ArcGIS Business Analyst: An Introduction

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all right it's 3:15 welcome we are the business analyst team today we're going to do an overview an update my name is Gary Burgess I'm the lead for the business analyst team this is Kyle pravin max and Bing all of us will be presenting at one point in time there are only two mics up here so please excuse the clumsy transitions while we're doing that it's a pretty small group so if there are questions throughout you know please feel free to raise your hand just be loud when you answer the question we'll try to address them and then we'll get started all right so our goal today is to give you a brief overview of business analysts the majority of the presentation we're going to focus on some really cool new things that were we're releasing at the user conference and then also gave you a sneak peek at some of the road ahead so before we get started just a show of hands how many people here are existing business analysts users okay so of those people how many people are using the desktop application or the extension and how many people are using the web app or the cool and anybody using the existing mobile application well kudos for you get a gold star cool great that's good information so just I've got you know a few slides in the way of introduction for those of you didn't raise your hand especially this will be information that they'll provide you a little bit information about business analysts so you know business analysts this is our elevator pitch I guess you could say you know it helps organizations make informed decisions for site selection customer target and market planning this does this by allowing you to combine your own data your own data on customers and stores subscribers patients you know your audience yet your own sales data and basically you combine that with every curated data on lifestyle segmentation demographics socio economics as well as other data from Ezra's living atlas of socio-economic information and you know once you've got all that data combined it lets you understand that by doing several things primarily around doing smart mapping perform location driven analytics and then you wrap all of the analysis that you do and these beautiful living breathing reports that we create so when I I love coming to this audience this conference because people get ArcGIS and you know when someone asked me here you know what is business analyst business analyst is ArcGIS it is an implementation of the entire arc GIS system it's a mobile application it's a desktop extension it's its own web application it's a mobile application all connected to ESRI platform either through on lab online cloud-based services or to your own ArcGIS Enterprise Server and portal and so it's and we wrap all of those up and kind of key and nice engaging ecosystems so you know when I when I started the presentation I asked about you know who using business analysts this is primarily how end-users think of business analysts they think of it as these end products our end applications a web app the mobile app or a rich desktop extension but it's important to understand that behind this comes a whole set of services and the platform are all engaged so and this whole system can be put deployed either as a software the service so you know you've literally you know have no entry point you go to that that iOS App Store the Android Google Play Store you download the application and you're using it it just works great or you could go to the complete other end of the spectrum where you're maybe you know you're working in an industry with sensitive information like the healthcare industry where you don't want to have any or sensitive information out on the cloud so it's all installed in your own server and portal or in many cases what we're seeing is we're seeing that many organizations do a blend of both where they have some of their own corporate data stored in their own server or their own portal but some of the background information like their geocoding technology or their base maps and the demographic data all that can be hosted on the cloud as well too so these are generally who we think of as our users we've got our traditional commercial audience real estate retail banking insurance that would be kind of about what we would call as our traditional audience many of your users but what we're finding more and more we're engaging with other types of users healthcare is a very big industry night right now and you know one of the things I would say it's that you know what if flow keishon matters to you if demographic information it matters to you then then there are definitely some workflows of the interest to you here in terms of these are there any industries not represented on this slide that here in the room anyone to sha to raise their hand yeah oil and gas interesting yeah that's that yeah that's that probably should have been listed here but we definitely seeing that use this fits its role to education as well - yeah thank you yeah so so yeah we're definitely seeing we're working with a number of Community College now where they're actually using business analysts and curriculum as well - so thank you so just a couple more housekeeping slides in terms of we just did a release of the ArcGIS platform at the end of June just prior to this user conference and that was a pretty big release for us and the business analyst team we released a new version of our web app and our underlying services and some of the key points for that release are that we released a pretty significant data update primary a month primarily among those is the complete refresh of all the underlying US demographic data that's so that's over 11,000 variables and all that got updated we've improved our workflow for incorporating your own data into the web application we've introduced some new smart mapping options and then we also did a data update for some other countries primarily in Asia and Middle East so I'm not gonna touch almost too much because that's actually going to be the focus of our demonstration as well - Praveen is going to be demonstrating shortly our our new mobile application there is a existing mobile app out on the both the iOS and Android platforms and will we be doing another pretty significant update to that a mobile application in the coming weeks and we've also released an update for desktop and server and this goes along with the rest of the ArcGIS 10.5 dot one release that's primarily a maintenance release for us a lots of good bug fixes and a performance improvements the updated demographic data is available now through desktop and server through the online connection and then we'll be delivering an on-premise demographic data update in the next month or so so just last note about the demographic data we've got updated demographic data for the u.s. that's current near estimates and five-year forecasts we've got some new variable definitions that we can show you within the application this is really helpful for for questions of you know how you what what the variables mean within the application as well - so all this is available online it's delivered throughout the rest of the ArcGIS platform so if you're using the enriched layer tool and the ArcGIS home app then that demographic data is updated as well - we're also working on a set of data localization efforts and in some initial countries the ones I've noted below the three early adopters so and we're engaging with a number of other distributors as well - that want the demographic content and the reports available in local languages great so I guess the first demo that we're going to do is we're going to demonstrate the new mobile applications so as I mentioned we've got business analyst mobile application out in the field right now and it really does