ArcGIS: An Introduction to Map Design

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in lab five we'll be working with an introduction to map design not only will you learn how to change the symbology of data in the data view of the ArcGIS but you'll also learn how to organize a map in the layout view to begin take a look at the Alabama cancer rates in agriculture JPEG jpg in your lab 5 folder the purpose of this lab is to make a map that looks exactly like this which displays the cancer rates and we're agriculture in Alabama and the relationship between agriculture and cancer related deaths be sure to include two different shape files for Alabama complete with counties the map on your right should have the interstates going through Alabama as well as the five biggest cities and on the Left you'll have your concentration of cancer deaths per population as well as you can begin the lab by opening up your Alabama MXT arcmap document note that there are two different data frames Alabama reference and cancer in farms each one of these data frames will represent a different map in our final map product when we are in the layout view each data frame also has three different feature classes in Alabama we have cities interstates in counties and cancer in farms we have farms cancer and rural you can begin by activating your Alabama reference do so by right-clicking Alabama reference and going down activate and when you begin to work on your cancer in farms in a little bit you want to activate that data layer so it shows up in your data view for the first part of the lab we'll want to isolate the five major cities in Alabama note that they're all the season Alabama are listed on your Alabama map isolate the top five right click on cities and go to the properties in the symbology tab click on categories here we're going to add values that are just the top five cities in Alabama they are Birmingham Huntsville Mobile Montgomery and Tuscaloosa to do so in the value field change object ID to name once you've accomplished that you can add values here click on complete list show all the different cities that are available in this data in this feature class begin by scrolling down to Birmingham highlighting it add it to the list and click OK one by one will add the top five cities in Alabama next we'll add Huntsville then we'll add Mobile and then Montgomery or Montgomery and then move the last city to add will be Tuscaloosa again add values scroll down to the t's and select Tuscaloosa okay now you'll see that we have our top five cities in Alabama highlighted uncheck the all other values box this will make it so that the only cities that show up in your final map product are the five largest cities in Alabama click apply look to be sure that it works and click OK as we're only providing the top five largest cities in Alabama as a point of reference I want to be sure that the symbology is all that the same is all the same to do so change the symbology we want once again go to the properties for this feature class under the symbol heading right click left click and go to properties for all symbols solely allow you to change all the symbols to be the same where your symbols you want to choose circle 3 change the size to 8 and the color to several orange size to 8 click on the color hover over the color that looks like it could be several orange click it ok and apply again take a look and be sure those City colors have changed once they have we're ready to move on to the next step click ok our next step in this data frame will be to change the symbology for the interstates again go to the symbology tab for interstates click on the symbol you want to be sure that you're looking at the features single symbol class you double click on the symbol you can look at the current symbol that you're looking at want to change the width to one and the color to not tonight yellow it's in the yellow hues it's in the yellow hue color column once you've changed the colors too often that yellow and the wit to one click okay again apply to be sure that your changes works once they have the next we'll want to add labels for each interstate to do so click the labels tab under your layer properties under method change it from label all the features of the same way to define classes of features and label in each class differently and our final map alone we want to show the interstate highways to go through our top five cities here we'll have to have an SQL query or a structured query language query to only select the highways that we want to pass to beyond our final map under the again under the labels tab click SQL query and we'll type in an equation exactly as follows in quotations name in here we'll have a chance to add our difference interstates like to a complete list of the interstates on your map you can click to you can click the name and get unique values this will show you all of the highways that are in your class feature class we want to select ten twenty fifty nine 65 and 85 here you can either type in ten with single quotations or you can double-click ten and add a comment in between each field that you would like to add ten twenty fifty nine sixty five and eighty five complete your query close the parentheses now click verify to be sure that your query works once your expression was successfully there you can click OK make sure that be sure that your label features in this class is checked now we'll want to add the appropriate symbol cultural symbol for interstate highway to do so go to the text symbol box and click on symbol change the color from black change the symbol if you scroll down you change the symbol to the cultural symbol for interstate highways in the United States be sure to set the symbol size to 8 both sides to 7 click OK and apply the changes take a look at your connect your map you may notice that even though you have changed the symbol to the appropriate symbol for interstates these slips that these labels don't show up that's okay go out of your properties tab right click on interstates and click label features now all of your interstate highways should be labeled appropriately with the appropriate symbol than the appropriate size however note that your internet in