ArcGIS QuickCapture: An Introduction

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welcome everybody we are happy to be here with you we are going to talk about a new mobile application mobile application a new somewhat because we released it originally under the edge real apps brand in July July 2017 and maybe some of you actually have been using it under s relapse but the big announcement today is that now is available in the stores you can download it it's included with your filled users so you can go to town and use it although you will need to know a little bit more about it before you can do that so that's why we are here my name is Ismail CVT I work as a product manager in s3 and with me is Jonathan Hassell yes I'm the project engineer the quick capture worker at the email Byrne R&D centre over in Australia we build apps like we capture and survey one two three excellent so let's go into it this is the agenda general overview kind of motivations to create this application and what it does some use cases then we will give you a demo to show how you can create your own projects and then we will deep dive into some details of the application that are important to understand you can ask questions throughout the session if things get too nasty we will just not take questions anymore quick capture is part of a larger effort in a suite to help you optimize field operations with the power of location specifically quick capture seeds in this area of data capture how can we create the best possible user experience for people to capture georeference data in the field you might be wondering we already have collect or we already have survey do we need a third one well actually this project was born out of specific requirements from people like you that were saying loop collector doesn't care it sorry doesn't cut it they are great tools but in some very specific workflows they simply don't help when it's something different so for that we created this application you can think of it like a big button fat button application it's really the simplest experience possible to create geo-reference data you have a bunch of buttons representin gif features you push in one of them we create that feature using the location from your device this simplicity makes it ideal for different scenarios we typically classify them as ad speed data collection workflows and also rapid data collection work forms and we will talk in more detail about what this means in just a few minutes but before we go into theoretical discussions I'm going to actually give you a quick demonstration of the app running in my mobile device because if this year we just see how it works here you can see in orange the equip capture logo I downloaded it from the store you could do it too even if you have not created a project you can have a feel of how it works you see at the bottom it says no account try it you see that right so you can just click right there and this opens a collection of sample projects that we put together just for you to try them out so I will go through some of them this one for example the road debris reporter pretend I'm travelling on a vehicle and I need to quickly capture the location of certain debris along the road I see a road marker on the side I simply go tap on it at that moment the location of the device along with this feature is sent into ArcGIS and that's pretty much it and just to make sure that I tapped on the right button you probably if you listen carefully it reads out the label to you to make sure that you know you typed or you tapped on the right button why is this important because with this application we want you to touch your data without paying too much attention to the device we want you to be focused on what you are actually capturing yeah this is another example this is an urban search-and-rescue scenario is another example of rapid data collection the first responders are not necessarily out there to capture geo-reference data they are there to help people that they have a lot of information they need to communicate for the next wave of responders so an application like this where they can simply tap on a button and snap a photo of animal hazard right so that simplicity that is important you capture that observation put the phone back in your pocket and you keep doing your work that's rapid data collection you can see that the buttons are color-coded because that means something to the folks and you can also use these groups to collapse and expand to make easy access to the buttons that really matter to you at that moment one more project I want to demonstrate we call it love for words and bikes this is just a sample project we put together pretend you work in the city of cilantro doesn't matter X Y C and you want to map by paths sidewalks and abstractions two bicyclists and pedestrians you are traveling down the road there is a bike there is a bike path on the right so you activate that button in this case we are not capturing a point observation we are capturing a polyline observation and now you see that there is a sidewalk on the right actually I have the buttons reversed we should actually change this right and then you can have even three or four polylines being captured at once and while this is happening I could actually go and tap on pedestrian crossing that will capture a point of that type or an issue you are not an issue right so you can see that each button has different properties and we will learn how you can configure these buttons to do exactly what you are looking so that's a quick view at the mobile application in this video you can see an example of how this app is or can be used this is a field test we did around Ezri campus in Redlands one person driving one person focusing on capturing information note that the sidewalk button is now active as soon as the car starts moving you will see that the polyline is going to be created right and now we are going to approach the intersection with Nevada Street there is a pedestrian crossing right there now there are sidewalks on both sides of the