one thing and it does one thing really allows you to create sites and then get some key stats on your mobile device whether that be your phone or your or your tablet so the major enhancement they were we're going to be introducing and and the next update likely available in the App Store in the next couple of weeks is that you're gonna actually be able to use collect your field information right on them within the mobile application and then share that with the rest of the system so with that Praveen I'm gonna turn it over to you can you guys hear me in the back ok all right so what the demo we are going to show today as gary explained we are working towards a major update to them as a business analyst mobile app and with that we are going to allow users to collect information in the field including pictures of the location attributes of the location and so on so what we are going to do here is me and Bing we are going to present use scenario where we are trying to determine the best location for a flu shot clinic in the Los Angeles area and Bing is in the office and she is doing this analysis and helping make helping us make that decision which one should we choose and I'm out in the field collecting some information and feeding that to her so she can account for those locations and and they include them in her analysis so what are what I'm doing here is I'm in the LA area right and I went ahead and added up in here and next step is I'm going to add a study area here around this location so I have three options I can add a ring here I can add some drive time or about time depending on what kind of analysis I'm doing in this case what makes sense for our analysis is a as a one-mile ring and for simplicity also so I'm going to go ahead and add that ring here so what has happened right now these other points they are existing already but this is the one that I just created now I can quickly go ahead and tap on get facts and look at this site's basic demographic or market is snapshot so I immediately can see there are about ninety five thousand people living here their median ages thirty two point four the home value roughly is about half million and four point six percent homeowners so I get some basic information I can also look at some consumer spending here so retail Goods spending is about eight thirty nine monthly and restaurant restaurant is spending is about 135 and so on so these are some of the features that are currently available in the mobile app that's on the marketplaces right now so if you download go to iOS and Android Marketplace is download the B business analyst mobile app you will be able to do that today and this is useful for me to do like some quick screening of the site so if I'm actually looking for an area where there are more than hundred thousand people and I see in this one there's only ninety five I could quickly discard this location and move on to the next one right in this case maybe I was looking only for only for the area where there are more than ninety thousand so this meets that criteria but I need to get some more analysis done some more high in advanced analysis in terms of applying weighted criteria which Bing will show but for that what I want to do is I want to collect some information about this location how big is the building what's the site area how many parking spaces are there what kind of rent is there because those are the factors we'll have to consider when we are determining the suitability of this location and not only that I also want to take some pictures of this location so so my office staff and my team can exactly see what's the conditioning of this building so since I'm not in LA and I'm in San Diego and I have Kyle in front of me so I'm going to take that picture with that be a team P shirt on and the idea here is that you can take the picture thanks guys so the idea here is that you can take multiple pictures of a location so it could be the front of the building it could be the back of the building it could be the condition of parking lots you could take those pictures and and I could have taken more than one but I'm just going to go ahead with one here and next year what I can do is add some attributes about that location so I learned that the building area here is 2,000 square feet the site area is 15,000 the frontage is 1200 and parking is pretty important because if you are looking for flu shot clinics then we need to make sure that we factor in parking as well so I'm going to enter that as well so once not only that if not only that if I if I had some general notes about this location in terms of whether it's a good site whether the building condition here is good or not I could go ahead and add those notes as well so these are some attributes that that are configured pre-configured but that doesn't mean the you are limited to that when doing shows in the project in the business analyst web application there is a way to go ahead and configure the attributes you need for your scenarios so if you are in higher ed or if you are in Health and Human Services you might have different set of attributes maybe number of number of rooms in the hospital rooms in the hospital a number of beds so those kind of attributes so now I am done collecting this information I am going to switch back to ding and she is going to show this being available in the web application and take it from there and use it in a suitability analysis workflow show a new way to open business analyst web application so after the user log in to access online there is a new app switcher so in this F switcher it shows all the applications that are authorized to organization so the app switcher is provide a single sign-on experience meaning that you don't need to enter the URL of the application you want to go to and also you don't need to enter your credentials so now we are in the application and let's take a look at the site proving just created you guys here game hey you hear me okay so here shows the details that Praveen just created so we can see cow is pretty happy here working in the field and also we call some information for this site so for example attributes for frontage for parking and for rent for example I know that the rent here is about four thousand dollars a month so I can put that information in as well so all those attributes actually you can use those information the other part of the application for example in suitability analysis social ability analysis it's a workflow that allows you to identify the most suitable candidates given a set of weighted criteria so first of all let's look at of sites we can put the sights on the map so I will show how to undone to fight the most a suitable case for a flu shot location in Los Angeles area so here shows all my candidates and the next step I can enter the criteria so there are three types of criteria we can use the first one if either I provided thousands of demographic variables oh you can use society tributes that are collected specifically for your use for your site and then we can also use the point layers so the point letters can be your related business for example your competitors that you want to be further away from oh it can be the your companion companies that you want to be close by so first I start with adding some variables so for this flu shot analysis I want to check people's average income around this one mile ring and also I want to see how much how much people spend on the medical services so I add those two variables so as you can see as I add the variables the results are immediately on the map and also the result is shown in this results table so let's take a look so in the results table first of all it shows a rank and it shows a final score about how suitable each site ace for example this one's the first one got 0.98 so it's almost perfect as a point at one