interstate highway symbols do not all line up the same way we want to change this in order to change the placement of each labels go back to our layer properties again under the labels tab and other options click placement properties here we have a variety of options under our orientation we'll want to change it to horizontal and where it says duplicate labels we're going to only place one label per feature I'm going to click OK and apply now take a look at your map all the labels should be one label per interstate and they should all be aligned horizontally click out of your layer properties the next step we're going to change our counties feature class to shades of grey go back to the layer properties click on the symbology tab be sure that it set the features secret single symbol and double click the symbol here we'll change the fill color to gray 70% do with outline width 2.4 and the outline color to gray 50% okay this should complete the Alabama reference frame next for from our cancer info next you want to add activate your cancer and farms data frame do so by right clicking the data frame and clicking activate if you should be sure that your order is in farms on top cancer beneath farms and real beneath cancer right now we're just gonna want to look at cancer death death rates uncheck the farms and the rural so that we're just worth looking at cancer next we're going to want to show make a choropleth map that shows the rate of death per County in order to do so we'll need normalize cancer deaths by the total population for each County right click on cancer and go to your properties under symbology show quantities and click on graduating graduated colors we want to change our field to cancer deaths and our normalization to the total population in no 5 automatically you should have the classification as natural breaks Jenks with five classes if it's not you want to change the classification by clicking classify next you want to change the color to the appropriate colors you want to choose the color ramp that's light to darkest green if you have a hard time recognizing the colors you can also right-click the color ramp and unclick graphic view here you'll see the color ramp we want to use is yellow yellow green light to dark click apply and then ok you should have a core plot that resembles next we want to work with our farms data here we're going to show the farms in Alabama make your farms lip layer visible again go to properties and in the symbology tab we're going to work with quantities we're gonna make a dot density math where one dot represents twenty farms click on dot density our field selection in this case is farms that's the data will be working with highlight farms and add it to your symbol you can change the symbol to electron gold size for using the ESRI symbols circle one next we'll change our dot value to 20 so that one dot equals twenty farms again be sure that your symbol is on circle one electron gold sighs - again where our densities calculated we'll want 1 dot it's equal 20 farms make sure your background color is set to no color click apply take a look and see what your map looks like you should have a variety of a bunch of dots everywhere one dot represents 20 farms this should look this should look similar to the map that we have on the jpg once you change the dot density made the farms for the 1 dot equals 20 farms click out of your properties next we're gonna work in our layout view click your layout view using one of the two options that we know of under the file tab you'll want to change your map to a horizontal view or landscape view cut a page and print setup to do so change your orientation to landscape and be sure that you are using a paper sheet that is 8 and a half by 11 inches wide also a letter this should change the size of your page that you're working with to a horizontally aligned page that's roughly the earth it's the same size as a standard B shirt next we're gonna add some guides so that we can snap each of our data frames too to our guides to be sure that they're aligned make sure first make sure that your rulers are set to inches not centimeters to do so right-click your ruler and go to options under the layout view to layout view tab click show rulers be sure that's set to units of inches your smallest division being 1/10 of an inch apply click ok next we're gonna add rulers that we can snap all of our data to we're going to set our vertical guides at point 2 you can left-click to add a guide five point five and ten point eight you can also drag a ruler once it's set to the appropriate graticule we need to remove it remove a guide you can right-click the arrow and click clear guide next we'll want to set our horizontal guides to 0.5 0.7 2 inches 0.5 and 7.2 inches now you want to arrange your data frame so that they're between these guides the dot density map will be on the left and your economies map and interstates map to be on the right change the sizes of your data frames so they fit between the guides depending on the size of your data frame you may have to scroll around your page now do the same thing you should make each data frame the same size the same with the same alignment okay in order to make both of our data and now that our data frames are the same size we want our Alabama States to be the same size here we're gonna set the scale for both data frames to one in three and a half million to do so on the scale menu you can select one of the various options provided or you can type in one two three and a half million you sure that you have the appropriate amount of zeros while changing the size of your the scale after math do that to both data frames if after typing in the appropriate scale your state does not align properly within the data frame you can always right-click that data frame click on full extend and then retype in the appropriate scape next one will change the background color for both of our data frames to gray 40% with no border to do so right-click your data frame go to your properties under frame change the border to none in the background to gray 40% repeat this step for your other data frame the next step of the lab will be to add the different labels for each of our cities to do so in