Arabian Stories - Animated Kids Stories || Kids Hut Stories - Story Collection (English)

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join kids hat family [Music] [Applause] what are you doing tofu not Tia so many Tuffy's I am taking them all but you don't need so many of them tofu just take as many as you need but they are there TIA and no one is saying I shouldn't take them you are being so greedy tofu do you remind me of castle who is castle come sit with me and I will tell you who Qasim was Alibaba and 40 thieves [Music] there were two young brothers called Qasim and Ali Baba [Music] they lived in Baghdad with their father [Music] Qasim was a greedy dishonest man while Alibaba was an honest simpleton when their father died Qasim married a rich woman and became a lazy merchant Alibaba married a poor woman with honest values he became a woodcutter one day when Alibaba was returning from the forest he saw a Goering the 40 thieves standing outside the caves near the forest they had large heavy-looking gunny bags with them the chief of the thieves called out Open Sesame open the large boulder that blocked the caves entrance strolled away and all the thieves enter the cave once they were all inside it rolled shut again Alibaba waited to see what will happen next after some time the entrance opened again and the thieves came out empty-handed the chief turned around and once again said close Sesame closed the large boulder rolled and closed the entrance shut as soon as the thieves had left Alibaba came out of hiding and went to the cave [Music] Open Sesame Open immediately the boulder rolled over and the entrance of the cave opened once again curious Sally baba went inside [Music] once inside Alibaba was amazed by what he saw oh my god so this is where the thieves hide all the loot those Conny bags that they carried had the goods from the latest theft look at all these gold coins and other treasures here I will take some from here and go happily Alibaba collected what he could and left [Music] Open Sesame Open [Music] once out he closed the cave again close Sesame closed [Music] when Alibaba got home he requested for the weighing scale from his dishonest sister-in-law he wanted to measure how much gold he had brought from the caves hmm what does Alibaba need the weighing scale fault let me stick a bit of wax under the scale so that whatever he's weighing gets stuck to it and I can find out what it is [Music] [Applause] exactly as the sister-in-law had planned when Alibaba measured the gold coins one of them remained stuck under the scale and went to the sister-in-laws house when the scale was returned to her what is this a gold coin why did Alibaba get gold from let me speak to Qasim he will find out more [Music] Alibaba has gold coins at his home I think you should find out where he got them from the gold coins yes I will go over to his house right away and find out Qasim went to his brother's house annouced Alibaba to tell him the truth about the gold coins being a good man Alibaba told him everything [Music] Kassem quickly hurried over to the cave and went in [Music] oh wow look at all this gold in diamonds and rubies I am going to take this all home and become the richest man ever I will never have to work another day in my life greedily Qasim got busy filling gold and jewels into his pockets and the empty bag that he had brought with him [Music] when he was done he made his way to the cave entrance but he could not remember the magic words open same-same open [Music] out Samson [Music] Kassem tried many times [Music] but he just couldn't get out finally after many hours he got tired and fell asleep in the cave he was still asleep when 40 thieves came back [Music] [Applause] [Music] they found him and killed him when his brother didn't come home till late night Alibaba got worried and went to the cave [Music] there he found gassim Scott Abadi [Music] and brought it home there he sought out margiana the slave girl margiana we cannot let others see Kasim's body in this state we should make it look like he died naturally yes master I will do the needful margiana quickly went to a clever tailor blindfolded him and brought him to Ali Baba's house there the tailor stitched Kasim's body back so that it looked like Qasim had died naturally when the thieves returned to the cave and saw Kasim's body missing they understood that someone else knew this secret spread out in the will ature find out what you can the thieves did as directed that's when one of the thieves heard the Taylor talking to his customers [Music] the thief immediately understood that the tailor knew the person who knew the secret of the caves I am so good at my work that I can even stitch a dead body to make it look like nothing happened to it really when have you done that well just two nights ago can you take me to the house where you did it yes yes I can but I was taken there blindfolded so you two will have to blindfold me that way I can remember the left and right tones are made together the thief agreed and blindfolded the tailor [Music] the Taylor left the thief straight to Ali Baba's house [Music] the thief marked Ali Baba's door with a piece of chalk he then went to his chief [Music] I have found our man I have marked his dough with a piece of chalk very good we will go there tonight and kill him but the thief didn't know that margiana had seen him come with the tailor and mark alibaba's do she had immediately understood what was going on so once the thief and the tailor had left she made the same chalk mark on each toe in the entire area [Music] when the thieves returned at night they were confused what is this all the dough's have the same mark oh my chief this is someone's trick off with your head I do not want anyone who can be tricked so easily angry with his followers the chief visits the tailor and asks him to lead him to Ali Baba's house again this time he memorized the directions to the house when night fell he went to Ali Baba's house pretending to be an oil merchant all the other thieves hid in large oil jars that he brought with him hello my friend I am annoying merchants I am crossing through the town may I please stay here tonight so that I may get some rest yes yes you are most welcome here please also allow me to store my oil jars in your home they're rather large and heavy no problem my friend my slave margiana will look into it [Music] as margiana was having the oil jars removed she had some whispering sound coming from one of them it was one of the thieves talking to himself margiana realized that the jars all had thieves in them and the merchant was their chief she quickly called another slave hurry up and get me a lot of hot boiling oil the other slave did as directed the Mariana poured the hot oil into the jars one by one [Music] the thieves inside eat JA died quickly next margiana proceeded towards the chief master may I serve our guests some tea yes please do more Gianna as margiana walked towards the chief of Thieves she pulled out a knife from her sleeve and stabbed him through his heart [Music] Omo Gianna what have you done he was a guest no master he was the chief of the thieves the rest of the thieves are in the oil jars