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first of all I apologize I didn't get real prepared for this and plus I thought I had 30 minutes instead of 20 so we'll see how it goes if anything I love a good train wreck and make Adam Dorn to follows me look really good as a presenter so how many people are currently using survey 1 2 3 or even experimented with I know David I talked to him a little bit nobody messed with it collector using collectors but most people using okay the big difference probably between collector and survey 1 2 3 is survey 1 2 3 is more forum driven than collectors more of a map driven and you can make much more complex forms it uses the XLS form standard which allows you to create your forms in Excel and then push them to what they call X forms which is next in the mile format and survey 1 2 3 reads that and it does it pretty cool and I've kind of new Excel as forms from my I was using open data kit for some projects I was using an open source mobile data collection so it's made up of surveys collect it's made up of three kind of app three parts I should say it's got the the connect application where you author your forms and create them it's got an application that can run on your tablet your phone windows that runs in all the major operating systems you know Android Windows Linux iOS doesn't matter to you know submit your data and then it uses our GS online for the back and for your data is stored so with that this means a little messed up but we'll see what happens here so this is a survey connect software you can dump download that bomb from ESRI it looks like this you want to create a new survey we just click on this and I got a few surveys and we're going to try to create one I don't know full will get all the way through my survey or not but when you click on this what it does is it pulls up a wizard and you got a chance to kind of look at the advanced template they have in the basic template basically the same thing is going to create a spreadsheet to creative form the advancement has much more options and I will that's one we will use we'll look at some of those options definitely not all of them you can also look at sample forms this is a good place to start this look at show you all the different appearances that can happen within your forms autocomplete barcode scanning you know how you calculate your locations and all kinds of so you can load these forms and look at like what was done in here cascading selects this is one of the reasons I use XLS form since cascading selects it's pretty cool I use it in the damage assessment application I have so it picks the WAM region and then that if wants you pick a whim region and only show you the counties within that in that one region you pick that County and only choice in two municipalities in there when you're filtering through a long list like that it really makes it a very efficient way to kind of filter yourself down there's also some Sam samples that are that are in the ESRI community rest forms cropped you know they get a damage assessment one in there some municipal stuff you know and again some of us a good look at just to get examples of this if I was signed in it would see my surveys here so I currently have a few surveys in here we'll probably hopefully get a chance to look at some of those but I'm going to go back up to the templates I'm going to select the advanced one and I'll just call this mug demo one it will create that survey so what it does is it it creates it opens two windows one it's previewing the form and one showing the spreadsheet and I'll go with Candice this is going to suck without having two monitors let's see if they can do some rearranging here so in the standard format in Excel they've done kind of a nice job because they got little pop-ups kind of explaining what each each field is across the top here and we'll go into some of these but these are it'll explain what it is and even when as far as having pull down menus to pick your different types of fields that you would add to your forms so it makes it pretty simplistic to fill out and create a form the choice is tabbed now at the bottom here is where you have choices like select one select many and they got some samples in here of what that would look like and we're going to do that stuff the settings is where kind of you can set up your title of your form and stuff like that this this last tab is more just informational it'll list all the different field types are available currently in the forum and there they continue to add them and change how they're done but it's you know this is a pretty new programs probably only been out order beta for maybe like a year but you can it pretty much describes if you know you had like the user name field is if they're logged in are just lines going automatically log they're ArcGIS online account start/stop repeat groups all kinds of fancy stuff that you can do with the forms so much more complex in what you'd use in collector and so you can see right now they just have a text field the field name in the database is example and the label you see is example so it's previewing the form back here you see it here and so if we change that first field something else like we'll leave it there we'll call it first name and we'll this is the label they they will see and if I save that it's saying calculating rendering and I'll put it back and so it automatically will display the way your form will look and like said you can add different types of fields so we'll add an integer integer field and we'll call that age and we'll go how old I know these my survey is not really appropriate for municipal stuff but just to get an idea and you don't have to save this even if I save again it would render it we could do it but I'll stop doing it after this one just so you get the idea so we can put them in there and look what they're in there so it's going to add that second question right underneath it there and so then one of the other fields that I use a lot is this the select one or select multiple but I'm going to select one and the way that works with the choice is to have going to move this up a little bit so you can see and we're going to call this type the field name is going to be tight but and then we're going to say which one do you like so since we got to select one and then we're calling it type we got to go over our choices tab and add add that over here so type and we're going to do two types I'm going to have one called beer and one called wine and so what you happen here is this is the type of we can add more types if we want to add other things water whatever soda this is the the name that gets pushed to the database so you can see in the in