street so we have two buttons active you get the point yeah very simple very simple concept so this idea of rapid data collection at speed data collection applies to many different scenarios let's go and describe some of them in transportation for example people Phil crews they spend a lot of their time actually traveling often at highway speeds they can use quick capture as they go to capture information about assets quick asset inspections pavement conditions there's no plows when are you actually traveling in versus when your snowplow is actually activated and working you can use quick capture to indicate if it is up or down and create the polylines accordingly this is an example configuration from Colorado DoD they use quick capture to perform night route sign retroreflectivity inspections at highway speed here is another example where some companies utilities in particular are used in quick capture from helicopters often to document what work has been done or needs to be done and the beauty here is again that you can configure this big button application for people to quickly capture the information that they need in emergency response there will be an example of rapid data collection you may have heard of these wind shield damage assessments it's not like you are doing undamaged assess of the windshield but you are doing the damage assessment behind the windshield of your car without stopping so you need to identify things very quickly capture photos and move along this is an example from a non-profit in Canada they put the mobile phone with quick capture in the handlebar of the bicycle and you can see that in the helmet they are wearing a high accuracy GPS receiver they actually are very interested in capturing these bike trails with high accuracy and we capture connects directly to this GNSS receivers they are even capturing the elevation the 3d you know features of the bike trails and of course through different buttons they attribute the information that they are capturing what is the type of trail the skill that is needed to go through it etc this is an example from King County they started using quick capture last year in July actually as soon as we released in s relapse and now they are transitioning to the general release that we are announcing today in this case they wanted the simplest possible user experience for these guys in the field to document where invasive species have been found but they wanted something like big button fat not raining go at it and capture the data quick right so ease of use was really a key element here once they capture the information they run different processes in app GIS desktop to generate different polygons and areas to plan ahead other work that is often done with other ESRI tools up like survey one two three now how do you create these projects this is done through a web experience called up GIS quick capture designer the foundation of these quick capture projects are existing feature layers in these feature layers you create categories through the symbology and those symbols are turned into buttons later on in the application jonathan is going to give us a demo from the beginning to the moment you load the project in the app I say spell so I'm gonna take you through a simple workflow of creating a project using the web designer so the example we're gonna look at is this mountain bikes trail mapping scenario where they're capturing the trails using polylines and also when they're out and about they all want to also want to capture points of interest using points so within my pro documents I basically set up my data to ensure that when I do import the feature service and create my project is going to be as streamlined as possible the more time you spend getting your data rights the less time you have to spend in designer creating your project so that's the key thing to appreciate the starting point for every quick capture project is a feature surface now I've added in three layers I've got the point layers for the point layer for point of interest but I've symbolized it on observation type so bridge issue lookout intersection and then I have two polyline layers both for trails one for paved trails and the other one for non paved trails in this case we've symbolized those layers both on the trail type of being advanced intermediate or beginner now as I smell have mentioned every symbol or type for a layer will be turned into a button when you import that feature service using the designer but the designer actually do a little bit more work for you it will look at the symbology so the color of the symbol and that will use it to color the button you look at the shape and it will shape the button giving it square edges or round edges additionally it will actually look at the information within the feature templates so if I go into the properties if you have configured default values for any of the fields within your feature templates then the designer will look at that and use those as default values for your buttons as well so there are a couple of important things to do to ensure that the layers work the designer the first one is to make sure you symbolize basically using unique values or single symbols unique values is better because you'll end up getting a button for each type that you've symbolized on additionally you need to make sure that you do have at least one feature template created for each layout within your feature service this pretty much happens by default even if you create your feature service in pro or even in ArcGIS online but if there's none for whatever reason then you won't be able to import the that particular layer then finally it needs to make sure that you have all the fields that you're going to require or want to populate when that button is pressed if the field isn't in the feature service then you're not going to be able to populate it when you press a button so I like I've published this this service now but this is what you would need to do get your data into this state publish it as a feature service and then it's ready to go for import in