they are all dead now oh thank you more Gianna you have saved us all to award you I'm setting you free from slavery [Music] you can also take as much gold as you want from the thieves treasures thank you master [Music] woohoo I am never being greedy again come on TIA I think one toffee is enough for me that's great tofu but you can take one more on my behalf and I am happy to share mine with you Oh Thank You TIA [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is your project about tofu we have to raise money for the class show we have to make and sell something so what have you decided to make that's where the trouble is I can't think of anything I wish I had some magic and I could just get as much money as I wanted in fact I would use the magic to become the richest person on earth and sit back and relax the whole day I would do nothing else well tofu you do know that there is more in life than only being rich people like you more when you are honest hard-working and humble [Music] that's how xi found his princess and lived a happy life Aladdin who is that I'll tell you [Music] once upon a time there was a young boy named Aladdin he lived with his mother and his pet monkey in a poor village of Arabia [Music] the only relative Aladdin and his mother had was a distant uncle who hardly kept in touch with them one day when Aladdin and his mother were finishing the daily chores Aladdin's uncle showed up brother what a pleasant surprise how are you sister how is your son we are both good brother it has been many years since you have visited us Aladdin this is your uncle you saw him once when you were a little baby hello uncle oh what a young lad he has become but I'm sorry to see the state of things you have to live in sister I have a proposition let me take a Laden with me and I will find him some work once he has earned enough he can come back to you till then keep this piece of gold to make your living oh brother that is a wonderful idea it will do a lot and good to learn some work with you the next morning Aladdin and his uncle left [Music] they watched through many villages and towns [Music] til one day they came to a quiet place outside one of the villages there are many caves and tunnels there [Music] what are we doing here uncle I have a job for you here here uncle but there is nothing here except these rocks and caves look there under the tree there is a large stone with a ring on it I want you to lift it okay uncle as you say [Music] please help me uncle this shop is very heavy no I can't help you it is your job you have to do it [Music] it's opening it's opening uncle I can see a narrow passage and some stairs leading further down very good job my boy now I want you to go in there but before you go here wear my ring this is a magical ring it will keep you safe yes uncle Aladdin follows his uncle's directions and goes down the stairs once at the bottom he sees that it is a large cave filled with many jewels and gold coins [Music] pick up the large gold plates and urns fill them up with gold and jewels pick up anything else that you think may be worth something Aladdin does as his uncle had told him he stuffed the large urns with many precious items and made his way back towards the staircase on his way out he saw a small dusty lamp although it didn't look precious he decided to take it - and tucked it into his shirt when Aladdin had reached the top of the staircase he called out to his uncle for help here uncle please take these hands and then pull me up too I cannot get out by myself the opening is too far for me yes yes give me the urns okay uncle now pull me out hahahaha pull you out so that you can go and tell everyone where the treasure is huh never I brought you along because this is a thirst gave only a small boy can go in and out of it I have what I wanted I don't have to come back for more for a long time same cell Aladdin's uncle shop the caves opening with a large stone that had a ring on it leaving Aladdin behind in the cave Aladdin was shocked but he stayed patient [Music] uncle has betrayed us but I must find a way out and get back to my house dear God show me a way out of here please allow them join his hands and bowed his head to pray as he put his hands together his fingers wrapped over his uncle's magical rings and creature came out of it yes master you called me but who are you I am the slave of the string and whoever wears it I must obey any one command of the master of the ring and then the ring will be destroyed freeing me how may I serve you my master can you please get me out of here and back home to my mother yes master right away the next moment Aladdin was home with his mother his mother was surprised to see him back home so soon and such an abrupt manner my son you have returned so soon where is your uncle have you already earned so much money uncle cheated on us mother I will tell you everything but first give me something to eat I haven't eaten anything since yesterday Aladdin's mother served him the remainder of food as he told her what had happened and how his uncle had tricked and abandoned him I can't believe my own brother would do this to us son I am glad you're home safe now but the gold coin your uncle gave me has run out and we have nothing to eat now don't worry mother I have this lamp I will go into the market and sell it tomorrow let us sleep for now [Music] relieved that they were together Aladdin and his mother slept peacefully that night the next morning Aladdin asked his mother for the lamp mother I'm very hungry give me the lamp I will go and sell it so we may have some bread here son take the lamp but clean it nicely and polish it before you go to the market a shiny lamp will fetch you more money Yes Mother [Music] as Aladdin started dropping the lamp clean with his shirt a magical creature appeared from it [Music] yes master what is your command for me master are you like the creature of the ring yes master he is my brother and I know that he freed you from the caves what is going on 11 who is this ah don't worry mother this is a magical creature of the land he will grant us anything we wish for call me Jeanne my master very well Jeanne please get us something to eat we are very hungry as soon as Aladdin had said it several silver plates appeared with a variety of food in them the genie went back into the lamp while Aladdin and his mother had a hearty meal when it was evening they were hungry again it's time for dinner what shall we do should I call the genie again no look she has left us with these silver plates go and sell them in the market we will buy bread after that Allah then agreed with his mother and took one of the silver plates to the market he saw a Turkish trader and decided to strike a deal with him but Aladdin didn't know the value of his silver tree or how to do business how much you want for this train please give me whatever you think is fit I trust you okay take one gold coin okay thank you the trader was surprised by Aladdin's innocence and was tempted to tell him that he had made a mistake and that the train was of even lower value than he had coated but instead he let him go such an innocent boy he didn't even bother to find out the actual value