the ratings example they're just pushing one two three four five but the person seeing stars one star two star three star you know so forth so like typically if I was doing this but I'm trying to do it fast I might have like capitals here you know capital for the beers or whatever so I'm going to go ahead and save that again and now you'll see we have those two questions and we have a select we'll select one on the beer and the wine and gays all getting that exciting stuff all right so then we'll go back to our spreadsheet here and we're going to go back to our survey our next question is going to be I'm going to do a select one again I'm going to call this select one beer I'm going to select one wine and we call this one beer and this one wine and we're gonna say what year do you like what you like and since we created two more select ones we need to go back to our choice tab and add those so we're going to have and I really don't drink beer anymore so don't not up on my beer tapes anymore but get I guess ales longer stout I'm gonna call that trip I spelled that right but it doesn't matter for this purpose I don't think so now you can see we end up having which one you like beer wine you know but to me that kind of looks kind of weird so we can go in here make relevant choices so if they select beer they'd only see this one and not this one of this like wine they'd only see this one there's lots of other things you can do with it and what will pull that up here minimize my little thing down here so if we look at these these tables there's lots of different fields as we come across here so we're looking at this one here and you'll see the fields moving across the top and we're looking for the relevant one would you think it passed right here so you'll be on the right one so in here we would put down a sign and it one thing good is if you look at all the examples and even if you click on the little help thing it gives you kind of the syntax but we want to look at that type vehicles - beer and for this one we wanted to look at it equals two wine and if we save that if I select beer the beer type comes up by select line now the wine stuff comes up so you can see how you can make this much more simplistic and do things that are pretty neat and it's pretty easy to do so I'm going to go up here where I left this empty spot and one of the fields you can make is a note field and I'm going to say under-21 and the label is going to be you are not old you are not 21 okay so that that be what they get and we're going to go over here to the relevant on that one and say if if the age field or the age question and then you can should switch it to water is less than 21 so it so another thing I'm going to do because it's going to kind of mess with the survey I'm going to put a default value of 21 in my my age 1 just I'll show you why here in a second so right now you can see the way the survey is rendered and it's here so if I go ahead and would put my name in here which I don't have to do but if I did and I said I was 18 and hit enter it'll say you're not old enough to drink it throws that that that out there if you need to that's a warning so when that when that another thing we could do is we could go over to the relevant and change we're running out of time here I think I'll skip some of that stuff so I'm going to add an image field if you wanted people to take photos for example so we'll say image the field of the database we'll just call it four to one and we'll say take a picture and go over here under the little hint here you can add a little hints from what you want to do we could say smile at camera but most you guys like to collect your location so there's a Geo point field I can just use the pulldown here and I'm just going to call that field GPS collect your location and let me do another image and I'm going to say picture and with a draw me picture and in that case if you go over to the column it has appearance here and we change that appearance to signature it creates a widget that you typically would sign I just said draw a picture there so I'll save that I think I'm going to skip some of the other stuff but I'm going to show you what we get going here it isn't really where I thought we'd be at this point but you can see the survey starting to fill in now you can make any of the fields required so if they don't answer it it won't validate it'll say you got to go back and answer that clutter or fill that question in here's the picture one you can take a picture will fire up the device on the camera like this see I can go into modeling if I this doesn't work out for me the capture of the GPS I don't have any anyplace set I don't know how this will work on here probably not but you could you can zoom in to a to this laptop doesn't have a built-in GPS bullets to say that's where we want to be that's good beautiful don't here like I said this one allows you to draw a picture or your signature you know or whatever so you kind of get the idea over there now this was on on a screen you could use a stylus to have somebody sign it and they got lots of examples of how they use these different I'll just call them widgets or appearances and how things are there I'm going to jump ahead and so within the Kinect application itself you end up with you can look at your schema and see what your fields are the setting stuff which I apologize I'm not going to much time too this is where you can add a thumbnail for your survey you saw those sample ones it's like the little picture of the cop and stuff you know so you could add something like that you could add a description test demo or whatever you know and some other information that they would see you can stylize and set your home spot for your map so as you zoom in if we knew we wanted the people always to kind of be centered on Wisconsin or whatever you once you you can set that as a home thing you can change decimal degrees or degrees minutes seconds on that the images is when you're capturing pictures if you want the program to crunch down the file size or not you know if you're sending these pictures over the air medium works pretty good you go to small you go to large or unrestricted if they have devices with a high resolution camera it could clog things up here you can customize the layout and look of like the background colors and all that in your form you can also do it another way which I'll show you quickly so let's say we like the way our survey is we got our styles we're all done I'm out of time what's that yes I'm a break yeah they'll kill me on that one all right so um what's that keep going so what once this is done let's say we had everything the way we want you push it up to the cloud and it'll say it'll