✝️ “Evening Service" w/ Archbishop Veron Ashe | The Rewind Revival

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look at your neighbor and say neighbor I am determined that there has got to be more there has got to be more you may be seated so far the scripture made the Lord had a blessing to the reading in the years of his word my spirit today I was stuck in Chicago for two hours on the runway which produces nothing but prayer the man next to me had 5 Bloody Marys and in about 20 minutes I was just praying for him and I kept hearing in my spirit there's got to be more your theme is unique is called restoration simple word restoration is oftentimes thought of getting back what you lost the truth is though restoration is not only getting back what you lost it is getting back more than you lost when something is restored it's worth it's greater than that when it was new if I restore a 67 Chevy today I can sell it for $40,000 when somebody bought it in 67 it was only worth two restoration is not only getting back what you lost it is getting back more than you lost restoration is messy you've ever seen a house restored sometimes it's easier to build a new house than to restore an old one you know save your money time and heartache but there is something in restoring that that once was when you begin to strip away the paint and the wallpaper and begin to see the original vision the original intention that the architect had when he first made it then you are able to enjoy the beauty of that time you're able to enjoy not only the beauty and the nostalgia but you are able to add wealth and culture and character to yourself anybody can live in a tract home but it takes somebody special to live in a Victorian home take somebody who has culture and character you can't buy that you got to learn it you have to understand what the architect intended when God when we begin the process of restoration I am afraid that what we have called restoration is not restoration it is the building up of new things we are creating or recreating or starting new things new movements but record true restoration begins by perceiving what God's original plan was what his original intention was he is the RKO he is the original architect of the universe it is by that fact that even theologians tell us that there that even to the atheist the creation itself testifies that there is a God if you do not seek only a fool says in his heart there is no God when you look at the universe the order of the universe testifies that there is divinity involved the the Empire State Building did not build itself and Hagia Sophia did not build itself and st. Peter's Square did not build itself it's obvious when you look at them no it just was a pile of rocks they formulated and became the Empire State Building that somebody had to have a vision for those rocks formulated and create God is the architect of the world he is called the RKO he is the ancient one who from the beginning created all things he is he is called by by Paul and by early Greek theologians he is called the hähnel philanthropist they are the only God who truly loves humankind he is the only God who truly loves us loves us so much that he did not create us as mere creatures but gave to us his own identity his own image and his own likeness gave us his own genetic structure gave us his own being gave us his own attributes gave us his own essence gave us his own energies rather so that we could share in what he was he made us free morally Jensen gave us the greatest gift which is the human will the will to decide which is where the true beginning of God's divinity release mankind that you have the choice to be what you want to be to do what you want to do whether good or bad whether God whether God or the devil with their life or death it is your choice and in choosing you are constantly enacting the nature of God that's why the devil never like she didn't like you then he don't like you now it is songs to me that people say you know since I got saved the devil really been fighting me he didn't start fighting you when you got saved he's always been fighting him he hated you and you in the world why do we believe that the devil loves people who are in the world when you're not saved he'll do anything for you that's a lie he will destroy you and kill you i devour you he hates you then because your image the image is of God and every time he looks at you I don't care if y'all crap I don't care if you're sleeping with somebody you ain't married to every time he looks at you there's still the image of God that he hates he can never defile the image that's what God did to tick them off so you can make them backslide in the garden but I'm gonna let him keep the image just to make you mad so regardless of what you do to him you'll never be able to strip mankind of what I gave them the eye cornea which is unique because icon which just means image eye cornea and the Greek Church we have icons in the also Syrian church we have icons but more than that icon means window it is a window to another realm if we are made in the image of God with our windows every one of us is a window to something far more profound and yet we settled for simplicity when we are profound creatures we settle for sunday-school definitions of God the summation of our preaching always comes back to ethics and morals because we are never able to progress to the spiritual realm kill me so that we find ourselves as pastors trying to keep telling you keep your pants up keep your dress down we waste conferences and good preaching time telling you something you ought to already know Paul says I want to share with you spiritual things but I can't cuz your carnal Jesus says I have yet many things to share with you but you're not able to bear them whoever wrote the book of Hebrews so where the Apostle Paul we're not sure but whoever wrote it we know that when they wrote it they said this is a time that you ought to be teachers but we have to teach you all over again inside this is a time you should be feeding others but now we've gotta feed you the milk of God's Word because you can't get past the outer man man is a trifle being he is body soul and spirit that is that and then it's the creation of what God has made you that you may share a multiplicity of things yet most of our preaching deals with the issue of the body and the soul yet man is first spirit he's not last spirit he's the last body God didn't give your body a spirit he gave your spirit a body you had a spirit first you didn't have a body verse and yet we can neglect the spirit because we are unable to mature to a place to receive truth because we don't want truth because if we get truth we gotta be accountable and the truth is about truth we don't want to grow up it's a whole lot easier mama cut your meat for you close your pay your bills pressure wash your behind it's a whole lot easier having her take care of you instead of you having to grow up and be responsible and feel the weight of what it is to be an adult and in the church we neglect the spiritual yet Jesus says listen to the words of crimes he says when we throw when a farmer goes out to sow seed 3/4 of it are destroyed and one-fourth falls on good ground hello good ground but yet on good ground some of us will only produce 34 some of us will only produce 64 and some will produce 100 fold it surprises me that people who are producing 30 fold never long for more they are happy I just want to be saved enough to get into heaven saved enough to stay out of hell rather than acknowledging that there is a deep yearning within them they belong as the constant cry of their spirit that says God there is more than what we have been called to there is more than what we are experiencing and there's more than what we have settled for there is more as spiritual people to the church and to coming to church than just fulfilling the minimum moral obligation to get to heaven there's more than just living right there's more than just paying your bills there's more than just talking in tongues and dancing once a weekend you're shouting and praising God and paying your tithes there's something inside of you that is filled with greatness profoundness it is perplexed because you are not acknowledging it it is yearning to be released it is the divine essence it is in every one of us is the spark which Maimonides calls it Paul says it is the Spirit of God that is within us Christ in us the hope of glories the hope of a greater