right so the reason is that if we look at the data we will see so every tree income is the highest among all those candidate and also the medical service expense it's the number of number two or more all those candidates so this makes this type it's a most suitable sack so far by our analysis so now let's add more information we want to know we want to use the site attributes for example the size of the parking lot and the ranking information so as we add those information you can see the result change immediately so basically this workflow here contains three big parts so on your left panel is like your control panel it's like your pre-op so you can cite other criterias you can play around with the influence the threshold and then as your change any of the criteria you will see the results change immediately on the map and the boss and also it's reflected in the results table to show how it's calculated to contribute to the main final score so as we look here it's a granting information we know for the rank the influence should be inverse because the lower the rent the by third candidate so we set it to be negative and also we can now add some business point so those are my related business punch so those are related business points can either be your competitors so by default we make the influence of the business point to be inverse meaning that you don't want to be close to all those competitors but on the other hand if those are your companion companies you want to be close by then you can set it to be positive so in this way you can always change the influence or the other parameters and then see the results change community so for this one I will make it like inverse because I know those are my competitors I don't want to be too close by so as you can see as we I'd the criteria each of the criteria will have the same weight automatically so what if for example I think rent is very important to me so I can make it 30% so the rent of the debate for the grant is 30% and also I can lock it means that I don't want to change it as I change the other variables so for example if I change the weight of the other variables the rent will stay the same what we can also do is that we can change the threshold for example for the household income I will say I want to concentrate on those areas to have at least 50,000 of household income then here comes our result so let's take a look at the first one because we know the first the first one was definitely not ranked the first when we just add two variable so we check so the income is not too high right and the medical services I admit was er is this medical service it's pretty Heinz to get a score of point on point 8 1 and the parking lot they have a pretty big parking lot and the rent Wow the rent is really low so I really like this place so with a big parking lot and the rent is low and we only have one related business points so I think it's very good choice for me compared to the worst one so far so this one we we know the income it's pretty low and the medical services people don't spend too much medical service here the parking lot says yeah it's not too bad but the rent it's too high I've already told to consider this place even though there are no his points around me so using this you analyze your result so let me repeat the question so because these get recorded so the question is is do you have to do this analysis on the point locations or can you do it on another layer is that the question yeah yes so you you could do this on another layer that could be grid cells or polygons school districts at etc so you know in this particular demo that thing's doing she has point locations and we created buffers but it's basically a work off of any polygon so definitely we've got customers out there now doing like you know the okay the grid surface for a map extent and then use it to find hotspots as well too and also you can use you know your web map services online but those polygons yeah yeah think is a really nice demo where she brings in all the school districts in California and then that's a public web service and it has some information and then she supplements that with additional demographic data and then you could do the exact same thing and then you find maybe you know a school district that needs some services or yeah good question thank you so now as I look at my result I saw those ones that I really don't want to consider because they have lab so what I can do is that I can filter those out and then I can concentrate only on the top selected ones so now I will leave only four of my choices and then I can save it so you can save your current result to either an excel file or you can save it to a new layer so after that you can use it in the other part of application or you can share it access online and use it in ArcGIS online or you can put it into a story map so what small is that you can save the criteria meaning that you can run the same analysis for another site of candidates for example I will show a demo to do the same analysis in San Diego area and then I don't need to add each of the criteria individually so let me remove this business coins because those are the lots of competitors in San Diego so let me check this one to be certain and I can lock it so now I can save my criteria so after I save my criteria I can delete everything here and then change my locations change my candidates to San Diego area so now I'm in San Diego area and then this time I don't need to add all this criteria I can just say use my saved criteria and then I can see those other criterias I will be using and those are the weights that will be contributing to the calculation I can say use criteria and boom here comes my result so in conclusion that suitability analysis workflow it's really a huge time-saving process because originally a lot of users have to export the demographic information all the site information into for example excel file and into analysis in Excel and then this workflow is integrating everything together and the best part is that you can use other geographic information you can add all the layers here and use the layers directly [Applause] put me on number five two questions one let's take a black box to me is there anywhere I get information on this cuz I blame this yeah that's what I are you may be Gary can help with this is there anywhere else in ArcGIS that this already exists or what is so great about this compared to it isn't there a spatial analysis extension that's for Gary so maybe you do the black box yeah so if you go to the help documentation yeah in the okay so oh let me show you how to get here so here in the help if you click on help documentation so here under create Maps for data and the suitability analysis so in here we have a quick demo about how to use this analysis you can click on this and there is a quick demo and if you want to know the results table and the whole it is calculated we have a very detailed information at the bottom here yeah in here so it shows how we are calculating the superlative score you can get all this information from yes so the question is is that if you didn't have your own own lair like you know potential flu locations or your own school districts you could do this off of your own art that that the statistical boundaries that come within a business analyst so sure and and you know not only that can you do this in the United States you could do it and 137 other countries that this is available for so and just one other point of emphasis is that visit I probably didn't do a good job of explaining that so the mobile application the the version that Praveen was demoing is kind of a road ahead in terms of capturing the site attributes and that will be available but the site suitability workflow is available and in the web application and that can be used you know through