the Alabama reference frame we'll want to right-click on cities and go to properties and the like the labels tab under the labels tab we'll find classes of feature labels each in a different class again will create an SQL query for our name is in our different cities you can select get unique values show all three different cities here we'll add all the different cities that we'll be working with alternately you can type them in single quotation marks separate each city by a comma be sure to close your SQL query with appropriate parentheses click verify and once your expression is successfully verified click OK and apply click out of your layer properties right click on cities and click the label features button all of your labels should be should be now appear on the map however they might not align appropriately next we'll want to change the align before we convert our labels to an annotation to change the layout of our labels let's go back to our look labelled properties and change the fonts and the spacing under this text it won't click symbol change your fonts to Georgia somewhere here text size to 8 to 10 and your color white and character spacing to 10 to change the text spacing will want to click on edit symbol change our color to white and our spacing will be under the form formatted text character spacing to 10 click OK and apply note the changes in your labels next we want to next we'll want to convert our labels to to a to annotation or internet interactive label format I click on cities and convert labels to annotations or do so click on convert label sanitation store your annotation in the map click convert whatever you convert your labels to annotation you're able to move each label around individually arrange your labels as they appear on the map so that they're not on top of any other data user JPEG is an example your map is almost complete at this point you want to insert the appropriate map elements titled legend North arrow a subtitle a scale bar let's begin by inserting a legend on the insert be sure that your cancer and farms data frame is selected click insert at the top and click legend here legend wizard will run you through your legend select deselect Farms and add it again so that it shows up below cancer this way will in your final legend the cancer death death rates will show above the farms click Next change your child cancer deaths click through the legend wizard and explore the different options that it gives you once you finish you should have your Legend Center it in the center it on your map change the size so that it's appropriate and matches the example map and looks aesthetically pleasing if you need to alter your legend you can click on your legend and change the properties in your legend properties you can change all of your legend symbology for our Cancer Bats overpopulation which is our title we'll want to change the symbol under edit symbol and be sure that it's Center aligned do so click the formatted tech or click your horizontal alignment to Center click OK and apply and see how it works in your legend properties you want to be sure that your cancer that's per population is formatted appropriately change the size again you've not already done so and the fonts to the appropriate fonts listed in the lab in order to remove the legend the that the layer titles from your legend you want to go in your legend properties go to items under the symbol style oops under style you want to go to Moores thirds of properties here it allows you to change different items on your legend be sure that under general the show layer name is unchecked there's a variety of different ways to change your layer your legend properties once it's already been added to your map you can do so access to the legend properties by right-clicking the legend I'm going to properties under your legend properties there's a variety of different operations that you can do you can change the title and the symbology of the title you can change the different layers that are represented in the legend as well as their order under the items tab you can also change the different layers and their titles for example I'd like to remove the cancer label from the legend and can go to cancer style properties and under appearance change it so it does not show the layer name do the same thing with my farms layer in the legend all right once this this has been done click apply take a look what your map looks like notice the Geor now your notice your legend all almost looks like it does in JPEG jpg the only thing that we have to remove now is the tab that's over the total pop oh 5 to do so go back to your legend properties go to the items tab style for cancer and properties here you'll also want to remove the show heading now your legend looks exactly like it does in the Jade in the Alabama Jade JPEG that we used in the original map the exception of one thing notice the dots are now not set to 1 dot equal 20 farms you want to change this to do so go to the farm properties and in the symbology tab change the dot value of 20 now our legend we're changing here what dot dot density be sure did you click apply before you click okay taking a look at the final map that we'll be wanting to turn in well notice that our title has a green background in order to change this background Bop to have a green background we'll need to add a rectangle doing so is easy in arc your layout view be sure that your drawing toolbar has been activated under the customize tab toolbars here you can click the rectangle option and draw a rectangle at the top of your map be sure it matches up with your neat lines change the color to olivine green or olivine yellow and the outline color to no color now you ready to add it to add your map title give it in the layout view go to insert add title you can also add a tile buttons inserting a text box be careful when inserting in text box because sometimes you get some misplaced on your map note where the text box automatically appears in the upper left hand corner of our Alabama reference data frame it's highlighted in turquoise right now change the text you can double click it and enter the text or you can flow to the text properties and now change your name now the name