of the plate just trusted me blindly perhaps I should have given him the fair value haha anyways with the gold coin he had got allowed in bought food and other necessary supplies for his home but within a few days they ran out of all the supplies so Aladdin went back to the Turkish trader and sold him another plate this time the trader gave him two gold coins again Aladdin bought food and supplies for his home this went on for many days till Allah then ran out of all the silver plates son there is no food in the house and no plates to sell as well what shall we do no I will rub the lamp and call the genie again [Music] [Music] [Music] yes master how can I help you today there is no food in the house can you get us some food yes of course master [Music] once again the genie brought them food on many silver plates although a la ville had the magic lamp they never used it to satisfy any greed they continue to live frugally except now his mother started saving a little money from the sale of every silver plate [Music] like this in a few years they had enough money to live a decent life [Music] Aladin even became a merchant and almost never used the lamp again one day he was returning from work he happened to see the princess as a procession passed from the street mother I am in love with the princess and I have decided to marry her I will present her with many jewels and precious things that we have collected over the years [Music] a Lardon went to the king and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage the King saw the honesty and Aladdin's nature and agreed Allah then married the princess and showered her with all the riches he had the news of the happy couple spread across the land till it reached his uncle so a logon got out and betrayed me huh he found a magic lamp and didn't tell me I shall kill him with my own hands and get the lamp from him one day when Aladdin was away at work his uncle went to his home and stole the magic lamp he then ordered the genie to transport the whole house into the middle of the desert where no one could find it but what have you done Faris Aladdin you will never see him again now you are liable to me you will do as I tell you now go and get me some wine and dinner the princess did as she was told but as she did so she planned her escape too she mixed some sleeping powder in his wine and gave it to him as soon as he drunk it he fell into a deep sleep the princess quickly reached for the lamp and dropped it the genie appeared yes mistress how may I serve save me Jeanne please find a Lawton and get him here yes mistress the next moment Aladdin was there he saw his uncle sleeping and the genie present he understood what had happened immediately he waited til his uncle got up and then he killed him [Music] he then told the genie to take them back home the genie did as told [Music] and they continue to live their happy life hmm so he took the hard way what a good man Aladdin was yes he was well I think I do want to be honest and sincere like him I am never going to look for shortcuts or be lazy again Tia I promise Tia how important is it to be clever it is important to be clever but one should use it only for good reason not to hurt someone come I'll tell you a story of a clever monkey and a crocodile who thought he was clever but was actually a big fool the clever monkey once upon a time on a Riverside lived a monkey on a tree the place was a paradise for him because just hopping on a stone he used to reach a small island in the middle of the river which was adorned by choices and juiciest of fruits in the vicinity of the island there lived a crocodile couple and everyday they used to drool at the monkey popping in and out of the island but the monkey was so clever that the crocodile couple never managed to lay their hands on the monkey one day the female crocodile said dear husband I have a plan to nab this monkey ah none of our tricks have bucked with this clever monkey what brilliant idea do you have now the female crocodile whispered in his yells and all he could do was laugh sheepishly the next day when the monkey was busy feasting on fruits on the island the crocodile very silently went and sat on the stone [Music] when the monkey was done with eating he was about to hop on to the stone when suddenly he realized that the stone is looking bigger than usual he understood that it was a crocodile waiting for him he called out to the crocodile is that you mr. propper died no no it's not me and the monkey thought how dumb could the crocodile get so he thought for a second and called out to the crocodile oh you showed me got me this time I'll make your job easier now just open your mouth and I'll jump into it on my own the foolish crocodile opened his wide mouth with his eyes shut and waited for the monkey to jump the clever monkey who was watching the closed eye crocodile hot on the head of the crocodile and crossed the river you couldn't fool me this time either by clearer and clever thinking the monkey managed to trick the foolish crocodile [Music] ha ha ha ha the crocodile was indeed a fool who got tricked by the clever monkey yeah tofu and the moral is that we must think before we do anything like that clever monkey and not like that foolish crocodile [Applause] you know my friend John stays with his cousins yesterday he came late to the class and the teacher scolded him a lot [Music] John said his cousin brothers made him finish their course before the little D for school she said they always trouble him and make him too a lot of housework oh no he must feel really bad John is a very nice boy he doesn't disobeyed anyone he is very nice to his cousin brothers despite the way they treat him that is very nice of him we should always forgive people for their mistakes have you heard the story of Cinderella [Music] [Applause] [Music] once upon a time believed a young girl called cindrella cindrella x' model had died and so her father had married another woman who had two daughters [Music] one day Cinderella's father went to work and never returned Cinderella was left at the mercy of her stepmother and two stepsisters who made her do all the work of the hums Cinderella it's morning already where is a breakfast just a moment stepmother I am just bringing it out as soon as Cinderella had laid the breakfast the stepmother and stepsisters started eating it Cinderella served her own plate tune and was about to eat when her stepsister pushed her own plate away yuck I hate it yes now that you mention it it really is horrible mother do something Cinderella are you trying to kill us what kind of food is this but stepmother I have made it the way always make it how dare you argue with me go and make new breakfast for us don't you dare do anything else till we have had a breakfast and this is what went on in your house every day the stepmother and stepsisters trouble Cinderella without any reason but Cinderella loves them still and never ever complained [Music] [Applause] one day an announcement was made in the village let everybody know there will be a royal ball at the palace tomorrow night and the king's son prince charming will marry a maiden from amongst the guests everybody from the villages