give you some warnings because we found out and I'll show you what we did for the city of Los los Fire Department and they end up coming back and saying let's change a few things after they collected like half their records real careful with that kind of stuff but even with ESRI on the phone as we say we could do it it blew it all up but so you'd publish that survey you can save you can share that survey with other people in your organization you can have groups whatever is in your ArcGIS online account it'll create that survey it says it's published so here's the here's the app itself running in Windows on my laptop you can have it on your device you can download it from the Play Store of the iOS store and I'll go and download assert that survey and here it is up on top and now it's sitting in here and I can go ahead and start collecting information in that survey and I won't fill this all you get the idea who you know and I can send it you can send it later if I don't have connection I can send it now and then go ahead and send that one now I didn't collect the GPS so that one would map but you got to get the idea of how that works I did want to show you a couple things real quick just to show you some other examples of what what you can do so here is the the excel file that I created for the city of Lhasa Fire Department they're doing a structural risk assessment and I believe a lot of other things are doing David's Communities looking at doing it and so here's the Excel spreadsheet you can see it looks a little different I just did it on the fly didn't use as reads thing but you kind of see it here and one of the things I want to point out is yes rice survey allows you to hard-code standard HTML tags right in here so all these are going to come out bold for example in my in my survey when I load it the they had a lot of they had a lot of like how to things like a lot on each one of those questions so that's in my in my hints thing and I needed line return so get line breaks you can do whatever I got a background color so I'm just going to show you what happens you can actually just take that excel spreadsheet and drop it on here and it'll import that make that survey pulls up the same spreadsheet we're just looking at and here you know here it is and it might be hard to see so like you can see where I got the blue back on to some of the helps you'll see where I got my hard line return so this stacks in the form makes it look prettier things like that exciting really understand the stuff on the form that was part of the problem we had with getting it right for them they weren't real clear either and the funny thing is this is the question that they want to change and require to be changed and there's only three guys collecting it so it made no sense to me thousand feet is what their hose is but they wanted that to be 800 and I'm like we already collected half your stuff just leave it we'll know that in the end we'll just fix it because they're you know the hose isn't straight you know whines wrong and 800 is the length but I'm like really and it blew out all the pictures that they had attached to all those other ones we were able to pull those records off of ArcGIS online look at them so if we look at the surveys here here's a real simplistic survey that I created just to show you kind of what the backend of survey 1-2-3 looks like it it tells me I collected six records by one user and these are the dates I started and finished or the last one came in it kind of does some little quick summarizing of the data you can analyze it on the fly and this stuff is live as the data is collecting and coming in so my I had wanted two sides like select the building collect a GPS or something like that so I this is how many commercial buildings I collected you can switch it to pie charts you can zoom to the map which I'd never set a home thing for this one but they're in Wausau somewhere here you know they should be any there that way up here I get the Wausau so you'll see them sitting in here here's your data what it looks like you have all your records come in that were collected here you can click on them it zooms around to the map it creates a feature class you can share that feature class you can pull it right into arcmap and it's live as the data is being collected and put in there I was just going to quickly show you the fire departments what they collect it and what it looks like from the city wasps on and I can go to break I guess anybody got any questions I bet like have that data in the background - is it I don't think so and right now currently with the with this version of survey one two three and they said it will happen in the future unlike collector where you can re-edit that data and sync it back once you send it it's there sitting on the server you can go edit on the server but what's interesting is that you know when you're in survey went to three get that kind of dashboard interface with the summary when you go to ArcGIS online that feature class is sitting in Europe just line con two and there you can edit it and change the attributes but in that survey one two three currently can't and there was some stuff in that survey one two three interface are grayed out you know any quick I know say well that features coming or you know or it's not in not not complete yet well sort I mean if you're an ESRI shop sure and he gets marked yes online credits sure you know that didn't seem to work anyway I gotta go to this one he's got his not sitting in that one when ESRI blew it out did it doesn't sit in there yeah so you end up using your DSL line credits as you're setting records up to but most people have that have ESRI license yeah your person I'm gonna log in to somebody else's account any other questions why I try to struggle through this to send a data structure ver is that what you want to do so using our field I don't think so but it looks like one of those great out tabs in the one it's weird a sign all that work it looks like you're going to be able to provide a URL to your server and send it there at some point but right now it doesn't so you have to dump your geo database up there first make you know you don't need any data there you creating that data from your from your survey rec you know from that survey is going to create the feature class once you publish it you'll be sitting in ArcGIS online you can export it to geo database shapefile or just leave it there and access it through your arcmap or your you could have it pop populating on it I'm into my database at the desktop cuz they needed a shapefile yup Oh daddy's here yo hey Z over here well it's sitting there and it'll be live as you're editing it in ArcGIS online if you pull it out