope this is actually advanced man if this is conversation yeah yeah really open a lot about the spirituality or so much yeah absolutely amazing and it's not just for Muslims yes like everybody across the board a human being absolutely you want to become better human being that's why I mean they asked William he'll bring massages he was cool by us he's considered complete how he was the one like a Reviver of this board yeah he need pioneered all of the modern Rico he was complete Archer he had speed precision and power but when they asked him because he should pretty much any animal that was living on this planet except dinosaurs cuz they were extinct yeah if I would have said absolutely he was amazing hunt yes um I'm gonna shot heavy balls he was powerful you know great guy but interesting thing that they asked him what do you think about when you aim what do you think in your head when you are doing that body he said I'm looking at an animal it's for that's savage I love ferocious animal and I'm thinking kill kill kill so he's channeling his inner survival since this is where we stuck with immigrants with William Hill because we respect him his archery in the way he shot but when we look at target we don't look at it that way we look it's a reflection of myself so my fear my greed and I'm trying to hit a oh connect with the target that's why when we aim we connect where we connect is where the target is and that's also the aspect of directional knocking so when we are directional knocking Express we I all I worried about is let's say if I'm afraid if I'm scared of a horse if I'm scared of my job or my money or losing things then you disconnect for that because archery is the art of the empty mind if I'm here I'm thinking about my kids are they gonna be on are they gonna have anything to it yes Maya tree is not here yes it's true absolutely but if my mind is empty and I'm meditating in my sport then I will connect if I'm thinking about my draw and you can relate because you are artists as well we can't be distracted by things in our my exact to school school told us yes it's a spirit which watches over staying open last arrows only an eight and it was stress about the next arrow sold only as good as your last area we say shoot the arrow doctor school mm-hmm Clara it's done now it's been shot you can take it back but a lot of people get lost because they lose their mind in the gold yes they go crazy yes about that yes and that's opposite of the philosophy of archers yes the point isn't the gold yes yes it's a reflection of yourself the key to philosophy and our kids yes to teach them something there's something called pride and how to combat pride something called fear you are not born brave yes you learn how to be brave yes that's why when you jump into water you start one minute till you get to ten more here is something you conquer it's not going so the same with archery you you conquer your fear you conquer your greed because you have to be in any archery so things like fear pride especially it's something which a lot of people struggle to do and I do that too shooting to dv/dt far too fast I'm not shooting it really doing archery throwing arrows you know
Channel: NUSensei
Views: 88,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archery, nusensei, ahmed karat, maydaan archery, ottoman archery, turkish archery
Id: va7Xtly5ufA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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