invited the whole village was excited even syndrom a stepmother and stepsisters couldn't stop talking about it in the house and that is how Cinderella found out about the ball the royal ball prince charming the whole village is invited I will finish my work quickly so we can all go together wouldn't it be just wonderful you who said anything about you going you will stay here and polish our shoes till you can see your face in them and so with a heavy heart Cinderella saw her stepmother and stepsisters dress up and leave for the royal ball the next day [Music] once they had left she cried bitterly suddenly her room letter and cindrella saw the most beautiful fairy she could imagine she held in her hand a delicate one who are you get up child I am the fairy godmother I am here to get you to the royal ball really I never knew I had a fairy godmother but how will I get to the ball I don't have anything to wear you don't worry about that my child [Music] [Music] and so in just a few minutes cindrella was ready for the royal ball [Music] as she packed her fairy godmother and got aboard the chariot she received a word of caution from the fairy godmother remember to be back home at 12:00 otherwise the Spelvin fare us [Music] soon Cinderella arrived at the palace as she entered the great ballroom everyone turned to look who this beautiful maiden was nobody could recognize her [Music] not even her own stepmother and stepsisters Prince Charming walked to her may I have this dance with you yes your highness and so Cinderella and Prince Charming danced together throughout the evening [Music] til Cinderella heard the clock strike fairy godmothers words came back to her she needed to get out of there before the clock struck twelve [Music] without saying a word she tore away from the princess grasp and ran out of the palace the Prince ran after her wait wait what is wrong why are you running I don't even know your name but Cinderella dead not weight or even look back her beautiful gown was already turning into rags again her hair was coming loose from the perfect button that the fairy godmother had made for her she didn't even stop when one of the glass slippers game of her foot and fell in the palace driveway she ran out of the palace gates and vanished into the darkness on a path that led to her home once home she went back to polishing the shoes that had been given to her and decided never to speak to anyone about the ball a few days later two men from the palace showed up at the DOE the lady that Prince Charming fell in love with left behind her glass slipper at the royal ball the prince believes that such a beautiful slipper could fit only his beloved and so we're asking all the girls in the village to try the slipper the one whom it fits would be the one the prince will marry if you have any girls in the house please ask them to try the slipper oh yes yes I am sure it was one of my daughters the slipper would fit one of them and so both the stepsisters tried to fit their foot into the slipper one by one they pushed and pushed but couldn't get their foot in looks like it wasn't your daughters after all is there any other young lady in the house no there isn't you can leave as the king's men made ready to leave suddenly the door of the house was thrown open and Prince Charming himself stood there who is this beautiful girl in the upstairs window madam you have lied to us I demand that the girl be called fault and try the slipper yes yes but she is only a servant girl nevertheless cindrella cindrella come down here at once yes stepmother the moment Prince Charming saw Cinderella he knew he had found his beloved he took the slipper from the king's man and slipped it on to her foot himself the slipper fit perfectly in a moment Cinderella was once again transformed into the beautiful maiden from the night of the ball Prince Charming took her to the palace with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] he ordered that the stepmother and stepsisters be punished for lying to the king's men and treating Cinderella's so badly and rudely but being the kind hearted person that she was Cinderella asked for them to be forgiven the Prince fell in love with her even more for her generosity and they lived happily ever after Wow dia how wonderful is it to forgive people thank you for telling me the story I will tell it to John too I'm sure he will like it okay shall we go home now I think it's getting late [Music] tear and tofu are going on a school trip while travelling in the bus [Music] I am so excited tier this is my first school camp it'll be so much fun tofu I know you are excited but you should remember what parents told us we have to be safe and careful throughout tier I am a big boy and this is my first adventure I'll be cautious throughout I promise I am so happy we are going together lalalala it's a camp tofu so I don't want you wandering around alone at all we'll have lots of fun but we'll stick together and be like a team like Batman and Robin like Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel I haven't seen that movie it's not a movie little one it's a story of two siblings just like us I think this is the best time for me to tell you this story so sit tight [Music] hansel and gretel once a poor woodcutter had a son and a daughter named Hansel and Gretel one day they get an evil stepmother [Music] one night the stepmother tells the woodcutter the kids eat too much we'll be starving soon so let's leave the children in the forest and get rid of them what are you saying no but the wife was very persistent and she kept talking until he was convinced Hansel overhears their conversation so that night Hansel goes out and collects shiny white stones we'll find our way back home stop crying Gretel Hansel tomorrow we are going to die what do we do don't worry we will survive good night Gretel Hansel hides the stones and sleeps the next morning the stepmother takes the kids to the forest [Music] Hansol keeps dropping stones on the ground thinking we can follow these stones home children waits by this big tree just sit quietly here and I'll be back to get you but she never comes back together let's wait for nightfall Gretel I dropped a trail of white stones all the way here so with the moonlight shining on them we could get back home I am so scared so at night Hansel and Gretel follow the shiny stones out of the forest [Music] the stepmother was secretly angry a few days later the stepmother again tricks the children let's go have a picnic in the forest here take this bread to eat later we'll go in the morning this time the stepmother locked their room at night and so Hansel couldn't pick up any shiny stones next morning on their way to the forest Hansel crumbled his bread and left a trail of crumbs instead [Music] deep in the forest this looks like a good spot you both can take a nap here while I go and cut some wood Hansel and Gretel knew she wouldn't come back again [Music] they slept and waited for nightfall again when they woke up the birds and wild animals had eaten up all the crumbs now we will never find our way home I am so upset for us Gretel Hansel don't lose hope then let's walk and maybe we find our home [Music] [Music] after