dimension is daughter and yet we've settled for less Paul puts it this way listen to what Paul says Paul says I dress listen to what he says you ain't gonna get it easy i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus there cannot be a high calling unless there are lower callings we have settled for lower callings rather than pres haha callings we've settled for enough salvation but never the fullness of God's kingdom looking what is it 34 64 hundred volts God tells Moses I want you to make me a tabernacle here's the dimensions there must be an outer court there must be a holy place and then there must be the Holy of Holies or it's called the holiest of all there must be three realms - coming to God the outer court is larger than everything else can I tell you that there's gonna be a lot more people 34 than 64 onderful there's gonna be a lot more people who just want who just want us to just just help them get in just want to be a Christian in my heart and never longed for greater dimensions being 34 outer court round then he says there's a holy place in the holy realm and in the outer court rather there is the the the brazen Laver and the altar burnt sacrifice then you have the holy place three vessels in there you have the table of Schumer and the candlesticks and the altar of incense speaking of the power Lord spin then of course the Holy of Holies where the throne of God or the Ark of Covenant is notice that there are three feasts also there's the feast of Passover Pentecost and Tabernacles then the outer court relates to the bass over it relates to the blood of the Lamb it relates to justification it relates to salvation that we're being saved in the outer court yet the outer court is exciting if you've never been there you go to the outer cordon there's blood being swung fire and things being washed and preached chanting and people were moving around and things being sold and people making all this noise and robes investments it's exciting in the outer court if you've never been there but after you've been there 20 years after you've been in the outer court 25 years time I just glad I'm safe seems like you ought to want to begin to wonder what's going on in the holy place something is you would want to perceive what God is doing over there what you're not allowed to see then you get increased as Christians we don't want to go into the onion we don't want to go into the unlawful places because God's gonna kill us when we're scared we've been poles don't go in there that's dangerous just leave it all just just get the heaven don't question God don't ask God no questions so now all of a sudden we have this false theology we're afraid to ask God like there's something you gonna ask him that he can't answer the truth is when we were told not to question God what they were really telling us is don't question the preacher cuz he can't answer you God has never been afraid of your questions God is the only person you can look in the faces I don't believe it and God said that ain't changing nothing because you don't believe in me does not mean that I'm not God you cannot believe in me all day your belief has nothing to do with Who I am I didn't create you because I needed to be something I was before I created you I created you so you can acknowledge me but if you don't want to acknowledge me that don't change nothing I am still that I am there's got to be more than church on Sunday and Bible study on Tuesday night there's got to be more than Sunday school and missionary activities and evangelism programs there has got to be more than just developing more programs to fulfill the needs of people we have got to do more than compete with the secular society we are spiritual beings and there's something within the church that is crying that is dormant that is suffering that is in famine there is a people who are saying god am i back slidden have I missed it is there something wrong with me why do I feel like I've talked to everybody and I'm the one that's crazy why do I feel like it's something wrong with me why when I talk to other Christians about my longing for God and my desire what it's facing my hunger for prayer and my longing the fast and getting his presence all I want to do is go to Denny's and gossip and talk about this and that why do we have-we belittle the presence of God through an emotional experience you can turn on and turn off and as soon as you get out you can't even remember what the preacher said we're trying to find out which restaurant is still open and you can still get some hot wings in before it's too late that's what the church is demeaned itself - we have missed the purpose in the plan of God because we have settled for 34 we have lost the longing for God I don't think we lost it some of us never had it we never truly Lord for that that was greater than us and we've settled for religion instead of longing for relationship [Applause] one of the great Latin father says cognos carom dome at M Atari Cognos carom Deum at M Atari to know God and to imitate him to know him that was the summation of Paul's experience at the end of everything that Paul had done he said you know what I wanted I want to know him Paul of all people saying I'm gonna know him you don't know him Paul you've seen him he kicked you off your horse Paul who was in the Arabian desert for three and a half years and said I have the 14 years I met a man knowing whether he was in the flesh of spirit I know not of and I saw things that were unlawful for me to repeat I have not seen years I've not heard neither hath entered into the hearts of men were gods prepared for those that love him Paul do you want to know him Paul says I want to know him what do you want to know Paul what is it that you're longing to know Paul says that there are things in God I have not even experienced yet if the summation of my faith is what he did that I will never see what he is if I live all that I live based upon my past then I will never experience what God is becoming to me now our whole testimony is based on what God did and not what God is who God was to someone else and not who he is to us here's a profound text listen to this because when I read this this scared me half to death Jesus says no man can gain his soul unless he first loses it I question man how can a man lose his soul how can we lose our soul why would you even tell us to lose our soul it seems like it's a little head heretical but since Jesus said it it can't be heresy we don't preach it we avoid it too deep too profound yet I think that God has called every one of us to lose our soul I think that every one of us has received our faith as a gift from someone else every one of us when we made a decision to follow Christ if through orthodoxy or liturgical churches you are baptized as a baby your faith was the result of vicarious faith through your parents to acknowledge and baptize you in the water if you was through a fundamental Christianity you received it based on someone else's testimony the power of the preached word the life of the testimony school teacher Christ was introduced to you from someone else she didn't have your own revelation your faith in him was based upon someone else's faith their faith ignited yours it was your faith in their faith in him that brought you to the kingdom it was not really your own safe you had not yet developed a faith you're just were so excited about their zeal for God that you believed on him cuz they said he was real there because they testified about so God ordains says that's a good testimony that's alright for you but but there's gonna be a point in your life that I'm gonna strip your mama's definition and your preacher's definition and I'm gonna let you lose everything that you ever built I'm gonna strip everything down till you look in my face and say God is there really a god god is this really you am I missing it see that doesn't scare God God wants you to say that to him because when you're getting the room he'll fight with you he'll wrestle with you he's gonna win he's coming out on top but when you come out that room you're not coming out saying my mama told me you're coming out saying I've lost my soul but I found for myself I found a relationship I found an experience a definition of God that's not based on what somebody else said it is my own experience it is my own revelation that's why we need to stop dogging the Apostle Thomas telling us that Thomas was a doubter Thomas was not a doubter the Apostles