the online hosted application as well as if you install ArcGIS Enterprise and have business analyst server and installed then the on-premises web app has that exact same workflow so that that's you know available now the one new thing that we are introduced at this user conferences release is that saving of the criteria which is really cool and you know that's you know I I guess I would you know encourage you is that you know we often put out first versions of this and then we think that we've really created something we do muster interviews and engage with people and then we put it out there and we get such great feedback so you know very early on people thought this is the you know I love using this workflow but if I want to do this another market I have to build that suitability analysis every time it would be really cool if you could save it so if you give us that type of feedback we're really receptive and we want to hear from you yeah yeah oh yeah so your question was about you know there's a weighted overlay tool and in spatial analysts that allows you to do the this tunnel or kind of ordinal ranking and such so yet that yeah that's available and you could you know stand up your own server and publish a GP tool and then create a UX around that so you know but the the barrier to entry is a little high there and hopefully what you can see from that is that you know the in terms of you know playing with the weights and such it really is a very exploratory tool allows you to play kind of what-if scenarios what happens if I wait population more important than the you know the amount of people that have medical insurance and such or something like that and allows you to it really is a kind of a cool playground tool to do some exploratory analysis so you know it if you really interested in it you know come see us down in the the special analysis Island we would love to check it out we would love to you know show you so onto the second demonstration so you know build a baling upon that feedback you know prior to the 10.5 version of when we release business analyst we interviewed a lot of customers and we wanted to understand how they're using the product and you know many people were running analysis like like ding was there or they're using business analysts to create a demographic report and then we say well what do you do with it and so a lot of people were taking that information and you know bringing it into other tools like Adobe Illustrator or PowerPoint and trying to create visual engaging content like output based on this yeah so you know we had a number of customers actually engage with outside agencies where they would give them the information and say here make this look beautiful and understanding so so what we've introduced with the 10.5 version and we've really improved with this this just this past UC release is a way to create new beautiful visually engaging output and we call these infographics so in order to illustrate that the first thing I'm going to do is i'm i'm i've logged in to business analyst here as well choose the online version and I'm in my own project here and you can see they've got some information I've got you know a location here in the Albuquerque area but before I go and demonstrate with my area what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to our project Explorer right here and here all the projects that have been created by me so this is my content so one of the things that we really want to emphasize with this is because we're using the ArcGIS platform everything that ding just did right there was saved in our in this case our online organization but if it was on-premises it was being your own portal and what that means is that a project is a group and then it creates a feature layer behind the scenes seamlessly without having to know what you're doing and all that data is there which means that when you do work in business the analyst you could share it with other users and it really allows you to collaborate and do like all sorts of interesting types of sharing so you can see that these are the projects that have been shared with me and you can see this is the project thing this is the one right here the 2017 so I'm going to switch to this project I'm gonna open up things project but she just did right there and now you'll see here the allay flu shot and candidates and which one was the new location that you got 1238 so I could add that to the location and I could do view details here and I'll show details and there's a picture of Kyle so that's really cool right so we had a user out in the field creating content and the mobile device created picture a took picture has site attributes they've captured their they've texted ding she's gone and done an analysis and said please run this through your suitability analysis this is really cool what do you think ding ding scored the site and said actually yeah this is a really interesting site so I'm gonna turn it over to somebody else in my organization because I'm signing out for the dam on the East Coast could you make a beautiful-looking report for that so you share the report Gary could you create a beautiful-looking demographic report for this this site so sure sounds great so I can actually go into business analyst right here I've got the particular site that I've got here and I can create an infographic and so in that really cool but wait there's more that's right so you can you can see that this is the default infographic we call it the key facts it's got out a blue and green color scheme that's very friendly to ESRI and what's lovely about these reports not only do they look really nice and engaging but they're also in a interactive as well too so for example we can see the household income down here at the bottom and we can see wow that's pretty interesting that they you know that this particular area has you know it's 12 percent higher than Los Angeles County so it's a very location aware but I can actually compare that to the state or I could compare it to the whole country as a whole now we can see that you know we have a difference here as well to some of the panels allow you to investigate you could look at the median at household income and say wow 32.4 that's actually pretty pretty young for a household income I wonder why that is so I can click on this explore for more details and actually gives me an age pyramid right there for the infographic as well - and much like you could before we could compare that to the the county or such as well - really nice looking infographic template we have a number of templates that come in with business analysts out of the box this is my personal favorite because I created it so some of the some of the templates are theme based so you know that one was key facts this one's male more of kind of an illustration of what's possible in terms of some of the graphical elements in this beautiful I mean it's got a beautiful background image and it's got the the the the the different iconography associated with it and each one of these templates you can view on screen obviously they're interactive but you could also export them to an image and with this new release we now allow you to export them as a PDF so you can create you know really beautiful boardroom ready reports as well - we have a question yeah that that is a great idea and we added that to this release yeah we have another question yeah yet there is a way to do attribution on this so you can see right here that when whenever you create output for this you can put a foot of footer right here and add a data note that adds the attribution of where all the data comes from so the sum of the data here is as is created by ESRI we have a team of demographers that create our own data then we have other data sources that come from the US Census Bureau american community survey consumer