walking the entire day they find a small house look there a cookie house Wow oh the house is made of chocolate with a roof of cake and sugar windows come come the hungry children didn't even stop to think I want a big piece of the cake roof YUM suddenly they hear a voice children come inside you seem hungry I'll make you yummy food right now the lady was an evil witch the kids go in the house with her [Music] it's a trap I like to eat kids I made this house to lure you in now i'll fatten the boy up and make a tasty treat for myself her eyes were red she had terrible eyesight but a good sense of smell she locks Hansel in a cellar she makes Gretel do all the housework all the chores Hansel and Gretel cried and begged but she had no mercy on them [Music] come on girl cook something delicious for your brother you should be fat enough to be cooks by the end of this month a week past Hansel ate delicious food while Gretel was always hungry [Music] every morning the old witch went to Hansel cellar and shouted show me your fingers boy let me check how much fatter you've gotten but Hansel would always stick out a little bone for her to feel because the witch couldn't see very well she was furious that Hansel was staying so thin [Music] one day she lost her patience and shouted at Gretel I don't care anymore I'll cook thin Hansel today and eat him anyhow and start the oven Gretel had no choice and she started doing what the evil witch told her [Music] now get in and see if the water is boiling enough how can I get inside the oven please show me so that I can check the water stupid girl what is wrong with you it's so easy [Music] [Music] look you just need to step here and ah Gretel cleverly pushed the old woman in the oven and shut the door the vicious witch burn to a crisp Gretel rushed to the cellar and set Hansel free Hansel my dear brother the witch is dead now let's run out of here and find our home how happy they were while running out of the house they saw wooden chests all over in the witch's room they were filled with gems and gold [Music] the children fill their pockets with as many gems as possible and left the house [Music] hansel and gretel walked for a few hours when they got to a bridge that they knew well and was close to their house Hansel and Gretel could finally see their father at the port looking miserable because his wife had died my dearest children I'm so happy you both are alive I am sorry for letting you go the three hugged and precious gem started to fall out of Gretel's pockets both the children empty their pockets in their father's lab they told their father about the evil witch and how they got her treasure oh my god I am happy my kids came back safe I will never leave you alone now finally they could have a carefree life and lived together happily ever after Oh witches are scary we are about to reach the forest come very soon don't leave my hand when we go hiking in the forest I want us to be like Hansel and Gretel I promise not to go anywhere alone does this forest have a cookie house or a witch dear tofu it's just a story Hansel and Gretel shared an adventure like a team don't worry about any witch it's just a camp I hope we find a cookie house like Hansel and Gretel cookie house YUM that sounds wow I am hungry now give me the chocolates from the bacteria please [Music] [Music] [Music] gyah yesterday in our class my friend ben forgot to bring one of his textbook and Ted offered to share his textbook with him been promised ed to help him in learning football after school but after school when Ted asked Ben to help as promised instead of helping Ben left for his home that's bad one should always stand by the promises but diya today again Ben forgot his textbook and when he asked Ted to help Ted refused tofu we should be sensitive towards every human being you know we should always help people around come I'll tell you a story once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess in the kingdom of a very humble King the princess was so pampered by her father that she turned out to be a little proud of the fact that she is a princess [Music] many a times the king asked her to be more humble towards the people around her because that's the way a princess should be I know my little princess that you are my pampered child but you should be a little more empathetic towards other people everybody is saying it's just that some are fortunate some are not but the princess just ignored what her father had to say and went out to play with the golden ball that her father had gifted her on her birthday she loved the ball but no sooner had she started playing that her ball bounced and went into a pond Oh God my favorite golden ball I would give anything to get back my favorite ball anything hearing the princess cry out loudly a frog leaped up and sat on a lotus leaf and said princess I just saw what happened I will get the golden ball back for you but you have to promise me something how in the world did this slimy frog talk the princess only wanted her ball back so she hurriedly said yes what is it that you want in return I want you to take me back to your Palace and pamper me I would eat with you play with you and sleep in bed with you the princess was horrified at the very idea and had no intention of doing any such thing she agreed to the condition as she thought the Frog would not be able to reach the palace on his own and she had no intention of taking him along with her she told him to hurry and get the ball back and waited with bated breath for her golden ball the frog jumped into the pond and in no time at all came back with the golden ball she took the ball from him and ran back to her palace as fast as she could princess come back you promised to take me with you you can't break your promise but the princess ignored to his calling and ran as fast as she could she was relieved when she reached her room and soon forgot all about the Frog at night while she was having dinner with her father there was a loud knock on the door [Music] open the dough a princess it's me the Frog from the bond you promised to keep me with you being a true princess you should keep up to your promise now who is that and what does he want the princess being a little scared of her father told him about the afternoon incidents [Music] and how she broke her promise you are a true princess my love and you should keep up to your promise no matter what feeling helpless the princess opened the door and let the Frog enter he hopped on to the seat next to her and asked her to let him eat from her plate the Frog ate till his tummy was full but the princess couldn't eat a single bite thinking about the slimy frog eating from her plate then the Frog asked her to carry him to her bedroom and let him sleep in her bed unwillingly she picked him up in her hands and went upstairs the frog jumped on her bed and snuggle cozily in her huge soft bed [Music] the next morning the princess gotta to find the Frog missing from her bed happily she hopped from her bed thinking that the audio was over [Music] but as the night fell the knock again happened and again the Frog ate from her plate and slept in her bed [Music] feeling sad about sharing her