came and told Thomas he is alive we have seen him with our own eyes Thomas said you have seen him but unless I see him for myself unless I touch his hands and kill it I can't believe all for your testimony Desdemona need my own experience need-to-know informal look at your name ins and need my own experience there's gotta be more than what we are experiencing do I have a few minutes turn with me if you would to 1st John to first John to John's epistle written primarily to combat Gnosticism if the second chapter 12 through 14 verses I love this you've got to hear this by the Holy Spirit because Paul or John rather defines some things 12 first I'm not preaching just a minute this is little twelvers i right up to your little children because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake I write unto you father's because you have known him that is from the beginning I write unto you young men because you have overcome the wicked one I will write unto you little children because you've known the father I have written unto you father's because you've known him that's from the beginning I have written unto you young men because you're strong and the Word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one notice there's three levels children young men and fathers I write to your children because your sins are forgiven if the summation of your faith is the issue of sin you are children it's the issue if the summation of your faith is the issue of sin you are children if the sum total of your experience with God is just trying to stay sane just trying not to sin something is wrong with you if they've been married had gotten married and 20 years in the marriage you still dealing with the issue of being faithful [Music] after 20 years of being married you still have not decided this is the one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it all we wanted to eat we just want people to preach us back to holiness preacher saved again we go from service to service just trying to stay saved that's all just a son just trying to stay safe you that's the reason you can't touch anyone else's life you can't bring anyone else into the kingdom cause you're too busy keeping yourself there don't no benefit to God's kingdom you have produced nothing oh you're quiet shoving y'all there's something wrong with us I ran into you young men because you're strong I ran into your father's because you have known him that it's from the beginning when you're a child you deal with issues of sin when you are a young man you deal with the issue of strength based on your knowledge in the Word of God when you are a father you know him you know him we just where we need to go we need to define him but we can't define him cuz we got to spend 30 minutes defining you we've got to tell you that you're a sinner you're a wretch I'm done you're unfit for God's presence you need to pray so you can stay fast so you can last be humble so you won't stumble [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but there are spirits so things about God Paul said or a power server wrote the book of Hebrews Paul for the sake of argument Paul says in the book of Hebrews that he wants to reveal to us the mystery of Melchizedek who is the high priest after who who is Jesus with the high priest after the order of Melchizedek but he can't even tell us about him why cuz you ain't ready for it that's what he says he's in you ain't ready for I wanna deal I wanna go deep but I can't go deep because of cuz you're too busy just arguing with there's too many divisions among you you you're joggin whose church you go to who's your favorite preacher this week who's your favorite evangelist who you like who you don't like who you agree with who you don't agree with like you're a qualified scholar to agree and disagree with your launches [Applause] and he says I long to give you the deep things of God but I can't cuz you're not ready for him and her spirit is longing for there's got to be more there's gotta be more than this you can't tell me you spend all your time coming to a conference like this spending your money getting dressed up coming out here then bringing all of these people together here for you to just come and say whew that was wonderful I can't wait till next year I wonder who's gonna preach who are they inviting who did they say what's coming next year I didn't hear I may have to buy those tapes they were really really interesting if we really believe that God was speaking to us there would be a difference in the intensity of our services there would be a difference in our approach we wouldn't come late and try to leave early we would be longing and hanging on every word as if it was God speaking to us because he is speaking to us that were unable to perceive and understand it we're unable to discern it from 30-fold to the sixty-four to the hundredfold from the outer court to the inner court to the Holy of Holies from Passover to Pentecost to Tamarack as we spend our whole life dealing with Passover dealing with the issue of sin dealing with living right dealing with the issue of the blood of Jesus that's why I tell people all the time I said leave me let me make you made mad again I don't mind messing up your theology because it's not always right anyhow there is a poor theology on the blood of Jesus I'll just have to deal with up there with it before him but I knew it again the reason I like to deal with it because it makes folks mad so I continue to say it till they agree with me cuz I'm right he who has the biggest cross is right and stop sure but again how can we progress unless we have finished or settled an issue we have a poor theology about the blood of Jesus for whatever reason sometimes poor theologies are not born out of people purposely trying to mislead us it is sometimes sincerely trying to define what is a mystery heresy in the early church was not necessarily always the the attack of the devil sometimes it was sincere men simply trying to define God and their definitions sometimes were inadequate and had to be condemned example historias aryan civilian poor definitions of god the manikins but sincerely in love with him so we have the blood of jesus which deals with the outer court which is the feast of passover the whole feast of passover is that the blood is applied and once the blood is applied the death angel passes by see we continue to tell people that the blood was shed for you the blood is not for you it quiets alright I know y'all I know I know you're going to argue and that they've taught you I agree I agree I'm just offering another perspective allowing me the luxury for a moment to just offer another version the blood was never shed for us the Bible is explicit in the Old Testament that the blood doesn't belong to man the blood belongs to God God says when you kill an animal give me the blood you can take the fat but the blood belongs to me you can have the skin but the blood belongs to me you can have whatever you want you make you a burger if you want but the blood belongs to me if you make a burger make sure ain't no blood in it if you eat a steak make sure ain't no blood in it cuz the Bloods not for you the blood is for me because the life is in the blood take a life for a life and if you eat the blood then you take the life of that dead thing into yourself only God can take the life of a dead thing into himself and cause it to be reconciling and forgiving and appropriating sacrifice so the Bloods not shed for us it shed on us for him it makes for good videos but it makes for Paul's theology the blood is not shed for us it shed on us it is shed on us for him so that when he comes when he needs payment the payment is the blood he takes it to himself and gives us life in repair transferring life for the blood it's that's why you can't go around sling into blood everywhere nice long the blood just like you slung the blood slung is that a word plead the blood we're we're in the Bible and say that we should plead his blood we don't plead the blood the blood please itself the blood cries out speaking better things then Abel's blood did his blood has a voice we don't need to apply it we don't apply the blood he applies the blood only the high priest has the authority to apply the blood this is theology she doesn't mess you up some you mad at me but it'll get you delivered let me tell you why because you're wasting your time spending time praying prayers that don't work because they're not biblically correct it's