of there it's going to be a static snapshot of that so the City of Austin when they're done doing their structures they're going to pull it out of there when they're done right now they're still editing it what they're doing which is somewhat interesting they have three people out there collecting this up trying to collect it by the end the year they got to inspect all the commercial structures and give them some sort of rating based on how much risk they are some of the inspectors know a lot about they can fill in about 80% of those fields so they have a cache of those iOS tablets they're filling them in in the field they were in their third desk it's leaving them sit on that record and then they send the guys out to finish those records because some of those guys on the field don't know what the trust structures of this building but they know and so they're putting it in there and if they don't there's they're fixing that stuff online they're fixing that stuff online you know on the backside if I can get logged in here I can show you that I'm just wondering once I'm bringing that stuff back in whether I knew then and dad or whether it's a dupe of my manual stuff and I'm just deleting my name sure I would think if they're out they're expecting manhole covers or something with the example you would have that is back on information and updating your main manholes if they've said well that's a broken one or clean I'm not a municipal guy whatever they're doing out there in that form and the inspections if you look at some of the inspection stuff they have forms that are currently in there that might give you some better idea two of the questions and how they're doing it and I think last time we talked to Dan which he say he was going to come here and talk about this but he was sick they had five six hundred of their commercial structures already inspected or something like that but on any of these within Europe G is in line I can edit these things right here so I can edit these and it's given me all the same pull downs that that forum had as I was in there so if you're looking under if I wanted to change this one those are the same ones that got pushed over from that forum I created already in there they're sitting in there there to click off it before I wreck something but and even you know even here they could start adding them to this if something got missed or deleted you can add the feature class right now it just line your data is here you can export it from there to like said multiple different formats definitely end up time to cover what I want go ahead your survey out to the field stand alone no it's it's standalone you do need to have a connection to download it to device but once you're out there those records will sit on that device so like like the fire bottom example they have three or five tablets guys filling out like five or six on that tab one telling the guy you go get those and go get those so they're out there and see what there's another thing is kind of interesting with the stuff if no one's using like workforce or navigator it kind of builds into this whole suite so you can actually have it so you're tasking orders out and if you got a data connection you can actually ping and see where your guys are out in the field and say go fix this or go take care of that you can put that into the workforce and they're obviously additional charges for those add-on stuff not just line just a future service great like you're right go back and think you wanted to review in the field yeah hour ago synchronized yeah I imagine you could do that you could pull the stuff that somebody collected with this but I would think that you know collector probably works better for some of that editing and manipulating the data from the device to it I think this one will get there this one I would say if you got a more complex form that you want to some fight in and have make look prettier nothing against RTS line collector this is probably the way to go it's more form centric I'm the on the creation the app and what I like about - I mean ones on all the major OSS and devices and runs on them all lunatics all the way down so if anything you got you know you got a call center that wants to start adding stuff they could do it from that left form from the application like this itself that's sitting on their desktop they got laptops and the vehicles they could do it they don't need to pull out a tablet kind of nice anything else right right right your whole break we don't need only pushes it doesn't actually it does not pull new a tostone all your edits would have to happen on the server side but they said that's going to be out in future releases so that it'll sync them back and you be able to do that but assume again just like collector you'll need a connection to make all that happening to push it back and forth and it works really phishing it's fast to create forms once you kind of get used to those columns and stuff they're there it's neat to create forms and customize them to make them look pretty anything else does it handle related no you could relate stuff to it afterwards you could have no it doesn't there's some you can do some pre loading of data there's a bility to upload a CSV file so if somebody put in an address or pin that was in that CSV file it would preload that information that you could do again that gets pre-loaded when you got a connection so if you had we got 100 records for manhole covers and they got IDs if they put that idea for that manhole cover it would populate it with the stuff that was in that text file a CSV file and even you can even do that CSV file for pre-loading like the cascading selects if you look at the one I'm using for he's going to kill me over here probably pretty soon so here's here's the one I use for the damage assessment so you can see my cascading selects this form gets very large because there's like a hundred and/or thousand fifteen hundred different municipalities and state but you know here's my web region so when it selects them then it goes down and only grabs the counties within East Central Region and so forth and it goes and then it steps it down you know to this so this form here takes a little bit to load because it's got all this stuff you know in my choices tabs and they typically recommend if you have something this big that you would put that in a CSV and preload that in the background I didn't on this case but see little is there any other questions go and break them
Channel: Wisconsin Land Information Association
Views: 14,119
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: UMqg4clSvbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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