the designer so let's sign in you do need to be a creator user type or above to create projects within the designer but then once in there you'll land on the my projects page so here you can see any existing projects that you've already created you can go in and edit them view results for any previously submitted data against a particular project and you can go in and delete them as well we're going to create a new project when this page loads you can basically see all of the layers that either you own or have been shared with you and these can actually come from within your organization or outside and we're gonna select in this case the bike trails you see feature layer or feature service when I set up some basic metadata you can give it a title tags and also a data recovery email so we're gonna cover this in a little bit more detail but essentially in situations where the user is unable to upload their collected data for whatever reason we've got a mechanism where they can actually send it as an email to the administrator or author of the by default it will take the email of the signed-in user and of course you can specify the directory within your portal ArcGIS online or are just enterprise of where you actually want that project to be saved okay so I'll go through read all the information and then create a preview and this is a pretty light representation of what you'll see within the application in fact I could actually download this straightaway and start collecting data against it the nice thing about the design areas we can actually make things a little bit more attractive and we can configure the behavior of what happens when we press the button so let's start with groups of course we have all of these buttons and groups we can go in and rename them so I'm just going to turn this into unpaved layers and then for groups we can also configure the number of columns that you have your buttons spread across by default we import it as four or sorry as three but if I push this up to four you can see that I've essentially squashed all the buttons in quite a small space you are able to preview your project in a range of different device orientations and ultimate means that you can build a project for a target device orientation if you know your users are going to use a tablet and iPhone you can build your project so it looks good on a tablet likewise for a phone so in this case we're going to use our target devices our phone so I'm going to reduce the number of columns to 2 and I actually am not really that concerned with capturing bridge features so I'm going to ignore that and the same for a lookout I got to delete that button as well next up let's just do a little bit of work in terms of making the buttons look a bit more attractive so first up I'm going to actually apply some nice symbols we've got one for the issue button and another one for intersection okay next we're going to make it look a little bit more attractive I'm going to change the size I'm going to change the shape I'm gonna change the fill make it a little bit more green and then I'm also going to apply a border as well I mean just for consistency I'm going to go in and select all of the line related buttons and again we're going to round the edges and apply the border so that's the aesthetics you can do basically shift and select multiple buttons and apply appearance changes to all of them next up we want to look at the values or the data that's captured when a user presses a button so by default you can see that we've pulled through all of the fields that were in the feature service or in their original source data it means that we can put values into all of them we've already pulled through the observation type value so for the issue button we've already got an observation type of issue and we've already got the observation type of intersection for the intersection button that was read from the feature template that we saw live in ArcGIS pro but for the rest of them we can put in even default values any bit of text we want we could put a default value of say 90 degrees as a as a direction or bearing but it doesn't make sense so within the designer we've actually added in support for variables so instead of having a fixed string you can actually get a variable which will mean that when the user catches for example direction we're going to replace it with the direction coming from the device likewise we can do the same for horizontal accuracy and altitude and there are a number of variables win a cup of these in a little bit more detail but ultimately depending on what field you're looking at you'll have a choice so let's do the same thing for advanced intermediate and beginner we'll update the data we'll specify in this case a start time and an end time we'll put in the username of the signed-in user and we will keep the trail type attribute the same as advanced intermediate or beginner depending on the button okay so let's save this one and switch over to the mobile device we're going to get projects and then we will download the project and you can see we've got the project pretty much ready to go and start collecting data I can collect a wait for a location and we collect an intersection now this is great working a design but I remembered that actually I want them to be able to capture all the users to be able to capture a picture when they capture an issue or an intersection so again let's jump in to the designer and in this case we're going to data and I want to be able to enable photos as long as you have attachments enabled on your feature layer then you can switch photos on you've got a couple of options so in fact what I'll do is I'll show you the difference between them the first option is to have or basically a manual manual mode of capturing photos it's when you press the bottom the preview will appear you can take your picture all goods the second option is automatic this basically means that as soon as you press the button the pictures taken no preview but it might be a good in situations where perhaps you put your device mounted to a