good but it's time to come up higher it worked in its day but now that you know better you got to be accountable for it the blood is not to be applied on your car but I plead the blood on my car cuz you don't have enough credit to get you a decent car how dare you defile the holy blood of Jesus on your raggedy hooptie that's your thing his blood wasn't for your car his blood was for your life you don't put the blood on your car to get a job to pay off your bad credit to get a decent car and you won't need to plead the blood [Applause] Shanda shooter mesquita Kickstarter Honda oh mama money her cannot see her my sunglasses ddie les belles Eddie come on only don't leave me out here speaking times prophesied on coming armed in a Pentecostal church you charismatic bat me something I don't know what y'all I don't know what I am anymore I just want to be a Christian in my heart listen the blood is not applied to things it is a blood it is applied to lives it is applied by Jesus who is the high priest of our faith he applies the blood of Jesus to us and so that it is a once it is dealt with once and for all the issue of the blood the blood cannot be applied multiple times if it is applied multiple times there must be multiple slings there cannot be multiple slayings of Christ because Christ didn't die many times he died once and for all the Bible says he died once and he will not die again once was his blood applied it is applied it has no need of being applied anymore he came in his wrath he received your blood he receives the blood the payments been paid the issue of the outer Court is settled the issue of 30 foulest settle the issue of the feast of passover is settled he has become our passover the power of the blood the pot let me tell you let me have let me set you feeling me set you free the blood does three things it delivers you from you and that's probably the hardest one to deal with the blood silences the accusation of your conscience the blood is sufficient payment whereby your conscience does not try to repay what it could not afford to pay so thereby your conscience is silenced because it knows the price has been paid not only that it doesn't only deal with the silence with your conscience the blood deals with these show God's wrath God wants to kill you he has a right to kill you the wages of sin is death and he's coming to kill you he's got to take payment and when he comes to kill he can't why not because the blood is there God who is omnipotent all-powerful is unable to walk past the blood to demand his payment because the odd suffice is his wrath so he who is all-powerful cannot go beyond the Covenant he made with his son the company made where the Sun is wherever the blood is my wrath ceases so when he comes to require what's rightfully his if God cannot kill me even though I deserve to be killed if the blood is powerful enough to stop God who is all powerful Almighty holy full of glory to million majesty if the blood can stop him if God himself touched me because of the presence of his blood what makes you sick son devil has the power to step beyond the blood of Jesus and harm and touch what God has sanctified it's settled it's settled look at your neighbor and say it's settled that's good news stop wearing about 34 it's done you all happy in the blood just glad for the blood you don't stay with the blood the Bloods been applied it's done move on you still dare to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've got to move beyond it you've got to move beyond the power of his blood that's what we're finding out - the power of his spirit it is not enough to deal with the issue of the blood you must stay with the issue of the Spirit in order to go from 34 to 60 434 deals with this your salvation deals with the issue of the blood these are the issue of applying the power of Christ or the love of Christ to his people in terms of dealing with justification we are justified then you go beyond let the sanctification or to the power of only spirit when you receive the Holy Spirit is 64 34 6404 out-of-court inner Court Holy of Holies Passover Pentecost Tabernacles Pentecost is the second piece it's the feasts let's celebrate it in an upper room it's the feast where the Holy Spirit falls it's the feast that celebrated with a hundred and twenty trumpets can i prophesy to you it's not the first time that 120 trumpets sounded when God dedicated his first temple the Solomon built the Bible says God told Solomon to get 120 silver trumpets and to consecrate in the temple with a hundred and twenty silver trumpets it is unique that on the day of Pentecost when God was building a new temple he had a hundred and twenty prophets 120 voices a hundred and twenty men women boys and girls in a room that began to prophesy and praise God and worship God and they consecrated the beginning of a new temple not a temple over in Israel but a temple not made with hands you are the true habitation of the Lord Jesus Christ can I take it to the next level you ain't ready for it but imma throw it out there anyway since you want to go deeper from the time every time there's a year of Jubilee a trumpet sounds how do you know that the year of Jubilee has come the new Jubilee deals with the issue of restoration restoration is getting back what you lost not only getting back what you lost get it more than your loss your Jubilee does not only deal with the issue of economics it deals with the issue of image because what the way you paid for your economics or the way you paid off your debt in the old testament was you saw your sons in the slavery so your sons left their father's house or their first estate sold into slavery under tutors and governors under slave masters working for another man until the year of Jubilee came when the trumpet was sounded for the year of Jubilee the sons that were sold into slavery came home they went into slavery boys they come home men they went into slavery without beards scrawling pale they come home full of muscles and strength bearded as adult man so that gentle sitting in the kitchen looks out while she's making her matzo ball soup cause her husband Simon come over here look there's a boy coming right down the street he walks just like you why they he looks just like you talk look that big ears just like you got bushy eyebrows just like you God I could almost be on sir that our son he's coming back to us looking like you he's coming we sold him in slavery but he's coming back a man we sold the man as a boy hello Galatians 4 the air as long as he is a child differeth nothing from a servant though he be Lord of all but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father in other words does not it does not matter how much faith you practice how many scriptures you memorize how many how much how many gifts you manifest as long as you are a child you differ nothing from a servant as long as you're a child see but is excited I know my destiny you know none of you know find your destiny out in this conference it ain't gonna do you no good if you're still a child everybody trying to find out their purpose and destiny you don't me ain't gonna help you as long as you're a baby as long as you're still dealing with the issue is sin as long as you're still just trying to get saved as long as you just trying to stop backsliding as long you just trying to make it in God's kingdom as long as you are a child you ain't no different than the world as a matter of fact the Bible says you are under tutors and governors the world will teach you some stuff that the church can't as long as you remain a child let me give you an example I was raised in a home that had the benefit of of wealth and prosperity we had a West Indian maid they worked for us mother Roman sweet lady and she one time I was about 10 10 11 years old probably 10 years old I said maybe nine and I was up on top of a stool getting some cookies out of a cookie jar she is from Jamaica and I was getting some cookies out of this cookie jar just his stuff in my face just being greedy you know just and she comes in there and she says you know boy what you're doing up there you better get down quick come on quick before me beat you good and I look at her and say excuse me this is my house this this is my grandma my family pays the bills here listen that's how rolls-royce that's your bus don't talk to me like that what about 10 minutes later when I regained consciousness [Applause] uh-huh cuz Jamaicans got a spirit upon them I realized