food and bed she went to her father [Music] and asked him if she could stop now the King again told her that a promise was a promise and cannot be broken [Music] it was the third night when the Frog came in again to eat and sleep in her bed but the next morning the princess was astonished to see that the Frog was not in her bed and a handsome young prince was standing next to her bed who what who are you Faris the slimy frog dear princess it's me the Frog a witch cast a spell on me that could be broken only if a princess would let me eat in her plate and sleep in her bed for three nights you broke that spell by keeping your promise and Here I am standing in front of you I am the prince from the neighboring country would you like to be my wife not able to resist the handsome prince she said yes but had something more to say Oh Prince I would love to be your wife but how would you forgive me for being so rude to you she was guilty like hell but the prince was a humble man he said oh my dear princess I can understand your reasons and I am ready to forgive you but you have to promise me that in future you won't judge anybody by the way one looks or the job one does everyone is equal and that's how they should be treated equally saying this the prince took her in his arms and decided to take her to his kingdom where they lived happily ever after Oh Tia you are right we should always keep our promises and help people in need thanks for the lovely moral story come tofu let's go and play some games now [Music] [Applause] by Mellie i'ma call you later he'll Turkey how was it it was such a fun date Leah you know not move I was join my last kid yes the one who all the details likes so much well not anymore they don't what do you mean - I see some of us got together and got hurt until you're shopping with the teacher the teachers think it was so helpful tofu that's Oliver after to relax Tia you wanna know I am very disappointed with you tasting but you know what even can never win who are you talking about TIA Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Music] once upon a time there lived a king with his wife sadly they had no children this made the Queen very sad on a winter day when it was snowing heavily the Queen sat in her garden and prayed with all her heart to have a daughter as beautiful as the Winter Fair has known and with lips as red as the last red rose that bloomed in the garden [Music] [Music] her prayers were answered a year later when she gave birth to a daughter just as she wanted but the childbirth was so difficult for the Queen that she died during it leaving behind the king and their daughter Snow White as time passed the princess started asking for her mother father where is mother why don't I have a mother soon newly hot one read princess the word spread in the kingdom that the king had decided to remarry families who had daughters of marriage able age started trying to impress the king but no maiden could win his heart till one day an enchanting woman showed up alone at the palace the King fell in love with her immediately and they were married soon my queen this whole Palace is yours it is your old home the way you like ask for whatever you want thank you kind tink but all I need is a room to store my mirror that I have brought with me yes I noticed that all you have brought is that large round mirror I am happy as long as you are happy dear oh you know what will make me truly happy what is it your debt the Queen was actually an evil witch who had pretended to be nice so that the King would marry her her true motive was to have a kingdom of her own she had only one other desire to be the fairest woman in the world every day she would stand in front of her mirror which had magical powers and ask it the same question mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all it is you or queen [Music] this went on for many years but we ruled the kingdom without any real love for its people people suffered under her reign but no one dared see anything because they knew that the Queen was a witch the princess Snow White also had a similar fate the Queen did not even bother to look at her even once and left her alone and landing don't it was no white 16th birthday mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all Snow White No how dare you say that I do not like you she must stop she must die God commits one of her most trusted guards came in takes the white and get her now but my queen she is just a child do as you are told yes Mike we afraid of the queen's anger the guard took Snow White deep into the jungle to kill her but as he raised his sword to kill her he looked into her blue eyes and lost his courage to strike [Music] he just left her there and back lost Snow White wandered deeper into the jungle [Music] then she came across a tiny cottage she decided to enter it [Music] look at this tiny home I wonder who lives here she saw seven tiny bed a dining table with seven small chairs and a kitchen which had seven plates and tumbler there is seven of everything here I think seven people live here but why is everything so small and diming Snow White was just looking around when Seven Dwarfs entered the house it was their home who are you oh hello I don't hear you coming my name is Snow White I am the princess the princess we saw a royal God Kiner wrote here and pull its heart out yes and he was mumbling to himself that he will tell the queen that he had killed the princess and brought her heart for the Queen yes the Queen's God brought me him I think he wanted to kill me but ran away leaving me alone don't worry princess you can stay here with us that way you will be sick oh thank you so much [Music] Snow White started staying with the dwarf brothers in the day they would go out into the jungle to hunt and earn money while Snow White would stay home and cook for them and take care of their house they all lived happily together [Music] mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them on Snow White you are lied to me because I didn't visit you since you said this the last time I cannot lie when you ask me something but Snow White is dead is Allah your God light that God will die and so with snow white using her magic the Queen disguised herself as an old woman she even made the mirror tell her where snow white lived now [Music] as she entered into the jungle she saw Snow White filling a jar with water from a stream I am very thirsty please give me some water yes yes yeah please have as much as you want [Music] thank you dear girl they speak the Snapple me the Apple looked so beautiful and tempting that snow-white just couldn't say no to it she took it from the old woman but she didn't know that the Queen had poisoned the Apple as soon as she took one bite of the Apple the poison affected her she fell down stopped breathing and had no heartbeat [Music] the Queen became very happy and rejoiced as she made her way back to the castle but she was too distracted by her joy and fell into quicksand with no one to help she sank and died [Music] meanwhile the dwarfs came home and saw snow white lying there dead they were heartbroken who did that to her I think the Queen found out about her look at that black