dashboard you know you're traveling multiple miles per hour down the freeway you don't have much time to actually wait for a preview or miss around the camera so I'm gonna save the update here go back to the device and you can see I've got a project update available so anyone who's basically got the project downloaded will see that update they can then download it and then get the latest version of the project so this is the manual modes if I tap issue you can see I get the camera preview I can take a picture and capture and then with the intersection I tap the button and the feature and picture are taken immediately so you can still see the picture the capture taken there but we just don't have any time to actually mess around with preview so let's go full circle and look at the data that we've collected so if you're going to the review results what will happen is we'll load up a web map or adding all the layers that you had within your project so you can actually preview the data once it's loaded up we'll see the symbology of the original feature service and of course the attributes of the data that we've collected so that all uploaded and just double check might have a few bit connectivity issues so you can see within the features of some reason again the symbology may not be shown but you can see that we've got the fields populated we've got records in the database or within the feature service you can see that the the types been populated the direction hasn't been populated so you need to be moving in order to get a direction horizontal axes come through we've got altitude of 0 because we've got a network location but if using an external sensor you would have a proper altitude and then all your attachments are viewable as well so yeah back over excellent do you have any questions so far yes ok if you make a mistake in the field you can undo and we will see that in a second great question yes ah disconnected mode actually you don't have to do anything for these to work in this connected mode as soon as you download the project you are good to go ok as you will see in a second you can actually switch or flip the view of the buttons into a map that map is online only for the moment but in an update very soon this year we are going to let you configure them up offline but you can actually use the app without on a map and it will work offline will it send the data automatically we are going to talk about that one as well but yes you can configure it to do manual updates or manual sync or automatic sync great question can I use feature services from online and enterprise yes they the software is officially supported in ten seven one of jazz enterprise and app GIS online great question if we update the project can we force the update on the devices not at the moment we actually show this message which is going to show every time you try to open the project the field user is going to see a message oh there is an update you should you can escape it but you get it all the time so not being automatic kind of guarantees that people will be up to date yes can I push a button and maybe add a few comments right we are going to see this concept of user inputs in just a minute which gets closer to what you are asking for although not quite but we are we need to think about how we evolve this so you can actually take notes the way you described it yes I know patient's voice annotations we it's in our backlog I would love to sit with you and discuss in what scenarios you want to capture audio yeah we were thinking maybe like tap and hold and then it actually records the audio and then we send it but it's not implemented yet it's only in our imagination is the first step though one more question of course yes it captures who collected the data and we are going to see that in a second again maybe let's go through the slides a little bit more important things you should know quick capture designer you can find it at quick capture Dorothea's comm it's important to highlight because if you to the app launcher you won't find it is not there and the reason is that is right now in beta okay we are adding more features into designer and it's only available in English so we didn't feel like it was ready to be in the app launcher you need to go we captured our RCS calm and then use it even though these piece of authoring is in beta the application is fully released okay for production environments device variables you saw in Jonathan's demonstration that you can manipulate the look and feel of the buttons but also the behavior what data are is going to be captured when you push the button and device variables are important they calculate values from your device such as the speed the direction of travel the time of capture the name of the person that is logged in in the application there are over 40 variables and not you know these variables are available depending on the field type and the geometry tab so for example if your field is of type date you can capture the exact time at which a button is pushed if your field is of type date and the geometry type is polyline you can capture two timestamps when the button is activated when the button is deactivated as you can imagine these two options are not available for points so this table kind of summarizes the device variables that are available to you so there are situations where you want to capture more high accuracy data that boy trousers example is a prime example so typically your standard internal location sensors in your phones will give you accuracies in the region of five to ten meters 30 feet and if you need to get any better than that then you need to have an external GNSS receiver quick capture supports external receivers so you can basically pair them up and then start getting access to their higher accuracy locations and also all the associated metadata so the second reason is that maybe in your particular workflows you do need access to all the different information that is available from external sensors and they basically return NMEA strings within those strings there are lots