something that even though I was heir to all of that as long as I was a child I differed nothing from a servant though I was Lord of all the problem is the church has affirmed who we are but it's not given us maturity to operate in it so we are children smart mouth proud arrogant Helen folks naming it claiming it walking around thinking it all belongs to us yet we have not personified a life mature enough to walk in what God properly has given us it doesn't belong to us yes do we have a right to it yes is it ours yes are you gonna get it no not until you grow up and you're mature enough to deal with it that you're ready for the blessing so it does not become pride and we're both arrogance but it produces humility for the benefit of God's kingdom let me delete let me take it to the next level back to the year of Jubilee the Bible says that when God went that went went went went went went when Solomon consecrated the first temple 120 trumpets on the day of Pentecost 120 trumpets hear me you gotta say water follow me follow me we going we go and follow me every fiftieth year is the year of Jubilee the year of Jubilee you sound the trumpet because the child comes out of poverty comes out of slavery to return home and to work his own field to begin to appropriate in his own land what rightfully belongs to him he goes in a child he comes back mature fully restored in the image of his father what we lost in the garden was the likeness of God we lost the spiritual authority that Adam had we lost Dominion and power God wants to give it back but all Adam lost was a garden we get the whole world we don't get only what we're lost we get Mac more than we lost see it's been some interest on it [Applause] [Music] every 50th year you better watch me every 50th year is the year of Jubilee every 50th year a trumpet sounds from the time of Adam until now it's been four thousand years 50 times 80 is four thousand summons and I don't going to man see it's why the more that arts preachers name watch 58 times 40 or 50 times 40 equals or 50 times 80 equals four to four thousand so from the time of Adam until Jesus it was four thousand years or 80 trumpets blue 80 Jubilees 80 multiples of 50 from the time of Jesus until now it's been two thousand years it's been another 40 trumpets so from the time of Jesus at them until now it's been a hundred trumpets and when the last Trump still sound we which remain shall be changed from Mortal t immortality the last trumpet is when the church is going to put off the mortal the carnal nature and become truly what they are spiritual they're gonna cease trying to get stuff and they don't get God and the secondary result of getting God is God's go get your stuff [Applause] [Music] I'm a preacher just a minute give me a minute give me a minute but there's got to be more to this message there that is so in the Europe's you believe we're being brought to a greater dimension of God's glory there's more you came to church old life and something in you says there's more you thought you were crazy you talk to other Christians and you begin to share with them your heart and they look at you like the Lord bless you yes how sweet oh he talks to you does he oh yes and you have visions oh yes and dreams mm-hmm and you see angels now do you and what exactly do they look like what was it oh well in that special and then you walk around thinking man where do you get that prozac again where maybe there's something wrong with me 34 6400 for outer core inner core Holy of Holies Passover Pentecost Tabernacles tavern echoes are the fullness of the feast Pentecost is the beginning of the feast the property the churches we've been excited over the beginning of the feasts Pentecost is the beginning of the feast it's only the beginning of the feast it's only the beginning of the feasts were happy about the beginning of the feast God says wait a minute it's only the beginning of the harvest it's only the down payment it's only the earnest it's only the beginning of what I did it's not the fullness it's only the beginning true rejoicing should be at the end of the harvest the beginning only denotes that the first fruit is holy it belongs unto me you should begin to rejoice because if the first fruit is only the whole lump it's only if I think if I'd a few almost signify all if I save some I'm gonna save all see that's God's heart God is if I get a few out get enough and the few is all I need to start something because a little leaven leavens the whole lump I just need a few to get the whole lump because it all belongs to me and now I don't need a minute I just need a few to get what belongs to me anyhow so Pentecost is the beginning of God's or is not the end and here we are we're throwing parties who I'm Pentecostal and we set up a camp and a feast rather than experiencing and moving on to Tabernacles Pentecost can be celebrated in an upper room but Tabernacles has to be celebrated in the streets because a room cannot contain it a room is not big enough to hold what God wants to do what God is gonna do but you cannot be contained in the bank accounts that you have it cannot be contained in the home that you live it cannot be contained in the body that you have it cannot be contained in the church that yep it's gonna grow bigger than these four walls because in this conference bigger than what you received in the past it can only grow bigger so there's a greater dimension a greater level beyond that thirty-four 6404 outer core inner core Holy of Holies Passover Pentecost Tabernacles first the blade then the corn and the fully ended in the corn Faith Hope charity listen over and over the water baptism spirit baptism fire baptism that's in the book folks milk of the word Bread of the word the meat of God's Word Jesus Christ the Lord priest prophet King father son Holy Spirit a three-fold cord cannot be broken David was anointed once to rule to fight with bears second time to rule Judith third time to rule all of Israel Joseph got three coats the first is daddy kill the second part of the game and the third the king gave him Ruth was picking up leftovers in the field 34 Boaz thought she was kind of you instead leaves the best of the field 64 she married Boaz that got the whole feel hundredfold [Applause] you're settling for for the best of the field but the problem is gotten want you to reap the best of the field he wants you to own the feel unless someone else written it for you let someone else work in it for you can I take it to the I'm just enjoying myself y'all put it on me son I used this example in Bishop Pearson's Church about eight months ago and have regretted it ever since some want to use it again because it is a profound experience it is a profound example the Bible says when you receive the Holy Spirit we got so excited about the Holy Ghost like is the best thing you've ever that's woo the Holy Ghost is the best thing ever happened to me no it's now it's the beginning of the best thing that's ever happened to you it's not the best thing there are greater things how dare you sell God short and say that you've already experienced the best when you have the holy spirit you've only received the earnest earnest means the down payment anybody knows that when you go to buy a house you got to put in earnest money earnest means you're serious earnest means you're not playing earnest means you ain't wasting you know cuz some of you nowadays when you go to look at that they want to know they gonna check your credit they're gonna say you know before I show you this because some of us we mess with them people ain't got no money to make a wall short I'd like to set up an appointment to look at that house up in the hills over there you put on your best clothes not money in the bank do you want go house shopping looking for something up there trying to experience it walking through no you ain't got no money how about very nice I just doesn't fit my personality but thank you so much for your time lion spirit nothing you call it faith it's faith so what happens she you walk and you see all that you can go to a house and put put two hundred fifty thousand dollars down let's say on a $350,000 house that's a big down payment if you don't pay off the rest you'll still lose the house it does not matter the magnitude of the downpayment if you do not pay it off the problem in the church is is that we got excited about the down payment we made a payment since we made a payment since but we keep telling everybody about the down