half-eaten Apple I don't want to let go of her let us keep her in a glass box [Music] and so the dwarfs kept her in the glass box in the goddess near their home every day they would keep a red rose on her box one day a young prince came into the forest there he saw the Seven Dwarfs sitting by Snow White he got down from his horse and went to see [Music] his eyes fell on Snow White who was in the box who was she what has happened to her [Music] when the dwarfs had finished telling him everything the prince was sad too I am in love with her I wish I had a chance to meet her once now all I want to do is kiss her and so the Prince lifted the lid of the glass box and kissed Snow White as soon as he kissed her Snow White opened her eyes the curse of the poisoned Apple had been broken my princess you are alive jalapa be up dear Prince encouraged by the princess support Snow White decided to go back to her Kingdom and face the Queen when she reached there she found out that the Queen was dead and the kingdom was joyous to have the princess back Snow White took over the throne with the prince by her side and even invited the dwarves to come in the castle and stay with them [Music] with her return the kingdom was joyous once again can you please take me to Tate's house perhaps you apologize to her right away I think I have been able to help good decision tofu yes I will take you there come on let's go thanks TIA and I promise tomorrow I will tell the teacher the truths - look at that girl TIA that boy will beat her up easily I don't think she should get into a fight with him no tofu the boy was wrong to have stolen her bag and the girl deserves a chance to get it back but she is a girl she can't win against a boy like that she will get hurt just because she is a girl doesn't mean she has to fear tofu girls also have a lot of courage and strength do you know of a girl like that yes I do her name is Mulan Mulan who is she [Music] [Music] mulan lived in ancient China with her parents she was the only child her only companion was a dog called little brother Mulan's father used to be a great warrior but he had hurt his leg in a war and couldn't fight anymore one day a messenger came from the Emperor the Huns China's army had attacked and at least one man from each army had been ordered to join the Emperor's Imperial Army this was terrible news for mulan and her family as a friend that her father would have to go back to world [Music] that night when her parents had slept [Music] mulan had an idea [Music] she took her father's sword and cut her hair off then she put on his Warriors uniform and she looked just like a man [Music] she took little brother and made her way to her Imperial Army's campsite there she met captain Li Shang what is your name thing sir very well then time to begin your training nan was delighted that everybody had accepted her as a man and started her training sadly she lagged behind all the other warriors you are not fit to be in my army you are slowing everyone down go back to your village [Music] returning to her village would have brought great shame to her family so Mulan came up with another plan [Music] she wrote a fake letter to the army saying that the Huns have attacked reading the letter li Shang ordered his army onward with me marched to the mountains we shall defeat the Huns forever as the army was crossing the pass that led to the mountains they found themselves surrounded by thousands of Huns we've been cheated the Huns were supposed to be in the mountains soon the entire Imperial Army was under attack Mulan had another idea she took the last cannon and let it there was a huge blast which destroyed most of the Huns for it injured mulan too she was rushed to the doctors tent bring ping to this bed I will take care of him but there was a surprise waiting for the doctor [Music] oh my god Bing is a woman get me captain Lee Shang immediately the doctor told the captain what she'd found few days later when the army started moving Shan spoke to Mulan you have cheated me but you also saved the army in the passes hence your punishment is that you can no longer be a part of the army you will not come with us Mulan was very upset and heartbroken she needed to do something to save her family's honor that's when she heard the Huns voices oh no the Hanna's are still alive I must warn the captain and so Mulan raced to Imperial City to want Shang they are alive we must prepare for another attack from the Huns I cannot trust you anymore you have cheated me before you are not welcome here leave mulan tried to inform the other leaders but no one would listen to her meanwhile the Hun leader sham you attacked the city and kidnapped the emperor li Shang and Mulan freed the Emperor [Applause] [Music] Milan then enticed sham you to follow her to the rooftop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there she tricked him and grabbed his sword and pinned his coat to the roof as the two armies collided [Music] there was a huge explosion and the roof was destroyed taking with it shine you Milan fell to the ground when she sat up she saw that the Imperial Army had won and the Huns had been banished from the city forever the Emperor was very happy with Milan's bravery and gifted her a sword as a token of appreciation [Music] Milan went home and presented the sword to her father who was very happy with the honor that his daughter had brought to the family suddenly there was a knock at the door it was Captain li Shang he'd come to return you'll on her helmet that she had forgotten Milan invited him to stay for dinner and he graciously accepted so you see tofu girls can do anything they put their heart to tofu tofu are you listening to me yes dear I am I am just thinking how wrong I was to think that girls can't fight well now you know so better be careful before you pick a fight with a girl next time do you want to come with me I just saw my piggy bank has a last money to buy new books and toys for the children at the orphanage you can help me buy and distribute the goodies you are going to give repay all your savings to other children how can you do that do you want to buy something for yourself tofu we can't always think of ourselves sometimes we have to help those we do not have the same names as us let me tell you a story of kindness this is a story from a long long time ago in Nottingham England when Prince Richard ruled the country his younger brother Prince John was a wicked Prince who took care of the state while the king was away for Wars Prince John was unkind to common people of Nottingham and had no consideration for the poor under his charge the rich became richer while the poor became poorer the Pula had no savior to save them other than Robin Hood or the hooded teeth as he was popularly known Robin Hood had a trusted companion calls little Johnny Robin Hood would drop the rich merchants and the princess caravans that carried the huge taxes collected from the poor as they crossed the Sherwood Forest which was the home of Robin Hood on the way to the princes Treasury [Music] and he would distribute the loot amongst the world his generosity earned him the name Prince of Thieves amongst the common people and also