x household expenditure survey as well too so all that all the data can be attributed here as well yeah hold tight I'm going to get to that question all right all right so just just just that final point it's just you know some of the templates used or leverage some of the site details and the pictures that you got and now here's the kind of a property flower that we've got here as well too they got so I want to go back to my Albuquerque project now wasn't that cool right that I took dings project and was able to do that right there I'm not I'm not above begging for applause I will do it yeah so I'm going to clear my map all right so I have got a proposed community center in Albuquerque so let's work on a particular scenario here is that there's this community center they want to look at is this a good location to help with you know primarily teenage youth to give them a place to go and do things and and and maybe keep them out of trouble so you know one of the things that we'd want to do with this is that you know could they explore the area and look at the underlying demographics for the area as well as look at some other information that is made publicly available by then Albuquerque police force so they publish some aggregated crime stats that I you know found on on on on ArcGIS as well - so let's take a look at that scenario so the first thing I'm going to do is just create you know a very common color-coded map and I wanted to look at a different variable so you know I could explore the the day browser and and and select the category you know if I looked at the income data and I wanted to then look at disposable income I could go that way or you could just search as well - so I'm gonna look for a variable called poverty and you know what's come up here is that we've got this particular variable and then I could click on here and that's to address your question you know for every single variable we've got attribution the the source and the vintage of where it comes from and what we're really expanding upon I'd say about 40 percent of the variables we have really long meaningful descriptions I picked a terrible one because I didn't pick one that had that as well - but maybe I think we've really tried to attack the variables that were not as clear through their actual name and description as well - so you know I can pick that particular variable and now what it's done is it's basically created a you know a really nice-looking and a thematic map and then I can see right here that this is the the the percentage of households that are above the pop so the darker areas here are above the poverty line there's really nice ways that you can interact with this so for example if I'm only interested in this top cohort I can click on it and it just shows me those particular areas as well too or if I want to look at the top two cohorts or I could filter this and then find that particular areas that you've got as well too so that's pretty cool right so I'm gonna close this again I'm gonna clear this again and then this time I'm going to create another variable so there's a workflow inside business analyst where you could set up your own information so basically imagine if you've got your own feature layer your own web map and then you want to basically make it a make it available so that everybody else on your organization can see it in the data browser just becomes like a native layer then you could do that you can also just use this web map layers and I could actually just search for a web map layer and just add it this way so this way if I've got crime data healthcare data data on wildfires real-time weather you just add it right here it's because it's just part of the ArcGIS platform all right so now I've got this crime data that I've set up beforehand and if anyone's interested in how to said that but super easy but it just doesn't make for a great demo but so I've got this kind of crime layer and it's the exact same thing now I could map the number of arrests so now I've done the exact same thing I want to see the areas that I'll have high arrests then I could just click on those particular areas looks pretty cool right so now you were looking at two variables now wouldn't it be great praveen if we had a way that we could use smart mapping tact inside the ArcGIS platform to look at these two variables and explore the relationships of them that's good right so I've got the number of arrests here so I'm going to go back and we're gonna look for poverty again and I'll select the percent right here and I'm going to click that variable and automatically it understands I'm mapping two variables and it's gone and created this really nice-looking bivariate map and it's give me a legend right here where we could look at the number of rests are basically colored so the darker the areas have the higher number arrests and then here the size of the circle is basically the percentage of households that are below the poverty level so here a dark circle that it's also large has an area that has high crime and high poverty so there's a some relationship here so we could actually zoom in to our you know this is a 20-minute walk time around our proposed location we could look it you know are there areas of economic need here so it's just really nice way that you could explore that data as well too so and just as I mentioned again anything you're kept capturing here I oh this is a really nice looking map I can go right in here and I can share this and then what it does it just creates a web map I can open it up for use later but it also means that this map can be used anywhere else scrub the ArcGIS eco system so if you want to share this in a story map or you know just share the web map itself then you could do so we have a question at the back yes yes they do so the question was do the attributes show up in the legend the PDF yes they do one of the things that we're working on for the next release is actually a legend configure where you'll be able to do things with the legend like turn layers on and off and not just accept the default one one more question absolutely you could go on to ArcGIS online and add those add web Maps and layers so so that could very much be a web map that you will bring in in the mobile app so if you have to create these color-coded maps in the web application you put that in ArcGIS online when you go to mobile app you could go and access your ArcGIS online content there add that web map and then you've got both the streets and the colored fabric and then you've returned those polygons into free sites also to run reports and getting back tomorrow great all right so that just some of the illustration that we've got here there are other all sorts of other great workflows in the mapping what I want to get back to is that you know could I created this is really interesting and I could explore the relationship between poverty demographics and crime but wouldn't it be nice if I could create one of those customer infographics based on that as well too so I'm gonna go to reports and I'm going to build my own infographics so earlier I showed you kind of the viewing experience of how to build those and it's really easy to you know you just pick a location or a polygon and then get the infographics for that so essentially there when you're building an infographic there are two ways to build one you could start with those ready to use templates so I I could for example open up the at-risk population and think wow that's really interesting I like all these panels but I want to maybe replace it with my own my own logo so I could you know browse here and add it with my own logo as well too or maybe I don't like that businesses because that's not important to me but I'm really interested in what education is like in a particular area so I could switch out with another panel and then