payment down payment earnest that's all we got is the earnest of our narrative it's a down payment but it's not the fullness it's a sixty four manifestation but not the sum total of what God is doing for us yet he cannot give us the greater because we are too busy building churches dedicated to the sixty celebrating the sixty and God says I called you to a greater dimension so here's my example I'm a single man I'm not allowed to marry I'm a bishop in the Orthodox Church the tradition is that we are called from the monastic life so but if I was allowed to get married I wouldn't just put any kind of ring on my wife's finger I won't put no diamond chip [Applause] first of all the reason you don't put no diamond ship is I teach in my church that if the man changes his mind the woman keeps the ring so if he put a diamond ship it's only a couple hundred dollars he lost nothing he's out a tie and a shirt that's it so you gotta make sure he put at least four carats at least a twenty-five thousand dollar ring that way if he leaves you changes his mind while you're healing your broken heart put a down payment on a BMW and when you're driving the BMW I guarantee it will help the ministry of healing you can anoint it you'll see how quick your tears are dry and your broken heart be healed behold I show you a mystery [Applause] but if I was gonna get married I would fly fly catch a flight over to Russia I would go to st. Petersburg and in st. Petersburg I will take a car drive open to them into the mountains of Russia where they have the stones I would pick an uncut diamond several carats probably 12 carats I was flying over to Austria because by the time they cut it down I would only have about 6 carats left when they cut it I say first of all I want a princess cut because I wanted every facet of the diamond to shine I want I want it and then cut me a couple of baguettes for that bad boy to put on the side too and make sure that it's at least a B in color because I want it to be colorless I I want it to be flawless and this time I don't want no flaws in it because it's got to be perfect just like she is this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with a lot of time you're through cutting it don't put that back boy and go put that bug in platinum mess I chopped platinum ring there when you put it in platinum imma put in a custom Everett box put it in my pocket I'm gonna fly back to America I'll catch get me a nice limousine take it over to her house take come on get in the car I'm gonna put her in the car we gonna go to the airport I'm a buck book of first class flight to Paris where my family is from not on the Concorde but we gonna get another flight they go there cuz I wanted to be safe I want her to not be afraid we're gonna fly over to Paris get off of Paris there's gonna be a limousine waiting there we'll get in the limousine Oh take me down to the shown cities they're right close to the Arc de Triomphe there's a little restaurant right around the corner from the town called chez Maurice I would have called ahead and say play a little Vivaldi in the background make sure the lights are turned down low and have a bottle of Dom Perignon chillin I'm off the docks don't bother me that's that's your issue in the corner I'm gonna order for her seeing I'll have to order for herself I must say we're like two canard in the launch and we'll go ahead we gonna have a little dinner sit down at the end of the day time I reach in my pocket pull out this box she's gonna be getting nervous she knows what's about to happen and as they say in Jamaica I'm gonna say booyaka I'm gonna temporarily blind her with the brilliance of the diamond she'll be crying and shutting all of the peoples expensive that Peters and stuff she's gonna say I do cuz any wise woman would I just put on her ring ring finger I just put on a ring finger of $58,000 ring as expensive nothing to play with that ring is only an earnest I still cannot enjoy the full benefits of our relationship we married see some of you are trying to better receive the full benefits of your relationship with God but all you got is an earnest you're trying to go into areas that are only reserved for those that have totally committed themselves to him in all areas you're trying to put it - man don't dawn for something that you don't have a right to you think just could you speak in tongues I got two prophecies right and have no dream and memorize five scriptures that you have access to the full benefits of God take them I'm here to tell you you're wrong that ring has got to be big enough because it means I mean business when you put a down payment on how's the visa me I mean business the reason it's got to be big enough is so that just in case she goes to church and I'm not there and some young preacher get a little excited may be single and look out and say look like I see my wife when she lifts her hand towards her the ring has to be big enough to let her not let him know imma go on that aside looking over there she goes to the store and a young doctor gets off his shift and thinks she kind of cute she's gonna reach out to get a cantaloupe or something some tomatoes or some cabbage that time has got to be big enough so he don't even have to get close to wonder see it's the same thing God sealed us with His Holy Spirit so when the devil says I want you every time you begin there any girl shunned it at every suit oh that's a little oh you can't have him God has already taken them they already belong to God he's already marked him he is serious he means business they are he is you can't touch that because he belongs to God it's the down payment but it's not the fullness because the day's gonna come that we're gonna get married it ain't gonna be no long engagement we don't grow up in to the next level and when I get married I'm not gonna put an expensive diamond ring on her finger I'm gonna put a simple band something says wife Bishop ash it doesn't seem right why why don't you put something expensive honoring because you get something far greater than the cost of that ring what me she gets me people are gonna ask us a baby that's a bad range is the way do you meet my husband this ring ain't none see we got excited about the Holy Spirit but you're not gonna have the Holy Spirit forever no the Bible says you only have it until the day of your Redemption you are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of your Redemption the whole purpose of the only Spirit is to maintain you until Jesus takes you unto himself - you are caught up to the fullness of him do you grow up into him the full measure and stature of Jesus when you grow up into him you don't need his fear returns to him because now it is inherently normal to be like if there's no longer than necessity of an outside force because now you are joined to him you are directly connected to him as part of his body so you don't need something existential because now you have become part of him you are his body fitly joined together bring it together manifesting the fullness of his glory he is the head of the church that's why when Jesus said the foxes have holes and the birds have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to put his head he wasn't talking about some place to sleep he was saying that the church the body of Christ is not mature enough for the headship of Jesus the rest are he needs a mature body for his head to rest oh I'm finishing hang out with me for five more minutes it's a down payment but we gotta want more we've settled for a down payment we shouted over down payment we've longed for down payment we rejoiced over down payment we have thought over down payment we have argued over the down payment we have the spokes out over the down payment we have disagreed and started religions based on the down payment but we have never moved on to the fullness of what God has for us we have settled for that but God says it's time for you to cease to be children and young men it's time that you become fathers it's sad that you cease to be in the outer Court or the holy place it's time that you go into the Holy of Holies let me tell you what God commands I preach God tells the high priest that when God told Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant he told him said when you build the Holy of Holies that's got to be 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 or it's a thousand square cubits and when you put the Ark of the Covenant in there there's only enough room for