of information that you can extract regarding the metadata the nice thing about a quick capture is that we've set up a number of variables probably about 20 GNSS related variables that you can use to map the value coming from this sensor into the fields in your captured records so things like the number of satellites your peak values your H values all of these can be captured along with your feature so this is really four point features at the moment you can't capture all of these four line features and the thing is is because each line feature is made up of multiple vertices we don't yet capture with metadata for each vertices but we'll definitely take requirements from you on in regards to that the other thing is that you may want to use an external sensor to change the frequency of your location updates so external receivers can allow you to update the rate that you get new locations phones your basic internal sensors typically give you a rate of one Hertz so every second you're going to get a new location and if you can see an example the blue one in example think on your left so that was a basic collection rate of one Hertz you can see that there's large gaps between each vertices and you have the straight lines between them if you're trying to capture something like a path for a barque bike trail and you want to use this data to create maps it's not going to look very attractive so the up example the orange line we've pushed the Hertz up to five main aim that we get five new locations every second and the result of it is you get lovely smooth flowing lines that you can base it you just used to generate your pretty now in terms of connecting quikcapture to your external sensor if you're using Android iOS and Windows you can use Bluetooth to make that connection you pair it and you can start pulling through all those locations Windows gives you another couple of options you can use USB so you might have a USB receiver or you can use Network so you basically add your laptop or machine and your sensor Gina sensor to the network and they talk to each other over that connection in terms of the the vendors that we support currently the release version version one at the stores at the moment will support bad elf EOS and Leica and then from the next release version one one which we're pushing out at the end of the month we're adding support for Trimble so the R 1 R 2 in R 10 and then also the Garmin Glo receiver as well so hopefully we got your well covered but definitely if you have requirements for ever since is then please let us know a bit more on on the application in the first demonstration we barely scratched the surface of the different possibilities that it has so I'm going to touch on updating locations and do controlling the audio feedback etc switching into the mobile phone you have here the data capture dialog at the top right corner there is a small icon that indicates how many records you have in the device if you tap on that guy it's going to flip the view into a map and in this map you can see all the features that you captured so if I tap on that one I'm selected and I can actually see what I captured at that location from here you can navigate through the different elements and if you like you can delete them now sometimes you want to actually delete things immediately after you push the button because you made a mistake in that case now I'm going to ask you that you look carefully at the bottom bar the bottom bar is now orange right because they horizontal accuracy inside this room is not good but you'll see that it changes when I push a button it captured that element and now I have a few seconds to actually delete that particular feature so right now I have this configured for six seconds but you can change that you can make it 20 if you want so let's do it again capture a feature now I tap on the delete button and I can delete that's kind of an undo you can also tap on the feature and then go to the left button this brings them up the feature is located where I am but maybe I want to report something that is across the street so I simply move them up I'll tap on update if you don't like this particular feature as an administrator or owner of the project you can disable it to force people to use the GPS always no manual overrides as I said the map here is all only going to show you the data that is in the device I can see all the data that we captured throughout the session because I have auto send off so if you go into settings in the application you can see that we have the auto sent policy by default when you install the app is set to on every 30 seconds this means that every half a minute if we are connected we send the data if we are offline we wait and when we gain connectivity we send the data at that point the indicator in the top corner is actually going to count down so that guy at the top you see it's empty because it has sent the data already so if I go there it says nope there are no records on your device so you need to make your calls and figure out what out of sent policy you want to implement for your projects sometimes you want people to have a chance to review sometimes you actually want immediate data coming in it's up to you other important settings here the sound if you are not happy with text to a speech you can go with beep or you can turn it off completely this is the audio feedback when pushing the buttons the other one is vibrate you want to feel the mobile phone vibrating when you have ax actually push that button and finally I want to highlight at the very bottom the location provider so like to lay one two three and collector we capture can connect directly to external GNSS receivers you get better locations you also get meta data out of them as part of the different properties that you can configure you can set the antenna height of the device to capture 3d values you can also configure alerts so when you're working with an external GPS receiver say for whatever reason the Bluetooth connection is not working properly it disconnects you can actually enable an alert and