of our map should be cancer rates in agriculture in Alabama as noted in the lab handout you want to change your font under change symbol to Georgia size 30 be sure that's in bold click ok and apply now you want to move your your title to the top and insert a subtitle now the subtitle here is the relationship between agriculture and cancer related deaths again you can do so by either inserting a text box there or in the drawing toolbar creating a text box again your text box may appear in a weird spot so be sure you notice where it goes you can double click to change the text or you can go to the text properties the relationship between agriculture and cancel alleged deaths as per the lab handout we'll want to change our subtitle to Georgia size 20 black and in italics again under the text properties go to change symbol change your text to Georgia size 20 and turn into italics pay attention to the Jaypee the JPEG and try to line up the text boxes accordingly if you're having a hard time lining up your text appropriately an easy way to move the text boxes slowly more control to highlight the text box hold down the shift key and use your arrows we were left right up or down according to where you want the actual text box to be if you'd like to move the text box a little faster but still with control hold down the control key and it'll snap your title to wherever you need it well I want to go ahead and insert a scale bar and a North arrow or North arrow is specified in the lab using the ESRI North arrow 59 you can get a little creative if you want to on this choose a North arrow that's it's not too gaudy I'm a big fan of the ESRI North 59 for the north 60 opinion JPEG and look at where the North arrow is located in the bottom right hand corner next we want to add a scale bar to do so go back to the insert selection and click on scale bar here you have a different few different options you can choose which kind of scale bar you'd like and you can change the properties the size how many different hash marks it has number of divisions the subdivisions the gaps and your label is it investment decimal degrees or miles let's take a look at the map the lab document our scale bar should be 1 our divisions should be in miles the 50-mile division value and one division every before 0 scale bar 1 another property for our scale bar we'll want to choose the alternating scale bar 1 go ahead and highlight that and go to properties here you can adjust all sorts of different things in your scale bar for the purposes of this map under the scale section we'll want to show one be sure the show 1 division before 0 box is checked when resizing we'll want to adjust the number of divisions be sure our division value is at 50 miles our division units are in miles and our label position is after labels if you want to change your symbology here to perpetual font size 10 and change your color to gray 80% click OK and apply and now you should ready to have a scale bar on your map just the position of both your scale bar as well as your North arrow to the appropriate places you can resize the scale bar as well as a North arrow I just adjusting the size of the box again if you're having too hard placing the North arrow on the map you can hold the shift key and use the arrow buttons on your 10 key don't wanna just all these properties as necessary am I making a scale bar typically like to have my units to be in something fairly manageable like scaled increments of 20 5 10 50 100 depends on the scale of your map now remember that your scale bar is going to be for whichever data frame you had selected when inserting your scale bar you want to use some common sense if for some reason your scale bar doesn't look like it's the appropriate sizing you may want to go back and check and be sure that you've done everything correctly right now my scale bar looks like it might be a little big so I'm just gonna double-check I'm gonna go ahead and delete that and reinsert another scale bar but first I'm gonna be sure that I have the proper data frame window selected again we need an alternating scale bar one I showed one division before zero and that adjust number of divisions one resizing our division value will be 50 miles our font will be Perpetua gray 80% and in italics we want to label our position after the labels now click OK and see how it works scale bar is not quite the same as it is in the map notice this one goes to 100 miles so I'm gonna change the size of my scale bar so that it matches the map more appropriately very nice now this point we're almost done with our map few more things we'll need to do is add a text box to to include your name as well as the information provided on the map the data sources and what the data might indicate you can add these text boxes just like we did for the title move them around just as we did with the title the last thing this lab will show you how to do is insert a image into your map know how the upper right hand corner of the Alabama cancer rate map has a picture of cotton we'll go ahead and insert this picture of cotton on to our mat I do so go to arcmap and again in the layout view click the insert tab insert picture go ahead and look where you have this picture you have this file save geography week 5 lab data and you're looking for the köppen jpg go ahead and open that when it pops up it might be a little big so you're gonna resize that if you resize it from the corner the proportions will stay the same move it into the top right-hand corner of your mat again you may need to use the shift key to move your map or enter to move it around all right be sure to add your name export the map as a jpg and include it with your Latin remember to export it as a jpg JPEG who want to go to file export map it should give you options on underneath file named save as type this case I'm gonna save it as a JPEG I have my last name and then the lab number excellent completed lab 5 congratulations
Channel: Jon Gehrig
Views: 9,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArcMap 10.1, Map Design, Layout View, Using Symbology, Dot Density, Choropleth
Id: p-gqPGKv_U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2013
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