make kind of minor adjustments to the existing template as well too but the other thing that you can do is you can actually build these things right from scratch so essentially we have some out-of-the-box layouts and they're basically organized into different panels or you could create your own custom layouts once you have a layout that you like it's really simple to build one of these things they're basically each template is split into different panels this one has four panels and it's just a matter of clicking the Add button I want to go to the image I'm gonna either add a URL or browse to my own I'm gonna pick that Ezra logo here so this is our now I'm branding the report as well too so now I want to do and add a textbox here and maybe I'm gonna have mine I'll put my mission statement right here as well too so we go right here as well to hit apply and once you've added content to your template you can easily move things around so if I want to switch these two things around and I could just switch them and it just switches the panel the panels once they're set up you can fill them with content but you could also do things like merge them to make one large panel so I could merge these two panels together and I could even resize this one right like that and it automatically resizes the logo and then this particular page here I'm going to add a map and here I could either add a map like a base map or I could add a web map so for example if I've got that web map that I've saved with the income we could do that as well too or maybe I just want to add a imagery base map that we've got here so that's you know first page I've added a text box with my mission statement my corporate logo and added a map that's page one so I'm going to add a second page right now here and I could add a page with the exact same layout or select a different one so I could select a layout here and now I'm going to hit next and you know I'm going to take this larger panel right here I'm going to add a chart and with this particular chart I'm going to pick some every income data just to look at what the incomes like so I could select a bunch of variables drag and drop them and a chart automatically gets created for me I can change the chart type so in this particular case a horizontal bar chart will work better for the different income ranges as well too and I could edit the chart data here and we'll do it based on percent as well to go to the chart options will give the chart a title and then there are all sorts of options for styling your chart the way that you liked it super easy to build one of these charts you could also build your charts based on data from outside the business analyst system so I could go back here and now I'm going to take and create a chart based on that crime data that I've got so now I'm going to create a very simple bar chart that shows the number of rests the number of people on probation and the number of minor violations for your particular area as well too I can add other things like tables of data as well too and then there are ready to use infographic panels as well too that I've got here so we've got I think over a dozen of these panels so the age pyramid I've people really like playing adding that one as well too but maybe I'll just add one with the income data here because it goes along with the income data as well too you can also make your own infographic panels so in this particular case maybe I want to take out our highlights some of the the crime data that we've got right here so I could actually go in and you know select the number of rests and then and make a shape with it as well too so just for the or in order to speed things up a little bit I'm going to just show that you could build your own panel the answer he comes with a set of ready to use graphic shapes you could edit the shapes and change the shape and then we've got a whole library of different standard shapes that you could work with or you could import your own SVG's or your own PNG graphics as well - yeah dude one second I will get to your question one because once this starts saving it takes a little time so then it gives me a good opportunity to do pages so that's a very you know very quick demonstration of I've created a a two page infographic template where we've got there's some different information maybe here rather than showing the the text box with the mission statement maybe what I'll do is I'll replace that with the photographs that are of the facilities as well - biz that might make a little bit more sense so and we'll add the site photos that a little a little smaller that way so Oh last point because someone did bring this up so you know there's a default theme that we've got here it's a blue and orange but you could also style one of these things the way that you want you could have your own default CSS your own color scheme here as well we provide some ready to use templates as well that have some nice colors and then you could also individually go and change the different colors that you want so if I wanted to have the different blues and you could see on a from a preview what that looks like as well too so we can apply that blue theme and then you could do all sorts of advanced things like turn borders off and change what they look like and and such so I'd apply and then we're gonna save that alright so on someone had a question in the back yes yeah that that's a really good question and and so it doesn't come across so well in there projecting right here but you'll probably see that there's a watermark here so the question is is you know how does that data calculate it all that data you're seeing right there when you're building an infographic is just dummy data to show you what it looks like so it's not done for the area and that's why you'll see there's a watermark on there that says sample data I don't know if it comes across very well but it looks it's it's more visible here demo you see one two three so we'll give that a name yes so that's just dummy data so it's not until you save the report rather the infographic template and run it that you'll actually see the data for it yeah that's correct yep so if we go back now and we'll go to the map now we've got this Albuquerque location so what we've got here for this particular Albuquerque location we have a 20-minute walk time around that location what we're going to do is we're going to do three things here so number one we're going to go get the site photographs associated with the pin we're gonna add that to them two to the report we're going to aggregate the ESRI demographic data and we're also going to aggregate data that is from that is being serviced by the Albuquerque police force that has their own public map service so we're big is basically bringing in three pieces of information so we'll go to the infographic now yep and we'll open up that demo one two three and we'll run the report and now you're seeing here's the you know proposed location here's a layout of it the maps interactive and we can go and look at the the the pages we could if you here change the sort order as well too and then you know we could export this out as HTML and then do fun things like we could actually embed this inside a story map so here's a story map with the proposed New Mexico community center here's what it looks like it's got a mission statement here's the web map that we've got right in here someone asked about you know the attributes are there and then we could embed the exact same infographic inside the story map as well to Bizet's being exported out as an HTML cool great the the building experience is not available in desktop right now the viewing experience will be available in the next release of business analyst for address pro in 2.1 yes yeah yeah so that's actually a really good transition so my colleague here max said are