this will tell you your GPS just disconnected it will tell you with audio right so this is up to you you can configure these things as you like or say if the GPS s stops sending data maybe you are going through a tunnel or something it will actually tell you as well okay let's talk about user input variables next okay we did have a question earlier about can you that in comments so the audio quick capture is to make the the workflow collection as simple as possible but we do accept there are situations where you do need to input or allow the user the application to input some information prime example is we've had some transport related use cases where people wanted to put a cost code in and then a route ID meaning that any captured features could be linked back to a cost center so they could do all their billing and also to a particular area of work or project so I'm just going to show you a few ways that you can actually have input coming from the user so there are basically three types you have free text meaning that the user can typing anything they like whether we can put restrictions and we'll take a look at this one first so free text in this case this is an example of a road debris collection project and we want to be able to enter a cost center so I'm just going to put my cost Center as ESRI I should highlight that you can only set up one of these inputs per project and this is the reason why we've told the user to place it put Co Center - and then their route ID so that means that they can do a bit of post-processing afterwards spit them apart and then they can do whatever they whatever they need for their internal processes the issue with this is that I could put in a typo and extra digit and then it's pretty much broken for our post-processing but assuming I've done it right I click done then I capture a feature and then this value will be written to the field that we've specified using the user input variable you can quickly preview and ensure and actually see the tag within the map view as well so let's look at a slightly more sophisticated example of free text in this case what we've done is we've set up a input mask so input masks for any of you the view survey one two three is basically a constraint on the text you can enforce it to be capital letters numbers text whatever they're pretty powerful actually in terms of really restricting what a user can enter so in this case I'll put in every once more and then I'm going to start trying to type in some text it won't let me because I configured the marked the mask to only allow numeric input the other thing is I've put limits in terms of the length of it so I can't over type that in additional or miss our values or text we're really restrictive what the user can answer the other thing to note is if you open up this project the input UI pops up straight away and if I don't put in anything and click cancel or basically I'm going to close the project so what we've done here is we've made the user input required meaning they have to put in a valid value otherwise they can't start capturing data the other thing is that each time you close the project you're going to be reprimanded about you we basically don't want people to enter a value and then forget about it you know do two three four days worth of collection and realize they should have put a new value in so he's time to close the project they're gonna need to think about it so we've got another couple of ways of restricting what the user enters the next one is the numeric input and this will be familiar to all of you desktop users as the format of a range domain so you specify a minimum maximum number and the value just has to sit within that number range so that you can actually submit it so if I put in this particular range domain is a thousand to two thousand if I try and put in five thousand I can't enter if I put in one thousand I'm able to click done and then we can write that to our captured features similarly we've also set up another format which is to use a list or effectively a coded value domain in this case we've got a list of great varieties we want to record it basically you know where basically surveying different runs within a vineyard they've all were different varieties but we're capturing disease information so I want to go in a variety that I'm working against in this case Ben oh wow they've done capture the feature and then we're writing that information to the every captured record so the only thing is that this has to be done before capturing and we've definitely had a number of question or a number of enhancements where people when I capture the button then have comments pop-up so they can enter their information oh definitely that it could exclusivity groups you saw before that you can configure your polyline and polygon buttons to capture multiple features at once that makes sense pavement condition guardrail on the right that rail on the left I could be capturing the three of them as I move along but in some cases you don't want to do that like in this case the trail is either paved or not paved the trail is either beginner or is intermediate so for that you can create exclusivity groups which define which buttons within a group or exclusive when I say exclusivity group I don't mean cosmetic group like you can see that the buttons are organized in different groups right in three groups in here but these are groups just for the looks exclusivity group can work across the visual groups so all these six trail buttons are configured as a single exclusivity group okay so you mentioned a little bit before about data recovery so there might be situations where users of the project or the app unable to submit data maybe someone's unshared the feature service maybe your connectivity issues you know there are situations where this could happen so what the user is able to do is they can either try again that may not help so the other option they have is to send the data via an email so what that will do is it will create effectively a zip file a zip file containing a sequel like database