Process Drone Imagery with Esri Drone2Map pt. (1/2)

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hey what's up guys it's franchise923 and in this video i want to talk about arcgis drone to map so drone to map is a program that esri has come out with uh for processing drone imagery and the point of this software is to make it as more streamlined than it would be to process drone imagery in arcgis pro for example so this is sort of just like a standalone application it looks very similar to arcgis pro but it has a single function and that's just to process drone imagery um so arcgis drone to map under the hood uses something called pix4d and if you've processed stone imagery you might have heard of these guys they're pretty popular in the scene so drone to map just under the hood uses whatever algorithms that pix4d um uses so uh it's pretty good and it's very streamlined and especially if you're familiar with the esri ecosystem you know you can upload your projects easily to portal it's all integrated into the esri uh ecosystem so that's pretty cool so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to process some drone imagery that i have on my sd card here and i'm just going to process it and make an ortho map out of it and i think i'll also make a like a 3d 3d model so in this video i'm just going to go through that process so let's just get started so the first thing i'm just gonna plug in my sd card here and we need to copy these files uh just to a local drive so i'm gonna open these actually flew over um a construction site the other day so i flew this was on sunday i think 22nd let me just make sure these are the right pictures now it's not these ones actually it's like yes the 238 so i'm just going to copy these and i'm going to throw him on my drive here oh what day is it 11 25. actually i should probably rename that folder the date that we collected at the 22nd yeah while this is copying i'm just going to go ahead and open drone to map so i have it pinned down here i'm pretty impressed with it i like it it's easy to use so this is what it looks like when it first opens up so i'm actually going to pick the 3d mapping project because in here i can also say i want to make an ortho photo as well so if you want to do everything you can just go with the 3d mapping i'm going to call this construction site and i'm gonna make a new project here make a new folder here we go just call drone projects and yeah once these files finish copying uh we're just gonna import them into dronedemp so i'm just gonna pause the video so those copies all right so the copy finished um i'm gonna rename this folder before i forget to the na the date when i actually flew the drone to the 22nd and i'm just going to take a look at these images and i want us i want to get rid of any that aren't part of the flight so this is one that we don't need now this you can see this was part of our flight so these are all good and i'm just going to go to the end and you can look at the time stamps like it's pretty clear that these are all part of the same flight but let me just check the last one because sometimes the last one all right so these are all good they're good to import so now we can just add images and i'm going to browse to where i save those files uh drone files in here i'm just going to control a and select all of these because i know that these are all good and when we import them you'll see it quickly parses through all the metadata of the images and it'll get the latin long of it which is pretty cool it gets the altitude date taken so now we can just create a project and this is cool you'll see quickly that it's going to create flight lines it's going to plot out everywhere that the drone flew so all right loading imagery so it's probably parsing all the jpeg metadata okay so you can see we're presented with you know everywhere an image was taken that's pretty cool you can see basically you can pretend like you're flying the drone and you can follow along the flight so i forgot to mention how i how i flew the drone i used a program called drone deploy and i'll show you what i'm talking about after we get this started but it's pretty simple just to set up an area where you want to fly and then just the the drone will automatically fly it but yeah this is what you're presented with and all we need to do is go to this options area and remember how i said if you wanted to create a 2d product you could also do it if you picked 3d mapping so in the 2d products i'm going to say create orthomosaic might as well create the digital surface model i'm just going to leave all this default for now and a 3d product i want to make the scene layer package so this is an esri specific thing the scene layer pk and i also want to do this osgb and i think this is more of like an open source version i could be wrong but let's just make both of them but the scene layer will be able to upload portal which is pretty cool um i'm just going to leave this all default yeah then you just click click apply and click ok and now that the options are set next thing we need to do is actually press start so i'm going to press start and we'll see that it starts processing um one thing to note it might be better to copy your images to a local drive might run faster i have these copied on one of my network drives probably not the most ideal but i think it's going to work fine but you know if you have like a solid state drive i would copy them there just for while you're processing them it might help speed things up all right so it's doing its job it's probably going to take maybe 30 minutes i i'd say so i'm going to stop the video um but first let's take a look at task manager i want to see how much of the cpu is being used so you can see it's really oh that's obs that's the video recording process uh software um but you'll see if you note if you monitor this uh throughout the process that it'll it'll spike your cpu and gpu pretty high um so just important thing to keep in mind this computer has plenty of power but if you're running on like a laptop or something just keep an eye on this um let's see here you know it might not be far along in uh in the process yet yeah it's really not using it yet um yeah why don't we just let this run for a little bit and i'm not gonna stop the video yet i want to show you the drone deploy software i was talking about so drone deploy this is basically a flight programming or flight planning software oh god let's see if i remember my password could it be that easy oh nice so if you look at this high school construction this was the project i'm talking about so this is where what i did earlier um but yeah i'll just show you an example of how how do you go back how you would start a new project so you can just basically pick somewhere i think that's how you do it project let's just try this um maybe you have to zoom in yeah so you just need to go somewhere and then say you want to create the project here [Music] we'll call it stanford and what i used i use this maps and models so they have different types of automated flights you could run maps and models photo report video this is what you want to do if you want to make 3d models so you can see here this is basically how you would start planning it you can change where you want it to fly that the altitude of it and this enhanced 3d setting that will basically make it so it goes back and forth and like down and up and back and forth like cross hatching the flight i'm processing now i just did the single flight line because you can see it takes longer to run 3d obviously but if you're specifically doing it for for 3d models you probably should do the 3d um but yeah basically you create this on drone deploy and then download the drone deploy app and you can log in uh and it'll just show up there and you can take control of your drone through the the drone deploy app it's probably my favorite flight planning software so now let's just take a look at the processor still not doing that much man that the obs really crushes the cpu obs is how i'm recording the the screen recording video oh here it is drone to map process.exe yeah that's what's okay never mind so you can see here it's really uh taking a toll on the computer uh but yeah i'm gonna pause the video and i will turn it back on when this completes
Channel: franchyze923
Views: 1,099
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: esri, drone2map, d2m, pix4d, drones, drone, dji, dji phantom 4, dronedeploy, drone deploy, ortho, dji mavic, dji air, orthomosaic, 3d model, blender, arcgis, arcmap, arcgis pro, 3d mapping
Id: fvhaLHu0_kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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