one man to go in there's not a lot of room in there it's only room for one man only enough room for one person so all of us can't go as a matter of fact none of us can go only one man can go in the holy of holies the only way you can go in is you've got to become a part of the one man you've got to connect to his body you can't go in with your identity you've got to go in with his identity you can't go in as you you've got to go in as him you can't go in with your situation you've got to go in we ask him so really coming to the next level or desiring more it's the church saying I'm not honest I'm gonna cease to be myself when the Bible says if my people which are called by my name by my name not their name if my people which are called by my name see the problem is you're being called by your name but you need to be called by his name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways let me tell you the problem with seeking his face is that there is a paradoxical ascent if I seek his face the Bible says no man at any time have seen God and yet lived yet he tells me to seek Him but if I seek him I'm gonna die yet he says seek Him but if I seek him I'm gonna die yeah he tells me I want you to seek my face but if I see your face I'm gonna die God says have you got it yet if you see me you're gonna die you're gonna die to your needs you're gonna die to your desires you're gonna desire take your time to your flesh and I shall live in you and I shall you shall become like me and you shall be absorbed into my body and when I go into the Holy of Holies which cannot be corrupted you come in via my presence are you getting it are you getting into that when you go into the fullness of his presence when you go into all that God has for your pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling you're not settling for lesser college you're called to a higher calling the only way you can get to the higher calling is you must cease to be you to become him that's the hundred fold the hundred fold is the feast of tabernacles the feast of tabernacles is the fullness of God not the measure of God it's the fullness of God we've settled for a measure when the Bible says be filled with his fullness not somebody in say Fullman foolish st. gregory of nyssa says that god is quran quran means the one who contains all things God alone is a current post even though he contains all things he is uncontained by anyone he cannot be contained though he contains all things o God is the only one that can get everything in him and he'll never become two or three or four God is the only one that can always be one always be one regardless of how much gets in him because he is uncontained but can contain all things so it's not enough for you to get God in you the purpose that you got God in you and so that God could get you in him he put enough of himself in you to get you in him because you couldn't come on your own so he put him in you and then he sealed it he sealed it so that when he draws himself back to himself you're stuck real drug by what he put in you God set it up so that he can't be fullness he cannot feel all things without you he purposely put himself in you that when it's time for him to be God all and in all he's got to bring you with him so when he begins to say now it's time for me to be the summation of all that is everything that I've sealed myself in comes with it so that I'll lose none of it it comes to me because I put me in them that's what Jesus says that you are in the Father I'm in you you're in me we're in him so that when you get in him when you get in the Holy of Holies when you get in the hundred fold when you get in the next level then you learn that you're not stirred up anymore you know youryour praise is not the result of emotion it's the result of knowledge which means it can never be changed it can never be lost it can never be stolen it can never be messed with when you worship because you know then the devil can never steal your worship there are times your worship and there are times you don't worship because your worship is contingent on what you feel because you're operating from a 1364 but when you become a father you know him no matter what it looks like I know him no matter what the situation turns out I know him it doesn't matter how things are turning around I know him and the knowledge of him suffice it me enough so that all I need is him and him alone I begin with him I end with him I start with him I finish with him he is Alpha he is Omega he is the beginning he is the end is the author he is the consummate ur is it not there must be a longing in you for more there must be something in every man on the boy and girl that says god I want more than what I have let me finish Emma can I conclude now in conclusion and I'm finishing right now turn with me to the book - the book - the book of Genesis and I'm finished I'm finished I'm finished let's let's kill a sacred cow one more sacred cow and I'm out of here I promise hang on miss with you normal the third chapter Genesis 3 verse 23 this is good cuz we got this verse all messed up you know you know it would help sometimes if we actually read the Bible because you got to go back to the original Hebrew here because sometimes in translating it from text to text from name trying to make it understood other translations listening in the King James is probably closer here than any other translation within this listen what it says 23rd verse therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken help so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the Tree of Life now many translations said to guard the way of the Tree of Life but to keep was probably a better translation there to keep mine even guard his property doesn't say to keep man out see we were taught that God put an angel there was a sword so that man couldn't get back in I'm here to disagree with you God put an angel there listen to the text to guard the way not to keep man out the Bible doesn't say the angel was put there to keep man out the angel was put there to make sure that man had a way back he was there to keep the way to the Garden of Eden how do you know bishop asked cuz he had a flaming sword hello sword word of God hello the Word of God is a two-edged sword hello his ministers are flaming scum like flaming Spears hello somebody that the sword that gets you into the ministers when the men of God preached the Word of God it is interest back into the garden that we were kicked out of it so that the garden that you are kicked out of you now have access back to the fullness of the kingdom of God is not only getting back with your loss it's going back and reclaiming everything that Adam lost and getting more than he lost it's getting what it lost and get more it's getting what he lost and get more so that you don't only get what you lost you get more than he lost that's why Adam lived thousand years you know I hadn't lived a thousand years but close to a thousand years because Adam fulfilled in his lifetime he had full access or full use of his mind he fully remembered all things that had taken place in the heaven the lifespan of a human being is connected to his use of his mind today we only use 10% of our brain and we only live 10% of the life that Adam lived the Bible says in the day that you eat you shall surely die Adam didn't die that day the machete was spiritual it was spiritual but as natural - the Bible says that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years Adam didn't live a thousand years the oldest man Methuselah didn't live a thousand years nobody lived a full day since disobedience came in why do you think that the millennium reign of Jesus Christ is specifically 1,000 years in that it must overcome all enemies even the last enemy death so that when he overcomes death which is the greater measure of God's provision there will be a people that will manifest the fullness of his kingdom you ain't got to like it it's in the book and if the book says it is true are you listening to me so that's just the truth that there'll be a people that will live a day but they first of all gotta move from being children to being mature they've got to leave the carnal realm to the spiritual realm for the be carnal mind it is death but to be spiritually and it is life in peace so the little quicker you're able to leave the old and go to the new the quicker God can begin to renew he dealt with it what is restore refresh rededicate revisit rev restitution