off what we're gonna do now is do a quick pivot and he's going to do a 10-minute demonstration on some road ahead stuff so this is a question that we get a lot is business analysts going to be in pro so the answer to that is yes but but unfortunately not with the 2.0 release that was just released so it's going to be in the box that 2.1 that's expected to be released at the end of the year so we want it to give you kind of a sneak peak it's it's some of what we're working on yeah so let me just recap so that everything that I show everything that I showed and ding showed is available on the online hosted web app or on the on premise web app that comes with business analyst servers so on premise nothing nothing is nothing is it's all there now we're working on improving it and making it better so the the only thing that we've shown road ahead so far is just the site collection piece of the the mobile application because it really worked well with the demo when what max is going to show is a a very early sneak peek of what we're working on for the 2.1 release of pro that will be released at the end of the year likely all right I want to start by a show in a couple of tools that actually exist in to the top those schools are not part of business analyst per se but we use the same data and the same underlying technology so the first tool is infographics and what it is is just a set of precooked infographics and in the next release we will be bringing those cool new infographics that Kerry just shown to pro as part of this tool so this one in particular is the H pyramid so you can see that say for this particular ring we have 862 females age 30 to 34 in that particular spot in San Francisco to you another tool that also exists in pro 2.0 is enriched layer what it does is takes the your input data any polygonal where and it enriches it with some of the attributes that you choose so let's say I want to bring in some of the media some of the age categories to this particular layer here I'll just select this customer derived areas here I will choose the country I will need to choose the five years increment data collection and now I will need to navigate through this long list of variables and find what I was interested in so let's say it will be a few age cohorts for females there I just add them they show up here and I can run the tool now what happens here is that it's tool will actually send the data who are just online and it will be enriched on the server and we'll get back the results and it those variables will be appended to the end of the attribute table for this particular layer all right we have the we're back and we have our data appended BM here so both of those tools exist now and they're available to anyone who has our chests online account and you just need to be signed in in our chess Pro now not everyone can use the online data there are some compliance restrictions and other reasons to just have all the data available on Prem on this particular box so now I just want to give you a sneak peek into business analyst Pro release that we are working on right now and it will be available as part of 2.1 released later this year I will yeah as you can see we have the our own version of enriched layer and it will eventually replace the u.s. standard one and we have reporting and suitability analysis there are more functions to come we will be plan to work on the territory design functionality and as well as the color coded mapping and a few other job processing tools has anybody ever used the enriched layer tool in pro or the web app or the whole map and ArcGIS online yeah we wrote that so so a cool example of that is that it was tool that was in desktop for a long time it was called spatial overlay or data append and then we approached the ark chess team and they're like that'd be great if we can get it into more users and we said great well you need a service you need all that so our group creates the demographic service that powers business analyst web it powers arcgis online it lives as demographic layers and that's what max is showing right here so in pro you can actually do this right now but in business analyst pro you'll be able to take that behind the firewall and use it locally so you're not just hitting a service which is really cool thanks God so this is enriched where it's just working name in which we're advanced and this tool supports both local and online data so you can actually switch the data source through the GP environments so really easy you can you switch between local and online you can choose the country and you can choose the local data set in case you have multiple data sets so in the enriched layer online will be Saudi 2017 data here we have just a 2016 because that's that's what we have available locally we'll be updating that in the next month or two all right how let me select this fish net we're just agreed in San Francisco area okay and what else is cool about this tool is that we have a nice UI for selecting the variables which is very similar to what we have in business analyst web app so I can click this category and just pick up 2016 total population I can click the age category and pick up 2016 median age or I can drill down and see the five years increments and I can filter it further and now I just see the females age cohorts and I can pick up those three variables easily using this kind of UI so I hit apply and run the tool it's much better user experience in the first tool he showed which was in rich layer that was bound drop down lists and scrolling and this is just what we're taking from what we've developed in business analyst web and bringing it into pro for everyone else to use alright so this is the enriched player and now I can just look at the how the median age is distributed in this area I'll pick up this color scheme and now you can see basically the surface of 2016 median age and you can see some interesting spots here so you can click this for instance and you'll see that this one has extremely low median age and compared to say its neighbors its that are around 40 this one has 24 so what's what's going on there well we will try to find out nice way to see what the age distribution is like is the H parameter apparently but wouldn't it be cool if we could view the age pyramids for this whole area in 3d well it's pretty easy to do it's a simple script in Python that I have wrote to create the data for that visualization let's go fish relies age pyramids so I've just selected this fish net two kilometers and run the tool what happens behind the scene is that it goes through I don't I don't know if you want to see that but it goes through each cell enriches that's each cell with the age of the age cohorts and then it goes through each of those age cohorts and creates a point above this cell so that you have the kids first then go the adults then go the seniors and it all can be visualized in 3d so now we have these 3d points where added to the map but the map is actually two-dimensional so I will need to copy it to this this scene who passed it so yeah now you can see that those are actually 3d points and I also need to symbolize them so that you can see we can see the actual values there so I'll just copy the symbology to my layer from this template symbology where run it now it looks more like the pyramids and you can easily see that say in downtown San Francisco we have mostly adults in their 20s 30s and 40s and not too many kids and not too many seniors and if you look at that hot spot next to Lake Merced you can see that it's actually two age cohorts that really stick out there and those are 20 to 25 and 15 to 20 and it's just because it's it's actually a university campus right there so this is San Francisco State University and because you did this in Python they probably need this big license for it and then it's