many rewards that were announced by the sheriff for his capture but this did not stop Robin from doing his good things one day when Robin Hood and his friends had robbed the princess Caravan again the Prince called the sheriff of Nottingham's to the palace this is the last time Robin Hood has humiliated my men and me sheriff what I are troops doing why haven't they caught that thief as yet we are doing everything your highness I assure you we will have him soon you should otherwise someone else will be punished [Music] the sheriff's made a new plan with his men he decided to announce an archery competition to be held in Nottingham and the winner would be announced as the best archer in Notting Hill and also win a kiss from the maiden Marian one day Robin Hood's friend doc came to visit him have you heard of the archery competition that the sheriff has announced for tomorrow yes we have friar and the men and I think Robin shouldn't go to it it is a trap laid by the sheriff all of England knows that Robin Hood is the best Archer by far Robin doesn't need to go and prove anything there you worry too much Little John lighten up we will go and have some fun tomorrow and to ensure that no one recognizes us we'll wear disguises and so the next day Robin Hood and his friends wore disguises and went to the competition just as Robin Hood had predicted no one was able to recognize him [Music] soon it was Robin Hood's turn to shoot the arrows he took the first shot at the board and hit bull's eye the crowd cheered for this unknown Archer then he took another arrow and shot it again this one to hit bull's eye the crowd cheered louder the cheering thought the sheriff's attention and he turned to see what the matter was by now Robin had drawn his third arrow and took a shot it to hit the bull's eye when the fourth arrow also did the same the sheriff realized something that is no stranger that is who Robin Hood no one can shoot four arrows in a row like that grab him men [Music] the whole crowd broke into a frenzy as the sheriff's men arrested Robin Hood off with his head but Little John moved like a lightning flash and grabbed the Prince and put a knife to his throat release him immediately the sheriff's men had no choice except to let go of Robin Hood the Prince of Thieves and his friends hollered and made their way out of the archery field but not before Robin Hood climbed the audience Tower and stole a kiss from the maiden Marian [Music] [Music] back at the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood and his friends got together and celebrated you were right Robin Hood today was a lot of fun the sheriff had this coming I am sure you surprised made in Marion too well not as surprised as the prince is going to be when he finds out that we stole four bags of gold from his Treasury during the sheriff's archery competition everybody laughed heartily Wow Tia this is such an inspirational story about being selfless and helping the helpless I am going to change my ways from now onwards I am so proud of you tofu that is such a great decision keep doing good deeds [Music] tofu what's in the world are you trying to do I am trying to pop those juicy fruits from this tree but do you think you will be able to plant them they are so high oh I wish I could fly and pluck those fruits I so wish I had wings to wish is not bad but one should be conscious about the consequences come I'll tell you a story The Tortoise and the eagle [Music] a young tortoise was lazing around the riverbank looking at the birds flying in the sky he stared at Thurmond started thinking out aloud I wish I could fly like those birds up high in the sky and watch the beautiful sceneries and beauty of the world from top of the world oh I so wish that nearby an eagle was sitting on a stone listening to what the tortoise was thinking out loud and couldn't resist but asked why do you want to fly you should be happy with what you are gifted with I wish I could fly with no trouble of crawling on the ground so say that you want to fly because you don't want to crawl not because you wish to see the world from the sky anyway what will I get in return for making you fly in the sky I'll give you the riches of gold from the Red Sea [Music] so the Eagle grabbed the tortoise in its claws and soared up high in the sky making him see all the beautiful sceneries of the world flying higher in the clouds and closer to the stars it was indeed a mesmerizing moment for the tortoise [Music] while the eagle was flying over the riverbank the rest of the tortoise were basking in the Sun suddenly the tortoise flying high up in the sky said I wish my friends could watch me flying so high in the sky I am sure they would get jealous watching me what why would you want your friends to get jealous of you I want them to see that I can fly and they cannot it's such a nice feeling what an evil friend this tortoise is thought the eagle with this the Eagle drops him on the ground and asked for his treasure now give me my reward there is no reward I was just kidding about the gold so that she could take me for a ride and with this the tortoise left the Eagle couldn't tolerate his insult and decided to teach him a lesson [Music] so the next day the Eagle went to the tortoise and said hey would you like to go for a sky ride again yes sure I would love to the Eagle once again picked him up and clenched him in his claws the tortoise while enjoying the ride said to the Eagle why did you bring me again for the ride even though I dishonored my promise of rewarding you that's because tortoise you wish to make your friends jealous but at my cost and now I'll let you enjoy the freefall the Eagle lets his claws loose and the tortoise went falling down screaming for help I'm flying no longer he crashed on the ground with a thud thanks to his shell he didn't get injured soon his old friends surrounded him and said hey our young friend you wanted to see the world from high up in the sky to dream big is not a sin but to dream it at the cost of others is just not justifiable I have learned my lesson now I should be thankful to God for what I am blessed with it was my shell only that saved my life I should be happy with what I have and also should not use others for my selfish reasons I surely have learned lessen tear now I know what you were trying to say I learnt a lesson too one should think about the consequences before one wishes for something I should be happy with what I am blessed with I should rather look for an alternative to pluck those fruits wait I'll get some Nutter tofu you learn things quite fast for your favorite crimes stories and more join github family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 1,581,780
Rating: 4.2660871 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, arabian nights, Arabian Stories, Animated Kids Stories, Kids Hut Stories, Story Collection (English), English Story Compilation, English Story Collection, Kids Hut Story Collection, Aladdin, Alladdin, Ali Baba and 40 Theives, Ali Baba 40 Chor
Id: cv0lwYB7LRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 12sec (7752 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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