be all of those things reconciliation renew first of all dear let me tell you what renew means the Bible tells us that you need to renew your mind let us now be transformed by the renewing of your mind you can't renew something unless you already have it listen you can't renew your magazine subscription to GQ unless you already had a magazine subscription to GQ when the Bible says renew your mind you're not getting a new mind you're getting the mind you had in God before you were in your mother because you were known in him he told tell my before you were in your mother's womb I knew you you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world you came through your mother but you came from God you're not a body with a spear your spear with the money that Bob that mine has recollection or recollection of the mysteries of God that's why when a person is reconciled you can't be reconciled unless you were first married you can't be reconciled to somebody you ain't never been married to but if you've been married to him you can be reconciled back the reason people are being saved is because we're trying to reconcile sinners and tell them that they're meeting Jesus for the first time they're not meeting Jesus for the first time we are reconnecting them to the creator of their souls we are reconnecting them to who made them from the beginning because Jesus is the source of all things and that restoration that rededication that renewal reviving that refreshing comes from the presence of God and when that happens that happens as a result of people who are changed from glory to glory so that when we put some death we put on his death there found we don't have to die because he died so that we don't have to that's the reason there's more if you settle for where you are then you're never gonna get what he has for you getting what God has promised it has nothing to do with how many verses of Scripture you can claim it has to do whether or not you are mature enough to handle the blessing of God if the parent wants their child to have everything that they have but they don't give it to them when they're five years old or when they're 15 years old because they know that they're wasted they'll abuse it they'll take advantage of it so they wait till they mature and are the handling God wants to give us it is his good pleasure to give us the kingdom but he can't give it to us now because we have to carnal we're to blasphemous we're to backslide it will fill with too much concept we're filled with too much ego and pride that keeps us separate from the presence of God we cannot attain because we're not faithful over what God has given us in conclusion final conclusion real concludes all of this what does it all happen for man's first day with God's last day when God made man on the sixth day Adams first day of life was the seventh day the seventh day was God's last-day man's first day was the Sabbath man was originally created to rest man was not created to work he was created to rest he was created to be in a place of knowing what God was capable of his job on the seventh day was to look at all that God did look at all that God did tons and plate all that he had done and in wresting allow it to reproduce after self because the way God made everything Adam didn't have to do nothing he didn't know he simply had to appropriate God put everything everything was pregnant with itself and didn't have to plan apple trees apple trees that's then him the seeds would automatically fall from the fruit that falls from the tree it would automatically plan itself birds would come take the seed take it away God would take a wind the wind would cover it with dirt heat the rain would come water the garden and then from that would give birth the whole creation was set to take care of itself man was just supposed to walk over and make sure it was looking pretty his job was to walk around and make sure that it was all perfect Adams job was a gardener and he messed up the garden he lost the gun that's why when Jesus was resurrected on the third day when Mary Magdalene came and she saw him the first thing she said is I he thought he was a gardener I didn't know that it was Jesus he was a gardener you know what he was coming to reestablish the garden that Adam had defiled that's what Jesus would be the son of a carpenter cuz he would be a carpenter too he would be the step son of a carpenter because he would build God a house they could not be torn down by hands you can't get this at the Bible book store come on somebody don't look at me strange some of you are saying please stop just get a doggie bag I'm finishing right now [Music] so what is the next level what the next level is is realizing God I thank you for what you've given me I thank you for what you've done I thank you for what I have but I'm ready to go to the next level the beginning comes begins when you make up your mind that what you have is not enough when you cease to be at ease in Zion when you cease to be satisfied with the realm that you're walking in when there is something inherent in every one of you that says God I can't stay where I am and I cannot remain in this place and a lot of you like I'm losing my mind because I'm frustrated with everything that I'm going through down on the inner sanctum of my soul I'm longing for a great level oh I know so there's a place in you I'm not experienced yet don't leave me stay like this you've gotta come to the next level I don't need another signals conference I know I won't be safe cuz I see me to be safe I'm gonna live right cause it's in me to live right don't waste your time preacher [Music] [Music] place is born that we've not seen have not seen [Music] you have an experience [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on to use me we used to sing it Lord I'm available to you the truth is we're not really available on his terms we're available on our terms but there's a place where you cease to be you and you become like him there's a place where you put off the old man and put on the new man there's a story [Music] if a bumblebee came in this church today that bumblebee would have the appearance of death it would be yellow and it would be black it would come in here and begin to fly around people would begin to go crazy you know the women will they'll get scared of that bug now let's say the bumblebee stung my brother here his arms gonna swell up it's gonna feel the pain his face is gonna contort his mouse is gonna try he's gonna feel the poison that's been injected to his body but that's saying ba ba ba gon stop there it's gonna fly over here and mess with some of you and you gonna be scared of it because when you look at it it looks like a pop or B it has the appearance of a bumblebee you're gonna swat at it but when it comes to sing somebody else when it stings him [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why I'll never forget I have a friend in the movie industry he invited me down the Hollywood is that Bishop I want you to see me make a movie I said that's all right he's very famous and well-known and one day he was making a Western and when it was on the top of these stairs somebody was getting ready to punch him and as they were getting ready to punch him I heard the director said cut and he stepped off the stairs walk down stairs God in his chair crossed his legs another man dressed just like him got up and got in his Sam place and I heard the director say action and when is that action the memory it back and punched him he rolled down three flights of stairs got up from the bottom he said puck he got up limping got up Bruce got up hurt and all of a sudden the stop got back in the same place that the stunt man was laid down in the sand position the director said action and the star set out he didn't deal with none of the pain but he got the stop his name was on there Jesus told me next time the devil mess with you I'm all sake [Applause] [Music] take your place that's why you gotta get in here that's why go against operation come on kill the frames Oh [Music]
Channel: YLC TV
Views: 7,086
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, bishop veron ashe, whooping, ylc, young leaders conference, elder mark moore, revival, the clark sisters, apostolic, pentecostal, orthodox, anointed, praise break
Id: z97EhEIRLnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 56sec (5396 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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