probably super you wouldn't actually post this for anyone in the audience to do and replicate what you just did so that's probably off the table all right so well actually not we will definitely share it we have we have the site for I mean the github repository for sharing the samples and they told the part of it I think we need to create yeah I could I could do that I'm not demoing anything today so I can get right on there all right now let's jump to a completely different location and that will be Green Valley Arizona and their OC completely different types of bar age pyramids yeah we saw a bunch of software engineers young hipster folks in San Francisco and we could tell they're but eventually they're gonna retire or go golfing a lot in the winter or whatever it may be and then that would provide some geographic context is what we see here yeah no great hurt jokes either all right no no so max will explain this or I just will because I'm the center of attention yeah this visualization is almost identical to the one in San Francisco but in addition to that we have the transparency driven by the total population so you can see that there are kind of other types of age pyramids around this area but there are not too many people live in there that's why they are kind of fading out fading away a little bit and the core population is these dark blue those dark blue age pyramids and they are all actually 65 and older so every lollipop here or whatever we want to call them is the exact same height that's a constant the transparent ones are where there's actually less people in each point cellar grid the darker is where there's more and then wherever you have that popsicle effect or that larger ballooning effect that's where the more people per age cohort are it follows an age pyramid so just a great way of visualizing something that's sometimes hard to explain and this is a very simple illustrative example - it's we're not just saying that there are young folks here and older folks there but it could be used on any variable well max created that that fishnet grid so he had a grid cell I can remember what it was a woman throws gudiya in so yeah in both kilometer squares more question sure yeah that's a really good question so the question is where where are the people right I've got a great big zip code are there ten people in there or are they concentrated in one single area I guess to sum that up is that all of our data is at the lowest level of block point data set and the block points have information in there that are households housing units businesses or population those aggregate up to each geography above that like block groups census tracts zip codes counties and whatnot so that's going to give you the concentration of where the people are not just I don't know the number of block points but then we we apportion the data based on those points and then the percentage of population within the points up to the block group so I probably probably confuse that more well there's certain propre yeah that that's coming up more and more and the other question we're getting is you know what about real time population and using data captured on mobile phones to how populations migrate and stuff it's definitely stuff that we're looking at either through different partner engagements or continue to source of other data as well - okay so we got a couple of minutes so well we'll keep keep going I'll let you guys take that offline yeah so yeah yeah so just to summarize you know everything max just showing that we're working on some key workflows for a business analyst Pro extension at the 2.1 release some of the key workflows we're gonna make it easy to create a demographic map and then you know I think one of the nice things about Max's demo is that you know you can also leverage other parts of Perl to do some really cool 3d visualizations you know I can imagine you know creating a 20-minute walk time that I showed and then draping that over a cityscape would be really you know compelling and look really interesting we're gonna make sure that those cool infographics that you build inside the web app that those can be displayed and used inside Pro and we're going to be taking a a pro version of the suitability analysis that ding show that's going to be another workflow and pro and then we're working on some territory management tools as well one over the other so in the web suitability analysis if I have 30 be cool all right so we do have some time at the end now for some additional questions and just in case we don't mention please if you get a chance take the the survey using the ESRI events app we love getting feedback what you didn't like what you would like to see next year from us you have ideas or come talk to us as well too yet so questions yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so the question was is that you know how do we do the aggregation with block points is it using the bot points the answer is yes and then if you come talk to one of us we have a white paper that explains how the data is aggregated and all the math behind it as well - and then I think we also have a GP model right that emulates how to how all that data at one point in time we did yeah other question yes yes yes there there's there's a you can get it the low end of it well first of all you you could try this was a 14-day trial so you could try this product for free the web application and mobile application for free for 21 days just go to the 21 to one so go to the a3 website for business analyst and you can sign up for an easy trial if you already have an ArcGIS online account then also you you get you could sign up for the trial on the marketplace then if you want to buy it just the SAS version I mean the online version so it starts with 14 nine 1,500 bucks for one user or 3,000 bucks for five users and that includes both business analyst web app and ArcGIS online or you can if you want to buy the be a desktop person then there are different pricing for that and for that we can have an offline discussion those pricing are available on our web pages as well and the bi server has different pricing - yeah if you already have an existing rgeous online account then you can buy it for $500 for five users so Mary 20 there is pretty low quite a question at the back so that yes so the infographics are they just they consume credits if you're using the the SAS version and it's one thousandth of a credit to view on screens so and then there's a if you want to export to a PDF or export to HTML to share outside of it then there are other costs associated with that and then you know come talk to Praveen if you're interested in finding out details about that well it depends what you're doing if you're exporting to an HTML or a PDF then there's a one-time cost to create that report business you know it's expensive server-side operation to do that but once that's a PDF or an HTML or image then it's yours to do with it's already been created so no credits for sharing not currently great you know please don't be shy come introduce yourselves we're downstairs and spatial analysis island all week we love talking to users thank you so much enjoy the rest of your conference everyone [Applause]
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 3,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Garry Burgess, Kyle Watson, Maxim Sattarov, Praveen Srivastava, Tony Howser, ArcGIS Apps, Esri Business Analyst, customer segmentation, territory optimization, location-driven analytics, pinpoint growth sites, target customers, market research, Business Analyst desktop, Esri UC, Esri UC 2017, Esri UC Tech Sessions, Esri UC 2017 Tech Sessions, Business Analyst, Business Analyst Apps
Id: WUfRGlwl7PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 21sec (4641 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.