which is they see what we store all the local data in photo attachments and also text files describing describing the schema of all the layers within the project as we mentioned before a default email is defined in the project so what will happen is the default email climate client will pop up the attachment will be added and then the send to email will be populated with that email they can then send it so the qtr file is basically a zip file if you want to open it up you can just change the extension to zip and then you can open it up using something like DB browser some kind of database viewing application the other thing that we've done is we've actually created an unsupported Pro add-in and this will allow you just to you and open the contents of these files directly if you want to grab it it's available on the quick capture early adopter site and you can view the geometry really attributes view all the error messages and more importantly use the inbuilt pro tools such as append to submit the data to the feature service from a licensing perspective as we indicated at the beginning of the session this mobile app is already included with fill workers creators and GIS professionals if you want to buy a license for edit or user types you can do that too you can buy the licenses from the every store or your suite representative in terms of authoring creators you need a creator user to create one of these projects from a scheduling perspective we just released the first version of the app into the stores we also have Windows available but version 1.0 is English only in July 31st we will be giving you an update that will support all these all the languages that are supported in app GIS and then in October we plan our you know biggest update for this year 1.2 where we are going to make the web designer final and we will bring some exciting exciting enhancements as well in the mobile application documentation is available to you you can access it through the web designer page and we also have a GeoNet place in this geo net place we have a blog we have tutorials and we have a forum a forum where you can actually ask questions raise issues raised ideas enhancements etc so we actually invite you to participate in the geonet forum so we can take quikcapture where we all collectively want it to be we have a few extra minutes for questions yes so say you are doing the question is I'm doing a pavement condition study can I do like severe damage intermediate I would create three buttons one is green for low impact orange red each of these buttons will have an attribute so when the point or the line is restored it carries the attribute of the damage level and sorry just what you ascribe don't forget you can play this yeah you have a chance you can this is your opportunity to get us fire related tables we don't support them really because this is not for updating features it's just for creating new lines Poly's points yeah yep so the question is how do you capture polygons so the guys in Canada that are doing the bike trails we are also capturing polygons they are digitizing the parking lots they just walk around you do it and when you stop it we connect the first point with the last yes that's a great question so you are looking for special inheritance kind of things where you create a point and based on that location you want to get the zip code the city already automatically populated at this moment we cannot do it however we are going to incorporate into quick capture web hooks I'm not sure if you are familiar with web hooks we use them in survey and Web books are very useful to do exactly that a web hook allows you to set an action after record is added into the database it's like a database trigger if you wish and in that data is triggered you can incorporate logic that does a spatial query and updates the attributes of the feature that you just created so we are looking at web hoops before the end of the year yes video input has come up several times we still need to put more thought into it we are just afraid of performance reliability we need to do a lot of work before we can capture video on on quick capture the question is if you can't rename a project was created yes in fact you don't even need designer to do that straight into the project item in online and rename it these projects that we are creating with designer are items it's a RTS quick capture item you know type so just like any other type you can share it rename it etc yes so there is a question about how much space I need in my phone to run this by far what consumes more space in your phone is not the data you capture it's actually the basements so when you're working with offline base maps you are talking of 10 gigs gigabytes imagine how many photos you need to take to just get on par with your base maps so really the data you are capturing shouldn't really be an issue but if you are concerned you can control the size of the images you capture something there is a setting that's true that controls the size of the images that get sent but it doesn't control the size of the images on your device like in an iPhone I take a photo seven megabytes that's what it is but when we send it to our GIS you can control and say oh hold on I don't want seven megabytes I want this reduced it's a setting in the project and you can control for Images barcode readers we don't have barcode reading but we can sit down and figure out how this could be useful to you we would love to to do that if you have some time we will continue taking questions we will be here for 10-15 minutes thank you very much for your attendance and please don't forget doing your survey thank you [Applause]
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 8,387
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Geographic Information System, Technical Workshop, UC, ArcGIS Apps, ArcGIS QuickCapture, Survey, Pipeline survey
Id: iQcxzLXwPHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 1sec (3061 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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